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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April ???
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
[WOPS] Elise & Gaius #4
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 17:33:55 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

"You mean the country that it's own heroes abandoned to come here. The place where the Shadow nested, and no one did anything?" He doesn't seem bothered, and he tilted his head at her with a smirk.

"You are their ambassador? No wonder you are weak, along with all of your countrymen."

His Hound sees the hair's attack, and with a well timed Copycat launches his own psychic blast to counter theirs, and in doing so it forces the two of them back away from this morsel.

"The laws of men do not apply to me...." He stated to her coldly, and then with a tilt of his head he simply left her there. She was not strong enough for him to take an interest in a prolonged battle with.

There was no point to continue it, and so he left in search of more worthy prey.

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing. (Mission)
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 17:19:03 GMT
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The pair didn't flinch in the slightest when it came back with a Counter in fact that might have been the worst move for them to choose.

The Hound was smashed into by a force that redoubled his own, but this man had made a singular miscalculation.

Copycat was used to give his Hound Counter, and then the force that had already been doubled once, was doubled again, and sent right back into the mans wolf, in the form of a powerful open palm strike.

Gaius simply smiled widely at the man who seemed to take offense to his particular tactics. He didn't give off the same aura as those men that he had squared off against in that place among titans.

"Are you weak pretending to be strong?" He asked the man the questions with genuine curiosity. He didn't mean it as an insult, but more of trying to figure out exactly what his deal was.

Mice shouldn't bare their fangs at lions.

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 17:14:05 GMT
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The creature came to him, and bowed. An honorable fighter? He could respect that, and so he would give it a bow back.

Humans weren't mean to fight pokemon, it wasn't feasible.

That however wasn't going to stop him, and so when the Close Combat came, he weaved through as many as he could.




Five punches landed on him out of the flurry, but it allowed him to get close enough that he aimed a powerful Kick to the Wooper's little body.

Gaius didn't need special powers to square off against a superior opponent.

The annoyance with the phone if he had a spare might try to catch this footage. After all this would be unseen.


Treasures Gained
8/6 - Blue Shard
8/8 - Tera Shard
8/9 - Dynamax Candy
8/12 - Pokeball
8/13 - Pokeball
8/15 - TM/TR
8/17 - Clampearl
8/18 - Salaac
8/19 - Egg Tutor
8/20 - Egg tutor
8/22 - Incense
8/23 - Pokeball
8/24 - Salaac
8/25 - Level Tutor
8/26 - Pokeball
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[WOPS] Elise & Gaius #4
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 18:04:19 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

A mouse tried to roar at a lion, and he frowned.

She challenged him, and it would be rude of him to not accept. So he rushed her with a speed that didn't fit his body.

When he was close enough he grabbed her by the throat, and pinned her against the wall. Crimson red eyes glowered at her, as he choked her for a few seconds, before simply dropping her.

"I do not fight you, because you are not worth fighting. That rabbit of yours is." She did not set off his senses in the ways others did, and so he turned his back on her.

As if he was saying she herself was such a non threat that he could do this.

Meanwhile Lucario growing bored of the constant fire changed tactics, and instead took the fire head on as it charged up an Aura Sphere, and then launched it at the Rabbit point blank.

Whether it dealt a ton of damage or not was irrelevant. This opponent was unknown, and thus they had to learn.

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 17:49:51 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

It boiled within him like steam trapped in a pot, and the release was almost there before the man said something curious to him.

His words stopped Gaius, and the smile on the bloodied mans face widened.

A proper fight.

One on one.

Glorious combat.

"Then I will seek you out. I expect you to be stronger then. Do not disappoint me." He said to the man, and that was enough to sate his thirst for now.

Gaius had found new opponents to devour this day. , , and . They all proved to be powerful enough to warrant his attention properly.

Ripping the blade out of his side, he left it on the ground covered in his blood. His faithful Hound approaching him, and extending a paw to his body, and using Heal Pulse to staunch the bleeding, and mostly seal the wounds shut. It made them livable until they healed on their own.

Returning the Lucario to it's ball he released his second Hound. An enormous Arcanine that he got on the back of.

"I will find you three again...." And his crimson gaze would turn to Monroe. "And you Apex of this Battlefield....I will devour you one day...." With those words his Arcanine would race through the chaos.

That man had promised to become strong if he helped him that one time, and it would seem that he held up his end of the bargain by taming that beast. Gaius cared not for the woman who challenged an Apex, and was slaughtered. That was the way of life, that was the rule of nature.

She was weak, and thus she perished.

Gaius would have to become stronger than her so that when he challenged the Titan Tamer, he would not wind up the same.

Gaius has found worthy adversaries!
Gaius yaps a little to .
Lucario uses Heal Pulse on Gaius to heal him a little!
Gaius gets on his Arcanine, and GTFO after promising to "devour" Monroe one day whatever that means.
Gaius sees get squished to paste, and just shrugs. She shoulda learned to parry!
Thanks for all the interactions , , and ! The chaos was awesome!
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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:39:14 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The suddenness of the Terrakion's Close Combat caught the Hound off guard as the horn smashed into it's steel like body, and thrust it across the field painfully.

Pain however was power.

Pain was proof that you were alive.

Pain meant that you could still fight.

An orb of pure blue with tinges of red formed in the Hounds hand, and a ball of blue, and red streaked across to smash into the Terrakion.

The Headbutt came suddenly without warning, and it rocked Gaius's head back, but he grit his teeth, and aimed a swift uppercut to the mans chest in brutal retaliation.

His thirst was so close to being sated, and at the last moment it had been denied.

This wasn't anything personal, it just so happened that was simply the nearest to him at this point in time, and thus was the perfect target for him to attempt to vent on.

Blood poured out of his nose, it was either broken, or fractured, but he didn't care. Red eyes stayed trained on his prey.

"You say you're no coward, but at the first sign of a real fight. You run! Perhaps that is why you lose against that man despite outnumbering him." He snarled back.

"I am surprised you were even able to run, with no spine." The malice in his heart all consuming at this point.

Lucario gets hit by Close Combat, and knocked back!
Lucario fires off another Aura Sphere!
Gaius retaliates against the headbutt with an uppercut!
Gaius snarls at !
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:16:32 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The lions fangs found their way to the staff, and they snapped, but now they were close. The Hound could see the throat of his prey.

A Copycat gave the Hound it's own Psychic Fangs which it used to attempt to grasp at the throat of the Pyroar. If his opponent wanted to fight up close, and personal then they would do so.

Gaius meanwhile seemed confused as he stared at the man opposite to him, and he frowned. He felt something off about this one in particular.

This didn't feel like him putting his back into the fight....

It felt like this was some front he was putting on. His gut was telling him that the one before him was stronger than this.

Possessed more prowess.

It had never been wrong before.

"Why are you holding back?"

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:10:39 GMT
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His prey was wounded, and so they descended upon one another.

The man went for grapple, and Gaius grabbed the inside of his forearms to counter it bringing them to a stalemate. One with a slice on his leg, and the other with a knife embedded in his side.

Gaius's smile appeared, and crimson eyes of battlelust locked with his new opponent. That man in the hat ruined everything, and this man was attempting to flee.

Malice and rage coursed through him, as he gripped onto his opponent tighter.

"Cowards all of you!" He growled through the blood seeping out of the corners of his mouth.

The Stone Edge came, and it was parried in a similar manner as the Terrakion had done to his own Aura Sphere earlier, but the crimson blade was never dropped.

Distance was not the ideal range for the Hound, and so he used his Extreme Speed to close the distance through the oncoming rocks, and attempting to smash the brunt end of the sword into the Terrakions jaw.

"You will not abandon this battle!" The wants, and desires of others held no meaning to a man driven by battle like Gaius. There was a purity in his own selfish desires, and he would have his proper fight. Them being surrounded was not his issue.

Gaius counter grapples! So deadlock!
Lucario parries the Stone Edge with his sword, and then uses Extreme Speed to attempt to smash the blunt end of the blade into Terrakion's face before it vanishes, and close the gap!
Gaius is PISSED!
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:25:03 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Only one dared to try, and escape him in the midst of his berserk rush. A man on a strange pokemon that he didn't recognize, and regardless of how fast they were. They would never escape his Hound.

Lucario sensed his trainers gaze on , and realizing that this was what he now wanted began to race across the battlefield towards them. Using Copycat a Sacred Sword formed in the Hounds hands, and it attempted to slice both Trainer, and Pokemon as they tried to run to allies.

They might be able to parry slow moving projectiles, but this was now a contest of the sword, and the Lucario wielded this weapon as if it had been for it.

Meanwhile Gaius's Frustration reached a fever pitch, and Lucario still feeding on that aura glared at the object of his masters ire. The soft blue sword changing into a deadly crimson blade to rend soul from flesh.

Gaius rushed at as fast as his legs would carry him despite bleeding out he wouldn't let anything stop him. Someone needed to pay for what Monroe had done, and this man was the only one to move in that timespan. So it would be him.

Lucario uses Copycat and yoinks Sacred Sword!
Lucario goes from Jedi to Sith in real time! And tries to slice both Eddie, and Terrakion!
Gaius is rushing towards Eddie to throw hands since Monroe flipped the table like a noob!

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:02:25 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

This inferior specimen tried to speak to him.

Tried to interrupt the coming fight with something as trivial as speaking.

Gaius frowned, and he reached out to grab the mans phone, and if he was successful he would crush it with his bare hand, with a harsh glare.

"Do not interrupt me with such drivel." He stated, and he continued to prepare for the worst.


Treasures Gained
8/6 - Blue Shard
8/8 - Tera Shard
8/9 - Dynamax Candy
8/12 - Pokeball
8/13 - Pokeball
8/15 - TM/TR
8/17 - Clampearl
8/18 - Salaac
8/19 - Egg Tutor
8/20 - Egg tutor
8/22 - Incense
8/23 - Pokeball
8/24 - Salaac
8/25 - Level Tutor

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
Lesser Megalopolis: GT #1
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 9:58:59 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Another world....

Another battlefield....

It was in this realm that perhaps he would find something, or someone to sate his thirst. Ever since the battle in that town, he had felt robbed of glorious combat....

However this time he would find someone that wouldn't shy away.

With his ever faithful hound at his side he trudged into this ruined city besieged be all manner of beast, and monster alike. The air was thin, his body rejected being here, but to him it mattered not. He would weather this as he had so many other things, and learn to harness more power.

His prey would not escape him a second time. As the pair traversed through this place, his Hound picked up a defunct, and blackened crystal. Gaius gave it a glance, and he tucked it away in his pocket.

It could be useful later.

For now they would march onwards to find an entity that could give them the battle they so craved.

Prompt 4 complete!

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
Lesser Megalopolis: GT #1
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 9:54:37 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

03 encounter hostile zombie-like MEGALOPOLANS that have been driven mad by the darkness. you may encounter any amount from a single one to a large swarm.

04 discover permanently defunct and dull Z-CRYSTALS scattered about the city.

06 hide.

07 discover barely working vending machines that dispense odd tasting energy drinks in exchange for defunct Z-CRYSTALS.

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 8:15:16 GMT
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EXPEDITION #: First Time for both
SELECTED PROMPT #s: 3, 4, 6, 7
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 19:55:47 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

He would attempt this nonsense again, and go for the Magikarp Splash! Though how much more failure could he endure before he stormed off in pursuit of another challenge he didn't know.


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Primarina Twist - 1000
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP