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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 19:51:14 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar




The sprinkles of water fell to his face, and it was at this moment he wished that he had some form of weapon to fight whatever was approaching him, but he didn't. So it would do him no good to complain about it now. Instead he would simply barrel onwards in order to see this fight to it's conclusion.


Treasures Gained
8/6 - Blue Shard
8/8 - Tera Shard
8/9 - Dynamax Candy
8/12 - Pokeball
8/13 - Pokeball
8/15 - TM/TR
8/17 - Clampearl
8/18 - Salaac
8/19 - Egg Tutor
8/20 - Egg tutor
8/22 - Incense
8/23 - Pokeball
8/24 - Salaac
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[WOPS] Elise & Gaius #4
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 19:47:00 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Another Incinerate that was combated by the staff of energy, spreading the flames around the Hounds form as it kept the pressure up on the Hare.

"If this is all the might you have to muster...." He felt bored, this fight didn't bring him the thrill that others had.

So his Hound kept up the Bone Rush every time the Hare tried to evade, or spit flames it would be accosted by the staff once more, but even his faithful creature could only hold out so long against it's natural enemy of fire.

Gaius watched as this so called "Hero" did their utmost best to preserve this sinking ship.

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 9:09:16 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

A staff of energy appeared, and like a master of the weapon his Lucario Bone Rushed the Will-o-Wisp away, swatting each of the orbs away from his person before charging at the Pyroar to smash the staff into it as well.

If the surrounding area got set on fire it was no issue to Gaius.

"Yes you do." Gaius answered the other man honestly. His gut, his instincts had never lead him astray before. He had a knack for sniffing out strong people.

This man was certainly strong even if he was trying to hide it, but Gaius would make him show his true self.

"If you wish to hide your strength....Then I will tear it out of you!"

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing. (Mission)
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 9:02:43 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The second Lycanroc sprinted past them both, and soon was next to it's trainer. The wild Lycanroc having been thoroughly thrashed, soon vanished, but Gaius, and his Hound soon emerged from the foliage to see the other wolf using a Double Team.

Gaius just smiled, he didn't know that this man was protecting the farm, they had just been training in the forest when those pokemon stumbled upon them, and he realized they would be good sparring partners for his own Lucario.

"That is the correct response." He stated to Hunu, and then his Lucario blitzed the Lycanroc with Extreme Speed.

The Hound would see if this wolf was faster than him or not. It didn't matter as the fight was just beginning.

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 19:54:38 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

This was new.

He had felt anger before.

That red hot emotion that lit his soul on fire. This however....

This was different. Rather than a hot burning fire, it was more like a simmering ember, and it was growing.

Frustration was this feeling, and he felt it intensely to the point that his Hound could feel the Malice radiating out from him.

Finally he had discovered an Apex Opponent, someone who could potentially sate his thirst, and then they did the unthinkable.

They summoned fodder....



His glorious battle was interrupted before it could truly begin because of this mans actions.

Malice leaked out of every pore of his body, and to his Hound he was encased in red.

There was only one course of action that the Lucario could take, and it surrounded itself in it's own blue aura. Feeding off the emotion of his trainer, it began to charge up an Aura Sphere, and without warning it would begin to unleash the torrent of attacks on Monroe ( ), , , , and .

They were all the closest to him, and as far as this pair were concerned they were no better than the sheep that had been summoned. Ball of energy after ball of energy was let loose, and perhaps some would crash into the horde of rockets behind, but it was obvious that the Spectre, and his Hound were in a berserk state.

"You....Ruined everything! He roared at them all like a caged beast trying to escape it's fate.


Gaius is pissed that Monroe acted like a noob, and summoned his sheep rather than having glorious combat!
Lucario is feeding off of the berserk, and malefic aura that Gaius is emanating, and unleashing volley after volley of Aura Spheres at Monroe, , , , and !
Gaius is not in a state to be reasoned with, however this might create an opportune moment for people to escape mayhaps!
Salaac x2 used
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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 13:51:27 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

How long had he been out?

That man with the Scizor, had done a number on him, but they were up again, and moving.

Perhaps he should have been more sorrowful that he lost, but he wasn't. Instead it only made him more eager.

He had lost to someone so strong, and survived. That meant he had the potential to grow stronger as well. That thought only made him smile more.

When he became strong enough he would find those that had defeated him, and devour them in turn. That was the way of life, the true natural order of things.

So he started to stalk the halls of this ship, and as he closed in he sees a man with tons of trash nearby.

"No...." Came the blunt, simple, and honest answer as his Lucario surged forth with it's Metal Claws extended.

"Are you strong too?"

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
processed shop
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 13:39:50 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X Mega Accessory (Necklace) (500 PD)

Getting Lucarionite to go with it!


do come again!

500 PD
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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing. (Mission)
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 13:36:50 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Why was he in the outskirts of this town?

Because he was fighting in the woods that surrounded it. Of course he didn't care about helping anyone, but the pack of Lycanroc that he had stumbled upon had proven to be good foes.

His two faithful Hounds were both out, and matching their enemies with claws of metal, and fangs of fire.

Each clash unleashed a small explosion, and slowly their battle drew closer to a small farm where a man was standing guard.

Unknowingly to Gaius he looked like he was about to lay siege to this little farm, and soon one of the two Lycanroc was sent careening through the fence crashing next to some of the Wooloo, which soon scattered.

The second one moved to defend it's companion, not aware, or caring about his surroundings he approached the two beasts.

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 8:55:51 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

He felt something wet drip onto his forehead, and he stopped moving. Frowning deeply as he realized perhaps he wasn't out of the woods just yet. Rather than shy away however, he grabbed the nearest clunk of anything for a weapon, and then against the common sense most would have....He looked upwards towards the source of the dripping water.


Treasures Gained
8/6 - Blue Shard
8/8 - Tera Shard
8/9 - Dynamax Candy
8/12 - Pokeball
8/13 - Pokeball
8/15 - TM/TR
8/17 - Clampearl
8/18 - Salaac
8/19 - Egg Tutor
8/20 - Egg tutor
8/22 - Incense
8/23 - Pokeball
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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 5:45:48 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The mech was in full battle mode against its giant foe, which didn't seem eager to stay down. Still he continued to explore the mech making sure no further pests got inside.


Treasures Gained
8/6 - Blue Shard
8/8 - Tera Shard
8/9 - Dynamax Candy
8/12 - Pokeball
8/13 - Pokeball
8/15 - TM/TR
8/17 - Clampearl
8/18 - Salaac
8/19 - Egg Tutor
8/20 - Egg tutor
8/22 - Incense

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played by


April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
78 posts
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
[WOPS] Gaius & Thomas
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 20:40:11 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The clash was powerful against both pokemon, his Hound forming a staff of energy to combat the barrage of attacks, but it wasn't enough, and he was steadily pushed back.

Gaius for his part was struck harshly by the kick, and almost on queue the Scizors final attack would find the gap in his Hounds defenses, and send the Lucario flying into it's trainer.

Being struck suddenly by the full force of his pokemon sent him careening through a door, and sprawled out. Gaius was unconcious from the sheer impact, and the surprise of being caught off guard.

His Hound did not fare much better, and for the next little bit they were both down for the count.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP