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Kazimir Wynter
hoenn pride [safari]
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 4:54:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Just...just hold...just hold still!" Hands shot out to grab the Pikachu as it carried around his belt full of Pokeballs but each time he did it managed to slip out of his fingers. How something so fuzzy also be so slippery was a mystery to Kazimir but he'd be damned if he was going to just let this thing go. especially since it had something of his, that was a crime that couldn't be forgiven. So instead he stops himself from immediately jumping on it and turns around pretending he's given up. The Pikachu looks at him curiously before slowly turning back around to run away, once its back is turned Kaz manages to wrap his hands around it and lift its screaming soft body into the air. "Hah! gotcha ya little thieaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Suddenly lightning began to erupt from where he stood and only stopped when the light of a pokeball sucked up the source of the lightning leaving a shaking pokeball next to a crispy Kazimir twitching on the floor.


catching pikachu!

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 4:18:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Powering through wasn't anything new for Kazimir or his Pokemon so wanting to forgo the bit of rest didn't bother him too much. Honestly the faster they completed this job the more time they had to rest and relax afterward which was the better choice in the long run. When he heard his name said by his partner he smiled but it quickly disappeared when he heard something whizz right past him followed by the familiar sound of gunshots. Looking back he could also make out the signs of Rocket following them close behind riding their own Pokemon to catch up to them. "Damn it, don't ya guys have anything better to do?!"

He gripped on his Corviknight's neck and with a nudged urged it to turn around and face their pursuers with glares coming from both Trainer and Pokemon. Noctis didn't even need any sort of command from his Trainer to understand what had to be done and with his beak open wide fired a steel beam that struck one of the Rockets and their Pokemon down, knocking them down into the ground below which caused Kaz to wince as he saw them disappear the farther they flew. That could be him or June.

"One down another to go! Try to get some distance, I'll slow the last one down!" If it was between him or June he knew that June was the better of them to make it out of here unscathed. They just wanted to get paid not shot out of the sky. Still Kaz himself had some important cargo meaning his options on how to fight back were limited. "Slow them down, easy mode buddy."

Whispering to his bird the Corviknight let out a squawk as it flapped its wings to create a Hurricane that was doing its job and blowing the Rocket away and pushed them back making the distance between everyone grow by the second. Question was would it be enough?

MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 4:17:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The combination of both covering fire and actual cover seemed to slow their pursuers down as their charge came to a stop and Kaz could see the faint shapes of them trying to figure out which direction was which through the haze. He might have gotten a little bit too happy too fast as two orbs of purple suddenly came shooting out of the hazy cloud. One was way off the mark that it hit a tree on the other side of the road but another was heading straight down towards Yuina and her Treeko. "Defense!"

Knightmare wasted no time in switching from offense to defense as he ran back and held out his arms to bring up a Wide Guard that stopped the sludge bomb in its tracks. The assault didn't stop there as from the haze out flew a pair of crobats now firing off air cutters that managed to fly around the Armarouge's defenses and slice into its shoulder and sending him toppling to the ground. "Fuck! Hey incoming!" It was all he could yell out at her while he searched his own Pokeballs for something that might help them out of this.


MP: 20 [post in RT Mission + assist character/pokemon]

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 21:49:15 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Domon's eyes kept themselves trained on Qing even as they jumped into the air ready to strike down the Urshifu. Pushing himself to his feet Domon was ready to brace himself for the attack in whatever way possible. Even take it head on if he had to. Then his chest felt a slash of pain race across it stopping him as he barely planted his other foot on the ground. He glanced down in response only to remember that he was fighting and looked back up, only he took one second too long to do so as he watched Qing's face dive right into him.

There was a loud CRACK as the two bear's foreheads met one another and they could feel each other's breath. Qing had theirs reinforced with the force of iron while Domon's was only flesh and bone. The bear was silently aghast as a streak of red traveled down his forehead and his eyes were rolling into the back of his head. The Urshifu only fell to his knees as darkness surrounded him and the last he heard was the sound of the waves of the sea.

Kazimir had managed to throw the man and watched as he managed to land on his feet and silently cursed him in his head. The guy was good, a little too good. He wanted this to last but he knew that it couldn't. Not right now. He needed to end this and quickly. Watching the guy suddenly rush at him an idea formed in his head as his body moved to block the kick letting his arm tuck itself in to block it. That's when the leg stopped and a fist came right into his cheek.

The punch sent him crumpling to the floor in a heap as his whole body went limp as it kicked up sand. It seemed like the old saying was true, "the bigger they are the harder they fall". It seemed like both trainer and Pokemon had been knocked out.

At least that what it "seemed" like as a before a minute passed by a chuckle rose up from Kaz's body. "Oh man...that was a hell of a punch." He pulled himself together and pushed himself off the ground and back onto his feet until he was towering over Kouji again with a big smile on his face and a bit of blood coming down the side of his mouth that was quickly lapped up by his tongue. "If we didn't have to do this I might have just invited ya to a night at the gym. Real one on one time, but..." His hand pulled back and shot forward as an uppercut aimed for the man's solar plexus, "WE'RE NOT PLAYING RIGHT DOMON!"

The trainer's words echoed into Domon's ear and snapped his conscious back to life as the spark inside of him ultrally burst and his arms shot forward. It wasn't just one punch but many, surging strikes right into Qing's body from Domon's kneeling position to catch his brethren while they were as close as they could be for him.



MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 135

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
hoenn pride [safari]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 21:03:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Watching the Feebas swimming about Kaz wondered about something, recalling that they evolved into beautiful Milotics and wondered if a person could go through that. Then he remembered getting them to do that took a bit of time and effort that he wasn't sure how to translate that into a person. Eating Pokeblocks didn't seem like something that would help improve a person in fact it might just cause the opposite to happen. Still it was food for thought and he began getting lost in a daydream of thinking what he might be able to become if he goes through a similar journey.

Maybe he could even be a king...


skipping feebas

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Sea: Mirabella & Kazimir[RT]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 20:58:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A sky battle takes place as the Braviary screams at the oncoming owl as it whizzes by and smacks his face with its aerial ace. The valiant bird is left daze but is quick to gain his composure and chase after the owl with his talons spread. He catches up with the owl and starts to claw at it with a crush claw to rip into its body and tear out a few feathers if possible.

On the boat Kaz's Mimikyu attempted to intimidate its foes with a hone claws taking out shadowing hands and rubbing them together before extending the claw like fingers on them to show off at its enemies. Too bad for it the Milcrey didn't seem fazed at all, instead the display of charm it showed off was the opposite and was alluring to the Mimikyu that it jumped off Kaz's shoulder and onto the front railing of the boat staring at it with hearts in its eyes as it waved to the little ball of cream.

"Hey wha-" A single step was all that he took before fire swirled around him in a spiral keeping him trapped. A pair of vines suddenly shoot through the flames and wrap around Kaz and pull him backwards and out of the flames pulling him to his Tangela who's watery eyes held their vines close to their body to ease the burns they were feeling. "Thanks. But looks like we're down a man now." Looking over he still saw his Mimikyu trying to reach out to the Milcry without leaving the ship and sighed. At least one of them was happy in this situation if not for the wrong reasons.


MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 70

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 20:58:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The robotic Rocket came right at them with his Kingra speeding towards them that Kazimir almost didn't see the punch thrown at him before it was too late. His weight managed to carry his body as it recoiled down into the water as he slid off his Palafin and the dolphin let out a cry of concern before turning his attention to the Kingdra and shot at it like a missile. As it got close enough it jumped and flip turned with its tail aiming not for the Kingdra but for the Robot Rocket instead for some payback. As it dove back into the water it turned into light that shot right into its Pokeball on Kaz's belt and another light popped out under the masked hero as he climbed back up to the surface.

As the light turned solid it rose up catching Kazimir on its back as the duo breached the surface and and a large green and red fish let out a roar that broke the mold of the other water types around them. As the masked trainer got his bearings he patted the Basculegion for rescuing him and turned his attention back at the robot man. "Sorry, but I have a few friends that won't let me dive too deep. Call them personal lifeguards."


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 90

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 7:19:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As both trainer and Pokemon managed to sit back up they witnessed a Gengar fighting off the ghostly Lucario and dragging it down with itself thanks to destiny bond. He was a trooper and his sacrifice won't be in vain. With the concern pouring down from above Kazimir just gave her a thumbs up and a smile as he sat straight up while his Urshifu pushed himself to his feet and shook off the dust. "Its no biggie. Got knocked around way worse before."

At this point he was pretty used to it but that would be his little secret for now. "Man, what was that all about though? I've heard of malevolent spirits but that thing just went for it. Almost felt like it wanted to kill us." It was a first for him and he had to wonder what they did to set it off. Or maybe it wasn't them but the spirit themself?

"You think if we ask them they'll tell us why one of them jumped us?" he asked as he kept his eye on the group of soul marchers still walking, "They don't look like they're talk...a...tive...shit watch out!" He shot up back to his feet and stood in front of Robin as another Lucario came running at them, this one Mega Evolved as well, and jumped at them with a dive kick. Domon had seen it coming a mile away and stepped in between the trainers and lucario and used his arms to block the attack and roar at the ghostly warrior as he pushed it off of him.

"Really another one? Guess we shouldn't hold back then, time to Mega evolve Domon!" He slipped on a glove with a bright stone that burst into light that trailed from the glove all over the Urshifu. Suddenly the bear's form began to change as he charged forward roaring with his fist raised up and unleashed a g-max one blow that sent the Mega Lucario flying into the water. Suddenly two of the soul marcher lucario's stopped in their tracks and turned their heads toward the group before suddenly sprinting at them. Domon was quick to intercept the both of them and try to fight them off and push them back.

"Geez what the hell? Cut off the head of one and two more pop up? These guys are already dead! What's their deal?!"


prompt: utilize mega evolution in a pivotal way.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
hoenn pride [safari]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 5:28:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A trail of poke snacks lead out from a pond and a small blue fin emerged from under its surface. Suddenly a whole Mudkip came out and started to sniff the snacks and take one of them into its mouth and began chewing. Then it moved to the next one, then the next one, and the next one, and so on and on. It kept going until it came to a small pile of them seemingly dumped in the middle of a ring of bushes. it inspected each bush with a glance and just tilted its head before moving forward and taking bites out of the pile. Then its nose suddenly bumped into something that didn't feel like a snack and the pile suddenly exploded as a Pokeball expanded in side right in front of the Mudkip.

"Gotcha~" The little marsh pokemon turned its head around to see the shape of someone standing over it behind it before the light of the ball called it inside.


catching mudkip

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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
newtype // e4
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 5:00:26 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Similarly 's face makes a scrapbook of memories. Its a gentle reminder that this man can be a challenge in a fun way, which given the subject of today was just another challenge in its own way. Taking his seat in the old rickety chair it squeaked as he got himself comfortable a little worried his own size would break the damn thing. Making a mess of things but just trying his best seemed to be the strategy of his life lately so he wondered if such stratagem was going to rear its ugly head here.

Because the question about why he was doing this seemed like it was holding the door open for that to happen. "Ah, been alright. I guess you could say I was on a sabbatical or something like that." He leans back in the chair and crosses his leg, his eyes looking into memories only he could see, "Been hanging with the Rangers and going back to my roots helping around. You could say i'm taking this test to see if I've learned a new thing or two, stalled, or even worse."

He really hoped he hadn't become worse.

"Plus I have a goal in mind and being recognized as champ, hell even top champ, sounds like the best road to take." His eyes lower themselves back down to meet with Greyson's and he gives a smile. "Y'know, simple reasons."


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 10:30:00 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

From behind June was Kaz riding his Corviknight holding onto a small container with its feet as it did its best to keep itself steady while in the air. The steel bird struggled against the turbulence that the Talonflame experience but was doing its best to not look bothered by it while its trainer was taking in a few breaths to keep himself from getting light headed. "Kaz! Name's Kazimir!" the large man called out in reply to his partner's question as him and his bird managed to catch up to them and fly side by side.

He couldn't blame them for the worry they were displaying as this was one of the more troublesome supply runs they were doing solely because of the route they were taking. There was taking caution in their work and then there was being over cautious to the point of causing even more problems for them. Still Kaz had to keep a brave face on to try and help ease the tension, "Well its the quickest route! Faster we get the job done the faster we get that check, and this one is one that can't wait amirite?"

Normally the money would be a second priority for Kazimir but when he saw the numbers that were given to them he figured this job might be the one exception to that. Even so they were probably right, any screw up and these supplies would probably be lost to anyone, and then that check would just go up in smoke. In that case...

"But! If yer tired we can take a quick breath to catch our breath. Maybe we can figure out a better route too, sound good?"

MP: 60 [participation + post]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Sea: Mirabella & Kazimir[RT]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 10:29:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Rescue our buddies!" A league ship came to a stop as a Tangela waddled its way up to the front of the boat and let out a pair of vines to snake their way towards overboard soldiers who were splashing about in the water and carry them onto the boat. A Braviary let out a screech as it swooped past Mirabella and her Pokemon to dive at the water and carry out another member of the league and drop them off on the same boat as the Tangela. The two of them didn't even pay any mind to the masked woman until someone spoke up as the came out from the cabin.

"Oi! Your gonna pay for knocking down our boys and ships!" It was a masked man with a Mimikyu riding on his shoulders as he jabbed a finger at Mirabella. Feeling its trainer rage the Braviary swooped by once again and with a single flap of its wings let loose an air slash to try and knock the Rocket down to the water.


MP: 60 [post + participation]
MP Total: 60

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 9:37:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A smirk spread on Domon's face as the smell of blood reached his nostrils and awoke something deep within. It was a feeling that he only felt when he fought against @navy's Urshifu and now that he was fighting another one that same feeling of enjoyment was starting to creep up on him. The usually reserved Urshifu appreciated a good fight but now he was enjoying it a little and hoped he could get more out of it.

Watching his brother unleash their wicked blow against him he mimicked their movements and let loose his own wicked blow against them. The two blasts grazed one another as they passed over each other and Domon felt the impact smash right into his chest as it pushed him back. Luckily he was able to keep his feet on the ground as he left a trail in the sand before falling to a single knee breathing heavily and looking back up at Qing waiting for its next move.

Kazimir kept his eyes on his own foe and watched as they slowly approached him. Then he blinked and next thing he knew a fist was coming right at him and connected with his lower jaw followed by another fist hitting his chest and finally a leg that struck right at his ribs. The move recalled the memory of him fighting and gave him an idea to borrow from the Rocket. Acting as quick as he could he attempted to grab the man's leg with his large arm and try to turn and throw him to the side while holding onto his leg.


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 125

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 9:37:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Whoa hit the brakes!" He pulled up on the Palafin's dorsal fin as if he was hitting the brakes on the car. For good reason too as the raging waters in front of them suddenly turned into one large slab of ice as a beam streaked across in front of them. Following its source the masked hero tilted his head as he saw another masked person riding a Kingra address them. "Guess I make quite the fashion statement to have others steal my look." He replied sizing the man up and noticing that his outfit seemed way more hi spec than his simple costume so in some way he had to respect him for going all the way.

"But sorry to say I don't take orders from fakers. Tell 'em why!" With a pat on the Palafin's head the dolphin's mouth let out a screeching boomburst to shake them up before swimming around them in a circle. "Maybe you should take off or we take ya into a nice dry cell." It was only fitting they return the favor to Rocket after they took in some of their folks.


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 80

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 9:36:11 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Huh? Oh no worries 'bout that. Actually never got to congratulate ya for doing so, not many folks can knock me down like you did." For obvious reason if the visible difference in height between them wasn't obvious. Her comment about being on the same side did bring his train of though back on track however as he realized just how abrupt he might have seemed. After all they were both here for a job that needed doing, they could catch up later on.

"Talk about a small world, anyway I take it your the person I'm supposed to meet? Then we might wanna get outta here cause-" That's when the sound of yelling reached his ears and he whipped around once more to see two people come running right at them with a pair of Servipers leading the charge baring their fangs. While Yuina might be able to guess who they were Kaz was already familiar with them as he took out a Pokeball, "Crap they found me! If ya got some 'mons send them out!"

Throwing his own ball it exploded into an Armarouge that wasted no time in shooting its armor cannon to break up the goons' formation and try to separate them. "Cause we're gonna need to run or fight!"


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing