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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
hoenn pride [safari]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 21:02:28 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Squawking echoed through the park as a Torchic was trying its damnedest to try and scratch Kazimir's face off. It was surprisingly able to jump up very high that it could actually reach his face with a scratch or crush claw that soon the man's shirt was showing signs of tears. It was getting closer with each attempt and that wasn't good. He still had to give it props that it sure was scrappy and Kaz had a bit of a soft spot for that.

"If ya really! Want a fun time! Then join my crew!" He exclaimed as he sidestepped each sweep at him and quickly reached into his pocket to pull out a park ball. If he was going to catch this thing it was going to have to be without it seeing it coming so as soon as it jumped in for antoher attack Kaz held up the ball to his chest. Like a dart to a target board the torchic struck at the ball and became enveloped in its light as it opened up and sucked it inside.


catching treeko

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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 20:41:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A fist was raised up above Kaz's head as the Fighter started to cower before him and explain he was only doing this because he was ordered to. That he himself didn't even want to be the muscle to the ruler of this land and was only doing it because it was "the rules" of the land. Seeing him like that relaxed Kazimir's fist and the man knelt down putting a hand on the shoulder of the large fae.

"Sorry if I hurt ya then, unlike you I'm sort of a Fighter back home. But I at least try to fight for other people and it sounds like you and everyone else have it rough." He looked back at the Alcremie lookalike and wondered if the same thing was true for them even if they were helping him on this journey. Seeing this big lug like this was starting to make something well up inside of Kazimir, a sense of empathy he was all too familiar with as he stood up and looked in the direction that the Ruler made off too.

Well if this place's rules are that much of a burden for ya I guess I'm gonna have to change them. And I bet dealing with that monarch of yours is the fastest way to do it. That's a promise."


[promises to change things!]


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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 19:41:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He checked his phone as he got a ping then glanced over to the road. A few people were making their way in his direction but one seemed to be making a beeline straight for him. It had to be them, his contact. As he tried to keep his head turned away from them his eyes noticed something familiar about the person walking towards him. They seemed awfully familiar, a little too familiar.

As soon as she was a few feet from him he dropped his cover and turned towards her with with his mouth slightly agape as his head flooded with memories. "Its you."

He jabbed a finger right at Yuina as he approached her and nearly towered over her. "Your that girl who kicked me outta the booty bump contest!" That's when he covered his mouth when he realized what he just said. He turned his back towards her and let out a cough and cleared his throat before turning back around, "I mean...ya here about the road sign?" Saved it.


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 9:21:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz's fingers couldn't help but curl themselves into fists as he saw the other man roll his shoulders and tense up his muscles. The tighter the fist grew the more his muscles began to flex. He was right, it was easy to read the human body if you've been fighting as a kid. Kazimir had been getting into scraps since he was little and he started properly training during adolescence so he was used to a little bit of rough housing. If this guy was thinking of trying to join in on the fun then who was Kaz to deny him?

Domon was the same, a beast that fought and trained for most of his life so reading movements was something he was used too. Of course there were times when that honed sense of battle lapsed. One was this time as it saw the feint a second too late and the Urshifu could feel his skull take the brunt of a devastating attack as he stumbled backward. As the bear stumbled he let one of his hands lay flat as he suddenly leaned forward and used his weight to stumble back into his opponent and aerial ace across his chest with a chop.

Kazimir fared better as he saw the man come in low and his body instantly move to bring his foot up in a kick to try and graze him across the face to throw off his path even by a degree. If he was lucky enough it might even hit him square in the chest to knock some wind out of his sails.


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 115

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 9:03:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As distance was gained for both Pokkenger and his Roserade the grassy crusader Pokemon rushed to its trainer side to try and shield him from further harm. While it was appreciated Kaz's mind was elswhere and his eyes gave a hint to where it was as they kept themselves trained on this Rocket grunt who was getting back to his feet. The guy was stubborn and that was not a trait he liked seeing in a Rocket so it was probably a good idea to go on the offensive. "Time for-shit!"

The Rocket suddenly shot forward towards something gleaming on the floor and Kaz's body started to move with one intention in mind. Hit them really really hard. His hands clasped together as he lifted them above his head and spread his hands so that it looked like a flower spreading its petals and his body started to glow as an aura started to surround him and pour out from his body into his Roserade who raised its arms with a cry as it tried to mimic its trainer z-pose.

Suddenly through every nook and cranny around them all flowers began to seep through covering the entire room from top to bottom in a colorful flower bed. He hoped that the sudden growths would keep the knife out of the Rocket's hands for just a second longer before they experience the power of a blooming doom that was coming their way.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
newtype // e4
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 7:41:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Here he was again. Different door but same trial. Was he really sure he had deserved to be here though? The last interview ended because he took a minute too long to answer a simple question. Was the same thing going to happen again? He thought about why he was doing all this and it all came to simple answer after simple answer. Would that be enough?

Everyone else in this place seemed to have much more to say that he ever could. Then again if the rumor mill was to be believed the top champion seemed like the complete opposite of the people behind these doors. Almost to a comical degree even if his actions did tell Kaz that he was the right man for the job. Or maybe he was the man "who was qualified" for the job. He had his fair share of skills that he's grown during his time here in the region but did they measure up to others? He was already one of the odd ones out in AQUA yet he was still doing ok in there wasn't he?

Kind of hard to tell since its been a while since he's been to one of their meetings.

Still he had to press on right? That's what they would say. He really did wish he could see them again to tell him how annoyed but happy he was that they found some kind of confidence in him. So he just needed to believe in that confidence to get through this. So with a deep breath he pushed through the doors and walked over the threshold. No going back now.

"Hey! Here for my interview, name's Kaz!"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 6:20:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Their boat trip came to an abrupt stop when they neared a group of Lucario of all creatures who seemed to be making their way somewhere. "What the heck are they doing-" Before he could even ask a question his companion was already jumping off the boat to get a closer look at them. Kaz just stood in the rocking boat with a dumbfounded look before climbing out as he was called over by Robin.

As he followed and got closer he could tell that these weren't normal Lucario. For one thing they didn't really seem to mind that they were both there admiring them, or even paying attention to the two humans in any way. Second was the fact that they all seem to be floating right above the ground as Kaz caught a glimpse of a few that were more spread out from the group. Soulmarchers she called them? It sure was a sight to behold as seeing this many Lucario in the very least was something special.

"Uh...right, camera." His phone had a camera on it. He was caught off guard from her enthusiasm that he wasn't even thinking anymore. That would prove to be a mistake. "Yeah I got-whoa!"

One of the soulmarchers suddenly rushed passed almost knocking her over and came right at Kazimir with a fist drawn. Lucky for him Domon was right behind him and the Urshifu was quick on his feet to catch the punch in his palm and let out a growl at the Lucario. As Kaz took a step back he managed to get a full view of the Pokemon and saw it wasn't the average Lucario, it was a Mega-Lucario. "Shit, hey stay back! This one ain't friendly!" Its fur was much more matted and darker, almost dirty, from the looks of it and as it gave an empty stare at Domon it gave a headbutt to the Urshifu to catch it off guard before pressing its palms against the bear's chest and launching a Force Palm that sent Domon onto his back.

Its attention then turned to Kaz and with a single step rushed at the man with a flurry of punches. "Do these marchers!? Usually pick fights?! Cause-grak!" He couldn't get his questions out at all it seemed as a punch to the face sent him crashing to the ground as the Lucario stood over him growling with its teeth bared and ready to bite.


prompt: 06 engage in battle with a malevolent spirits.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
hoenn pride [safari]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 4:29:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The little gecko seemed to enjoy the small poke treats that Kazimir was tossing out as each one the man threw the little grass type would chase after them. It was a sight that earned a chuckle out of Kaz. "Y'know, come with me and you can have more. Eh?" HOlding up one of the treats and park balls he slammed the two of them together to convey his message to the little gecko. There was a second where it just looked at Kaz with a quizzical look before shaking its head. Maybe it was sure of what it was getting itself into? Either way Kaz gave it another treat and gently pressed the ball against its head as it ate and watched as it disappeared inside the orb.


catching treeko

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 4:21:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the waters became a hot bed of battle one lone Rocket grunt watched in horror as a blue shape was quickly catching up with them. Riding on top was another shape, big and green, and as they got closer it became clearer that it was a person riding along with it. "Ram them Dolphman! Send them to Delhmise's locker!" The masked hero shouted out as his Palafin shot forward with a Zen Headbutt against the grunt on their jet ski. The aquatic dolphin jumped up and squared the grunt in the chest and sent them flying off their vehicle and splashing down into the water as the pair of them sped towards another group of Rockets in the distance.

The feeling of the sea breeze and water splashing against his armor almost felt nostalgic. Like he was someone who lived in the ocean in another previous life, not that that wasn't far from the truth if he was being honest. Still he knew just how bad the water could be from both personal experience and telling him stories about her sailing trips. Still despite his inexperience on naval battle he felt like he was doing pretty good for himself and his team, only thing that could probably stop them was an actual sailor. Good thing the queen of the sea was on the League's side now that he thought about it.


MP: 60 [post in RT Mission + participation]
MP Total: 60

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 4:00:13 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X water pokemon evolution {wimpod -> golisopod, learns first impression}(from pc)

1X level tutor {golisopod learns liquidation and forgets struggle bug}(from pc)

2X move tutor {golisopod learns skitter smack and forgets pin missle} / {golisopod learns drill run and forgets sand attack}(from pc)


1X level tutor {golisopod learns double team and forgets defense curl} (40 PD)
1X TM/TR {golisopod learns frost breath and forgets aqua jet} (60 PD)


do come again!

100 PD
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 3:20:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Domon's eyes focused on his brother Urshifu as it closed in on him. He could detect the intent behind his movements and with the first upward kick Domon jumped back, leaning back as his jump turned into a back flip to escape the axe kick as it came down and give him a little more breathing room. As he landed on his hand and knee he just continued to stare at the other fighting bear and let out a low growl. He could feel a slight sting along his chin where the other's foot just grazed him as he dodged their attack and it was starting to rile him up.

"Aw ya should give it a try. No pain no gain right? You'd be surprised what you can teach each other." Confidence was starting to rise within him as he gave the two of them a smile of satisfaction. They were aggressive which is good, it meant that the fight was going to be explosive and those were the kind that the two of them always get excited about in at least different ways. "Like how to read someone's body like a book."


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 105

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 17:07:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X TM/TR (celesteela learns fire blast, forgets metal sound) (60 PD)


do come again!

60 PD
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 16:30:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Amid all the chaos that was happening around lately there were the smallest yet important jobs that needed to be done. One was just passing along any intelligence that would help aid one side or the other in these skirmishes happening all around. Of course that meant that those acting as the messengers would need to be plenty careful when doing so as they could get dragged into a fight whether they wanted to or not. Kazimir had experience in that as he sprinted down the road looking over his shoulder at the fading specks that were some Rockets that were chasing him after they made him out in a crowd passing by.

If slipping into a crowd didn't work then slipping into the bushes might as the large man made an audible crash as he got off the main road and practically threw himself into some shrubbery as quickly as possible to cover his tracks. Peeking out from his hiding spot he noticed the sign welcoming people to the route and took out his phone, entering a quick message to shoot off to someone he was meeting with today, their number given to him in order to lead them to him.

-over by rd sign-

With that he calmly walked out of his hiding spot as he checked to see if the coast was clear and positioning himself in front of the sign, acting like he was admiring it and looking through the map on his phone to check his location.


MP: 60 [participation + post in RT Mission]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 16:16:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

His hungry smile shrunk turning it into a sad one at the almost bittersweet realization of something.

He probably had just found a kindred spirit.

Still the circumstances of them meeting meant that they would have to see another side of Kaz, one that was more opposing than brotherly, thanks to his duty today. If only they had met somewhere they could probably hash it out, become buds, maybe even go out for a drink or two. Sometimes that's just how the die landed he supposed.

When the Urshifu was brought out though his blue feelings evaporated into pure laughter at the sight of it. There was no two ways around it, it had to be more than coincidence that the two guys he's met lately had that same fighting spirit as he did both had an Urshifu. Maybe these Pokemon really did resonate with people like that and just came to them naturally? Either way it added another layer of resentment for Kaz that these two couldn't have met in different circumstances.

"Well ain't that something. Hey did ya know? Urshifu make some pretty good workout buddies themselves." Reaching down to his belt he quickly grabbed a Pokeball to toss it and out came his own Urshifu. As he came to the field the aura coming off the other Urshifu quickly caught Domon's attention as he dropped into a battle stance, his own defiant aura spilling off of his body as his eyes pierced right into his opponent. Deep down he was excited to fight another of his kind so soon again but he could feel its urge to fight right down to his own bones.

So he decided to enact some intimidation of his own by flexing his muscles and letting them bulk up to their fullest. While his fellow brother might have some fierce energy Domon was going to show that between the two of them he had the more experienced body.


MP: 35 [post in RT Mission + Legendary/Mythical Pokemon]
MP Total: 95

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