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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2023 7:56:43 GMT
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"don't have to tell me twice. its not exactly my first rodeo exploring otherworldly places." Hopefully this would go a lot smoother than the trip he took into Ultra Space. Here it seemed like it would be too peaceful for them to be ambushed by strange creatures. Of course that was just optimistic thinking on Kazimir's part as he lead the way up towards the waterfall.

"Thank you Pokkenger. My daughter is safe now."

Kaz stopped in his tracks and felt the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stand up as a whisper entered his ear. Eyes darted back and forth as he tried to find the source of it, his hands twitching and slowly balling into fists as he wondered if he heard what he thought he heard right. Did someone just call for-

"Oh Pokkenger, your here! Our hero is here to help!" "Won't you help us pass on?" "A great hero like you can do it! You saved my family after all!"

That's when his head snapped back to look behind him, a smidge of fear on his face as he did and caught the curiosity of his Urshifu who looked in the same direction only to see nothing. "Did...did anyone...hear that?" What even was "that" he had to wonder. Because how would it know about him like that here of all places? "I...I think we outta pick up the pace a little bit." He didn't want to stay in the same place for too long and quickly turned back around and power walked his way forward. He didn't want to think about the voices he just heard, not when they were calling him by "that name".

It felt like a reminder of people he couldn't save back home.


* personal prompt achieved; - " will encounter spirits that acknowledge and thank him for his work as the pokkenger."

* Kazimir gets spooked!

* Hurries tf up to the waterfall...


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Kazimir Wynter
episode one
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2023 4:47:33 GMT
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As Kazimir stuffed his face with more of his pizza his mind was half on eating and half on paying attention to the rest of the conversation. The talk about gym battles and the lessons that they taught to other trainers was something that Kazimir himself was having a bit of trouble wrapping his head around. It was probably because he never even entertained the idea of coming up with a concept for a gym because he never even considered becoming one. Honestly it was probably a nice inbetween where he was now and being a former Elite Four member, food for thought.

Still it was something to consider if he ever decided to challenge one of their gyms after this. Maybe really take in what they were trying to teach him if he did any of their challenges. Well if any of them offered untraditional challenges anyway, Derek's note about how he didn't do any and taking a page out of Noah's book caught his interest. Why someone would do something like that was a little curious to him but his mouth was too full of cheese to really articulate a question for it.

Then the conversation moved to the topic of exciting stories that the two of them would have to share with them and the audience. As Josh went first Kazimir had to raise an eyebrow at what he was talking about. Some kind of cloud that took them into some kind of cyberspace? That was a little wild. It sort of reminded Kaz of something that happened to him in a sense...

But that was a story for another day, one that was sure to get hearts racing was... "Did I ever share about how me and a few other folks managed to piss off Raqyuaza? Long story short, Legendaries hate when you build really tall shit. So one day me and a few others were helping with building a Lighthouse in Sootopolis when the thing suddenly came down and began to wreck house." As he was talking he was using his whole muscular arm to simulate the movements of the serpent flying through the air, "It tried to blow away all of our hard work but with a bit of guts and tenacity we managed to annoy the bastard enough to get him to leave us alone. Although....we did kind of tear up a beach and part of the city because of it... But like, it wasn't that serious."


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staying frosty [dw]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2023 6:04:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Watching Genevieve help out one of the Pokemon that was stuck in some ice unlike the others brought a smile to Kazimir's face. It was a reminder that while they couldn't help those already in a bad fate they could still help those who were on the brink of falling into them. That was the real silver lining among all this dreary state of this mess. "Then I guess the only thing we can do is just do what we can. Especially for the Pokemon that are still having problems."

Alongside the Tinkatuff there was a Cloyster that was trying to pull itself out of the ice as it found itself stuck half in the ice and half in some water. Luckily for it Scorcher was just as willing to help a poor soul as both Kaz and Gene and with a bit of flamethrower loosened the Cloyster enough to wiggle itself free some more. However Kaz felt like taking his fellow Ranger's approach was probably more helpful and tossed a Pokeball at it, saving it from its prison and recovering the ball.

"Guess we should take another lap around here and try to see if we can't find more Pokemon like these two stuck in the ice. Helping them out or taking them to a Center might be the perfect way to spend the day dont'cha think?"


[catching cloyster]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2023 17:20:37 GMT
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The screams of the Naganadel were still persisting through the brush as a flash of purple could be seen among the trees as the Pokemon chased off other Pokemon in its way. Kaz didn't seem too bothered by it, figured tiring itself out would be the better option for the both of them. "I was at Meteor Falls. But I think we all got kind of fucked up eh?" It held a few of his best and worst moments and he would rather not think about them too much.

Luckily his Ultra Beast provided the perfect distraction as it came out chasing a small bug Pokemon and slathering it with toxic sludge. Kaz knew throwing a ball at the little thing would keep it safe from his Pokemon's assault so that's what he did to take his mind off of some bad memories. As the ball caught the Nymble and wobbled his attention was brought back to as he gave a grin to lighten the mood. "Enough of the past, what the heck brings you out here pal? Camping?"


catching nymble!

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Kazimir Wynter
an aqua summons
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2023 16:57:01 GMT
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Kazimir kept his ear trained on and his report while his eyes were trained on and his scribbling. There was a bit of curiosity of what the military man was writing down but it was hard to keep focus on it as Matias described the events that happened on his side of the battlefield that day and the growing intensity he faced during it. Repelling both Rocket and a crazed Dialga must have been a handful even for him and Groudon, possible assistance from interlopers that also showed up must have not made it any easier as well. Once he was done he passed it off to the others who were there, Kaz included, so the ginger man decided to clear his throat to continue the report with his own recounting of events.

"Props to you and the others for holding down the fort over there Matt. Rocket gave us a bit of a surprise as they tried to dig under the theater and almost bring down the whole thing by sprouting a small tree of life. Caught a glimpse of Xernease there before it knocked me off from there. Then that's when I saw them running around, the Megalopolans that were behind the Three Day War, they came out and started to help Rocket from the looks of things."

Part of him still wishes he didn't lose track of "one" in particular and now he was going to have to play guess who with the whole lot of them should he run into them again.

"I didn't see much of what they were doing however as the whole ground under the theater suddenly collapsed. I managed to save the theater and someone who got themselves stuck in that sink hole so if anyone can fill in any gaps about what happened around me feel free. But that's when me and I believe a few Rockets fell into these city ruins underground. At the same time if I got our timeline straight Dialga showed up and whatever it did it brought, well best way to describe it is it brought the ruins back to life."

Even now that felt surreal to him.

"A huge mechanical city started to take shape with mechanical structures and Pokemon of all things being brought back in working order. I feel like it should be mentioned that said Pokemon down there resembled one I once saw, Volcanion. And...and there as something else. I didn't stay long enough to get a good look at it but there was this glowing...'energy source' is the best way I can put it. Beats me on what it actually is but it seemed to be the literal heart of the whole city if I had to put it in words."

With that he leaned back in his seat and let an arm drop to his side where his Varoom nuzzled against his dangling fingers. Its touch gave a bit of relief to the man as his thinking back to the events left him a bit winded, "Douggie, Els, anything happen on your guys end?" He asked the bug catcher and gesturing with his other hand to let them lay out their own reports on the table.


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Char.Bat.EXE [m]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2022 0:09:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It seemed Razz was right on the money that they were enjoying nothing but merry games until they were noticed by the duo watching them. As the small little soldiers decided to walk in their direction Kazimir decided that they didn't seem to be harmful in anyway. Even their chaperone was just watching from a distance with blue eyes trained on the little ones. With that Kazimir stood up, his size giving them a sight that they couldn't miss as Razz stood noticeably shorter next to him. As the group of four little cadets stopped in their tracks and gazed up at both him and Razz with Kaz approaching them and kneeling down to try and meet them at eye level as best as they could.

"Well ain't you all just a couple of kids having fun huh?" A smile on his face as he greeted the little ones only for them to suddenly gain a glint of fear yet determination in their eyes as the group of them suddenly raised up their small little hands together and one of them even jumped and aimed a punch at Kazimir only for the man to lean back out of the way and raise up to his full height with a laugh. "Man these guys sure do got some fire in them! Fiesty little fuggers! Think they don't mean us any real harm though Razz!"

As he called out to him one of the small little Charcadets walked up to Razz and started to lightly kick the man's leg as if he was another giant enemy to take down.


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its tera time again [m]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2022 23:56:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir looked between the two Pokemon as they got their own special little crystal hats and something about them created an itch in his mind the more he looked at them. A light bulb and a bunch of balloons. Something didn't seem quite right with that, although to answer Kyle's other question it seemed like everything was alright with them as the Pokemon each gave looks of confusion to their trainers, tilting their heads as if they didn't have massive items stuck to them.

"I think it doesn't weigh anything to them. But ya gotta wonder why does yours have balloons on it? That doesn't seem right." Was it indicative of something? These were questions that needed answers and the only way to get them unfortunately experiment. There was only a simple beat and a glance between the two Pokemon before Kaz pointed at the Mightyena and said two words; "Plasma Fist."

With that the yellow cat let out a yowl as electricity crackled around its body lightning not just its paws but also the bulb on its head as it began to flicker a bright yellow before it launched a bolt of lightning at the poor Mightyena.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2022 7:11:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A whistle echoed through the mountains and carried it on the small breeze that blew through this strange land. Both Kazimir and his Urshifu glanced in opposite direction to try and get a large lay of the land before them before they decided to try and explore more of it. Honestly seeing such a peaceful land in front of him gave him a mysterious feeling, like he could empathize with the spirits here that decided to make this place their resting spot. It would make for a nice place for a lost soul to sleep the last of their worries away. Still it wasn't something that Kaz could fully relate to so he hoped that the spirits still here were happy.

Soon the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he felt a breeze blow from behind him and he turned to face the source of it only to be met with the sight of a giant waterfall in the distance. The sound of its roaring could be heard from the small stop he and found themselves at and he took a few steps in its direction pointing at it. "That might be a good place to set up camp here. Good source of water...y'know, if its drinkable."

If it was some kind of otherwordly ghostly water...would it just go right through them? The thought dominated his mind as his Urshifu decided to take charge and give a glance towards and give a shrug before walking down the path that seemed to lead to the waterfall. Kazimir followed behind him turning only to face his other companion while walking backwards, "Gotta say, this place sure is scenic ain't it? Almost makes me want to stay a while."


* Kazimir makes it a mission for him and to maybe head up to the waterfall and set up a base of operations there. Also is acting too much of a tourist probably.


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Kazimir Wynter
overachiever [m]
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 6:49:26 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As a Heracross cut through the crowd of monkeys with the aid of the valiant Braviary Kazimir had managed to subdue his own foe with his own two hands. The rush he felt was enough to make him stand over the unconscious Primeape and beat his chest while letting out a gorilla-like roar. He felt like he was growing a bit of chest hair thanks to the show of masculinity that caught the attention of a few Mankey that were angry at the interlopers ruining their fun.

"Hell yeah! Way better! Sometimes ya really gotta get in there and-!" His sentence was suddenly cut off by a handful of four Mankey suddenly dog piling on top of him and raking their claws all over him. The only thing more powerful than that was the screams Kazimir was letting out as he tried his best to shield his face from the assault.

Luckily his Braviary was there to try and rescue him from the hazing he was getting as it honed its claws to make sure that they were as sharp as ever to grab onto one of the furballs. Unfortunately he wasn't as deft with his claws as other birds were so swooping down and picking one up was quite the challenge as they managed to see him coming and a few of them shifted around to dodge by a hair length's away. This only enraged the bird as he started to pick at the ravaging ball of fur, it almost seemed like he was joining in on the bullying of kazimir as he screamed, "Little bit of help!"


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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 5:47:02 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

1X LEVEL TUTOR - ceruledge learns shadow claw!(40 PD)

1X FREE FIRE MOVE (redeemable) - ceruledge learns bitter blade[/quote]


do come again!

40 PD
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 5:15:39 GMT
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EXPEDITION #: first time bby!

SELECTED PROMPT #s: 01, 02, 05, 09, and 10



* is a faller through ultra wormholes
* has an ultra burst urshifu
* carries the king of fighters z-pose power
* trainer of legendaries/mythicals
* trainer of ultra beasts
* pokemon who can mega evolve
* pokemon who are shadow pokemon (ninetales)
* pokemon who are hacthery pokemon (shadow variant)
* pokemon who are infected with pokerus
* pokemon who are hisuian evolved in time warps
* carrier of flame, z-icicle, and z-fighting plates

* carrier of z-crystals

* carrier of z-crystals

* pokemon who can mega evolve
* pokemon who are shadow pokemon (mime jr)

* her beautiful self
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 5:32:13 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The world was barely recovering after The Big Chill as Kazimir and a few online decided to call the freezing of a corner of their region after the meteor passed. It was a miracle that it stayed as contained as it did but that didn't help keep the people at ease whenever they thought about it, so Kazimir knew something had to be done about their fear. That's where this contest came in as it was the perfect stage for him to inspire them, inspire the people of Hoenn and fill them with the fighting spirit he was going to display in this contest as both he and his Komoo-o made their way down to the stage.

Both of them wore a matching set of black and white jacket adorned with flames on them as they entered the contest hall both bare knuckled and bare footed. As they got to the center stage the two of them shared a glance and a nod between them and started to shadowbox for the crowd. A jab, a straight, another jab, and an uppercut. Both of them mirror the other in almost perfect sync and as the last hit of theirs punches through the air there's a beat before the both of them suddenly turn on a time and strike at each other's legs with a knee strike. Their legs made contact with one another and the two of them jumped back.

Suddenly the Kommo-o was punching the air at Kazimir and with each punch a small Scale Shot was fired off towards the man who managed to block the shots with his own movements using his muscular arms as natural shields. Upon impact with the skin the small scales broke apart and as a finale Kaz saw the final scale come at him just in time for him to roundhouse kick it into dust with a loud yell. The two then bowed to each other and the crowd as they hoped their performance of their skill was enough to inspire a few people watching them


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
episode one
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 7:24:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Mmm well this pie definitely looks great. They definitely get presentation down." Kazimir noted as he took a hard look at the phily steak with green peppers and pepperoni pizza before him and used a bundle of white napkins to make sure that no juice or cheese managed to spill onto the nice set. As he pulled it apart a string of cheese could be seen connecting his slice and the rest of the pie and it made the man's face light up with glee. "Alright and the cheese is nice and stringy?! Hell I think I found a new favorite pizza place."

As he was busy stuffing his face letting the spicy slice tickle his mouth he listened to Josh go on about his gym and its mission and nearly choked at the mention of the tag line as a bit of cheese got stuck in his throat as he tried to stifle a chuckle. Luckily he managed to cough it down into his throat and let out a burp. "oh man, that Phily steak with pepperoni sure is...sure is nice. Not as nice as that tag line Josh, or well, not so much nice as it is cute. Don't think many gyms really focus on the bond part between Pokemon and Trainer. Er, no offense D. I know that all gyms are kinda aiming for that haha..."

His chuckle trails off as he takes a small bite of his pizza to shut himself up. Still the taste of it is too great for him that he feels compelled to ask for the sake of prosperity, "By the way...whats the name of this new pizza place anyway?"


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing