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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 18:07:58 GMT
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Kazimir turned the picture around so that he could grab another look at the Pokemon in question and tilted his head back and forth as he tried to remember the name of it. The picture of it was as clear as day... "Marshadow." He blurted out as he did his best to slowly roll up the picture and make sure that he didn't bend it too much or wrinkle it as best as he could. He didn't want to tarnish something that reminded him of his old master however brief that time was. It was still an experience that held a lot of meaning to him.

"Its a Pokemon that can copy people in the most literal sense. It sorta copied me when me and some others came here to speak with the old master here. It was pretty wild especially when it started copying all my moves. The thing really likes martial arts." Looking around a feeling of nostalgia started to come over the man followed by a bit of melancholy. The ruins of this place really did feel like it was a lifetime ago that he was here learning what he could. "I kind of wish i could meet it again but that'll probably need me to be the best of the best. Anyway," He turned back to Shay with a smile holding up the Nunchucks and the poster, "I think we can call it a day for now. Really appreciate the help and company. Next time I need some extra muscle maybe i'll call on you and your Kommo-o there. Dude looks like he can really handle himself."


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Kazimir Wynter
breach || MP
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 14:54:53 GMT
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As the barrier was erected the Celesteela placed its large arms in front of everyone as well to take the remaining brunt of the attack as the winds glided and sliced across its metal appendages. Looking back Pokkenger gave a thumbs up to Rosmontis as well as a nod, "I'm counting on that cover. We can't let this one get away." They already had one in custody, another one would probably go a long way. Especially if he doubted just how well he was bonded to these beasts.

"I'll have ya know a good friend told me to take care of this one, and I'm piratically brothers with one I found in your fair city!" He probably didn't need to really use words to prove his point but this one deserved all the annoyance Pokkenger could give as with another snap of his fingers the Celesteela raised one of its arms and slammed it down towards the Kartana with a Heavy Slam that could shake the earth.


    * 50 MP Battle Participation
    * 10 MP IC Post
    * 10 MP IC Post
    * 10 MP IC Post

    -Celesteela takes the Air Cutter
    -Celesteela uses Heavy SLam on Kartana

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 2:34:29 GMT
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"You." Of all the things that could have happened, of all the things that could have shown up, of all the absolute worst things that could have went down in this fight. Why was one of them here of all things? The world around Pokkenger-no Kaz, went dark as he reached down for his belt and in one swift moment swapped out his Blastoise and threw out another ball in its place.

"Why don't I throw ya some appetizers then! Till your stomach pops open!" The masked vigilante screamed as the shadow of a Celesteela towered over him and raised a single long arm at the Megalopolan and his Ultra Beast. "Blast them away!" With a loud pop a barrage of Seed Bombs escaped the Ultra Beast's arm and rained down on the otherwordly duo with short fuses as they started to explode one after another as they left the Celesteela's cannon arm.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 15:38:04 GMT
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The tiles underneath Pokkenger began to shake as a large tree started to spring up from below. Branches and roots snaked through the roof nearly shoving the Pokkenger off the roof until a stray tile slipped out from under his foot and he fell off the root. Thankfully a root had been within arms length of him and his body reacted before his brain could and grabbed onto it jerking his arm and nearly pulling it out of its socket. Looking up he faintly made out what seemed to be a set of antlers appear from the tree, everything else about whatever came through was obstructed by roots above him.

With all of his strength he started to pull himself up when black brambles began to leak out from the tree and slowly snake their way in every direction possible. Pokkenger was not spared their hunger as he watched them come right at him only to let go of his perch and let himself fall to the ground with a roll. That's when he saw the form of one disguised who had a couple of rockets following close behind.

Well clearly that just meant that it was going to be a lot of trouble wasn't it? So off he went after them.


-falls off the theater thanks to some dumb tree
-locks eyes with

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2022 0:25:42 GMT
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Kazimir Wynter
breach || MP
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 21:18:57 GMT
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Despite the storm of spring and love that broke through their ranks the Grunts were as persistent as ever as the few that still stood on their feet formed a line to not let the gym leader through. However the line of Rockets soon found their fuses wiped out as a large blast of pressurized water swept them off their feet as a Blastoise came running out from the chaos surrounding them with a masked man hanging off one of the cannons of the large turtle as it unleashed another "Hydro Pump" to blow away more Rockets. As one of the grunts reached for his ball the Blastoise raced right past him and the masked man jumped off and slammed his massive body into the smaller grunt as the two of them fell to the floor with one of them on top of the other. Rising up from the ground and small kick to the grunt's head to knock them out he put himself between the minor Gym Leader and the rest of the Grunts.

"I don't know why I expected better from Team Rocket but you boys really do go after anyone do ya?" His helmet turned back towards and he gave her a thumbs up before returning the helmet's gaze back onto the Rockets who were drawing out more Pokeballs and letting out some scary looking Growlithes and Zubats. The only response out of the masked man was a jerk of his neck as the bones underneath his skin let out a small audible crack before raising a fist at them all. "Guess its time Pokkenger taught ya what happens to naughty boys huh?"


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 13:02:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Under the green mask Kazimir, no Pokkenger couldn't help but smile underneath as he heard 's words. The rallying cry managed to make the fire inside of him flash with a bit more life as he stood atop the theater people were surrounding once the first few fireworks of this conflict started flying. As he prepared himself to hop down he noticed the commotion caused by , or more specifically his Steelix, as it tried to attack the ground surrounding it.

"Sneaky little thugs huh?" From his perch a small star was released as he pointed in the direction of the Steelix, "Let's shake shake." The minior took no hesitation to float down to where its trainer pointed at before suddenly falling rapidly towards the ground where when it finally struck a crater was made by the impact followed by an EARTHQUAKE that shook the ground and possibly anything hiding underneath it.



-Kazimir sits at D10!
-Sends out Minior to attack space D8 with EARTHQUAKE!
-Possible affected targets include ! (and Steelix!), , and !

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 8:03:12 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Indeed Kazimir was familiar with the sort of ability he was describing. Owning three ultra beasts of different breeds revealed that they all had this shared ability, a fact that helped denote them as beings different from Pokemon. Thinking about it however there was something that came to light when he thought back to it. A hazy memory of one of his first encounters with these Ultra Beasts that resembled some kind of jester with an explosive temper in the most literal sense. Only it wasn't that one in particular that he was trying to remember...but one that had seemed to join itself with the body of one .

"Hey, I got a question about these Ultra Beasts. I dunno if they have to be Alphas to do this but...can some of them sort of, how do I put it." He rubbed his chin as he thought about how he should present it. Being direct with it seemed to be what gave him the most suitable answers even if they weren't all that big. "Can some of them combine with people? Like a...Nihilego, the jellyfish looking one, swallowing up a person and making them a part of it? Cause we've had a few cases like that happen when they showed up and I don't think there's a lot of info about it." He was pretty certain even could provide all the answers to that question.

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Kazimir Wynter
blacksmith blues [m]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2022 16:34:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Okaaaaay and now night slash!" The phantom sword rose up from its place on the ground and the shining jewel in its hilt gleamed as a black aura surrounded its edge before it was used to take a swipe at the tree right in front of it. With an earthy crunch a large gash in the bark is left as the sword hovers over to the ginger muscle bound trainer who owned it. Turning over its single jeweled eye looked like it was waiting for something and the small piece of cloth attached to it only seemed to aide in conveying what it wanted when it raised it to its hilt in a sort of salute. The trainer only looked at the metal beast and gave not only a smile but a thumbs up.

He was proud no doubt but for a moment Kazimir wasn't even "here" with his Honedge, he was somewhere else with a "different" Honedge, one that he knew from when he was younger and played with in his own backyard. "That" was the honedge he was training with. One that would be forever lost to him now and the thought of it brought tears to his eyes. Tears for a broken bond and a broken sword as a single blink of the eye turned the small sword into a half broken blade crushed under the earth.

That's when something soft caressed his cheek and snapped him back to reality. As one eye leaked the other was cleaned by the cloth of his other Honedge who had floated up to him to try and wipe his tears. The younger sword pokemon always did have a habit of letting its little cloth be an actual piece of tissue to which Kazimir couldn't help but chuckle at as he stroked its hilt. "Sorry was kinda...remembering something Caliburn. Now lets try using Iron Head next, ok?" With a salute the blade instantly floated from his side towards another tree and rammed right at it, getting itself stuck deep into the trunk of the tree. "...Can you get out?"


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 20:44:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

2X salac berry (100 PD)

1X tm/tr (60 PD) minior (ryusei) learns EARTHQUAKE

1X tm/tr (60 PD) celesteela learns SEED BOMB


1X move tutor minior (ryusei) learns GRAVITY

1X move tutor minior (ryusei) learns TELEKINESIS


do come again!

220 PD

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2022 20:30:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



CHARACTER: [break]RAID EVENT: littleroot[break]PKMN TEAM (6 MAX): [break]

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Kazimir Wynter
Phase 1 [m|c]
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2022 20:23:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The image of romping Growlithes, Rockruffs, and Fidoughs fill Kaz's mind when its mentioned that finding this hive would be the first step in their plan, capturing it would come next. While he would hardly call himself an expert hunter he's used Honey a handful enough times to know that it works in attracting Pokemon it would stand to reason they could use that but in reverse right? "Well why don't we sniff them out? I have a pair that are pretty decent when it comes to sniffing out Pokemon."

With that he took out two balls and released a large golden Arcanine and a sagely looking Lucario, both of whom he gave a soft pet to their heads and the two of them seemed to enjoy his rough yet tender touch to their fur. Once he gave his two partners he reached into his backpack and took out a spare jar of honey he had been carrying with him that doubled as a snack and a lure for wild Pokemon that he kept with him for the week. Opening it up the sweet smell of the jelly came pouring out of the jar and the Arcanine in particular couldn't help but stare at the goo inside that looked the same hue as his fur, seeing the temptation in his eyes Kaz gently lifted the jar to its nose for it to get a good whiff and closed the jar right as the Lucario leaned in for its own quick whiff.

"We're gonna be looking for a large source of this stuff fellas. Skywalker your eyes are gonna be up front though, we're looking for a bunch of these things, with this boss lady being our mark." Trading the honey for his phone he opens up a small album full of Combees and ends the list with a clear image of a Vespiqueen so that the blue dog can get a general idea of what he was looking for. With that he turned towards with a smile that was full of confidence. "Pretty sure these two will find our bug. Unless ya think we could use a little with that?"


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Kazimir Wynter
fuggership [c]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2022 22:18:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was true that the size between the two fugger bros was a noticeable factor that would decide on how they should handle today. While being bigger and heavier meant that Kaz probably wouldn't be able to be more acrobatic that he likes to think he is it did mean that he could at least handle a few more bruises and dish some back out. In Angelo's case it was the opposite case and Kaz wanted to gauge that for himself.

"Well first let's see how well you can actually dodge outta trouble." His gaze turned over to his Incineroar who was taking a small breather and the two locked eyes before nodding and Kaz snapped back to face Angelo, "And we'll do that by seeing how well ya react to one of the most common but underlooked at problems, dealing with wild attack Pokemon!"

Suddenly a shadow appeared over the two of them and was quickly growing smaller and centered itself around Angelo as above them Kaz's incineroar had somehow managed to gain some serious air and is rapidly falling onto the pilot covered in a flare blitz to drop an elbow on him! "I'd drop and roll if I were you."


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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 20:50:00 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the rider and her trusty steed stood over Kazimir as he slumped against the wall after hitting himself in the face his Urshifu stood aside in the corner with its face in its hand as it moved away. Down on the floor Kazimir was lost in a world where the dojo had been split into three and began spinning in front of him. It was a soft ringing that seemed to pull him out of this strange realm and back into reality as the copies of the dojo started to merge back into one and he could see the sight of Shalin and Treble right in front of him. The first thought in his head was to give them a smile while rubbing his head with the nunchuck still in hand.

"Yesh...guess I forgot i skipped that class for...this." He dropped the nunchuck onto the floor as he braced his hand against the wall and helped himself back up to his feet, his other hand coming up to rug where he struck himself. He could feel that there was a bump there. Once he was on his own two feet there was a loud grunt from his Urshifu as it stood before a line of pictures. Many of them were faded and covered in dust and yet the figures on them could still be made out and what helped them stand out even more was that they were labeled as old king of fighters...only they were all pokemon.

At the far right of them it ended in a full body portrait of a small shadow like creature that Kaz was pretty familiar with and recognized as their predecessor. The original king of fighters. "whoa...think we just found a timeline of old masters here. this is pretty cool." Each portrait was painted and despite the fading it was clear each one was able to tell a story about each master, how they fought with either their body, a weapon, or even they're element. The one about the MARSHADOW really caught his eye as he lifted it off the wall and blew on it to knock off some of the dust before looking back at Shalin with a grin. "Would you believe me if i said that this was our sensei when we came here? really showed us...some cool shit. don't think he'd or the others would mind if i kept this as a memento and the others were donated to a nice museum somewhere, right?"


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