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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 19:55:22 GMT
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Holy hell were the meetings all like this? And he thought the ones in AQUA could get tension filled, then again did kind of exert that sort of presence that would cut down a man where he stood with one look. (Or make some fans hyped as all hell.) Still guess that's what happens when in a group with a looser leash when its tied to the league. Now he was part of that group, so it was time to make sure that this group didn't fall apart or tear any new seams along it. Or die trying anyway.

As people talked he walked over to @joshdelvin and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gave the man a supportive smile. "That's a tall order to place yourself on, so good luck with that. These legendary creatures sure are a bit of an odd bunch so...try to prepare for the worse that they'll throw at you if you follow their tail. That said..."

His eyes darted around the room to get a good view of all the faces here. "If anyone sees these creatures then we gotta start keeping a record on them. The Dark Triad that Razzy over there ain't the only ones looking to mess with avatars and legendaries, Rocket's also managed to somehow take that power for themselves and give it other people. Kinda ran into one of them who happened to share powers similar to before he upped and disappeared so for all we know they already got to him and took his powers and gave them to a few trusted men. Hell they might even send them after us while we're busy working on dealing with this meteor. So be on the lookout for people tossing around powers."

Would Rocket seriously try and hamper plans like that? Honestly Kazimir couldn't tell anymore so at the very least he could give them warning. He then looked back to with a look of concern before looking away as he imagined what Rocket would do to him if they managed to snatch him up if the Dark Triad didn't. They didn't need Hoenn turning into a literal ice age riddled region if they could stop it.


tries to help keep calm

talks about rocket and their avatar sharing powers

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fuggership [c]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 19:41:06 GMT
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The Celesteela just raises one hand in a salute and with a smile of sorts and then quickly lifts off into the sky leaving Kazimir by his lonesome as the ginger waves to his ride.

"I mean...maybe i'm going for a change. Maybe." He replied to the question about his appearance in a handwave sort of way as he looked over at the cleaned up area he had set up for them before being led inside. As they did his Incineroar and Urshifu were quick to go off on their own and even start a bit of shadow boxing as a pair which earned a smirk from Kazimir as he figured they would either do their own thing until he called them out. They never missed a moment to do a bit of light exercising which would make them the perfect buddies for this sort of thing. Of course there was something about it that was still a bit of a surprise to Kazimir however,

"So ya mentioned wanting to learn how to defend yourself and I'm flattered ya picked me and all but...don't think its gonna be anything easy. Ya know the kind of shit I stir up and get into right?" His confidence never left his words as he let his muscles flex for a second. "Cause by the end of the day we might have to call in the whale to try and take you to a hospital afterward. We're gonna get you bulked up and skilled up, or at least on the track to by the end of the day."


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Pumpkaboo Spooktacular
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 18:46:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


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Phase 1 [m|c]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 16:43:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Yo! Sorry for the hold up!" From further back the trail came a large red-headed man jogging his way up to meet with one out of two of his other partners. While Kaz had agreed to do this job for @armor he almost forgot where he was supposed to go while he was gearing up for this little venture. From figuring out where in Hoenn it was to where exactly around Fortree it was it was amazing that he didn't end up where this supposed Vespiqueen was resting with him circling around the forest.

Once he caught up he took a moment to take in a deep breath and take a sip out of his water bottle before waving at the woman he made wait for him and take a glance at the path they were going to take. From his point of view it didn't seem like many Pokemon might be hiding deeper inside, but one could never know how these creatures would act at times now would they?

"So we're just waiting on one more guy right? Hope they aren't too far behind, we don't want that queen we're hunting down to get any more combee all around it. dealing with a whole flock of them does not sound like a fun time."


[] [@tobias]

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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 20:55:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well I have one or two of my own but I gotta be honest I never ever thought about them being some kind of Ride Pokemon." He replied back while watching the lady get comfortable on her new trusty steed. The sight of it sort of got Kaz a little bit curious about riding his own but he still figured their bodies were better used to fighting than carrying others around. Of course he'd never say it out loud out of respect. Everyone had their own way of working together with Pokemon after all.

Following the rider duo up to the other level Kaz was still amazed at how well this old place was holding up even with their little scrap down below just now. The more he looked around the more the desire to just rebuild this place was growing in his head but...something told him that setting up somewhere new was the right call. He had to find a place to call his after all. It would be his teachings that he would pass along if he opened up his own dojo like this...or well to be truthful it would probably be the teachings that his Urshifu knew alone.

Thoughts of a possible future were interrupted by a question about a scroll before them that Shalin herself couldn't seem to decipher so she asked Kazimir if he could. "Uh. Sure let's see..." Making his way over he looked the scroll up and down and squinted at the writing. She was right that it wasn't Common or Johtonian but...Galarian? Old Galarian if he had to guess as some words seemed to look familiar to him but others were a little tough to make out. "Even....through dark, water....shines, climb higher...above. Damn it the rest has letters faded all over the place so its tough to make out. But it seems to be Galarian for the most part. I think its some kind of mantra if I had to guess, maybe about climbing to new heights and using water and darkness to do it. Guess its referring to Urshifu if we're making more educated guesses and while its kinda not museum level of good its still a good find."

Looking around the cabinet he noticed what looked like some kind of indication of a drawer and opened it up to reveal... "whoa didn't think they had things like these." he exclaimed while holding up a pair of nunchucks and nearly jumping to his feet as he started to give one a swing around. "Now these are pretty cool aren't the-gak!" While he was talking he was also swinging them absent mindlessly until it got to close to his face and struck him on the cheek sending him crashing against a wall.


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Kazimir Wynter
fuggership [c]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2022 20:12:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A large shadow passes over the hanger as the sound of large thrusters enter the scene as the shadow passes over the hanger again and starts to shrink as a towering large pole descends into the water next to the sea plane as it makes its way into the once calm waters. "hey fugger!"

From above one would see the Celesteela slowly come into clearer view as a man jumps from within its collar and onto the pier next to the hanger waving down Angelo and giving the man a salute. "hey fugger! looks like I came right on time. ready to have your entire body and spirit broken to dust?" With that declaration he slammed his fist into his hand before letting it relax and letting out a chuckle. "Haha, but for real you ready for today man? Cause trust me when I say I'm not gonna go easy on ya. Or at least our helpers for today won't go easy on you." With that he reached down to his belt and took a few balls to hold up to emphasize his point before releasing two of them to show off his Incineroar and Urshifu who stood tall behind him.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2022 16:57:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

What was it about him and being fashionably late in an unintentional sense as of late? Maybe its because he was worrying if what he brought was probably a little bit much for a meeting like this. He's never been to many pot lucks so he wasn't sure what was the right thing to bring so obviously slabs of grilled meat and ham was something that was ok....right? "Heeeeeey! Sorry i'm late. Kinda had to make sure we cooked this to perfection."

He came in knocking on the door to let people know that he was here as he was followed by an incineroar carrying a large tray full of cooked meats and the like and made a beeline for the table where the other food was set up and left their tray before snatching a bread roll and returning back to kazimir's side nibbling on it as the man took a look around the room.

He knew that the Rangers had a decent amount of people here already but he was still a bit surprised by the turn out. Guess all the mess back in the meeting for a.q.u.a set up some expectations for him that were broken. That was good. The last thing this little piece of Hoenn was internal problems like he had witness.

Still no sign of however which while was something kazimir figured might happen it was still a little sad to see. Hopefully he was just running late like he was. But now was not the time for sulking, now was the time for partying! probably at least. "Sorry for all the extra food I might have gotten carried away with it but hey its never a bad thing to have too much good food right?" Plus first impressions were always important.


meat party! meat party! meat party!

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 20:31:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As news about the avatars that were no longer with them a pit grew inside of Kazimir's stomach as he went over the info. Learning that was gone was the first punch to the gut. The two of them had feelings for one another but they were never really acted upon yet he'd always be happy to see her whenever they ran into each other. She was also the first person to learn of his alter ego and be his supporter.

was a man that he looked up to a lot even if from the outside the two of them seemed to be at odds with one another. In truth they were probably kindred spirits more than anything and the fact that he was no where to be found or that his mission to find Solgaleo was a lost cause was another punch that twisted his insides.

While it was the least sad it was still heart breaking to know that was no longer around the region and yet the pain was soften by the simple fact that at the very least Kazimir would know that he was safe from the hell that Hoenn found itself in right now.

It still didn't stop the tears from pooling in his eyes.

As mention about what to do with and the fact that she had Kyogre on her side was discussed Kaz was a bit preoccupied with wiping his face clean until put forth an idea that Kazimir couldn't help but agree with and seemed to fall in line with what Dahlia proposed if only tangentially. "A liaison ain't the worst idea but it is probably something that Skyler would see coming a mile away. So we'd need someone who could prioritize duty over friendship."

As his arm was brought down from his face revealing slightly red eyes he looked through his memories and information about what else they could do about the fact that a powerful sea beast was running around under the control of a wild woman even he considered a friend. "In the case that things ever go south and we end up having to point our guns at Sky and even Kyogre is there anything we can do to try and restrain them or at least one of them? Back in the Sootopolis I remember reports about a strange black creature being restrained by this red chain brought in by...some Pokemon if I remember right. Sorry I didn't read the fine print all that well."

As his hand is brought up to his head to scratch at it to get the nerves tingling he continued, "It might be a bit of a hassle to round up Pokemon that we can use something like that on avatars and their pokemon so...maybe there's some way we can lock them down at least. Rocket knows how to steal an avatar's power so...maybe and this is just crazy talk at this point...maybe there's a way to steal an avatar's pokemon at least? like lock it away in a pokeball? I know I know it sounds out there and I'm barely the one you'd talk to about Pokeball mechanics but hey, we all gotta brainstorm something right?"


-Kaz suggests...snagging? :monkashellder:

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Kazimir Wynter
knights of the round [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2022 19:44:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the team manage to fall through and once they hit solid ground again the party seems to be free from major harm for the most part outside of bruised and sore bones even if the VIP Joltik used Kaz as a softer landing spot. However not all of them seemed to be so lucky as a faint squawk caught the attention of the Chestnaught who rolled over and found their birdly knight under him with his feathers ruffled and sword and shield bent out of place. Still he managed to stand up but using his already busted shield as a crutch was evident enough that their firepower was going to be limited now.

It really didn't help that their only options were to either go forward into the unknown or climb back up and hoped the foes above them had passed on. Something in Kaz's mind told him that the tunnel might be the safer bet despite all common sense probably telling him otherwise. "Chestnaught, try to carry him. I'll hold onto Itty Bitty. He's gonna need whatever last drop he's got for the last leg of this. So your pulling double duty for us bud." Kaz explained in his own way as he patted the large grass knight who scooped up his ally into his arms as the party moved deeper into the tunnel and hoped for the best.



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news buzz [c]
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2022 19:31:19 GMT
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sounds alright with me. can't wait to get started


consider these bees kept!













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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
news buzz [c]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 16:38:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar













would you believe me if i said was more sane compared to the rest of them


but yes I understand ya. trust me i'll make sure nothing happens to the others ya wanna bring along.


and trust me i'm as sane as i can be. hunting down pokemon isn't anything new to me so i have some experience in it.













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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 20:47:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar













ah shit where are my manners.


kazimir's the name. former elite four member. current aqua member. kaz for short.


long story short managed to skim a few things about primal energy being a concern so yeah. aware of how deadly it can be


hope the resume is something that inspires confidence.


just point where to go and i'll have them rounded up faster than a mareep shakes its tail.













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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
news buzz [c]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 20:15:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar













primal energy?


ok now that is some serious business.


how the heck did they get infected with that???


anyway count me in. you just need the lot of these captured amirite???













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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
news buzz [c]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 19:51:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar













saw your flyer around town


what makes these buzzing queens more dangerous than usual? cause i could probably help with that.


dealing with the strange and unnatural is something i'm experienced in













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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2022 20:17:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Sounds no different than what raising a Pokemon on this side is like. Ours hatch from eggs too and everything, guess they're a bit more alike than we realize." He recalled to the room full of eggs that he could only guess were the Poipoles that swarmed them and invaded Hoenn along with the rest of the army when they reached mature age. Even if they were cute they did hide a danger underneath them. Even so Kaz's full attention was brought to Xanthos when he mentioned...something peculiar.

"Alpha? What do you mean by ALPHA predators? Do they just get bigger when they eat a lot or something." It was the first time he heard the Megalopolan refer to something so...scientific in a sense."

[/div][/div][newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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