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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2022 4:57:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Honestly that could have gone a million different ways. Firing one of the Head Rangers was something that didn't even cross Kazimir's mind so when the words were spoken he was as dumbstruck as a few of the rest of the members around the table. "H-hey that's a joke ri-" 's departure was the nail that drove home that this wasn't some kind of joke. Hell could one even call it a joke? Overreaction was more like it.

Were meetings like this usually this high-strung?

People said their pieces and some of them articulated it way better than what Kazimir could have said, he was of the side that doing something like this now of all times was probably not what needed to be a priority. Still it happened and now it was probably a good time to try and throw out a net to make sure that the pieces don't fall everywhere.

"Uh, so...I know we just said that the Elite Four was spread thin and all but..." There was a lump in his chest as he tried to bring himself to say it. It was the first thing that came to mind but it was something that was building up in his heart for a while now. To help people on a more personal and larger scale than just being their teacher and testing their abilities. He was Pokkenger after all, how could he just sit back and watch a group like the Rangers suffer like this?

"Is it...alright if I take a leave of Elite help the Rangers out?" The man let out a small cough as he leaned forward, the Shaymin in his lap curling up even tighter into a round ball on his lap as it felt the unease in his body rise up, "It sounds like someone needs to help get their morale up and doing that directly is kind of my style and I'd rather focus my attention on it. Sure ya said that they have some captains that know their stuff Dahl-face but I can still count the ones ya listed on one hand. Still a small bit of people but if we can light a fire under they're butts then they could really blow our minds."

That's when he turns to with a clenched fist and the embers of a burning fire in his eyes, "So how about it Boss, think you got room to let me in and help out?"


-Kaz leaves the elite four?!?!?
-And joins the Rangers?!?!?

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 20:07:53 GMT
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As the meeting went on the thing that caught Kazimir's attention was what the Head Rangers were talking about, mostly bringing up concerns with their resources and how to handle the details of the operation. Then brings up wanting to bring Tapu Bulu with them for extra muscle and that seems to be the point where the thin line they were walking on was cut by herself as she goes off like a queen on the two of them. Its enough to stir up the pity in Kaz's stomach as he raises his hand once again.

"Hey, if the Rangers need a bit of help I can probably offer my help. Well I know that's a given when we start putting things into action but it sounds like the confidence in this room is dropping by the second. I have a few Pokemon that could can work as hard as five or even more if push comes to shove so if you think your guys Rangers aren't up to the task then i'll help bring up the slack. If volunteering for that ain't too much of a problem Dahl-face."

His raised hand shifts into a finger gun as he aims it at and fires it off before aiming it back between and . "And not to sound like another critic but...seriously guys. You lead these Rangers and they do good work. Maybe put a little faith and hope for a bit of luck that things will turn out ok. We've all been through hell here and there so we should be a little bit sturdier than to let something like wild pokemon scare us into trying to save our home. Right?"


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Kazimir Wynter
what is known can be unown [dw]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 20:07:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class","pokkenger"] The name sounded familiar but Kaz was having a hard time to remember what he was talking about until he focused on the unown part of it and it seemed to click in his head. "Oh that. I think I remember that...barely. Mostly cause someone mentioned I should toss the one i had at it." They were curious creatures but not something that caught his interest much like the wandering pokemon that they ignored as they walked about.

"So your hunting them down huh? Whats so special about this report, last I checked it was just a bunch of random words generator or something right? And uh...did you want some help with it?" They weren't something he'd really keep around but having the strange alphabet creatures would probably be a novel thing to have in his collection.


[skipping spawn]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 19:27:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Shalin!" Kaz cries out as the Pangoro zero ins on his muscle and manages to take out her Pyroar with a single hit. Both Kaz and his Urshifu were ready to jump the Pangoro together when a small little dragon suddenly emerged from Shalin's pockets that Kaz recognized as a Hakom-o that suddenly charged at the larger Pokemon. There was an expectation in how this was going to go down and yet the little dragon's body suddenly going through a change changed that expectation as it beat back the Pangoro who quickly turned and ran out of the building. Wanting to leave a reminder to never come back here ever again Domon chased after the Pangoro before it even reached the door and gave it a Wicked Blow that sent it flying out the door.

Once that was taking care of Kazimir rushed over to Shalin's side and stopped himself as he kept his gaze on the Kommo-o and let out an impressed whistle. "Man, that's a fine looking little dragon there, he really saved our bacon there. Y'know he'd probably be taken in as a student if this dojo was still being used." Kaz joked as his Urshifu came up to the fighting dragon and gave a respectful bow to the lizard and a nod of approval, "Now then maybe we can continue to look around for something of use, unless any other Pokemon decided to squat around here."


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:37:15 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Arriving fashionably late to things was the cool thing to do right? Because Kazimir was really late to the party or in this particular point in time he was actually right on time. While he only caught a bit of Dhalia's speech thanks to someone streaming it he had to agree that taking a bit of time to unwind and relax in these trying times was probably the best thing they could do. Of course since she was talking about peace in Hoenn that only meant that the cosmic forces would try and screw it up for them. If that was the case then all he had to do was rush in there and try to make sure that no one gets hurt. So into the warped space and time he went as he stepped over the threshold to the entrance of the party.


gaining x1 red shard!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
what is known can be unown [dw]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 4:18:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Uh. Kazimir. From the Elite Four yeah." Kaz just stood there replying to the man's question with words and a wave as his Urshifu brought up the rear and tilted its head in puzzlement at his trainer for suddenly stopping. The duo had come for a bit of a hike through the pass and Kaz was a little shocked to find that someone seemed to have the same idea as he did. Small world.

"Well, former Elite Four anyway. Kinda...had to step down." Correcting himself stung just a little bit, "What brings you out here mr..." It was Kaz's turn to try and place a name to the face as he was somewhat sure he's seem this guy around...somewhere maybe? Passing down a hallway perhaps?


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 4:01:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The flames were hot enough that Kaz could even fell them from where he was standing and he even had to bring his arms up to try and shield himself from it. As it died down he could see that while the two Pokemon were still standing his Incineroar wasn't looking too hot. His fur looked singed and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth as his chest rose and fell with high peaks as it looked like he was ready to topple over at the slightest breeze. Even so he still held a glare on the Blazekin as he lifted his fist up and let it spark to life with lightning as he reared it back to aim the thunder punch at the Blazekin once more to deal even the tiniest bit of damage to it.


37/151 points


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
darkside of the ocean [c]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 3:45:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was a bit of a rarity for him to be reached out by people looking for his assistance. In most cases the trainer was one that managed to find those that required his help or at the very least he pushed himself into their affairs in order to offer whatever help he could offer. So he was at a bit of a loss of what to expect or at least that seemed to be the cast at first. it wasn't until they mentioned meteor falls that he felt some of the unease melt away. If it was to be a guide around there then he could do that much at least as the whole area was once his backyard.

As he waited at the entrance he played with his phone waiting for his contact to finally arrive. His mind started to disconnect from the phone as he thought about the person who had asked him this favor. The name was familiar and the more he pieced it together the more he had to wonder about him. Didn't he....didn't they have a battle at some point? Yeah he was sure of it. Was that why he was called on for this? For his skills and his mental map of the area? "Well guess i'm flattered then." He mumbled to himself as he went back to his phone.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 3:22:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The dual chop was blocked and the Blazekin managed to strike Tigger in the face with his kicks and nearly sent the cat to the ground. Of course he wasn't about to give up just yet and quickly rolled to the side as soon as he hit the ground and scrambled onto four legs before rushing forward again. "let's turn up the heat!" As the cat charged his body started to become engulfed in fire as he circled around the Blazekin before pouncing onto his opponent with a flare blitz ready to char him.


89/151 points


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 2:36:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The damage was done and tigger seemed to be taking a whole lot of it as the attack managed to strike true. Still the Incineroar's own defense was still standing strong but the body was something that needed to be treated with care and the large cat's was about to suffer from wear and tear. If things didn't end soon then it would spell trouble for him, and yet his pride still insisted that he try to claim victory before that even happened. "we aren't out of the game just yet, let's give them every last drop of what we got tiggs!" The cat only roared in response as it charged forward with arms crossed and ready to dive at the chicken with a dual chop.


121/151 points


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 10:00:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

So it seemed that they were really set on testing their metal now were they? The Blazekin seemed to have a fire in its eyes that spelled trouble if they didn't do something. Of course in a case like this there was only one option that could keep them safe. "C'mon tiggs let's show them what real muscle power can do!" Taking in another deep breath the Incineroar decided to bulk up his muscles and try to take the assault head on like a real champion of the ring!


151/151 points

Effect! [The user cannot knock out or be knocked out during this knock out round, unable to fall below 1 torpor. These are considered guarding moves.]


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 12:15:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"let's show them that we're not all about offense Tiggs, show them that they won't even be able to knock us all down! let's bulk up our defenses!" shouted kazimir who earned a roar of acknowledgement from his large cat partner. The Incineroar took in a deep breath before puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles to their fullest bulk as his whole body bulked up with muscle to build its own defense like a brick wall. A wall that was ready to take on the Blazekin's strike and test to see if leg day was worth it.


151/151 points


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 17:30:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the Mega-Appltun shrunk down from its mega form back to its regular appltun size it let out happy cry as it hugged the other two pokemon that shared its family line which gave kaz an idea on how to answer Xanthos' question about them. It did also spark the question if Ultra Beasts didn't really share something similar between them.

"Well...I guess you can say its because that they are part of the same family. We have a few pokemon that can start off as one kind of pokemon and then they just evolve into different kinds based on what happens to them. Like ya saw an applin can turn into two different kinds of pokemon if ya give them different sort of items. I've heard some can even change depending on the time of day when they reach that level of maturity." Probably not the most in depth explanation of things but he did have to wonder how to describe such a new phenomenon to someone who has never seen it before which brought his focus to Mega-Evolution.

"As for mega-evolving...well its all about bonds." Taking off his glove and lowering himself to the appltun and picking off a necklace with a stone off of it and showing it and the stone on his glove off to Xanthos. "A Keystone and Mega-stone are the main things needed for it to happen, well actually the main thing is a strong bond with the pokemon. They gotta trust you enough to make sure that it gives them the power to really bring out all of their strength when they Mega-Evolve. I take it not many from your world have that kind of trust with those Ultra Beasts do you?"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 10:17:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A punch for a punch, seeing that their attack managed to knock them back a little bit. That's when they decided to counterattack with the fury of a fire type, a real match up that the Incineroar couldn't help but smirk at. "Alright let's give them what they want then Tigger! Let them have it!" The large cat rushed forward with his own fist drawn back as lightning sparked around it as he threw the thunder punch forward to clash fists with this large chicken.


151/151 points


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 10:08:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"I get where your coming from Mels but..." He was trying to not really meet eyes with as he brought a hand up to his neck and rubbed it. A memory of his doppleganger from back then flashed before his eyes and he wished it would just stop when he thought about it. "Let's not forget to them we did kind of kill their leader. Even if they did attack us first I doubt they'd be quick to forgive us even if we did try to say we're sorry. Just a hunch."

If there was a way to cooperate with them he would have been all for it but after seeing himself die during that whole ordeal he wasn't too keen on working with doppelgangers. So for now he would just look at a map on his phone and try to think what would be the best places for these primal stones should go. "as for the stones...maybe we should try to avoid populated areas."

* Meteor Falls
* Petalburg Woods
* Granite Cave
* Desert


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing