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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 9:29:38 GMT
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"Alright yeah. I could have thought about that a bit more." Reaching back to scratch the imaginary itch on the back of his neck the blonde tried to not really make any eye contact with anyone else around the room. His Shaymin only looks back at him and hops into his lap to dig into it to make a little nest as his hand is drawn to it and starts to stroke its green mantle. For a moment he wants to disappear into the waterfall close to him until @dhalia mentions it.


"Wait. Did something happen to it?" Memories of the large serpent attack a lighthouse flood his mind as he tries to recall any news about what happened to it after it nearly tore up that whole place. After that it had pretty much left Kazimir's mind. Honestly he was a bit surprised at himself for even being a smidge worried about such a creature as he didn't exactly have the best relationship with it. The fact that something could even damage such a beast was...was...was something that sparked an idea in Kaz's head and caused him to raise his hand again.

"Ah sorry just uh, kinda had a sudden thought. I know we're kinda split on sending it somewhere else and all but...what if we did something a little more direct? Is there anyway we could use something to smash up that giant hunk of rock before it even hits us? Like maybe a pokemon that has enough muscle to break it apart so it doesn't turn us into a crater or worse." Looking around he slowly put his hand back down onto his Shaymin to pet it to keep his nerves and focus steeled, "Just as a sort of plan b at least."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:53:30 GMT
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As the Shaymin walked back from to Kazimir the vigilante couldn't help but listen to the gym leader idol suddenly tell her tale. As it went on Kaz's mouth slowly dropped till it was pretty much open in a lax way. Still he didn't say a word as all he could give her was his sympathies in spirit and only hoped that things were turning over like she mentioned with all the help that she was getting.

However it was talk about the meteor and Rocket that managed to grab his full attention and as soon as it shifted more into dealing with Rocket the vigilante raised up his hand like he was in a classroom wanting to interject with an answer to an unasked question. "Kim's right, while we try to keep the peace of everything the best we can there's no denying that we've been kinda a bit too focused on playing defense meanwhile Rocket is slowly getting stronger and stronger, heck I managed to run into some masked freak with strange Pokemon a while back and they seemed to have stolen 's avatar powers."

With that he straighten up in his seat and even leaned forward while using an arm on the table to prop himself up, "We might not have the luxury of trying to build up our same power as they do right now but that doesn't mean we can't strike at them while they do the same to us. I've been fighting them for a while now so I'm thinking we should at least have some kind of task force to send off and deal a few blows to Rocket. I know we got the meteor to deal with so maybe it should be a very small force and at best they can wipe out Rocket's important operations or at the very worst they can sabotage them to slow them down while the rest of us focus on breaking this freaking dome and doing something about the meteor....oh."

He had almost forgot he was mulling over this as well.

"As for the meteor this might be a shot in the dark but...sending it somewhere else sounds like a decent idea but even i'm against sending it over to that other hoenn so...maybe we can send it somewhere else like....ultra space? i know we...we have beef with them but maybe there's something else about ultra space we can use, like some kind of uninhabited space that's full of nothing but dangerous ultra beasts or something. just some food for thought."


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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:04:36 GMT
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"well know ain't she a beauty." Kaz cooed as he approached the Pyroar and gave it a little scratch under its muzzle as he admired it. They weren't his favorite pokemon but something about these cats always did catch his attention and sort of reminded him of a certain giant councilman he kind of knew. "Let's just hope she can temper those flames of hers, heard a pyroar can really bring the heat down. and kaz is just fine." he laughed at his own joke as they made their way around the ruins of the dojo.

As Kaz entered his footsteps carried the sound of not only his feet but also the sound of creaking wood as his weight was enough to make each step he took feel like he was sinking into the ground centimeter by centimeter. Perhaps it was his weight or just the fact that the floor was worn and old, either way it did give a sense of foreboding that he decided to alleviate a little with some light conversation. "To answer your question about Domon, yeah he's a fighting type, part dark too. He's an Urshifu which is kind of rare around these part-"

His sentence was cut off short as his Urhsifu suddenly froze in its tracks as it Detected something under them and shoved Kazimir off his feet as a large PANGORO suddenly burst from under the floorboards with a mighty roar and tower over the group as this one seemed to be larger than the average bear. "What the?! Oh come on now we got squatters in here-crap!" Kaz once again ducked under the arm of the Pangoro as it suddenly charged past him and kept its eyes trained on for some odd reason.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 4:29:44 GMT
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"don't think cheap tricks are gonna help ya out here! We aren't top competitors for nothing!" Their low strike didn't quite hit the mark as the Incineroar's strength made up for the fact that they probably had a bit more agility to them. Still they couldn't just be too confident, there was always the chance for a slip up but by Arceus was Kaz going to make sure he didn't let his Incineroar get taken down but just some random luck. "let's get to it then Tiggs! Hit them with that good ol' firery temper of yours!" On command the Incineroar charged ahead as flames wrapped around his body as his flare blitz took form and aimed to crash into the Blazekin with all of the cat's weight behind it.


151/151 points


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 6:44:01 GMT
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Another day another day of putting some opponents down. now that they were on the homestretch it was time for kazimir and his incineroar to try and show that they were indeed the top competitors. As such there were hardly any times for introductions as the blonde trainer shot a first forward right at their opponents. "hit them fast and hard!" yelled out the foe on the other side as the large tiger cat rushed forward with his body twisting into a darkest lariat and try to crash into their foe with all of his strength.


151/151 points


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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 19:23:04 GMT
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He watched as she called out a Beedrill of all pokemon and let it carry her up to the top of the cliff and as they came over the edge Kazimir could only let out a whistle in being impressed. While Pokemon were helpful in cases like this he himself usually tried to go at it with his own two hands, of course there were still times when it was better to rely on a trusty partner than himself he would be lying if the feeling of doing it himself wasn't a great one. Still it was the fact it was a Beedrill of all creatures was a pretty novel sight. Bug Pokemon don't usually come with the reputation of being used like that...unless you were some bug fanatic like was.

"She's a pretty fine Beedrill then that deserves the title of Queen if she ain't afraid of dropping you. Name's Kazimir, the...bravest pokemon trainer this side of Hoenn." He introduced himself as he mimicked her intro with as much confidence as she had while his Urshifu walked up to the woman and Beedrill and bowed to them both, "This here is my buddy Domon and he's kind of the reason why I asked for a pair of extra hands with this sort of."

As the two of them turned towards the remains of the dojo he once fought with his life on the line at some point and the blond walked up to the small memorial plaque that was all that wasn't in ruins. Looking down he once again saw the words inscribed on it;




They were words that he didn't quite understand at first but after events that had come to pass thinking back on them they sort of inspired him a little bit more. At the very least he took it as as long as he followed the path then there was no height he couldn't reach. "There used to be a great master that lived here and he passed his teachings onto Domon there, and ever since we've been trying to hone those teachings the best that we can. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic about it so I just wanted to come here and see if there's something more we can learn from it and maybe even take a memento from it. It is kind of a mess though so clearing through is a bit of a handful, you think that'll be a problem for ya? We're just gonna be looking for anything and everything intact after all like maybe some journals or scrolls holding old martial arts secrets and all that."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 7:02:36 GMT
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"kazimir wynter. your friendly neighborhood pokkenger, nice to see a few new faces around here. the more the merrier." if he had a hat on he would tip it right about now so for now he would just punch his fist into an open palm, "Been taking a page outta Dougie's and Matt's books and been hitting the streets of Hoenn and keeping my ear to the ground. Any small lead I get that leads to something Rocket i've been following it up and managed to break up the odd deal here and there. Plus been helping getting back some stolen Pokemon as well. After all its not enough that we help prepare the people of the region get stronger themselves but what kind of people would we be if we just left the ones who can't defend themselves by their lonesome?"

With that he stood straight in his seat as he held up his fist and flexed his arm a little, "still i'm all for training up up and coming trainers and have been looking into opening up a dojo around hoenn. A proper Battle School or something to really put these trainers to the test their mettle, yeah i know we at the elite four are their ultimate tests but there's all kinds of secrets about battling and pokemon themselves that could always be learned. Speaking from personal experience anyway. Granted...i'll admit i've been coming up short finding some students to line up but hey, they don't call it a work in progress for nothing right?"

With that he did turn his head a little to hide the look of embarrassment on his face once he said his piece.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 6:25:45 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar




  • player/ooc name: kodiak
  • character tags:
  • 4 ic posts for canon characters:[break]
  • summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    • Due to the events of the DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY Kazimir has been exposed to the following phenomenon; the first being Shadow Pokemon and while they have existed for some time now Kazimir himself has been ignorant of what they are until seeing the effects Necrozma has on certain pokemon such as those who know Shadow Moves; the second is the sight of a Mysterious Luigia that has caught his attention and while he's unsure of where it went off to his curiosity has made him keep an eye out for it and other Pokemon like it; finally is the effect of Dynamaxing and the odd effect it had on his Ultra Beast as while he's aware they are strange creatures something like Dynamaxing having a prolonged effect it has on them.
    • As such this event has given him too goals; the first is the further study of Ultra Beasts to figure out if maybe they can be more than just a reminder of more harsh times as his trip to Ultra Space and other encounters with them and their powers might lead down a path that could help Hoenn as a whole. Perhaps a certain friend will help provide clues to helping him unravel the mysteries still left behind by the Megalopolans.

      [li]The second goal is to hunt down (shadow) strange pokemon who seem to have an aggressive streak. Obviously he himself doesn't know just what he's looking for but his own Shadow Pokemon will probably provide a trail he can follow, perhaps an old encounter with a new rocket member might be a good start to retrace his steps. Wherever this path leads him he does have one thing on his mind, there has to be a way to help these pokemon right?
    • Lastly for a while Kaz has wanted to help the trainers of Hoenn become stronger not for themselves but to also help during times of crisis like his colleagues as well. As such he decided to try and put the title of King of Fighters to some use and start a Dojo in secret to try and build up the region's strength. Despite his first attempt to try and recruit students under his wing did not quite pan out he is still on the lookout for promising trainers who he runs into out in the wild or those who reach his elite four chambers as potential candidates for his students. In the meantime he's currently looking for a location for a new dojo since the old one is like, not working right now.

  • any notes/comments: I know i've been slacking but due to RL issues i just haven't had the energy to really try and pursue a whole lot compared to the others. I really hope I can make up for it and can help provide a lot more excitement for everyone.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 1:44:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As a pair of hands come up followed by another set of paws both kazimir and his urshifu heave themselves back over the ridge of the cliff and roll over onto the ground until they are on their backs panting as their chests heave up and down. Perhaps they were starting to slack in their training, usually a climb like that wouldn't be so taxing on them but now... Now they felt ashamed mostly due to where they ended up as Kazimir looked over to see a familiar sight. A dojo left in ruins with a single memorial planted in the middle of it all, the place where his Urshifu became crowned as King of Fighters all those months ago. Their sense must see them as pathetic to be so tired after a light exercise like the climb up here.

Of course if it was taxing for them then it must have been even more so on their companion that they brought along to help them with this little excursion. Looking over the edge he waves down to them below with a neutral smile on his face as he calls down to them. "Hey! You alright down there?! Ya need us to send you down a rope or something?!"


[open mission]
[mission dossier]

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RaikouRider's Plotters
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 1:36:09 GMT
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Ever since Kaz befriended the renowned biome master who departed for new adventures he has been one to always explore around the region with a newfound love of it. Probably helped that he was already an outdoors person to begin with who made camping out in the wilderness a hobby of his. So i think he and would probably get along as thick as thieves in that regard. Heck Kaz could probably give her a run for her money as one of the more wild people around hoenn considering the crazy adventures he's been part of and the whole "vigilante" thing he did before becoming one of Hoenn's top elite trainers. Even so these two could have a running gag that they keep ending up in the same place as each other Sound Interesting to you?
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 13:03:01 GMT
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sometimes it was a blessing that kazimir was so far removed from the drama that happened in the inner circles of the people gathered in the room. sometimes anyway. if there was every a time for him to try and insert himself into some kind of drama it was to make sure that a dad and his kid weren't being crowded around by people and from the sound of and words; judged. still the most pressing matter was one of his fellow elite four members coming into their won chambers looking not great.

taking his feet off the table he moved from his seat and over to melody's side where he brushed past the large deer that followed her into the room and slide his shaymin into her lap as he joined and stood over both him and . " look like you need some warm moomoo milk." he said in an almost deadpan tone as his shaymin let out another round of aromatherapy to try and clear out her nasal passages if possible if she was going to catch a cold in here, "that or some kind of berry juice, that usually picks me up."


*kaz is glad he lives in his own world right now
*goes to be a good buddy to melody
*smell the gracidea to feel better
@aas 3

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 3:34:25 GMT
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"excuuuuuuuuuse me, coming through." as kazimir entered the room sporting his new pokkenger style jacket (on sale now) the sweet smell of flowers accompanied him into the room as he just got done with an aromatherapy session to help calm his nerves. it was amazing just how much the smell of gracidea flowers could calm a person down. it was needed as soon as he got the invite to attend one of these meetings, the last time he was part of an aqua initiative meeting things...didn't turn out so well.

granted none of them probably expected what happened in Sea Worldtm would ever happen.

at the very least maybe this meeting wouldn't be so hectic, although granted looking at the assembled parties already was already kind of looking like it was going to involve a lot of tension. at the very least the shaymind that he carried under his arm didn't seem to mind at all, in fact it was pretty ecstatic to be here. as he grabbed a chair next to and shooting the guy off a simple wave of the fingers he kicked his feet up onto the table as he placed the shaymin on his lap, stroking the flowers as their scent brushed off onto his fingers and into the surrounding air.

"guess we made it in time. and before all the fun began huh?" he spoke to no one in particular.


*comes in with the shaybinch
*takes a spot next to duggie
*is letting them good smell vibes roll
@aas 3

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Kazimir Wynter
knights of the round [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2022 17:15:29 GMT
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the groups efforts seemed to have caused a stalemate between them and their hidden attackers as the ambush seemed to come to a halt. even if both sides were injured kazimir wanted to be the optimist and feel like they managed to clear the first hurdle in this gym challenge. at least that was the hope until the ground started to shake beneath them. there was hardly any time to react until he saw the ground ahead of them start to fall and sink into itself that the sight of it was enough for him to scoop up his joltik and turn on a dime to run in the opposite direction with his pokemon in tow. "c'mon! we gotta get outta he-"

they weren't fast enough. first was the chestnaught to go down and soon the sir fetch'd followed soon leaving kazimir and his VIP the last ones to get sent down into the unknown as the ground opened up under their feet and swallowed them along with the team. what awaited them down under was anyone's guess, all they could do was hope that luck was on their side.



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Kazimir Wynter
tarnished pride
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2022 17:00:59 GMT
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the elite four members face seemed to twist into a thinking one as he recalled a few times where death was something he was sort of used too. thinking back on he was sort of familiar with it. and the fact that it didn't seem to phase him was either a sign of some kind of inner strength...or lack of empathy for his fellow man. maybe it just messed with his head and all the excitement that came afterward didn't make him realize. "uh...not really. i was part of that whole megalopolan war that tore hoenn apart for three days. but...if i'm being honest it was even before that. what about you though? guy that does some crazy stuff you did seemed to not be bothered by it too much."


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