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Kazimir Wynter
Formula for Success! [pj]
POSTED ON May 4, 2022 17:30:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"like just stick it under the microscope, yes just like that." said the researcher as the toxicrity stuck its poison jab covered hand right under the microscope that the labcoat nerd was using. when told that he was getting a "gig" by his trainer this wasn't exactly what he was expecting to be doing at said "gig". it was easy work but it wasn't really work that he wanted or even imagined himself doing, he was a rocker after all not some common guinea bidoof. at the very least they weren't asking him to vomit up some kind of gunk that his body made...well yet anyway. if any of them asked him to do that he would rupture their eardrums and just leave without a moments hesitation before going to his trainer and jabbing him full of poison...well he might just do that anyway.


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Kazimir Wynter
egg hunt [sz]
POSTED ON May 3, 2022 4:12:53 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"well now your a pretty little lady ain'tcha?" kaz muttered to himself as he kept himself low to the ground to spy on one nidoran who fell for the bait of pokefood laid out by him. he always wanted to catch one of the female ones to go along with his nidoking as they were always one of the few pokemon around that looked good when you had the whole set. one might not assume that kaz really cared about something like that like some kind of pokemon collector but he had his own appreciation of certain aesthetics mind you. well that and it was because he figured they would make one heck of a good tag team with one another that he could enter into wrestling competitions to go for that "married couple" gimmick if he could raise them right and have them fall in love with one another.

first things first though, he still needed the other half of said future tag team to add to his growing roster of pokemon wrestlers. "hold it right there! now don't move cause your getting drafted!" the blonde exclaimed as he popped out from the tall grass startling the nidoran long enough for him to pelt it with one of his safari balls and hope for the best.


catching nidoran-f
@safari zone

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Kazimir Wynter
red comets and white devils [m]
POSTED ON May 2, 2022 16:35:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

for a moment kaz wanted to believe that balder was just messing with him in another attempt to try and "help" him be a better man or hero. it wasn't until the strange alakazam pulled up some kind of "video" that showed kaz that the avatar of the sun was indeed chained up somewhere and even gave some kind of warning to the masked hero to run. the mind of the hero raced as he tried to piece together what was going on here and one question was really at the forefront of it all, "then if your not balder...who are you-"

his question was cut off by the masked man giving his name and as impressive as it was it definitely didn't spell good things. "so what rocket's just making avatars now?" the thought alone was scary enough and as kaz imagined what they could do with something like that his stomach started to twist. they were gaining a lot of power and the league was just holding its own well enough but at the rate thing seemed to be going they were going to get outclassed unless they found their own ace in the hole.

so they needed to get stronger, he needed to get stronger, or at the very least he had to make sure that rocket was too crippled to make use of the tools at their disposal. one was probably dealing with this odd dark sun knock-off who seemed to want to take even the name for himself. "sorry but that name's kind of taken already and we can't have someone stealing the spotlight now can we? GRACIOUS SPOTLIGHT!" pokkenger stepped back as the shaymin ran forward with the petals of its flower glowing as it unleashed a seed flare to blind not only this "dark sun eren" but to blind his pokemon as his urshifu came in with a wicked blow aimed for the strange alakazam.


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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON May 2, 2022 5:36:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X form change (50 PD) (basculin => white striped basculin)

1X level tutor (40 PD) (basculin learns wave crash


do come again!

90 PD
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 2, 2022 5:33:29 GMT
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inside the cave kaz had managed to find a puddle big enough for his basculin to find recuperation after a long swim to dewford town and ending with the town getting attacked by a time distortion that ravaged the cave they were in. it seemed like they were find for the most part inside if they stayed put but kaz's basculin wasn't too keen on sitting still like its new trainer was. it splashed around in its puddle as the colors of its skin began to change and the splashing caught kazimir's attention. "hey what's with ya? are ya feeling something from the-" before he could finish the fish suddenly jumped out of its puddle and crashed into kazimir taking all the water with it as the two of them tumbled down the hall of the cave.


basculin > white striped basculin!
basculing learns wave crash!
@space-time distortion

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
egg hunt [sz]
POSTED ON May 1, 2022 9:47:26 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he watched from the bushes as the little togepi did its best to try and take a sip of water from the small pond without falling into it. a part of kazimir wanted to run in and help the little pokemon but its determination was speaking to him on some level and it wasn't until it fell in that kazimir rushed in to pick it out of the water before it could swallow its weight in it. "whoa whoa whoa hold on there little guy i'm coming!"

once he helped the little egg pokemon it clung to him and wouldn't let go even as kazimir tried to pull him off while moving away from the pond's edge, on one hand kaz thought it was cute but on the other it was a little noticeable to feel a weight on him dragging him down. "hey hey...if your worried about falling into some about hiding out in here?" he asked the togepi who looked at him in confusion until he held up a pokeball and lightly tapped its side to suck up the togepi.


catching togepi
@safari zone

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Armor Kai [ev]
POSTED ON May 1, 2022 6:39:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ATTENTION ALL TRAINERS!





From the crowd of people emerged Kazimir being carried by a small army of incineroars carrying him like cavalry horses as the brought him to the urshifu who cracked open an eye to see their trainer approach them and set the flag it was holding down as it rose to its full height and stood straight. Kaz then jumped from his throne to join standing side by side with his urshifu as he looked among the crowd and could spot a few trainers eager to prove their stuff spotting @wicke and and waving to the latter as he puffed out his chest. "ALL RIGHT TRAINERS IT SEEMS LIKE WE MANAGED TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! SO LET'S SEE IF YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO CALL YOURSELVES REAL POKEMON TRAINERS!"
With that his Urshifu stepped forward and took a readying stance as its whole body twitched as it bulked up its own body to make sure that it was as limber and ready for whatever they threw at it. "SO I'M GONNA LAY IT DOWN REAL SIMPLE! MY BUDDY HERE IS WILLING TO TAKE ON ANYONE AND EVERYONE HERE AND ITS YOUR JOB TO BEAT HIM! SIMPLE YEAH?" that's when the blonde's smile melted into a sly grin as he licked his lips, "but don't think this is gonna be easy! cause it ain't just one of the elite four's pokemon your going up against, no your going up against the certified KING OF FIGHTERS! So if ya think you got what it takes to be crowned the next king of fighters then bring out your pokemon and see if ya can take us down!" [break][break]

With the challenge set forth the Urshifu held out a hand and gestured its opponents to come at it with everything they got.


[Next Round Will Start on 5/8!]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
red comets and white devils [m]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2022 12:44:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

hearing an (almost) unfamiliar voice and feeling a hand on his shoulder sent a shock down the hero's spine as he wasn't aware of anyone else that he had noticed when he found the trio of grunts. looking behind him and the hero froze as he was met with the familiar visage of another masked person that he was familiar with as he remembered how they had beaten him once before. as even the nanoseconds passed his pause became less due to the surprise of someone sneaking up on him and more to the fact that he was left stunned as he was looking at someone that he thought he wouldn't have seen again so soon and like this.

"bald-" his words were cut off by the two attacks that whizzed passed the two masked men and made their way to his pokemon. luckily his urshifu managed to detect the aggressive nature of the attacks and managed to dodge the psychic attack by sidestepping out of its way, yet it knew that the other attack was going to go after its new small companion so as it dodged out of the attack targeted at it it jumped in the way of the purple flames to spare the shaymin of the flaming assault as the flames burned away at its fur causing the fighting bear to fall to one knee as the shaymin rushed to its side to give it some aromatherapy to soothe its wounds as best as it could.

kazimir could only glance back as his pokemon were assaulted and he pulled away from the hand of Dark Sun and saw the two pokemon at his side and while he recognized what kind they were something was very clearly off about them. "hey! its kind of great, wonderful even, that your here but what's the big idea?! ya show up after getting caught and now ya want a challenge while i'm in the middle of busting up a team rocket operation?!"

on one hand he was secretly happy to see him again, so very happy that his pokkenger persona started to slip right off, but the sudden attack and challenge was just...very odd. it wasn't the first time he's done it before but the fact that he was doing it while he was trying to take down team rocket of all times? that didn't sound like balder, "as much as i'd like to have a rematch why don't you help me take in those grunts before they get too far?"


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
egg hunt [sz]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2022 14:12:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he watched as the cherubi's huddled together in the bush to mask themselves among it, looking like they were sweet berries ripe for the picking. it sort of made kazimir hungry and willing to knock down a tree or something to get a few berries even at the cost of probably getting food poisoning from it. that was something he would like to avoid so he figured he might as well leave them be before they stir up anymore fantasies that would make him do something a little bit crazy. waving to the fruity pokemon he went on his way to try and distract the growing hunger inside of him as he did his best to push out the thoughts of various foods that came to mind.


skipping cherubi
@safari zone

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
red comets and white devils [m]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2022 2:22:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

word spread around that there was plans of some kind of rocket operation happening around mt.pyre of all places and it soon reached the ears of a certain crime fighter who was looking to stretch his legs after a month of doing nothing but training to keep himself and his pokemon in top form. this would be the perfect chance to see their results, and so the green clad hero of hoenn kept hidden in the mist and among the tall grass as he watched a trio of rocket grunts go about searching for pokemon to add to rocket's army. for them kaz had the perfect little "gift" that should prove to be tantalizing as he gave the small hedgehog that hid with him a stroke on its back with a single gloved finger. "ready? alright...go!"

the shaymin rustled the bushes around them as it raced out of its hiding spot and into the center of the trio of grunts who took immediate notice of the strange and exotic pokemon as it shrunk back in "fear" at being "surrounded" by evil looking men. as one of them shouted for the others to catch it the shaymin's body began to glow as a seed flare blinded the grunts allowing pokkenger to jump from his hiding spot and aim a foot right into the back of one of team rocket's "finest" with a "POKE KICK!" and a "POKE PUNCH!" to the jaw of another as they realized too late that they were set up and now had to face one of hoenn's finest.

"C'mon fellas ya take to shiny new mon's way too easy!" he taunted as he reached into his belt and threw out a ball that released his ever faithful urshifu who took his stance alongside his trainer as the shaymin hid itself in between the two. "but don't worry, we'll make sure you'll be sent behind bars quick and fast if ya just surrender now? otherwise prepare to fight!"


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2022 13:20:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

pride began to well up inside of kazimir for him and his team for making it this far into their challenge. if he could he would treat them all to some of the delicious smelling tea he came across while climbing this tower. As he did though that pride was swiftly cancelled out by the feeling of surprise as the woman opened a window to reveal a strange new pokemon that Kaz had never seen before.


Whatever this being was it seemed to have taken an interest in all four of them and by the sounds of it they were offered a chance to have their pokemon be blessed by this pink deity. kaz pursed his lips as he rummaged around his belt for a pokemon that he figured might benefit from it when he stopped as he came across a ball belonging to a pokemon that he knew had lots of love to give around. "think i know the perfect gal for this." he grinned as he released the soft alcreamie from her ball who took one look at the pink god and shuddered at its imposing figure. however kazimir simply bent down and gave the creamy creature a soft and reassuring pat on the heat, "hey don't worry buttermilk, this thing wants to teach ya something special. it'd be rude to turn them down." the alcremie looked between the enamorus and its trainer and slowly approached the pink god with a bow and an anticipating look on her face that carried a small hint of determination for what may come.


+ kaz chooses alcremie

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2022 4:24:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Armor Kai [ev]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2022 17:45:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ATTENTION ALL TRAINERS!




Over the past few days fliers have been dropped off around near every city of the region inviting trainers of all skill level to come and fight the "King of Fighters" in an open challenge to test their skills against an opponent who stands at the top when it comes to battling. Few if not many might find it odd that there is a self pro-claimed "King of Fighters" but for those curious to see this for themselves the fliers all instruct that they visit Fallarbor Town to come and ease their suspicious.
Right on the outskirts of town sitting in the middle of one of the many craters littering the way sits a black and white pokemon, an Urshifu sitting cross legged on the floor with its eyes clothes and its chest slowly rising and falling with each breath as it looked like it was meditating. In its arm it held a large banner flag with the words "KING OF FIGHTERS" embolden on it gently swaying in the wind being held in place by resting in its massive arm.
It cracked one eye open to see if anyone had taken it up on its challenge and provide a worthy fight for it.


[Next Round Will Start on 4/28]


Mini-Boss time![break][break]
It seems like Kazimir's Urshifu has decided to take the fight to other people and is issuing a challenge to any and all that want to test their strength against a suped up Pokemon. For the purpose of this little event the Urshifu will be treated like a sort of "raid boss" so its abilities have been souped up. So how about it? Think you can take on the King of Fighters and prove you've got what it takes to be the best of the best?[break][break]
For the first round of posting feel free to write an introduction of sorts, a reaction to this challenge, maybe your character is considering what mon to use for it, just something to establish yourself and a prep stage of sorts.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
knights of the round [gym]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2022 6:23:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

a breeze of ice was blasting against the chestnaught and his vines causing them to freeze up and send a chill all the way down the bulky hedgehog's spine as it backed away from its wall. this caught the attention of the group and the rest of them tried their best to huddle in close to one another as the temperature around them started to drop. "uh...that doesn't seem good-" an arrow flew past him and was about to hit joltik when the sir fetch'd was already on top of the tiny bug with his shield up and a counter swing of his sword to try and intercept the arrow at the risk of it taking the hit for their vip. even if one of them falls they were still willing to continue the fight, and that was probably their greatest strength.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing