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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 15:35:39 GMT
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"Growth...the hell that mean?" Rex mumbled so that only One could hear, sliding off its back so his face was right next to the Pokemon's head. His eyes flicked around as he had a few seconds to even decipher what that word meant. It was only just then he looked up at the growing tree and was struck, whispering to One before he darted away, "Grow something, anything!" [break][break]

He only paused a few seconds, and thus the crowd just saw a introductory pause, and then his show continued. He spread his hands, and nodded at One, hoping his partner got the idea. [break][break]

One seemed to glare down at Rex, perhaps appearing like the beast was putting on an act of lack of control by its owner. The anger was real, however, it was not directed towards Rex. The cheering had been wonderful, but there was one thing wrong with it. One thing. That Gardevoir and had gotten the same amount of noise! They didn't deserve it! What had they done that Rex hadn't done more impressively!? They were powerful. They used two moves at once. Rex could ride on it with no difficulties. How were they not the exalted ones? To share the spotlight with such a little fairy, not even their leader, was unacceptable! [break][break]

Abruptly, the fossil fell to its knees and held itself up with its wings, as if submitting to the human before it. The predator and prey. One knew Rex was both. A gleam showed from One's maw, a growth happening around its fangs. Ice Fang. Supporting itself, One raised its head high, opening its mouth as far as it could go as countless ice shards grew from its maw, gleaming and sparkling. Catching on, Rex raising his own arms uproariously, as if he controlled the beast before him. [break][break]

The icy fangs grew upwards, spiraling as it strained the beast's jaws. It was a simple accident, but in the few seconds of its peak, the Ice Fang resembled some twisted tree. A single predatory eye attempted to single out the littke fairy that had gotten applause, wide and sneering, as if boasting about its own power. One was certain the two of them were more impressive that some little fairy. The strength of its neck, its jaws, and the size of the Ice Fang...they were an intimidating and striking sight. [break][break]

Alas, all came to an end. The Ice Fang started to melt, and One discarded it with a snap of its jaws, shattering the beautiful sight into a million pieces. Rex couldn't hold back, letting out a loud laugh as he beckoned One to its feet, "I'd say we're nearly as impressive as the tree!" [break][break]

Ldusgm62 (Appeal roll!)


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Improvisation!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 1:29:00 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Maybe I'll get so good at lying you can put me on a stage where I belong." Rex chuckled, very much not minding the idea of having a skill that could make others admire him. It was only natural, but still! [break][break]

Three was certainly that bad, Rex still remembered the little dino stomping on a paralyzing shock, but he supposed he couldn't convince Nova of it. It was a little too stupid to explain. [break][break]

Then, the outstretched hand. Freezing for a second, Rex scoffed and forced himself to move, to do anything. His "anything" turned out to be to grab the hand, just barely remembering that it was to hold the hand, not squeeze it. "Heh, not very often I get to do this much, you know?" He drawled, eyes briefly flicking down to the hands as if he wasn't certain what to do before abruptly trying to march off towards the Training facilities, a little too quickly and with a rush to his step. He certainly wasn't lying, he didn't get to hold hands often, clearly.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 17, 2020 21:36:36 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



That's it? [break][break]

Rex didn't even try and stop his own change. His face simply fell, a more real frown on his face moments before he put on the cocky grin again, "Yeah? And what about it? You can't look at me like that, almost made the two of us ugly looking with that expression!" Goodie two-shoes, and I thought she seemed nice. What the hell did she know? How did one need to grow up to that? Nice but not nice? He knew what made one mean, living it himself, but what went wrong here? [break][break]

His mood tried to drop back into the impotent fury she had seen him in, but lingered at her next words. "Really? Never had a chance-" Too much work. "But thanks! Real sight to see, aren't I? So is that what ya are? Theater lady? Ya look the part." And then she brought up a battle, and his mood actually rose, a laugh lingering in his chest. "Play? Three here doesn't exactly play, not sure there's much in his head, you know?" At the mention of a battle, Three stiffened and growled, staring ominously at Nova, "...but we'll do it, he's tough, ok? Don't think cause he's so small that we lose for no reason." Or run. Or be scared. In reality, he wouldn't see Two for a while. A fight was just what he needed, wasn't it?


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


template by kay

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 17, 2020 14:36:01 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



The other Rocket's compassion didn't go unnoticed, but it did come with some amount of bafflement on Rex's face, "Yeah, yeah! It wasn't good!" He spat, relief loosening his stance as he felt at least one person was agreeing with him. "Two's...uh, she's a-" Lacking most information about Pokemon, Rex faltered before a moment of brilliance struck him, "An Armaldo! That's it!" [break][break]

Money was her reason...well, it wasn't a bad one, not at all. "Eh, don't feel that way, it's not like ya had a choice, ya said it yourself." Its not like anybody not a Rocket would feel guilty for hurting a Rocket, so why care? "Me? Well, I guess it's easy." His bared teeth continued their imitation of a smile, "Here, I get to do what I want without feeling like I'll get the hell beaten out of me if I look at any of ya gotta work so much to be "good" anyplace else, don't you?" He spoke as a question, like he genuinely knew nothing about living "good", looking up at Nova as he pulled his face back into a smile.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


template by kay

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 4:03:02 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



A lumbering giant of a Pokemon entered the stage, a comparatively smaller figure upon its back. For a "beauty" contest, it seemed that the competitor had forgotten that this was supposed to be a contest that judged beauty. The fossil Pokemon stompted intimidatingly, and its teeth crackled in an illuminating Thunder Fang. Up on its back, a man was now visible in detail with the terrific light, grinning audaciously as he struggled to keep his hood up. The Aerodactyl's skin was smooth and polished, a sort of natural beauty only enhanced by the fierce curve of its horns, matching the more curved "horns" on the man's hood. Through all the chaos, all the lights, and the audience, Rex could only wonder how he got roped into something so stupid. [break][break]

Reward. Ah, yes, that was an amazing reason. You're a distraction. An even more amazing excuse! [break][break]

Either way, Rex was sure he'd kill it. He had no fancy suit, but the bright blue hood and white scarf that hung from his neck made for a colorful view to distract from the grey of his partner...and more importantly, looked nothing like himself in public. Little blue jewels hung from his ears, more of a good luck charm for confidence as he beamed at the audience, and One stompted once more. [break][break]

The Pokemon seemed a natural in showing off, Ancientpower swirling around it, the spinning rocks reflecting the yellow light of Thunder Fang in perhaps the only beautiful move Rex and One were capable of. A flap of its wings, and One finally rose slightly, and slammed down in a suddenly sparkling display as the Ancientpower shattered, the residue flickering about in a display much like sparkling dust. [break][break]

Rex waved atop his Pokemon's back, doing his best to not let his smiling face transform into a sneer, already forgetting whether he was using his real name for this or not. He didn't know what those bigwigs thought, but he thought it was pretty damn pretty from where he sat, One was practicing that all this morning! [break][break]

CjJGGu5a (Appeal roll!)


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex enters! Good luck, my competitors!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 14, 2020 2:17:46 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



As Rex found himself not under scrutiny, but someone softening, he only seemed more confused, breaking eye contact to scratch at the back of his head as he shuffled backwards. He didn't seperate completely, but ensured he wasn't so close, jaws clenched tightly, "Partner? Nah, they're mine, you know?" Confusion swam through his words, as if the concept of a Pokemon partner just didn't exist in his mind. A buddy? Maybe, but not partners. "She's hurt in...she called it a test but it was nothing but a damn joke on me. Just here to make sure they treat her right, better them than me." Really, he shouldn't even have expectations that he would see her awake, but stubbornly lingered around. It didn't feel good to just leave. [break][break]

Nova's reluctance to pet Three, while Rex raised no warning, was definitely a good idea. Three stiffened, ready to rebuff any touch, and relaxed as she shifted instead for a handshake for Rex, though the Cranidos glared at the human about to touch its leader. "Uh, ok." Rex spoke at the hand like he suspected some kind of trap, then resigningly took the hand, face shifting until a smile quite clearly appeared on his face. It seemed Rex had decided if the interaction wad to continue on, he wasn't allowed to look weak. "I'm gonna pretend I think that was a compliment." He chirped, then pointed towards himself, "I'm Rex! You seem is it, like, an act or did you pick this job cause ya had no choice?" Letting such a question pollute the air, Rex continued to smile.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 22:48:16 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex froze as a voice rang out, hand slapping at his forehead as Three also froze, tilting its head at the newcomer. "Would you look at that, we're making people mad...idiot." Rex grumbled, not even sure who he was talking to before turning to the woman...and let out a breath...Thank God, she didn't look like a leader or someone more important than him. [break][break]

Instantly, he went from a man looking ready to cringe to puffing up in indignation. "I'm waiting for one of those "patients" too!" He cried out, waving at one of the doors, "Soon as I get to see her, I'm getting out of here...not my fault Three decided to usurp me!" He nudged the little dino with a vaguely fond air, before returning to his shield of confidence. Three stumbled in front of Rex and, after a moment where it actually appeared to be thinking, snorted at the woman as if backing up Rex's words. He could be really happy about the support...but he was sure Three was dumb enough to support him through gibberish. [break][break]

"Who're you supposed to be anyway, a doc?" His emotions rounded back over to curiosity, tilting his head, never could tell whether someone was one of those smart people or not.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


template by kay

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
Frustration [O]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 16:31:28 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Two was going to be fine. Well, as fine as she could be. After many failed explanations, the comparison that finally got through to Rex was that the Lycanroc had essentially torn off a nail, a very big nail connected to her back. Very painful, but not exactly life-threatening. Two's armor would be back and the medical Rockets would keep an eye on her until she stabilized completely. [break][break]

So why was he so pissed off? [break][break]

Rex paced outside where Two's treatment was happening, unable to enter but too nervous to leave. An odd partner followed him dumbly, sharing his energy despairing knowing nothing, Three the Cranidos simply saw Rex was moving, and needed to follow him. "Buncha bullshit, I'm not a coward Three, you get me!? That bitch attacked us and hurt Two...what was I supposed to do?" Running the scenario through his mind, he knew what should have been done. He should have set out another Pokemon, rushed the woman, something...maybe? Was that what he should have done? Either way, not scared! [break][break]

Something bumped harshly on his heel, shaking his frame so he stumbled, and glared behind him, "What the hell was that for, Three!?" In all honesty, not even Three knew. The nervous energy in the air, the fact that Rex wouldn't look at it, and the word "scared" and "coward". It felt a need to test. To challenge. Perhaps it just wanted to fight to get Rex's mind off whatever made him so nervous, it worked for Three! Still, it was nervous when Rex rounded on it, bellowing, "Are you kidding me? No, I am not playing-" He side-stepped around a headbutt, and raised a heel to counter a strike, which rattled him to his bones, and he knew that was a light tap from Three. "Three, I am not looking to join Two, you little psycho!" [break][break]

Such a scene would be odd in the Training Room, much less the Medical Bay. In the corridors, anybody would see the immensely strange sight of Rex squaring up to a Cranidos, barking and yelling in a mix of rage and confusion.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
processed shop
POSTED ON May 12, 2020 1:17:35 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar
Can I harvest my Kebia berry and use it to turn Rex's Raichu's ability into Lightning Rod? Can I replace the berry with a Rowap berry?

Can I also buy a Type 2 evo to evolve Rex's Deino?

-125 pd
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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
synthetic [dw]
POSTED ON May 12, 2020 1:07:43 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex's face droops in disappointment as he realizes he just triggered a lecture of Castform, of all things! He only wished he was like Two, who listened for a few seconds before realizing she had no need for the information, turned, and waddled away in search. Eleven slept as usual. He could only resign to listening, unlike a Pokemon. Never thought he'd envy a moth. [break][break]

And he is saved by the metaphorical bell, pausing a moment before his gaze wandered to where Gavin was looking, and panic and glee flew across his face in quick succession as he desperately grasped at his own back, trying to shake Eleven awake. "Shit! Come on! Get up and do your thing!" Failure is all that awaits, because the moment the Venomoth shakes itself awake and takes off, the Pokemon is already captured. Frowning at the moth's grim look, angry at being woken, Rex returns it without even a word of apology, calling Two back to his side. [break][break]

At Gavin's question, Rex takes out his new catch, either a new Twelve or a good sell, and smiles greedily, "I did my job already, and got nothing else here, far as I know, this one here is the best thing round here, never seen it, that's nothing wrong, right? Going back now?" He suddenly falters, returning his Pokemon in a hurry as his eyes flicker around. The job was done, it wasn't like not wanting to do more reflected badly...did it?


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Skipping this round!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
39. beauty contest sign-ups
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 0:06:17 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar
character tag: [break] pokemon & moveset: One - Aerodactyl/Male/Rock Head - Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Sky Drop, Giga Impact, Ancient Power, Hyper Beam [break] notes: He could not more obviously be here for money.

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
synthetic [dw]
POSTED ON May 10, 2020 3:16:03 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Birds fly in the corner of Rex's eyes, flicking across the city's far lights. Really, he should let One fly there, it looked like nice flying...what was Gavin saying? Right. "Ugh. You'd think we'd make them look...I don't know, cooler? A metal duck toy and some kind of white cloud. Don't even look like Pokemon at that point." [break][break]

There were so many Pokemon around, though nothing Rex felt was a good catch. A vulture screamed away as a little furry thing raced away. No good. No good. Two barely even looked at them. [break][break]

A thought, perhaps even a smart one, occurred to Rex. "...they're Pokemon, right?" He gestured vaguely upwards, face a mask of confusion, "I-it's not like those Fire Stones, we have some, we have to! It's not like we're using them up, are we?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Skipping this round!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
synthetic [dw]
POSTED ON May 7, 2020 2:33:36 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Eh, if it works for you it works." Rex shrugged, honestly having no idea which of the potential three names Gavin just said referred to the littke T-rex. "They caught their names too, even you, huh Eleven?" At his words, he was pleased to see the sleepy moth flap its wings once, twice. It recognized the name, made him feel good about himself. [break][break]

Rex groaned in frustration as a sudden drizzle picked up, first he had to walk through a sandstorm, he was not doing this if they had to look for a Pokemon in the rain! [break][break]

He watched in curiosity as Gavin made short work of the Castform, unaware of the other Pokemon nearby as Two's presence chased the feline away. "That one any good? Kinda weird, is it like what we're looking for?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Skipping this round!


template by kay

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
part of
Rex Drago
Bust My Lip [c]
POSTED ON May 6, 2020 23:18:21 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex could hear the violence just outside his line of sight. Two buckled under another super-effective attack, letting out a sharp breath in pain before screeching as the crunching bite landed true. [break][break]

He wants to spit the venom that gathers in his chest, growing for every word she lays on him. Proving her point, he stays frozen, eyes flashing with a fury he won't actually use, not on something he's convinced could beat him. He doesn't decide to release another Pokemon, or try to either attack or assist. He's stuck, like a coward. [break][break]

He can only remember to even say anything once she's done talking, mouth parted as he tries to summon the audacity he thought he could rely on, and proceeds to crumble, fists pressed painfully onto his own forehead. "I-I...I'm gonna...I'll show you, damn test, not scared, you can't say that." His mumbles aren't convincing even to himself, God, he sounds like a kid! [break][break]

Two shifts, propping herself up painfully, calling his attention back into the present. Her back was ravaged and torn through the armor and, with one last look at Emma, he runs to her. Two is as stoic as ever, shaking her head and letting out breaths as she waits to be returned, she'd like to leave now. Rex hovered over her wounds, the metallic smell turning his stomach. With her armoring, he never actually got to see her injured in such a way, and hastily fishes for her Pokeball. "I'll get ya help." He whispers, for some reason shying away from the idea of anyone hearing such a thing. Perhaps it was the idea of actually wanting to help He didn't want anyone not knowing, or it was the fact he didn't know what the hell he was doing and needed someone to help? Both felt equally miserable as he seethed deeply. [break][break]

He didn't say another word as he released One and leapt upon the stalwart partner, who whisked him away from feeling like a least until the flight was over, and he found the words had set up shop in the recess of his mind. Terrified. Unimpressed.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex


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played by


July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
part of
Rex Drago
Rex's Exhibit
POSTED ON May 6, 2020 6:43:30 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Why're ya looking at me like that?" Rex's voice was slurred and his words dropped from his maw like slow sludge. It was only right, in that he was drinking the poison of alcohol. One chuffed worridly and took another pace around the room, neatly knocking over every chair and left out plate in its way. Rex was too out of it to do anything more than roll his eyes, laying on the floor as he was. All One could smell was that horrible smell lingering on his mouth, a poison, it had to be! If he died, then what? [break][break]

Some banging sound echoes from outside the doorway, some jerk that didn't like the sound of One moving, thundering in Rex's head in a painful headache that left him whimpering with his head buried in his knees. He drank to take away pain! Could everyone shut up just today? Bunch of jerks...


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Exhibit post!


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP