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Oscar Clayton Kills Himself [FW2]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2024 19:01:43 GMT
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The evil Oscar pushed himself off the ground, debris falling away from his chiseled form. He turned around, coming face to face with an approaching Lord Oscar. The villainous minion twitched as he glared at his assailant, his mouth struggling to maintain its twisted smile. "I have not been hit in a while. Kudos to your--"

The evil Oscar was slammed back into the ground, a pink aura holding him down like a massive boot. He struggled against the weight of the force, snarling like a feral animal trapped in a cage. Lord Oscar walked right up to the writhing creature, kneeling so that he could look into its bright red eyes. "I don't tend to use my gravity manipulation on others. It tends to feel unsportsmanlike. I'm afraid I must make an exception for you. We simply do not have time to entertain any more of your nonsense."

The ground beneath the evil Oscar began to crack as the pink force pushed him further downward. His muscles began to warp, as if they were being forcibly deflated by sheer pressure. The scoundrel began to scream, black blood spurting out of his squirming mouth. With what little strength he had left, the dark Avatar spat out venomous insults. "You wretched little cad! You will rue this day! When my master slaughters you all and revives me, we shall travel to your world and rip it apart!" The ground gave way as the gravity pushing the evil Oscar down intensified. Soon he would be pressed into a crevice created by his rapidly compressing body, barely able to finish his curse. "This is a hollow victory! Do you hear me worm!? This means nothing! Nothing!"

Lord Oscar cocked an eyebrow, "Hm, perhaps--but fuck is it satisfying." Suddenly the gravitational push would reach its maximum force, propelling the screeching Oscar clear through the platform. The pink energy would continue to push him downward, even as he began to free fall, gaining more and more momentum until the monster would end up colliding with the earth. It was a good thing that no one could witness the impact, as the results were absurdly messy.

Lord Oscar stood up, wiping his hands to symbolically dismiss what was a very obtrusive problem. "That takes care of that. Now if only I could do the same thing to the hand." He said to himself with a deep sigh. The paladin looked upward, watching with growing anxiety as Dialga and Palkia continued to clash with Eternatus. "I must have faith in my lord. If anyone can defeat this beast, it is him."

If only faith could actually provide additional power. In truth, Palkia was struggling against its massive opponent. Every attempt to use Spacial Rend to wound the titan was met with failure, as the immense creature would simply smash through it. Dialga was having no better luck, as every attempt to freeze the foe with its Roar of Time was expertly resisted. With their greatest powers proving ineffective, the divine duo decided to first wear down their foe with more precise attacks.

They danced through the sky, weaving between Eternatus's massive 'fingers' as it tried to rend them with Dragon Claw. When the opportunities presented themselves, the duo would strike at the beast's joints with smaller moves. Palkia would often swing its tail to slice against Eternatus's knuckles (Aqua Tail) and Dialga would slam its hefty body into anywhere it could guess to be a weak point in Eternatus's armor (Dragon Rush). They were making very slow progress that could be undone instantly should Eternatus strike them even once, yet the two gods continued to fight despite the mounting odds.

Yet as Eternatus's servant was dispatched, the eldritch dragon would fly into a ceaseless fury. It swiped at the two much quicker than before, causing an impact that sent the gods flying into the platform. Their heavy bodies nearly smashed through the floating rock, causing the Oscars and Genesect to lose their balance and fall. Old man Oscar managed to get to his feet first, and he would help up Oscar and Genesect Prime as Lord Oscar unsteadily ran to join them.

Palkia used its power over gravity to lift itself out of its impact crater, and it would be forced to do the same to Dialga as the time lord struggled to return to its feet. Eternatus lowered itself, each of its 'fingers' screaming as the palm charged up energy. Play time was over, it had to dispose of these pests quickly before this misadventure got out of hand.

Dialga and Palkia put themselves between the Oscars and Eternatus, bringing up Protective barriers in hopes that they could once again deflect the Dynamax Cannon. However this rendition of Eternatus's ultimate move seemed far stronger than the last, and with the gods now standing on the platform it would be unlikely that their human counterparts would survive the assault. Well, Lord Oscar would probably be fine but the other two were fucked.

Eternatus flexed its fingers, unleashing a blast of energy so powerful that it sucked in what little light remained in the sky. Or, that was what Oscar thought was happening. He stared at the blast as it was unleashed, fully expecting to be obliterated. What he did not notice was that a massive shadow was building in front of Palkia and Dialga, rising to meet the encroaching blast. As the attack made contact, the massive shadow seemed to consume the blast entirely. When Eternatus's energy died down, it would begin trembling with rage at this mysterious interference.

The shadow shrank to match the size of Dialga and Palkia, forming bright red eyes as it took on a solid form. The Oscars watched with astonishment as the shadow grew six massive legs and a pair of ragged bat wings, with golden spikes adorning its grey flesh. This legendary dragon may have had a different appearance than the last time Oscar had seen it, but there was no doubt in his mind about the identity of this newcomer. Giratina had joined the fray.
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Oscar Clayton Kills Himself [FW2]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2024 4:44:25 GMT
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Oscar was speechless, his mind unable to grasp on any thought beyond the horror that floated before him. The longer he stared at the macabre puppet, the more sickly Oscar felt. He had always feared death, but he would rather die a thousand times than end up--like this. What drove this Oscar to accept such a terrible fate? Whatever he got from serving Eternatus--it could not possibly be worth this.

Lord Oscar was equally aghast, covering his mouth as he came to the same realization as Oscar Prime. Future Oscar, however, seemed more annoyed than shocked. He would step forward to address the puppet, unphased by its grotesque appearance. "We've come to kill you and your master. Simple as that."

The puppet tilted his head, pursing his cracked lips before letting out a discordant chuckle. "Is that so? How quaint, and here I thought you all were offering us tribute. Egg on my face I suppose. Permit me a moment to convince you of your folly." High above them, Eternatus would begin flicking its massive 'fingers'. The Oscar puppet would fall to the ground, his legs twisting in unnatural ways as he took wide clumsy steps toward the party.

Future Oscar backed away slightly, "Don't come any further you vermin." The puppet had his arms raised to his hips, "Vermin!? How rude. And ironic, considering that it is you filthy scoundrels that are the vermin. Imbeciles, morons, and fools. The lot of you!" The puppet made several jerking motions with his arms, as Eternatus struggled to have him fold them over his chest. Eventually it managed the manuver, though like everything the puppet did the gesture was far from natural.

"It intrigues us though that you are all variants of Oscar Clayton. I wonder what has drawn you all to this moment. Perhaps the universe wishes for us to dispose of you." Lord Oscar finally piped up, stepping alongside his older counterpart. "You speak as if you are not one of us! Don't you dare talk down to your own variants, you are far from superior."

The puppet twisted his face into something resembling a pout, performing mocking noises of discontent. "Oh poor thing, so unaware of how low he is. I had the name Oscar Clayton, that much is true. However, I've grown beyond that identity! As a pokemon evolves, I too have reached a higher form that is too sublime to be burdened by something as base as a name."

Oscar finally had enough of this joker. His horror had shifted into annoyance, as the more this creature talked the more it managed to piss Oscar off. Oscar stepped forward to stand with his variants, "Bitch, you're a downgrade if anything. One, you're ugly. Two, you have no control over your body. Three, you're playing man-servant to a bitch like Eternatus! There's no way you possibly come out on top here."

The puppet frowned, the first expression of his that seemed natural. "How dare you trivialize my commitment to my master. My master has granted me nothing but boons, asking only for my unending admiration." The puppet began to shake violently, his words turning into frenzied screams. "My master has granted me eternal life, so that I may witness their glorious conquest of all realities! My master has granted me unlimited power, so that I may fight alongside them in their countless struggles! I am proud to bear the weight of the duties entrusted to me by the one true god!"

Oscar sneered, satisfied that he could get a reaction out of this glorified mook. Yet the puppet's fury was only temporary, as he would soon churn his mouth into another grin. "Look at me, trying to enlighten neanderthals about things they could not possibly comprehend." Eternatus's fingers went slack, and so did the puppet's body as it once again fell to the ground. A loud buzzing was ringing through the air; the Oscars could not see it from their position but the weapon had charged a tremendous amount of power. The puppet laughed, "My master's meal is becoming ripe! It is time to end this caper so that they may dine properly!"

Oscar's eyebrows furrowed, and as the dots were rapidly connecting in his head he would slowly lose his composure. "Of course--fuck we're so stupid. Eternatus wants to consume the Infinity Energy from the weapon!" Lord Oscar gasped at this revelation, angrily turning his attention to the older Oscar. "You senile bastard, we're playing right into its hands!" Future Oscar shot Lord Oscar a drowsy look from his peripherals. "I think you mean hand."

Oscar Prime faced his future self as well, "This ain't the time for jokes. Please tell me there's more to this plan than feeding fuckin' Eternatus." Future Oscar sighed loudly, "You kids have no faith in me. Eternatus can only eat the energy if it destroys the weapon before it can fire. There's no way it will get that close in time. Not with us on the case." Lord Oscar scoffed, "I have no trust in that thing's ability to slay a monster this big. Whoever made this damn weapon is a fool. This thing is a fucking Eternatus lure, I wouldn't be surprised if this was not the first tower its eaten. It's probably been gorging itself on Infinity Energy for years!"

Oscar had not considered that, and Lord Oscar's theory made a disturbing amount of sense. Who knows how many Oscars have managed to create this weapon, leading this Eternatus to their world to absorb the Infinity Energy that the weapon generates. Would the same happen if Oscar built his own tower? Would he just be inviting in the very threat he wanted to defend his world against?

Despite Lord Oscar's pointed anger, Future Oscar remained calm and kept his eyes gazing forward. "I won't deny it. My past self made this tower, and we failed to fire it in time. Eternatus consumed the gathered Infinity Energy, and I doomed my own world to a fate worse than death. That's why--I'm the one has to make things right!"

A dark cackle would capture the attention of the younger Oscars, their heads turning toward the fallen puppet. Oscar immediately noticed that something had changed: while they were arguing the 'strings' of the puppet had been pumping Dyenergy into its mummified body. I should say formerly mummified, as the evil Oscar now seemed much more--alive. He slowly rose to his feet, his body pulsing as Dynenergy began flowing through his glowing veins. The treatment did not stop when he reached a physical state similar to the other Oscars, energy would continue to flow and his body would continue to morph.

Lord Oscar let out a low growl, "Weren't you watching him this whole time old man? Why didn't you prevent this?" Old Oscar shook his head, "Tried that in my time. Didn't work. Those energy currents are unbreakable. We just have to let it happen and do our best to fight back." The trio would watch helplessly as the evil Oscar's muscles grew staggering sizes. By the time the energy stopped flowing, the evil Oscar looked like a body builder. I'm not talking a casual lifter either, he was a god damn mass monster.

The now incredibly buff evil Oscar cackled heartily, grabbing his coat and shirt and ripping them away from his body. His exposed torso was covered in twisting red veins that pulsed with even the slightest movements. The evil Oscar lifted his arms, flexing them as hard as he could as the 'strings' disappeared. "Behold, the true perfection behind Eternatus's power!" His voice boomed across the platform, a far cry from his previous weaselly tone. As the evil Oscar flexed, Lord Oscar would look to his variants with a perplexed expression. "So is it just me, or did he suddenly become incredibly lame."

Upon the last syllable of his sentence, Lord Oscar would disappear. Oscar and his older self would grunt with shock as their eyes caught up to what happened. In the blink of an eye, the evil Oscar had charged at Palkia's Avatar and sucker punched him so hard that he flew off the platform. The former puppet's fist was still in the air, dripping with what was likely Lord Oscar's blood. The evil Oscar slowly turned his gaze toward the remaining Oscars--who were suddenly very aware how fucked they were.

Eternatus let out a roar from high above the platform, its 'fingers' charging. Palkia and Dialga looked to each other, the two gods nodding as they realized that it was time for them to step in. The gods launched off of the platform, forming enormous barriers as the titanic hand let loose a gleaming blast of Dynenergy (Dynamax Cannon). If not for the Protection of the gods of time and space, Eternatus's blast would have incinerated the entire platform. Oscar could feel the radiant attack's power even as the gods' barriers reflected it away, shaking the entire platform and causing him to fall to his knees. The older Oscar lost his balance as well, which gave their evil counterpart a great opportunity to strike him.

Eternatus's servant was unburdened by the strength of his master's attack, and he would effortlessly step over to grab the older Oscar and lift him into the air by his collar. The older Oscar struggled within his evil self's grip, who seemed more than happy to cackle at the old man's expense. Future Oscar sneered, "Laugh now, but I already killed you once you piece of shi-" The older Oscar could not finish his boast, as his evil variant tossed him with incredible force clear off of the platform.

Oscar watched with quacking eyes as his future self disappeared, and his heart would suddenly quicken as he slowly turned to look his evil variant in the eyes. The evil Oscar was facing him, his face twisted into a mad grin. He took a single step toward Oscar, and the hardened trainer nearly pissed himself. However, the evil Oscar would not make it another step before being halted by Genesect Prime.

The loyal cyborg flew in from the left, its claws extended to strike at its master's enemy. Oscar smiled, feeling a brief glimmer of hope before his evil self grabbed Genesect by the head and chucked him off the platform as well. As Oscar watched his favorite companion be effortlessly dispatched, something within him snapped.

His eyes twitched, staring off toward where Genesect was thrown as his evil self slowly approached. Oscar slowly looked toward the hulking bastard that had just soloed his entire party. Perhaps he should have been scared, but in that moment all he felt was pure rage. Oscar clenched his fists, shaking as he addressed his approaching enemy. "Alright you fucking asshole. If you think you're gonna get away with that, you're fuckin' delusional! Come and get some!" Oscar let out an uncharacteristic roar, charging toward his more imposing adversary without any fear. When he came near enough, he would swing a punch fueled by all of the hatred within his heart. His hatred for Eternatus, his hatred for his evil variant, and his hatred toward himself for causing this shit show. Never before had he ever threw a punch with such concentrated ferocity. His Urshifu would have been proud.

The blow landed directly into his opponent's chest, and his pecs would ripple from the collision. Oscar heaved heavily as his fist dug into his evil variant, his entire arm screaming with pain as it absorbed the impact. And yet--his enemy would not move. In fact he seemed hardly bothered, simply chuckling as he looked down upon Oscar. "My my, what a display." Both of his hands came upon Oscar, grabbing his head in a grip so tight that Oscar thought it was about to burst like a watermelon. The evil Oscar lifted his helpless victim up into the air, staring upon him with a gaze of manic glee. "You know, I think I'm going to take my time with you. The others were tiresome but you--something about you boils my blood."

Oscar struggled through the pain that roared through his head, mustering enough energy to let out a hoarse snark. "It's because I'm--the prettiest--right?" The grip around his head tightened, causing him to yell out in anguish. His evil self chortled at his expense. "You're a silly little goober with a loud mouth. No, it's because you shouldn't be here! The other two had gods backing them up, but you came up here with nothing but a living tin can! You're so out of your depth, yet you paraded yourself around like you belonged. You're useless! Less than trash!"

Oscar once again mustered all of his remaining consciousness to speak. "You're--wrong--I'm good--for one thing." His evil self raised an eyebrow and loosened his grip. "Is that so? Well share with the class, I'm all ears!" Oscar heaved as he pushed out just a few more choice words. "I'm a pretty good distraction."

His evil self realized instantly what Oscar meant, but evil then it was already too late. He swung his head around to look for whatever was approaching him, only to be flung aside by a giant rock. Oscar was dropped entirely, and he would find himself gasping for air as his delicate body fell to the ground. With his evil self out of the way, Oscar could clearly see what he had originally only caught a glimpse of from between the monster's fingers. Lord Oscar, propped up in the air by pink cosmic energy. Beside him he had a very confused Future Oscar and a dented Genesect, having evidentially saved them while flying back up to the platform.

Lord Oscar floated to his Prime variant's position, gently dropping his charges nearby. Old man Oscar landed on his posterior, and would scramble to his feet upon regaining agency. He ran to Oscar's side, helping him to sit up. "You alright kid?"

Oscar was still reeling from nearly having his head crushed within a version of his own hands, but overall he had felt worse. He dreamily nodded as he tried to shake away his daze, "Yeah, I'm good. Just got a headache." Genesect ran forward, dotting over its master even though it was heavily damaged itself. Oscar could not help but laugh at his robot's concern. "I should be worrying about you! I thought I lost you forever." Oscar looked up to try and address Lord Oscar, but the Paladin had already walked away.

This fight was not over, and he was the best equipped to put Eternatus's champion in his place.
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freezer burn
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 18:26:30 GMT
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Mint stopped to offer his hands to warm Oscar, and the shocked Oscar found himself blushing--unsure how to respond. Of course it was just a gaffe, with Mint revealing the handwarmers. This made Oscar's face light up even more, but despite his embarrassment he would accept the handwarmers in good humor. "Why thank you, this is just what I needed!"

Oscar shoved his hands and their warmers into his coat pockets as Mint's flareon began frolicking around him. Normally the affection of Mint's dogs made him nervous, but the flareon's warming aura was more than welcome today. As they pressed forward, Oscar would respond to Mint's statements.

"Knowing Zapdos it's more than happy to stay as far away as it can from its relatives. I don't think it likes them very much." Zapdos was likely not hostile, but it seemed to enjoy its solitude. Its more social cousins were probably an unwelcome presence within its vicinity--hence its reluctance to help seek them out.

The mention of Articuno made Oscar curious, and he would muse out loud as they began trekking through a rockier passage. "A bit ironic that the fuckin' ice bird would get done in by the ice dragon. Then again Kyurem's power level is off the fuckin' charts. Articuno is more of a natural freeze, Kyurem is like--an apocalyptic sci-fi freeze."

As they continued forward, Oscar realized something that would require the expertise of Mint to put to rest. "The other Articuno, the one from Galar, is it an ice type?"

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Ride the Thunder [M]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 18:08:54 GMT
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The clouds before them seemed to part like the curtains on a stage, exposing the majestic figure of thundurus. Its clawed arms were folded, no doubt attempting to appear as imposing as possible to its rival storm lord. When it looked upon 'Zapdos', it arced one of its eyebrows. It could have sworn it looked more--bird like in the silhouette it saw earlier.

'Zapdos' let out a metallic screech, a battle cry that sounded a lot like Genesect Prime's signature yawp. Oscar scratched the back of his neck, unsure what was going to happen during this confrontation. Hopefully their side came out on top, as 'Zapdos' was very expensive to repair.

Not one for pageantry, 'Zapdos' would take the initiative to unleash the first attack. Its cannon began absorbing the electricity in the air before unleashing it as a massive beam of electric energy (Techno Blast). The thundurus stood still, taking the blast head on. There was a bright flash on impact, prompting the roar of thunder to ring out across the sky. As the flash died down, thundurus would appear unaffected. In fact, it would seem to be even more powerful, having absorbed the electric attack in its entirety (Volt Absorb).

'Zapdos' looked back to Oscar and shrugged, and Oscar would look over to Temp. "I think this is our cue to run."

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Detox [M]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 17:57:05 GMT
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"That would probably be the best course of action." Oscar said as he stopped tapping his knuckles. The mad scientist stood up, his eyes glittering with a manic curiosity. "Before we do that though, I would like to run a few tests. Get some samples and what not, just to see what your body is going through under the strain of Dynenergy."

Oscar walked over to a nearby cart and began pulling it near Zev's position. Upon placing the cart near Zev, Oscar would open a drawer to reveal a set of sterile syringes, empty test tubes, and microscope slides. Oscar leaned over the cart, his hands pressed together as he tried to hide his growing excitement.

"This is a rare opportunity to get some insight into your--unique biology. I understand if you are reluctant though, we can just as easily move on to releasing your energy if you'd like. There's no pressure." Oscar's eyes twitched, as his concern for his friend made him want to rid Zev of his ailment as quickly as possible--while the explorer in him wanted to see what exactly was going on inside the devourer.

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Call Me Ahab [M]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 17:47:32 GMT
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Steven would be unaware, but Oscar had a pretty tough morning. He sprained his back doing his morning workout, so now he walked with a slight hunch. His razor broke so he could not shave the white scruff growing on his chin. The wind was killer this morning, so he had to wear his extra heavy black long coat. He fucked up putting in his contacts so one eye was constantly squinting and the other was wide. To top it off, he burned his throat and tongue drinking extra hot coffee so his voice sounded grizzled and strange.

He turned toward Steven as he arrived, grimacing at the boy's question. "Ah, thar ye be! Ye're jus' in time, I was about t' take off without ye." Oscar circled Steven, his heavy coat causing him to limp slightly. "The plan be simple, hunt down Kyogre 'n teach it a lesson 'twill ne'er forget. The harpoons will see t' that." Oscar gestured to the mounted harpoon guns and laughed maniacally. His laughter was cut short as he inhaled cold air into his burned throat, causing him to break into a coughing fit.

As he composed himself, he would begin lumbering toward the boat's cockpit. "It'll be yer job t' gangway fer the beast. Keep a sharp eye 'n shout as loud as ye can at the slightest sign o' the whale. Ye got that?"

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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 17:33:42 GMT
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Zapdos leered at Mint at the mention of Lugia before looking upward. Oscar awkwardly chuckled, "Uh, it's already reunited with Lugia. Its reaction was decisively indifferent." It was a little frustrating actually, Zapdos reacted very rarely to anything in general. The only thing that seem to make it happy is consuming energy, the fucker was a glutton if ever one existed.

Mint brought up a good point though, perhaps Zapdos was indeed waiting for something. It gave Oscar an idea, "Hmmm, if I can get you a more powerful kind of energy to feed on would you give us more information about your relatives?" Zapdos looked to Oscar, leaning in slowly as if deciding if it should eat him or not. While maintaining intense eye contact, the legendary bird would nod.

Oscar, trying not to get nervous from the bird's intensity, chuckled at the compromise. "Sounds um--easy enough. Uh, any more questions on your end Mint?"

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 3:37:09 GMT
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The team's distraction was a success. As Regieleki tanked their attacks, Navitas would sneak up behind and Ingrain its tendrils into the golem's electric body. Navitas began to slurp up as much energy as it could, hanging on for dear life as the Regieleki thrashed its body. Oscar's slamming Dracozolt seemed to be the final straw though, as the Regieleki would begin leaking a strange yet familiar energy.

Howard would shout out that the new energy had to be Dynenergy, and Oscar nodded in agreement. It looked just like the energy that radiated out of the Power Spots around Sootpolis, plus its loss began to shrink the dynamaxed golem. Oscar sneered as the Regieleki struggled, "I think we've cracked this--"

Suddenly the Regieleki would unleash a tremendous amount of electricity, sending all of Oscar's pokemon flying. Even Navitas could not withstand the wave, spinning away like a top into the ground. Before Oscar could even process what happened, the Regieleki would disappear deeper into the Ultra Plant.

Oscar sighed as the dust settled; he understood their failure, yet he was still disappointed. Howard insisted that they follow the Golem, but Oscar could see the writing on the walls. He took stock of their situation, and they were in no shape to continue fighting. His pokemon were greatly fatigued, with Navitas even being knocked out from hitting the ground too hard. Then there was Regice, would seemed to be literally shutting down after the beating it took.

To top it all off, the effect of staying too long in Ultra Space was starting to take its toll on Oscar. He felt downright nauseous, this was probably going to knock him on his ass for a few days. Oscar shook his head, "We're not in a position to keep going. It will be better to head back and prepare for round two. We know it can be weakened, so next time we should have an easier time fighting it."

Oscar withdrew all of his pokemon and gave Howard a reassuring thumbs up. "We can beat this thing."

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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2024 20:42:39 GMT
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Oscar's gambit worked out, but not in the way he had hoped. Instead of attacking directly, Regieleki began forming an electric cage to trap them! As Oscar looked up at the electric prison, he could do nothing but respect the golem's ingenuity. "Clever little fuck."

Before they could be captured however, Regice would come to their rescue. It would use itself as a shield, interrupting the cage and getting paralyzed for its trouble. As minor as it was, its sacrifice would prove invaluable to their effort. With Howard's encouragement, Oscar would press the attack. "Come on team, nobody lives forever! Charge!"

The strike squad moved in, unleashing various attacks to keep Regieleki's attention. Killer fired out a barrage of Pin Missiles while two of the Dracozolts had rocks thrown with Ancient Power. The third Dracozolt had no long-range attacks so it charged forward to Slam itself into the golem to hopefully absorb some electricity directly. Havoc just kinda stayed put, bracing for the inevitable retaliation.

Navitas continued its mission, carefully approaching from behind. If its allies could keep the pressure on, he should be able to get the jump on Regieleki soon...

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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 17:38:29 GMT
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Even within the safety of the 'tent', Oscar could feel the static of Regieleki rippling across his body. Oscar dared a peek outside, watching the confrontation between the golems with perhaps a little too much reverence. "That thing's unreal. How are we supposed to incapacitate a pokemon this powerful?" Oscar turned away from the scene outside, rubbing his chin frantically as he tried to think of a solution.

"If it were just a machine or a pokemon made of flesh and bone I could see us wearing it down. However, being a monster of pure energy means it can probably fight indefinitely. Ugh, I wish we had Zapdos to absorb the electricity." Suddenly something clicked in Oscar's head, prompting him to snap his fingers and loudly chortle. "That's it! We don't fuckin' need Zapdos!"

Oscar pulled out his phone and hurriedly accessed his PC. Unsurprisingly Ultra Space did not have wifi, but thanks to a snap decision to download his PC data Oscar could connect to it without the help of the internet. Four pokeballs were warped in and dropped to the ground, and Oscar wasted no time letting out their contents.

Once revealed, Oscar's chosen party may appear to be--unorthodox. He had summoned three Dracozolts, which immediately began to dance around like they were just brought to a party. Their merriment was silence by the growl of the fourth pokemon, a scarred Jolteon named Killer. Killer was the head honcho of Oscar's nature reserve at the Mauville power plant, and he commanded absolute authority over all of Oscar's electric types. Havoc had been hiding in a corner ever since she entered the safety of the tent, but upon hearing Killer she would straighten up and join the others. Even Navitas, who had been watching the golems from outside, peeked in to see what occasion would draw out the electric alpha.

Oscar clapped his hands together and explained his plan to Howard. "This here's Killer. He and the three Dracozolts have the ability Volt Absorb. If we can get Regieleki to attack them, they could hopefully absorb all of its electricity and slowly weaken it!" Oscar then pointed to Navitas. "That won't be enough though, so Navitas will sneak up behind Regieleki while it's fighting the others and Ingrain itself directly into its body. From there it can absorb as much electricity as we need! Everyone on board?"

Navitas nodded but Havoc and the Dracozolts did not seem thrilled about fighting a massive electric golem. It was only after Killer barked in agreement that they would enthusiastically agree to the plan. Oscar rubbed his hands together, "Excellent. Get into formation and go make history!" Oscar saluted the troop as the set off on their operation, joyfully following from afar to provide commands should they be needed. He would turn back to Horward upon leaving the tent. "I won't let you down partner!"

The five electric types charged out toward the golems. Killer was leading the pack while Havoc stayed in the middle surrounded by the Dracozolts. The Dracozolts immediately started making a ruckus, one of them going as far to run ahead and start swinging his posterior to Taunt the Regieleki. Meanwhile, Navitas stayed at the far fringes and slowly floated his way toward Regieleki's backside...

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Oscar Clayton Kills Himself [FW2]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 19:25:03 GMT
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The two Oscars were too stunned to respond to the stranger's question. Well--the problem was that he was not a stranger at all. His hairstyle was different and he had robot arms but this Palkia riding scoundrel was yet another Oscar Clayton! Oscar (the first one), slowly raised his hands to his cheeks and roughly gave himself a double slap. This knocked him out of his daze, allowing him to at least formulate a response.

"Oof, okay. I was on board with time traveling grandpa here but this..." Oscar gestured broadly to the new Oscar and Palkia. "...this is a level of complexity I didn't consent to." Genesect seemed to be the only one there who was not experiencing some level of shock, as it would just wave to the new Oscar as if it had known him all its life.

New Oscar regarded Genesect with a look of disgust, which created a feeling of rage within Oscar that he had no experience in a very long time. No one rejects the love of Prime, not even--himself! "Alright shithead, enough with the silent cool guy act. Just tell us who you are so we can all move on." New Oscar's face hardened as he straightened his posture and leered toward the party. Oscar found the expressions of this newcomer to be insufferable; he held an air of superiority--as if he loathed being in the presence of these 'lesser' beings.

"I am known as Lord Oscar Clayton, the Paladin. I am a loyal servant of Emperor of the Galarian Empire, sent on his behalf to eliminate a threat to the Multiverse." Lord Oscar gestured toward the red storm with his head. "Whatever that is has leaked into our sky, as well as the skies of multiple other worlds. It is my duty as the Avatar of the cosmos incarnate to eradicate anything that would upset the balance of the greater reality." Oscar scoffed, unimpressed with 'Lord Oscar's' authoritative demeanor. "Ooo look at the one man Shadow Triad over here. I feel so fuckin' unworthy. Poser."

Lord Oscar gave Oscar Prime an agitated glare, he was obviously not accustomed to such a discourteous interaction. "Hold your tongue before I rip it from your fucking mouth. The only reason you aren't dead already is because of my curiosity--but that curiosity is rapidly waning."

Oscar was ready to keep prodding the good Lord until he popped, but he was stopped by his older self finally taking the chance to speak. "Alright then, welcome to the team Lord Oscar. Having the aid of an Avatar will be a huge advantage." Both of the younger Oscar's huffed, the realization that they had bigger issues than their egos diffusing the building tension between them. Both Palkia and Dialga stepped forward, as if to solidify that the group must focus on the task at hand. They had yet to greet each other properly, but there was no need. Their bond could be felt across every universe and timeline, and perhaps it was that bond that would soften Lord Oscar's heart.

"I apologize for my--antagonistic introduction. I don't have a great track record with my alternate selves. And the threat we face--it's unlike anything I have ever seen before. It has taken a toll on my patience. I will gladly join forces if it means easing my burden." Oscar Prime nodded silently, feeling as though he had nothing to apologize for himself. His older counterpart disagreed, lightly elbowing him in the ribs to get him to talk.

"Ah! Alright fine uh, sorry for goading you on. Let's just fight the glowing thing in the sky so we can all go home." Oscar looked up to writhing red storm, rubbing his chin as he thought out loud. "How do we get up there anyway?"

Lord Oscar chuckled smugly, "Leave it to me." He raised one of his cybernetic hands, and the ground beneath the party would begin to rumble. Pink energy would surround them, digging into the cliff like the claws of a great beast. The entire chunk of the cliff they stood upon would begin rising into the air, propelled by Lord Oscar's spacial gift. Oscar refused to be impressed though, he could not bear to give his haughty alternate such satisfaction.

As the massive platform slowly ascended, the great tower would begin to glow. The technicolor beauty of its charging form would capture Oscar's attention, causing him to stare at the tower with reverence. "What--what's it doing?"

Future Oscar stepped forward, observing the phenomenon with a solemn expression. "The weapon is charging--we've acted just in the nick of time it would seem." He adjusted himself so that he would stand between his younger compatriots. "It will take time before the weapon is ready to fire. Until then, the enemy must be kept busy."

Lord Oscar raised an eyebrow. "We have two gods on our side, I doubt we will even need this so-called weapon." Future Oscar shook his head and looked down slightly, "This thing eats gods. The weapon is our best shot at killing it--you'll see." At this point Oscar Prime was getting a little annoyed at his older self's secrecy, and he would not be quiet about it. "Alright enough is enough old man. What exactly are we facing here?"

The older Oscar looked up, the great crimson storm growing nearer every second. A thunder clap would draw the gaze of the other Oscars as well, just in time to witness the reveal of their foe. Enormous red and black spikes would poke through the clouds, pushing through the storm as if it were hardly there. As the storm parted, the sky would darken further to highlight what seemed to be the glowing palm of a titanic hand. As the massive hand became clearer, Oscar Prime would gradually begin to recognize it. "Eternatus!"

His older self nodded. Oscar had always seen Eternatus as their world's greatest threat, and in this timeline he seemed to be right. Yet, something did not sit well with him. "But--I don't get it. What's the big deal?" Both alternate Oscars shot Oscar Prime confused looks, as if he had just ripped a massive fart during a funeral eulogy. Feeling a little 'on the spot', Oscar would try to explain himself. "I mean, Eternatus is a huge deal but like--if it was infecting multiple worlds at once wouldn't the Shadow Triad step in? They aren't here so it can't be that hard to take down, right?"

Lord Oscar made a groaning noise, trying to find the right words to respond. "You've mentioned this Triad earlier, who are you referring to exactly?" Oscar looked between his alternate selves with disbelief, "What, neither of you know who they are?" The other two Oscars just stared, waiting for an explanation. However, upon realizing that his other selves were truly ignorant about the Triad, Oscar would only respond with hysteric laughter. So this was what it was like to know something important that others did not. It was a beautiful feeling.

As his mad laughter died down, Oscar would wipe tears from his eyes and pump his fists into the sky. "My wish came true mother fuckers!"

His jubilation was short lived, as Eternatus would soon be upon them. Oscar dropped his arms as the great hand drew ever closer, and his older counterpart would approach to place a hand on one of his shoulders. "Ride that joy wave while you can kid. You're about to get the answers you want--and you aren't gonna like them."

As the hand loomed over their own rising platform, its massive shadow would completely engulf them. The sheer scale of Eternatus was awe inspiring, it looked like it could pick up the gigantic Kyurem back home and throw it like a baseball. How would they combat something this big? Oscar felt as though he should have been thinking of a strategy for their upcoming battle, but all attempts to think of anything other than how fucked he was were useless. He half expected the hand to just crush them in a single grasp, making all of their respective efforts pointless. Yet to his surprise, the hand would stop.

Lord Oscar would stop their own ascension, bringing everything to a disquieting stillness. Suddenly, strings of red light would begin flowing from Eternatus's 'fingertips'. The strings swirled through the air, slowly gathering toward the glowing center of the hand's palm. The strings would start pulling something out of the center, so small that it looked like a spec compared to the hand. The thing would abruptly drop down, and Oscar's eyes would follow it until the bizarre object clattered against the surface of their platform. The blackened mass lay in a heap about fifteen feet away from the party, incomprehensible even from up close. The strings would begin pulling at the mass, causing it to shift as it was lifted from the ground. Its limbs would roughly unfurl, creating a humanoid shape. It was then that it clicked in Oscar's head, this thing was a marionette.

The strange puppet floated a few feet off the ground as the strings tried to fix all of its broken joints. Its limbs made sickening cracking sounds with every adjustment, sounding far too visceral for Oscar's liking. As the marionette was straightened out, Oscar would begin to recognize smaller details about its appearance. It was wearing a suit, which draped loosely over its emaciated limbs. Whatever wood it was made of was truly unique, it was a pale grey color that seemed to shine slightly under the red glow of its puppeteer. As the neck of the marionette was snapped into place, Oscar could finally get a good look at its face and--

This was not a marionette. Deep down Oscar probably knew this, but the very idea made his stomach churn. This thing is--or was human. Its skeletal, sleeping face was too detailed to be carved from wood. It was soon undeniable that Oscar found himself shaking with fear. Suddenly all of the details Oscar noticed about its limbs and body became far more morbid, this poor creature had basically been mummified to be used as a plaything. A grotesque farce so that--what, Eternatus could taunt them before annihilating them? Yet greatest mistake here was thinking that the horror was over with, as the 'human's' eyes would suddenly snap open. They were red, a pure bloody red that made Oscar's own eyes twitch. The creature then opened its mouth, forcing it into a shape resembling a grin. Its teeth were all accounted for, but they were blackened by some sort of tar that began drooling from its mouth. The whole display was so terrible that Oscar could not hope to look away--and this is how he would begin to recognize the creature's face.

It was nearly corpse-like, but the finer details were unmistakable. He had memorized them from his time spent looking in the mirror every morning. Oscar was staring directly into his own face, and it would stare back at him as it spoke with his voice.

"On the behalf of my master, I bid you all welcome. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"
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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 16:56:57 GMT
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The battle against the robotic hoard was somehow even more chaotic than the confrontation against Kyurem. These things were relentless killers, they knew nothing of fear or restraint. It would be terrifying if Oscar did not have Prime on his side. Prime was strong enough to rip through these monsters, but with no sign of the hoard slowing down they would need to up their game to survive.

"Fine!" Oscar cried out as more robots charged forward. Oscar pulled a Tera Orb off of his belt and raised it toward Prime. Prime flashed as the tera shard within it reacted to the orb. A grey crystal shell formed around Prime's body, charging it with Tera energy. Prime cried out as the energy empowered it, turning its type into Steel.

With its transformation done, Prime knew exactly what to do. Its cannon charged an enormous amount of power, channeling the Tera energy that now flowed within its carapace(Steelworker). Once it could no longer hold it back, Genesect unleashed a full power Steel-type Technoblast. The mighty beam ripped through anything that stood in its way, thinning the relentless herd. While it was not aiming for Kyurem, the beam was surely strong enough to travel all the way to the behemoth should nothing else get in the way.

The blast died down as Zev gave some very interesting insight. Oscar gave the beast a baffled look. "Uh, pretty sure these are just fucked up robots like, what are the odds that they're actual po--" And then Zev caught one, and Oscar felt really silly for even daring to think these could be anything but pokemon. "I'll be damned."

Oscar looked toward the torn up carcasses of the robots that were hit with Prime's technoblast, searching carefully for any that may have survived. To his surprise, there was a rather bulky fellow that was slowly getting back to its feet to the side of the carnage. The blast must have just nicked it. Oscar cackled, pulling out a pokeball and throwing it directly at its fat head.


--Oscar Terastallized Genesect into a pure Steel type.
--Genesect used Technoblast to shoot into the hoard. Empowered by its Terastallization and Steelworker ability, the blast might be strong enough to reach Kyurem.
--Post 7/7 Oscar catches an Iron Boulder
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 17:34:53 GMT
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Another segment of the prophecy appears as the battle rages on, much to Oscar's annoyance. "How long is this fuckin' thing!?" He would wonder aloud as he once again switched pokemon. Xurkitree would be replaced by Prime the Genesect, who was Oscar's best bet for getting some damage done against the deity duo.

Yet a twist would occur before Oscar could make another command. Kyurem would unleash an attack unlike any that Oscar had seen before. It was a blast of fire so powerful that Oscar could feel its heat before it fully manifested. If not for the Keldeo that split the blast in two, Kyurem's attack would have surely incinerated most of the lifeforms present.

Oscar stayed in the middle to avoid the split blast, along with and--the masked woman he seemed to have an interest in? No not an interest, an infatuation. Was this the mythical wife he had mentioned during the winter party? Part of her face was exposed during combat, but Oscar would make an active effort not to look. Zev deserved to retain a bit of privacy after all of this.

As the attack died down and orders came in from , Oscar was prepared to push forward to keep the pressure on Kyurem and Hoopa. Before he could even announce his intentions though, a loud cry would draw his attention. A scorched Robbie Rotten would crash land in front of Oscar, wiggling and whining as steam poured from his body. Oscar jumped at his dragon's sudden reappearance, but as his shock settled he would find himself glad to see him thawed. "You did good Robbie, take a break." Robbie would raise one of his claws, contorting them to create a gesture resembling a thumbs up.

Oscar returned Robbie to his beast ball, but this distraction cost him time. Unfamiliar robotic pokemon had appeared out of nowhere, and a hoard of them were charging toward him, Zev, and the woman. Oscar groaned, "This is what I get for looking away for two fuckin' seconds. Let's go Prime!" Prime nodded, charging alongside his master to do battle with the mysterious robot threat.


--Oscar switched out Xurkitree for Genesect.
--Oscar stays with and and makes an active effort not to look at Neffatari now that her mask is broken.
--Robbie Rotten was thawed from the ice and BURNED. Oscar returned him to his beast ball.
--Oscar dives into battle with Genesect to help fight back the robots coming for him, Zev, and Neffatari.
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 1:24:44 GMT
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Oscar beamed right along side Howard as a beautiful light beamed from the sky. Perhaps Regieleki would be docile because they brought another golem. Perhaps Oscar had nothing to fear after all!

No such luck. A hyper beam roared out of the clouds, and Oscar yelped as he grabbed Howard and dragged him to the ground. His attempt to rescue was unnecessary though, as Regice would rise to intercept the attack. Oscar struggled to get back to his feet after the maneuver, and required the help of Navitas to list him back into a proper posture.

Oscar recovered just in time to see their target descend from the sky. Just like the last time he had encountered it, Regieleki was massive. Oscar was starting to think that this was just a common trait among the golems, as all the ones that Oscar had encountered so far had been just as huge. The titan would need time to recharge, so this was their chance to weaken it.

"We gotta humble this oversized cumulonimbus! Navitas, try to blind it!" Navitas let out an echoing cry, rising to the Regieleki's height to deliver a Dazzling Gleam. The attack brightened up the environment, giving the party a brief chance to perhaps find a safer spot to hunker down. Oscar took note of an open 'tent' of wires nearby and pointed to it. "We should duck into there while we can!"

13 engage a massive regieleki that has been displaced here by an unknown force.
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