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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024 17:12:01 GMT
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Oscar strained against the steering wheel, pushing it down as hard as he could to keep the wings turning upward. The subtle maneuver kept the ship from nose diving, but they were still coming in hot. Even with Howard's Golurk, they were having a hell of a time slowing down. Oscar yelled out to Boris, who was clinging to the floor with his claws.

"Boris! Belt, red ball, OPEN IT!" Boris hesitated before nodding affirmatively. He would not dare fail his master in their most dire time of need. He clawed his way forward until he reached Oscar, gingerly grabbing for a pure red pokeball on his belt. The dragon would daintily press the center button, which would cause the ball to enlarge and open.

Genesect Prime had the time to look up before the force of the falling ship caused it to fly backwards. It slowed its fall by using thrusters in its legs, installed just for this kind of scenario (Magnet Rise). Oscar turned his head to yell, "Help--land!" Genesect nodded, flying out of the ship from the back just as the Golurk did before it.

Genesect flew at top speed, racing the ship to reach its nose. Upon arriving, Genesect placed itself precariously in the way of the ship and began pushing against it, its thrusters blazing at full power. Oscar watched through the windshield as Genesect managed to adjust its inner muscle density to match the strength of the ship (Download).

The ship slowed further, but it would be impossible to land cleanly. Oscar steadied the wheel, which fought against his every motion. Struggling to maintain his grip, Oscar would yell toward Howard. "Hang on to something stable! And--one--more--thing..." He was interrupted by Boris clinging onto him, the scaredy dragon whimpering as the ground came into view. "My--name--is--OSCAAAAAAAR!!!"

The impact of the ship kissing the ground filled the interior with noise. Sparks flew from every direction as the ship skid across the ground, ripping itself apart. The windshield would crack, and the wings of the ship would be lost half-way through the crash. It skid for several more feet before very slowly coming to a stop.

Oscar had kept his eyes open the entire time, and even as the ship came to a stop he found himself unable to blink. Boris gradually let go of his master, its usual hardened demeanor returning as he realized that the danger had past. As Genesect floated in front of the windshield, Oscar would finally pry his hands from the steering wheel. He took a deep breath as he stepped away, his fear giving way to amused relief. He cackled as his nerves were soothed, only for everything to become tense again as the ship budged.

"Get off the ship!"

Oscar and Boris ran to the back, leaping out as the ship began to slowly tip forward. The Xurkitree duo would leap off soon after, saving anyone who could not make it off in time. As everyone fell to the ground, Oscar would look up just in tome to watch the ship fall off of the cliff he had barely been able to land it on. He stared forward as he listened to the ship crash against everything it could on the way down, followed by the sound of an immense explosion.

Genesect landed near its dazed master, looking over him with as much concern as an emotionless cyborg could muster. Oscar let out a very long breath before finally finding something to say.

"So um, I'm gonna pay for your next vacation and we're gonna pretend this never happened."

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POSTED ON Feb 11, 2024 0:59:29 GMT
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Oscar was downright shocked when Lulu went in for a hug. Oscar never knew her to be fond of physical affection, a trait they both shared. Yet as he received her hug, he had to admit it made him feel a lot better. He did not have time to reflect upon it, but the past ten minutes had been--especially tiresome.

Oscar could not help but chuckle at her concern, "Hey you're fine. A lot was happening, what matters is that we're all okay." This seemed to reassure her, as she would depart to work on the antenna. Oscar felt refreshed by this interaction, which made him vulnerable to a surprise hug from Temp.

Bless his heart, Temp's powerful hug nearly broke Oscar's back. Oscar yelped, and tried his best to earnestly communicate. "I--ach! Thanks Temp! Appreciate it--ribs breaking!" Oscar heaved when he was let go, moving off to the side to regain his breath. He listened in on his colleague's conversation but he had no opinion of his own. He had no experience with Cresselia beyond this one, but it made sense that it may be protecting its territory. More detail than that can be discerned on a different occasion.

When he felt ready, Oscar would announce his intentions. "I'm going to work on the hull. Shouldn't take long to fix now that we're not hurdling through space." Oscar adjusted his suit and exited the spaceship, pushing his exhaustion to the back of his mind. There would be time to rest after the job was done.

Oscar got on top of the ship with the supplies he needed and made his way to the tear within the hull. Genesect Prime met him there, glad to see its master alive and well. Oscar gave the cyborg a nod, "Good work so far Prime, let's get this hull fixed so we can go home." The two had a much better time fixing tears in the ship without so much chaos occurring around them. It took a bit, but the repairs would assure that they would not burn up getting back to their planet.

As he finished, Oscar would communicate over the comms. "Hey we should wrap it up, we don't want to be around when Cresselia gets a second wind."

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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 15:21:11 GMT
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For a second Oscar actually thought that Howard was going to be able to translate the control panel. No such lucky, but Oscar would not let Howard feel bad. "That's alright man, most of this Megalopolan shit is self explanatory. See, this one here probably turns on the headlights." Oscar pulled a lever on the side, which indeed turned on flickering lights on the front of the ship that illuminated their drab surroundings.

"Ha! Easy. Hey, and this one probably turns the ship off." There was a twisting nozzle near the middle that Oscar would turn just as the Xurkitree duo exited the control panel. Oscar would have no way of knowing, but the two ultra beasts used their instincts and previous experience within this world to basically repair the ship--and Oscar just turned on the thrusters.

The ship ripped itself from the ground, going from zero to who fucking knows miles per hour into the sky. The Xurkitree duo worked fast, grabbing Oscar, Howard, Boris, and Armaldo and Ingraining themselves into the floors to keep everyone from flying backward. Oscar shouted in surprise as he vibrated within his Xurkitree seat belt, still able to reach the control panel.

He grabbed for a U shaped utensil that he thought to be the steering wheel, and when he jerked it to the left the ship would sharply turn right. The ship rattled as it continued to fly higher into the Ultra Plant sky, closer and closer to the churning thunderclouds that hung over the electric wasteland. Oscar grappled with the steering wheel until the ship evened out, only then would their flight smooth to a cruise.

Oscar let out a deep sigh and looked out through the windshield. The Ultra Plant soared past them below, appearing like a massive circuit board. Oscar chuckled as the ship continued forward, "That was my bad, but you can't beat these results! C'mon, you can see the whole damn thing from up here!"

Indeed they could view miles and miles of the Ultra Plant from every direction, including what seemed to be a red spotlight beaming up from the ground. Oscar steered the ship toward the mysterious light, and they would quickly pass by what looked to be an enormous power spot. As they passed over, Oscar leaned forward to see if the Regieleki. There was indeed a massive yellow figure within the power spot's center, crackling like a living spark. The power spot would fade from view as they flew past, and Oscar would cackle with triumph. "Ha! We found it, in just a few moments no less. See, this thing was totally worth--"

Lightning struck the ship, causing the worn thing to shake violently. The electronics began to blink on and off, a hail of sparks signalling their complete termination. The ship went dark, before slowly falling into a nose dive toward the Ultra Plant below. Oscar cleared his throat as the ship began to pick up speed, "Alright maybe we should screen my ideas going forward."

--involve a regieleki that has somehow found a way to dynamax due to a power spot (or something analogous to that).

-- attempt to repair a smaller megalopolan spacecraft. doing so successfully, will allow you to launch briefly; however, the frequent lightning storms will prevent you from flying for too long.
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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 16:29:11 GMT
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It was Oscar's turn, and as he approached he would give the weird cabbage rabbit a half bow to show a semblance of respect. "Hey uh, so I heard the prompt and I got just the story for ya. It's a true story mind you, although I'll admit I may embellish a tad just 'cause my memory ain't the best." The noble hare looked down expectantly, and after a bit of thought gathering Oscar would begin his tale.

"Alright so, back in--I think it was last April--I was really sick. Like, super fuckin' sick. So sick that I moved myself to Alola so I could treat myself properly. If it's alright, I am gonna omit the times I had to cough my head off. Now I never had the energy to cook during this time so I ordered a lot of takeout. Mostly new age health shit, but one day I really had a craving for some Johto Sacred Fire Noodles. There was a Johto join I liked near my loft, so I thought I'd just call them up."

"But it turns out that place shut down a while back! Now this was a problem, because the only other Johto food restaurant in the city was like, twenty minutes away and I didn't have the best--relationship with them. A long time ago I tried them out on a whim, and it was alright but fuck the dish I had was spicy. Like, it was supposed to be spicy but they went overboard. So I gave them a two star review online and never ordered from there again. It was the only bad review they had gotten, which y'know I feel shitty about but hey feedback is important. Well now they were my only option, and I was scared that they would remember my number or address or whatever and hold a grudge for that poor review. I couldn't fight off the craving I had though so I was like 'Fuck it, that was years ago. There's no way they'll recognize me.' and I called them up. I ordered the noodles, gave them a generous tip just in case, and waited for my food."

"An hour goes by. There's no sign of my order yet and I was gettin' pretty antsy. I decided to call them again and see what was the holdup. I had the following exchange with the girl on the other end..."

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Yeah uh, I ordered some Sacred Fire Noodles about an hour ago and I was wondering if I could get an update on that order."

"Hmm, Sacred Fire Noodles you say? Give me one moment."

"Sure sure."


"Ah yes, it's sitting at our pickup area."

"Pick up area?"


"Yeah no, I asked for delivery."

"Hmmm, I'm looking at the receipt now and it says pick up."

"What? You--I--you were the one that took my order, I said delivery!"

"Hmmmm, let me check your order in the POS."


"It says pick up here as well."

"But--but I said delivery! I'm dyin' here there's no way I would say pick up even by mistake!"

"Ah well there must have been a misunderstanding. We'll remake your order and deliver it at once. Sorry for the mix up."

"Yeah well thank you or whatever."

"So that pissed me off but I decided to wait it out since they were going through the trouble of remaking the damn thing for me. Another hour goes by and when I realize that I call them up again."

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Yeah it's me again, Sacred Fire Noodles guy. What's the deal with my food it's taking forever?"

"Oh sorry sir, we've been backed up today. I see here that it's out for delivery, it should get there any minute."

"As if she were a fuckin' psychic, I would hear a knock at my door. I was fuckin' starving by this point so I hung up and went to get my food. When I opened the door, my bag was sitting on the ground with no sign of the driver. That struck me as weird but once again I was starving so I just picked it up and went to eat my meal. I sat down, pulled out the chopsticks, and took a big bite outta them noodles."

"They were cold. Like, 'these noodles have been sitting out for two hours' cold. But that didn't stop the spices from kickin' the inside of my mouth around like a punching bag! I was livid so I got up to get some water for my burning mouth and called them again. She answers and I says to her..."

"Excuse me hey, it's Sacred Fire Noodles here."

"Hello sir, did your order reach you?"

"Yeah it did, it's cold as a delibird's tit what the hell happened?"

"Well sir if you recall I did mention that we were backed up."

"Your kitchen's backed up so you just threw cold noodles into a box and called it!?"

"Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding sir. Our drivers were backed up."

"I stopped myself from saying some very crude things here and took a long drink of water to soothe my mouth. I then returned to the conversation."

"Well this is ridiculous, I've never had service this poor before. What am I supposed to do with these noodles?"

"Well sir you could always microwave them."

"Are you serious right now? You're gonna crack wise after delivering fuckin' ice cold noodles!? Are you high!?"

"Sir there is no reason to swear."

"Right, I'm sorry it's just that my mouth is on fuckin' fire holy shi--"

"Yeah the water made it worse, and it only occurred to me once my mouth started feeling like a Magcargo's toilet. I fuckin' dove into my fridge and chugged a bottle of MooMoo Milk. That shit's murder on a sick stomach but I had no choice, I felt like the inside of my mouth was gonna implode! How could something so cold be so hot!?"

"As I finished my shameful guzzle, the woman on the phone said one last thing to me."

"Yes that would be our new spice mix. We hope it was to your liking, considering we made it specially for you."


"Goodbye sir."

"Yeah at that point I was properly freaked out. So freaked out that I couldn't sleep that night, and not just because the few noodles I ate were throwing a party with the milk in my stomach. I had to move, I couldn't stay in that city! I was convinced that those crazy assholes were gonna try to kill me or something. Fuckin' insane."

" yeah that was what I was doing during the Galar thing."

Oscar stood there for a moment while his majesty blinked with confusion. After a few seconds of silence, Oscar would wave goodbye before walking away.
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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 15:34:35 GMT
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Their battle came to a close, helped by the efforts of Oscar's Xurkitree duo. As the action died down, Oscar began to examine the control panel less frantically. With a more careful eye, Oscar could more clearly recognize parts shared by other Megalopolan tech. Howard would ask if he found anything interesting, to which Oscar would respond with a chuckle.

"Well it's alien technology, so it's interesting by default. It will be a lot more interesting once it's on." Howard scared himself with a spark, which prompted more laughter from Oscar. "Don't electrocute yourself!" He called out as Howard wandered into another room. Oscar moved over to the fuse box that had spooked his companion, and began giving it a once over. If it could spark, it must still be connected to a source of power.

Meanwhile the Xurkitree duo were busy reconnecting severed wires from within the ship's innards. Their wild counterparts made quite the mess as they tried to suck the ship dry, but fortunately for the party this particular ship could be salvaged. Navitas would reconnect a particularly large wire into what seemed to be an orbicular battery, which would cause the entire ship to whir softly.

Hearing the change in sound, Oscar would try flipping the switches on the fuse box. After a few tries, the entire ship would suddenly light up as power was restored. Oscar slapped his hands together, "Bingo! We're in fuckin' business!" He returned to the control panel, which now had several lit up screens with blinking red megalopolan text. Oscar scratched his chin, "I can't read any of this, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." He began to mess around with the control panel while yelling out to check on Howard.

"Yo Howard, did you find anything in there that we can use?"

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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 15:16:55 GMT
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 21:04:25 GMT
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Oscar should have known this damn thing was a Xurkitree hive. They were popping out like snakes from a gag can of peanuts, the place was swarming! Still, Oscar was determined to get this ship running. He was certain that it would cut their travel time considerably, which in the Ultra Plant was an invaluable advantage.

As more Xurkitree went after them, Boris would do his best to smash their bulbs with his tusks. It was easier said than done, because once out of the machinery the Xurkitree were much more mobile. Still, Boris was no spring chicken and did a great job of fending them off. While he had the freedom to do so, Oscar pulled out two ultra balls and opened them up.

Out came his own Xurkitree: Navitas and Tanz. The sight of their hostile brethren made Tanz shiver a bit, but Navitas had long abandoned whatever kinship he had with the natives of Ultra Space. Oscar clapped his hands together, "I need you guys to clear out the inside of this ship's machinery and start putting shit together from within. Got it?"

Both of them nodded, and the two would slip into the open space within the control panel to start clearing out any of the other hiding Xurkitree. Oscar meanwhile went up the the control panel and began studying the dashboard. It was smothered in screens and buttons, but Oscar was confident that he could figure out what does what. "If my Xurkitree can reconnect some of the wiring, it shouldn't be too hard to start this baby up."

Utilize an ultra beast or paradox pokemon in an advantageous way.
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 17:26:54 GMT
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REAL NAME: [break]
PREFERRED SEELE DESIGNATION: The Tower, The World, The Hanged Man, The Hermit[break]
OBJECT OF POWER: An obsidian orb[break]
SPHERES OF INFLUENCE: Former Rocket Beast, former Rocket head scientist, CEO of Greater Mauville Holdings, influence within tech industry, expertise in engineering and energy.
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Reflection [Closed]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 17:07:12 GMT
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Knew was probably a little generous, like most young Rockets in Kanto Oscar avoided Nikolai Cross like the plague. A pity, since the modern Oscar would have been a huge fan of his work. If Jayden was developing some of his father's more--unpleasant traits--Oscar would completely understand why he was having so much trouble.

Oscar eyed Chien-Pao briefly, locking eyes with the destructive legend. It radiated malice, and while it was intimidating Oscar could not help but admire its power. He smiled and looked back to Jayden. "I'm here now Jayden. I'm willing to help in any way I can, you name it and I'm on it."

Oscar paused as he took a deep breath, a bizarre feeling building in his chest. It was unfamiliar, tense yet exhilarating. "Power is a blessing, but it comes at a price. If anyone could weather that price, it's you Jayden. Power suits you, and anyone that disagrees is blind, jealous, or stupid. Perhaps all three.

Oscar's tone was also unfamiliar, he did not know why he suddenly felt so angry. Where were Jayden's other friends? Oscar could not help but grimace as he clenched his knees, "It's not fair that you've been struggling alone. Not fair at all."

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 16:49:00 GMT
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Oscar took a moment to seriously consider Howard's question, and after examining the various panels and frayed wires he would deliver an honest answer. "Yeah probably!" Oscar had no experience hot wiring alien spaceships, but after getting a good look at Megalopolan tech over the years he was pretty confident that he could bumble his way into success. Did he need to? Well--no, no I guess not. But come on, they found this thing right out of the gate! He was pretty that was a sign--or something. Perhaps getting this bad boy working will help them traverse the Plant easier.

Howard would ask where they should start, and Oscar would bend down to get a closer look at the control panel's innards. "Well, I'll probably need to locate the engine and power source to make sure it's intact. As long as they're in good condition I can just clean up the wiring, get everything that seems important connected and ding-a-ling boom-boom get us in the air!" Oscar looked up enthusiastically at Howard, only to find him disheveled with large twitching wires surrounding him.

Oscar did not see, but his companion had been jumped by a Xurkitree while he was explaining his plan. The former beast turned toward Boris the Haxorus, who had witnessed the whole thing and would have intervened if Howard did not already have an Armaldo at the ready. Oscar gestured toward the Haxorus as the wires he had been examining slowly came to life. "What the fuck happened?" Boris pointed a claw toward Oscar, trying to warn him about the wires that were about to attack. Oscar scoffed, "Uh, how is it my fault?"

Before Oscar could say anything else, the wires would wrap around his mouth and torso. Pulling him roughly against the control panel, the xurkitree would attempt to squeeze Oscar through the control panel. Oscar let out a series of muffled explitives as he pulled away from the panel as hard as he could, giving Boris just enough room to sever the wires. Oscar fell forward, frantically pulling the xurkitree arms off of him while Boris dove into the machinery to grab and pull out the rest of the enemy Xurkitree.

Holding onto its shortened tendrils, Boris brutally flung the Xurkitree to the floor and placed his foot upon its bulbous head. The ultra beast let out a high pitched cry as Boris leaned in, sparking as its bulb was shattered by the Haxorus's weight. Oscar pulled himself to his feet as Boris ran over to help Howard and his Armaldo.

"Alright, so maybe we should clear out the residents first."

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Detox [M]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 0:02:16 GMT
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Oscar stood up straight, his expression falling blank. He pulled some medical gloves out of the same cart and carefully pulled them on, snapping the ends as they covered his wrists. Oscar nodded at Zev as the admin gave his one condition. "It will be like a blink of an eye--just don't activate your armor."

Oscar slowly grabbed three of the syringes that lay within the drawer. He carefully placed them on top of the cart, moving as fluidly as he was able. He cracked his neck, then his knuckles, and then got to work.





It took less than thirty seconds to insert each syringe and fill them with blood. He had surgical precision, you would almost think that he had training as a doctor. Unfortunately he did not, but he had gotten very good at extracting blood from test subjects over time. With the final syringe he would raise it up to the light and admire Zev's blood from within its glass chamber. He half expected it to be black like Necrozma's crystals, but it was actually quite the opposite.

His blood was a vibrant red, almost like paint. Was that because of Necrozma or the Dynenergy? Perhaps a follow up extraction was in order. For now though, Oscar would take out three of the test tubes and start unloading the blood. As he did so, he would once again address Zev. "Thank you for this Zev. I am sure you would like to be present for my examinations, so we should purge you of Dynenergy now." He corked each of the test tubes and began taking off his gloves. "Are you ready?"

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processed shop
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 21:06:51 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!




do come again!

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2024 17:55:24 GMT
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Character: [break][break]
Naganadel / Identifies as Male / Beast Boost / Fire Blast, Gunk Shot, Thunderbolt, Ally Switch, Dragon Pulse, Nasty Plot, Leech Life

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father winter compendium
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2024 4:03:34 GMT
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Oscar is transported into the far off future, where Eternatus has brought humanity to its knees. With the help of some familiar faces, Oscar resolves to fight his most dreaded adversary head on.
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Oscar Clayton Kills Himself [FW2]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2024 3:56:33 GMT
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Something changed when the three cosmic deities stood side by side, as if their reunion and common goal filled them with untapped power. They already emanated strength naturally, but now their divine energy seemed tangible. It could not just be felt, but seen within their blooming auras and heard within their battle cries. The trio launched themselves at Eternatus, who dismissively attempted to swat them out of the sky.

The trio fired their most powerful attacks at the hand's swinging palm, and for once the impact would cause Eternatus to stagger. The raw forces of time, space, and antimatter caused a discharge so intense that Eternatus would reel backward and roar with pain. Long after the explosion dissipated, their primal forces could be felt within the air. It was amazing to behold, Oscar had seen nothing like it.

The trio's combined efforts managed to actually push Eternatus upward, finally giving the platform some much needed space. With this brief reprieve, Lord Oscar would let out a strained breath--which caused the platform to shiver. He quickly straightened up and raised his hands, and the platform responded by gradually falling still. It was impossible to not take notice of this peculiarity, and Oscar Prime would announce his concern.

"Are you alright? You seem like you're under a bit of uh--strain." Lord Oscar tried to maintain an air of dignity as he faced his variants, but it was clear that he was rapidly running out of steam. "Well if I am being honest, holding together this platform is starting to weight on me. It probably would not be so bad--if I had not used most of my strength flattening that lesser Oscar."

The older Oscar began to rub his beard. "So um, hypothetically, for how much longer could you keep this platform in the air?" Lord Oscar chuckled lightly and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Oh please, I could keep this thing up indefinitely!" The platform began to rumble again, and Lord Oscar would frantically attempt to rectify it by standing completely still. "Alright let's ballpark five minutes."

They might not have five minutes, as the fortune of the cosmic trio was starting to reverse. Eternatus, growing desperate to end this ridiculous battle, was making progressively aggressive maneuvers. It was throwing heavier punches, smashing the divinities around like excited June bugs on a brightened door step. Yet no matter how much punishment they took, the trio would jump right back into the fray to retaliate.

Nevertheless, their battle was getting closer to the platform once more. Oscar's legs began to shake as Eternatus came closer and closer, threatening to smash itself against the platform. He turned to his older self, "How much longer do we have to keep this up? When's this thing gonna fuckin' fire already?" His older self slid his hands into the pockets of his coat, much less concerned about dying than his younger companions. "It's hard to say, but you would know when it's about to fire. It will be super obvious."

An extraordinary light would shine from below the platform, followed by what could only be described as the world's loudest high note. The older Oscar chuckled, his glasses reflecting the intense glare that surrounded them. "Huh, yeah it's ready. Time to go!" He took off toward the edge of the platform, not hesitating for a moment to leap into the open air. The two other Oscars looked to each other, as if hoping the other would have a follow up plan. Since neither did, they would end up following the old man over the edge.

Genesect came up close behind, leaping away from the platform as it finally fell apart. As the view of the glowing barrel became clear, Eternatus began to panic. It would attempt to pull itself upward, only to be forced back down by the cosmic trio. The mighty claw would not get a second chance to flee, as the ultimate weapon would unleash its burden in a geyser of technicolor energy.

The beam ripped right through the center of Eternatus, the great hand screaming as it was overcharged with Infinity Energy. Currents of brilliant light surged through its body, ripping themselves out from the inside in a series of sparkling explosions. Multicolored lightning soared across the sky as Eternatus began to fall, the continuous beam splitting the leviathan in half. With every additional explosion Eternatus would lose more and more of its mass, and by the time it would crash into the ground little left of what was humanity's greatest threat.

Their gambit had worked, and the three Oscars would let out various cheers as they fell through the sky. Normally Oscar would be scared shitless of becoming a stain upon the earth, but he was far too busy basking in the glow of victory to worry about such far away concepts. However, those concepts were quickly becoming less far away, so it was time to shake a leg.

Possibly sensing that the time had come to stop free falling, Plakia and Dialga suddenly appeared alongside their charges. Palkia caught Lord Oscar within its massive arms before pushing itself backwards into a spacial rift. Dialga caught the future Oscar on his back, and opened its own rift through time to dive into. Both of Oscar's variants managed to slip him one last look of jubilation before the rifts would close abruptly, leaving the one true Oscar to fall alone.

Not completely alone though, as Genesect would soon float in next to its master. Oscar called out of the sound of rushing air, "Alright Prime, get us out of here!" Prime flexed for a moment, but seemed to be unable to transform into its hoverboard form. Its joints began to spark, making it abundantly clear that Prime was too damaged to fly. Oscar's joy disappeared, frantically pulling out Genesect's pokeball and withdrawing it.

"Fuuuck!" He cried out as he put Genesect safely within his inner coat pocket. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" The ground was coming in fast, and Oscar had reached a speed that could generously be called 'overkill velocity'. There was no time for his life to flash, no time for self reflection, just enough seconds to brace his hands over his face and scream.

Oscar would not end up kissing the ground today though. A vast black pit would open over where he was meant to crash, catching Oscar inches away from a messy death. Yet Oscar would continue to fall, this time within pitch black darkness. Oscar's mind went through a gauntlet of emotions: fear followed by confusion followed by curiosity and then looping back into more fear. He knew nothing about what was happening, only that the shadows that surrounding him were smothering him with their omnipresent oppression.

Then from below him, all was made clear. Two massive red circles appeared, followed by a thin red smile. Oscar was falling toward the regrettably familiar face of Giratina. Yet he did now draw closer, just an endless plummet toward the Renegade's visage. It would seem that Oscar had Giratina to thank for his rescue, though he was not sure if he was thankful or dismayed by its intervention.

Oscar tried to call out toward the bleak god, "I uh--don't know why you saved me but--thank you?" Giratina's face remained motionless, its eyes glaring into Oscar's soul. A cacophony of noise began to rise around Oscar, abstract at first but gradually they began to take on a recognizable form. It was the sound of countless voices: screaming and laughing, crying and arguing, moaning and muttering. The noise became so loud that Oscar thought his ears would pop. Yet through it all he could hear one word so clearly it was as if it were uttered within a silent room.


Oscar would then feel the worst pain he had ever suffered, starting from the top of his head and slowly resonating down the rest of his body. Half way down his face, Oscar would come to the horrible realization that he was being bisected down the middle. Split clean in half by unseen claws. Oscar could not tell if he was screaming, as he could hear nothing but the choir of agony that surrounded him. His torment seemed to last forever, crescendoing into a single instance of unimaginable terror.

Oscar woke up with a start, his eyes twitching across familiar surroundings. He was back in his office, just as he had left it before the arrival of Father Winter II. He threw his hand sup to his face, feeling around his head to make sure that he was still whole. Upon confirming that he was physically intact, Oscar would let out a deep sigh and recline in his desk chair. Thankfully it had just been a nightmare.

Had it--all been a nightmare?

Oscar straightened up as he felt his phone push against him in his pocket. That's right, he had proof of everything! He hurriedly pulled it out and opened his gallery, his eyes resting upon the blurred image of the Ultimate Weapon. Oscar slid his spare hand through his hair, everything he experienced happened. Well possibly everything, that bit at the end seemed--too surreal to be real. Oscar felt that he should have been thrilled about making it back in one piece--and yet...

He turned off his phone and placed it upon his desk. With a soft kick he would spin around to face his office window, just in time to catch the sunrise. Before this--experience--Oscar's goal had seemed so clear. To utilize Infinity Energy as a tool to fight back against Hoenn's threats, to create an unstoppable weapon. But now? In just a few hours his entire world view was sent into a spiral. His dream had turned out to be a danger to not only his world, but countless worlds across the multiverse. Did that mean he should give up on it? On everything he had been working toward?

Oscar's hands clenched into fists. He could not possibly give in now, not when he knew it was possible. He would learn from the mistakes of his variants, Oscar's weapon would be different--it had to be. He refused to be the cause of the apocalypse he sought to prevent. As Oscar's resolve solidified, he would feel a splitting pain flow through his head. It only faded when he relaxed himself, breathing steadily as he stared out the window.

He could give all of that a rest for now--at least until after the sunrise.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing