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POSTED ON May 4, 2023 2:15:08 GMT
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Their efforts were not in vain. The seal stone was retrieved, and Rocket was one step closer toward world domination. Yet that was not the only boon from this endeavor. The Interdream Data retrieved during the campaign would be a valuable addition to 's Interdream Project, and the retrieval of multiple 'dream' pokemon was sure to keep Oscar busy for several weeks.

Yet the seal was the main focus, and Rocket's science team would have their hands full trying to unveil its secrets. Unsurprisingly Oscar was most interested in the latent energies that could be powering the seal stone. Surely there had to be some sort of cosmic power connecting it to Arceus.

Ugh, Arceus. Oscar had mixed opinions on the so called pokemon 'god'. A being of its immeasurable strength would be invaluable to Rocket's goals, but their experiences with the Dark Triad thus far led Oscar to believe that Arceus was already spoken for. In all likelihood, their quest for the all-father of the universe would not end in controlling it--but rather destroying it.

Sign Oscar up, sounds like a good Friday night.
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We thought a picnic would be nice (M)
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 22:58:07 GMT
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Oscar watched the ordeal carefully, his hands covering his ears the moment Zev pulled out his gun. As expected the kill was flawless, almost artistic in its execution. Oscar pulled out his phone as he entered the chamber, his expression disappointed as he opened the app connected to Zev's headband.

"Well I didn't get any good data, but that can't be helped. Didn't expect them to be fuckin' asleep--overconfident ass. As always your performance was exceptional." Oscar put away his phone and walked over to the workstation. He lifted the laptop and closed it, sliding the device under one of his arms. "I'll see what's on here back at the base. Maybe we can walk away from this with something useful."

The rest of the papers scattered over the workstation's surface were barely legible, so Oscar gathered them into a pile and pushed them to the ground. Oscar pointed to the discarded stationary and Emma would quickly get to work using her venom to dissolve every page. While Emma destroyed the papers, Oscar would once again address Zev.

"So what how do we get rid of our drilbur?"

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We thought a picnic would be nice (M)
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 16:46:45 GMT
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As Zev pointed out one of the remaining traps, Oscar was in the process of nearly stepping on it. Freezing in place, Oscar carefully lifted his leg so that he may step over the wire instead of clumsily breaking it. Once on the other side, Oscar chuckled nervously. "That was close, good call Zev." Oscar put his hands on his hips and looked to Emma. "Where were you on that? You're our trap detector." Emma crawled across the wall to avoid the tripwire, providing a clicking sound as her answer as the spider continued on.

Oscar rolled his eyes, "Don't give me that sass--she clicks when she's annoyed." Oscar followed Emma, who was a lot more attentive when it came to the next two traps. She would stop abruptly to point them out, both times taking a moment to stare daggers at both Oscar and Zev. The second time this happened, Oscar was sure to comment. "Yeah we see it, thank you for the sarcasm."

Shortly after the second wire, the team would come upon a soft glow illuminating the wall at the end of their current passageway. It was dim, but just strong enough to make out as they made their approach. Oscar looked to Zev, putting a finger against his lips as they came to the end of the hallway. Oscar peeked over, looking cautiously into the small chamber that their target had made into their base.

A makeshift workstation sat in the far wall, the laptop on its surface providing the glow that greeted them. Laying on the cot beside the workstation was a man that slept without a blanket. Oscar turned to Zev, pointing to the man and then to his lips. Oscar silently mouthed a warning to his companion, "Could be faking. Use caution."

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Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 16:31:13 GMT
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Oscar grinned, raising his hands to lightly clap them together. "I was thinking the exact same thing! I believe my research shall compliment yours very well! The human body is a fickle bitch after all, I should know mine is failing me more and more every day." Oscar chuckled, attempting to push away the existential dread of his eldritch disease slowly tearing him apart from the inside. Such fear was put right back into the mind vault, where it belonged.

Oscar flourished his arms as he tried to make a general gesture toward Nomi's lab. "In that spirit, I have my own interests concerning Tera energy. I seek the secret of harnessing it, just as I found a way to harness Infinity Energy. So with that in mind, are you in need of a lab assistant? The tray can be my resume and my smile can be my cover letter!"

Oscar put his knuckles under his chin, giving Nomi the brightest grin he could. He felt as if she had already accepted his aid by letting him into the lab, but Oscar would feel a lot better if she formally accepted his request. After all, what could be better than a little jolly cooperation between colleagues?

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 16:17:53 GMT
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Oscar continued to stare into space, his mind too busy imagining something truly demented. His lips twitched into a smile, which only grew as his thoughts on the matter deepened. His eyes eventually moved toward Lulu, and when he realized how strange he probably looked Oscar would clear his throat and compose himself.

Folding his hands together, Oscar would share a small preview of what he had in mind. "Porygon are made from manipulated data, are they not? If we can find a way to extract the data of human consciousness--whose to say that we can manipulate it into a form more capable of navigating the data-scape? This might sound like mad science, but I think there's merit in delving into the fantastical. Limiting ourselves to ethics just causes everything to go slower."

Oscar's pocket beeped. He pulled out his phone and stared at the screen, groaning as he slid it back into his pocket. "I gotta go. Call me right away when you are ready to test your machine, I want a front row seat. You know how to reach me should you need any help. My theoretical door is always open."

Oscar walked to the door of Lulu's lab, stopping short to look back one more time. "We're gonna make this dream a reality Lulu. Never doubt it, not even for a second." Oscar gave a smile and a wave before leaving Lulu and her magic dream machine behind.

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infinity and beyond
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 16:02:46 GMT
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Oscar was offered a minior steed to escape the crater, and Oscar would chuckle lightly as he wrapped himself around the living meteorite. "You always have the best plans Lulu." The two began their ascent, idle chit chat distracting Oscar from how high they were rising.

"An impact on its way--that makes sense. Maybe that was how the Deoxys made it onto Menteno's surface. Perhaps these shards will react to Deoxys itself, we should ask Killian for a test." Oscar was not yet aware of Killian's disappearance, and thus his hope for a way forward was misplaced. Although it should still be a useful experiment should Deoxys resurface once more.

Having escaped the crater, Oscar would hop of the minior and lightly skip forward. Not on purpose, but it certainly looked that way as he came to a dainty stop. "Alright, back to the ship. Mission two should be more fruitful."

It was a shame to leave seemingly empty handed, but sometimes the mystery was its own reward. What significance would these shards reveal? Only time would tell.

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Life Could Be a Dream
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 15:53:34 GMT
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Before Oscar could fully move out of hiding, a bizarre force would pull him back. "What the fu--" The pull from the Ghastly's tendrils would knock Oscar off his feet, causing him to land squarely on his behind. Oscar quickly turned himself to face the stranger, glaring as he held back a shout. Oscar's fury died quickly though, as the terrified expression of the man would explain his actions.

He was clearly trying to protect them from something, perhaps what he saw in the mist was different from what Oscar had seen. Oscar rolled his eyes, this was exactly what he wanted to avoid when entering the mist. Civilians always muck up even the simplest of tasks. Despite his aggravation, Oscar would would calmly slide on his knees over to the stranger and gently place his hands on their shoulders.

His expression was stern, yet understanding. Staring into the man's eyes, Oscar would attempt to instill some comfort. "I don't know what you see, but you have to believe me when I say it isn't real. The mist is preying on your fears, and the more you play into it the more powerful the vision becomes. I can break the illusion, but I'll need you to take a deep breath and trust me. Everything is going to be alright."

Oscar turned away, rising to his feet to once again try and move out of cover. Before reaching the threshold of open visibility, he would turn one more time toward the stranger.

"Remember, it isn't real. Trust me."

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POSTED ON May 1, 2023 4:10:06 GMT
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CURRENT TOTAL MP: 3970--->220
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shenanigans [postdormitum]
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 3:58:43 GMT
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Skyler eventually put Oscar down, much to his relief. He did not mind the ride but it was starting to feel weird, like he was a child being carried around by their mother (not that he would know what that feels like, his mom never held him). Oscar adjusted his suit as Skyler dusted him off, and before he could provide any thanks the good captain would have him captured within a half-hug. It was nice, almost felt like old times.

Skyler even said that she was proud of him, which almost made Oscar wince. Considering that he was supposed to be leading the grunts they had just beaten into the dust, well maybe that pride was better placed elsewhere. Oscar swallowed his guilt though, chuckling as he threw his arm over Skyler's shoulders. "We gotta work out sometime, I bet I could show you a thing or two!"

Once they made it to the warehouse, everything would go by in a blur. Oscar helped a get a few things in with the help of Xurkitree, but eventually decided that it was time to vamoose. Despite its lax inner security, Oscar would opt not to snatch anything. Instead he kept the warehouse in mind, perhaps he could attempt another strike after the Ultra Deep Sea campaign was finished. He said his goodbyes to Skyler before flying off into the clouds.

Oscar would return about an hour later, as far down the beach as he could manage to avoid being spotted by the League. He unfortunately had to finish off any living grunts, no witnesses could be allowed to know of what happened here. Once he was done, Oscar ventured back into Ultra Space--not bothering to retrieve his buried outfit.

+50 (10 per post)
+10 (Assisted Skyler)
+50 (Participation)
+100 (Mission Complete)
+300 (Rocket Loss)
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shenanigans [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 20:31:31 GMT
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Oscar gave a friendly scoff as Skyler praised his initiative. "Psh, you'll need to at least buy me dinner first." Oscar's quip was followed up by another punch to a grunt, which actually pulled a chuckle out of him. Was he having fun? Oh no, he was having fun. This was for sure going to haunt him later, but for now it was time to push forward!

Skyler rallied the other League members into moving toward the warehouse. Oscar eagerly began moving with them, but in his haste he would end up stumbling. Luckily Skyler was there to catch him, but unluckily she would heft him further up until she was carrying Oscar a lot like the barrel on her other arm. Oscar expressed dismay as he was carried off like cargo, "Since when were you this strong? What's your workout routine?"

The band pushed forward, and the few grunts that dared to stand in their way would begin to lose their nerve. Xurkitree would not allow them to get away though, using precise bursts of Signal Beam to take the grunts out of commission. Having thoroughly destroyed the attack Rocket forces, their journey to the warehouse would be a thoroughly easy one.

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Beach Party! [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 20:12:50 GMT
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Zapdos descended from the eye of the storm like an angel, observing the chaos with demented satisfaction. The humans scrambled to safety, scattered about like displaced ants. The scene was----actually is was not as satisfying as Zapdos had thought. It felt a pit in its stomach, not guilt but some form of disappointment. It would seem that its spoiled pride caused it to lose its temper once again, it put far too much effort into destroying this camp. It was like going to war with an basket of babies, how foolish.

Zapdos softened its gaze and was about to fly off to find Oscar--until a buzzing little pest began flying around its head. Zapdos's eyes strained to follow it for a time, until the tiny bastard squirted poison into the titan's face. Zapdos cried out loudly as the liquid stung its eyes, fury once again taking over its senses. It let out a booming cry as it snapped its wings against the air, creating another Heat Wave to dispatch the cretin that dared attack it. Losing its pity for the beings it had tormented, Zapdos flew up into the clouds. This time it would continue onward to find an exit to this dreadful realm.

Oscar meanwhile had just let out his Shadow Nidoqueen, jumping onto her back and pointing toward the rolling waves of the sea. "Surf's up let's get the fuck outta here." As Nidoqueen waded into the shallows, Oscar would spot a bright creature running toward them. In the light of Zapdos's final Heat Wave, the creature was revealed to be a very angry Sylveon. Oscar let out a groan, "Are you fuckin' kidding me!?" All that hoopla and he was spotted at the last second, talk about bad luck.

Fuck it though, he got this far and he was not going to be delayed further. Oscar pointed at the charging dog, "Take care of that!" Nidoqueen gave the pink beast a sideways glance before charging forward. A massive wave formed around the duo as they sailed deeper into the tide, hopefully pushing the Sylveon away before it could cause any mischief (Surf). Oscar looked down at Nidoqueen as she soared toward deeper waters, "That works too I guess."

+50 (10 per post)
+30 (Knocked out Three of another trainer's pokemon)
+100 (Mission Complete)
+50 (Participation)
+200 (Rocket Victory)
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Tower Defence [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 18:04:12 GMT
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Oscar tended to be oblivious to underlying emotions, he was no good at being empathetic without a great deal of focus. However in this case, a prominent context clue would lead him to believing that Mint was not as cheerful as he appeared. Oscar's wayward eyes gravitated toward the ball Mint had earlier destroyed, its broken pieces reflecting the flashes from the battle before them. Oscar's face twisted behind his mask. Did something happen to Mint's Chingling?

Mint may not show it, but losing a pokemon can be hard for anyone--especially if they had high hopes for their would-be partner. Oscar turned his back to the battle, resting one of his arms on Mint's shoulders. As he lead the neon beast back into the base, Oscar would flash him a grin.

"I'm thinking I'll need a bit of everything. You can patch me up while we eat!"


+50 (10 per post)
+10 (Assisted Mint)
+50 (Participation)
+100 (Mission Complete)
+25 (Use an Ultra Beast 1/1)
+200 (Rocket Victory)
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Beach Party! [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 17:56:46 GMT
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Zapdos's arrival was inevitable, and yet the camp would still try to slow it down. The great bird would be forced to halt as red rocks sprouted from the ground to block its path, while a shadow ball was launched its way through openings between the spires. Annoyed by this delay, Zapdos's eyes flashed as it surged forward, expertly curving around the shadow ball and flying high into the blackened clouds over the camp (Detect).

For a moment, it might have seemed as if Zapdos had decided to fly away. However, the slow twisting of the clouds would quickly put such hopes to rest. As the clouds spiraled inward, a powerful tempest would raging below. An unnatural wind would tear at the tents, straining their straps and ripping through their polyester skin. As the Hurricane reached its full power, the campsite would be absolutely desolated by a horrific gale that carried anything it could grab into the mouth of the spiraling clouds.

Oscar had been watching this whole event from afar, gobsmacked by Zapdos's strength. He had faced its wrath before, but having it on his side was an exhilarating experience. Shivers had been running down his back the entire time, the same one would feel when listening to a really good song. It was memorizing to witness--so much so that he had forgotten that this was supposed to be a distraction so that he could escape.

As the camp was obliterated by the hurricane, Oscar quickly realized that he should be booking it to the shoreline. Jumping from out of cover, Oscar began sprinting with all of his might toward the churning waters of the Ultra Deep Sea.

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shenanigans [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 17:41:14 GMT
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Oscar's surprised explanation coincides with his fist breaking the nose of poor grunt he had tackled. As the grunt moaned, Oscar realized that he probably went overboard and jumped to his feet. He sidestepped the downed grunt and closed in on Skyler to offer some support--not that she needed any. She was basically taking on a mob of grunts one-handed, which was exactly why this mission was a terrible idea to begin with. No one can just beat Skyler Dross.

Oscar would occasionally get a punch or a kick in, only when a grunt was not totally taken out by Skyler. In between strikes, Oscar would get a chance to correct his dear friend. "Dhalia has--the wrong equipment--if you catch my meaning! I just wanna--be acknowledged--for my efforts--in fighting terrorists!" Oscar grabbed a stumbling grunt by the head and slammed them with his knee, just in time for Urshifu and Xurkitree to make their way back to their respective trainers.

Skyler pointed out their objective, and while Skyler may not have been in a rush Oscar very much wanted to get this over with. He pointed toward the warehouse and shouted to his Xurkitree. "Yo, clear a path to that warehouse!" Xurkitree gave Oscar a salute, its head glowing brightly. A beam erupted from its bulb, sweeping across the beach to dispatch the grunts and pokemon that stood in the way of their target destination.

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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 2:33:51 GMT
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Oscar had not thrown up when he exited the harshest turn of the race thus far, but only because he neglected to eat anything before hand. He tried his best to hide it, but the poor rocket was still rattled by the Gforce. Oscar dry heaved as Lancer entered the straightway, shaking his head as he recovered from the turn.

As they entered the final lap, Oscar could swear he heard something flapping right behind him. Someone had to be on his tail, but he did not have the luxury of being able to turn away from the track. The next obstacle was coming up, both he and Lancer would need absolute concentration. The duo sped up, and would attempt to turn sharply enough to prevent any passing.

Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)

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