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POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 17:00:23 GMT
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Survey #1 - What is your opinion on shorts?

My legs are too pale to be witnessed.

Survey #2 - What was your proudest moment?

I taught my baby (Genesect) how to swear in sign language.

Survey #3 - Do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?

Redemption is subjective. No matter how much you scrub you'll never un-kill that Machamp. You know who you are.

Survey #4 - Which Pokemon species do you detest?

If every Gengar disappeared one day the world would be a better place.

Survey #5 - Who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?

A cd player and two burnt discs of my favorite music to slowly starve to.

Survey #6 - What do you have in your pockets?

I keep everything in my purse (Genesect).

Survey #7 - Do you have a sibling, or someone like one? If so, what's your relationship like?

I have an older brother back in Alola. It's annoying that he still loves me.

Survey #8 - How would you like to be remembered after you die?

If I die I am taking you all with me.

Survey #9 - Do you name your Pokemon? Why, or why not? Do you follow a certain theme?

Sure, helps me tell them apart. My theme is whatever edgy word pops into my head in the moment.

Survey #10 - Are you a virgin?

Nah but that doesn't stop me from pretending to be.


Black, it's not basic it's awesome.

Survey #12 - What is your favorite anime?

The one where the gay guys hit each other with their imaginary friends.

Survey #13 - ORACELIES SOLAR has released her final album titled X. Listen to it here. Out of the tracklist, which is your favorite song and why?

I'm more of a classic rock guy.

Survey #14 - How much time do you think Hoenn has left?

Pretty sure we're three years overdue.

Suggestions - Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

'What's the best, Worst movie you've seen?'

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POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 16:22:36 GMT
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Something big must be happening in the Distortion World, because allegedly little tears to the most elusive of alternate dimensions were popping up across Hoenn. Oscar had developed a fascination for the land of Distortion ever since he got a taste of it in Sootopolis, so he has taken to checking in on these tear reports whenever they come in. He is always one step behind though, usually arriving at a location when the portal had already closed. Or perhaps it was never there at all and he has just been chasing wild geese.

This time was different though. He lucked out when he followed up on a sighting on Mt. Pyre. It took him a while to find it, but once he did there was no mistaking what it was. Sitting within the foggy slopes of the mountain was a small wavy circle emanating a familiar energy. Approaching it gave Oscar the same feeling he received when he was nearly imprisoned within the hostile world forever by . It was a rush of adrenaline, like staring down from an immeasurable height and suddenly getting the urge to jump.

Oscar popped a squat near the rift, staring intently as its undulating vibrations distorted the normal terrain it sat upon. He was admiring it, taking in the sight as if it were a rare piece of art in a museum. Unlike in a museum though, he knew that if he so wished he could reach out and touch it. Oh the temptation was great, but was it safe? Would touching it bring him into that backwards place where few could claim to tread?

Oscar smiled, pushing his hand against the rift without hesitation. Yet as his hand approached, he would feel a force push it away. The rejection was gentle, gentle enough for Oscar to place his hand against it as if it were a solid surface. The force made his hand vibrate, recreating a sensation similar to the opposite sides of two magnets rejecting each other. After a moment of contemplation, Oscar slowly pulled away.

This shall require further research.

---Not claiming the move yet, further research is required.
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Bubble Tea Brewing Showdown Sign-ups
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 19:31:42 GMT
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Character: [break]
Pokemon:Boris the Haxorus[break]
Favorite flavor: Honeydew[break]
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You Found Me [Closed]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 3:00:26 GMT
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Oscar let out a sound that seemed like the cross between a scoff and bemused laughter. It was not mocking, moreso sympathetic. The very notion that he could ever be angry with Lulu was absurd, and he intended to make that clear.

Oscar slid the coffee closer to Lulu, his smile widening as he held back further chuckling. "Lulu my dear you have nothing to apologize for, nor is there anything to forgive. I'm just glad to see you back in the lab."

Oscar took a sip of his own beverage as he made a rotary glance across the laboratory. "It's a bit more--humble than we're used to, but we'll still do some great work here." Oscar leaned over the desk, rifling through some of the paperwork Luku had splayed out. After a moment he would look back toward here.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited myself to whatever you're doing. I can't resist a Lulu project."

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Reflection [Closed]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 2:11:12 GMT
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Who could resist a surprise while feeling sick? Oscar, Oscar could. However, his own self-care preferences would not stop him from being a caring friend. Oscar heard through the grapevine that Jayden had been suffering through a mysterious sickness. Knowing exactly how that feels, Oscar thought it would be a fun idea to pay his friend a surprise visit.

With a bag of donuts holes in hand, Oscar navigated through the hallways of the High Offices to meet up with Jayden. He did not have to search that hard for his office, and once it was located Oscar would try the door. Ah it was unlocked and the light was on inside, Jayden must be in. Oscar opened the door fully to reveal himself.

"Hey there sick boy, I brought sweets!"

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You Found Me [Closed]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 2:03:20 GMT
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How long has it been since he walked these walls? To be honest not very long at all, but to Oscar it felt as though it had been an eternity. His dress shoes echoed as he forged through the empty passages, humming to himself to make the journey less monotonous. He held two small coffees in each hand, freshly brewed from Rocket's grunt break room. The taste has never been the best, but the nostalgia made up for it.

Only one lab was being worked in tonight, the same one used to use before she rose within Rocket's ranks. Oscar was glad that her habits had not changed, otherwise their coffees would have become cold by the time he found her. Oscar let himself in, briefly balancing a coffee on his arm to free one of his hands. Once he passed the threshold of the door, he would grab his balanced coffee and begin his search for Lulu.

She was not hard to find, the lab was not the biggest and the desks tended to be toward the front. Oscar found her with her back turned, causing him to sneer mischievously. This truly would be a pure surprise, hopefully she will not hold it against him. Oscar stepped up to the table she was working on and placed the coffee meant for her within arm's reach.

"What are you working on?"
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Oscar's Plot Hole
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 15:48:44 GMT
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Oscar Clayton

he/him | homosexual | rocket | career criminal


When Oscar Clayton first arrived in Hoenn, he was a penniless thief on the run from Alolan law enforcement. His parents were the CEOs of Infinity Industries, a construction company responsible for much of the modern development on the Alolan isles (for better or worse). With his only brother having no interest in business, Oscar was in line to inherent the company after the death of his parents. However Oscar's inheritance was frozen after his stint with the law, and he would not be able to access it until he proved himself to be responsible enough to handle the responsibility of wealth.

Through hard work (and more crime) Oscar was able to present himself as responsible enough to obtain his inheritance properly. Equipped with the resources of Infinity Industries, Oscar was able to connive and sabotage his way into buying the recently disgraced Greater Mauville Holdings company. Using GMH's research and development teams, he would invent the Infinity Generator: a powerful generator that could power cities using infinity energy.

Creating the generator created a spark within Oscar, and he would soon begin to focus on immersing himself into the world of scientific exploration. His endeavors could not be called morally sound however, as Oscar seemed infatuated with exploiting the world's resources to harness new forms of energy. This would accumulate in the development of the 'poke pod' a device that extracted infinity energy directly from a living pokemon at the cost of that pokemon's life.

Oscar's adventures would hit a snag while helping to reconstruct 's Church of Arceus. As it turned out, the church had been committing atrocities of its own deep underground, and while excavating the ruins of the church's inner sanctum Oscar would encounter a failed attempt to clone Arceus. The gaseous monster would be defeated, but not before being breathed in by Oscar. The particles Oscar had inhaled solidified within his internal organs, slowly spreading and corrupting everything it touched. Eventually, Oscar had no choice but to flee to Alola in order to receive treatment.

Months later, Oscar has returned with a clean bill of health. He intends on resuming his research, having received a plethora of dark new ideas from his feverish dreams.


While billing himself as a professional criminal, Oscar is not that bad of a guy. He is easy to talk to, although his excessive swearing can be initially abrasive. He does not seek to be personally malicious unless you have wronged or threatened him, meaning that it is incredibly easy to ignite a friendship. Once you gain his trust and loyalty, it shall be very difficult to lose either. This is actually one of Oscar's greatest flaws, as his allegiances have been tested by the bonds he has created while living in Hoenn.

It is easier to become friends if you: Are a member of Rocket, are not serious all the time, enjoy exploration and discovery, enjoy committing petty crimes, have a skewed moral compass, can appreciate the beauty of Bug pokemon, hate , let him do nice things for you, are frequently available for absurd misadventures.

Friendship Plot Hooks:
  • Assist him in his latest scientific endeavor.
  • Enlist his help in your own devious schemes, he is always willing to lend a hand to a fellow criminal.
  • If he has your number, he may text you late at night demanding that you meet him somewhere strange. Do it.
  • If you are new to Rocket, reach out to him for training. He is always willing to share what he knows. He might even bring his Genesect to help, what a treat!


Oscar has thus far tried his best to avoid open conflict with members of the League. As the CEO of a well known company within Hoenn, Oscar felt that it was within his best interest to maintain a facade of decency and strong moral character. After narrowly avoiding death however, he is no longer interested in pretending to be something that he is not. Oscar will no longer hide his sinister nature, and while being this open shall be freeing he is likely to make more enemies along the way. Even those who call him a friend may second guess themselves as his nefarious ways come to light. He is not prepared for that, although he will claim to be.

It is easier to become his enemy if you: Are a ranger, actively attempt to get in the way of his goals, hate Team Rocket and everything they stand for, object to the darker side of scientific discovery, are , are friends with , betray Rocket, betray him.

Enemy Plot Hooks:
  • Oscar's devious ventures shall need to be opposed. He shall need heroes to stop him and for him to overcome. Perhaps a new rivalry can be born.
  • Oscar is willing to push the boundaries of his humanity in order to make new discoveries. Perhaps you realize that you bit off more than you can chew at a pivotal moment during a collaboration.
  • Oscar has his sights set on Mauville, are you going to stand by while he tries to take over?


Oscar has never been what you might call 'emotionally available'. He has had one unfulfilling relationship and a less than satisfying f.w.b. situation, and that's all. He has never gone out of his way to find companionship, as he feels both uninterested and unworthy. Yet after escaping the grasp of death, he suddenly realized what he has been missing out on. It will not be easy, but he is more willing to open his heart up to others.

It is easier to romance Oscar if you: Are a frequent collaborator, accompany him on multiple misadventures, understand his view points on discovery, prove you know him well, prove you can be trusted, are a top.

Romance Plot Hooks:
Arrrre harder to define. Hollow doesn't know how to do these kind of plots but is down to try. Just have your character get to know him and we can plot something out along the way if they have good chemistry. It's better if it happens organically instead of specifically seeking it out, y'know?


  • If Oscar trusts you and you share his passion for discovery and progress, he may share his latest long-term project: The Alpha/Omega Initiative. Early collaboration will be helpful to get this particularly complex plot off the ground.
  • As far as Oscar is aware, he is on friendly terms with the legendary pokemon Zapdos. The bird currently lives on his property, so if you wish to have an audience he could likely act as a middle-man.
  • Oscar has invested interest in the Ultra Desert. Archeological secrets are calling out to him, and he shall be making frequent visits in the coming months.
  • Oscar is the master of the first Genesect, which he has dubbed Genesect Prime. If you have created your own Genesect, it may be interesting to see how the two interact with each other. This could be especially helpful if you wish to make your Genesect more personable, as Prime has had a substantial amount of emotional development thanks to its training with Oscar.
  • As mentioned in his friendship section, Oscar is eager to help other Rockets with their long-term goals. If your character ever needs assistance, Oscar will forever be at your disposal.

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 2:43:51 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameoscar clayton
agethirty one
played byhollow

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK executive

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM antonio salieri from fate grand/order

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Fresh off of death's door, Oscar returns to Hoenn to resume his villainous plans. This time however, his days of pretending to be a kind hearted public figure are over. He did not fight to survive an eldritch parasite just to play nice again. The mask is off! The gloves are off! It's Oscar's come back villain era baby!



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I've Made a Choice
POSTED ON May 11, 2023 3:48:45 GMT
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Hey pals, Hollow here. Just got back from my vacation and the experiences I had has got me thinking about life. I took a good luck on how I spend my time, at Hoenn in particular, and I've decided that roleplay has really started to drain me. It used to be a lot of fun, but now I think it would be best if I put it aside. I feel that I will be happier putting my time into new experiences and exploring what life has to offer.

I really can't thank this community enough, it really warms my heart to see forum roleplay be alive and well on a site that deserves that passion. Whether Hoenn continues for a year or a decade, I hope that you guys will continue to put your all into this story. 

I love each and every one of you.

As for Oscar, if I could have it my way hos parasite would kill him but maybe he's just off in Alola. Choose whichever option feels best for you.

Alright I'm out, goodbye for now pals! Stay spooky!
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POSTED ON May 6, 2023 2:17:42 GMT
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As they escaped that wretched turn, Oscar slapped himself out of his daze. His focus would return just in time to watch speed by, overtaking fifth place. Oscar's eyes widened as he yelled out in frustration, "No no no no no! I refuse to lose that easily! Lancer, prepare to mega--opp wait."

The insane dive that they were rapidly approaching seemed like a bad fit for Mega Evolution. They would likely end up going too fast and get splattered upon the first turn. Oscar tightened his grip on Lancer, leaning in as they approached the obstacle. Keeping his emotions contained, the two would leap into danger once again.

They had to make it past this mess, as it shall likely be their last shot at taking a lead!

Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)

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POSTED ON May 5, 2023 21:38:04 GMT
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Oscar leaned onto the table, one hand holding up a cheek while the other idly lifted his coffee to his mouth. "Any time! I mean, maybe not any time but, you get it." Oscar got a little lost in the 'sauce' from there, staring at the alien liquid as it unnaturally flowed around in its cylindrical casing. Maybe Oscar just needed something to anchor himself so that his anxiety about helping the League did not get the best of him.

Nope, not helping the League. He had to keep reminding himself that this was for Rowan--and for Aether. Speaking of, Oscar snapped himself out of his trance and fixed his posture. It was time to find out why Rowan needed this toxin.

"So, are you ready to share what you're working on or do I need to sign a form or something."

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electric chicken boogaloo
POSTED ON May 5, 2023 21:30:45 GMT
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Oscar had taken Barnaby to the 'power plant pokemon refuge' under his Power Plant proper. They kept finding new areas of what was once New Mauville during construction, so Oscar thought it would be cheaper just to convert these spaces into a home for the pokemon he was displacing while clearing New Mauville's ruins. He did not go down here often, but when there was a need to talk in private he knew this would be the perfect spot to do so.

As they wandered the halls of the ruined power plant, Oscar and Barnaby would converse about the Moltres report.

"Yeah, I read it." Oscar said flatly, crossing his arms. "If you you ask me, I'd say that we've been handed a golden opportunity to win over another legendary bird for Team Rocket." Oscar stopped, turning his head toward his companion.

"I uh--have you heard that Zapdos has joined my team? I imagine that's why you reached out." Oscar began walking again, a little brisker than before. "Not that I mind a social visit."

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POSTED ON May 5, 2023 0:28:35 GMT
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4 ic posts for canon characters:
summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:
  • 2. OSCAR'S SIDE DECK[break]Oscar considers himself one hundred percent loyal to Team Rocket. Yet, his lack of preparation for anything other than a total Rocket victory has left him decidedly vulnerable. With many of his closest allies defecting, Oscar fears the possibility of his role in Rocket becoming public--which puts him in a precarious position should Rocket fall. To avoid this, Oscar has begun making secret alliances with friends that had already defected. First came , whom Oscar forged a partnership with after faking an attempt to assassinate the Galarian noble. Then came , whom Oscar discovered to be alive and well in Ever Grande before news of his defection fully reached Rocket. The latest addition was , who is allowing Oscar to access the Aether Foundation in exchange for the Head Scientist's aid in their own research. Oscar hopes that these alliances will set a firm foundation should the need to flee Rocket ever arises, as well as help Oscar keep tabs on important League happenings.[break][break]

    Relevant Threads[break]
    BURN NOTICE with and [break]
    POSTDORMITUM: ROON with , , and [break]
    SUBLIME TEA RHYME with [break]
if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:
  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]Oscar is not an avatar, but after years of hard work he has finally gained the trust of the legendary bird Zapdos. Having stayed isolated from the world for many decades, Zapdos has already shown itself to be a challenging pokemon to tame. Yet there is progress, with its first mission during the Ultra Deep Sea invasion ending in a resounding success. Still, their partnership is brand new and Oscar has a great deal of work ahead of him if he is ever going to earn its true favor.[break][break]

    Relevant Threads[break]
    FAMILY REUNION with [break]
    BEACH PARTY with [break]

  • any notes/comments: I feel so lucky to have a site like this. I have plots blooming from every angle and it is making me so excited to write, thank you for the continued fantastic experience!
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POSTED ON May 4, 2023 23:46:24 GMT
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Oscar had to jump through a lot of hoops to obtain what Rowan required. Nihilego toxin samples were plentiful within Rocket's science department, but they were monitored closely. What was Oscar going to say once it was discovered that a sample went missing, that he lost it? The risk was too great, so instead Oscar tracked down a grunt that had captured one during the Ultra Deep Sea campaign and leveraged his position to get a chance to milk it. Have you ever milked a Nihilego? It is fucking nasty. Not the toxin itself, but like--the tentacles. The texture is just wrong. So very wrong.

Anyway Oscar got what he needed, and was entering Aether HQ with a refrigerated briefcase. What cruel irony; he finally got a chance to visit the Aether Foundation and all he had to do was undermine Rocket. Oscar did not have any regrets though, this was the price he had to pay to maintain as an ally. Whatever Rowan had in mind for this toxin, it would be worth the risk.

Oscar was directed to the 'lounge', and once he discovered it was just a Sawsbucks he rolled his eyes. The Aether Foundation would absolutely be the kind of office to call an on-location Sawsbucks 'the lounge'. Bunch of degenerates, and Oscar envied them so fucking bad. Rowan was not hard to spot, and after waving enthusiastically Oscar would approach their table with a skip in his step.

"Hey there chucklefuck." Oscar stated as he placed his briefcase in front of Rowan. He would unlatch the case but not open it, instead turning to approach the counter. "Take a look, I'll be right back." Oscar would run off to order a black coffee of his own, allowing Rowan to observed the cylinder full of black liquid within the briefcase. Oscar would return with his coffee, hopping into his chair while directing a mischievous smile toward his friend.

"Can I deliver or what?"
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