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Ancient Power (M)
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 17:27:53 GMT
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Oscar let out a chuckle, still peering into the Power Spot as he responded to Ms. Kwan. "I hoped for the bare minimum so good job so far. My goals are nebulous. Head Scientist undoubtedly hopes to harness Dyna Energy in time. I want to expedite that process. Firstly we should test the limits of our current technology in regards to Dyna energy exposure."

As if on cue, Prime would begin putting some of the parts it had unloaded together; twisting tubes and bolts together with its claws to connect them into one machine. In the end it would look like some sort of cylinder, as tall as the Genesect itself. Genesect would point to the remaining pieces of equipment: a laptop with a USB cord and a bundle of loose wires with orbs on their tips. Prime would leave those to Soyeon to carry as it pushed the strange machine over to Oscar.

Oscar finally took his eyes off of the power spot, watching as Prime brought the machine over. The loud scraping sound it made caused his eyebrows to furrow. "Man--now it's gonna look all fucked up on the bottom. We gotta get you thumbs so you can lift things." His eyes looked to Soyeon, his tone shifting from lighthearted exasperation to earnest curiosity.

"You volunteered rather readily for this task. What do you hope to learn?"

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Interjection [M]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 2:49:00 GMT
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"Mmm." Oscar had let out that one noise that sounded like a grunt but with the inflection that implied agreement. He was left with too many questions to feel otherwise satisfied. What would happen if he had stuck his hand through the hoop? Would the being react if the hoop was attacked? Or if pokemon were similarly funneled through it before the creature could commence its prank? Oscar rubbed his forehead, his burning curiosity was giving him a headache--especially since his answers would never get answered.

Oscar sighed, "Well I suppose we better clean this shit up." Oscar was quiet for a moment, listening to the sound of wriggling tentacles. After a few seconds he would shrug, "Or--better idea--we fuck off and let someone else handle it. I won't say anything if you don't." Oscar shot Zev a coy smile downing the rest of his coffee as he waited for the beast's response.

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Ancient Power (M)
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 2:40:10 GMT
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Oscar had expected the Power Spot within the Cave of Origin to be bigger. I mean, it was not small by any stretch of the imagination--but by the way described it he expected it to be massive. Oh well, a reasonable size was hardly a detriment. If anything, it would make examining it easier.

Apparently only designated individuals had permission to examine the Power Spot, but Oscar's status as a former Head Scientist allowed him a certain level of privilege. He had a few hours to do some experiments of his own, and hopefully that would be enough time to get some answers about Dyna-energy...or at least point him in the right direction.

The Power Spot was surrounded by machinery, but he would not be using any of it. He had brought his own, stored away in a wagon attached to a golf cart. Oscar's Genesect, Prime, was helping to unload the machinery. Likely still sitting in the golf cart (or doing something else who knows she's her own woman) was Oscar's partner for the day: .

When Oscar put out the request for help, she had been the first and only person to volunteer. Perhaps the Power Spot was too intimidating for other Rocket scientists--or maybe they just did not think it mattered. Either way, he appreciated the help. Oscar stood before the Power Spot, staring into it while rolling a lollipop between his teeth. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, he would address his human companion.

"What do you know about Dyna-energy?"
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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 18:59:35 GMT
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When it became his turn to present himself, Oscar stepped onto the stage with detached confidence. He was here to support , but he was determined to not make himself into some sort of clown for the amusement of this crowd. As he came to the stage's center, his arms folded behind him, he would seek to emulate the demeanor of a professional. No nonsense, all skill. His shiny Haxorus, Boris, stood beside him with a similar conduct. His red eyes scanned the crowd, his body posed as if preparing to strike at a moment's notice.

Oscar spoke plainly, "My name is Oscar Clayton, and this is Boris the Haxorus. We have never made 'bubble tea' before, but there is no doubt that we will annihilate the competition regardless. We're the best at what we do--and what we do..." Oscar looked to Boris, and Boris looked back. They exchange looks of assured confidence, in both their bond and partnership. The two nodded and looked back to the crowd, " win."

Oscar and Boris walked off of the stage and toward their designated prep area. As they walked out of earshot of prodding eyes, Oscar tapped Boris on the back and began to whisper, "Alright time to improv the fuck out of this and hope it works. I don't wanna be that asshole that talks a big game and gets ass-blasted in the first round." Boris agreed with a nod.

Oscar removed his blazer and rolled up his sleeves while Boris looked through the fruit. Oscar would come up next to him as he tied an apron around his waist. "Do we got Honeydew?" Boris nodded, pointing to a few full melons on the shelf. "Groovy." Oscar reached up and picked a melon, backing up as he prepared to throw it. "Alright slice it so that the chunks land on the counter, got it?" Boris adjusted himself so that he could swing his tusks at the correct angle to complete Oscar's request. Oscar tossed the melon like a basketball, and Boris would swipe his tusks twice. The Dual Chop sent the sliced melon flying toward the counter, landing in a heap near the edge.

Oscar tried to maintain his composure, but it was clear that he was a little frantic to save the slices as he pulled them back to safety. Oscar grabbed a proper knife to cut the rest of the melon's shell away, and Boris brought over red-strawberry burst balls for the tea. Oh fuck the tea! Oscar looked over to the tea shelf and after a moment of contemplation pointed to some black tea leafs in the middle. "Get me some Galarian Breakfast." Boris did as he was told, and after shoving the melon slices into a blender Oscar would begin brewing the tea. When the tea was finished he would add the brew and some milk into the blender as well, mixing all of the ingredients into one creamy liquid. Oscar added a fair share of strawberry burst balls to the bottom of their presentation cup before pouring in the tea-mixture.

With his creation finished, Oscar would present his drink to the judges. "Honeydew milk tea with strawberry burst balls. I call it the Haxorus Chorus Tea. Drink it."

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Interjection [M]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 18:21:38 GMT
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Shortly after they made their choice, a hoop did indeed appear before them. Oscar was a little shocked, he almost expected nothing to actually happen. There was a moment of anticipation as the floating ring surged with energy, Oscar did not know what would come out and the possibilities filled him with a sense of excitement. He leaned in slightly as the hoop rippled, its contents finally emerging.

Something heavy smacked Oscar in the head, and he had a brief moment of panic as its slimy surface flailed around over his face. "Ah! Get-get off!" Oscar pulled his unsolicited hat off of his face, gasping when he held it out and found it to be an Octillery. It was not the only one either, about twenty Octillery were now flailing around the break room in a confused cluster of tentacles and ink. They did not seem hostile--bewildered. As if they were just picked off of the ocean floor and flung into their submarine without warning.

Oscar heard the child-like chuckle that heralded the disappearance of the mysterious hoop. His eyes drooped, his shock being replaced by a disappointed annoyance. "Looks like it was just a prank after all. Fuckin' figures." Oscar plopped the Octillery he was holding onto the table, pulling a pokeball off of his belt and tapping it onto the Cephalopod on its snout. Once it had been safely caught, Oscar would hold the ball between his hands and sigh. "At least we won't have to go far to get rid of the rest of them. Gonna ruin my suit though..."

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 4:46:24 GMT
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Character: [break]
Pokemon (3 Max, List Ability and Moves): Look down below[break]
What Does Your Character Want For Christmas?: A hulahoop[break]

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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You Found Me [Closed]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 14:54:21 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow, his eyes focusing on the Unknown report. He had nothing but negative memories concerning that baneful alphabet. "I'm too familiar with the Unknown to be honest. RKS though? That's new." He had never heard of the rks system before, and now he was kicking himself for missing out on whatever it was. It would not be the first thing he was late for, Oscar's illness had kept him away from many important events within Rocket and it filled Oscar with a kind of bitterness.

Oscar chuckled as he resolved to just speak his mind instead of restraining his emotions. He could trust Lulu with such things, a rarity these days. "I've missed so much. Whatever happened in Galar, the assault on Dewford, and now whatever this rks system is. Ugh, it's fuckin' irritating."

Oscar tapped his fingers on Lulu's desk, resolving in that moment to put himself fully into Rocket's cause once more. The region will bow to them, and he shall be there press its face in the mud. "Alright get me up to speed."

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Interjection [M]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 18:18:34 GMT
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Oh dear, it would seem that this was not the first time Zev had encountered this invisible prankster. The experience he described was hard for Oscar to wrap his head around, it sounded like some sort of dream. He tapped his chin with his pointer finger, sorting through his recent memory for any similar experiences.

"Sounds like a fairy tale or ghost story. A ring that summons pokemon, I can't think of anything that--"

Oscar's eyes flared as a memory was unlocked from deep within his mind. It was of the apocalyptic beast Kyurem, and the multi-armed titan that dragged it back into its own dimension. Oscar's mouth formed a small smirk, he loved it when puzzle pieces clicked together.

"The day of Menteno, you remember it right? Were you on the space team? I can't recall. I was, and after we had returned to our planet an enormous dragon ripped its way into our dimension. It was thwarted by a giant pokemon that could utilize rings as portals--well I would classify them more as hoops but let's not split hairs."

Oscar laced his hands together, his smile growing wider along side his curiosity. "I wonder if this is related. Only one way to find out. Shall we go with Red?"


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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Interjection [M]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 15:46:50 GMT
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The second time around was much clearer, and Oscar would flinch as an unidentified voice asked a simple question:

"Red or blue?"

Oscar's first instinct was to look around for the voice's source, only to find that he and Zev were the only ones in the breakroom. Oscar narrowed his eyes, taking a slow sip of his coffee as curiosity began to bubble within him. "I--think someone is trying to prank us." Perhaps a grunt thought it would be a gas to hide a microphone within the breakroom to create some haunting shenanigans.

Oscar's fancy-free curiosity would turn into concern when he realized how tense Zev had gotten. Oscar had only known Zev to be, for lack of a better term, a fearless badass. So to see him suddenly look like a spooked cat as very surprising. Oscar raised an eyebrow, taking the time to look around once more as if trying to find something that Zev had noticed that he had missed.

"What? What do you know that I don't? Is this bad?"

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Interjection [M]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 17:33:31 GMT
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"So you're telling me that no one noticed the sword-weasel sneaking in? Like--no one?"

What was supposed to be a quick coffee run to the break room, had unexpectedly become a game of catch-up after Oscar had a surprise encounter with . It had been a while since the two last saw each other, and their attempt to exchange simple pleasantries bloomed into an extensive retelling of what occurred within Rocket over the past few months. It turns out that the latest meeting among the higher ups was quite the event.

Oscar idly played with his coffee as Zev shared whatever he could remember about the meeting. Oscar had no problem paying attention, as the tale was full of delicious twists that kept him enthralled. Yet no matter what he learned, Oscar would still end up circling back to the appearance of Chien-Pao. For some reason Oscar found himself fixated on its bizarre intrusion.

"You know--I bet Walsh knew it was there and just didn't fuckin' say anything. He's exactly the type of guy that pulls shit like that."

Oscar took a sip of his coffee as a voice he assumed to be Zev murmured something in coherently.

"R-- -- -lu-?"

Oscar gulped casually, "Sorry I was sipping too loud, could you repeat that?"
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