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Wartime Pranks [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 21:33:41 GMT
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Oscar stopped, remaining still for several seconds before slowly turning his head. So, Mister Kingsman wanted to know if Oscar killed the glorified bench? Oscar snickered, a giggle escaping his lips. The mild chortle evolved into an evil cackle, delivered with such vigor that it echoed from every direction.


The Terrain of Truth that Oscar did not notice would prove that he was not lying. He had no reason to pretend that he did, not in the state he was in anyway. Maybe next time though. After flipping Razz off one more time Oscar would continue on his way.

+50 (10 per post)
+100 (Mission Complete)
+50 (Participation)
+300 (Rocket Loss)
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Wartime Pranks [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 20:03:27 GMT
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Their confusion was delicious, tickling Oscar to no end. His cover was getting increasingly difficult to maintain purely because his anticipatory chuckles were getting harder to hide. So many questions though, all they had to do was take the bait! Come on, did they not want to get out of there? Just go get lost you bunch of bastards!

Oscar froze up as another voice came from the headset, dismissing his previous instructions and announcing himself as 'Kingsman'. No--no it could not possible be him! Yet either way, his fun was foiled. He let out a loud groan before tossing his headset aside and standing up. "Well there goes my after--"

Someone addressed him, how did he not see them coming? Oscar looked their way and nearly had an aneurysm. It WAS him! Razz fucking Kingsman, Oscar's greatest nemesis! The ranger told Oscar to piss off or put up his dukes, and honestly Oscar was tempted to throw down. After all, this was Razz Kingsman we are talking about. How could Oscar turn down a chance to finally end this fucking clown!?

Oscar's fists clenched, but after a moment he would sigh and relax. He was in no shape to fight, as much as he hated to admit it. The best choice would be to take advantage of Kingsman's mercy and get away to fight another day. Eventually Oscar would finally speak, his voice once again digitized.

"Fine. Sorry to be a bother." He turned away and started walking down the road.

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Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:43:43 GMT
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Dogs? Tongueless bastard? LOOPS!? The interdream mist had fucked up Amor pretty badly, if he could not escape his visions then he was in grave danger! Oscar looked between Amor and the Volcarona, unsure what to do. Amor seemed to think that the robotic moth was the source of his trouble, so if Oscar could dispose of it perhaps Amor would awaken from his living dream.

He did not have much time to act, yet Oscar would seem to be stuck staring at the volcarona. There was something--about its gaze--that really pissed him off. Like, it had decided that Oscar was unimportant. Was that in his head? Oscar's eyes twitched his mouth forming into a grimace as the Volcarona sent a Fiery Dance his way. "Fuckin' pompous piece of--" Oscar rolled to the side, immediately getting to his feet and sprinting toward the volcarona as its fiery dance exploded where Oscar once stood.

Robbie was in a pickle of his own, as the dragon seemed more intent than ever to give both him and the dragonite an agonizing death. Yet the dragonite refused to buckle under pressure, holding the dragon back even as it seemed to reach an even higher level of power than before. Robbie shook his head and let out a bestial cackle. This dragonite was one tough son of a bitch.

Right, they end this now then. Robbie aimed his head toward the dragon, opening his mouth as wide as possible. A storm formed within his jaws, which would fire off moments later as a raging blast of dragon energy (Dragon Pulse). If this did not at least stagger the bastard, Robbie would be out of ideas.

As Oscar ran toward the cyber-bug, it would continuously fire off attacks to cease his approach. Oscar was hyped on adrenaline though, and would bob and weave toward the volcarona. Closing the distance, Oscar would perform a final dive in the creature's direction. The machine saw it as a pointless maneuver, and simply floated off to the side to avoid--whatever Oscar intended to do. The problem was, what Oscar intended was impossible to predict.

His waist had turned mid-dive, and from his hand Oscar would throw a pokeball toward where the Volcarona was dodging. Predicting correctly which way it would go (completely by chance by the way), the volcarona would have no time to react before impacting with the ball. Oscar slid to a stop, quickly craning his head to see what would happen. Usually pokemon needed to be damaged first before being caught, yet against all odds the ball would click on its first try. Oscar gasped before rolling over to see if Amor would be freed from his vision.


+50mp (10 per post)
+10 (Incorporate paranoia)
+10 (Assisted Amor)
+100 (Complete Mission)
+50 (Participation)
+200 (Rocket Victory)
420 Total
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Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:48:58 GMT
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The mysterious dragon fought on, leaping upon Amor's dragonite with unmatched ferocity. Robbie Rotten had backed away to let the dragonite tank most of the blow, it was a lot bulkier than he was so it seemed like a fair tradeoff. It was not going to simply cheer from the sidelines though. While the dragonite kept the foe locked in place, Robbie would aim its stinger at the dragon's face. Robbie whistled, grabbing the dragon's attention so that Robbie could send a torrent of acidic slime right into its ugly mug (Gunk Shot).

Oscar had his own problems, gawking as Amor dared to turn his back on their vicious rival. Suddenly Amor would be beset by an unseen force, the poor man flailing wildly as he was attacked. Oscar gasped, attempting not to freak out as Amor thrashed against the air. "What's happening? what are you doing?" As concerned as he was for his friend, Oscar's gaze would be stolen by a glowing figure nearby.

It was the volcarona from before! The one Oscar had been looking for! It was floating alone, staring at the duo with lifeless eyes. Unable to understand any other explanation, Oscar would point accusingly at the mysterious machine. "Are you doing this? Leave Amor alone, he's a lot more fragile than he looks!"

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Tower Defence [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:23:09 GMT
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Mint's Xurkitree comment caused Oscar to balk. "We most certainly do not look alike!" Oscar angrily placed his hands on his hips, looking up at Navitas as if urging it to agree. Navitas would provide no support, as it would mimic its trainer's stance and sway its lanky hips as if to mock Oscar's tone. Oscar huffed and looked away, "Bunch of smart asses over here..."

Mint made a good point in regards to this task-force though, the top League trainers were probably engaged in the main war within Ultra Space. These guys were likely just testing Rocket's defenses, assessing how difficult a full scaled attempt would be. Hopefully their so far hilarious failure would be enough to deter further efforts.

The fight raged on, and soon the base's grunts would be out in full force to push back the League invaders. Oscar and Mint did not even need to be there any more, the grunts were doing a fine job on their own. As the League mob began to retreat, Oscar would clap his hands together and start dusting them off.

"Well that's that I suppose. Do they have food around here? How about we grab some lunch?"

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Beach Party! [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:11:49 GMT
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The Heat Wave had set the camp aflame, the blazing tens casting ominous shadows across the beach. The fires were short lived, as the rain worked diligently to smother them, but they were alive just long enough to cast a baneful glow upon the approaching Zapdos. As the fell bird came closer, it was only natural that the rangers would start fighting back. This did not deter Zapdos, who continued flying forward even as a pink hurricane whirled toward it.

Zapdos had several tools it could use to minimize this attempted retaliation, but it would use none of them. Zapdos dived right into the attack, allowing the rosy whirlwind to tear at its feathers and flesh. As it came out the other side of the storm, splashes of red could be clearly seen covering its bright yellow plumage. Yet Zapdos seemed unbothered by its wounds. It screeched, lighting up its form by dropping a barrage of lightning bolts upon the damaged camp (Thunder).

Spreading out its wings, Zapdos proudly displayed its bleeding lesions. It wanted the rangers to see how hopeless this fight was, that even their strongest attacks would not be enough to save them. It wanted them to feel afraid.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Wartime Pranks [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 17:51:16 GMT
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Oscar held in a sigh as the ranger on the other side failed to remember details about their location. How was he supposed to mislead these chumps without any information to work with!? Luckily one of them was not completely brainless and had the correct direction. Oscar snickered and worked his magic.

"East--east---east. Okay I think I know where you are! This'll be easy, you're actually not too far off from an exit. You're gonna first go through the only other exit--to be clear, not the one you came in through--keep walking until you reach a fork and take the left path."

Oscar puffed his cheeks out, having the toughest time yet containing his amusement. Oh please let them take the bait and get hopelessly lost looking for a fuckin' fork that does not exist. Oh please!

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 13:19:39 GMT
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CHARACTER: [break]
ROCKET CANON: Head Scientist, former Beast[break]
EVALUATING: Adaptability and Emotional Fortitude [break]
HELP OR HINDER?: Hinder! Oscar wants to see how participants will adapt to unforseen circumstances and challenges.
WHICH LEGENDARIES ARE THE GREATEST THREAT TO HOENN?: "Necrozma is an existential threat with unfathomable power that has nearly singlehandedly ended the world twice. I've personally witnessed a giant hand come out of an ultra worm hole and manhandle Necrozma like a ragdoll. Knowing that there is something out there stronger than a living apocalypse keeps me up at night."
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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 16:45:19 GMT
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Oscar was nonreactive as the environment shifted. The ruined garden had escalated into a ruined building--or more accurately a building that was in the process of being ruined. Oscar blinked rapidly, more confused than alarmed. How much was this was real? Maybe the strange salamence was real and Amor was fake--or vice versa. Or perhaps just the dragonite was real? Oscar scratched his head, unable to decide.

Perhaps for a moment Amor might think that Oscar would not intervene, but he should know better than to doubt Oscar Clayton. Illusion or not, Oscar would never let those he cares about down! He had released the most vile of all pokemon, Robbie Rotten the yellow Naganadel, and the cunning carnivorous convict would introduce itself to Amor by coming out of nowhere to stab the bizarre salamence with his syringe stinger (Leech Life).

Oscar ran up to Armor's side, unafraid as the salamence raged and thrashed Robbie away. The ultrabeast would quickly fly back to take its place beside Dragonite, ready and willing to throw down with this monstrous foe. Oscar took off his mask before looking to Armor and giving him a thumb's up, "Don't slow down on my account. This fucker can't take both of us!"

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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 16:14:17 GMT
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Oscar really screwed the pooch on this one. Not only did he fail to save Remiel's Golurk, but his intervention had started a cave in! Hopefully this was not an indication of how the rest of the Ultra Deep Sea campaign would go--you know, if he makes it out of here alive. As Oscar pulled Genesect away from the collapsing Golurk, it seemed as though his time would already be up. Genesect was too heavy and the Golurk was falling quickly, Oscar had exactly one second before he became a pancake.

There was a red flash, and Oscar flinched. He at first thought that he had died then and there, but after a moment he realized that Remiel had withdrawn his destroyed Golurk into its ball. Oscar locked eyes with Remiel, and although the former admin could not see it Oscar's expression was one of immense regret. Yet Remy's nod put him at ease, reminding Oscar that there were no hard feelings. Oscar nodded back, reflecting the assurance of his secret ally.

Genesect managed to get to its feet, transforming into its hover form as rocks fell from the ceiling. Oscar hopped on, turning his back on Remiel as he summoned Zekrom. Oscar's first instinct was to save Nomi from harm, but as Genesect flew upward he would find his fellow scientist would already be gone. A desperate whirl of glances eventually would lead Oscar's gaze to the remains of the cliff from which they entered this dreadful chamber. Nomi had made it back to their starting position, and Oscar would sigh with relief.

However, it would seem Remiel desired just a smidge of payback for his Golurk. Oscar and Genesect were moments from landing, when an unseen lightning bolt would strike them from behind. Genesect had taken the brunt of the hit, but Oscar still receive a painful jolt as the duo crash landed onto the cliff. Oscar's vision had gone white, a dreadful ringing cancelling out all other sounds. His senses slowly returned to him, first with the smell of ozone followed by his vision. Everything was blurry at first, but after a few seconds a charred Genesect would come into focus.

Oscar slowly turned over, reaching out toward his cybernetic champion. His outstretched fingers began to tense up, shaking as the idea of Genesect dying filled him with an unbridled rage. Luckily Genesect was tougher than the average pokemon, and quickly displayed life by twitching into its true form. Oscar let out a noise that seemed to be the mix of a sigh and a groan, slowly getting to his feet as Genesect struggled to sit up. Oscar pulled out its pokeball and withdrew it, "That'll do bug--that'll do."

Oscar put the ball on his belt, remembering only then that the chamber behind him was collapsing. Every muscle in his body ached, but he would not let that stop him from pressing forward.

"Fuck this let's go."

+50 (10 per post)
+50 (participation)
+25 (Use Mythical Pokemon 1/1)
+10 (Assisted Remiel)
+150 (Complete a Battle)
+50 (Genesect Knocked Out)
250 (Tying in a Battle)

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 17:58:46 GMT
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Oscar was wandering rather aimlessly, unsure where he was supposed to be going. After all his goal was rather nebulous, 'track down and examine a pokemon that may or may not exist'. Real solid objectives here. You cannot blame him for making the effort though, unknown bug pokemon were Oscar's secret obsession. A new form for Volcarona was too juicy to pass up, even if it likely was just an illusion.

Oscar froze as he took a fateful step forward and abruptly ended up within some sort of ruined garden. Oscar slowly gave his new environment a confused look over, oblivious to the clash occurring not so far away. When he did notice the battle, he only became more confused. Was that a mega-salamence? Was that !?

Oscar ran forward, "Amor! Amor what are you doing here?" Oscar stopped in his tracks as Amor's dragonite unleashed an Ice Punch upon the mega salamence--which seemed to only piss it off. Oscar frowned deeply, taking a few steps back from the brawl. "Um--do you need help or something?"
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possibility [postdorm]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 17:35:00 GMT
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Lulu easily came to, which relieved Oscar because he did not want to have to slap her or something. She got up, determining that it was time to go before using a mystery ore to forge a path forward. Oscar had never seen that done before, so was a bit too taken aback to answer right away. Eventually he shook off his bewilderment and nodded. "Yes, onward and upward."

Oscar followed Lulu deeper into Ultra Space, catching the gaze of Darkrai as he passed. What was going through its head? Oscar wondered what effects the mist might have on the master of nightmares. A curious concept, but it was not Oscar's to get to the bottom of. He will have to press Lulu about it after all of this was over.

If either of them make it to the end that is...

+50 (+10 per post)
+10 (Assisted Lulu)
+10 (Environmental paranoia)
+50 (Participating)
+100 (Mission Complete)
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shopkeeper [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 17:25:50 GMT
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Oscar's smile turned genuine as Priam forced a fist bump. Fuck what did Oscar do to deserve such a friend? The two closed in, embracing each other within a powerful bro-hug. Oscar immediately felt better, there was nothing better than a solid hug to dispel life's woes.

"To the sucky days to come and those who get us through them." Oscar bumped Priam on the back with the side of his fist, finally releasing him from the hug. Oscar exhaled, laughing as he did a little stretching himself. He was about to prompt more idle chatter when a smashing sound drew his attention.

Oscar looked behind him, and nearly keeled over as he saw that Navitas had stacked at bunch of medicine way higher than the crate's top. "Whoa what no! How did you get so bad at organizing!?" The Xurkitree did not respond, it thought it had doing a pretty good job so far...

+50 (10 per post)
+10 (Assisting Priam)
+50 (Participation)
+100 (Completing a Mission)
+200 (Winning a Battle/Mission)

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Special Delivery (Postdormitum Mission)
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 17:07:35 GMT
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Dorian seemed unbothered by his loss, and Oscar could not tell if the former beast was used to it or just did not care. Either way, reading into it would only make Oscar feel worse. Repression was the name of the game, stuff your negative feelings inside until they become diamonds or whatever.

They pushed forward, and Oscar would look back to watch the sole survivor of the League ambush fly off into the distance. Perhaps they would spread tales of terror, of their poor team being torn apart by what should have been easy targets. Or perhaps they will say nothing, internalizing their shame as they recount their failure to their superiors. Their future suffering put Oscar at ease, this was no escape.

Their cargo was safely delivered, and after landing Oscar would stretch loudly. Dorian expressed interest in working together again, and Oscar would nod in agreement. "Bet on it, I'll see you on the other side Dorian!" Oscar could not linger, he had other business to attend to. Xurkitree would take off once more, floating toward Oscar's next objective.


+10 (assisted Dorian)
+50 (10 per post)
+50 (participation)
+100 (completion)
+200 (Win Battle/Mission)

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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shopkeeper [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 16:57:12 GMT
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Oscar gave Priam a forced smile, nodding in agreement at his sentiment. "Yeah, as long as we keep moving forward nothing can stop us! We're an immovable force of nature!" Or something like that. Oscar straightened up, raising a fist for Priam to bump. "And if things do go South, you're the best person to go down with."

Oscar paused before realizing how awful that statement was. "Fuck I mean, you know--I'm glad I get to work with you even if shit's going sideways." Oscar retracted his fist, that was not a bump worthy phrase and he refused to be pity bumped. Though as he reflected upon their circumstances, Oscar felt a twinge of sorrow filling his chest. Unable to fight back the bad vibes, Oscar would bluntly address his friend.

"Hey bro can I get a hug? Today sucks."

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