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Special Delivery (Postdormitum Mission)
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 16:48:11 GMT
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Oscar's warning came too late, and a League trainer would execute Dorian's crobat. Oscar watched the torn body of the bat fall into the ocean, his eyes twitching behind his mask. The image of his dearest crobat Nostra, blown apart by Nekrozma in less than a second, once more invaded his thoughts. To see another crobat torn down in such a heartless fashion made Oscar quiver, why must he be tormented with such savagery?

Luckily Dorian's pokemon avenged their comrade instantaneously, sending the hapless trainer and their pokemon hurdling within a ball of fire. Good riddance, Oscar nodded while ironically unconcerned with Dorian's own savagery. He looked to Dorian and sighed, "I'm sorry about your pokemon. At least its killer got what they deserved."

The attackers' numbers had dwindled down to one, and as Oscar's gaze rested upon them he would quickly point them out. "Hey that one's runnin'!" Indeed the sole survivor was attempting to make a getaway, clearly realizing how outmatched they were. Xurkitree reeled back and tried throwing the now blue-in-the face trainer and pokemon it was constricting at the fleeing foe--but these makeshift projectiles only got about five feet before plummeting into the ocean. Oscar rubbed Xurkitree's head, "That was a good effort, way to think outside the box."

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Wartime Pranks [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 16:36:40 GMT
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Oscar sneered, covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing. They really thought he was one of them, dear goodness this was too easy. Alright Oscar pull it together, what could be done with this? Probably nothing; this was likely some reconnaissance team that took a wrong turn, hardly useful to Rocket unless they knew something they did not--which was doubtful.

Alright, fucking with them it was then. Oscar centered himself, taking a breath before responding to the rangers. "Steelix Den? I think that was reported earlier, hold on let me pull up a map from my Pokegear." Oscar took a few seconds, pantomiming pulling up a map for his own amusement. "Okay yeah I think I know where you are! Describe your surroundings and I'll try to discern your exact location. I'm gonna guide you out of there."

Oscar took a seat on the body of the dead ranger, eager to lead these ranger clowns to their doom.

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Beach Party! [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 16:24:04 GMT
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Zapdos was thinking that it would just make the camp scatter. You know, sprinkle some lightning and maybe set a tent on fire. Nothing that would require too much effort on its part, just enough to make the area safe for Oscar to do--whatever the hell he wanted to do. As it leisurely approached the camp, it would ignore any exclamations sent its way. They were just ants, what did they have to say that was worth listening for?

Then the Scatterbang was thrown.

The device caught Zapdos by surprise, causing it to cry out as the flash illuminated its massive form. Zapdos writhed in the air, its relaxed state melting as the loud clap of the Scatterbang ringed through its ears. Zapdos slowly churned back into a neutral stance, its eyes closed tightly as it fought back the glare behind its eyelids. It stayed in place within the air, its wings beating rhythmically to the sound of the falling rain.

Then Zapdos opened its eyes. What were once tranquil were now full of fury. Zapdos was a creature of regal pride, and to have its majestic self-image tainted by such trickery was an insult it could not let go. Zapdos let out another cry, this one as loud and ghastly as the thunder that rolled overhead. Its wings began to beat faster, propelling Zapdos at its full speed toward the camp. What it had once seen as an inconvenient romp would now be a slaughter.

As it came upon them, electricity spiraling down its quivering body, Zapdos would abruptly stop and slam its wings against the air. The beaten air would rippled, super charging with heat as it grew and soared toward the camp (Heat Wave). The rain within the shock-wave's path would evaporate to its touch, doing little to ease its power as it washed over the camp like a rising tide.

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Beach Party! [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 2:37:33 GMT
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Oscar limped downhill, dragging himself across jagged rocks and blackened bushes. He had just escaped a nearly unstoppable hoard of unknown pokemon, twisted reflections of familiar species. His disguise was in tatters, his skull mask was dented to hell, his pokemon capable of flying were knocked out, and he had no useful resources. His only escape would be the Ultra Deep Sea itself, he could surf back to Rocket's base camp on his Nidoqueen. He just needed to reach the shore.

Oscar nearly reached the bottom of the incline leading to the beach, when he would be suddenly forced to throw himself to the ground and shuffle behind a nearby boulder. The black beaches of the Deep Sea were growing dark, but in the shadow of what little light remained Oscar had spotted what seemed to be several tents. How did he miss those coming down? Oh right, the previously mentioned growing darkness. Not to mention all of the rocks and plants that obscured the shoreline.

Oscar carefully peeked from behind his bolder refuge, squinting as he tried to discern anything useful about the makeshift camp. Oscar saw figures illuminated by weak campfires, where they Rockets? No--they were wearing coats and berets, parts of the unmistakable uniform of the pokemon Rangers. Oscar pushed himself back behind the bolder, cursing innumerable times under his breath. "I'm so fucked, I'm so fucked, I'm gonna die on this fuckin' beach."

Oscar was spent; he could probably try to fight his way through with Nidoqueen, but could he take on so many Rangers on his own? Maybe he could sneak by? Would there be patrols when the darkness fully set in? Fuck this was horrible, how was he going to get out of this?!

And then it dawned on him--he had one more resource he had forgotten. Oscar hastily grabbed a pokeball hidden behind his belt, a ball to valuable to keep in the open. He enlarged it in his hand, the simple object seeming more powerful than a thousand bombs within this moment. Oscar smiled behind his mask, "How could I forget you? I'm a fuckin' dumb ass."

Zapdos was a haughty creature, and refused to allow any mortal to ride it. But Oscar did not need a ride, he needed a weapon--and luckily Zapdos was more than glad to reap destruction upon Oscar's enemies. Opening ball gave away Oscar's hiding spot instantly, as the massive form of the legendary bird would be clearly visible as it floated in the air. Zapdos looked down, and Oscar would reach around the bolder to point toward the camp. "See that base-camp? Annihilate it! Go all out, hold nothing back!" Zapdos thought about it for a second, deciding whether or not it wanted to listen.

Meh, it had nothing better to do. Zapdos turned toward the base, unleashing a might screech as clouds rolled across the sky overhead. Rain began to pour down, even within Ultra Space the weather could not escape Zapdos's influence (Rain Dance). The ranger camp had but a few precious minutes before Zapdos would reach them...

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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 18:27:20 GMT
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Oscar's leisurely flight through the open straightaway allowed him to take some inventory on the racers in front of him. Far in the distance he could see Champion himself clinging to first place. Did he not start in last? Are you telling Oscar this mother fucker golden mushroomed his way to first place and has been there this entire time? And of course right behind him was , oh how it did grind Oscar's gears to know that he was so far ahead. It was of no consequence, he shall defeat both of them in due time!

Lancer let out a loud buzz to grab Oscar's attention, and Oscar peered down at his steed with an annoyed huff. "What gives, can't you tell I'm giving villainous glares to my rivals?" Lancer pointed one of his needles forward, pointing out that their straight line was about to become extremely curvy.

Oscar yelped, bracing his back just in time for Lancer to attempt the U-Turn. Its reaction time is still not its strongest skill, but hopefully seeing the turn coming was enough to prepare him for this devilish obstacle.

Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)


((Going for Target 1))

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shenanigans [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 1:15:24 GMT
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As Oscar and Navitas reached the ship, Oscar would be sure to hop off onto the deck while Xurkitree proceeded to join Skyler's Urshifu on the ground. Oscar straightened out his blazer and adjusted his tie before giving Skyler a sly smile. "I come to every League effort. Literally every one, hoping that Dhalia will notice me. Alas, I haven't been invited to ONE meeting." Oscar raised a fist to the sky, "Am I not good enough for ya Dhalia? You too cool to shake hands with Oscar Clayton!?"

Oscar cleared his throat, he got a little too real there. That had to come from somewhere, maybe he should start seeing a therapist. He dusted off his hands as he tried to get closer to Skyler. Before he could get too close a Rocket grunt would come running up to deck him in the face. Oscar fell on his ass, his jaw radiating from unexpected pain. Oscar clutched his mouth and glared at the grunt, "Oh you little shit!" The executive would leap forward, tackling the offending grunt to the ground before proceeding to beat them senseless.

Meanwhile Xurkitree was picking up grunts and chucking them toward the Urshifu. It was hoping the mighty fighter could uppercut them into oblivion or something, but it was not holding its breath for anything fancy. Not that it could hold its breath. It has no lungs.

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Special Delivery (Postdormitum Mission)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 1:03:55 GMT
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Oscar watched the trainer Xurkitree had knocked off fall, his eyes widening as Dorian's chandelure casually set them on fire. Oscar whistled, "Nice shot." He turned his attention back to Dorian, who was already focusing on the rest of the would-be bandits. He tilted his head as his crobat tried to confuse an enemy, "You should ask. I'm sure Walsh would hear you out if you were interested in getting back into it. I mean, you clearly haven't lost your touch."

Another trainer got past Dorian, riding rather comically upon a kicking dodrio. Oscar kept forgetting that the three headed bird could fly. Xurkitree reached forward as it approached, latching onto the duo with its tendrils. It began to rapidly constrict, choking both the pokemon and its rider with a nasty Wrap. It was really impressive considering that it still held onto the cargo with its claws. Oscar looked down upon the struggling trainer, making sure they could at least see him flipping them off before they passed out.

Oscar looked back to Dorian, just in time to see a sneaky trainer trying to come at his blind spot. "Yo watch your left!"

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shopkeeper [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 0:51:43 GMT
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Oscar's smile strained when Priam brought up the dream mist. He had narrowly avoided falling into his own personal hell, and it left a rather sour opinion of the anomalous fog. Oscar ended up shaking his head, "I ain't going in the mist for more than a second, let alone seven minutes. Fuck that would be the most nightmarish scenario I could think of, getting felt up while losing your sanity. What a way to die."

Priam had good notes about the mermaid theme though, Oscar was more or less on board but the momentary delving into his terrible experience thus far had put him in a clearly gloomy mood. He still gave his friend a supportive smile, but he could not hide the heaviness in his heart. Oscar sighed, placing a hand on his hip as he looked up at the alien sky of Ultra Space.

"War's a drag." He said flatly, really wishing he had not quit smoking. "I mean that's the overstatement of the century I know but like, shit dude today has been rough. How did it all become so complicated?" Oscar briefly reflected on easier times, when his only enemies were blue aliens and ultra beasts. If only it could have stayed that simple.

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Tower Defence [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 0:35:28 GMT
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The chitchat was welcome; while the League invaders posed a viable threat they were hardly a challenge for the likes of Oscar and Mint. Besides, talking with Mint was great regardless of the circumstances. Oscar answered Mint casually, "Nah, I avoid using shadow pokemon when I'm acting as a civilian. I mean, I know the people of Hoenn get their hands on some crazy shit but I feel like a shadow pokemon draws too many eyes." Good call too, Oscar did not want to imagine how difficult it would have been to subdue a rogue Desolence.

Speaking of, it was about time to push for another volley of Earth Power. Oscar looked to Desolence to give a command, but stopped short as he witnessed something unexpected. "What--what the fuck!?" The Nidoqueen was fast asleep, snoring softly as it lay sprawled out on the ground. It would seem that Charlie's Yawn affected more than the enemy. It was a bizarrely accurate reflection of Oscar's luck today.

Oscar let out a flurry of curses, withdrawing Desolence and placing her ball back onto his belt. Oscar continued to grumble as he reached around for a Beast Ball, opening it to reveal a Xurkitree. The Xurkitree rose to its full height, its tendrils shaking with anticipation. Oscar pointed to the invaders, most of which were busy trying to wake up their sleeping pokemon.

"Navitas, fuck 'em up!" Navitas let out an electronic screech before extending two of its tendrils and firing off a volley of intense electricity (Thunderbolt). Oscar placed a hand on his hips as he watched the electrified enemy mob scramble, "You'd think they would have been more prepared for this."

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Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 23:53:57 GMT
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Oscar probably should not have gone back into the Interdream Mist. Earlier during this very campaign he nearly got sucked into a living nightmare with , barely escaping with his wits in tact. Yet a researcher's work was never finished, even if Oscar considered himself more of an inventor. There was more Interdream Data to obtain, so when he located another mist cloud he could not resist diving in to have a look...if only to help his friend reach her goals.

Oscar had been riding his Xurkitree, who was pulling more than its share of the weight during the war. Once they landed, Oscar would slide off Xurkitree's bulbous head and pat one of its tentacles. "You've been a trooper Navitas, take a break for a bit." Oscar withdrew Navitas into its Beast Ball, and hooked the ball back onto his belt as he took a look around.

Last time he was in the mist, Oscar spotted a bizarre pokemon that seemed to be a robotic volcarona. Perhaps if he looked around he could find that pokemon once more. Oscar set off on his search, unaware that his target was already silently observing him from high above.

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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 23:40:03 GMT
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The net gambit was a success, and Remiel would end up tangled in Genesect's electro web. Oscar clapped his hands together and cackled with glee, "Bullseye mother fucker! Get over here!" Oscar was fixated on the chaos, so he would quickly notice that Remiel was not that bothered by his predicament. In fact he seemed quite capable of attempting to escape. This confused Oscar greatly, until he remembered that Remiel's nature as an Avatar lay mostly within the realm of electricity--so of course the electro part of the web would have no effect on him.

Oscar felt like a real dunce--or did he plan this all along! After all it was a convincing effort, maybe we can just pretend he knew what he was doing and try not to think too hard about it. Now all Genesect had to do was bring him to Oscar before he broke out! With Genesect's speed, that would surely be an easy--opps spoke too soon. Remiel's Golurk made an untimely reappearance, emerging from the shadows to tackle Genesect off course. Genesect's reflexes only allowed it to see the Golurk coming, it was too late to move out of the way. The impact would disconnect Genesect's part of the net, leaving Remiel free to escape the net at his leisure.

The two automatons rolled across the cave floor, Genesect being unfurled into his combat form and pinned by the Golurk. This could have been a dire situation, but Genesect was not designed to be held down for long. It tilted its head slightly, shoving its charging cannon directly into the Golurk's face. Realizing what was about to happen, Oscar would clap his cheeks and yell desperately. "Fuck! Hold your fire HOLD YOUR FIRE!" It was too ate to stop now, so Genesect committed and unleashed its Steel type Techno Blast upon Golurk.

As the beam raged, Oscar sprinted forward to stop Genesect from disintegrating Remiel's pokemon. He grabbed upon the android's back, and heaved with all of his might to pull the blast away from Golurk and toward the ceiling--an action Oscar would immediately regret. The blast ripped into the cave-rock like a hurricane, causing the entire chamber to violently shake. As Genesect's blast died down, large chunks of stone would start falling from the ceiling. Fearing a cave-in, Oscar began trying to pull Genesect out from under Golurk.

--Golurk successfully tackled Genesect and stopped it from delivering Remiel to Oscar.
--Genesect uses his Steel type Techno Blast point-blank on Golurk. Oscar tries to save the stone-bot by pulling Genesect's cannon back, which causes the blast to rip across the ceiling. Now big rocks are falling and the whole room might cave-in.
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Special Delivery (Postdormitum Mission)
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 15:42:50 GMT
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Oscar could not have sighed heavier. "Already? These fuckers are everywhere." Their push forward had been halted by a band of League trainers, no doubt patrolling the skies in search of cargo to pillage. It was unfortunate for them that their opponents turned out to be two former beasts of Rocket.

Dorian wasted no time, jumping right into the thick of battle. Just as Oscar had heard, Dorian was a vicious combatant. Oscar just leaned back, watching Dorian do his thing while tapping Navitas's head-spikes. Eventually Oscar would decide what he wanted to say.

"So do you miss being a beast or are you cool doing your own thing?" A League trainer managed to slip by Dorian, only for Navitas to whip them in the face and knock them off their mount. The trainer's pokemon disengaged immediately, flying off to catch their master. Oscar barely noticed.

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shenanigans [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 17:14:55 GMT
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Oscar had not expected to lead a raiding party. He was under the assumption that he was to provide a support role while collecting data on the Ultra Deep Sea, you know the unspoken scientist protection clause. Alas, when every commanding officer is busy and a former beast happens to be nearby--well it is what it is. He was assured that it was a very basic operation; someone docked a League ship near a portal and Oscar just had to lead a squad up to take what they can and vamoose. How hard could it be?

As Oscar and his squad approached the vessel, he would very quickly realize that this operation was a terrible idea. He had been on the Sotally Tober enough times to recognize it from afar, and as reality set in Oscar would stop in his tracks and curse under his breath. He had an unwavering loyalty to Rocket, but he was not about to contend with . Putting aside that she was his dear friend, Skyler was a horrifying opponent for even an experienced trainer.

Oscar carefully slunk backward, diving out of sight behind some rocks. The grunts had already engaged Skyler, and by their chorus of screams it was not going well. There was only one way to get out of this without getting captured--and if he was gonna do it he had better commit. Oscar removed his disguise, revealing the black suit that he wore underneath--because if he ever had to reveal himself he at least wanted to look nice. He buried his disguise in the sand before taking out an Ultra Ball. It was time to play the hero.

As Skyler's urshifu battled against the grunts, a more cunning member of the brigand band would be preparing a sneak attack from behind with his mightyena. They would not get far, as a mighty Thunderbolt would fall from the sky and fry both the hound and its trainer. From high above the brawl Oscar would emerge from the clouds, his legs straddling his floating Xurkitree. Oscar sent a salute toward Skyler as his Xurkitree rained more lightning upon the Rockets.

"Ahoy captain! Permission to kick some ass?"
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shopkeeper [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 16:54:09 GMT
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This was exactly why Oscar enjoyed Priam, the youth's senseless Optimism reflected his own. Truth be told, Oscar was having trouble keeping up his good attitude today, what with how stressful everything had been so far--but having Priam around magically took the weight off. Suddenly the day did not seem so bad.

Oscar grinned, "My chest hurts so I think I have some bruises. Other than that I'm doing alright, my injuries have only been emotional!" Oscar gave Priam a thumbs up, his grin unwavering despite the growing agony in his heart. Fuckin' destroyed him a little...

Oop gotta repress that! Repressing....Repressing...okay all good. Oscar folded his arms and leaned his hips against a nearby crate, missing his xurkitree placing a large amount of food rations in a crate designated for raw materials.

"You don't think they'd have the beach party here do you? This place kinda sucks, it's cold and I keep hearing screams on the wind. That would kill a party vibe."

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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 19:51:02 GMT
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Remiel seemed to play into the theatrics, that was a good sign at least. A good sign of what though? They still had to fight--or at least pretend to convincingly. Just long enough to create an opening to escape. Oscar did not get much time to think things through, as Remiel's Golurk would disappear and Remiel himself would throw some sort of flash bomb.

Oscar had not been familiar with Scatterbangs, so he just got confused and annoyed as his eyesight temporarily whited out. "Agh! Mother fucker!" Oscar cried out, teetering back and forth on Genesect. Genesect's artificial eyes were not nearly as frazzled, perhaps aided by Nomi's Safeguard. It still was not loving being out in the open. It floated straight down, attempting to help keep Oscar balanced on its back. Unaware of how high up he was, Oscar's digital voice would shriek when he inevitable fell off of his mount.

Luckily Genesect had made it close enough to the ground so that the fall was more like a mild tumble. Oscar landed on his bum, the former Beast partaking in a prolonged pause as he realized how silly he probably looked. He quickly scrambled up to his feet and pointed toward where he thought Remiel was. "Bring the traitor to ME!"

Genesect reset its visual hud to shake off its daze, flying toward Remiel with intense aggression. From its cannon it would attempt to fire an electrified net to capture the traitor (Electro Web), and then pulls said net whether it was successful in its capture or not back to Oscar (U Turn).

--Oscar got dazed by the scatterbang and fell on his ass. Genesect recovered quickly from the flash and is using Electro Web to try and capture Remiel and bring him to Oscar with U Turn.

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