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A Christmas Caper! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:09:48 GMT
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It was an unfortunate fact of life that some people just hate seeing the happiness of others. Unable to partake in their joy, they do anything within their power to ruin joy and slay merriment. This was what went through Oscar's head as he prowled the streets of Mauville, clearly looking as if he was looking for trouble.

Which he was! You see a thief was haunting the halls of his apartment building, and he was determined to track them down and beat the living shit out of them! For this was not just any thief, no this was a Holiday thief! A devious devil that had stolen the decorations of his entire complex--most notably the very expensive reaf Oscar had imported from Galar. Those things do not grow on trees you know! Well, actually they might. Oscar was not aware exactly how reafs were made. He just knew the good ones cost an arm and a leg and he would be damned if he let a two-bit hooligan take away his premium Holiday decorations!

And so he stalked around Mauville, a flashlight in his hand and wrath in his heart. I feel sorry for any innocent bystanders that come upon him in such a state...

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Enter Through the Exit [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 1:37:40 GMT
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Ambition can drive people to dabble in absurdity, scrounging for every scrap that could resemble an opportunity to further their goals. Oscar has been a constant servant to his own ambition, but never before has it made him so hungry--so desperate. His goals were vague for now, tied by the general goal of enhancing their world's understanding of energy in all of its forms.

Most forms of energy were easy to research, but one remained excessively elusive: Dyna Energy. Oscar has had to scour through mission reports and old Galar news clippings to even get a picture of what Dyna Energy does. If the Galar reports are correct, it is a miraculous resource that has helped power the region for decades--yet it remains exclusive to that region. Oscar sought to find a source in Hoenn to study, but leads were few and far between. That is until he discussed (cried with frustration) it with , who brought Oscar a very tantalizing idea.

They had ventured into the desert once more, searching for the entrance to a chasm they had previously escaped. There, long ago, they had discovered a very old blastoise that exhibited an unnatural amount of strength. They did not know it at the time, but that blastoise had 'Dynamaxed'--using Dyna energy to enhance its power. Perhaps with a bit of exploration, the duo could find what had caused the blastoise to transform!

Oscar was dressed in his finest adventuring clothes, ready to squeeze back into this mysterious cavern and hunt for treasure! He looked to his spelunking companion, "I'm eager to get going, are you all set!?"
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Heahea City
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Area 8 [OHJ]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2022 22:33:22 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Continuing forward will only raise more questions--and bring more despair. As you reach the end of the path, you find an impossible spiraling staircase made entirely out of smoke. The bizarre structure reaches all the way into the clouds--going beyond your line of sight. You may feel reluctant to proceed up this precarious stairway, but you will soon have no choice. The temperature begins to rise, and soon the horizon around you begins to emanate an orange glow. The smoking objects of the 'route begin to turn into flames--and those flames hunger for you.[break][break]

Run up the stairs to escape the fire! The stairway will not tolerate failure though, rolling more than one failure will cause you to fall through the stairway and into the fire--thus eliminating you![break][break]

The Win Condition Has Changed: Your rolled numbers must NOT be Divisible by Three![break][break]


Deadline to post is 12/13 11:59pm cst.

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Can we pretend that Ledians are airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 22:12:46 GMT
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Everyone has different ways of managing stress. Some people play violent video games to get their aggression out, or punch bags/actual people, or perform yoga and meditate. Oscar's secret stress relief technique was a lost form of exercise, and after the week he has had he would be itching to partake.

Down in route 117, in the early hours of the night, swarms of Ledian would emerge from their hiding places to glow and mingle. Usually they would go undisturbed, but tonight Oscar Clayton had a fair bit of fury to work out and they would be his unfortunate victims. Do not fear, Oscar is not going to fight these Ledian. Instead he shall partake in the ancient pastime of his bug catching forefathers: Bug Catching.

With an oversized net in hand, Oscar would run out into the middle of the Ledian community and begin swinging wildly. Whether any were actually trapped in the net was inconsequential; bug dancing was a dance, it was all about the chase! And before he could chase these glowing fuckers around they needed to be scared, so here Oscar was screeching and swinging his net like a baseball bat.

It was quite the sight to see, hopefully no one would happen upon him during this most secretive of rituals.

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 0:25:59 GMT
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Oscar got a little lost in the sea of masked figures; being surrounded by unrecognizable faces was rather disorientating. Yet he was not so easily hidden, as a familiar voice would address him from behind. Oscar twirled around and was met by two figures. He did not immediately recognize either of them, but he knew whichever addressed him had to be . He was the only person alive that would refer to Oscar as sir--even though Jayden was a higher rank then Oscar.

The one with the chandelure mask would reveal themselves to be Jayden, as his unmistakable voice would ask Oscar how the night was going. Oscar slumped his shoulders a bit, scratching the back of his head with a groan. "Aw fuck--how'd you know it was me?" Oscar paused as his fingers latched onto his iconic white hair that he made no effort to hide. "Oh." Oscar chuckled bashfully and straightened up, resting his hands upon his hips.

"Tonight blows so far, but then again I just got here. What's something fun we could do?"

--Open to interaction.
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Beyond the Void [C]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 2:38:56 GMT
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It was mysteriously quiet in the lab hall today. Usually it was bustling with scientists and medical operatives, but today it was strangely tranquil. This should have made Oscar nervous, in fact his entire itinerary should have made him nervous. To be honest though, he was too busy feeling excited. I would dare to say he was downright giddy!

He had been invited by to participate in a special experiment. Oscar was going in with as few expectations as possible, but if this experiment worked how Oscar thought it should then maybe he would finally be rid of 's parasitic god goo. That would be the best case scenario anyway. Oscar was actively keeping the worst case scenarios at bay, such dark thoughts would do nothing but spoil the fun of this biological adventure.

Besides, it was not as if he would have much to lose should things go wrong--and it would be valuable data for Killian! Speaking of, Oscar had finally come upon the door to the lab Killian had designated for their experiment. Taking a deep breath, Oscar knocked twice before opening the door.

"Good morning! Who's ready to spit in the face of nature!?"
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Heahea City
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Making Wishes out of Airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 20:49:44 GMT
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"Really?" Oscar looked up, this time attempting to spot any falling space travelers. The sky seemed clear, so he turned back to Theo. "Well that's good to know. Though no offence why do you need me for th-" 


Oscar flinched as something landed right behind him, slamming into the ground and kicking up white stone in every direction. He whipped around to find a shaking orb just a few feet away, undoubtedly a minoir. Oscar folded his arms, attempting to both appear casual and keep his heart from burst through his ribs. 

"It's obviously not for my observation skills--haha--that was I joke I swear I'm always aware of my surroundings." Oscar turned his head in every direction, suddenly very paranoid about falling pokemon from space.

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Target Practice [M]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 20:42:38 GMT
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"See, isn't this nice?"

Oscar seemed quite content in his Corviknight carriage seat, looking out his window with a giddy smile. Across from him would be , whom Oscar had dragged along with him in a misguided attempt to cheer him up. When Oscar went to visit Bryan earlier in the day, the poor man looked downright ghastly. It would seem that he had exerted all of his energy into the Tree of Life's baby sprout, leaving nothing left to fuel his body. This would not do!

Insisting that Bryan deserved a break, Oscar booked a private night tour high above Mauville. Mauville's dazzling skyline provided a beautiful spectacle, while the gentle swaying of their carriage would set anyone at ease! Oscar sighed happily, rubbing his hands as he looked to Bryan expectantly. 

"Nothing like a night time flight over a beautiful city to remind us to take things slow once in a while. Am I right or what?"
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