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Spooky Scary Steed [c]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 17:42:14 GMT
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Oscar was gradually starting to get the hang of this wild ride, in spite of the spectral steed's attempts to throw him off. As he stated himself, Oscar has had some experience in wrangling wild horses (for super legal reasons) and even thought the difficulty of this encounter was far beyond anything he has attempted in the past he was able to adapt through grit alone. Yet the spectral horse had another trick up its sleeve that Oscar could not possibly prepare for.

It began to ride straight up, with the sheer force of gravity pulling Oscar in the opposite direction. He tightened every limb, desperately fighting to maintain his grip. "Is that all you got!?" He shouted at the horse. He would soon find that he had just made a grave mistake. The horse curved, eventually making it so Oscar would be riding upside down.

Oscar expected to level out, but it would seem that the spectral steed was content to spit in the face of physics and force Oscar to exert all of his strength to remain mounted. Oscar's ghostly muscles tightened, every vein in his head nearly popping as he put his all into remaining on the horse's back. This was truly the toughest test yet...

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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 17:15:08 GMT
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Oscar had been keeping to himself. Lately he had been feeling reclusive, content to whittle away the hours on research for his PokePods and the new Tera energy phenomenon. In his mind, social obligations were nonexistent. All that mattered was progress, reaching for new heights and claiming the bounty of the cosmos and beyond.

Alas, he had a public image to maintain. When he received his invitation to the National Museum of Natural History's winter masquerade, he could not simply ignore it. It was too ripe of an opportunity to improve GMH's public image, which was a battle that would likely never be finished. With great reluctance, Oscar donned some winter finery and one of his many masks. He pussyfooted around for a bit, pondering if it was worth the effort to make an appearance, before eventually giving in and departing for the party.

Oscar slipped in as quietly as he could, ignoring the army of rotoms feverishly taking pictures on the red carpet. He tuned out the event coordinator's speech, instead attempting to find some obvious acquaintances among the crowd. At the very least, he could shake a few hands and then depart before the night got too late. It was unlikely that there would be anything at this ball that could hold his attention enough to make him stay.

--Open for interaction
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 19:09:14 GMT
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As a public service advisory, GMH would like to remind Hoenn residents that not all blue people are Megalopolan. They may just be suffering from frost bite, or choking on some food. Please be sure to double check before delivering justice. 
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 19:04:29 GMT
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The mountainous dragon was pushed back through its dimensional portal by a giant torso with six floating hands. As the portal closed, Oscar stared off into the empty space it left behind. The threat was gone, yet its unearthly chill lingered. He saw the frozen pokemon left in its wake, sucking on his teeth as he took in the devastation. Here he thought Necrozma was the only apocalyptic pokemon they had to worry about--good grief.

Well, at least the world was in one piece--if also a bit colder. Oscar did not get the payout he sought, but as he felt the crystal shard in his suit pocket he would feel a wave of content resignation. The meteor's demise had opened the door to many possibilities, and within them Oscar knew he would find something glorious. It was only a matter of time.

Grievous and Robbie came to their master's side, looking incredibly uncomfortable. Grievous was not used to feeling 'cold', and desperately wanted yo leave this place. Robbie seemed more sad that he did not get to pull of his prank, missing his chance to Ally Switch with the giant dragon. There there Robbie, maybe some day. Oscar withdrew Grievous, and got on Robbie's back so that they could get out of this frozen hellhole.

Before the two could take off though, Mint would step forward. With all the excitement, Oscar had forgotten that the poor grunt was nearby. Mint seemed subdued, forcing a smile as he requested a ride. Behind his helmet Oscar frowned, how could he say no to that face? "Hop on sport." Oscar's distorted voice rang cheerfully, waiting for Mint to mount up before flying off to leave this wasteland behind.

--Oscar survived his second apocalypse and feels pretty good about it.
--Giving a ride to , any Rockets that also need a ride can say they hopped on before Oscar takes off.
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❄ snowboy showdown ❄
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 17:19:10 GMT
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Oscar stared at the sky, hands in his coat pockets as he watched the snowflakes fall. Usually he was happy to see the first snowfall in Hoenn, but it hit differently this year. Knowing that this beautiful snowscape likely came from the existential threat that was the frost of Kyurem--well it did not make him eager to see a White Christmas

Whatever, he was not here to mope about future horrors. He came to make a perfect fuckin' snowboy, and that was exactly what he was going to do. Oscar opened a pokeball, sending out the icy moth Writhe. Writhe had seemed depressed ever since the death of her good friend Nostra the crobat, but as soon as she gazed upon the falling snowflakes around her the frosty bug perked right up. Oscar smiled, he thought she would enjoy this and he was glad to be right. 

"Alright shudderbug, we got work to do." Oscar began gathering snow, and Writhe hovered over her master to supervise. 

|9eFCcrt +10


Snow Boy Parts: n/a
Prompts Completed: Reference a Christmas Song
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 17:07:55 GMT
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Character Name / Tag: [break]

Wishlist: Here's his PC! I am always looking for bug, dragon, or electric types--but I'm not picky![break]

Are you willing to be a back-up Santa?: Of course![break]

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Area 8 [OHJ]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 15:35:03 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES


DESIGNED BY: O̴͖̯͌͊S̸͍̍̓̂C̷͕̳̯̅̚Ǎ̶̫R̷̢̄ͅ ̶̞̐ͅC̶̜̘̓́ͅL̷̦͉̭̍A̴̮̥̎͌̀Y̴̖̯̣͋T̵̹͖͂͋O̷̗͗N̶̬͌


THE N̴͙̝͐͘I̴̩͐̎ͅG̸͇̹͂̓͒H̴͕͊̀T̷͙̰̬͊̊M̵̭͛Ã̷̧̛̘̓R̶̛̩͎̪͊̀E̶̻̘̿ GROWS


The first mazes have been conquered, but there is still ground to cover should you seek the Treasure at this Nightmare’s end. Having crossed through the exit door, you find yourself in another bare lobby. A GMH attendant is waiting for you, ready to provide a bottle of water and usher you into your next challenge. As you gather your bearings, you glance at what is certainly the door to the next area. The door is charred black, covered in red gashes formed by angry claws. When you look closely, you swear you see skeletal fingers trying to pry through the gashes. When you are ready, the attendant opens the door. Once you enter, the door will close and lock behind you.[break][break]

You find yourself in a disorientating replica of a Route. Which Route this is supposed to be is impossible to say, as every tree, bench, lamppost, and patch of grass is made of billowing smoke. As you step down the black-gravel road, you become perplexed how this environment is even possible. The road twists and warps into impossible angles, yet you walk upon it as easily as any other. The smoking scenery attempts to accommodate your ever-shifting perspective, distorting into horrific parodies of what they are supposed to be. The further in you go the more dream-like the environment becomes, laughing in the face of both physics and rationality. Worst of all, you cannot help but feel that you are suddenly being watched by forces unseen. Or—perhaps they have been watching all along.



Your journey through the h̵̹͑ö̸̜̜́̈ů̷͍ͅs̷̠̦̊̇e̸̛̻̊ continues. It is now up to you to help your character navigate this haunted maze. Describe your character’s experience in as much or as little detail as you desire, but know that creative writing and displays of effort may be rewarded. You need not interact or acknowledge each other, but you are free to do so if you wish. For those who wish to practice their imagination, here are some resources to help you. [break][break]

What do they Hear: Nothing[break][break]

What do they See: All solid objects are made of smoke, not only providing a surreal environment but also obstructing anything directly behind them. How can you use this to write horror? What hides in the dark? Whatever it is, it is NOT human.[break][break]

What do they Smell: Burning wood, burning meat, burning burning burning BURNING![break][break]

Use the mood music provided at the top of the post for further inspiration.

The actual game occurs at the end of your post. Here is an overview of the rules:

  • Roll three times. At least one of your rolls must meet the win condition of this thread. This Thread’s Win Condition: All three rolled numbers must have different TENS values (97, 75, 40). The Win Condition will change after every Deadline.
  • Every player starts with 50 Resolve. Failure to meet the win condition on any of your rolls will cost the player 10 Resolve. Reaching 0 Resolve will eliminate that player from the game. Be sure to keep track of your Resolve somewhere within your post.
  • Continue taking turns posting until there is only one player left standing. Every eight posts I will interject with an event that may modify the game, so stay vigilant.
  • There is no set deadline for posting, however to keep the intended pace there is a penalty for slacking. If you cannot post within two days after the post before you, you will be skipped over and lose 30 Resolve.
  • Unless requested otherwise, your character is entering their area ALONE! As such, you may note if you are open to interaction or not. If someone is not open to interaction, that must be respected. Additionally, just because someone is open to interaction does not mean you are obligated to interact with them.



Deadline to post is 12/8 11:59pm


This is an optional element to give you a leg up in the game. A ghoul hides within this post, guarding a bonus prompt. Fulfilling the bonus prompt and sending the ghoul's link to Hollow's discord will earn you a bonus in the game![break][break]

BUT BEWARE! The ghoul's visage may be too scary for some. If you are easily frightened or disturbed, you can still obtain the bonus by guessing the prompt based off those who have already found it. Just send what you think the prompt is to Hollow's discord and fulfill it in your post. Regardless of the method, you will obtain the bonus upon confirmation from Hollow. Fill in the link in ALL CAPS.[break][break]

Here is the bonus for this thread: Choose a win condition from one of the other OHJ threads. That is your win condition for one round.

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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 15:23:21 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You both run as fast as you can, yet only one outpaces the horrible visage. As one reaches their unlikely escape, the other is abruptly swallowed whole by the cackling face--forever trapped in the endless halls.[break][break]

rolled lowest and has been ELIMINATED!

moves on to the next area!

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Spooky Scary Steed [c]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 15:46:10 GMT
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Oscar had indeed tamed horses in the past, but this was no ordinary horse. The spectral steed was a creature all its own, and Oscar found himself using all of his will and strength to stay mounted upon its back. The wild dash through the skies over Mt. Pyre was like the world's most dangerous roller coaster, if Oscar had known this horse was such a thrill seeker he would have insisted on a helemt.

Ah right, he's a ghost right now. A helmet probably would not help. 

Oscar dared to adjust his grip, grabbing ahold of the mane less gently. He had to, otherwise he would risk falling off the horse. The horse seemed to feel his increased aggression, and let out a neigh that sounded closer to a cackle. Was it amused? The fuck was wrong with this horse.

Its stride somehow got even crazier, attempting every trick it could to test Oscar's mettle. 

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Making Wishes out of Airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 15:40:20 GMT
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Oscar had been so focused on watching the sky, that Theo's sudden appearance made him jump. Theo seemed to be a very quiet man, Oscar did not even hear him approach. Lulu needed to put a bell on him or something. Oscar quickly recovered, welcoming Theo with a smile. 

"Oh! Yeah, the wind must have been on my side. The trip was shorter than usual."

Oscar kept his gaze away from the stars for now, he did not want to be distracted while chatting. Give him the chance and he will be lost staring at galaxies in no time. "I'm well, it's gettin' too fuckin' cold but I'll manage. How about you? What brings us out here tonight?"

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Don't Look Now [C]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 15:33:33 GMT
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Oscar, deep into the machinery of his PokePod, would be caught off guard by Ceri's arrival. Her sudden greeting would cause Oscar to jump, smacking his head against the metal innards of his machine. His voice, while muffled, could be clearly heard as he shouted in pain. 

"Fuck! Son of a bitch!" 

There was a moment's pause before the Beast would scramble out of his workspace, holding the back of his head as he turned around. While his eyes conveyed annoyance, Oscar was in-fact rather pleased to see Ceri arrive. His pained smile reflected his delight as he raised his free hand in greeting. "Hey! Sorry, you caught me by surprise there. Oscar Clayton, it's great to meet you. I'm in a bit of a pickle."

Oscar gestured toward a nearby workbench covered in papers. "Uh, if you could grab the big green paper that look vaguely like schematics I'll fill you in on what I'm trying to do." Oscar turned his attention back to the machine while Ceri grabbed the paper, forgetting that sitting on top of those schematics were a set of very concerning energy readings from the Mauville Powerplant. Oscar had been examining them religiously, and forgot to put them away before company arrived...

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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 16:30:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




With the ghoulish woman evaded and temptations put aside, you will come upon a final door labeled: EXIT. Could this be another trick of the maze? Only one way to find out, as the way back is about to disappear. The hallway behind you begins to morph, the carpet growing teeth and the walls becoming flesh. An enormous smiling head cackles as it takes shape, clamping its teeth repeatedly as it surges forward. You can do nothing more but run for the exit. [break][break]

Both of you roll three times at the end of your post. Whoever rolls the highest combined number will ESCAPE THE AREA! The other will be ELIMINATED![break][break]


Deadline is 11/28 11:59pm

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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 16:17:20 GMT
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Oscar spent most of his fall trying to clear his head. The focus of maintaining a calm demeanor was the only thing keeping him from screaming like a small child as he hurdled to his death. If he was going to die, he would rather die with dignity. Yet that was not his fate, not yet anyway. A large form appeared and caught Oscar like he was a tumbling toddler. Blinking, Oscar looked up to find to be his savior. Oscar let out a long sigh of relief, his entire body going slack as the tension built within melted away.

While Mint was looking down, Oscar's gaze remained skyward. He watched the stars slowly fade as shards of the meteor fell like rain. Seeing the shards made Oscar realize that something pointy was pressing against his clenches fist. Opening it, he would find that he had successfully caught one of the ore shards! Satisfied, Oscar tucked it into his suit and waited patiently to land. He would find himself trying to look at anything beside Mint, as the Beast felt rather embarrassed about having to be rescued in such a manner.

When Mint's tropius landed, Oscar would roll out of Mint's grasp and onto the ground. He pulled himself quickly, looking around to confirm Genesect's safety. Genesect was found unharmed, having been saved by tropius's vines. It had at some point during the fall gained the opportunity to hover--but it decided to be carried down instead because watching the tropius struggle to hold it up was---amusing? Yes, it felt amused. How rare for it to feel anything.

Oscar put out his fist toward Genesect, who tapped it gingerly with its claw. It was their special 'good job' gesture. "Good work, get some rest." Oscar withdrew Genesect, stretching as he embraced the moment of peace. Oscar would rather awkwardly rest his eyes on Mint as the latter removed his helmet. Oscar gulped, realizing that he owed Mint his life and should probably thank him. It was not easy to come to terms with this, as Oscar had trouble feeling gratitude or expressing affection. Yet if anyone deserved some sort of hug of thanks, it was Mint. Oscar very quickly embraced Mint from behind, pulling away almost immediately as his entire body turned red under his spacesuit and helmet. "Thank you..." He said flatly, hesitating as he tried to think of more to say.

He would be saved by the sudden appearance of yet another apocalypse, because one was just not enough for today. Oscar whipped around as a massive hole in space and time opened, releasing what had to be one of the largest pokemon Oscar had every seen. Well he assumed it was a pokemon, the creature looked more like some sort of mythical monster. As biting wind grasped the grassland he and the other meteor invaders had landed upon, and if something was not done soon they would certainly be frozen solid.

Oscar grabbed two pokeballs and opened them to release his Naganadel named Robbie Rotten and Blaziken named Grievous. Keeping close to Mint to take advantage of his Aura Veil, Oscar would raise his hand as a ring that adorned it flashed with light. Grievous resonated with it, being enveloped by a cocoon of light and burst forth as Mega-Blaziken.

Shivering rather harshly himself, Oscar pointed toward the emerging monstrosity. "Go ahead and welcome this ff-f-fucker to our p-p-planet!" Grievous did an graceful spin, swords of energy emerging from thin air to clash with each other before being absorbed into his body (Sword Dance). With a boosted attack, Grievous charged into battle, attempting to kick the mountain sized dragon in the face (Blaze Kick).

Robbie Rotten, the most devilish pokemon alive, trembled against the might of the cold. Yet despite his discomfort, the crafty pokemon saw a delightful opportunity for mischief (Nasty Plot). Empowered by his machinations, Robbie decided to bide his time and engage the creature. Staying near its master, Robbie opened his mouth and unleashed a might stream of fire toward the icy dragon (Fire Blast). If all went well, Robbie would find the perfect opportunity to perform his cruel little prank...


--Oscar was caught by Mint and feels awkward about it.
--Oscar gives Mint the world's quickest hug, which is more than anyone else has ever gotten from him so it's like a trophy.
--Oscar traded out Genesect for Naganadel and Blaziken as Kyurem emerged.
--Blaziken Mega-Evolved and used Swords Dance and Blaze Kick on Kyurem.
--Naganadel thought up a Nasty Plot and used Fire Blast on Kyurem.

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Big Changes Down Here
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 15:38:22 GMT
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Hello! I am making a post here to let those I'm threading with know that I am MOVING! I am not sure when my internet will be set up though, so starting the 29th I may disappear until it is up. Additionally, I have a vacation starting the 3rd, and I will be back on the 9th. I shall do what I can during this time but since I will be mostly focused on allll of this my activity may be wonky. 
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing