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Making Wishes out of Airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 20:50:20 GMT
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Sootopolis carried the sky well tonight. The dim lights of the city's bungalows did little to obscure the tapestry of stars high above them. Oscar found himself fixated on the sky, hardly avle to believe that just a short while ago he had been riding a meteor through the atmosphere. Life can be so peculiar.

Oscar had been called to the highest accessable spot in Sootopolis by . Oscar and Theo have not interacted much, and on the very few occasions they had Oscar found himself disagreeing with the older Rocket's philosophies. Yet he respected him a great deal all the same, and was happy to see what the Underboss needed from him.

Oscar had arrived early; not on purpose the trip was just quicker than anticipated. While he waited for Theo, Oscar was content counting the stars and imagining being back among them.
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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 18:00:40 GMT
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As the contract was signed, Oscar would happily pull out his phone to go over the schematics with his new contractor. During the trip they would discuss specifics about the designs, Oscar's nameless assistant staring out the window as he pretended not to listen in. Their discussion would not last too long however, as they would soon come upon Sootopolis and the work space Oscar intended to utilize. It was indeed a warehouse attached to the research institute of . It was very kind of her to allow Oscar to take up so much space for his project, he owed her more than a few favors by now.

As they landed Oscar would help Aurelie off the helicopter and into the warehouse. As they entered the main work space, Aurelie would instantly be able to take in the machinery Oscar had set up for her to use. The industrial forge was massive, taking up forty percent of the total warehouse space. The rest would be taken up by everything Aurelie needed to accomplish her task--included the now empty shells of steel type pokemon. Oscar tapped Aurelie on the shoulder and pointed to what used to be a foreman office on the far side of the warehouse. 

"I've outfitted that room to be a temporary living quarters. I tried to make it as cozy as I could, and we installed a nice bathroom with one of those overhanging mist showerheads people seem to like. There's a landline that goes directly to me so you can give updates. You can also order groceries or take-out meals and GMH will cover the bill. Just don't go crazy we aren't made of money." Oscar chuckled to himself, what an absurd thing to say after financing all of this. Oscar clapped his hands together. "I'll let you get situated, just give me a call if you have any questions. The schematics will be sent directly to your email in just a few minutes."

Oscar turned to exit, stopping by the door to give one last note. "Good luck, I know you can do it!"

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It's a Living [M]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 17:46:37 GMT
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As the article was put before him, Oscar would lean in intently while sipping his coffee. His expression remained blank as he read, but on the inside Oscar was rather ecstatic. Amor's misfortune had created an unexpected opportunity, one that Oscar could capitalize for Rocket's benefit. He had to play it cool though, he must first gauge Amor's contempt for the League--that would determine how...susceptible he would be to alternative options.

Oscar put his drink down and sighed, leaning back into his chair. "Typical League shenanigans, squeeze their most talented minds dry and throw them away at the first opportunity. I am very sorry this happened Amor. It truly isn't fair." Oscar rested an elbow on his chair's armrest, propping his head up with two fingers as he stared intently at Amor.

"You don't deserve this treatment friend. You've worked too hard to be written off. What will you do now?"

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 17:32:04 GMT
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Oscar furrowed his brow, rubbing his forehead to convey stress. "Well--I have no idea where to even start looking for a pokemon like that. Nevertheless, I appreciate the tip. I will start searching right away and let you know if I find anything, I'm sure you could benefit from whatever I uncover." Oscar actually knew exactly what Fernando was referring to, but making that known would give away his association with Rocket. posessed an alien parasite known as Deoxys that matched Silph's description--though more accurately Deoxys seemed to posses him. Oscar should pay him a visit once the meteor was handled.

Oscar opened his mouth to say something else, but he would be interrupted by their server arriving to deliver their meals. Having ordered blindly, Oscar did not know what to expect--but as the waiter set down an extravagant pasta dish he would be glad that he took the risk. Oscar took a few bites, and indeed it tasted divine. Once his mouth was clear of food Oscar would engage Fernando once more. "Was there anything else you wished to speak of?"

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A Torrid Expedition [M]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 17:23:30 GMT
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As Fern's water fell over Oscar's face, the beast would lurch into a sitting position with a jittering cry. "Don't kill me I'm too----young?" Whatever dream Oscar was having in his unconscious state left him frazzled as he tried to gather his bearings. Everything slowly came back to him, and as he saw Fern standing nearby Oscar's face would turn bright red. He turned away as he cleared his throat, trying to hide his embarrassment. To be caught in such a state, it was unbecoming of a beast of Rocket! Though it was completely par-for the course to Oscar...

He quickly got up, brushing himself off as he regained his composure. "Ahem--um, thanks." Oscar was grateful, but his hurt pride prevented him from being more open. Perhaps at a later time. Oscar focused his energy on the nearby skeleton, kneeling to examine it up close. Now that the shock had worn off, Oscar could not help but think that this corpse was rather conveniently placed. Indeed, Oscar would find clutched in its hand an odd totem seemingly made of some sort of black stone. Maybe obsidian? The client said they would know the artifact they sought when they saw it--and well this looked like an artifact to Oscar.

Oscar gingerly pulled the totem out of the skeleton's hand, gagging a bit as he pulled away from the ripe rotting remains. After examining the totem in his hand a bit, finding nothing recognizable about its etchings, Oscar turned to Fern and grimaced. "I don't know how the client knew this dead guy would be in here with the artifact, but frankly I am content just to get the fuck out of here. Lead the way?"

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Spooky Scary Steed [c]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 17:14:05 GMT
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In what has become something of a routine, Oscar would arrive once again to greet the mysterious horse. In his arm would be another basket of berries, since it seemed so fond of them last time. As the horse approached, Oscar would sift through his basket, "I decided to bring some new ones for you to try. Hope you don't mind--"

POW! The horse kicked Oscar in the chest. As he fell backward, berries flung through the air, Oscar's very soul would fly out of its mortal coil! Floating just a few feet in the air, Oscar would look down to find his body laying lifelessly in the grass. Past him would probably be horrified and panicked, but current Oscar for sure knew this was just what happened when you mess with forces beyond your control. He shook his head, "I can't believe I died trying to befriend a fuckin' horse."

Though, perhaps he's not dead. The horse let out a hollow neigh to get Oscar's attention, flicking its tail toward its back. It took Oscar a moment to understand, but when he caught on he would sneer and chuckle. "Oh now I see, alright let's go. I gotta warn ya, I'm pretty fuckin' good at this." With a running start Oscar would leap onto the horse's back, immediately being forced to grab its mane as it reared up and burst forth through the night sky.

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 15:54:55 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




A door opens beside you, revealing a group of reveling corpses. The party goers grab for you, seeking to add you to their numbers. How do you Escape? [break][break]

  • Slam the door in their face: Gain ten Resolve.
  • Run down the hall: Roll four times, replace one of your three rolls with the fourth one--if you wish.
  • Join the Party (It is not a good time): Automatically escape this Area, start next Area with only 1 Resolve. (Available to only One Player) The remaining player will move on with full starting Resolve.


Johanna is stilling being pursued. The woman never tires, her persistence is unending. If Johanna cannot find a way to escape the chase this round, she will be Eliminated. Should Fern join the party, Johanna will not move on unless she escapes!

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POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 1:03:24 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You have reached your breaking point, refusing to take another step through this dreadful maze. Your stubbornness is your undoing, as where you decide to stand happens to be a trapdoor. The trapdoor opens, sending you down into a pitch-black abyss.[break][break]

and have been ELIMINATED!

The chase continues for , can now do the CHOICE prompt.

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Spooky Scary Steed [c]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 18:00:06 GMT
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Once again Oscar appeared to visit the mysterious ghost horse, but this time when it appeared Oscar would be surprised to find it in peril! Er, perhaps not peril per-say--but it certainly looked uncomfortable. With so many wisps tangled in its mane, it would need something more than just a soft combing.

Oscar sent out two pokemon--his Shedninja and Lucario. A cleaner to get the wisps out and a bag to put them in. Oscar pointed to the horse, "Lucario, Vacuum Wave the wisps and store them in Shedninja!" Lucario acted immediately, throwing back his arms to pull an immense gust of wind around him. The wisps were yanked from the mane, twirling around Lucario as he held together his charged power. 

Carefully he would aim toward Shedninja before firing the wave of collected energy into its back. The wave passed harmlessly through the ghoulish bug, and the wisps were sucked into the hole in its back. Shedninja sighed, apparently quite pleased with its meal. Oscar smiled and turned toward the horse. 

"There ya go, hope that helped!"

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Spooky Scary Steed [c]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 20:09:48 GMT
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Oscar arrived at his garden plot once more, eager to once again encounter the spectral horse. After a short wait it reappeared, though it did not seem as eager to interact with Oscar now that so much time had passed. Oscar came prepared however, while he had no more carrots to share with the steed he brought a freshly picked basket of tomato berries from his new garden

He stepped forward with great confidence, holding out a gloved hand filled with delectable berries. "Don't be shy now, they're yours to have if you wish."

--Oscar is feeding a tomato berry to the Spectrier.

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POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 19:51:17 GMT
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Genesect's Tera Blast was lost in the barrage of attacks that assaulted the unknown wielding woman. Oscar expected her to be certified space dust, but as the actual space dust cleared she would be found to be very much still alive with only one unknown remaining. Oscar cursed, resolved to finish her off when a bright light from behind drew away his attention.

Oscar had been so caught up in the developing threats on the meteor, that he did not realize how close Hoenn was becoming. By now the primal points had been set off, and the meteor was about to be teleported into another dimension! Oscar yelped, panicking as he realized how utterly fucked he was. This was it, it was too late to get off the ride now! In a few short moments, the meteor and everyone on it would be splattered across another dimension's surface...

Or perhaps not? As the light of the Primal Points dissipated, Oscar found himself losing his balance and falling downward. Then he kept falling, and as he slowly refocused himself he realized that everyone that had been on the meteor was now freefalling alongside shards of the mysterious mineral!

Oscar was relieved, his chances of splattering had just significantly decreased--but there would be no time to rest. That ninja woman was now more vulnerable than ever, and Oscar was not about to let such a valuable potential asset get away. Spinning like a top, Oscar would attempt and fail multiple times to point toward the woman, eventually giving up and electing to call out his order instead.

"Genesect! The ninja! Get 'em!"

Genesect had already stabled itself with a proper skydiving stance, and so it was easily able to manuver its cannon toward the woman and let loose an electrified net in an attempted to capture her (Electro Web). By now Oscar was able to stabilize as well, and he quickly gave his second order. "Alright, magnet rise and glide us over there."

Genesect shook its head, attempting to pantomime that it was incapable of doing more than one move per post. Oscar did not understand this meta tomfoolery, but since Genesect was not immediately following his orders he assumed something was wrong. He gulped, and his heart plummeted into his stomach as he suddenly realized he might actually die. Hopefully one of his fellow Rockets could nab the ninja, Oscar was now too busy hoping not to succumb to gravity.

Oscar's autotuned voice would soon be heard over Rocket comms. "Hey if someone has a moment, Genesect and I need a ride." He downplayed the urgency, because pretending to be calm was the only thing keeping him from freaking the fuck out! As he fell, Oscar took note of the crystal shards falling around him and would make an attempt to grab one. If he was going to die, he would do so with the prize he came for in hand.

Good luck Oscar.


--Oscar and Genesect are falling.
--Genesect attempts to capture Dr. Holo in an Electro Web.
--Oscar and Genesect need help not splattering on the ground.
--Oscar tries to catch a mineral shard so he can at least die having accomplished what he came for.
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Don't Look Now [C]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 1:08:32 GMT
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It is always hard when things that should be easy turn out agonizingly arduous. When Oscar set out to create his 'PokePods', he thought his efforts would snowball into success after the first prototype's failure. Yet as he put the finishing touches on the second prototype, he found himself no closer than he was a few weeks ago. He found himself at a roadblock, unable to find the desired suction of Infinity Energy. So many pokemon have been turned to ashes in his pursuit to revolutionize energy, surely their lives would be in vain if he could not reach a breakthrough!

Oscar had reached out to for help, he figured since he was working in her research facility she would be able to drop by at some point. Unfortunately, her schedule has been filled to the brim for the foreseeable future. Oscar felt his confidence waver, after all without his scientific partner in crime would he actually be able to pull this off? Luckily Lulu referred him to another Rocket researcher, and Oscar called upon her to visit as soon as she could.

Enter ; Oscar had yet to meet her but if she had the skillset he was promised they were about to become best friends. Oscar was currently waiting for her in his workshop, deep beneath Lulu's research facility. He had went ahead and given her clearance, so the security porygon throughout the facility should not give her any trouble. His workshop would not be hard to find, his name was on a fancy plaque next to the door and his voice could clearly be heard cursing as he loudly pounded upon the monstrous mound of electronics that was his PokePod. Hopefully she will not immediately run away.
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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2022 20:14:07 GMT
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We at GMH would like to offer our condolences. We are always willing to lend a hand to our fellow Mauville citizens, so GMH would gladly replace the destroyed generator with a brand new Infinity Generator! Feel free to contact us to start the installation process. #mauvilleforever #inthistogether #getonthegrid #seriouslygetonit
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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2022 16:14:22 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'SHOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Your journey is halted by a stinging feeling in your ankles. You look down to find that the roses you have been ignoring are wrapping themselves around your legs. You try to pull yourself forward, but every tug causes their grasp to tighten. They begin to pull you down, dragging you toward the brush until you are completely consumed.[break][break]

has been Eliminated!
will be able to exit unimpeded and move on to the next area!

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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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