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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 15:12:07 GMT
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As King slammed against the protect of , its eyes widened with fury. Who would dare prevent its approach? As it was pushed backward, the enraged shadow warrior let out a metallic growl. This transgression should not go unpunished! Fortunately that call was not up to King.

Oscar peeked from behind his ruined ship, and upon seeing Killian engaging with the enemy Deoxys he would let out a low groan. If he wanted that Deoxys, he would have to go through Killian--and Oscar did not feel optimistic about that matchup. At the very least, it was a waste of resources.  "Ohhhh----fine." Deflated, Oscar would pull out King's pokeball and recall it before the angry shadow pokemon could retaliate against either Deoxys.

Oscar left the safety of his shipwreck, forcing himself to look away from the Deoxys. That was not his fight anymore, but he and Killian shall have business to discuss later. If they live through this. Oscar turned his attention back toward the mineral, which was currently being swarmed by Unknown. He did not see that coming, but then again he had not been paying attention to anything else beside the Deoxys. They seemed to be threatening and though, so to Oscar that was enough to consider them antagonistic. 

Oscar released Genesect once more, who immediately braced itself for combat. Oscar was about to order another Techno Blast, when something very unusual occurred. Energy radiated from the central mineral, sending shockwaves across the meteor's surface. Oscar twitched as the surge approached, but once nothing happened he would gradually relax. Genesect seemed to be more susceptible to the energy, and it would quickly take on a new form that Oscar had never seen before.

Encased in crystals, Genesect would flex its metallic body as a giant knife grew around its head. Genesect roared as its crown imbued it with a strange power, and as nothing negative seemed to be happening Oscar would embrace the boost with glee. Pointing toward the center of the Unknown, which seemed to be some sort of ninja (weird but okay), Oscar would finally give his command. "Genesect, Techno Blast!"

Genesect would charge its cannon like normal, but when it would unleash its power a completely new beam would emerge. From its cannon emerged a blast of pure silver light, cascading with a strength it had never displayed before. Neither Oscar nor Genesect knew it, but this attack was actually Tera Blast! The beam ripped across the meteor, hopefully taking out as many Unknown as possible and sending that ninja straight to hell.

Because fuck 'em.


--Oscar withdraws Shadow Bisharp and leaves the Deoxys to Killian to handle.
--Oscar sends out Genesect, who Terastallizes into a pure Steel type.
--Genesect uses a Steel type Tera Blast on Dr. Holo and her Unknown. Tera Blast is empowered by Genesect's Tera Form and Steel Worker.
--2/3 Tera Blasts, 4/5 Character Tags
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 14:43:08 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Perhaps due to your earlier struggles, you are unable to outrun the hoard. As they reach you, they do not tear you apart as one might expect. Instead they embrace you, wrapping themselves around your every angle. They sobbing loudly into your face, forcing their despair upon you. As more and more mourners join the embrace, you are slowly pushed down and smothered by their sorrow.[break][break]

has been ELIMINATED! 
finds a way out, moving on to the next Area!

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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 21:07:23 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




The birds suddenly begin to disperse, flying off in every direction. Perhaps you think your method of evading them proved too much for them, but alas your nightmare has only begun. By now the wailing mourners are upon you, and they do not appear how you might think. Draped in black funeral garb, these hobbling corpses scream out in agony as they slowly move forward. Upon spotting you, the lead corpse lets out an agonized cry--and their hobbles turn into a sprint. Can you escape?[break]

  • Roll at least two success: You evade the mourning hoard! Failures for this round do not count toward your Resolve
  • Roll one success or less: The hoard is too fast to out run. You are Eliminated!

The deadline is 11/16 11:59PM cst!

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Tricks R Us [M]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 16:44:21 GMT
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Oscar was not impressed by the wealthier looking house. Sure it looked nice, but in his experience people who could afford 'look at me peasants I'm rich' houses were not a lot of fun. Only bullies move to a middle class neighborhood and make an effort to seem better than their neighbors. Oscar's eyes narrowed, he was not done with this house tonight...

But for now the much more festive looking house was the place to hit. Anyone who went this big in September had to already be stocked with candy, Oscar and Priam could possibly get a huge payload! Clavis seemed to agree, pointing one of his razor sharp legs incessantly toward the decorated house. The dewpider had good taste.

Oscar nodded, "Off we go then!" and began marching across the street. As they approached, Oscar could not help but admire this homeowner's artistry. It was a delightfully spooky graveyard setup, complete with homemade tombstones, grinning pumpkins, and grinning skeletons. Oscar giggled as they approached the front door, which was equipped a fittingly gothic door-knocker. He took the liberty of grabbing the knocker and slamming it into the door twice. The door opened quickly, and Oscar would lift his bag and declare, "Trick or Treat!"

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 19:21:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You open the door at the end of the hall and find a pitch-black room. Inside you hear someone crying.[break][break]

  • Go in anyway: Your next loop is pitch black. Gain 10 Resolve, failed rolls cost 20 Resolve each for this round only.
  • Open a different door: Your loop is normal. Lose 10 Resolve, for this round only failed rolls do not affect Resolve AS LONG AS YOU ROLL AT LEAST ONE SUCCESS.

The chase continues for and

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 19:05:21 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'SHOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




The vines of this carnivorous plant snatch you before you could get away. No matter how hard you struggle, you cannot seem to free yourself as the plant lifts you toward its toothy maw. Soon you will be pushed into its dark gullet, leaving not a single trace as you are swallowed whole.

has been Eliminated!

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 18:57:41 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




As you escape the grasp of the writhing hands, a new threat reveals itself. Corvisquire begin to land in clumps, pecking at the hands to consume their rotting flesh. Their numbers gradually increase, until an entire murder lands to feed on the hands. While carrion birds at heart, a hungry Corvisquire cannot tell the difference between a cadaver and a still living organism. Soon birds begin to go for you, swooping in as they try to secure a fresher meal. How do you defend yourself?

  • Fight them off: Beat back the birds with an improvised weapon or whirling fists. Beware the resulting marks of battle--Lose 20 Resolve but skip rolling for this round only.
  • Run away, flailing your arms wildly: An amusing display, but it is more reliable than simply outrunning them. Lose 10 Resolve, roll only once instead of three times for this round only.
  • Outrun them and hide: These creatures can fly, yet you believe you can out run them? AND conceal yourself? A bold move. Roll three as normal. Rolling more than one failure will result in a dire consequence.

The deadline is 11/10 11:59PM cst!

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 15:17:37 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Trapped within your own grave, there was nowhere to turn to escape the hands of your fellow buried. Thousands of rotting fingers grasp at you from every direction, dragging you further and further into the ground. The force of their rapid emergence begins to dislodge the dirt around you, and soon you are buried alive with your captors.

has been eliminated!

The new deadline is 11/10 11:59PM cst!

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 11:58:54 GMT
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Desolence's Earth Power did its job perfectly, providing a distraction to the League's would-be cavalry. Oscar was fully prepared to get closer and duke it out with the League proper--but then everything changed. Oscar's eyes were drawn to glowing vein like crystals arching toward the previously ignored rock formation. Oscar watched them, confused and curious about what was happening. When they reached the formation, it exploded to reveal...

A crystalline Deoxys.

Not too long ago, Oscar had sat down to have a discussion over dinner with . During this discussion, Mister Silph mentioned that a parasite-like pokemon might be able to cure his sickness by consuming it. At the time Oscar had paid that revelation little mind, as he knew this 'mysterious parasite' to be Deoxys which was currently too busy being attached to to be of any use.

This one though--was free.

Oscar let out a scream so loud and blood-curdling that it caused his voice distortion to auto-tune a ghastly melody. Even his nidoqueen, a killing machine without emotion, looked over at her master with concern. Oscar quieted himself abruptly, withdrawing Desolence and sending out the only pokemon that may be strong enough to bring this miracle within an inch of its life. Emerging before Oscar was a Bisharp clad in its own array of crystals, as black as the void of space. Upon its head sat a crystal crown, and around one of its arms the crystals formed a lance. It was King, the shadow lord of all Bisharp. 

Oscar pointed dramatically toward Deoxys as it began its Meteor Beam. "King! Rip it apart and bring it to me!" Oscar's auto-tuned voice shook with desperation, as far as he could tell this was the best chance he had to save his mortality. King obeyed its master, running forth with blinding speed to strike at its alien foe (Extreme Speed).

Meanwhile Oscar unknowingly took a page out of Fernando's. Hiding behind his crashed spaceship to avoid the Meteor Beam. He probably could not get it to take off again anyway.


--Oscar found his one way ticket to not dying from eldritch aids.
--Oscar sent out his Shadow Bisharp, who used Extreme Speed to reach and possibly strike the enemy Deoxys.
--Oscar tries to avoid the Meteor Beam by hiding behind his spaceship.
--Salac x1

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 20:00:17 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




The ground beneath and around you begins to shake. The distant cawing begins to intensify, and the wails of nearby mourners twist into horrific howls. Suddenly hands begin to erupt from the earth, clawing decayed appendages grasping for anything within reach! Don't get caught![break][break]

  • Roll at least one winning number: You avoid a cluster of hands, but one grabs you before you can properly escape! Failures do not count toward Resolve for this round only. In your next post, describe escaping the hand's clutches. Roll once instead of three times, a failure will cost 40 Resolve.
  • Roll at least two winning numbers: You escape the frenzy unharmed! Gain 10 Resolve. Failures do not affect Resolve for this round only.
  • Roll all losing numbers: The hands latch onto you and pull you into the soft earth; you are eliminated!

Those who do not post by 11/6 11:59 CST will be eliminated!

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:20:34 GMT
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  • player/ooc name: Hollow
  • character tags:
  • dropped characters' tags (if applicable): n/a
  • ic posts for characters: Oscar Jax
  • are characters in directories?: Y
  • any notes/comments: This place continues to be amazing! Thank you so much for keeping my love of rp alive o/
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 23:32:41 GMT
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There was a brief moment during his landing where Oscar felt like he was actually about to die. His ship was shaking violently, and his hands tensed so hard around the controls his knuckles nearly burst. There was an awful wrenching noise as his ship slowly slid to a stop, and as Oscar realized that he was very much alive he would let out a soft chuckle. "Perfect landing!" He announced as he got out of his seat. His legs felt like jelly and his hands were shaking, but he felt fucking fantastic. And to think, there was a whole mission waiting for him outside!

Oscar gathered himself before exiting his ship, immediately trying to locate Genesect. During their descent Genesect had dislodged their hitchhiker, so it seemed pretty proud of itself as it jumped down to surprise its master. Oscar jumped briefly, but he could not possible sore about the prank. He was just glad Genesect was in one piece. 

"Nice flight?" Oscar asked his cybernetic comrade. Genesect wiggled its claw, the universal sign for 'meh'. Oscar took a second to make a visual inventory, making the mistake of looking upward toward their rapidly approaching planet. To say Oscar was in awe would be an understatement, the view of the lonely rock they called home was both beautiful and humbling. After the events of the Cloud, Oscar had believed his little slice of the multiverse was just too small for him. Yet here and now he saw the horrifically wonderful truth: it was he that was so small. Him and the League and Rocket and everyone--just grains of sand in the desert.

Oscar felt a jab in his ribs, Genesect had elbowed him rather forcefully. Oscar reacted with anger, "Dude chill I'm having a mo-" Before Oscar could finish his sentence he would be pushed onto his back by a powerful gust of wind. Genesect watched as sent a Whirlwind their way, but it was more worried about its master's safety then its own. After all, a gust of wind was hardly a threat. Turns out though that wind was way stronger then it seemed. It was so strong in fact that Genesect felt itself being sucked back into its ball against its will.

By the time Oscar managed to get to his feet, Genesect had been replaced by his Shadow Nidoqueen: Desolence. The pale figure looked to Oscar expectantly, unaware that her emergence was a mistake. Oscar whipped his head around, trying to find the source of that Whirlwind. He could not pinpoint that it was Noah, but he did see the Gym leader about to intersect with and some other guy he did not yet know (). This was just in time for to call him to action, and seeing how he now had some aggression to deliver he was more than happy to oblige.

was one hundred percent correct, the mineral was the top priority--so Oscar was not going to let any more League bastards get near it. Oscar pointed outward, his distorted voice ringing as he gave his command. "Let the meteor consume them!" Desolence let out an unearthly bellow, rearing up before slamming a fist into the meteor's surface. A massive crack burst forth, winding its way toward the positions of the gather trio of Laurence, Noah, and other guy! Should the crack reach them, the ground shall erupt beneath their feet in a massive display of power--Earth Power that is.


--Oscar has an existential crisis.
--Genesect gets forcibly exchanged for Oscar's Shadow Nidoqueen.
--Shadow Nidoqueen attempts to catch , , and within its Earth Power attack. Earth Power is boosted by Sheer Force but cannot lower the defenses of its targets.
--Oscar's suit

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 16:04:53 GMT
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[url=""]OUTLAST[/url] - BATTLE 1[break]FT. @oscar & @johanna & @gavin & @bishop

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 14:32:06 GMT
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The ceiling above Johanna would suddenly shake violently, giving way as Genesect fell through. Landing upon the final generator, Genesect would pierce downward with an aggressive Fell Stinger. Whatever part of the generator that survived Genesect's landing would be smashed to bits by its vicious attack. Genesect would stand tall over Johanna, its claws raised as it screamed with primal hatred. 

It had yet to lose, and it did not plan to do so now.

Yet whether it won or loss was not up to Genesect currently. It had its own rules to play by, and well--it just broke them. When Genesect had roared earlier, at the moment it initially lost Johanna, Oscar correctly predicted that it had lost its composure. The beast was prepared though, and immediately departed to call Genesect back. He was later than he would prefer, but Oscar arrived at the final building just in time to return Genesect to its pokeball. 

Oscar clicked his tongue, rolling Genesect's red ball in his hand. "Gotta work on that sore loser complex. Oh well." He attached the ball to his belt and clapped his hands together. "Congratulations , you've survived my Genesect Challenge training. I'm very impressed, I'll be sure to give you some extra kudos in my report. I uh--don't have a prize for you or anything--but if you want I'll buy you a coffee." The Dragapult he used to make it in time peeked in, wondering what the hold up was. 

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It's an Actual Picnic This Time [M]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 14:19:29 GMT
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You know some days there is nothing better than having an actual picnic with actual friends. Oscar and had planned a little get together to commemorate their rapidly approaching doom. At the time of planning, it seemed like a fantastic idea to Oscar. Alas time is a fickle bitch, and after some recent troubling events Oscar found himself in a rather sour mood.

Yet he still appeared at the designated time, basket and blanket in hand. He found the comfiest looking spot, with the right amount of shade and a good view of the bay. The trees behind him would allow for fine makeshift back support, and their rustling leaves shall provide fine ambience.

Oscar set up the blanket and took a seat, reaching into his basket to pull out a canned tea. He sighed as he opened it, hoping that it would boost his mood enough before Mars arrived. Alas--it was flat. Oscar sighed again. 
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