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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:35:08 GMT
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Genesect did not expect its target to run, but it kept its cool and readjusted its expectations. The metal hunter would attempt to keep up, but it was a more difficult task than it anticipated. For Genesect, sneaking required it to move slowly--while Johanna was careening as fast as she could. Eventually she would make a turn before Genesect could witness, and the hunter would be forced to stop.

It looked behind several buildings as it tried to relocate Johanna, gradually dropping its attempts to sneak. The reality slowly began to take hold however, Genesect had lost its target. It began to shake, rage building as its thoughts began to focus on a single task: Taking out Johanna. 

Genesect roared, bursting forth with a Flame Charge. There was only one generator left, so it would be a race to see who could get there first!

: 1/2


--You know the drill. This can possibly be your last post if you roll higher than Genesect, good luck!
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Pancea part 3
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:28:00 GMT
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For most of the experiment, Oscar was grinning ear to ear. It was so refreshing to perform an experiment of this scale, it had been so long! However his grin grew strained as the tree began to wither and dissolve. Bryan seemed very unhappy, and suddenly Oscar found himself slowly reaching for what he called 'the emergency overload switch'. Bryan could not beat him up if he were blasted into the sky...

Luckily no explosions were necessary, as the tree opened to reveal a sprouting plant! Oscar shut down the generator, sighing in relief as he ran forward to get a closer look. He pushed his goggles onto his forehead and whistled as he examined the plant. "Remarkable. We've created something--new! Ho-ly shit we actually did something! I mean, I knew we would but still it's awesome!" 

Before Oscar could run off to grab champagne though, Bryan would teleport the three of them to his secret garden. As they emerged into the warm embrace of the sun, Oscar could not help but be stricken with awe. Oscar rarely had an appreciation of nature, but Bryan's garden was a work of art. Part of the perks of being the avatar of life it would seem. Oscar nodded as Bryan spoke, "My lips are sealed--one thing though who's Eden?"

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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:19:20 GMT
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Oscar was oblivious to Gavin's discomfort, the underboss hid his feelings well. He maintained a cheery demeaner as he thought on Gavin's question, it was a valid concern and Oscar took his time considering it. Eventually he would nod confidently, "If we do it right Genesect won't feel any pain. It probably won't even notice anything happened. What I have in mind is a mini-shutdown controlled by me. It will freeze Genesect and perform a soft reset so that it will forget that it was targeting a shadow pokemon or ultrabeast--you know until it sees one again."

Oscar thought a second more before sighing, "It's a temporary solution though. The freeze should ideally only be a few seconds long, but that is enough to leave Genesect vulnerable to attack. We will eventually have to reprogram it properly--when time allows." Oscar looked to Gavin, his dire expression being enough to clue the underboss in on what he was thinking.

"It'll have to be after the meteor--if we survive that is."

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If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:10:31 GMT
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Oscar gave Mister Ventus a strained smile, mostly from Mars THROWING HIM UNDER THE BUS! Bastard hit Oscar's set up back like a tennis expert; well played Mars but this was only the top of the game! There was plenty of time to get him to slip up! For now though, Oscar agreed that it was time to head in. He threw his hands up and chuckled, "Yes! Let us venture forth and see what we can see!"

Oscar strutted forward, binoculars now pressed to his eyes as he looked in every direction. He was even sure to look directly at his companions, his enhanced gaze lingering on Klaus's perfect fuckin' skin! Those pores were flawless, did he wash his face with ambrosia? Oscar was sure to drop a comment to Mars as he turned back around, "His face his smoother than a baby's ass how the fuck is that possible?"

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Oscar began to take his observations more seriously. If he goofed off too much, he would lose track of the--bird. Yet Klaus was their guest, so he was sure to keep him engaged so that he would feel included. "Tell me Mister Ventus..." Oscar spoke casually as he looked in every direction with his binoculars once more. "What made you want to be a musician? It could not have been an easy undertaking."

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glory for the taking
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 23:58:58 GMT
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Raphael? Sheesh Oscar had never met the guy, but he had always wanted to work with him. This would be a fine excuse to do so. Oscar stretched, standing up as he slid his glass away. He cracked his neck casually before taking a very deep breath, "Alright Lulu, I gotta call it here. Got some work to do before sundown. I'll be in town for a few days so if you need me to come by I'm just a phone call away."

Oscar motioned to leave but stopped after half a step. "Oh, when do you think your device will be ready for a test? I am eager to see how it works. Best schedule that now while I'm here."

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A Torrid Expedition [M]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 23:54:04 GMT
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Oscar wiped his forehead with his arm, the heat was really starting to mess with him. It was mostly the sweat, it made him feel icky. What an embarrassing display, he was convinced that Fern would see him as a fool by now. That mindset could not linger though! He had to at least pretend to be fine, otherwise he shall never hear the end of it afterward. 

The heat did make it hard to pay attention to what Fern was saying, though Oscar caught the gist. He clicked his tongue, which sounded more vivid than usual because of his dry his mouth was getting. "I mean, it's mostly a straight line besides one detour that leads deeper in. The client said the artifact was deep in the path so logically we just need to--"

Oscar looked over to the rock that Fern had pointed out, and as his eyes lingered on it his face would slowly harden. "Well fuck look at that--" Oscar went in for a closer look, and confirmed that he had indeed spotted the entrance to the detour. "I know that was a fuckin' guess but, nice work. Let's keep going." The detour was a bit low, so Oscar had to hunch down to squeeze in. 

Oscar is a living skeleton but his backpack made it a little hard to move forward. The confined space did nothing to decrease Oscar's comfort level, in fact the heat felt worse. Luckily it seemed that the path was about to open up, so Oscar would call back to his companion. "Don't get stuck, I dunno if I have the strength to pull your ass out of this squeeze." Oscar chuckled as he stepped out into a small room, turning his head to find a skeletal figure propped up against a wall.

Oscar froze, staring at his unexpected discovery. Maybe it was the shock of the sight, or perhaps it was the heat finally getting it him, but poor Oscar would silently fall to the ground in a comical heap. I think the phrase is he 'whited out'.

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Hogs Before Hoes [M]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 23:38:40 GMT
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Oscar continued steadily climbing downward, keeping an eye on his companion despite his insistence on independence. Oscar remembered when he was a new recruit, eager to prove himself and all too willing to ignore his limits. However while no one had been there for him whenever he fell, Oscar would be sure to at least try to help Levy should he over exert himself. 

Oscar nodded at Levy's answer, "Nature's kinda stupid so it checks out. Don't let down your guard though, anything that can go wrong will the moment you get too comfortable." Speaking of, the climb down was getting rather easy--which meant it was time to throw the pair a curve ball. Oscar held up a hand to signal Levy to stop.

Silently he pointed ahead toward a small cluster of spoinks enjoying some playful bouncing. The only problem? They were playing in a gap between the main paths--about twenty feet down. Oscar took a pokeball off of his belt, "Do you have something to make it down safely? We're gonna need to be very quick or they'll get escape."

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POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 18:05:12 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




A tall ghoulish woman opens the door at the end of the hall. After a moment’s pause, she lets out an animalistic scream. She begins sprinting toward you, her limbs flailing rigidly despite her unnatural speed! Escape![break][break]

  • Roll at least one winning number: You manage to lose her, but she is persistent. The JUMPSCARE repeats every round until you roll at least two winning numbers. Failed rolls do not affect your Resolve until you escape. Ignore all other events until you escape. 
  • Roll at least two winning numbers: You manage to lose her, and she becomes lost in the maze. Gain ten Resolve. Failed rolls do not affect your Resolve for this round only.
  • Roll all losing numbers: The woman catches you; you are eliminated!

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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 19:29:59 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You begin to feel a tight constriction around your ankles, and as you look down you realize that the roots of a nearby tree have caught you in their thorny grasp. Before you can react appropriately, the roots whip out and knock you to the ground. You feel yourself being pulled toward the nearest tree, its trunk open wide to receive a fresh meal. The last thing you see before all goes dark is that mysterious deity--still pointing at you.[break][break]

has been ELIMINATED!

A trail of colorful leaves appear to guide into the next area!

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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 15:36:45 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Whether by bad luck or the consequences of your actions, your end comes all the same. Your attempt to outrun the void is in vain, as the darkness you created envelopes you like a crushing wave. You are swept off your feet, pulled into a current of endless shadows that you will never escape.[break][break]

@elio has been ELIMINATED!

will move on to the next AREA!

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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 14:07:53 GMT
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Oscar felt something heavy attach itself onto his ship, and he would look up as if some sort of x-ray vision would reveal what happened. No such luck of course, but it would not stop Oscar from sighing heavily as he resumed staring forward. Nothing is ever easy for him. Oscar would speak to Genesect over its private comm, "I dunno what the fuck is going on up there, but I expect it to be taken care of. Please!?" 

Genesect locked eyes with its sizable opponent, emanating rumbles of annoyance at its deflection of Techno Blast. Genesect would not immediately counter attack, instead wishing for the Probopass to make the next move. While it waited, Genesect would Analyze its foe for points of vulnerability. It was a little hard to find any since this fucker was built like a tank, but even tanks have their weak spots. Genesect was positive it found exactly what it was looking for right as the probopass Discharged electricity into the ship.

By now 99943 Menteno was finally in view, and Oscar could not help gawk at its splendor. The bounty that awaited within would surely be worth all of this trouble. Suddenly Oscar would hear the unmistakable sound of loose electricity, and the ship's equipment would start flashing. Up until now, Oscar had been relying on the ship's auto-pilot--but that would no longer be an option was the ship's electronics began to go haywire. 

"Son of a fucking cunt!" Oscar latched onto the ship's steering lever and wrangled with it as the ship approached Menteno. The realization that Oscar would have to land this himself made him sick, but he was determined to rise to the occasion or die trying. 's voice came over the Rocket Comms, giving Oscar a wonderful idea of where to land. "A cave? Cool I'll aim for that. Secure the entrance, there is likely more resources deeper inside. See you in like fifteen seconds." Oscar would continue wrestling with the controls, attempting to 'land' near Mint's position.

Meanwhile, Genesect capitalized on the opportunity provided by the probopass's attack. Wasting no time, Genesect aimed its cannon between his opponent's eyes and fired off yet another Techno Blast. This time around, the probopass could have it all to itself.


--Oscar is forced to land the ship manually as the Probopass's discharge shuts off the ship's electronics. His aim is to land near .
--Genesect attacks the probopass with Techno Blast, powered up by Steel Worker and Analytic.
--Genesect's Techno Blast is Steel type for this thread.
-- Oscar's suit

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Don't Worry About It [M]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 20:36:14 GMT
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Oscar's eyes lit up as Bishop gave his command. Despite the power of its attack, Genesect seemed to be doing very little to this mass of garbling flesh. Were the tusks of a Haxorus strong enough to break through and finish this with one hit? Oscar held his breath as the Haxorus charged forth to deliver its blow! The tusks of the dragon ripped through the creature like tissue paper, it would seem that its physical defenses left much to be desired.

Purple goo shot out of its gaping wound, and Oscar would jump in place to celebrate. "Fuck yeah way to go Bi-!" The creature exploded in a burst of cosmic energy, sending Oscar and Genesect flying as purple slime covered every inch of the laboratory. Oscar smacked against the wall and fell to the floor face first. Everything went fuzzy for a moment, had he been knocked unconscious? If he did it was temporary, as a wave of goo would cover Oscar and prompt a less than enthused reaction. "Ooooooh shit I just bought this SUIT!"

Oscar very slowly began to rise, and Genesect would rush over to aid him. It would seem That Genesect was barely affected by being thrown against the wall, which was hardly surprising. As Oscar got to his feet, he would wipe slime out of his eyes before looking around frantically. "Bishop! Bishop are you alright? Speak to me you beautiful bastard where are you!?"

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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 20:24:32 GMT
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Oscar blinked, "I--you--what?" He did not expect Fernando to know of a solution, at least not one Oscar had not tried yet. Even so, it was possible that whatever Fernando had in mind was in Rocket's possession and Oscar had in fact tried it. Regardless, Oscar was keen to hear what he had in mind. 

Oscar leaned in, his expression a bizarre mixture of cold hopefulness. "Well let's hear it. Maybe I can help you retrieve it, it isn't as if I have much to lose by now."

A blatant lie, but one that Oscar liked to tell himself to make the prospect of dying easier to swallow.

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