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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 20:03:41 GMT
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CHARACTERS: @gaultier
EXPEDITION #: first time!
SELECTED PROMPT #s: 01, 03, 07, 12.
NOTES: Bringing mega evolution, and tera orbs. did I do this right?
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processed shop
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 17:16:59 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

5X Shiny Dust to make One Shiny Swap
Using Shiny swap on Dracovolt

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i wanna dance with somebody [mask]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 17:13:35 GMT
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Oscar's struggles were fruitless, this mysterious kidnapper was far too strong! More accurately, Oscar was far too weak--he really needed to start working out. Eventually Oscar had to stop resisting, otherwise he would likely cause a scene. In the blink of an eye, Oscar found himself pulled onto the dance floor--the last place he wanted to be.

"Um..." Was all Oscar could get out before the stranger grabbed his hand and waist to dance. Behind his mask Oscar's face turned a shade of red never before seen by human eyes, you would practically believe that he was bleeding. Oscar became exceptionally nervous, trembling slightly as he let the stranger lead. It was funny, this stranger's voice was so familiar--yet he could not yet place it.

Oscar tried to engage in the stranger's questioning while also fighting back the urge to faint. "I-I just get embarrassed easily. And he wasn't my date. I don't have a date, never do. I'm better alone." Oscar glanced about, and was put a bit at ease by the fact that everyone else was engaged in their own Masquerade adventures. They would be far too busy to pay attention to his sloppy dancing.

"Ehhh--why me anyway? What makes me so special?"

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Area 8 [OHJ]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 21:52:45 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES


Ţ̵̖̯̣̞̖̦̰̀͊̈́́͊̊̉͟͞Ḫ̨͈̩̼͙̫̝̾̄̔̆̅͠Ḙ̸͎̟̭͔͗̽͂̚͝R̨̘͍͎̲̳̮̪͂̃̐̕̚͠Ȩ̸̡̼̣͚͔̼͇̈̑̂̊̎̅̕ İ̢̛͙͇̩̰̎̽̿Ś̨̜͙͎͎̻̝̝̘͆̆͑̾́̍͠ Ņ̶̝̩̺̻̫̒̈̓͆͑͛͘͜͢͠ͅƠ͚̳̤̠͓̤̠̹̦͈̏̂̆̋̊͛̀͋͘ L̘̜̺̖̀̃̈́̈͂ͅİ̸̡̡̪͈̫̦̳̌̄͒̍͛̀̅̚͜͟G̛̟̖̲̲͙̫̟͎̻̓̄̀̇͋̊̈͠H̛̹̼͙̥͍͔̟͓̄̆̕̚ͅT̛͔̞̪͈̳̃̂̆͂͌̎͢͢



You all face your guardians, pale distortions of your inner feelings.[break][break]

LOVE: [break][break]

HATE: [break][break]

FEAR: [break][break]

Yet as you conquer your nerves and pass through their vaporous forms, the voice of your respective guardian begins to laugh at you. It slowly twists, deepening into a guttural chortle that shakes your bones. The light before you fades as a horrific face pushes through it. The face speaks to you in that same voice, its tone twisting further as more writhing faces sprout from its flesh.[break][break]

"W̷̨͔͚̼͐̉̐̿̆̑̾̈́͟͝E͚̬̞̥̹̪͗̾̽̂̕ Ẁ̴̧̛̪̲̳̣̽̃̌̂̂̌̕Į̵̞̺̜̪͉̤̀͑̀̇̐̂̒͝ͅL̴̛̩̞̙̲̟̫͓̯̙̀͐͊̆̊̏Ļ̡͔̼̙͖̳̼͛́̂̎̇͘ͅ B̼̱͇͎̰̲̈͗͒̏̐̈́ͅR̷̰͈͙̜̠̎͗̊̀̓̍̍̎͞͝ͅĘ̴̧͉͖͔͎̀̏́̀͑̀̓A̤̣̩͈͖̰̐͊̀̋̂̾̉̐͞ͅͅK̯͍̫̰̬͚̗͈͊͂̎́̾̊ Ý̪̯͇͚͙̱̩̮̍̍̎̄̃ͅO̯̯̟̲̬͛͊͐̅̿͡U̷͔͍̲̥͔̗̽͗̃̐́͌́͐͘͢!͖̣͍͎̝̎̿͛̄͌̕͢͝"[break][break]

The laughter of the multiplying faces echoes into a cacophony of nonsense, your surroundings becoming a grotesque mixture of grinning flesh and endless noise. Will you break through this nightmare of succumb to it?[break][break]

You must roll five times. Each roll must match one of the following win conditions.[break][break]

  1. Roll an ODD Number
  2. Roll a Number Divisible by FIVE
  3. Roll a PRIME Number
  4. Roll a Number Divisible by NINE
  5. Roll a GREEN Number

At the bottom of your post, match the win conditions with your rolls where applicable. Example: Roll 5 is a 23, so it can be matched with condition 1. You can illustrate this any way you would like (R5-C1, 5-1, 5=1, ect). A win condition can only be matched with ONE roll. If a rolled number does not match any of the win conditions, it is a Failure. You will take Resolve damage for each Failure you roll.[break][break]

Failures can be turned into automatic successes by linking me one of the HIDDEN GHOULS from an Area other than the one your character started in. This only works after you have posted and rolled. GHOULS can be sent to me up until the Deadline.[break][break]

There are special conditions based off the choices made in the last event.[break][break]

If you chose Love: You start with 60 Resolve. Follow the directions as normal, taking 20 Resolve damage for every Failure instead of 10.You will restore 10 Resolve for every player Eliminated during this round--but only after you post and survive your roll.[break][break]

If you chose Hate: Only roll once instead of five times. Hope that your one roll matches any of the listed win conditions. You only have 1 Resolve. You will restore 10 Resolve for every player Eliminated during this round--but only after you post and survive your roll.[break][break]

If you chose Fear: You gain the GHOUL BONUS for free! For Gavin, this means he has Two Ghoul Bonuses to use. See the first post of this thread for what the GHOUL BONUS does. However, you cannot turn Failures into Successes by linking me a HIDDEN GHOUL. You will restore 10 Resolve for every player Eliminated during this round--but only after you post and survive your roll.

Deadline to post is 12/23 11:59pm cst.

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howling [pub/c]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 19:22:39 GMT
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Oscar recalled his first encounter with , during a Beast mission to handle some traitors. The carnage they caused that night was still fresh in Oscar's memory, and the deep horror it placed within his heart would never be fully erased.

"Yeah he's pretty cool! Would love to work with him more often!" Oscar replied with a smile. They reached the bar shortly after, and since this was Oscar's first stop for the night he had no qualms about copying gavin and ordering a SAZERAC .

There drinks came rather quickly, and Oscar would grab his glass and raise it toward Gavin. He was esctatic to chat casually with one of his closest friends once again.

"Here's to you my friend." Oscar took a sip, and thus his adventure began.

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Making Wishes out of Airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 17:10:40 GMT
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Oscar did not answer at first, he just stared at the falling Minoir. Since he was no longer in danger of being hit, he got to appreciate their simplistic beauty. They were kinda like giant deadly Snowflakes, unique little gifts from regions beyond their sight.

It put into perspective how Oscar felt, and he now that he had the words for it he would try to explain his feelings to Theo.

"I'm starting to get angry and tired. I feel like I can't enjoy anything anymore because I gotta constantly put out fires and play games with the League. If it's one thing we can agree on, it's that life is easier when you can just be the bad guy."

Maybe one day, Oscar could be done pretending to be a hero. Anti-hero? A vague amalgamation that can technically be described as a hero.
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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 15:13:13 GMT
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As Oscar read through Aurelie's email, his imagination was suddenly sparked with curiosity. Her above and beyond research had shed some light on new possibilities, ones that he was determined to capitalize on! Oscar wrote back quickly.

Fantastic work so far! I knew I chose the right person for the job. I'll see what I can do about the samples. After you're finished I would be thankful of you could send me a copy of your data. Keep up the good work, I'll check in by the end of the month.

Oscar would depart Sootopolis the next day to gandle other matters, but he would make sure to try and secure those other samples for Aurelie. On the morning of the next day, a shipping container would be delivered to Aurelie's workshop. A note from Oscar would be delivered with it. The note read:

"Here are the remaining steel type cadavers. There are a lot but this is all she wrote so use them wisely. Best of luck--Oscar Clayton. P.s. Burn this note please."

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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 14:28:17 GMT
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Oscar could only shrug at Jayden's inquiry, it was just one of those nights. "Fair enough freindo." Jayden's companion would then reference something only a certain would know about, and Oscar snapped some finger guns his way.

"'Eyyy!" The universal announcement that someone recognizes another. Feeling confident in this company, Oscar was almost keen to agree with Fern's suggestion to dance. However his resolve waivered when Jayden was called away, leaving Oscar behind with Fern. Oscar gulped, he was not good with one on one dancing and would be honest about it.

"I um--sorry I'm not one for dancing. Maybe after a few drinks tho--oof!"

Oscar was taken aback as he was suddenly grabbed and dragged away by a mystery assailant. "What the fuck? Let go!" Oscar struggled, but this shortstack stranger was surprisingly strong--and Oscar had not built back any of the muscle mass lost during his sickness. Oscar looked helplessly toward Fern, managing to let out a "I'll find you once I escape!" Before being lost in the crowd.

--Prompts: Decline a dance.
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Missing in Action [M]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 15:42:20 GMT
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The soft click of Oscar's steel heeled loafers would signal his arrival. Emerging from the shadows to join Rocket's newest beast, Zev would notice that Oscar was adorned with a black suit of his own. With his gloved hands resting in his pockets, Oscar gave Zev a quick scan before smirking.

"Well now one of us needs to go home and change."

Chuckling at his own joke, Oscar pulled a silver cigarette case from his inner coat pocket and opened it to reveal an array of lollipops. He would slide a pink one in his mouth before aiming the case toward Zev to offer him one. After Zev made his choice Oscar would put away the case before turning his gaze toward the apartments. 

The building, if you could call it that, looked down right ancient. Only the truly desperate would consider hiding out in such a wretched ruin, not that hiding will do them any good. Oscar's lollipop hung loosely from his lips as he pulled out a red pokeball.

"Orders were clear. No survivors, no mercy. Are you ready to roll or do you need a minute?"

Oscar's crimson eyes slowly leered toward Zev, his his expression placid as he waited for an answer.

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Area 8 [OHJ]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 19:51:12 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




As you climb the stairs, the flames below rage with hunger. The heat can be felt even as you all ascend high above the clouds. Yet the stairs reject one of you. Perhaps it senses a faltering heart, or maybe it just wants to hear someone scream. Whatever the reason, you become another victim of the house.[break][break]

has been Eliminated![break][break]

As the rest of you carry on into the sky, you will find yourselves surrounded by grey clouds. With your vision obstructed, you have no idea what you are climbing toward. The heat of the flames die down, replaced with the chill of falling water. You finally rise above the screen of murky clouds, stepping toward a realm of gloom and rain. The end of the stairs lies before you, leading into a light that you cannot see past.[break][break]

Before you can breech the final threshold, you must first pass by the final guardian. It is a hulking thing, blocking your way forward. Its appearance is grotesque, horrific in a way that specifically disturbs you. What is worse, they seem very familiar...[break][break]

All you must do to overcome this creature is answer the question it poses. The question is unique to your character, and only they can hear it. Do not roll this round, instead choose one of the following forms of the creature to give you a boon before the final challenge.[break][break]

  • The Creature Looks Like Someone You Love: Restore your resolve to maximum plus ten. You take 20 damage from failed rolls for the rest of the event.
  • The Creature Looks Like Someone You Hate:You only need to roll one dice for the rest of the event. Your resolve is lowered to 1.
  • The Creature Looks Like Someone You Fear:Your boon and drawback is a secret, only being revealed during the final challenge.


Deadline to post is 12/18 11:59pm cst.

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patience || c
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2022 13:51:47 GMT
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Oscar had recently gone on a lovely horrific flight across the ocean and do you know what he discovered? Out in a little corner of nowhere, just a bit outside of Mossdeep, sat a dinky little pokecenter! Oscar's curiosity stayed with him even after joyous traumatic trip concluded. He thought that maybe it could serve as a mini-base for future sinister opperations, if it were abandoned that is.

Unfortunately it was still very much in service, though it for sure needed a little bit of love. Oscar chatted with the nurse on duty for a bit, and after hearing about how neglected this little center was Oscar would resolve to lend a hand! After all, it was about time he undertook a new goodwill project.

Oscar updated the center's equipment with freshly made GMH tech. In a week's time, he would find himself with very little to do one day and stop by the center to see how the machines were going. You could imagine his delight to find the center servicing a customer--and a familiar face no less! Oscar smiled brightly as he approached , blissfully unaware of her current plight.

"Well well!" He said with a chuckle. "If it isn't Eris, what brings you all the way out here?"
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:18:51 GMT
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No sooner did Oscar sit down would Jayden lay upon their claimed table his mountain of books. Just glancing at the immense amount of reading they were about to undertake made Oscar momentarily regret accepting Jayden's request for aid, but then again no one said it would be easy. Oscar's mind was fixated beyond the Darkest Day, which is to say the future of Hoenn after it had escaped its latest catastrophe. Oscar's desire for Hoenn's fate of overcoming a heavy que of apocalyptic events spurred him to dig deeper into the nature of this fragile rock he lives on--and everyone knows that rabbit holes are best jumped into with a friend.

Oscar picks a random book, something about "Lost Mythes From a Lost World". Flipping to a random page, Oscar cringed at how wordy the author's writing style seemed to be--but at least it had pictures. Oscar flipped through a few pages and chuckled at one particular find.

He turned the book toward Jayden, "Yo look at this drawing, is this supposed to be the unknown?" The sketch in question seemed to be very old, depicting stick figures with eyes in the middle of their heads. Oscar thought what would think of this ancient doodle before turning the book back toward himself and flipping to the beginning.

Resolute in the task ahead, Oscar sighed and looked toward his study buddy. "So, we should establish a goal yeah? What are you gonna be looking for?"

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Making Wishes out of Airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:16:21 GMT
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Theo's nonchalant demeanor was nearly comical, especially with how Oscar reacted to the impact. It made the beast chuckle quietly, he could only hope to attain such serenity. Though hey, maybe Theo would be willing to teach him. He wanted to get to know Oscar after all, why not take this chance to do the same.

Before answering Theo's question, Oscar opened a beast ball to let out his own Naganadel: Robbie. Oscar pointed up to Theo's hard working Ultra Beast, and Robbie woefully understood his task. With a monsterous sigh, he too would start collecting falling Minoir.

Oscar returned his attention to Theo. "Eh, GMH is fine. Still serving its purpose, but the steady increase in prying eyes is starting to get to me. I'm still thinking of a way to keep from being too suspicious of my true nature--not that it would help. Fucker's sharp as a tac. Any advice?"

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Tricks R Us [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:12:09 GMT
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This festive Halloween House was everything Oscar dreamed it would be. The homeowner was even dressed up, clearly on the same wavelength as he and Priam. Her light gatekeeping caused Oscar's grin to waver slightly though; it should be well known by now that you are never too old to Trick or Treat--as long as you put some effort in at least.

Satisfied by the generous amount of candy delivered, Oscar would personally walk away quite esctatic. That was exactly the kind of spirit all of Hoenn should be embracing, which is why the rich house across the street was now even more egregious. Oh how laying his eyes upon it once more made his blood boil! Oscar had never even met the residents and he was already prepared to go to war.

Oscar looked to Priam slyly, "You know Priam, Trick or Treating is not complete without a trick or two. Catch my vibe?"

Well did he!?

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