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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2022 17:23:52 GMT
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Oscar was not expecting a handshake, which is ridiculous because you should always be ready for a hand shake. He hastily shoved one of the pokeballs he was holding into his pocket and firmly grasped Cian's hand to shake it. Oscar's smile was wide, matching Cian's jubilant energies. 

"The pleasure's mine Cian. I'm feeling energized and ready to fight for my final badge!"

Oscar disengaged from the handshake and took out the pokeball he had put away. He raised them to dramatically reveal the contents but paused and looked around.

"Fuck I-um, got ahead of myself there. Where do you need me to stand?" 

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2022 19:45:22 GMT
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The year was drawing to a close, and Oscar realized he had little time to complete the resolution he established at the start of the year: Earning his 8th gym badge. This year was rather hard on him, both mentally and physically, but most of his troubles had passed. It was time to steel himself and too this year off with a victory.

Unfortunately the only gym leader he could find with an opening was a Rocket turncoat. While Oscar never knew while he was affiliated with Rocket, he was contractually obligated to hate all traitors--at least when he was on the clock. However right now he was not a faceless Rocket Beast, he was GMH ceo Oscar Clayton. Thus, Oscar would be warm and cheerful as he stepped out to the gym's outdoor arena.

With both his hands holding pokeballs, Oscar would wait patiently for Cian to arrive.
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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Area 8 [OHJ]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2022 23:30:49 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES


The Primal Fear


Faced with an unfathomable enemy, you try to stand your ground. Yet even as you cling to your courage, the mass of screaming faces sees through your façade. It begins to absorb you, slowly pulling your body into its sea of writhing flesh. Struggle as you may, your doom is inescapable.[break][break]


Yet two survive, inedible to the gnashing horror. Infuriated by your defiance, it attempts to double its efforts! Yet it has already lost, and it too shall feel the dread of certain doom. A thick technicolor smog begins to pour out of every orifice of the mass. Realizing what was occurring, the mass tries to scream in abject terror. Yet its cries are silenced, and its wriggling form helplessly dissolves within the dazzling smoke.[break][break]

The smoke forms something that resembles a face, and looks down upon its final interlopers. With an echoing voice as ancient as the sun, it speaks two simple words.[break][break]

"Only one."

The cloud seamlessly seeps through your facial openings, forcing upon you a grand menagerie of horror. Your feeble human minds cannot defend against this cosmic power, you have no choice but to withstand the onslaught.[break][break]

DESCRIBE YOUR NIGHTMARISH VISIONS! Share what terrible things your character is forced to face. In addition, roll five times.[break][break]

Final Win Condition: You must roll one of the following numbers. All other numbers are failures.[break][break]


In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by whoever took the Least amount of Resolve damage.[break][break]


Deadline to post is 12/28 11:59pm cst.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Merry Metal Christmas!
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2022 13:17:27 GMT
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A gift for Oscar's favorite rock star . Here are two electric types that like to thrash to loud music! Their monochrome colors and wild appearances might inspire new music, or at the very least make him laugh when he feels down. Merry Christmas!

Both are shiny and gacha with undecided movesets!
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 13:27:27 GMT
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Oscar was awestruck as he gazed upon this lightning frontier for the first time. His scouts were not kidding, this was probably what hell would look like if all the fire was replaced with electricity. Honestly, Oscar was head over heels--he could only dream to have a power source this metal one day.

Oscar was so lost in the beauty of desolation that he could barely register what Ceri was saying. However, since she talked a lot he could at least get the gist once his focus returned. The beast cleared his throat and adjusted the shoulder mounted flashlight on his own suit.

"Right, gather what data you can but don't get sweaty about it. Remember we're here for recon, we can return with all the equipment and pokemon we need to properly study this--" Oscar waved a hand in a circle to generally gesture toward the ultra plant. "This."

He stepped forward, static crackling beneath his boots. "For the less academically inclined, be prepared for anything. We're on Ultra Beast terf, and they've never been friendly to visitors. Let's move team!"

Oscar giggled giddily, hardly able to contain his excitement to explore!

--Oscar laying out his expectations and boldly venturing forth into the unknown!
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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51% Of This Company [BAR]
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 0:01:37 GMT
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Oscar skipped on The Gravedigger. He knew exactly why it was called that and did not wish to blackout at only the second stop of the night. A bit of bourbon would do for now. Besides, he was here to mingle with his good friend Mars--the drink was just a bonus.

Oscar smirked Mars's way as he asked how Oscar had been. "Tired." Said flatly as he tapped his glass. "Been working nonstop on that project I told you about. I'm fuckin' worn out, really needed a reason to get out of the office."

Oscar just wished they could have skipped the Walpurgisnacht, it was a fine brewery but too popular for his tastes. He had felt about ten brew-bro beards brush his neck so far as people tried to pass by their table and it was starting to drive him up a wall.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Missing in Action [M]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 23:51:51 GMT
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Their journey up the stairs was quiet, the tapping of their respective footwear echoing up the bare walls of the stairwell. Oscar had expected at least a few of the turncoats to take defensive positions in the lobby, but after finding it empty he simply assumed they did not have the numbers to properly fortify this building. Oscar stayed attentive as they ascended though, believing their targets to be ready to defend themselves.

That is until they reached the third floor. As they approached bottom of the third floor's flight, Oscar put out his arm to slow Zev. He signaled upward, hopefully successfully pointing out that there was someone sitting by the top of the stairs mostly out of sight. If it were not for their elbow sticking out ever so slightly, they may have gone unnoticed. Oscar nodded toward Zev, their work was about to begin. On the soles of his shoes, Oscar ran up the steps and raised his red pokeball to slam it into the guard.

He stopped short however, dumbfounded by what he saw. Oscar relaxed, thumbing toward the guard while holding back laughter. If Zev followed or gone up with Oscar, he would find that the guard on duty had fallen asleep on the job. It would seem that Rocket did not lose any bright agents this go around. Oscar looked to Zev, leaving what to do about this fool up to him.

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