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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 22:12:55 GMT
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Johanna's random fiddling would prove fruitful, as a coincidentally moved wire would strike life back into the generator. Without warning it would roar to life, bringing electricity to her immediate area. As with the last generator, a twist was added along with the sudden illumination. Machinery from a nearby warehouse would screech into motion, creating a loud racket that could be heard across the district.

Yet Genesect would be nowhere to be found, had it lagged behind? No such luck, it knew exactly where Johanna was--it just wanted to draw out the chase. Genesect was confident in its victory, and now observed Johanna from afar--hoping to finish her off at a more dramatic moment.

While Genesect was correct about the current odds, what it failed to consider is that its confidence could lead to mistakes. Johanna now had the room to possibly turn this whole thing around, she just needed a bit of luck.


: 1/2

3/4 Generators activated

--You know the drill, good luck!
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Dead By Daylight [C]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 22:02:12 GMT
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It was time to make a choice! Genesect was stomping toward them, easily able to track the three through their tracks and panicked discussion. With Genesect's red eyes now piercing through the fog right at them, what will the trio decide?

Whatever it was--it had to be NOW!


: 1/3 
: 1/3
: 1/3

--You guys know the drill, genesect is approaching fast so it is time to make evasive maneuvers! 
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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 21:51:32 GMT
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Oscar sighed as he rubbed his lower jaw, attempting to jumpstart some sort of revelation. Usually he would need some coffee and a shit-ton of lollipops but he would have to make do with forcing it. It took a few seconds of silence, but Oscar would soon begin to talk out his thoughts.

"Genesect was tamed using conditioning. Genesect is a machine, most of its thoughts are programmed into it. However, part of it is still a living creature--and that part can learn naturally. I would reward it for desirable behavior with activities it enjoyed: target practice, body waxing, paint jobs, more screen time, etcetera. For undesirable behavior, I would threaten it with a shut down. Genesect is terrified of being shut down; I have only been able to do so by earning its trust. It would fight back against a manual shut down from the start, so I would force it when I wished by refusing to charge its energy. This caused it to be more--receptive of my training."

Oscar began to rub his chin feverishly, his eyes darting from side to side. He was in the zone. "That worked for unprogrammed behaviors, but programmed behaviors need to be--well reprogrammed. This should just mean a software update, but the software Cadis implemented is hyper-encrypted. Its impenetrable by design. This was likely done so that the League could never reverse engineer it if it were captured--but it has come to bite us in the ass. It would take far too long to break its programming, and time is not on our side. But--if we can add a surface level interaction--one that does not change a behavior but reacts to it--perhaps we could force change!"

Oscar clapped his hands together, "Like an electric shock! If Genesect received a shock or some other stimuli every time it targeted a shadow pokemon or ultra beast, it could reset its so called 'thought process' and maybe allow it to correct itself. Are you keeping up so far, I get kinda incoherent when I'm KILLING IT!"

Oscar pumped his fists, he felt pretty good about what he came up with so far...

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Pancea part 3
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 21:31:11 GMT
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Oscar was an engineer, not a scientist. However, anyone who knew him would know that his lack of empirical knowledge did not stop him from practicing science. One might describe it more akin to 'mad science', and to that Oscar would scoff in their face. Was it mad to chase the horizon of the known world!? Was it mad to test the limits of rationality to create a better tomorrow!? 

Probably not, at least not to Oscar. While his compatriots may have their anxieties about today's historic experiment, Oscar was all smiles and giddy gleams. A lot of work went into this little number, and if it paid off it was gonna be a HUGE payday for all of Rocket! Though it could also blow them and everything within a hundred mile radius to kingdom come, but Oscar was already dying so he did not sweat that too much.

What was once a warehouse was today home to a massive Infinity Generator. Usually these babies had more room to sprawl the machinery, but Oscar had to make use of every inch of this limited space--resulting in the jungle of pipes, wires, and tubing that surrounded the generator proper.

Oscar was making some last minute tweaks to the generator's main body when his companions for this experiment arrived. He was not familiar with 's line of work, but had he been informed earlier he probably would have paid her a visit at some point to seek answers about his ailment. With the help of Bryan however, that would not presently be necessary.

As she asked about the mulch, Oscar would respond while performing his maintenance, "I haven't! I've heard stories though, brings shit back from the dead. Wish there was more, I have a Buzzwole head that is begging to be planted." A few clangs came from the hatch Oscar was digging through, and before long he would pull himself out and slam the hatch shut.

"We are good to go! Ready when you guys are!"

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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 21:04:30 GMT
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A firm handshake sealed the deal, and Oscar was grinning ear-to-ear when he pulled away. "Marvelous! This is history in the making, I can feel it!" With a tap of his finger, everything Aurelie would need to locate him tomorrow would be sent to her. Oscar let out a deep sigh of relief, as if he had been holding his breath this entire time. With a wiggle of his fingers he would grab one last snack before heading toward the door.

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow! Just pack the necessities, I'll have equipment waiting for you in Sootopolis. I look forward to our partnership, and the fruit it shall bear!" Oscar bowed slightly before opening the door and departing. He still had a great deal to prepare before he left in the morning.

When the morning came though, Aurelie would be able to locate Oscar's helicopter on the rooftop of the Lilycove Hotel. As she approached, a man wearing a suit would open the door to allow her to board. Whenever she did so, she would find Oscar waiting with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I'm glad you didn't ditch me!" He exclaimed as he offered the coffee to her. 

Moments later, the helicopter would be up in the air and heading toward Sootopolis. Oscar snapped his fingers, and the man in the suit now sitting next to him would pull out some papers from a compartment under his seat. Oscar pulled a pen from his coat pocket and pointed it toward the blacksmith as his suited assistant handed her the papers. 

"Sorry for this whirlwind treatment, the trip won't be as long as it seems. The contract has everything we've agreed upon, feel free to look it over if you wish.

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 20:22:24 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




At last, pay off to the rising tension. A dark figure limps out of the fog, blocking your way forward. It appears to be some sort of Sawsbuck, but it is terribly diseased. A living corpse mindlessly staggering forward. What do you do?[break][break]

  • Ignore it, just try to move past or away: The creature roars, getting up onto its hindlegs before running into the fog. A choir of screams will now stalk you through the forest. Lose an extra 10 Resolve for every failed roll for the rest of the area.
  • Put it out of its misery: You slay the creature, causing the trees around you to turn black. The fog turns toxic, burning your throat and eyes. All even numbers now count as failed rolls, regardless of placement. This effect lasts for the rest of the area.
  • You pet it: It does not react to your approach. Upon your touch however, the creature collapses into gory pieces. A foul stench fills the air, you have been marked. Do not roll this round, you will face dire consequences after your next post.

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 2:59:05 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Suddenly the lights go out, replacing the bright incandescent lighting with Blacklight. Strange shapes can be seen within the mirrors; they seem to be 3D wire-frames of humans in various poses—which change every time you look away. How do you react to this?[break][break]

  • You feel uneasy, you swear these figures are following you: You’re right! Every moment they get closer and closer, run while you can! Gain 10 Resolve, but roll 4 dice instead of 3 for the rest of this area. The 4th dice should be treated like the others, if it rolls a failure it will cost you 10 Resolve.
  • You feel amused, try copying their poses: The wireframes disappear. A single wireframe now stands before you, and it does not wait for you to turn around to start getting closer. Lose 10 extra Resolve for every failed roll until you lose the Wireframe. Lose the Wireframe by rolling higher than 60.

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 20:24:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You made a wrong turn while chasing your friends, and have come upon a dead end. As you turn to backtrack you notice that one of your reflections does not turn with you. You look back, staring into your own eyes as the twisted reflection smiles menacingly. It then begins to push through the mirror, climbing out as if it were simply an obstacle. You turn to run, only to realize that your way out has been closed off. Before you can think to even scream, your doppelgänger grabs you and pulls you into its mirror--just in time for your friends make the same wrong turn and witness your demise.


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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 3:44:18 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Your shadow has returned to your side, though its reappearance would bear no comfort. It seems to face toward you, like a stranger staring through a window. Then without warning, your shadow departs from the wall. With great effort it begins to peel itself into the material plane, its hands desperate to latch onto you. What do you do?[break][break]

  • Run: You flee the shadow's grasp. Gain 10 Resolve, but roll a 4th dice this round. This 4th dice is treated like the other three, you will lose 10 Resolve if it rolls a PRIME number.
  • Smash the Lights: You smash the lights to disperse the shadow. You should not have done that. Do not roll this round. A horrible consequence will occur after your next post.
  • Embrace Your Shadow: You allow the shadow to grab you, and it pulls you in for an embrace. The hall fades, and you suddenly find yourself trapped in a wretched nightmare. Roll only one dice this round. A failed roll costs 40 Resolve instead of 10. Awaken back in the hall on your next post.

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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 3:14:57 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES



A button was pressed, and the consequences were immediate. would find the lights around her suddenly going out. The eyes of the skull would brighten exponentially, as its its jagged teeth slowly slid apart to reveal a black door. This would be her path to take alone, as anyone else in the room would suddenly disappeared through trap doors beneath them.[break][break]

moves on to the next Area!

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Pancea pt 2
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 3:07:53 GMT
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Bryan had a lot of questions, and they were all valid. Oscar of course had answers prepared, though it may seem otherwise as he silently turned in a circle with his hands held outward. 

"Yes we'll need to empty this place out--but I should be able to make the generator fit!" Oscar blinked, remembering that he had answers to provide. "Oh shit right um--well the generators are powered by Mega-stones. More accurately, the generator breaks them open and cycles the Infinity Energy through a power grid. With some slight adjustments we should be able to replace the Mega-Stone with the blue mulch to create a similar effect. Generators are massive though, so yeah we'll need this entire space."

Oscar took out his cellphone and began dialing the number of . "Leave it to me Bryan, this is a failproof plan! Yeah hello Mars? I need you to do me a HUGE favor..."

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 2:56:54 GMT
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"Happy Birthday..."

"Thanks but it's not my birthday." Oscar said flatly. A second later he would slowly turn toward his rotom, shaking slightly as the realization of what just occurred sank in. Oscar attempted to communicate this to his companions, though his sudden fear made it difficult. "G-g-g-g-g-GHOST TALK! KITCHEN!" Oscar withdrew Rotom, as he did not wish to hear the ghost speak again. 

Well it would seem that the Sootopolis invasion ruined a birthday party, unfortunate but surely it was not that bad----right? Oscar decided that it may be worth trying another test, to at least rule out some of the ghost choices. He pulled out a pokeball and released a Plusle. The Plusle looked to Oscar for instruction, but he rather it stay out of trouble. He picked it up and perched it onto his shoulder. "Just sit tight while I keep searching." 

With his Plusle 'equipped' Oscar began opening the various drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Plusle would pulse occasionally, its Plus ability searching for a counterpart to connect with.


--Oscar continues searching through the kitchen, now with Plusle.
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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2022 13:40:38 GMT
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Oscar smiled slightly, amused over the idea of caring about anyone outside of Rocket. GMH's charitable pursuits were just a means to an end--yet he supposed to at least pretend to be invested in the welfare of the general public. If not just to avoid further scrutiny from Fernando.

Oscar smile twitched, as if he were forcing it to stay up. "You're not getting into my will without a ring Fernando. If you want to complete your Devon playset you'll just have to make an offer."

Oscar looked up briefly, wondering if it was time to play one of his cards. Might as well, hanging onto it for too long would only cause complications within this conversation.

"I--apologize for my lack of foresight. I've been in a selfish mindset as of late. Too busy staying in the present, I haven't stopped to think about the future. You're right though, I should begin considering my options now. You see Mister Silph, I'm dying." Oscar's reveal was as casual as any other small talk, and he would let it hang in the air as he took a sip of water.

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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2022 22:30:11 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES



You solved the wrong puzzle. An alarm starts blaring in the room and three large buttons poke out from the wall, blinking rapidly. Which one do you press?

  • The Blue Button: A paintball gun sticks out of the wall and shoots you in the face. Your rolls for this round have a +50 modifier.
  • The Green Button: Pressing the button activates a buzzer that shocks your hand. Roll six times this round, choose the three highest numbers as your round rolls.
  • The Red Button: A nozzle sticks out of the wall and covers you in—apple juice? Now you’re sticky. Lose 30 Resolve.

The win condition is now: One of your three posts must be LESS THAN 80[break]

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POSTED ON Oct 14, 2022 5:40:19 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES



You solve a puzzle, which opens part of the wall in front of you. Within the wall you see a short hallway with a door at its end. Believing you have found the exit; you blindly walk down the hall and attempt to open the door. Turning the doorknob opens nothing however, in fact it closes the opening behind you. The walls of this hall begin to slowly move inward, threatening to squish you flat! Your cries for help can clearly be heard, but with no way to reach you all bystanders can do is listen until you stop screaming.[break][break]

has been eliminated!

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