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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 22:12:54 GMT
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In all honesty, Summer Prescott had no idea how long it had been since she first arrived at 's estate.

She had gotten there some time in the evening, after a day's work, to discuss business with the Galarian prince, and then wine was surrounding her. Glasses filled in small amounts to be sampled and tasted, all to make the perfect wine.

One that screamed Prescott.

She was feeling it now, sitting in the chair across from Remy and laughing at something he had just said. Her cheeks were flushed and warm, taking another sample to taste.

"These are all so delicious. I don't know how I will be able to pick the perfect flavor," Summer said, sighing almost wistfully.

Her fingernails tapped against the arm of the chair as she contemplated, though her thoughts were interrupted by a faint crashing noise. Did he hear it too, or was that her imagination?

She sat up straighter in her chair, eyebrows furrowed as she peered over her shoulder.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 7:20:55 GMT
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Ghostly hands pour samples of wine into new glasses and escort trays of tasted ones out. EARL GREY the butler Sinistea has been working happily this evening at the behest of his master, , and his lovely guest, Lady . Though the possessed teacup wonders whether they realize how late it's gotten or not.

Time flies in the face of good company and liquor, it seems.

Slightly flushed and inebriated himself, the Galarian prince finds himself far more sociable than he usually is. Typically, during business deals such as these, he employs an amicable but distant demeanor that he's practiced well in political dealings and royal banquets and balls. Tonight, however, he finds himself speaking to Summer as if she were an old friend... or an old, unrequited flame.

"Well, we have all night and the next day," Remiel assures his guest. "If you care to—"


There's a ruckus in the reading room down the hallway and out of the lounge they reside in. At first, Remiel imagines it to be Earl Grey, then turns to see the teacup floating nearby. The butler appears just as alarmed as he, setting down a tray upon a small circular table before floating off to investigate.

Even still, Remiel gets up from his leather chair and sets his glass of wine down on the table between them. Something felt... off.

"Stay here," He says, walking around to follow his Sinistea into the hallway. "I'll go see what that was."

— sorry for the holdup!
mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Dec 25, 2021 0:52:03 GMT
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The Sinistea appeared startled, and it seemed that Remiel had heard the noise as well. So she hadn't been the only one that heard it.

It was somewhat of a relief. But also it was concerning.

Who else was in the place with them?

"What do you mean stay-"

Summer began to protest, but they were cut off as her company went to investigate. She pouted, slumping back against the chair as she raised her cup to her lips to drink again.

When did Summer Prescott ever listen to anyone though? She only listened to herself.

She stood from her chair, deciding to follow after Remiel.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 10:34:59 GMT
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Walking down the hallway, out of the lounge they reside in and into a reading room, Remiel regroups with Earl Grey to find the cause of the ruckus earlier: a fallen bookshelf. Somehow, it had tipped over and spilled many of its books over the coffee table, furniture, and floor.

Furthermore, high above, higher than anyone could reach without a step ladder, the half-circle shaped window had been opened and left ajar. A cold, snowy breeze blew in from outside, as Remiel came to wonder how exactly it had been unlocked. The bookshelf had been too far away... the window only opened from the inside...

As Earl Grey floats upward to close it shut, the royal turns over his shoulder to regard as she follows. "My apologies, Miss Prescott. It appears I might have an unwanted pest in the estate."

mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 16:29:40 GMT
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She was only a few steps behind Remiel, peering around his shoulder and taking in the scene.

A fallen bookshelf. An open window.

Of course, she didn't know the ins and outs of his home like he did. But, the loud noise startling the both of them as well as his investigation sparked curiosity as she made eye contact with him.

"An intruder?"

Summer's hands reached out, delicately grasping his bicep as she glanced around. A sudden apprehension came over her. Paranoia that perhaps her father's people were after her instead of her brother.

"Mr. Calcifet, what should we do?"

Not to mention she was in an intoxicated state from trying wines with him throughout the night.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 10:48:34 GMT
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"I don't know yet," The royal responds, reaching up to grasp her hand and offer it a reassuring squeeze. Seeing the worry in her eyes was not something he enjoyed, even if he didn't know the full picture. "But I assure you everything will be okay. It's likely just a Sneasel. We've seen plenty of those around the estate before." He assures her.

Turning towards his Sinistea butler, Remiel nods. "Perform a security sweep of the estate, Earl Grey. Wake Adal from his kennel and have him join you."

With a swift bow, the floating teacup glides off to do just that, leaving the lady and the gentleman behind. The silence that follows doesn't linger for long, however, before the host speaks once more. "Come, we can wait in the parlor." He suggests with a gentle smile, offering her his arm so that he can escort her there.

"I'm a little inebriated, I must admit... but I can still play you a tune on the piano."

mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 19:00:45 GMT
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Summer glanced at her hand, feeling her cheeks warm a tinge past their alcoholic blush when Remy gave her hand a squeeze. He seemed ever the gentleman, even when there was a potential burglar in his mansion.

How romantic.

She watched Earl Grey do as he was told, swooping away to explore the potential threat. That left the two of them.

And she took his arm without hesitation, only throwing one more look over her shoulder at the wreckage left behind as Remiel guided her back to the parlor.

"Are you sure it'll be alright? I'm sure I can send some help of my own..." she offered, pressing closer toward him.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2022 4:15:58 GMT
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It was quite funny, really, how several glasses of wine had the ability to bring certain things to the surface of his perception. The way Summer pressed close against him, for example, would have hardly stood out to Remiel otherwise. As things were, however, it reminded him of how long he'd been without physical intimacy— not since he'd parted ways with , in fact. And it made him blush.

The prince does little more than relish the act for a moment before blinking out of his stupor and responding. "I'm your host, Summer," He begins, naturally shifting onto a first name basis. "I wouldn't trouble you with a simple security sweep. It's likely to result in nothing anyway."

Moments later, they enter the parlor and make a beeline for the piano. Parting from each other, if only to sit shoulder-to-shoulder at the piano bench, Remiel lifts the felt key cover before threading his fingers together and flexing them. "Any requests?"

mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2022 4:43:00 GMT
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If Summer noticed his blush, she didn't mention it. In fact, her own face was tinged a pink hue as they walked back to the parlor, her body still close by his side as they sat by the piano. Her skin felt warm, her hands from her grasping his arm and the rest of her body from the alcohol.

It was a shame she wanted more, of alcohol and a physical closeness.

Even though there was a potential security breach in Remiel's home.

She settled on the bench, looking over the keys and then his fingers before deciding what she'd like to listen to.

"Do you know classical music? I'm sure a man of your statute would."

How long had it been since her own fingers danced across the keys of a piano? Summer couldn't recall as she rested her head against his shoulder, waiting.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2022 8:16:51 GMT
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Remiel nods, hovering his fingers over the keys in preparation as the notes slowly began to emerge out from the recesses of his memory. "Why, of course," He answers, striking the first note gently before continuing the melody into "Minuet in G Major". He plays it so effortlessly that he even dares to look her way as he does so, sharing his tipsy debonair smile.

"This is one of the first pieces they teach boys at the Finlay Boarding School... it's quite elementary really." He suggests, admittedly missing a few keys when she leans her head on his shoulder and cuddles close. Though slightly flustered, he does his best to regain composure as he continues to fill the parlor with music.

But, before long, he drives the melody into a dead-end of repeating notes. He plays these lightly as he looks down at her with a smile. "I can teach you, if you'd like."

🎶 Minuet in G Major — Bach (Petzold)
mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Jan 9, 2022 4:48:20 GMT
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"I am not surprised."

Summer listened as he played, humming along to the tune. Of course she knew it. As a member of a wealthy family, it was almost like a requirement for her to know these things, the fine arts. But, in her current mind, she couldn't quite remember the name of it.

Frankly, she couldn't bring herself to care to remember it.

If she heard him falter on the keys, repeat the same notes - which she did, she pretended not to notice, instead allowing herself to close her eyes and seemingly drift off into a peaceful realm that he managed to lull her into.

However, Remiel's voice caused her to open her eyes, to meet his and smile.

"If you will, Mr. Calcifet."

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Jan 19, 2022 5:57:21 GMT
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The royal feels downright penitent for having accidentally pulled Summer from her daydream. The least he could do, he figures, is grant her an enjoyable experience as he teaches her piano. Though momentarily entranced by those sleepy eyes of hers and that charming smile, he eventually nods and pauses from his playing to grasp her hand and guide forward with the lesson.

Tenderly, he maneuvers her hand over the appropriate keys on her end, his fingers carefully lining up with her own as he vocally announces each note they have her press. There's no rush as Remiel teaches her, allowing her all the time she needs to memorize this measure as their intimate closeness simmers beneath it all.

"See? Just like that."

He smiles, shifting his eyes towards her countenance to find her within the reach of a kiss.

🎶 Minuet in G Major — Bach (Petzold)
mission: hush [x]

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Summer Atreides
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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2022 23:39:31 GMT
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Of course, as Remiel guided Summer's fingers across the piano, she decided for sure that she'd keep her talent at the piano a secret. She allowed him to state each note, to move his hands over hers and drift along as they played.

Fake it until you make it, as they said.

She hummed at his comment, a light smile perched on her lips. Glancing up, her red gaze met his eyes before traveling down his face. He was close, and if she leaned in-


Summer's body was halted in its motion when she heard the noise, eyes opening again with a look of confusion.

"Are you sure your Pokemon has this under control?" she teased, though she looked over her shoulder less she'd find an intruder coming through the door.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 21:25:50 GMT
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Inches away from bliss, and another loud noise serves to interrupt the pleasantry of their moment. With a sigh, Remiel releases the breath that had been locked up in that anticipation. He pulls back, looking over his shoulder to look expectantly down at the hallway as well. "I trust Earl Grey with our safety... but perhaps we should che—"

The piano suddenly starts playing on its own.

Remiel sharply turns back to watch it play, eyes narrowed in thought and dread. In the discordance of the haunting music, he faintly recognized a lullaby.

One he hadn't heard since...


Cobalt hues widen with shock before he gets up, seizing Summer's hand and urging her to follow him. "You need to go. I'll escort you out, then I want you summon the fastest Pokémon you currently have and get as far away from here as possible... understood?" He says, pushing a door open as they enter the labyrinthian hallways of his large estate once more. Behind them, the music swells.

mission: hush [x]

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POSTED ON Jan 31, 2022 19:30:54 GMT
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Summer turned her head, watching as the keys pressed down and lifted with ease as no one touched them. It was as if by magic they were playing. She opened her mouth to speak, but Remiel had her hand in his and had pulled her forward.

She wobbled to her feet, attempting to catch herself as she found her face planted against his chest for support.

And his words sparked rebellion inside her.

"What about you? I can't just leave you here to fend for yourself," she protested.

Summer tugged his hand, toward the exit.

"Come with me, Remy."

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