i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 14:35:33 GMT

Like thick syrup, fear clung to the back of Penelope's throat, suffocating her from the inside out. After barely managing to force that woman away, she was now trudging back to which she came, hopeful that at least there, with and the others nearby, she'd be able to find some semblance of peace. Or, at the very least, have a second to regain her composer.
Arms crossed over her chest, fingers digging into her own skin, the councilwoman and her sole Mr Rime were about to inch up toward the mountain's incline when a woman's voice tore into their ears, forcing their attention else where.
Who was that?
She stilled her body to a pause, waiting for the dreaded confirmation that would send her heart sinking.
That voice-- it was 's, wasn't it?
Teeth gritted, Penelope sucked in a short, exasperated breath as she realized, no matter how hard she tried, there was no escaping the ensuing chaos. All she could was press forward.
"Fuck it, okay."
With Mr Rime close behind, the woman took, running straight toward the very scream that made her body shudder.
"ILLEANA," she called out, "ILLEANA IS THAT YOU?"

[attr="class","ooc"] @isaacmerlin[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 23:50:13 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Explosions rang out, and then a voice followed. It sounded all too familiar. Shit, was that a councilwoman? It wasn't just any councilwoman. It was a councilwoman that, in a guise beneath a guise, Isaac had already gotten acquainted with. One who had once been a neutral pursuer of the truth, but now had thrown her lot in with Hoenn's upmost echelon.[break][break]

If a part of Isaac regretted letting go, now he had no reason to question himself. While she slipped away to carry out Rocket's work for them, an even more valuable prisoner of war had just presented herself. And this one wouldn't even be some guilt-inducing noncombatant, either! She was charging right into battle, her Pokemon in tow.[break][break]

His merciful heart could rest for the night. Now it was time to strike.[break][break]

Isaac slid behind a nearby gravestone for cover, gesturing first towards Aubrey, then towards Sanford, and finally towards Toto. The three looked at Isaac, looked among another, and then nodded. Toto kept out in the open, casually reclining against a decaying tree, while Aubrey took shelter behind his prodigious bulk. Sanford took a far more direct approach and phased beneath the ground itself.[break][break]

As soon as Penelope came into view, Toto let out a harrumph to try and get her attention. He flexed, cannons sparking up as he prepared some sort of attack . . . but his technique never came. Instead, Aubrey vaulted over his shoulders, pointing towards Mr. Rime and rasping out a battle cry.[break][break]

Sanford was the first to get in on the Beat Up, launching up from beneath the ground to try and slam into the poor, unsuspecting mine. Hot on his heels was Toto, hurtling forward in a heavy shoulder bash. As his bulky rush demanded focus and attention, an Aggron and a Marowak struck from blind spots on each side, seemingly disappearing as quickly as they came. Finally came Aubrey, who would casually saunter up to the attempted beatdown to throw in a backfist of her own.[break][break]

It was a vicious start to a combat, but it was just that; a start. While Kiryu and Duster were little more than cameos in Aubrey's technique, Sanford and Toto had their own spice to bring to the conflict. Sanford would watch from above, seeing if the Mr. Rime would suffer the hits or dodge around them. It would study the way it moved, the paths it took, how much it committed to those movements. And then, with that information in mind, it would drop anchor, aiming to pin the Mr. Rime to the ground with an [Anchor Shot.[break][break]

That would be all the opening Toto needed to prime up his Flash Cannon. Were Sanford's attempt successful, the one-two punch may prove a lot harder for the Mr. Rime to evade.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac, Sanford, and Aubrey hide, while Toto beckons Penelope forth for a challenge.[break]
Too bad the challenge is a scam! Aubrey calls for an all-out Beat Up![break]
As it finishes, Sanford studies Mr. Rime's movements, then drops an Anchor Shot to try and pin it.[break]
And Toto brings it all home with a vicious Flash Cannon.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / + +


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 5:17:35 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

"Go!" Paxton ordered, voice tense as he sent out his partner into the fray. The fight has already begun when Paxton sends down Joules, the Magnezone racing to get in front of 's Mr. Rime, body shimmering into something incredibly reflective as MIRROR COAT lights up, just as the Blastoise sends out their FLASH CANON. The back and fort of the beam clears just enough of the fog that he can see the ground and a better read on the number of pokemon out. [break][break]

Baldwin is on the hunt, greedy and hungry after their battle with 's Claydol. They burst out of the fog, ignoring Joules' magnificent entrance and go straight for the Scrafty, using DRAINING KISS and jangling as seductively as they could. [break][break]

Paxton, for his part, chambered a bullet waiting for the opportunity to strike. Ideally he takes out the trainer and ends it, but Penpen isn't in terrible danger. Yet. And there might be more. She can handle a minute more.


+ | yehaaw closer post [break][break]
- getting pumped getting ready [break]
- sends Joules the Magnezone to try and MIRROR COAT the FLASH CANON [break]
- Baldwin the Klefki moves in to DRAINING KISS on the Scrafty [break]




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played by


December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 7:11:46 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, mask and hair make it hard to discern identity
After a scuffle with some Leaguer prick, Ashley finds himself rushing through the fog, skidding to a halt as he reaches what seems to be a scuffle. A Mr. Rime owned by some lady, a Magnezone, and a Klefki all out and fighting against 's Pokemon, and with it, Ash took the moment to engage, thanks to a Flash Cannon letting him see momentarily.

He has two plans. His Lunatone wasn't doing so hot after a surprise Solar Beam, so he had Pluto returned. Instead, his Starly is released as he curves the ball, an intent to have Bullet provide suppressive fire, but a second Pokeball is out and about.

His trusted companion, Bongo, the Thwacky. As Ashley takes cover, he clicks his tongue, the Starly rushing towards the Mr. Rime for a QUICK ATTACK.

Ashley knows that it isn't going to end the kerfuffle, but as Bongo crosses his arms and readies himself, the trainer knows to provide suppressive fire is important to keeping all the pressure off of Isaac. As is taking some of the attention away. "Party crashin'? Don't mind if I do!" He calls out, giving a hand signal to Isaac while he can still see. No way in hell was he going in alone. "You better have a plan, lady."

Unfortunately for Ashley, as Bongo stayed near him, he had made a fateful error in judgment. It would cost him greatly; because Bullet was wide open as she rushes the Mr. Rime.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

ash has bullet (starly) Quick Attack Mr. Rime
bongo is out by ash for now
+10 for post

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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played by


Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 1:22:16 GMT

Penelope knew better than to curl inward on herself. Show no fear, and all that. But eerie nature of the rolling fog, combined with the occasional yelp of cry from a pokemon made that motto nearly impossible to follow.
Bit by bit, the councilwoman inched toward the mountain's center incline, eyes still searching for the familiar thread of silver that would lead her back to Illeana.
What she found, however, was far from that.
The random greeting from the Blastoise instantly caught her attention. Turning, she gave the blue turtle a questioning look before another pokemon appeared at shoulder, releasing forth a loud battle cry.
"Fuck, nonono," she cursed under her breath, backing up, to no avail, as a third pokemon emerged. Unlike the other two, this one was the first to sprung out at them, charging forth with a daring BEAT UP.
A clear ball sprouted around them, blocking the psychic type and his trainer from the dual attacks from the scraggly (BEAT UP) and starly (QUICK ATTACK).
The last attack, ANCHOR SHOT, held true, though, landing directly at the mime's ankle.
The pokemon gave off a short shout before sending forth an ICISICLE SPEAR in retailiation (to Sanford).
Just after, a duo set of pokemon arrived to the scene -- one more familiar than the other one.
Penelope swallowed down, hard. If it wasn't him, but another rocket joining the fray, she was fucked. Screwed beyond belief.
Luckily, the pokemon immediately revealed it's loyalties by looking to block the incoming ZAP CANON -- a move that was originally aimed straight toward Mr Rime and her.
"Thank you," she whispered, offering a grateful smile. With this small piece of reenforcement here, for a second, the councilwoman could feel herself gathering back a semblance of composure. She took in one long, deep breath before looking back to toward the opposition.
"If you come forth and surrender yourselves to the league, your sentence may be reduced."
Another pokemon clicked to life inside her palms. From it, an arc of life spat out, then a ball of pink whool.
Remy Fritzgerald the ampharos.
"You don't have to do this. Remember that. You can still turn away now. It's not too late. "
Static charged up between the lamb's ears. Where there was once one, now stood two, then three, then four. (DOUBLE TEAM)


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- Mr Rime uses PROTECT against Beat up and quick attack[break]
- Mr Rime uses icicle spear on Stamford [break]
- ampharos gets sent out and uses DOUBLE TEAM

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 4:01:55 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Aubrey's ambush strategies were solid, but they weren't perfect. No matter how many Pokemon joined a beatdown, a Protect would be enough to repel them all. Nevertheless, they tried, battering down the orb of shimmering light as hard as they could to accomplish something, anything with their alpha strike.[break][break]

It wasn't to be. And worse still, Aubrey had been giving a taunting, strangely painful kiss for her troubles. She blanched, shuddering both from the grossly saccharine gesture and the feeling of her energy ebbing away, and quickly darted back to take cover behind her main man Toto.[break][break]

Not a moment too soon. The big lug's very own Flash Cannon had just been reflected right back at him by the Magnezone's Mirror Coat. He turned his shell to the blow, flinching as he tried to weather it to the best of his ability. Aubrey creaked an eye open to check on him, but Toto simply answered her concerns with a smirk and a thumbs up. It'd take a lot more than that to put him down![break][break]

Luckily for Isaac, Sanford was a far more patient hunter. It waited for the very moment the Protect dropped, and its efforts had paid off. Not only was it quite the hefty attack, but it would also prevent the Mr. Rime from escaping until one of them had fallen.[break][break]

Unfortunately, being chained together meant that Sanford had less room to dodge. It did its best, manipulating the slack of its chain to dance around some of the Icicle Spear shots, but for every spear it evaded another made direct contact. Disgruntled, the Dhelmise let out an eerie moan, pulling its entangled chain taut to try and squeeze the life out of Mr. Rime. So long as they were locked up, uninterrupted, Sanford was confident that these Anchor Shots could out-muscle the Mr. Rime's own efforts.[break][break]

As a 2 on 1, this would have been a nasty fight for Isaac. But as a fair 2 on 2, Isaac was much more optimistic about his chances. He returned the hand gesture Ashley's way, but otherwise remained in cover. Between the appearance of two new Pokemon and the sudden change in Penny's demeanor, Isaac knew she had backup. And that backup was someone she had confidence in. Why risk showing himself before they did?[break][break]

Naturally, he let Ash do the talking. And he let the Pokemon he put his heart and soul into do the fighting. As always, Toto took the lead, the Blastoise never shy about finding new opportunities to show off. He held his finger high, taking the councilwoman's very emotions and displaying them for the world to see. Yellow fear intermingled with soothing white relief, and even a few sprigs of pink gratitude. It was almost like he was spinning an easter egg around on his finger. Yet the technique wasn't all flash; an Aura Sphere like this targeted not the body, but the soul. All Toto needed to do was will it towards the Ampharos and it would home in on the proper target.[break][break]

As he flung the Aura Sphere out, Aubrey leaped for his one of his cannons. The spry Scrafty did a single rotation around the cannon, like a gymnast on a bar, before using her momentum to fling herself right towards the enemy Magnezone. If ranged attacks were poor fits against its reflective powers, a High Jump Kick should do just the trick.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
All three attacks hit; in order of most to least rattled, Aubrey (Scrafty), Sanford (Dhelmise), and Toto (Blastoise).[break]
Sanford, already having Mr. Rime snagged in its Anchor Shot, chokes up on the chain for another easy hit.[break]
Toto throws an Aura Sphere out at Ampharos, taking advantage of the move's inability to miss to make finding the real Ampharos easier.[break]
Aubrey vaults off of Toto to chance a High Jump Kick at Magnezone.[break]
Isaac remains in hiding, waiting for any sign of the mysterious spotter.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / + +


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 5:05:24 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Joules immediately began beeping a series of connected beeps at Penelope, as if she would understand., But hopefully, the pattern is enough to convey that Paxton was at the ready and waiting. At the moment, they ight be a little disadvantaged. The Magnezone's multiple eyes zip around and stare at each pokemon in play, detecting their biggest threats. Baldwin huddled near Joules, looking around for their previous target, Aubrey the Scrafty. [break][break]

When the Magnezone catches sight of the Starly, it's body flashes a light in a quick pattern, alerting the man watching over them of its movements before looking back at the squad next to them. It's all they can do to MEET Aubrey mid attack and keep her as far from their teammates as possible. Joules drops ELECTRIC TERRAIN, boosting Remy Fitzgerald before charging ahead. Aubrey's HIGH JUMP KICK. [break][break]


The ground rumbles as giant machine is smashed right into the ground, crushing and pushing earth out. Bits of mud and grass fly out, stone that make have been used for hte cobblestones paths common to Mt. Pyre is crushed under the force and weight of the pair. [break][break]

Baldwin is also on the move, zipping quickly towards their target, and glowing maliciously as they activated FOUL PLAY onto the Dhelmise, smacking into it with intense, black energy before bouncing off the anchor pokemon. [break][break]

[break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break] [break][break]

A shot rings out, direction confused slightly by the suppressor but it's obvious it's close. The Starly is downed in a burst of blood and feathers, too small for the force of the sniper rifle. Paxton opened his closed eye, exhaling before he loaded another bullet into the chamber and taking up position again. He got ready to take down a runner. [break][break]

Sorry Penelope, he isn't in the most diplomatic of moods. Not when all of Hoenn was in danger.


+ | AYO [break][break]
- Joules the Magnezone drops ELECTRIC TERRAIN (1/5) [break]
- Joules the Magnezon weathers through the HIGH JUMP KICK due to STURDY ability [break]
- Baldwin the Klefki moves to use FOUL PLAY on Sanford the Dhelmise [break]
- Paxton shoots a bullet through Bullet the Starly [break]




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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 5:50:18 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, mask and hair make it hard to discern identity
It all happens at once. Bullet and Aubrey's attacks deflected by Protect on the Mr. Rime. The League councilwoman offers a surrender, and Ashley thinks up a witty retort. "Here's a sentence you can reduce; bite me." He taunts from his cover, watching out as Isaac's Pokemon continue to tussle. Bongo was at the ready with Ashley clutching his arm. He had to think. The Magnezone takes the kick, which will do well to knock his ass down.

And then the unthinkable happens. Time slows down. His heart is in his throat as the shot sounds out. His pupils contract, and go right to Bullet as the bullet pierces the body. As the bird begins to nosedive what is left of her, Ashley's throat is dry. He reaches out his burnt arm, pain enveloping every part of his soul.

The pain in his arm is a distant memory.

"Bullet." He winces, the name breathlessly from his lips. His silver eyes can't believe the mess of meat that lays upon the ground. But there it is. Bongo's face contorts too into a mess of distraught sadness. And he finally understands Jayden. To be in Rocket is to be cold, calculating. Feeling is to be left on the wayside.

Ash makes a tactical decision. Still wounded from its previous fight, he releases Pluto once more to hide. "Come out." He threatens the sniper, no love in his voice, nothing happy. Because while he can't tell what direction the shot came from, he can do something even crazier. He pats Pluto one more time. And whispers.

"Right next to the enemy Pokemon. Close to the woman. The saucer, the mime, the sheep, and the keys if you can. Boom time." He whispers.

As Pluto cries and flies as fast as it possibly can via LEVITATE, Ashley doesn't send in Bongo, not yet. Because now, he was going to clear the field by annihilating everything the enemy had with an explosion. Sure, he was damn sure he was going to lose Pluto, but if it evens the field, so be it. Means the sniper will come out sooner, because he intends to threaten the councilwoman with a blade to the neck.

Ashley is no longer messing around. "Give up or die." Pluto sacrifices itself into a hefty EXPLOSION to take everything in the struggle with it. Pluto was no more. But would the explosion work?

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

ash watches bullet (starly) die
sends out pluto (lunatone)
last-ditch effort kamikaze explosion aimed for penny, and all enemy pokemon near her (hoping all of the enemy released mon)
sorry isaac, some of yours might be in the blast too

bullet dies (+200 MP)
pluto dies (+200 MP)
+10(2) for posts
Total: 420pts

[newclass=".sawyer"] [/newclass]
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 23:49:43 GMT

Not this time.

Aimed, ready, and prepared to counter, the Mr Rime instantly put his PSYCHIC abilities to use, mentally forcing the incoming ANCHOR SHOT to take a sharp right and miss its mark on him. Remy Fritzgerald, however, wasn't as able to dodge the incoming AURA SPHERE, as no matter how he moved, or which double he attempted to hide behind, the sphere would find its way back to him, slamming into his side.

A loud, long bleep rung out from the sheep as he stumbled, back and forth, overdramatic as always.

"Shake it off Re-"

In that split second, the sound of a bullet split through the air, zipping past the councilwoman and her party and straight into the forehead of the adorable small bird right in front of them. From one second to the next, the small avian had turned into a lifeless pile of flesh.

Penelope's breathing hitched. She stumbled backward, hands grasping at the thin air as the ghastly sight consumed her vision. Blood, flesh, bone -- even after a decade's worth of journalism, she had never come face to face with something quite like this.

Hands balling up into fists, the tips of her fingers nail dug themselves into the palms of her hands, further and further, until blood leaked out between her grip.

Fuck. fuck. fuck.


The pink lamb nodded. EMPOWERED BY THE ELECTRIC TERRAIN, electrical currents zapped between his ear bulbs, charging up til every lick of power spewed out in the form of an arc, directly targeting the Blastoise that stood before them.

Eyes now widened, wildish, Penelope looked to her left, spotting the incoming Lunatone with clear intentions for closing the gap of space between them. Her nails dug further into her palms. She swallowed down a shriek.

"Stop him, Mr Rime."

Directing his attention from the ghostly anchor, the mime focused his PSYCHIC energies onto the meteorite Pokemon. Like a wall of pinks and purples, he pushed back against the pokemon, forcing space between them as his rocks vibrated and explosive molten leaked out. When the explosion eventually broke out, Penelope flinched back against the instant wave of heat.

Sorry, Lunatone.


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- Mr Rime uses PSYCHIC to redirect the incoming ANCHOR SHOT [break]
- Aura Sphere hits ampharos [break]
- Ampharos shoots out an empowered thunderbolt at Blastoise [break]
- Mr RIME prevents lunatone from getting close by pushing him back with PSYCHIC

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

30 MP per IC post in a spin-off thread.
50 MP for participation in a battle.
= 80 mp

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 1:40:01 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Four Pokemon on the side of Rocket. Four Pokemon on the side of the League. Boasts and threats being flung over the line by both sides. Battles erupting on League lines, on Rocket lines, in the air, under the ground. The clash between the brothers of destruction and the councilwoman and her bodyguard was a microcosm of the war that erupted around them; a chaotic, brutal mess, further desecrating the sacred ground on which this region tried to find its rest.[break][break]

It was impossible to keep track of it all. But the only part that mattered to Isaac was the explosion of feather and blood that was once Bullet.[break][break]

Isaac knew there was another battler in the shadows. What he didn't expect was for that battler to have an extra Pokemon on his team; Gun. And Gun was well trained, perfectly obedient, and deadly beyond words. If this weapon could atomize a Starly in a single hit, it likely wouldn't take more than a good shot or two to put other Pokemon out of commission. And that was to say nothing of the humans. Of Ash.[break][break]

"Fall back!" Isaac ordered, jeopardizing his location to ensure his team would make it through the night.[break][break]

Ash had other ideas. And he wasn't alone. Sanford, who had just eaten a Foul Play while trying to wrestle with Mr. Rime, was feeling particularly spiteful. As he tumbled away from the force of the blow, he pulled back his anchor and obeyed his trainer's orders . . . to a point.[break][break]

When Mr. Rime's Psychic caught Pluto in midair, slowly bringing the Lunatone's momentum to a halt, Sanford did an about face and charged right into its own ally. The Growth of its algal colony spread across the Lunatone, pressure literally forcing it to hold itself together and prevent a premature detonation. One Pokemon pushing against Mr. Rime may have been a stalemate. But two was a completely different story; Sanford pushed and pushed with all of its might, not releasing its hold until either the explosion was imminent or the Lunatone was practically slam dunked into the opposition.[break][break]

The best part? When the dust settled, the cheeky bastard was untouched. Its ephemeral nature left it completely unharmed by the explosion, and it practically snickered to itself as it fell back to Isaac's side.[break][break]

Sanford may have taken things personally, but Aubrey's encounter was far more personal. Her High Jump Kick left a crater in the ground, modern-day fossils surrounding her and Joules as they slowed to a halt. It was an immensely powerful strike, and yet the Magnezone was still barely holding onto life. For the first time in her life, Aubrey arched an eyebrow in interest.[break][break]

She sauntered up to the Magnezone, giving its magnet a quick fist bump. And then she brought a foot down on the top of its dome, ready to put it down with a Rock Climb so she could scramble out of the chasm and rejoin her team. Nothing personal, Joules! It was just the nature of war.[break][break]

They'd be able to make it to Isaac with no problems. Toto was a different story. Remy wasn't happy with his Double Team trick failing, and he was ready to repay the blow in kind with a turbocharged Thunderbolt. If a direct hit from this didn't take Toto out of the fight entirely, it'd leave him way too weary to fall back in time. And that meant a direct hit to the skull would likely finish the job.[break][break]

Not happening. Isaac sprinted from cover to cover, his mantle flaring out behind him and making him look like a ghost springing from grave to grave. As he dove for his next piece of cover, he threw two new Pokeballs into the fray.[break][break]

As Toto pulled back and prepared for the worse, he was surprised to see Remy's Thunderbolt arc right over his shoulder. The first of Isaac's new arrivals had stolen the attack, a Cubone emerging from his Pokeball with his bone held high. It soaked up the entire blast as if it was a Lightning Rod, and now sparks of power danced across its bone. Duster, Isaac's closer, had arrived.[break][break]

Toto took advantage of this distraction to retreat, allowing Duster to charge forward and take his place. As he ran, he swirled his bone in great, big circles, icy mists forming a veil around him that made Mt. Pyre's natural mist pale in comparison. Not only was this Blizzard a pain to see through, but the stored electricity took an already powerful move and made it even stronger.[break][break]

Under the cover of the frosts, he fanned out to the right, while Isaac's other choice for the night beelined for Ash's position. It was none other than Kiryu, Isaac's oldest, strongest, and noblest Pokemon. So long as she had Ash under her watchful vigil, Isaac knew her impenetrable hide and indomitable spirit would keep him safe. She threw out an arm, motioning for Ash to get behind her, then hunkered down into a fighting stance.[break][break]

If one team-threatening megahit sounded bad enough, Isaac was ready to up Ash's ante and double down. Once settled into their pincer maneuver, Duster and Kiryu launched off their biggest attacks simultaneously. An Earthquake ripped across the ground as Kiryu smashed the ground with her claws, while the Blizzard flooded towards the airspace above with a swing of Duster's bone. How would the enemy cope with being stuck in between two disasters?[break][break]

The rest of Isaac's team was certainly glad it wasn't them. Aubrey and Toto exchanged a quick fist bump as they slid into cover with Isaac, while Sanford slipped into the shadows to avoid detection. Once they were all accounted for, Toto let a spritz of healing mist fly from each cannon, the Life Dew putting a little bit more pep into Aubrey and Sanford's steps.[break][break]

Not that it mattered. This was hard enough to keep track of anyway. Sanford was Isaac's ace in the hole, and Aubrey was the most shootable of his five Pokemon. Once they were healed, Isaac sent them back into their Pokeballs, where they would remain until he found a much less gun-happy choice of opponent for the evening.[break][break]

Say. If he had a gun happy opponent, why didn't he do something about it? The last he saw of the mysterious Magnezone, it had been knocked straight into a crater by Aubrey. That was opportunity. That was leverage. That was a chance to, if not force this battle to an end, at least change up the terms of engagement. Isaac turned towards Toto. "Back me up. I'm going over the top," he said, the Blastoise nodding in return. He hunkered behind a gravestone like an artillery piece waiting to fire, while Isaac slipped through the fading remnants that the Blizzard trailed behind it.[break][break]

He turned the volume on his voice modulator up as high as he could. The sniper would be getting this message, one way or another. "Take one more shot, and your Magnezone gets it," he said. He clearly had access to Aura Spheres, and he clearly was not afraid to use them. As far as he could tell, this hostage situation was off to a flawless start.[break][break]

There was just one problem with that theory.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac breaks his silence to sound the retreat.[break]
Sanford (Dhelmise) takes a Foul Play, decides this isn't worth it, and bails . . .[break]
. . . but not before grabbing onto Lunatone and pushing against the force of Mr. Rime's Psychic to drive it into the enemy's position.[break]
Aubrey (Scrafty) gives Joules a respectful fistbump, then goes for a Rock Climb to KO and escape.[break]
Isaac proceeds to switch like it's the fucking VGC finals.[break]
Duster (Cubone) comes out to soak up Thunderbolt with his Lightningrod.[break]
Kiryu (Aggron) comes out to soak up Bullets.[break]
Duster and Kiryu launch twin disasters at the entire Penny-Paxton conclave: Blizzard from above, Earthquake from below.[break]
Toto (Blastoise) heals Aubrey and Sanford with Life Dew before Isaac recalls them.[break]
Isaac warns Paxton that if he fires one more shot, the Magnezone gets it.[break]
Oh Isaac, you stupid motherfucker.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / + +


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 7:20:34 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Paxton doesn't even smile at his shot. The effect is enough. Morale is being crushed by the weight of their consequences. All of Hoenn could die, did they really think measures like this wouldn't be put in place? The doesn't move, taking aim again. At the threat, he simply inhaled, slowly moving his index to the trigger well and taking aim at before firing. Again, the rifle slams into the crook of his shoulder and a bullet goes flying, straight for the rocket's earing. Blood bursts out as the jewelry is rips out of its earlobe. Another casing comes out and Paxton, seeing how rapidly things were escalating, pulled out multiple rounds to prep for fire. [break][break]

sounded rattled. He cannot comfort her, not that he really could. He would rely on his pokemon who, at the moment,. were simply Joules, barely hanging on and Baldwin. Joules is sparking erratically, eyes darting aorund as they took stock of their injuries before bouncing a magnet with Aubrey the Scrafty, still unable to move. Baldwin shook keys at the retreating Dhelmise, standing guard with the Mr. Rime over the councilwoman. ROCK CLIMB threatened to deplete the last bits of energy in Joules, switching from trying to levitate out to a simple steady beeping anyone who'd seen the Titanic knew. Three short beeps. Three long boops. Three short beeps. The noise is accompanied by the controlled flashing of light. They were signaling for an emergency extraction. [break][break]

Just then EXPLOSION rings out. Baldwin leapt into action near Penelope, unable to protect but they blast forth a luminous FLASH CANON trying to cut push backthe pair of suicidal pokemon. Paxton isn't sure if it works, but keys fall to the ground once the dust settled. [break][break]

EARTHQUAKE rattled the ground and Joules, more in the interest of self-preservation of themselves and Penny, attempted to use PROTECT. The screen flickering dangerously but trying to catch part of the EARTHQUAKE and at least divert the wave of destruction from around it. The attack rattled even Paxton, who briefly let out his Porygon in case he'd have to move. But his cliff face doesn't fall even if the temperature does. He put his head down as Hopper used MAGIC COAT, moving forward through the fog to try and cover Paxton and Penelope, more so than bounce the entire storm back at Duster. But if it works, it works. [break][break]

There is a threat. Not just on Penelope's life, but Joules as well. For a moment, Paxton sees red. Literally. The memory of leering down as him holding him down and forcing him to watch a tiny Magnemite slammed mercilessly into the ground. The memory is gone as quickly as it appeared and he felt his heartbeat pump harder in his chest. Another deep breath. "Sorry, Joules." Though his partner knew. He could tell by the rapid way Jouels tried to spark at with every lasting bit of energy, weakly falling on the sword for their trainer one last time. They may be lost to Paxton, but if he be it. [break][break]

Like a thunder clap, a bullet cuts through once he has his target. The bullet cuts clean through pants on Isaac's right thigh, leaving a gash but not embedding itself into flesh or exploding bone like the Starly. Joules begins beep. Once. Twice. Three times. Rhytmic, dull. Like the tickig of a clock- [break][break]

Another shot. Same location. This next one cuts deeper. Another beep. Another beep. Another- [break][break]

Shot. Every five beeps, five seconds a shot. Deeper and deeper. Then Joules goes quiet, as if resetting. Paxton held his fire, before taking aim at the blonde's head. Joules isn't sparking, but more so counting down to something. AS final shot cuts through their time keeping.


+ | AYO [break][break]
- Joules the Magnezone drops ELECTRIC TERRAIN (2/5) [break]
- Paxton does not appreciate being threatened, shoots Ashley's earring off. [break]
- Joules the Magnezon is about to bite it but tries to set up PROTECT for the team [break]
- Baldwin the Klefki moves to use FLASH Canon, faints in the EXPLOSION trying to protect Penny [break]
- Paxton lets out Hopper the Porygon to MAGIC COAT the BLIZZARD back [break]
- Paxton responds to death threat on Joules by rapid firing Isaac like 5 times, giving him a 20 second head start an then aiming for a head shot [break]
- sorry penny




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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 8:50:37 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, mask and hair make it hard to discern identity
Every feeling but anger is useless on the battlefield, every fiber of hatred reinforced by the circumstances, and channeled to make proper good decisions. That's what good instincts does. But if the anger, the sadness, the sorrow, the pain is far too much, it leads to terrible decisions, and for Ash, there was no more terrible than him. His silver eyes were filled with anguish and disgust at the League.

If he had any good feeling about the League now, it was gone when Bullet hit the ground. When Pluto dies, he almost snaps out of it, but with animosity at the wheel there is little to dissuade him. The League was a scourge. Bullet could have been incapacitated, but instead she was shot down.

Where is your mercy, League?

Isaac's warning hadn't fallen on deaf ears, and with his black hair, he nods, intent to take it, but his threats were founded by their sniper, and it was a shot that would be remembered. Not for the pain, because Ash had felt enough of that already. No, this one was a personal shot, as it shot right into his left earring, breaking it and tearing it out of his earlobe, forcing Ashley to fall back a step. He doesn't scream though. Ashley grabs at his ear gushing with blood, and merely eyes the direction of the bullet.

Adrenaline was keeping the pain away.

"You better kill me-" He starts, eyes showing a nigh feral contempt as his pupils shrink. "-cuz if I'm still alive and I find you, I'll shove that rifle down your throat and fire." His eyes are now on Penny, as he takes the time that Paxton is busy with Isaac as the opportunity of a lifetime it is. This lady is the goal. Because the thing is, he will make this sniper pay.

And he's going to use someone else to do it.

With Bongo at his stead, he looks to the monkey. "Trust me?" Bongo nods, fist-bumping Ash, and with Ash returning it, he turns the switchblade in his hand. He begins racing close to the ground as each sound fires, as he tells Bongo. "Draw the fire of the mime and the sheep." With it, Bongo begins beating his chest as they run, sprinting low to the ground closer and closer to Penny. A TAUNT to draw any fire, as Ash pulls out his phone.

Pulse the Rotom appears behind them, following after and speeding on. With it, Ash decides to take the moment to get that mime to feel some pain too. "Hex'em." With it, Mr. Rime feels a hefty HEX as its eyes glow purple and red, as the mime could feel its body surrounded by purple energy. But the goal was neither the Mr. Rime, or the Ampharos.

As he quickly approaches Penny, if he's able to, he has the switchblade in hand, and throws an arm around her to grab one arm, the switchblade at her neck.

If successful, and only if successful, he holds it at the ready. "Don't. Move." He doesn't want to hurt Penny, but he holds the blade at the ready. If she is afraid, that is exactly what he wants. Fear will cripple her, and if Bullet and Pluto dying unnerved her, then the fear of her own death will end this little skirmish faster.

Of course, if he fails, he goes in for a slice, one aimed to try and cause Penny discomfort over any lasting damage. And with a quick dive towards a gravestone to get out of the way of fire.

It just mattered if he could make it to close the distance.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

ash now has one fucked ear, but at least his ear isnt torn. there's ways to fashion it.
threatens paxton
runs low to ground with bongo (thwacky) to come at penelope
bongo taunts penelope's mr. rime & ampharos to get their attention and draw their fire
releases pulse (rotom) to hex the mr. rime.
ash is attempting to make a hostage situation of penny with his switchblade to draw paxton out.
leave it to captain to decide his success.

bullet dies (+200 MP)
pluto dies (+200 MP)
+10(3) for posts
Total: 430pts

[newclass=".sawyer"] [/newclass]
[newclass=".sawyer b"]color:#00BFFF; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
[newclass=".sawyer i"]color:#DC143C; font-style:italic; [/newclass]
[newclass=".sawyer a"]text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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played by


Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 3:42:26 GMT

So much fucking happens.
The instant Penelope noticed the crafty Dhelmise forcibly fight against Mr. Rime's psychic, she knew his grip wouldn't hold. So to prevent an explosion from literally killing her and her party, she quickly reacted by fishing for another Pokeball.
Together, with Klefki sacrificing himself, the psychic type put up another sphere of PROTECTion, blocking the entirety of the party from the burst of heat and keg powder.
All the while, a loud, distinct sound rang out again. Penelope shuddered, fingers gripped around her arms as the bullet took aim at the rocket's earring. Blood burst out. No screams, though. Breathe, Penelope, breathe.
Remy's thunderbolt is instantly soaked up into the Marowak's LIGHTENING ROD -- a serious waste, given the boost of strength. No matter. It was clear they couldn't afford to hold back anymore. Fingers tracing the outline of her neckline, the MEGA STONE inside let out a spark of color, then a burst of light, as Remy Fritzgerald, first of his name, evolved into MEGA AMPHAROS. Large, pink, and with flowing white locks, the empowered electric type let out a long, strong baaa.
Again, another THUNDERBOLT is sent toward the Blastoise, but this time, with MOLD BREAKER, the attack resisted the effects of Marowak's LIGHTENING ROD.
Mr. Rime, while severely wounded by the HEX, and near the end of his time on the battlefield, was still able to react to the effects of TAUNT. Out from his twiddling fingers, a FREEZE-DRY aired out, looking to hit Thwacky and the Rotom with its icy wave of frost.
"Huh? F-"
Before the councilwoman could react, an arm is around her, a hand is tightened around her arm, a switchblade is pressed up against her neck. She let out a gasp, both terrified and absolutely furious at herself for allowing her defenses to go down.
Fear flooded her system as her arms and legs tightened into steel.
Am I going to die?
Fuck. Fuck. FUck.

[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
- alakazam comes out and PROTECTs against an explosion[break]
- hides behind paxton's double protection[break]
- AMPHAROS mega EVOLVES and ues THUNDER AGAIN on blastoise (mold breaker disables lightening rod ability)[break]
-Mr Rime uses freeze dry (pokemon is very low)[break]
- pennifer is captured :O[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:13:21 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The Magic Coat would repel the worst of the Blizzard's stinging chill, though it did nothing to prevent the physical force of all of that ice and snow. It was a strange, almost surreal feeling, more like being pelted with rocks and sand than anything else. Instead, the cold redirected to Duster, the sheer temperature tinging his body and icy blue and locking down his muscles. It was a fascinating exchange; against friendlier foes, it would be a sight to marvel at.[break][break]

But there was nothing friendly about this. It was ugliness all around. Pokemon attacking trainers. Trainers slaughtering Pokemon. Hellishly powerful blows being slung across battle lines. Disasters of immense power scarring the surface of a once sacred grave site. Fear and desperation and rage and hatred, pure hatred, carpeted the battlefield even more thickly than the fog did.[break][break]

None of that meant a thing to Isaac. The only thing that mattered was that he had the attention of the enemy's sniper.[break][break]

The first bullet cut through the padding of his pants. A warning shot. With how close the bullet came to touching flesh, Isaac knew it was intended as a fair more painful warning. He counted his lucky stars that his extra padding had fucked with his silhouette.[break][break]

If the first shot was sound, the second shot was fire. The bullet flew close enough to singe the hairs right off of Isaac's thigh. The shockwave of its travel left his skin red and singed. It was like holding his hand over a burning stove, and really, wasn't that exactly what he was doing? He was seeing how much he could get away with, because every second the sniper wasted on him was time he spent not focusing on Ash. He didn't know what Ash was doing. He didn't care. He just didn't want to see him die.[break][break]

The third shot was the grind. The bullet had now passed close enough to slide against his flesh, ripping and tearing it with every rotation. Without penetration, it was as if a layer of his skin had been scraped right off. This time, the pain was as direct as it was agonizing. Isaac fell to one knee, but head his held up high and glared defiantly into the incoming bullets.[break][break]

Four. Five. It was meticulous now. It was sadistic now. It was like his flesh was being scraped off meticulously by some sort of torturer. He remembered what said about Rocket's torture, and wondered if she would find the League's any more tolerable. Nevertheless, the adrenaline made each shot hurt less than the last.[break][break]

For a moment, Isaac wondered if he would even mind dying here. The alternative, Ash dying, would be unthinkable. He couldn't allow it. He wouldn't. And that was why he roared a defiant, furious "Do it!" towards the sniper. He begged internally for Ash to run. He did . . . in the other direction, right into the fray. The man was lost. Maybe Isaac would be too.[break][break]

Yet someone had other ideas.[break][break]

Seeing her trainer wounded, desperate, trying so hard to hold off against an insurmountable foe lit a fire under Kiryu. If she didn't do something, Isaac was going to die here. Each second between gunshots was punctuated by another heavy footstep, Kiryu charging towards Isaac in a one-Aggron stampede. She would protect him. Even if she had to bring this whole mountain down herself, she would protect him.[break][break]

A rainbow glow shined form Isaac's wrist, responding unconsciously to the strength of his bond and Kiryu's desire. The light of evolution cast her body in a blinding white silhouette. She needed to be stronger than stone. She needed to be stronger than herself. As she pushed herself to ascend, she could feel her body breaking down, reconstituting itself to be harder than steel.[break][break]

And then she collapsed, the light of Mega Evolution dispersing all too suddenly. Unable to release its payload of Infinity Energy safely, a rainbow-colored blaze spread up Isaac's arm. Something had gone horribly, horribly wrong.[break][break]

The world blurred around Isaac as two forms of agony caught him in their clutches. He couldn't hear the sound of Paxton's sniper rifle, or the fading beeps of his Magnezone. Instead, the only sound he could hear was Kiryu's rasping breaths. Each was heavier, slower, more labored than the last. The pain wasn't the first thing Isaac heard; it was confusion, as if Kiryu was wondering why she suddenly felt the world going dark around her. Yet the worst part was the horrid gurgling, as if breathing had become impossible for her.[break][break]

Ash and Penny's struggles with a switchblade were a blur to Isaac. He couldn't take his eyes off of the way Kiryu, who always stood so strong, was barely able to prop herself up with a single arm. Molten metal, ruined before it could be properly pressurized into the impenetrable hide of a Mega Aggron, dribbled from her chest like thick, viscous blood. Her entire body was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. Tears began to blind Isaac's vision, turning his beloved Pokemon's struggle into little more than a smear of grey and black.[break][break]

Safety was the least of his concerns. Not his own, as his arm burned in agony and his leg could barely support his weight. Not even Toto's, the Blastoise forced to fend for himself as his trainer went catatonic. He took the ungodly powerful Thunderbolt on the chin, pushing through the agony he felt in order to support his trainer. He tucked into his shell and slid towards Isaac, hooking an arm out to grab him on the way past.[break][break]

Immediately, everything snapped into focus. He was here. Kiryu was in agony. And he was being taken away from her. "Stop! Bring me back!" he shouted, but it was to no avail. Toto slid into cover in a single, seamless motion, before shakily prying himself back out of his shell. He clamped a hand down on Isaac's shoulders to prevent him from running off. Truth is, he was in immense pain. But even as the unmistakable scent of ozone danced across his nostrils, he knew he had to hang in there.[break][break]

Kiryu knew this, too. Each breath was harder than the next. Each movement was harder than the next. But she refused to go out without a fight. She rose to her feet, revealing the fissure where Paxton had shot her, and bellowed a challenge to the heavens. It was desperate. It was fleeting. It was enough. Power thrummed in her iron plates, the pain she had taken turning into pure force.[break][break]

As she smashed her wrists together, the resulting Metal Burst was bright enough to turn Mt. Pyre into a lighthouse.[break][break]

Toto flinched away from the light, and there Isaac saw his chance. He slipped away from the well-meaning Blastoise, running to Kiryu's side. The light would blind the sniper, push back the councilwoman's Pokemon. It was like she was calling him to her side. He knew he had to be there. Yet when he arrived, he did not see his Aggron standing tall in the face of all odds. Instead, he saw her near-motionless, the slightest hint of a smile on her face.[break][break]

He recalled her to her Pokeball. It was okay. She was hurt! People get hurt in battles all the time! Sometimes really, really badly! But she was a fighter! She'd had plenty of pain in her day! All she needed was a trip to a Pokemon Center, some medical attention, and she'd be right back on her feet! Just like she always was! Because she was Kiryu! She had to be! She . . . had to be . . . [break][break]

He wasn't the only one to see what had happened. But while he refused to understand, Duster had far more perspective. Kiryu was dead. If she still clung onto life, it was for Isaac's benefit, not her own. Her time had come, even if so unexpectedly, but she refused to let her spirit be snuffed out. Instead, she turned it into a literal beacon.[break][break]

The Cubone had always been in tune with spirits. Now was no exception. He could feel Kiryu's last thoughts, last hopes, last prayers, as they drifted away on the winds of Mt. Pyre. Yet they weren't drifting away into the void. They were drifting towards him.[break][break]

He could feel his bone mask meld tightly to his face, as solid of a fit as the Aggron's own. He could feel a burning urge to move, even as his frozen muscles left him little more than a statue. What else could he do but give in? The Cubone's body burst into flame, first red, then an eerie blue. He sprang forth like a phoenix from the ashes, and ashes stained his skin a dark violet in turn. He skidded to a halt by Ash's feet; larger, stronger, and better equipped to fill Kiryu's role as guardian than ever before.[break][break]

As Isaac saw the ascension of his Marowak, he was unsure whether to feel pride or deep shame. Yet all he could do was scurry back to cover like the cowardly rat he was.[break][break]

His retreat would not go uncovered. Toto may have been on his last legs, but he refused to let Kiryu's last stand go unanswered. As Isaac fell back, Toto channeled his grief and fear into an Aura Sphere of brilliant blues and yellows. Still tucked within cover, he hurled the Aura Sphere out like a desperate soldier's grenade. It zoomed past the Ampharos that had so grievously harmed him, past the litany of Steel types that blockaded his progress, past any Pokemon on the battlefield. Its destination? Paxton.[break][break]

Perhaps Paxton would find a way around the strike. He was crafty. Resourceful. Could handle anything he saw coming, and even the awesome power of Aura was no exception. Yet sometimes problems arose outside of the confines of known variables. Sometimes, things took a turn that nobody could have ever expected.[break][break]

Would Paxton see the second Aura Sphere coming, made of pure, blackened hatred?[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Magic Coat doesn't prevent Blizzard's damage, but the Freeze status effect is redirected at Duster (Cubone).[break]
Isaac is shot. A lot. And most of those shots really hurt![break]
Kiryu tries to intervene. An ill-fated Mega Evolution attempt softens her body enough for a shot to Isaac's head to become a shot right to her heart.[break]
Toto (Blastoise), despite taking a mega-powered, Terrain-enhanced Thunderbolt like a champ, bros up and drags Isaac behind cover.[break]
In her last moments, Kiryu channels all of that damage into a Metal Burst of immense power.[break]
Isaac recalls her, desperate to save her. However, though he fails to realize it, he's too late. Kiryu is dead.[break]
Duster evolves into an Alolan Marowak (cleared with Shiv!), Flare Blitzing out of his Freeze and standing by Ash's side.[break]
Toto launches an Aura Sphere from cover, not at a Pokemon but at Paxton himself . . .[break]
But where did that second Aura Sphere come from!?


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / + +


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2022 4:49:59 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

He hoped had a plan because he was starting to falter. He still needed to get down there and grab his pokemon, otherwise, having them return would only tell on his location. He's sure she can take care of , his attention full on . A part of him knew he should let the Magnezone go. They knew that. His priority was their mission: the primal point. All these other skirmishes were extra cleanup. He needed to leave, but leaving a VIP in the hands of terrorists would end up just as bad wouldn't it? But would it matter if there was no region after this? [break][break]

So he stayed put, taking a shot on one, only to watch it go through an Aggron. Even through the scope, it's hard to understand just how fucking weird mega evolution is and what happened when it was interrupted. Metal sloughed off the Aggron, trapping the bullet inside it's chest. "Lucky shot, huh, Hopper?" he murmured as he reached over for another round. The trainer was next. But then- When the Aggron gets back up, cold runs through him. Joules knows it too, metal creaking and shrieking, beeping wildly every which way and struggling to maintain any kind of pattern at all. The steel type was practically screaming, howling in it's own language at to take cover from whatever this was before- [break][break]

Hopper glows TELEPORTing Paxton behind thick cover and away form the precarious ledge, but not before a pair of bright red lights flash from his pokeballs zipping and cutting through, his vague location compromised now as METAL BURST blinded everyone. He is hugging Hopper, curled up behind boulders and listening to the aftermath befor Paxton whispers another perch, and Hopper moves him to it. Still at Penny's back, but on a different shoulder. She's still hostage, and Paxton is running out of time. Snipers aren't meant to be known after all. [break][break]

That much is clear on the first AURA SPHERE. Hopper moved in to take the kick, getting blasted backwards and shaking from the Blastoise's attack. Paxton is still weighing the odds of him getting a good shot on before he slits the Councilwoman's throat. "Hopper? Your range?" he whispered as the Porygon moved closer, it's body sparkling slightly as it tried to focus on RECOVERing. He took a deep breath, before picking out a pokeball. "Steentrup, can you grapple the-" The released Octillery ignored him, turning it's head and unleashing a HYDRO PUMP, the blast of water cutting upwards at a diagonal as the sphere of malicious black energy soared ever closer to his trainer. [break][break]

Paxton's eyes widen, adrenaline beginning to kick in. How close was it? He lifted his rifle off the ground, throwing the sling over his shoulder and clicking the bipod back into place. "Whatever it fuckin' is, prep it." he said as the octopues bubbled a SOAK attack ready and waiting for any sign of life. Hopper stayed behind Paxton, focused now on being their trainer's exit strategy.


+ | AYO [break][break]
- Joules the Magnezone drops ELECTRIC TERRAIN (3/5) [break]
- genuinely surprised Kiryu dies [break]
- Hopper the Porygon used TELEPORT to protect Paxton from METAL BURST [break]
- Hopper the Porygon TAKES AURA SPHERE for Paxton [break]
- Streenstrup the Octillery uses HYDRO PUMP against ?? AURA SPHERE [break]




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP