Breakeven (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 21:57:35 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor had been very secretive to everyone. , , , and people that he would arguably call his friends, or even more. It had all started with the opening of the rifts, and him seeing her on the other side right after Palkia had almost cut him to shreds. Amor wasn't crazy he knew that he had seen her, but he buried the memory, but when he learned that traveling beyond the rifts wasn't as dangerous as he initially thought. After his expeditions into the Mechanical Kingdom with , and he had learned it was possible to survive in these spaces. So a plan began to take route, a plan he had originally thought to use Dialga for.

The truth was he was selfish, he wanted the power of a God to turn back time, and undo all the tragedies in his life, but he would settle for walking into the literal underworld, and bringing her soul out with his own two hands. Amor was serious about this, but he hadn't told anyone any of this. In fact the only thing he had told his very best friend, Josh Dragomir, was that there were strange seals supposedly in this place, and he wanted to investigate them.

No one knew his true ambitions to bring someone back to life, and undo all the pain he was in....Because he knew that if they found out they would try to stop him. It was a madmans errand what he was attempting to do. Not to mention that he was sort of in a relationship with a Princess at the moment, but he was willing to throw it all away. Throw away everything of who he currently was, just to have once more chance at a happily ever after that was torn from him. So when they came upon the rift he just smiled at the blonde next to him.

"Y'know I always thought I'd go to the afterlife in a slightly more mundane manner, than just walking into it." He chuckled easily at his own morbid joke. "Or if not that, maybe a meteor would crash into my house, and take me out that way." Karmic retribution for everything he had done, and was going to do.

Amor wouldn't fail this time, he had grown stronger, gathered more powerful allies. This time, would be different....

This time would be different....It had to be.

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 22:19:25 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Josh had been busy as could be as of late. Between helping to stop the meteor and trying to deal with the aftermath effects, he had been balancing this with working on a new project. He had confessed to Amor what his mother had told him -- that it was time for her to test if he was a fit for his position or to even continue working with RaiCorp. If his heart was truly in it. How worried he was that he had been underperforming, and how much he wanted to make this happen. Not just for his mother, or for himself. Or to keep the job for his family. But because he truly believed that after all everyone had gone through, he wanted to make their lives just a little bit better in what way he could. He had the ability, he knew. He just needed to pull it off.
So being pulled from his busy schedule had been a surprise, but when Amor was involved, he would always make time. But this little expedition was strange. Where in the world were they going? He had only even heard of this place in Ranger reports. And Amor's intentions... What were they? His excuse was flimsy, he wanted help to investigate seals. But he gave no other details. Something was wrong here. And while he was not privy to Amor's current goal, there were things that Josh knew that Amor didn't know he knew.
He'd stopped shortly after Amor had spoken up. This talk of the spirit world... He remembered the glimpse he'd caught at some files a few times he'd been at Amor's manor a long time ago to do with ancient Sinnoh legends, and he'd had his suspicions. But was this it? Was this to do with what he'd seen? He had his guesses. Amor had grieved for his family heavily for years now. Josh understood, he'd gone through the same with his own father. But what was his aim here?
"Why are we here truly?"
He let that question hang a moment as he studied Amor's expression at that. "You do know you're the closest thing I have to a brother, right? If something was wrong, would you tell me?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 23:01:32 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
"Why are we here truly?"

The question came faster than he expected, they were just a few steps from the rift about to step into it, and the silver haired man halted for a moment as he contemplated it. Out of everyone that Amor was friends with only knew about his family, and that they had died. The how, and when he didn't, just that Amor hadn't ever really gotten over it. No one knew about Vivienne, save for , but he had only learned that because Amor had been emotionally vulnerable due to a lot of alcohol. Vivienne was his closest guarded secret, and he didn't turn to look back at Josh, which was a bit unusual for him.

"You know I've research a lot of myths, and legends. Read until I couldn't anymore, gone on countless expeditions to any place that could give me answers on what the Afterlife is like. Yet here it is a few feet in front of me, and all it took was a very large, and angry Dragon God to bring it to me." There was a hint of bitterness in his tone. "There are some things that are easier to see, than to explain." It wasn't really an answer to his friends question, but Amor was so close to his goal now. So close, and he couldn't risk Josh trying to talk him out of it.

Josh was a good man, Amor would die for him, and his family if push came to shove. He'd even betray Rocket to keep them safe if it was required. It was precisely because of that, that Josh was probably the one person who could talk him out of this, and Amor didn't want that. So with no further words he rushed through the portal to the other side, and it was far different than the Mechanical Kingdom he had visited.

The sky was the color of ash, and in front of him was a sea of floating islands with bridges connecting them. Large stone spires, reaching up to embrace the sky in a sea of ghostly colored wisps, floating upward. A perpetual sunset broke through the clouds, and Amor began to look around curiously, and in a flash of white a Dragapult was at his side.

"This is not what I expected in the least...." He spoke softly to himself as he looked around, he assumed Josh would be right behind him. By the end of their time in this place, he would have his answer for their purpose here.

Amor just couldn't admit to it....Not yet at least.

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2023 22:26:59 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Amor was lying. He knew he was lying. It was as flimsy as an excuse as could be. Far too general to merit yeeting him out of nowhere to get here. Barely any preparation, and no proper team to investigate. And why did he need a Ranger, a friend, when he could have brought an excavation team with his boundless heaps of money? There was something personal at work here. Something that Amor didn't want anyone else to know. He had brought someone that he thought would keep quiet, and defend him if it came to it. That was what was going on.
"Amor, please tell me the truth. If there's something going on, maybe I can help you find-" he had tried to protest, but Amor had already jumped through the portal. The blonde made a face at that. "... A better way. Good grief."
Well, there was nothing to it now. He needed to fish his friend out of whatever peril they would find on the other side. He just hoped there was a way out. So with that, he and Lightning would leap through the portal after him without any further hesitation, despite being half confident that he would probably die before they got anywhere.
Well, he didn't die. But it sure looked like hell to him. He'd seen a lot of shit, and none of it was anything like this. Josh clapped a hand on Amor's shoulder the moment he caught sight of him, even if he was still trying to process what they were seeing.
"Well, I see it. Congratulations, we're in the afterlife. Hopefully we can get out" Josh remarked bluntly, staring Amor dead in the face at that. "Nobody seeks out the afterlife on a whim. If we're going further, I need to know why we're here. The fact you're lying to me is only making it a bigger problem, and it's clear you have a personal reason."
A personal reason. Why would someone go to the-
A long sigh ensued as it hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Is this to try to bring back your parents, Amor? Is that what this is about? You can tell me, I'd understand. When I spent all those years thinking my father was gone, I..."
He couldn't even finish the thought at first, but his face said it all. It was the worst thing to experience. He'd never wish that grief on anyone.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON May 2, 2023 21:14:46 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Annoyance flashed across his face as Josh tried to talk to him about his parents. What could he know? What did he know? He was finally here, that meant there was a chance no matter how slim it was.

"That is the difference, you thought they were gone. Mine are gone, Josh. No happy ending, no surprise they have always been there looking after me. I watched them die." that was the harsh reality of it all. "Don't worry, I wouldn't bring you anywhere that we couldn't get out of. I don't feel like risking 's wrath, because I got you trapped in purgatory." The hand on his shoulder was reassuring. There was shared history, so many adventures from the moment they met, up until this point.

They had fought countless battles together, despite drifting apart, Amor still felt that was his best friend. He trusted him enough to bring him to his place with him, to have his back no matter what, but they were now past the threshold.

"Before I answer you, let me pose a question to you. Tell me, if you lost Izumi what would you give to get her back? Would you be willing to travel to the ends of the earth? Hop into alternate dimensions, for even the slightest chance to get her back? If you knew it was possible." It wasn't a fair question, what man wouldn't give the entire world to have his love back, but he wouldn't let Josh get in his way, so he asked him this incredibly unfair question to set the tone. If Amor failed he didn't know what fate would await him at the end of this tunnel, but until literal demons dragged him down to hell, he would keep trying, and trying.

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Breakeven (M)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 17:21:21 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Perhaps Amor didn’t know it, but he had just made a massive mistake.
The Ranger’s expression darkened when he downplayed his situation because he “thought they were gone”. He stopped, then. “I’ll let that go because you’re not thinking rationally” he spoke with a calm sternness, but the slight edge behind his tone made it very clear that Amor had made a major error. The blonde’s grip on Amor’s shoulder became very firm. A reminder that, despite his consistently warm and friendly demeanor towards Amor, Ranger Dragomir was a hardened former International Police member, highly trained, deceptively physically strong, and more than capable of snapping the vital bones of most people with very little effort.
“Let me remind you. He didn’t just walk back in the next day like nothing happened. I spent YEARS Amor, YEARS, thinking that was it. No happy ending, I spent over four years thinking he was dead. There was no indication he’d survived whatsoever. I had to grieve, I had to LIVE with the knowledge that I could do nothing, that I was too weak to accompany him, that I couldn’t save him” Josh made very clear, calm laced with underlying traces of boiling anger being repressed under the surface. “I had to walk with that burden for a long, long time and even when he came back, that didn’t undo any of the damage. It was already long inflicted. So excuse me for having a miracle happen after years and years of pain and suffering, that while I am deeply grateful it happened, doesn’t erase what I went through.”
The Ranger took a deep breath as he allowed his grip to relax. He’d gotten it out of his system, at least. He sympathized with Amor’s plight, but he knew how foolish this was. And Amor’s next question was very much an unfair one. One that got him to just sigh.
“In my heart? I’d do anything. But…” he trailed off as he shook his head. “My mind knows that I have to do it right. I have to do my research, consider things rationally. If this was really feasible, if this was a reliable possibility… Then someone with more resources than you or I would have done it already. A place that can resurrect your loved ones? It’s just not something that would stay a secret for long, and I’m not arrogant enough to think that you or I could straight up discover something this huge, unfettered, no bullshit.”
His hand moved up so he could hook Amor by the shoulder and neck, pulling him into something of a one-armed hug. While he was angry at Amor for putting him in this situation and insulting what he had been through, he did want it to be clear he was on his side here. “And that’s the rub… How much obsessive, reckless forays into something I might not come back from, before I’m disgracing Izumi’s memory? Playing with forces that I shouldn’t control, potentially causing untold damage. That I’d be willing to risk throwing away the connections we made together, all the memories, or in my case, our kids… To bring her back because I can’t move on? She wouldn’t forgive me, even if I was successful in the end. If she were to die… As much as I would desperately want her back, she would want me to move forward and make a happy life for myself and the kids. And if one day a reliable option came up? Maybe that’s the day I’d see her again. Maybe I have to wait until it’s my time to go, I don’t know. But something like that… What I know for sure is that cheating death is never free. And she wouldn’t want someone to pay the price for her life either.”
But he knew Amor probably wouldn’t stop, even with that. He knew all too well that Amor wouldn’t let anything stop him.
“We’ll explore a bit more, see if we can gather intel” he brought up then, surprisingly offering to continue to help. “But as soon as things look dangerous, we need to turn back. Regroup. Put our heads together, do more research as a team, and actually get a plan together that doesn’t involve lying to me and rushing in.”
Izumi was going to kill Amor if she found out about that.
“I don’t know who this is for. But I know that they would never want you to risk yourself in the unknown like this for their sake. If there’s any chance that this will lead to your happiness, I’ll do my best to help. But I refuse to risk your life foolishly either. If things go wrong, I need your word that we’ll leave and return with a proper battle plan” Josh remarked, shooting Amor a pointed look. “You may refuse to believe it, but you have a family that loves you. And wants what’s best for you, and for you to be safe. You are my children’s godfather, Amor, and they look to you like you’re their own family. As do Izumi and I. My kids look up to you, and we depend on you. We don't want something to happen to you.”

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