A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 23:53:58 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"Sounds like there's a pretty decent number of Rocket up ahead."

Hideo could be grateful his hearing was better than normal - and it hadn't been ruined by all the chaos he'd been in the past couple years. It wasn't exactly helping him find a way out, but it was great for noticing any threats before they noticed him. And it wasn't just him here at risk if he got in a fight with an entire group of Rockets.

He turned to . "Brute force probably isn't the best idea…but I think we can get past them with a bit of misdirection. What do you say I get my Pokemon to distract'em and yours take them down?"

He already had his white Zoroark out, though that wasn't the only Pokemon he had planned for this.

PD Mission: Comms

MP Total: 60
+10 (post)
+50 (PD Mission Participation)
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July 17
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 0:47:13 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
It wasn't very often that Aaron sulks. The fact that was a Rocket member blew his mind. But he also couldn't help but think she was being forced. He hadn't tried to ask Hideo more about it. He doubted Hideo didn't know, same with Doug. Right now, he wanted Hideo out of here, and maybe he could focus on whatever Rocket was doing. The blonde stopped when Hideo did, saying he heard a pretty decent number of Rockets up ahead. The plan to thin the heard met his approval. Taking out his Gengar, who held a red umbrella cartoonishly, he responded to the blind boy. "Sounds good. Divide and conquer...your Pokemon directs them right into Gengar, he'll put them all to sleep with Hypnosis."

At least that was the safest way. A fight could alert the others to what they were doing. And perhaps even interrupt it and put both of them in danger against overwhelming numbers. "I'm ready whenever you are."

MP: 50 (pd mission participation) + 10 (post) = 60
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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 17:59:58 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo nodded. "Yeah, that's perfect. Taking them down without a fight's the best way to go here." Especially if they could do it without seriously harming anyone. He was hoping there wouldn't be a repeat like what happened in their "battle" against .

With a nod, another Pokemon appeared - Uxie. The small fairy didn't need any explanation for their plan, already fully aware from Hideo's thoughts. A small light appeared from Uxie's chest, one popping out from the Zoroark as well - each Pokemon's light flying into the other. The Skill Swap's effect would immediately become clear, the Zoroark Levitating slightly off the ground as an Illusion covered it - looking exactly like the Zoroark.

And with that, Uxie disappeared, teleporting off somewhere. The levitating Zoroark went up to the top of the cave, preparing an ambush for the incoming Rockets. Its shadow extended around the cave wall, its Shadow Sneak edging closer and closer.

"...so, uh, how do you feel? 'Bout her being with Rocket, I mean."

PD Mission: Comms

MP Total: 70
+10 (post)
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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 20:18:52 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Gengar moved into position, making sure that the disguised Uxie and Zoroark knew where he was so that he could put the Rockets to sleep. It was an easy enough plan...and hopefully the three Pokemon can work together smoothly. It was just being patient and hope that they wouldn't be found out. Though they still had other Pokemon to draw on, especially his own ace in Trevenent, but he also had Metagross that did most of his fighting in Littleroot. Hideo would ask him about how he felt about being in Rocket. Leaning back against the wall, he closed his eyes. Remembering seeing his best friend back in Johto filled his vision before he opened them back up. "I almost told Andy Blackadder when we found a corpse on Mt. Pyre about the only other time I've seen one outside of a funeral. I was six years old, still living in Olivine at the time. My best friend had been missing for a month. While I was riding on mom's Arcanine, mom, my friend's parents, and two rangers were talking. A Phantump came up to us, seemed really insistant on us following him. He lead us right to my friend's naked corpse. Beaten and bruised, with a hole where a tree stump was near by. The Phantump then lead us to the kidnapper's house. I don't know what happened to the kidnapper after that since we moved, but that Phantump became my first Pokemon since he stayed with us. Seemed really affectionate to my friend's parents too. But when I think about Eris being in Rocket, I see that again. Stumbling across her dead body just a day too late. She needs to get out of that organization. And whoever trying to kill her taken care of as well. I...don't want to see another friend as a corpse again."

He had never been so emotional around the two people before. He was always a bit on the reserved end, but was always stoic and monotone. Perhaps that incident was why. He hadn't shown that any of it really bothered him at all. At least not too much in a negative way. Aaron would wait for Gengar to show back up again, holding up two fingers, then disappearing again. "Gengar says two sleeping like babies." Then again, Hideo might have heard them fall when they fell asleep from Hypnosis...

MP: 50 (pd mission participation) + 20 (post) = 70
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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 23:32:27 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The plan wasn't too complex: Uxie!Zoroark would catch the Rockets' attention, teleporting away before they got too close. The real Zoroark would extend its shadow from the ceiling with a Shadow Sneak, separating and confusing them. Uxie's presence ensured the Rockets wouldn't look up to find the real Zoroark, and soon, they'd draw them towards Aaron's Gengar.

Meanwhile, that just left the two boys to talk with each other, and Hideo certainly got an answer to his question.

"That's, uh, wow," Hideo hesitated, "that's rough." It took him a moment to process it all; he hadn't heard Aaron talk that much since that one time at 's camp. "I'm sorry you lost your friend like that."

There'd be a brief pause as Hideo tried to think of something to say - also listening for their Pokemons' progress.

"I really want Eris to get out of Rocket too, but she's in a really tough spot. I know Rocket won't be happy if she leaves, and she's already got someone in the League that wants to kill her."

Hideo paused again, thinking about how much would want him to tell Aaron.

And shortly after, he discarded that thought. She'd probably get herself embroiled further with Rocket if he said nothing, or would keep them in the dark until she was another body by a tree. "...that guy she said tried to murder her? She told me it was . Not someone you could just 'take care of'."

PD Mission: Comms

MP Total: 80
+10 (post)
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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 0:21:39 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Gengar managed to get one or two to sleep. So far, things were going very smoothly on his end. The two other Pokemon would split them up, lead one to him, Hypnosis, move the body in time for the other one to get to him, then Hypnosis again. It was quite fun for him.

Aaron took out a Pokeball and looked at it. "But did I? Sure, his physical body is gone, but Phantump are said to be born from the souls of children who died in the forest and possessed a tree stump. It's still interesting if that is true...and the evidence certainly makes me think maybe he's the very Pokemon that is my ace, just all grown up." And much stronger. Hideo seemed to hesitate after that though. Then mentioning her tough spot. Yeah...she had a legendary now. And Rocket was not forgiving to deserters and traitors. Less so than anyone else really. But even sinking so low as to target a child? Even if she does possess a legendary, that seemed overboard. And that didn't count for the who wants to kill her either.

Then Hideo dropped the bombshell. Matias Silph. Oh boy. "You're shitting me. An Elite Four member and a member of the Silph family wants a child dead. Wait, were you and Eris at Littleroot during Meteno? Was he there too? Please tell me he doesn't have a legendary too..." If he did, then he had a good guess as to which one. And that meant he had more than one beef with the dude. "Any idea on why he wants Eris dead? And I suspect that's not exactly known, or people dismissed it as fake because child wants attention..." If it was, even with a legendary at his side, he would hope that the League would cut such a psychopath loose. But then again...people will forgive a lot of things for a strong player...

MP: 50 (pd mission participation) + 30 (post) = 80

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2023 22:55:05 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The constant misdirection ensured the Rockets never knew where the Zoroark(s) really were - or if those were really what they were dealing with. Any attempt to call for outside help was either stymied by a well-timed attack, or filled with contradictory information.

And any that might've gotten close to understanding their situation, were put to sleep.

The situation regarding Aaron's Phantump brought to mind 's Yamask - the one the older boy claimed was his uncle. "Well, I've heard of that happening with other Ghost-types before." He wanted to add that he didn't know if it were true or not, but he didn't want to call Aaron's hope into question.

"Yeah, the . Dunno if it's true or not, and she told me about it before Littleroot. Before either of us had Uxie and Mesprit." After they'd gotten their marks. "And she's not the only person that hates him. hates him too, though she didn't tell me why…so that's making me think Eris is telling the truth."

Even if the one time he'd actually talked to Matias, he didn't seem like a bad person. A bit clumsy with words, but well-meaning.

"I really don't know why he'd try to do it, but there's something up if he's even pissed off Melody. Elite Four don't get angry at other Elite Four for nothing."

PD Mission: Comms

MP Total: 90
+10 (post)
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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 0:54:45 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Gengar continued his reign of terror with the two other Pokemon. But something seemed off. Like they were missing a couple. Just where did they go? The ghost started to search for them.

Seemed he wasn't the only one that wondered that. Aaron half wondered if one of Andy's pokemon were much the same. Assuming, of course, it was all true.

Hideo wasn't sure if it was true. But then again...who forgets the face of their tormenter? Misidentification was a thing, but a good, hard look usually makes them remember it. Tunnel vision really, since all other details are often not there. But even another Elite Four member hates him. That was definitely odd. Sure, personality conflicts happen, but it was still unusual among top trainers like that to not get along. Hideo had a point. "He could also be hiding it. Or masking his true feelings or something. I'd have to investigate. Have you met him personally? What was he like?" Oh, dear Hideo...what luck to have met two Elite Four members. Aaron had yet to meet one. Preferably when he had one of his strongest Pokemon with him, so he could just see how he fared. Though with Matias...he may not want to, else take it a bit too far...

MP: 50 (pd mission participation) + 40 (post) = 90

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 23:36:50 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"Maybe." It was true that might've just been playing nice with him. "I did get to talk to him once, a little bit after I lost my Ariados. He tried to comfort me, but…well, he was a bit clumsy about it. But it seemed like he really did try." It had made being told Matias tried to kill Eris all the rougher - and why he still wanted to confirm if it were really true. "He said he was eager to battle me when I finally got all eight badges, but now they changed the Champion stuff in Hoenn so I got no idea if I'd even battle him now."

Did he even want to do it anymore? He hadn't put much effort in trying to get that eighth badge for some time now.

"If you are gonna try and look into him? Be careful. If he's as willing to kill as Eris said, you don't wanna put yourself at risk. I'm still trying to find a way to-"

A rumble through the cave stopped that thought, and Hideo could hear the sound of Uxie popping up beside him. He could hear his Zoroark land near him as well, just as Uxie sent a message to both boy's minds.


"Crap," Hideo muttered, "One of them must've panicked and done something dumb." The distinctive sound of rocks cracking above them was hard to miss, and it was only a matter of time until some began to fall. Hideo's Zoroark grabbed him, pulling him out of the way of the giant rock that fell between him and Aaron.

Good news, he was unhurt. Bad news, Hideo found there wasn't any way around it. "Aaron, can you hear me?!" Hideo shouted, "Unless you got something that can teleport you, I don't think we can get around this one!" The option of having one of his Pokemon break the rocks was there, but who knew when more rocks were going to fall?

PD Mission: Comms

MP Total: 400
+10 (post)
+100 (mission complete)
+200 (win) (Rockets distracted and disoriented)
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2023 2:28:25 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Hmmm...so the guy had a nice side. Clumsy with words of comfort, maybe. Still...no one forgets so easily the face of someone that tried to kill them. More investigation was needed. Then came the worries of being able to battle him due to the champion rankings. "From my understanding, they are the benchmark, and still the obstacle you face before you target the champion to be considered champion rank. So go earn whatever badges you have left, and take them on. And earn the champion rank." It was just a slight change in his mind. Still no reason to hesitate, just get that last badge, and go after it.

Hideo started a word of warning, then things went to shit. Hideo's Zoroark came in and got the blind boy out of the way. His Gengar did much the same as rocks from above started to crumble and fall on top of them. Resulting in them being separated. Damn. There was still enough gaps that he heard Hideo's voice. "Trevenant knows Phantom Force, but the problem is coordinates! We've never been to this part of the Deep Sea Caverns nor was he out to see where he could open up a portal. And if we try to brute force our way back to each other, more rocks and rubble may fall on us. Just keep going on ahead, I'll try to find a way around and meet up with you!" At least the boy was fine. Well, both of them anyways. The blonde turned to see a new tunnel. Well, might as well start walking...

MP: 50 (pd mission participation) + 50 (post) + 100 (mission complete) + 200 (win) = 400

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A Little Bit of Tomfoolery (Postdormitorum)
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 1:43:28 GMT
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