A Beckoned Call [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 20:05:06 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It was never a fun day when you were called to the principal's office.

Well, it wasn't fair to call Amor's laboratory the 'principal's office'. He couldn't call it a secretary's office verbally, unless he wanted to become a box floating down the river. If you were called by the upper brass, you wrote up a will, left your worldly possessions to your Aerodactyl, then you came.

Especially when it involved coming to headquarters. Howard loathed the place. It was soulless, and the coffee was terrible. Besides, he was hardly needed here. He was an archaeologist. An explorer. He was at his most useful when he was out on a dig, not rotting in a submarine.

Stupid sub.

Thus, Howard found himself standing by the entrance to Amor's lab, taking a deep breath. He took another. "You can do this. You're fine. He's not gonna kill you. You're fine." Howard already knew this. If he was in any real danger, he'd have been killed in a 'excavation accident'. Those were really convenient, especially when the cause of death was four bullets to the back of the head.

With that, Howard entered into the lab.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 20:28:13 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor had learned of a recent escapade with , and . They had apparently caused a bit of ruckus in Lilycove. Which was fine, normally he wouldn't take exception to this, but he had heard that one of his favorite cafe's was closed indefinitely because the owner who was an older lady, had been given a fright. She wasn't harmed just the stress of things happening around her caused her age to show. It annoyed Amor because he liked that place, the sweet cakes they had, along with the lemonade was delightful. It was also annoying having to find a new cafe, so he had figured he would talk with the one responsible. It was also because he had heard of the state of dress of one of them.

To be a Rocket, and not have a proper disguise....It was disgraceful to say the least. Of course he was here to get to know the person, and also after looking at the file. Amor found himself wary of this particular grunt. It would seem that Howard kept his distance from most other Rockets for some reason. That combined with his horrid disguise....It smelt of a rat for the League. So Amor was here to confirm whether Howard was in fact a traitor or not, with an easy chat. There were other things he was going to do, but that would be later. It was then that the door to his lab opened up.

"Mr. Slayte....You're on time, I appreciate that." Amor was in his lab coat, his glasses were on, and he was busy studying what appeared to be a preserved Vespiquen. It was one of the ones that had helped him capture so long ago. Amor had kept them in a mummified state for display purposes, and for further study. "Take a seat...." He gestured to a comfy looking chair, and he covered the cadaver, taking his gloves off, and disposing of them. "Would you like some lemonade?" He asked pouring himself a glass from a pitcher, with an easy smile.

It begins!

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Admin Fox
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 22:57:41 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
And so it began. The blasted game of politics. As soon as you stepped foot into the secretary's office, or any office, it began a game of people. Amor was not what Howard had expected. He had expected Amor's lab to be something out of a science fiction novel, with Amor himself cackling madly as he mixed ammonia and bleach together.

Instead, it was relatively normal. Howard had been in similar labs at both Rustboro and Slateport's Universities. That, combined with Amor's smile, made the archaeologist relax slightly. Even if Howard was still on guard, it was far harder to do when the other person seemed so reasonable. Especially when that person offered you lemonade. What sort of upper brass offered a low-ranking member a beverage?

Hell, most of Team Rocket's upper leadership would spit into Howard's drink and demand he praise the vintage.

"You honor me, Head Scientist." Howard nodded his head in respect. "Time is a valuable thing, and people's time has value. Something few people understand, I'm sorry to say. If I was twenty minutes late, not only would that be disrespectful to you, but it would cause me to miss Big Monster: The Titanic Tyranitar's opening act. It's broadcasting later tonight, see. Alternatively," Howard eyed the Vespiquen as it disappeared under a cover. "We could discuss the regional distinctions of Vespiquen, based on fossilized honey records. So many topics, so little time."

Watching Amor cover the cadaver with a cloth with interest, Howard stood there for a moment, before relenting and allowing himself to sit in his specified seat. It was a plush and comfy chair. As far as seating available to Howard was concerned, it was second to none. A kind word, a drink, and a comfortable seat? It was a deadly combination.

"A drink? Ah. It'll likely go straight to my thighs." Howard sighed, before shrugging with a wry smile. "But—like your request to see me—how could I refuse?"

TL;DR Jokey Howard + appealing to Amor by mentioning the Vespiquen in an academic manner

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 19:55:27 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Oh you could have absolutely refused me...." Amor said with his usual charming smile as he poured the man a glass of lemonade, and slid it across the desk with a practiced ease. Should Howard choose to drink it, he would notice that it was the perfect ratio of sweet, and tart. The mans attempts to flatter him weren't lost on him, and perhaps they would discuss the Vespiquen, but for now Amor had other things on his mind as he drained his glass of lemonade, and looked across to Howard. It was almost like he was studying the man in front of him like he was just another specimen.

"Do you know where I got this lemonade? There is a lovely cafe in Lilycove you see, it's owned by an elderly woman. Sweetest lady you could ever speak to...." Amor's smile stayed on his face the entire time that he spoke. "However due some unfortunate circumstances, that cafe is closed now, perhaps indefinitely...." His voice stayed level not betraying a hint of what he was feeling. "It would seem that there had been a disturbance near her, and a couple of hooligans gave her quite the fright as they tried to escape the scene of a crime....One of the men I'm told was very poorly disguised." At that Amor's teal eyes bore directly into Howards one good eye.

"It's a shame you see....That was one of my favorite places to escape this wretched world....And due to some idiot in a ski mask....It was taken from me." The words came sharply, but his smile remained. "Tell me, if something that helped you relax after a long day of dealing in the kind of business that we do, was taken away. How would you feel Mr. Slayte?" It was a simple question....A very simple, and yet very loaded question.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 19:21:57 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Tap. Tap. Tap. Howard's fingers danced across the chair's armrest in an elaborate dance. It was a tic of his. He did it absentmindedly to practice dexterity. It also occurred when he was nervous, though his face betrayed nothing. He listened to Amor's story in earnest. It was only polite to listen to the charges before death by guillotine.

"A long way to travel," Howard said, "for some lemonade. It must mean a lot to you. I'm sorry to hear that such a renowned shop is closing its doors."

He had a suspicion that this lemonade store was a sham. An elaborate ruse concocted on some trumped up charge. He and were ordered to snatch the necklace on orders. Between Amor's precious lemonade stand and getting flagged as traitors for not carrying out orders, Howard would take the former every single time. If that required him to scare a hundred old ladies out of their lemonade shops, he'd do it.

His life was more valuable than Amor Rose's vices.

"If Titanic Tyranitar isn't playing on cable because some fool destroyed the broadcasting station hosting it, I'd watch it on DVD. If some idiotic grunt tossed it into the trash, I'd watch my VHS copy instead. The latter is so old that nobody will know how to ruin it." Howard said carefully as held he rested his head on a hand. Tap. Tap. Tap. "You're a very smart man, smarter than most people in Team Rocket. I suspect you might enjoy the challenge a workaround presents. I'm not particularly smart, so I doubt I'd be able to solve such a quandary."

Where was this going? What did Amor want from him? Was he seriously about to be reprimanded over lemonade?

"Yet what I, since you know it was me, did was unprofessional. That is unacceptable." Howard bowed his head slightly. "I operated within my budget. I apologize, but I suspect you want something more... concrete. Want my other eye? Not as tasty as lemonade, I confess, but perhaps it'll make you feel better, watching me bunp about into walls."

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 11:36:48 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to the man it was apparent that was far more forgiving than Amor. To a point at the very least, was Amor actually pissed that his favorite Cafe was now closed down? Yes. Was he going to rip this guys eye out over it? No. It would rob Rocket of a valuable body, and that wasn't his style anyway. Amor preferred to make deals, he liked having people indebted to him, and rely on him. Building his own little science ecosystem within Rocket was going slow, but only because he was incredibly picky when it came to those he trusted. He could count those people on one hand.

"Your blood doesn't hold the same value as that cafe, I assure you....However the main issue is that you were found out....I always follow the logic of, if I can figure it out, so can my enemies...." Which as Howard put it was unacceptable. "In regards to your budget, it will be increased....I cannot have the League finding out about you...." Amor's teal eyes shone with amusement. "Tell me....How many people know how smart you actually are? I've done a fair bit of research on you...." Amor poured himself another glass of lemonade, and took a sip.

"Born to parents who had a fascination with Fossils, and I believed owned a jewelry cutting business....I'm sure that is what caused you to walk down the path that you currently do. Despite your brilliance, you failed at pretty much every turn. No one gave you grants for your research, and you have funded all of your research by yourself...." Amor's eyes never left Howards one good eye. "Constantly broke, and struggling to just make ends meet, that is when you joined Rocket." Amor paid attention to those under him in the hierarchy.

"A promising Archaeologist, and fluent in several dead languages....You are quite valuable....It's a wonder you didn't get my post." That was because Amor surmised that Howard didn't want anyone to know how valuable he truly was. As far as he was concerned the man was more than fit for the job. "Being a grunt I'm sure you make enough to get by....But I'm going to give you an opportunity, which you are free to reject. I will fund whatever expeditions you want to do, never will your research want for money ever again....In return, you will join my personal staff here in Rocket....I require someone with your skills on the team I want to build." Amor tapped his fingers lightly on the desk.

"Also whether you accept or refuse, you will be receiving a new disguise....I cannot have you running around like a saturday morning cartoon villain again." And there it was, and so Amor just waited. "Ah yes....I do expect full reports on your research if I am funding it as well. To keep track of what you are getting into, and such...." He finished with a charming smile.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 2:12:56 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Tap. Tap. Tap. The finger danced continued as Howard silently listened with a faint smile on his face. This quickly melted off as Amor connected personal life to work. This was something Howard had staunchly avoided. He preferred his privacy in a group that expected everything else. Amor had dug deep, a claw mining into the layers of stone and soil that made up Howard's affairs and past, extracting whatever fossils of information that had value.

And the Head Scientist had done his work well, indeed. Few dug so far that they reached bedrock. Howard's intel was largely public. Hell, Amor had probably done a quick search online and found all he needed to know.

Blasted search engines.

Tap. Tap. Tap tap. Howard leaned forward slightly. Color me impressed. I was unaware that I had a wiki page. Maybe I'm better at my job than I thought." Before Amor's eyes, a change came over the archaeologist. He stood up straight in his seat. His eye became hard and alert, and, as he spoke, his voice grew stronger. "I did not get the post because my skills are not as esteemed as yours. I did not get the position because I am not considered trustworthy by those who pull the strings. Most importantly, I didn't get the job because I never wanted it."

The position was unappealing. Howard's position within Team Rocket gave him funding. It gave him security. It gave him the greatest blessing of all: inconspicuousness. He was not the right fit for the position, but Amor Rose was. He had ambition, grander goals, and the resources to make such a thing happen. Howard knew all this because of what Amor was offering him now. The construction of an additional team within Team Rocket?

Responsibilities were piling up. Soon, Howard would be crushed by them. Just as the failures of his past dragged him from behind like a rope attached to a mountain.

By his own standards, it was best to reject this offer. He hated being known. The more eyes that were on him, the more dangerous things became. This was a mistake. He was making a mistake. Dammit, but the money. The freedom.

The freedom to research what he wanted as long as he sould his freedom to the man sitting across for him. Oh, Amor might not think it as that, but that's what Howard viewed it as.

"I have one question. I ask it not out of distrust, but out of interest." Howard steepled his fingers. He could not say 'he'd think about it'. If he did that, he would never sit in this office with Amor again under such vast potential. "I can only presume you want something from me. It's only reasonable. You did not become a Head Scientist for bestowing gifts freely given. What will you have me research on your behalf? What's in it for you?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 19:59:55 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor watched as Howard realized just exactly who he was dealing with. Amor was always prepared with any, and all knowledge that he could find on his targets, research was something that others didn't seem very keen on doing. Perhaps they liked being at a disadvantage?

"If you want to talk about trustworthy....I defected from the League, and then not long after that I crashed a Rocket party because I found out one of the Mad Dogs of Rocket attacked my Ex-Girlfriend. Had an Underboss not intervened I would have caused more damage." Amor stated to Howard easily. "If I can still get this post after all of that....I'm sure there is some leeway for you still." Came the amused reply, and then he heard the mans last question, it was a rational question, and Amor found himself tapping his cheek curiously.

"That is the question isn't it, and unfortunately there isn't an easy answer. I research many things you see...." Amor tapped on his HoloWatch, and several holographic photo's of several legendary pokemon that Amor had encountered appeared. A Moltres, Groudon, Regidrago, Palkia, Cobalion, and Spectrier. "I'm sure you recognize at least a few of these pokemon." He stated before the pictures vanished, and then Amor just tapped his cheek once more. "I would leverage your expertise of the past, because you see it's not a secret. I want one of those pokemon that I just showed you. Specifically the dragon titan Regidrago....I know that it's another place, a past version of Hoenn. Whether it's our past or an entirely different universe remains to be seen." Amor explained to Howard.

The problem was that Amor didn't have any knowledge of archaeology or what kind of tests he would need to figure out that sort of thing. Howard on the other hand was extremely useful in that regard.

"So I want you to scour Hoenn for every scrap of Dragon lore that you can find. If it was sent into our past, and not another alternate reality....Then we might be able to find some clues." Amor had realized that he perhaps had been going about finding his Titan the wrong way. Trying to traverse dimensions was going to be fruitless, so he would have to reverse engineer it's location from the present.

"Do you accept?" Came the question with a charming smile attached to it.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 6:38:31 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Just another day at the office." Howard said casually, with a faint smile, before turning serious again. He listened wordlessly as Amor explained his past. Team Rocket was full of those who had been wronged. It was full of the unstable, the violent, and the deranged. This was where the dregs of society that turned their backs on the League ended up. Poor. Unwanted. Broken.

Yet Amor seemed reasonable. He was a well-read man. He was a connected man. You did not defy powerful people and expect a content existence. Even if Howard left this room now, and Amor did not seek retribution, that nagging thought of 'what could have been' would rot in the back of his mind for eternity.

Then, these figures of legend. Yes, Howard had seen several. No archaeologist worth their salt simply ignored figures as powerful as these. Howard viewed them as artifacts, parts of a past time, that needed to remain in existence. They protected the world, past and future, and allowed for glimpses both ways.

Howard frowned at the Regidrago. He hadn't seen that one. Yet it seemed familiar. That face, where had he seen it before? Those symbols? Where had they come from? Amor was offering him funding to do what he already did. Explore Hoenn, gather intel, and discover more about the world.

Amor was offering a grant. Howard smiled. The first bit of actual grant funding, and it came from Amor Rose.

"Very well. I will read every book. Every tome. Every piece of poetry, prose, historical accounts, and tall tales connected to Regidrago. We will inspect every inch, every centimeter, every nanometer of ruins in Hoenn. For your goal. For my funding. For the 'glory' of our precious organization."

Their boots would shake the earth like thunder. At the end of their quest, they would see the brighter dawn.

"Very well." They shook hands, and the noose tightened further.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 19:28:46 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

There was enthusiasm, it made Amor smile though when you could throw around the kind of money that he could, there were generally only two reactions. Shock, and awe. Or terror. Amor had yet to see an inbetween, he remembered when he had invested into RaiCorp, the look that had been on 's face. Thankfully that investment was paying large dividends even to this day. He had a feeling that this investment would yield similar results, and he shook Howards hand firmly. The man seemed to be laying it on a tad thick, but Amor wouldn't stop him.

"We will worry about glory once we have tangible results....Until then welcome aboard." Amor smiled at him, and then from his pocket he handed howard a black card with gold embroidering. It contained on it an address it was very similar to the one that he had given . The address was to a building that Amor had bought for the instance in that Rocket had a rat in it, he didn't want his research getting to the League.

"Be there in two days at around seven in the morning. We will discuss things further with the other members of my staff, so I don't have to repeat myself." Amor explained, and he sat back down in his swivel chair. "If you have no further qualms, I will leave you to the rest of your day. I'm sure this is a lot to process. Expect the first deposit of your funding to be in your bank account when you come to the meeting place." Of course Amor didn't tell Howard just how much he would be receiving he would leave that as a surprise, because Amor enjoyed the look on people's faces when he gave them what he thought they were worth.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
A Beckoned Call [S]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 9:42:22 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Ah, you're assembling a team." Howard stood up as he accepted the card. With a deft flick of the hand, it disappeared. "I was hoping to catch the animated episode of Brycen-Man Chronicles, but I suspect an exception can be made."

Just like that, the persona slipped on again. The casual expression, the joking manner, all of it returned once business had concluded. Despite his soft heart and distaste for the organization, Howard had become adept at pretending something he was not. That was good. Everyone in Team Rocket was pretending that they were someone else entirely.

Some of them even hoped they were that someone else.

With a nod and a flourish, Howard turned to the door. "We should discuss that cadaver you have, sometime. It's a wonderful specimen. Thank you for the lemonade. I am sorry about that store of yours." Howard Slayte disappeared as the door closed.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Howard walked down the hall, before disappearing down a corner. He leaned against the wall, before deflating slightly. "What is your dream, Amor Rose?" Howard muttered, before walking away, back slightly hunched as the rope he pulled grew heavier by the day.



it's a long life full of long nights