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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 5:43:59 GMT
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Only half of Josh's body still ached that evening in late October. Pokémon healing combined with the miracle of modern surgery to make the process of extracting Bullet Seeds from within the Gym Leader's body much less painful than it otherwise would. Many of the projectiles were in his skin too deep to be topically removed, requiring the use of anesthesia, scalpel, forceps, and other surgical tools to extract. The procedure was not difficult; it was just tedious due to how many times he had been shot.

Thankfully for the Gym Leader, he was at the point where he could have a single Pokémon in his room to keep him company; with his roommate having been discharged, there was plenty of space for Basil to walk around. The saddled Leafeon's aroma was a relaxing one, soothing Josh's wounds ever so slightly. At least there was Monday Night Football to break up the monotony of being bedridden.

All of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door. Who could that have been? He wasn't scheduled for a nurse visit at this hour...

{WC: 184}
{PC: 1}

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Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 11:33:00 GMT
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"hi josh."

to address him as devlin felt wrong at this point, or any point outside of official business.

"i'm just checking up on you since i'm around. i guess since i'm here anyways, i can go tell your gym trainers that they have permission to operate the gym in your absence, but the decision is ultimately yours."

it was josh that knows his personnel best, and since he was a person deeply rooted with a sense of responsibility, kyle figured he can offer the choice to him.

"anyways, that's just me beating around the bush." kyle never was the most personable despite the friendliness. "how are you holding up?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 17:35:44 GMT
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The voice of the Emergent, the master of the Beasts, was a voice Josh was pleasantly surprised to hear. "Kyle... you must have been one busy Bibarel out there," the injured Gym Leader mused. "Thanks for coming to see me so soon." The offer to personally notify Mauville Gym of the news made a smile come upon his face. "That's so sweet and thoughtful of you. I've already taken care of it, though. I did as soon as I was feeling well enough to handle a phone." He stretched his one good, healed arm outward in an air hug to the Top Champion before relaxing it again.

When asked, Josh gestured toward the cup of Bullet Seeds coated in dried blood. Dried blood that belonged to him. "I'm... holding up okay. They've got me about halfway patched up. The procedures are simple. They just have to cut me open in a lot of different places to get all the Bullet Seeds out of me." The second battle of Dewford was far more intense than the first, the Gym Leader being put not only on the front lines, but on operations he never thought he would be good at. Were the bigwigs testing him? Of course, Kyle would likely never admit one way or another the reason Josh was selected for the role he was and how well he did at that role.

"If you're out and about so soon after this mess, you must not have taken too many spills. With me like this, we might need a rain check for meeting up for a run on Raikou around my birthday like we originally planned. Might have to wait another month or two. Enough, though; I hope they didn't beat you up too much."

{WC: 294}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 15:15:29 GMT
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he responds with a smile.

"busy is an overstatement. i do know how to pace myself," he subtly takes a jab at josh's workaholic nature as a joke.

for a busybody like the gym leader, kyle can only assume that his confinement in bed hurts more than the injury he procured. he listens to his words as he looks around for a chair, unfolding a steel one and seating himself near a wall.

"well, don't worry about me too much," he reassures josh. "i didn't have to do much since people like yourself pull more weight than what's expected from you."

at the end of the day, kyle was still human. despite being an avatar, he still has his limitations, and what gets him out unscathed more often than not is the recognition of said limits.

still, he figured that maybe he was pulling himself back too soon, an unlikely behavior from a champion.

"and you already got to ride raikou multiple times! are you sure you don't want to do anything else for your birthday?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 19:06:00 GMT
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While the subtlety went unnoticed at first, after a few seconds of Josh putting the meaning together, he let out a laugh that was worth the pain of one of the Bullet Seeds cutting a little deeper into him. By now, he had become as used to the pain as he ever would be. The Top Champion's reckoning couldn't have been more true; Josh was an active leader in Hoenn.

Even if it wasn't Raikou, he just wanted to saddle up again. On any of his Pokémon.

The remark about Josh pulling his weight brought joy to his eyes. "That means a lot, Kyle. Thank you. I really have come a long way since we met in that field back on 111, haven't I?" he asked, more rhetorically to himself than directly at the visitor. "It feels so long ago that you were my first challenger and our Manectric had such a duel of speed. You know you're still the Twist Road record holder even after all this time, right?" No one had been able to come even close to breaking that record: the only time still under a minute and a half.

"You're... probably right. I could barely handle him the first time when I was at full strength. Would be better to defer that until the spring, when I'm for sure at full strength. Riding a living lightning bolt isn't easy, after all!" Another laugh from the Gym Leader - he was in good spirits at the very least. A little antsy, but he felt like he was going to recover from his injuries in due time.

"Given the shape I'm in, perhaps even a simple dinner would be a better idea, if you have that Tuesday available," Josh suggested, turning the distracting television off. "I'm hosting a party at Mauville Gym that weekend, but I have nothing planned for the actual day of my birthday. Besides, as much as we see each other, I'm sure I'll get another chance when he is truly needed. He's... he's just part of what keeps me going." From his tone, it was clear that the Gym Leader's admiration of Raikou was no longer an addiction or an obsession. It was the voice of someone whose favorite Pokémon just happened to be legendary.

After more talk about the celebration and what they would do in the days afterward, the Gym Leader's tone turned more somber. More serious. "I applied for the open Elite Four seat, and Matias vetoed it. Do you think his veto was without merit?" There was certainly a lot of tension between the two, the Gym Leader outright avoiding him when possible. The next time they would meet would be in battle at Ever Grande, and given their animosity toward one another, he might not hold back.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 17:38:29 GMT
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"that's a start," he subtly jokes about. "you have plenty of friends. go hang out and socialize. maybe you can find things in common with them and see if there's something that will interest you while you recover."

he just needs a few things to take his mind off of responsibility for a while. raikou was a solution, but it wouldn't always be an option. besides, kyle would rather have josh cultivate his relationships.

to get into danger from pushing himself too hard wouldn't just be a bother to his own well-being, but also those that care for him. kyle would rather have josh realize that himself, as opposed to what was suggested by the tone of the gym leader when he asked the question.

"i would say no," he answers josh. kyle raises two fingers up as he reclines back to his chair. "but there's two things."

"one: a single vote from a problematic member wouldn't be enough to settle a discussion."

kyle hopes that clears up the air from josh singling out a person. he always had been prone to tunneling, and even if matias did make the difference, it was better to correct misconceptions than form false truths from a coincidence.

"two: have you asked yourself if there could be any other reason besides a vendetta?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 22:00:23 GMT
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Josh's social network, from being a Gym Leader, was almost unimaginably large. There was no doubt he could find something fun to do with them. Even something not involving Pokémon. Round One at Mauville was an option. Taking a week off to travel abroad was an option. Even a shopping trip to Slateport or Lilycove. There was more to do than saddle up Raikou, as much as he enjoyed it. Plus, with nearly unfettered access to Ultra Plant, he could ride his Zeraora almost as fast as a Raikou could go, thanks to the lightning storms there.

"So you voted nay, too," Josh exhaled. "It's good to know that it's not just him." He listened on before raising a finger at the mention of a single vote not being enough to deny him the position. "Wait, what are you saying. Back when my sentence was commuted, the League memo said that any applications I made to higher office, whether it be Head Ranger, Elite Four, or anything of the like, had to be unanimously approved by you, Goode, Elite Four and Council. Does that not apply anymore?" he asked, though he wasn't sure if he would be able to get an official answer.

The second point Kyle made was more valid. "The only thing I can think of is performance in my current role. Maybe I'm too valuable in my current position to be moved around. I know when I first applied for the Champion Assessment, mentioned that I'm not emotionally sound or something, too. Far as Matias, he might just think I'm too weak. We battled one another and it wasn't even close. I really just think he hates my guts for Eris."

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 18:22:54 GMT
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"i don't think that was a rule from the start," he informs josh. "were you pranked or something?"

he dismisses the topic right away though, as to not defer from the more important parts of the talk. had it been true, he's pretty sure the positions within the league would have been more bare bones than it currently is.

"i still would say it's more practical to keep you from it as things stand." josh has issues: some that he's aware of, and some that he isn't. "and if i have my read on the commissioner right, it has less to do with your ability and more on your work ethic."

kyle eyes the current setup of the hospital room, looking at every white wall and every corner before turning his sights back on josh in his bed.

"this is you as a gym leader. theoretically speaking, do you think you would subconsciously push yourself harder if you were to get a fancier title in order prove yourself?"

that's his read on mauville's gym leader anyways, if he got the right read on the commissioner's priority being her constituent's well-being.

josh was right about him being too valuable at his role as a gym leader, but it matters less in the grand scheme of things. he has yet to find a good balance, the elusive last piece of josh's puzzle that he has had trouble with since the beginning.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 19:29:22 GMT
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"But it was," Josh insisted, remembering the memorandum sent to every Ranger Captain, Gym Leader, and AQUA member. "I can even show you." He looked up the communication in the same place he had before, and the line about him requiring unanimous consent from existing higher-ups had been silenty removed. "It... it's not there. I wouldn't lie to you, Kyle. I even saved the original." Who on AQUA would vouch for him and get that line removed? Was it 's doing? 's?

Either way, that was one less obstacle in his way to serve Hoenn in the way he desired.

"Too valuable in his current position" was a very HR thing to say. In Josh's eyes, an excuse to keep those hard workers from getting the raises and promotions they deserve while saving the seats for those willing to buy and pay for them. Corruption in its finest and purest form.

"I don't see how she could have a problem with my work ethic. Ever since put me through the school of hard knocks, I've been knocking it out of the park at Mauville. I went from being one of the hardest gyms to get into to one of the easiest. I haven't missed any of my metrics in months. If that's not enough of a work ethic to satisfy her, then what is?"

The next point Kyle made his Josh like a striking THUNERBOLT. He was running himself ragged, taking on the role of one of Mauville's most talented Rangers as well as those on the Law Enforcement side by virtue of being a Gym Leader. He remained silent, thinking about the Emergent's wise words. Was it that Josh's work ethic was too strong? Destructively strong?

"I..." The silence in the room drowned out sirens from emergency vehicles leaving the hospital. "Kyle, I don't think you're wrong. Almost like... the difference between giving a hundred percent and a hundred and twenty percent... right?" His case was far more extreme, perhaps approaching two hundred percent.

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 17:38:19 GMT
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"something like that," he answers. "you definitely don't beat a boss with huge hp bars with wild charge if thunder punch is an option, right?"

he supposed a comparison to marathons and sprints would be more thematic for josh, but it didn't occur to him until he had already said it.

"i already mentioned this to you when it comes to pokemon of legends, right?" it was back when josh still was chasing after raikou aimlessly. "but it's the same with life in general."

there are just things that cannot be forced.

while there are criteria to be met, kyle doesn't see the point of rushing to reach the destination. there's always fun in exploring each corner of a dungeon, even if it led to dead ends without loot.

"have you also considered any changes in your everyday life that will happen if you were to get the position? you know, the little things that make up most of your waking hours when there's nothing happening."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 7:39:52 GMT
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"If it gets there, of course," Josh answered. "No need to expend resources if you've got the damage to get there without spending them." With how much of a gamer he used to be before being a Ranger and Gym Leader made him so busy, the analogy was one that he understood well. At the time he was newer as a Gym Leader, he was better at the simulators than he was. would know after they squared off on one last year.

In the middle of their conversation, another knock at the door came. A nurse came in and presented Josh with a medium-sized box. "Mail for me? Thank you," he replied, noticing an envelope taped to the box. "Would you help open this for me, Kyle? Please?"

Provided the Emergent would assist as requested, he would open and read the card, its outside a photograph of the Mauville City skyline at night. "Aww..." the Gym Leader cooed, seeing signatures from his Gym employees, including and . "That was very thoughtful of them. I miss them. I can't wait until I'm feeling well enough to take challengers again." He would leave the card on a nearby folding table for Kyle to look at.

Josh would also get a feel for the box's weight. It was far lighter than he expected it to be. "Oh, I bet I know what this is, if it's from the Gym." Some pained-looking facial expressions filled his face as he at first attempted to sit up in his bed. Unable to do so, he simply tilted the box toward him, pulled out the contents, and smiled like a child that received their new favorite toy.

It was the Raikou stuffie Josh kept on his desk.

Looking like an excited child himself, Josh cuddled the Beast close. He rotated it to face away from him, the back of its purple thundercloud just below his chin to give him a perspective of being mounted on it. "I'll have to text our group chat later."

Kyle's last point stood, too. "I... I haven't thought about it. I imagine there would be a lot less downtime in general. A lot more meetings and what not. I'm used to being a celebrity from my racing career before I became a Gym Leader. Do you mean things like answering for people all over Hoenn rather than just Mauville?" If he was already stretching himself thin as a Gym Leader, how much more so were he to be promoted to a broader net of responsibility?

{WC: 423}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 6:04:27 GMT
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"i'm talking answering for yourself." kyle puts it bluntly for josh.

"gym leaders are usually busier than elite four, believe it or not. that's why a lot of them take extra responsibilities even if they don't have to."

on its core, the elite four were really just glorified soldiers that were decorated as the regions best of the best. they get to influence the region with invitations to important meetings as privilege, sure, but at the end of the day, the decision doesn't end with them.

"unfortunately, unlike them, you aren't sure how to have a healthy balance between work and personal life. you'll likely overwork yourself, become a detriment, then frustrate yourself and it'll all just spiral down from that, but that's just my take."

kyle takes the clutter from the packaging that came with josh's gifts and neatly folds it away.

"you like these people. they may not have the same level of ambition as you, but they're still important to keep hoenn running. maybe it's when you shift your priorities to something general, like being helpful for the region and its people, from something specific, like getting to elite four, that maybe you can understand yourself what was missing."

he walks over to where the trash was and crams the box in.

"minor league leader josh had a better chance of passing the screening," he informs him. ironic, given that the past josh aimed low and only cared about raikou. "you definitely have a shot."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 18:12:09 GMT
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If Kyle were to watch Josh's monitor during the conversation, he would see the injured Gym Leader's blood pressure noticeably rise after that first line. Even as a Gym Leader, he lived his life answering to the Elite Four and to the Council. He was always worried about what his superiors were thinking of him. Was this what had been trying to teach him the entire time, particularly during his Champion Assessment?

He really did value what others thought of him more than what he thought of himself, didn't he?

"Wow, really? That's a surprise to me," Josh answered, still holding Swift close. Yes, his favorite stuffie had a name: the same name he would give the majestic, ultrafast creature were they to find him. "Though it makes sense; I'm sure challenger volume is a lot lower than what the circuit gets. I can't imagine how few challengers you get, Kyle." And how few had defeated him. He had the ear of multiple gods, but he did not need them to be strong.

Was it really his work ethic that was the problem?

Most people that suffered from work ethic issues had the opposite problem Josh had: they wanted to do only the minimum needed to get by in their careers. Josh, though, wanted to stand out by giving the best he could at everything he did. The unintended result was setting standards that were above the standards he set his peers to. Standards that were often unrealistic or even outright unattainable.

"The threat of burnout..." Josh exhaled. He was so passionate about his Gym that burnout was never an issue for him. Having to leave his Gym behind to get there, though, was the most painful part of landing the Elite Four position. There was no guarantee he could even get Mauville Racing Grounds back if the bigwigs were not happy with his performance.

"You're right..." he continued, rolling his eyes nor at Kyle, but at himself. A results-based mentality was no way to look at an important leadership position. "That's what was trying to teach me when she was Council. That's what tried to teach me in his office when I first applied for the Champion Assessment. It's... sad that it took three people to spell it out for me. After all, what good is a title without knowing what your purpose to carry the title is?"

The Top Champion's last line hit Josh hardest. "Wait, hold up. So you're saying that I've only gone backwards since Mauville last year?"

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2023 9:52:44 GMT
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"not exactly," kyle clarifies. "your pokemon got stronger and your sense of battle in the field's a lot better than it used to be."

these were all tangible results of hard work that can be observed, improvements that had a steady growth with accomplishments to back it up. it was those hidden behind the scenes that were more difficult to ascertain by any person.

"it's just that habits are more difficult to correct. if one was to conduct an interview, the league expects them not to impart self-destructive tendencies."

elite four were more than just gatekeepers. they were also judges of characters who filter out those undeserving of the title, as well as people of guidance. josh, who needs it at this time, doesn't make the cut.

"maybe if it was before the entire system for the league was reworked, you could have brute forced for the position, but the new champion rank system makes it difficult to make exceptions, sorry."

unfortunately, some were grandfathered in from before the changes were in place. the pensive look on kyle's face says just as much.

"but at the end of the day, it's just a title, so you shouldn't worry much about it. even if you did, your goal's still the same as when we first met, right?"

that was to be the best version that he is.

it was ironic that for josh to reach his dreams of being considered by legends and by the league, perhaps it would be the best to free himself from the shackles of long-term goals and allow himself to grow unimpeded by expectations he sets on himself.

the word paradox comes to mind, causing kyle to smile at the thought.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 20:19:33 GMT
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It indeed was a bad habit of Josh's: holding himself to higher, often unrealistic standards that he held his peers to. Yes, he was morally obligated to take care of those around him, but he had a habit of not being respectful to himself. His religious upbringing had taught him to treat others with respect before respecting himself. Taken to an extreme, this twisted adaptation of wisdom was destroying him inside.

"The internal changes, too..." With the new focus on judging character, his declination made a lot more sense now. One who did not fully understand and conquer their own character would not make for a very good judge of character.

Elite Four. Champion. Top Champion. Avatar. In the end, they were all just titles. "It is." He cuddled Swift closer before setting the stuffie on top of his belly. "I still want to be his friend. But I see how much I've done without him. How many lives I've made a positive difference in. And now, I see where my true calling is. Thank you. And thank again for me, too. You two were a great help."

"Raikiri has been looking forward to the day I see you in the Pokémon League," Josh changed the subject, eyes lighting up. He had never been closer to conquering one of the toughest Pokémon Leagues in the world. All he had to get through was one more person. That person was perhaps his greatest enemy. "I just need to reschedule with Matias once I'm out of here. Knowing how he fights is half the battle. Then... it's the two of us. I look forward to a match with you at your full strength."

{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Basil         Leafeon        Good