Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 18:43:54 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


A civilian volunteer expedition into the depths of the Chasm had gone terribly wrong... Rocket forces encroached upon them and had overtaken the small group, getting ready to transport them to rocket territory that they had staked within the Great Chasm.[break][break]
The report came quickly, in broken channels, communication was cut off before too much detail could be given, but there was enough that it was given highest priority, the first one on the call needed to get out there now to the last coordinates that the communication gave. There was no time to plan, no time to wait for reinforcements... Yuina just hoped that she herself would be enough...[break][break]
Racing out to follow the coordinates of the last line of communication, Yuina held fast to Centos as the sword worked swiftly through the chasm's depths. They neared the last point of contact, where Yuina dismounted Centos, and began to move quietly among the rocks and trees in an attempt to find any sign of the volunteers if they were still in the area.



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 19:21:19 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Ten civilians....He frowned from beneath his helmet, they were hardly a fight for him at his current stage. Though that hadn't been the real reason he had his squad attack, and apprehend them. Amor wanted to question them to see if they had seen traces of the strange Pokemon that were rumored to be around. Amor wanted one for himself, and so he had been planning on questioning them when they got back to headquarters. As long as they cooperated he didn't intend to harm them....Much....People could be surprisingly stubborn for no good reason.

He had a small squad of grunts with him, they were working on gathering up the last of the captives into one spot. The only pokemon around the current site were the ones who belonged to the grunts. Several Crobat, and a Houndoom lingered in the area. All of them were currently unaware of their secret voyeur.

"Alright enough dallying...." Came the dissonant robotic voice as he tilted his head for the entourage to head out, and with the tied up hostages they began to make their way ahead to a place unknown. The Crobat circled around them, and some of the Houndoom lead the way while a few stayed at the back. For his part Amor was in the middle so that he could react to any situation that might arise anywhere around him. "As long as none of you try to escape I promise you that you won't be harmed....Should you try to escape however....I will take away who you are as penance." Came the threat to the civilians as they walked around, though none of them could possibly fathom the severity of that threat.

Several of the grunts looked uneasy at his words, but they said nothing as they continued onward.

6uczN2Gu .

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 2:27:37 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Reaching the final coordinates that the team's communication had given off, Yuina was careful to stay quiet, hidden, to take stock of her surroundings first. From within the trees, she could see the signs of a fight, a struggle, kicked up grass, gouges and scorch marks, all leading down the hill.[break]
Trying to maintain her line of sight, Yuina stuck close to the top edge of the hill, skirting the sides, and leaning over, just a bit, she found the scene that she was afraid of...[break][break]
A head count of ten civilians... It didn't look like there were any Pokemon they had amongst them... They may had been confiscated, split amongst the band of rockets that surrounded them all. Yuina began to panic, this was so much more than just a rescue... There were so many more people than she had initially thought, the worst case scenario was impossible to comprehend...[break]
And then she heard a voice.[break][break]
Her blood ran cold, she felt her breath catch in her chest, that voice that she had only heard since in her nightmares... It was the rocket that she had encountered in the oceans around that island, the one that followed her into the air...[break][break]
Their interaction replayed in her head in her darkest moments, the points at which she was the most afraid of herself... Did he know who she was? And why was she so vehemently rejecting the idea of finding out...[break][break]
She was terrified, horrified, that he was the one she had to encounter out here, that he was the one who was taking the civilians... But this wasn't about her, it couldn't be, and if she even for one more moment let that get in her way, she'd be responsible for the loss of so many lives...[break][break]
He was starting to move them all, if she didn't act now, the situation would only grow more dire... And maybe, just maybe, if she held fast in this location long enough, there might be reinforcements to come... She felt sick, encountering him again, her hands trembled...[break][break]
"Centos, power up, no holding back...," Yuina whispered, hoping that he might be able to draw their attention enough, spread them out enough...[break]
The sword's digital eyes blinked for only a moment before his blue energy began to circulate through his silver frame, and in a powerful movement he leaped down from the hilltop.[break][break]
As soon as the sword's hooves hit the ground again, the earth became alight with an electric field of energy. The surge empowered him, his blue light glowing as the energy of his horns grew in size. There was a Focus Blast for the closest set of Houndoom, and a powerful swipe of an Air Slash to strike down any of the Crobat above, and then he took off into the very heart of the group, threatening anything that came too close with a strike of his horns.



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Feb 29, 2024 20:06:54 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Chaos is what ensued during their escort as a strange pokemon that he wasn't entirely familiar with began to tear through the rank, and file pokemon that were surrounding them, and he just turned to come face to face with a....Cobalion? That was his initial thought, however the movements were off, it didn't look entirely natural in the way it was stampeding towards him, but his first thought was that it was who had come to face him. In a flash a knight was at his side, a Gallade with both of it's blades extended. A Gallade specifically designed to destroy her defective sword of justice.

"Lockdown Protocol, begin." He gave the command, and a large purple eye would surround the area they were in, and affect the Iron Crown as Mean Look took hold. This wasn't the real deal, but Amor could test his tactics on this creature to see how they matched up. With it now unable to flee or return to it's ball, the blades on both of his Gallades arms extended, and began to glow as it attempted to hack at the mechanical marvel with a Sacred Sword.

This would be a good test of himself now that he was somewhat whole again....The Houndoom, and Crobat that were already knocked out weren't going to be helpful, and he just made a 'tch' noise.

"Surround the hostages, keep them away I'll deal with this pest." Came the robotic voice as his grunts moved quickly to his orders, and he looked off in the direction of where this strange pokemon came from. "You may as well come out now that the element of surprise is no longer with you....If you do I promise you no harm will come to those civilians, however if you don't....I cannot guarentee their safety." A simple yet effective threat.


Gallade appears!
Gallade uses Mean Look to trap Iron Crown!
Gallade attacks Iron Crown with Sacred Sword boosted by Sharpness!
Seraphim threatens the unseen assailant!

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 18:42:20 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


While Centos was able to get in and start dealing a heavy blow to the smaller forces, it wasn't quick to last... As soon as he got into the heart of the operation, he was quick to take action, and didn't flinch... A Gallade was released into the fray, effectively trapping Centos as the sword rushed through the crowd, but soon he was caught in a gripping sword fight as he met horns with the blades of the Gallade.[break][break]
Yuina watched this all, hidden, obstructed, nestled within the brush and rocks just above, Centos could still stand a chance... Maybe she should send another one of her Pokemon to pick up the rest of the fight... And then he spoke, regarding her, and Yuina felt herself grow cold.[break]
Just the very notion of being perceived by him, though he could not see her yet, was enough to make her sick, her fingers twisting into the grass beneath her. But then he threatened the civilians... This was an entirely different situation, so incredibly delicate... The rules were vastly different now.[break][break]
The sound of a Pokeball discharging its energy gave her location away first, she wasn't going to reveal herself alone...[break]
Yuina hesitated for that very last moment before she stepped into his view... fighting the gripping darkness... And then she emerged with Heizen looming behind her, a hiss emanating from the fire type's open maw. She stood there then, facing him, meeting the eyes behind his mask. Trying to hide her terror.[break][break]
"I dare you to hurt even one of them," she spoke, her eyes sharp, stern, for in the moment that she emerged, and was truly facing him again, her terror quickly began to turn into anger, the way he regarded her, the way he turned his back to her and left her like she was nothing, could do nothing... She wasn't nothing. Not this time.



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 23:48:55 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

The girl emerged from the bushes with another pokemon, but this one he was familiar with. It was a heatran, and he just chuckled a bit as she attempted to stand tall before him.

"Are you sure it's wise to dare someone like me? But look at you....You seem to have grown a bit more backbone since the last time we met. Tell me is it all these faux legends that give you that bravodo, girl....? Or is it something else...." He questioned her as their two other pokemon clashed. Sword against horn. "Unfortunately for you, I'm a man of my word....You showed yourself so they are safe....For now...." The robotic, and dissonant words would drift from the mechanical armor towards her.

Belus, the Gallade for his part would emit a strange purple aura that would seem to spread across the field once again similar to his Mean Look, but this time he was using Imprison the second part of the Lockdown Protocol he had been ordered to initiate. To seal off the moves of his enemy should they possess the same ones he did. At least one move in particular, Amor liked to prevent his enemies from using. Still focused on the enemy in front of him his blades would extend once more into another Sacred Sword in order to attempt to hack away at the Iron Crown.

The Heatran was an interesting choice, but Amor knew it's type, so he would choose perhaps an unorthodox choice to deal with it. In another flash of light his Zeraora, Stryker would appear, but wouldn't take to the field until she ordered her Heatran to do something.

"You've not even learned how to use them properly, and yet you brandish them like a child would a new toy...." He spoke to her with a hint of condescension. It was hard to believe that they had just had a pleasant conversation over cocoa not that long ago with how he was treating her. "Don't worry....I'll teach you another valuable lesson...."


Gallade uses Imprison! Which means if any enemy pokemon know the same moves as him they are unusable!
Gallade uses a Sharpness boosted Sacred Sword on Centos again!
In preparation for Heatran Amor releases his Zeraora!
Amor taunts Yuina!

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 23:34:32 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Stuck somewhere between a gripping terror and a writhing fury, Yuina stood to oppose him now, and just the same as when he'd first encountered her... His tone just dripped with condecension, how little he thought of her. She was going to prove him wrong, she had to.[break]
As Centos waged on, clashing with the Gallade, horn for blade, she could already tell the situation was growing dire. The Gallade was not only meeting him, but the way it was forming its attacks, Yuina could figure that she'd be out of moves before too much longer, before she could figure out a way to get all of the civilians away... She was just one person.... This was impossible...[break][break]
"Centos, yameru," Yuina called, a foreign word, a command, and at her word the iron sword relinquished the electrical field that he had summoned, and leaped away from the Gallade after a final clash.[break]
"You're right, I have grown. But you're passing judgement so quickly like this is our first encounter," Yuina returned, she was only returning words, she was trying to think, think of anything, anything to get the civilians away so that she wouldn't have to worry about their safety during all of this... She couldn't imagine what other Pokemon he had to command, there were so many grunts that could easily whisk them all away if she got caught up in a fight, there was no safe or correct answer...[break][break]
Heizen hissed beside her, awaiting a command, she was still thinking, what could she do... And then an impossibly loud and imposing roar took over the area, something was nearing them all, maybe approaching... This was her chance.[break][break]
As quickly as she could manage, she spoke a foreign word, and opened one of her Pokeballs, releasing the Pokemon into the shadows below, followed by the rest of her Pokeballs. The shadow moved away from her, disappeared into the darkness of the brush and foliage, she had barely moved...[break][break]
"Let the civilians go, no one can stay here if something is approaching us. Take me instead," Yuina returned, a terrible, awful idea, but it was the only way... If she could go in place of the civilians, then she only needed to worry about herself, and not ten other lives on the line...



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2024 21:09:07 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

His head snapped in the direction of the roar it wasn't the first time he had heard it, but due to it he had missed out her little prank, and he frowned a bit. Her attack ceased, and she was now offering herself up like a sacrificial lamb. A brow quirked from underneath his helm, and he frowned.

"What makes you think you are worth ten people?" The cold robotic tone seeped through the air towards her. "If they leave they have a better chance of alerting help than you due to their sheer number....Despite how easy you tore through the grunts earlier....For you to just surrender like this...." An annoyed click of his tongue as he regarded. "I'm disappointed in you....Regardless of all that....I don't think you're worth ten lives." He stated to her simply, and he drew his blade, and put it at the nearest hostages neck.

"But I'm nothing if not a sporting man....I'll give you ten chances to convince me of your worth....Each time you fail....Well I don't have to tell you...." The dissonant, and calculated voice rang through. If there was any emotion in his voice it was hidden well due to the voice changer he used. If he was lying, or bluffing it was a guess since his armor hid his face so well. "So do try your best...." The person that he held his sword too was a middle aged man, probably someone with a family.

Just a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that wouldn't change his fate should she fail to save him. There was another reason he was being like this, her face, her demeanor....Even the time they spent together when he wasn't antagonizing her. It bothered him that she looked so much like her. It was almost infuriating....

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2024 1:18:37 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


It was far too late, she already said it, the gravity of what she was about to do started to sink into her as Yuina stood in oposition to the rocket. Would she be able to escape...? Would her Pokemon be able to get to her before something happened? Was there a better idea that she could have come up with...?[break]
Stifling her panic, standing beside Heizen still, glancing to Centos to make sure the sword wouldn't provoke the situation further, Yuina's eyes fell back to him as he regarded her again... Regarding her worth to him, the way he saw her... He dared to even say he was disappointed in her, for not knowing who she was at all, and she was angry again, until he drew his blade.[break][break]
Yuina grew pale, eyes widened, shifting between him and the volunteer that he now held at the end of his blade. He truly was a monster...[break][break]
"I'm a ranger captain-" She wasn't...[break]
"So I have a lot of influence in the league-" She didn't...[break]
"There's a lot of representatives who would be interested in my safety-" Would they...?[break][break]
It all tumbled out of her before she even truly thought about the implications, but she couldn't not say anything... Not when she was on the razor's edge of watching someone's life slip through her fingers...



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 18:51:38 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to what she said without moving a single inch, his blade staying close to the neck of his hapless victim.

"I see....You've become so important in a short time...." The problem was that he didn't really care about how important she was, he wanted answers, and if she couldn't provide them then she was worthless to him. "Allow me to clarify something as you seem to have gotten the wrong impression....I'm not kidnapping these people to torture them for fun, or anything of the sort. I require information, and they were nearby of what I was searching for." The cold, and calculating words cut through the air as quick as his sword before he sheathed it. A thin line of red on the mans pale skin, but otherwise he was unharmed, and still breathing.

"However I can't have these people alert the League....So I'll accept your proposal after I am done. I suggest you don't interefere." In a flash of white a Beeheeyem appeared, and it started with the man whom he had just threatened. The dots on it's forehead glowed with psychic energy, and the mans eyes lit up before he collapsed against the nearby wall. Then it moved on to the next person. "A very useful pokemon when you don't want a trail left...." His gaze returned to her, his Gallade still imposing itself between the pair. "Your jobs are over, return to base go over the intel we have gathered. I will tend to our guest...." He ordered the grunts who would soon leave the pair of them alone.

When his Pokemon was done he looked over at the people, and then spoke to his pokemon.

"You only removed what was necessary, correct?" His pokemon gave a nod of affirmation before being returned in a flash of red. "Good....Now come here girl....I will have to bind your hands. Any funny movements, and it won't be pleasant for anyone here, understand?" He explained to her, and he waited for his newest prisoner.

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 19:29:42 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


For better or for worse... If there was one thing that Yuina had become exceptional at in this new life of hers... It was living a lie, and knowing how to lie effectively to maintain that. Her words came through as clear as if they were real, as if they were truth, and though she stared intently at the blade that threatened the life she was so desparate to save, it seemed her words rang true enough.[break][break]
"I've been down here for a time already, I probably have more information than a first time volunteer party does," she continued, digging her grave that much deeper, but in a final tense moment, the blade was removed from the volunteer's neck. She was sealing her fate...[break][break]
Yuina could do little to react as a stange, almost alien Pokemon appeared, hovering just in front of the first volunteer that she had nearly lost. She thought the worst still, that her efforts were for nothing as he slumped down to the ground, but he was till moving... Still breathing... She was going to save all of their lives...[break][break]
"You keep your word that they aren't harmed, I keep mine," Yuina returned in a stern gaze, though inside of herself she was screaming. She was terrified, horrified now of what this could turn into, but she couldn't take any action... Not until she knew that the civilians were safe, and they were well out of harms way.[break][break]
Slowly, carefully, so as not to provoke any sudden movement, Yuina made wide gestures in tapping each Pokeball on her belt to return the iron sword and the Heatran that hissed beside her, at that moment she was essentially disarmed. She had a brief pause though, trying to will herself to move forward, she was sick over how he was regarding her, how worthless his tone made her. She wanted to scream. But instead, Yuina drew in an heavy breath, swallowing the trembling in her chest as she started forward.[break][break]
It felt like an eternity, moving closer towards him step by step, growing sick to her stomach at every increment. She had never wanted to encounter him again, never wanted to see the mask that haunted some of her darkest nightmares, but there she was, standing just in front of him then, and it took everything she had to hold in the sting of burning, furious tears that she could feel at the corners of her eyes.



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 22:03:36 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He waited expectantly for any form of treachery the closer she got, but he found none at least for the moment. Pulling out plastic ties he bound her hands together, and when he was sure that she was bound properly he turned his back on her. There was still nothing preventing her from grabbing a pokeball should she really try, but he didn't seem to view her as a threat for the moment. Returning his Zeraora to it's ball the only thing left was his Gallade.

"Stay close...." He said to her as his Gallade put a hand on her shoulder, and then his, and in an instant they were gone. They were now on the inside of a tent somewhere in the middle of the area. It had a cot, and few amenities, but there was a table with some chairs. "Sit...." He commanded her, and his Gallade left to stand in front of the tent to prevent them from being interrupted. Walking over he picked up what could only be called a sketchbook, it was well worn, and should she be near the table he would open it, and spread out three sketches in front of her.

One was of a blue pokemon that stood on it's hindlegs, it vaguely resembled the mythical Suicune. Another was a red pokemon with a shield like horn on it's head that resembled Entei. The last was a yellow pokemon with a long neck that resembled Raikou.

"Have you seen any of these creatures? If you have where, what were their abilities? Tell me everything you know of them." It would appear that these pokemon were important to him than torturing her. If he noticed her tears, how frozen she was to be near him he paid it no heed. He was here for a purpose, and he would not be swayed from it by anyone. "If you have been here as often as you stated, you should have some inkling...." Unless she had lied to him.

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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2024 23:47:39 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Yuina couldn't look to his mask, to meet his eyes, she wouldn't. It took everything that she had to stand there unmoving in front of him as she closed the distance. She was trapped somewhere between wanting to turn and run, or take Daikenki's seamitar and show him how worthless she was now... But she only remained instead, for the sake of the civilians who looked on, empty eyes now from that strange Pokemon...[break]
There was a moment of pull when he reached for her, the urge to fight his grip was so impossibly strong that Yuina almost tipped the horribly delicate balance of the circumstances... In spite of her trembling, in spite of every fiber of her being screeching to fight... She resisted as her wrists were bound... It was done.[break][break]
One moment, Yuina was furious at the notion that he would still dare to turn his back on her, the next, she blinked... And they were no longer standing in the midst of the chasm...[break]
Yuina's chest grew painfully heavy, a silent horror behind her eyes, she... didn't know where she was now... Were her Pokemon going to be able to find her? The realization of just how bad the situation had become was starting to set itself in the pit of her stomach... She was mortified.[break][break]
The command came, nearly breaking the last dwindling bit of her resolve, and Yuina silently sat at the table, unable to look in his direction. He started by setting out various papers, sketches, a journal, depictions of three different Pokemon, two of which she recognized now. In that one moment, she was perplexed... that he was requesting just information... He was poised to kill a civilian just moments before... Where was she going to end up after this...[break][break]
There was silence for a moment, Yuina's eyes cast down at the table in front of her, she was trying to understand the situation...[break]
"...I haven't seen the yellow one. I've only heard reports that they tend to remain on the ground level of the chasm...," Yuina started, carefully, she had to try and prolong this... if she felt like she had any chance that her Pokemon could find her...



GC-E Excursion[break]


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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2024 20:56:53 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to her words the helm doing nothing to relay any feelings or emotion of the face beneath it. Instead he stood there quietly as if drinking in the few words that she had just spoken to him.

"I see....I suppose that makes sense then I will have to search there next." He said to her, and walked over to a table in the corner, and from a pitcher he poured something into a glass, and came back over, and sat the glass in front of her. A dull golden liquid was within it. If she took the time to sniff it, she would recognize it as lemonade. "Well if you were just any other person I'd simply put you to sleep, and haul you off....But that isn't the case, you are quite special aren't you Ms. Higashi...." He said to her, and sat back in his chair across from her.

"Or would you prefer to be called Ms. Cander?" Came the simple words from his lips as he observed her from underneath his helmet, and after that question he didn't speak, and he let a comfortable silence fall over them. Until she spoke or said something he wouldn't say another word instead choosing to fold his arms across his chest, and simply watch her reactions from underneath his helm.

It wasn't often that he could be taken for a ride, it wasn't often that someone could pull one over on him. He trusted his gut, his instincts, they were usually right. Even if she had no clue who she was, even if she had lied to him during their more amicable meetings, Amor never forgot a face. Not the face of his children in that alternate Galar, not the face of his beloved fiance, and he didn't forget the face of the woman he had met in Unova....

However he was done playing coy with her.

"What will you do....?" he thought silently to himself.


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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
Excursion GC-E; Yuina vs Amor
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2024 22:23:58 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


From the distance, where a shadow remained hidden within the brush and foliage that Yuina had been hiding in before, Daikenki emerged for the briefest moment to find her standing in front of their opposition, and then they were gone. The Samurott held a snarl in his fangs, watching the handful of other humans that were bid to return to 'base'. He had a target to follow now, and so the shadow moved silently from a distance.[break][break]
Only regarding the papers that had been put in front of her, following his movements only by listening, Yuina remained still otherwise. He regarded the short explanation she gave of the yellow Pokemon he was searching for, knowing the other two well enough having faced them before in this place. However, where she may have expected more interrogation to take place, there were two other subjects to discuss, he spoke of her, if she were just any other person... She froze, her body rigid at the sound of her name coming from his dissonant tone... wait... her name?[break][break]
"How do you know my name," Yuina returned, her tone a bit sharper than she may have intended, she just hated so much hearing her name in his tone. But then, he posed another question... another name...[break][break]
'Ms. Cander...'[break][break]
Yuina stiffened, her eyes cast down still, stray sections of her hair falling along her shoulders, hands gripped together in a vice. Her breathing was shallow, as his voice, that name, echoed in her ears...[break]
In the deepest recesses of her thoughts, that wall, that shadow that held firm in the back of her consciousness, Yuina felt something. That darkness that she had yet to get through in trying to remember anything of her past life, hearing that name, felt just like seeing that Arcanine for the first time... But it really wasn't the first time, if she had to guess... And the thought horrified her.[break][break]
She was trembling, the darkness held firm, nothing came to her, no memories of before, but another name that she had heard only a couple of times... Hearing them both together...[break][break]
Alexandria Cander...[break][break]
"No, that's not my name," Yuina spoke slowly, evenly, her voice as rigid as she was.... Almost as if... she were trying to convince herself.[break]
"My name is Yuina Higashi, and I already told you I don't know you," she spoke, a sort of anger now building in her tone as she did dare to look up to him. But deep down... in the darkest parts of her shadows... she knew she was lying...



GC-E Excursion[break]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP