King and Stormbringer [S/C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,279 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
King and Stormbringer [S/C]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2024 16:54:27 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Ever since the original Calyrex at the Dyna Tree in Ever Grande City gave her the shard, the King of Bountiful Harvests tells her that she’ll have to show him the qualities of leadership through facing conflict. Said King follows her in Fortree City as she’ll talk with Alex over the recent event and the test that the Calyrex gave her that day.[break][break]

Although this also presented a problem that she would be fearful that Rocket could find out about her Calyrex too.[break][break]

With the Calyrex follwing after her, she didn’t take long to find Alexei near the front of his gym. Of course, she was happy to see her friend even after she had to support her father during the death of her beloved mother. “Hi Alex, I’m happy to see you again.” The ambassador greets the Fortree gym leader while the Calyrex floats beside her. “I got a friend that I’ll introduce you to. From what I saw, he’s like your Stormbringer and he can’t possess a human vessel to speak.”

TAGS [break]
NOTES – notes here.



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
חקל דמא
5,045 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
King and Stormbringer [S/C]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 18:08:32 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

This time, the perimeter fence was already open, and the man of the hour himself was leaning against it when his friend arrived, followed by a—

“Wait, hold up—” he blinked, recognizing…

He then looked around; to ensure that they were well and truly alone.

“C’mere, through the fence gate, quick,” he ushered her in; once they were both inside he would close the gate; before grabbing her by the hand and taking her down towards one of the three aviaries—the good thing was that today, the Sanctuary was closed and there weren’t too many people around.

They would make tracks throughout the place; until he reached the aviary that doubled as the nursery for all migrating Pokémon that stopped by; before he opened the door of said aviary and ushered her inside.

Thankfully this aviary had special technology built into the glass panes; so once they were both inside he would immediately hit a button on the side which would darken the view to anyone outside who wanted to take a peek inside.

“When did you get them?!” he would exclaim once they were absolutely, irrevocably alone.



it's a long life full of long nights