i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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✥ des ✥

✥ mari ✥
✥ she/her ✥
✥ seventy six ✥
✥ february first ✥
✥ slateport, hoenn ✥
✥ heterosexual ✥
✥ tea house op ✥
✥ associate ✥
crept away from you
✥ 4'11" ✥ height
✥ 4'11" ✥ height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
68 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marilyn
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 21:07:05 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb marilyn"]

put my finger on the trigger[break]
but i'm not the one to blame




Marilyn could not help but wonder what it would have been like had she died while serving her sentence; would it have been that another underling would have felt the power that came from the light stone upon catching it, or would it have fallen into the hands of those who licked boots? There were, of course, intrusive thoughts that led her to wish to sneak in and take the stone for herself.. but all the young ones could run faster than she ever could, and surely that would lead to ending up in a ditch somewhere.[break][break]

It was just so curious how it felt, feeling power tenfold in her hands that had previously been deprived in her far-away youth. Being that she was a people-pleaser when it came to those she grew fond of, especially when it came to the organization's hierarchy, she knew it was best to repress those feelings. All for the glory of Team Rocket, yadda-yadda, she knew that if she stole it, it would only be a matter of time until her certain death. If not for murder, for old age.[break][break]

She wanted to see all the good youth be happy instead, which hopefully would last a whole lot longer than her well-medicated heart. Visits with the stone of draconic truths and learning more about it were all she truly needed at the end of the day- they wouldn't hurt, they would, if anything, give even more eyes to know that it was being well-kept.[break][break]

"Theo, Theo, Theo..! Good evening, my dear," she said raspily amidst her approach, ".. I've been walking around these waters every day, and I still find myself almost falling in each time.. all of you are so lucky to have muscly legs."[break][break]

The repressed part of her wanted to hop up and down in tears and beg him to show 'what was left' of Kyurem once more. In looking her youth in the eyes came a wish to fall back into it, but those possibilities were shed far too long ago. It would be unwise.[break][break]

"Is my sweet Elisabeth coming, too? She always gives such good, loving, new perspectives.. I was just like her when I was young, you would have fallen in love with me with a single sight! All the men did, dear.. I was unbelievably beautiful."



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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,475 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 3:58:24 GMT


time is difficult to carve out as is but he makes an effort for when asked as he understands the importance of ensuring their personnel feel heard and recognized. her efforts against kyurem and securing the LIGHT STONE have earned her that much, anyway.

"mari, mari, mari." his greeting lacks the gusto so present in hers. "muscly legs are certainly still attainable. do let me know if you'd like help with training and diet." he's only half-joking.

his eyebrow raises at the usage of sweet to describe his fellow underboss. it's not what he would've used, but he nods regardless.

"ah, your beauty has not faltered, my dear." he glances over his shoulder at someone's that has. "ah, here she is. underboss fiorelli."

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,549 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 4:15:14 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

Rarely did new Rocket recruits attain Elisabeth's dwindling attention. Of those that had, well, posed the most obvious example of why someone would.[break][break]

A woman wrongfully imprisoned against her will, with the art of poison her one saving grace, was a story she'd known intimately enough for it to feel like her own.[break][break]

For this reason, the usually taciturn underboss offered a warm smile to the elder woman as she entered, pecking a kiss to her cheek in an affectionate Kalosian greeting. "Hasegawa. A singular pleasure. I hope the tea business is going well?"[break][break]

All that warmth evaporated the moment she glanced over her shoulder at the other underboss, tone lowering to disdainful lows. "Beckett," she said curtly, barely inclining her head towards him. Hostility glimmered in her eyes, frosty and cold. "I see you're early."[break][break]

His interest in the Light Stone unsettled her, given his current pursuits in the organization. That had been the other reason she'd agreed to this meeting, despite having little interest in the artifact herself -- to keep an eye on , the same way she supposed he was keeping an eye on her.[break][break]

"I trust I haven't missed any important discussion?" she asked the other woman brightly, the enmity with her fellow underboss swiftly forgotten.



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it's a long life full of long nights