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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 15:38:19 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

"no, i was raised by stone and salt, young mateo." olivia remarked. "fritz freeze." she ordered immediately, a beam of rainbow light zipping across the field, freezing the falling rain around it. the shards of ice shattered and sent a sea of sparkles into the air as the aurora beam flew towards the sceptile who attacked her king. regardless, he was down for the count as the grass type attacked, and the behemoth that was mamoswine fell with a ground-shaking thud.

the blue rat's bobbing tail twitched, the disturbance in the ground sent a vibration up the small pokemon as she turned to witness her ally fall... and be slashed by the damned dog. rage consumed her and she lashed out, the rainfall from above beginning to gather around her tail... along with a flash of light as the arcanine's onslaught continued. the explosion of light revealed an azumarill retaliating against the arcanine with an empowered aqua tail as calypso extended her glowing blue bouncing ball of a tail to strike the dog. olivia pursed her lips as she snapped coldly, "rage may be utilized by your pokemon and yourself as a trainer, but do not let it consume you - and do not speak to me nor any other gym leader you intend to battle in such a way. it is beneath you." as the gym leader finished speaking the rain from above slowed to a drizzle before fading out completely.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (5/5, all water type moves 50% stronger)
+ Vaporeon used Aurora Beam on distracted Sceptile!
+ Mamoswine fainted!
+ Marill hit by Mimic: Leaf Blade!
+ Marill evolved into Azumarill!
+ Azumarill used Aqua Tail on Arcanine! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain, BOOSTED from Huge Power!)
+ The Rain subsided!

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sea witch
thirty two
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
tea time [c]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 8:38:23 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
olivia was, in fact, very much so in need of an ally. as the younger girl pointed out, she was alone in a region far from home that was, ironically, her true home. surrounded by people who rejected her, doubted her. olivia gave cait a small sad smile as she took a seat on the ancient step. her eyes were downcast as she looked at meara as she patted the purring pokemon. "there was one thing i did not mention of my faith." the abbiati woman confessed as she continued to pet her vaporeon. "we grow up in solitude, seeing our immediate family rarely, and only on occasions of significance; besides that, we read and study the book of salt. for years and years, until we are deemed worthy of the name abbiati."

"i wasn't. they doubted me, my own people, doubted my intellect. i was too young to have mastered our mysteries. too naïve to unravel our lore. too eager to have a stone heart of the sea." olivia said softly. "so, i left." she whispered. "i left for academia, where i should have been understood; yet, they saw me as a hermit. doubted me as well. even as i taught their schoolings, conquered their lore, and demolished their test... and i left again." olivia noted quietly.

she up looked to cait, her eyes wells of blue, the pools inside reflecting the viridian of cait's. "i arrived to hoenn, to this sacred place of holiness - only to be ignored by what little family i had in the region, maimed by rocket, and doubted by my peers - it repeated, this cycle of doubt, all over again." olivia's face was calm, the smile solid, but her eyes gave her away. they always did, for if one looked deep enough, the seed of worry had been planted. "doubt in myself, in my abilities, in my faith."

"my pokemon are dear to me, yes, but in this region of legend and strife i need more than their companionship to keep me afloat." olivia said. "i need a friend, one who understands cycles like those of nature. who knows the people. who knows the stories. who, might understand me." she uttered. it was difficult, even for her as she spoke, to tell what was sincere and what was a lie. now, at this moment in time, her emotions were a wreck.

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 8:10:03 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia offered her own smile, a sly smirk, as she said, "very well, finish it." so they would. encouraged by the psychic type, her mamoswine bulldozed forward and blocked the leaf storm with his original iced tusk and continued its rapid charge at the sceptile with its huge tusk once again frosting over with icy energy. meanwhile, meaara made use of last resort, her body becoming surrounded by a golden light before she slingshotted towards the jolteon like a shooting star. the attack was one of extreme power and took patience to wield correctly. "anger can lead one to be rash, so it is best to stay calm, like the sea or the eye of a storm." olivia noted as her pokemon gave it their all.

calypso had been ready this time around for the fanta lizard. she used the twirling rings of water around her to absorb the attack as she hurled herself at the dragon. the healing water was dispelled with a zap of steam, a blue rat jumping forth from the cover to play rough with the dragon. "for it is only with patience and observation can one ready themselves for retaliation." olivia commented, pleased with her pokemon's strategy.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (4/5, all water type moves 50% stronger)
+ Vaporeon used Last Resort on Jolteon!
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine blocked Leaf Storm with previous Ice Fang! (STAB 50% stronger, BOOSTED from Anciet Power!)
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine charged for Sceptile with Ice Fang! (STAB 50% stronger, BOOSTED from Anciet Power!)
+ Ice Fang, if 10 or under, the target will flinch! n_tlbzj4
+ Ice Fang, if 10 or under, the target will be frozen!
+ Marill blocked Thunder Wave with Aqua Ring!
+ Aqua Ring dispelled!
+ Marill used Play Rough on Dragonite! (STAB 50% stronger, BOOSTED from Huge Power!)

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
duskfall [c]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2019 6:12:03 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

the sun had barely set as olivia made her way across the crater city, her city. she needed to meet with freya. were all on the council so doubtful of her intellect? did they not realize her a doctor of academia? olivia hurried her walk through the near-empty streets, most people readying themselves for nighttime activities at home. although, a few strays waved at their leader and the vaporeon that followed - a common sight lately - and olivia gave them an obligatory smile before excusing herself. an important meeting, she claimed. olivia had chosen this time of day to avoid the populace, not wanting a crowd should there be a scene. gods only know what the media would do with a story like that.

her march came to a slow as olivia approached the infamous morningstar estate. it was as if a cold war had descended upon sootopolis, and it was here that olivia felt it the most. she had been avoiding a direct confrontation thus far, but she could only allow so much before she must make a move. meara paced beside olivia as the pair stood before the entrance of the place. "morningstar." olivia stated as if her voice alone could force the doors down.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]
+ Meara the Vaporeon is following!

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
under the sea
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 22:46:03 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar






[attr="class","yorkc3"]Olivia caught the Slowbro after it ran into a shield provided by Balder. He's become much tamer since and enjoys sunbathing.



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[newclass=.yorkc3]height:184px;padding:10px;background-color:#eeeeee;margin:-24px 0px 0px 4px;overflow:auto;[/newclass]
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played by


sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
havoc [c]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 22:35:02 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
sicyon watched the mean thing spit around a nasty venom. that would just not do. clicking her beak and chattering with more squawks she flew towards the melted metal and blasted it with a water gun.

which, incidentally, weakened it more. a shriek was heard as the metal shifted. confused, the wingull just squawked even louder and began to fly circles above and sending feathers everywhere.


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played by


sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
trainee? [c]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 22:22:03 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

A light-hearted laugh left her lips as he called her 'queenie'. "I am no Queen, it is just a title, but were I; would that not make you a prince?" She asked with a playful wink. "First, prince charming, let us see your aptitude in battle so we have a base to start with." She reached for a miniature pokeball and enlarged it with a tap of her finger before releasing a round blue rat. "Calypso, this is Elias, we will be training with him today, and the foreseeable future." Olivia explained to the pair before her. Her Marill shrugged and stared at Elias with her beady black eyes. She could take him. She could fight this small human male he was nothing compared to her HUGE POWER.

While the Marill flexed her chubby limbs, Olivia chuckled and called out to Elias, "Go ahead and let your pokemon out, you may make the first move."

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Calypso the Marill is ready to fight!

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
tea time [c]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 21:35:02 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
olivia had been right after all. she silently observed the stages of grief cross the young woman's face in a matter of minutes. the hint of a frown there, a tough to swallow truth, and the pained look in her eyes. yes, olivia noted, they had been close. the manner in which she addressed the statue, olivia assumed a mentor-student relationship; or at least something along those lines where nikolai held authority. when those emerald eyes looked to olivia she saw sadness, yes, but perhaps... a calmness? satisfaction that he would be honored and remembered? relief that others felt her grief as well? olivia could only hope, as any of those played into her plans.

the mistress of the sea gave a mother's smile to the daughter of nature, and moved to gently raise cait's chin so they would be eye. "thank you, cait, it means so much to be welcomed at last; but do not let your own smile falter fair one. the people of hoenn need to see their leaders strong and united." olivia rose with a grunt and help of her cane, and offered a hand to cait to lead her back towards the stairs - meara following behind silently.

as they reached the steps that led up, olivia paused and leaned on her cane, looking to cait. "we are united, are we not? more than just peers of the league, but believers of the legends, sisters of nature; those that understand morals and ideals are just as important as brute power or strength." she asked, her azure eyes sparkling like the sacred pool they had just left.

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
sea spray [dw/c]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 19:11:24 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

Olivia took his hand eagerly, "Thank you." Her voice was sweet from gratitude as she rose. "I would appreciate a shoulder to lean on while we walk." Olivia's pokemon sprinted to her side, eyeing the stranger. She whistled and they hid behind her shaking legs. She offered him a half smile, "Apologies, but they're still on edge considering what just happened."

Ocean eyes stared into the distance where her attackers had fled. "I didn't expect an attack as soon as I arrived." Olivia admitted to herself quietly, before she turned those same blue beauties towards Balder. "My manners seem to have fled with those fiends, again, do forgive me." She stood as elegantly as one could when relying on another for support as she introduced herself. "I am Olivia Abbiati, the new Gym Leader of Sootopolis. Who do I have the pleasure - and gratitude for helping me - of knowing?"

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
under the sea
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 18:57:24 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar






[attr="class","yorkc3"]A gift to welcome Olivia as the newest Gym Leader, the Piplup has been taken into her family happily. For now, the two are getting to know one another.



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[newclass=.yorkc3]height:184px;padding:10px;background-color:#eeeeee;margin:-24px 0px 0px 4px;overflow:auto;[/newclass]

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
310 posts
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2019 17:28:45 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

pesky. that would be the best word to describe the alakazam and the dog, but, sacrifices would need to be made. her original plan disrupted, the omanyte was forced to return to his pokeball. her mamoswine, on the other hand, was on his last leg, literally. the leaf storm forced him to the ground, but his bolstered stamina allowed him to survive, even if he was on the brink of exhaustion. the jolt of thunder from above struck his body and did nothing, giving meara time to use a quick attack and appear in a blur next to her ally, calypso.

all of this took place in mere seconds, and there was little time for mistakes. her mamoswine, however, wasn't going to go down easily; or at least try not to. his massive tusks began to glisten as they froze over as he attempted to gouge the sceptile with ice fang. "rage is not something to be encouraged, lest it be your downfall." olivia noted calmly.

calypso felt encouraged seeing her queen nearby, and with the aqua ring still spinning, the pitiful shock of static didn't even cause her to bat an eye.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (3/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Vaporeon used Quick Attack to reposition! (+1 priority)
+ Mamoswine absorbed Thunder!
+ Omanyte forced back to his pokeball!
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine used Ice Fang! (STAB 50% stronger, BOOSTED from Anciet Power!)
+ Ice Fang, if 10 or under, the target will flinch! 8RxZBPZj
+ Ice Fang, if 10 or under, the targeet will be frozen!
+ Marill is hopeful! (Aqua Ring in effect!)

[googlefont=Open Sans:800]
[newclass=.humour::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px;background-color:#000;border: 2px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.humour::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px;background-color:#000;[/newclass]

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played by


sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
310 posts
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2019 22:37:17 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia smiled. he was learning. the teleport admittedly took her by surprise, yet she had an idea. "crafty, well done!" she shouted before yelling at her empowered omanyte, "concave!". the pokemon was quicker than the dog, and with a motion of his tentacle on the ground, created a concave amphitheater facing towards the arcanine: causing rocks to burst forth and cause the roar to echo back from to its source, the fire mutt.

her other pokemon did not need such direct orders. meara simply melted into the water that was pooling around them all as the downpour from above continued, easily dodging her fellow eeveevolution's attack. mamoswine, on the other hand, braced himself for the draining rays as they latched onto his body. he then, with his bolsterd strength and speed, released a point blank blizzard of snow and ice at those that surrounded him. it began to freeze the droplets in the air, and the same chilly energy was creeping off his body and up the mega drain's own ribbons of energy.

marill could only watch as her body refused to move, the rage growing inside her. at least the ugly orange flying thing was hurting, she thought to herself as the rings of water continued to spin about her, healing her injuries. a tingle in her toes gave the blue ball some hope.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (2/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Vaporeon used Acid Armor to melt into the water!
+ Omanyte's Swift Swim is in effect due to the rain! (he's FAST. really really fast.)
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide x2 to create an amphitheatre to ECHO the sound back! (STAB 50% stronger, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine used Blizzard! (STAB 50% stronger, affects all nearby enemies, BOOSTED from Anciet Power!)
+ Marill is salty! (Aqua Ring in effect!)

[googlefont=Open Sans:800]
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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
stone vs salt [g]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2019 19:51:22 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
it was rare to find olivia outside of sootopolis nowadays. after her incidents in slateport and her duties as a gym leader she had little to no time to leave her growing castle, much less the crater city itself. now, however, would be the time to do so. she left balder in charge of the gym when she left for her little soirée with stone. rumor had it that he would be giving up his gym position sooner rather than later and olivia couldn’t pass up the opportunity to battle the reigning champion.

her journey had been quick and to the point, save for a run in with a ranger and a sleeping giant. that, thankfully, was put back to rest relatively easily. or easier that it could have been. it put into perspective a question she had of her faith, of their own sleeping behemoth of nature.

olivia put aside such thoughts as she strode through rustburo. people paid her little enough mind, most not caring or heard of the foreign queen who had taken up residence in a city so far away. there were a handful, however, that gave her the odd look here and there. not that she could blame them. her gladiator sandals with studded straps, just over the knee cut white ruffled skirt, and dark blue blouse wasn’t the casual wear most people of the city would be accustomed to. her cane, with its polished finish, gleamed in the sunlight.

she cared not for their attention and offered a swift smile to those that did approach her. olivia was on a mission and wouldn’t be misled. a shadow passed over her and she looked up at the towering dev corp building. it was time to meet with mr - no champion - stone. an assistant at the front desk met with her and asked her to wait. olivia took a seat, put her white leather purse in her lap, and sat.

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
tea time [c]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2019 21:24:07 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
if all her peers were so young, perhaps painting pictures of mystery of herself will offer olivia easier access to their hearts and trust. regardless, she had cait’s curiosity and led her through the first floor where crown members offered a dip of their head to the two gym leaders and constructions workers gave the friendly grunt or two. olivia simply walked by, a smile to those who worked around her. for her.

the two women reached the archway of a staircase, the darkness ahead blowing damp cold air in their faces. olivia produced her phone for a flashlight and encouraged cait to do the same. “watch your step.” she noted as they began to descend. as they made their way down, olivia began to say, “in my faith, we honor the great one of the sea basin, who brought forth the flood of life giving water.” it was a long staircase, and the deeper they got, the cooler it was. “yet, the flood took life as well, a fact we abbiati know all too well.” they finally reached the bottom of the staircase where the steps looked as if they hadn’t been repaired in centuries. before then was an underground spring of salt water, presumably connecting to the salty sea beyond the walls of the castle.

“and so when one of our own passes, we come to the deepest depths of the sea to give praise. to pray for safety in their journey to the unknown.” olivia continued, her vaporeon having followed them all the while, dipped her head to lap up the water. “this place, where we stand now, is old, far older than i had originally thought these ruins to be; yet it is a sacred place that seems as familiar as any other. like home.” the light of her phone glistened against the pool of dark azure and the scales of her vaporeon.

she glanced to cait. “but this is not just my home. it is home to many people who may not know or care for me as they did for others. for another.” her midnight blue eyes seemed almost like the black of a starless night in the barely lit cave. olivia flashed her phone light up to reveal a life size statue of marble.

it was . or at least the best sculpture of him she could get done. the statue had defining details that gave it a lifelike appearance, but was made in all white. it lay atop a base that gave the statue a couple extra feet of height, so one would look up at it. the base read: “in remembrance, a great leader.” there were dates of his birth and death, but besides that, the base had little to no text. olivia spoke softly, “i want my people to be able to grieve, yes, but i wish for them to be able to move forward. i plan on having this unveiled and set on the upper levels so any and all can come to pay their respects; but i wanted someone who knew him to see it first.”

“to see if it actually holds his appearance, yes, but also...” she kneeled with a wince and ran her snow white finger tips against the pale base of the statue. “... to add what they believe should be said about a man they knew and loved.” olivia looked up at cait, gauging her reaction as she asked, “that is, if you would like to.”