i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 0:43:56 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It was all happening so fast, he tried to keep his mind on the task at hand.

He would get to back to her wailord in one piece and even hung around for a moment to offer her cover while she went about her business with it. Before long though he was back to the skies begging her pardon for leaving her to get back to the fight. "Look me up when this is all over, I owe you a drink at the least."

Swinging back around to the other side, the left side of the massive Kyogre he called to Hiei to hit its fin with a FLAMETHROWER as they soared by. It wouldn't do much good by itself Fire on Water being universally poor damage tactics but it was better than nothing and they all had to act as one.

Finally catching his eye he noticed most of the others he would call his allies firing away with electric and grass type moves and some others with moves that were neither grass nor electric but packed power beyond the norm.

Releasing Gan from his pokéball he searched the battlefield for a powerful ally of Grass or Electric his ditto could emulate. Before long his eyes were drawn to the attention of a small shield-like being of electricity surging through the skies eventually whipping past to attack the Kyogre's right side.

It was a pokémon he had never seen before but he knew power when he saw it. "Did you see that?" A Ditto's transformations were triggered by sight and study and whatever that thing was; Gan kept a close eye on it eventually confirming that he'd seen the same thing his trainer had seen. "Then be that."

Bringing his soft and gelatinous mass together as if clumping into a ball the Ditto suddenly expanded into a form small but even stranger up close. "Whatever you can do in that form, hit that left side with something shocking!"

Seemingly riding a wave of electricity he watched his transform ditto chase down to the left fin of the sea titan hitting it with electric webbing.

● tags: @raid round eight: post three

● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.


Sénon on Salamance,
leaving Daphne with her wailord

still attacking the right fin.
carrying sénon, used FLAMETHROWER
on the Left Fin.
used ELECTROWEB on the Left Fin.

x2 (Electric Bonus)

L:601 R:618

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 6:03:27 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

The blonde looked down the barrel of the legendary. The attacks from other warriors fill the air with flashes of lightning, and Mega attacking makes Corviknight swirl out of the way to dodge. “Jeez everyone is just blasting away here,” Billi whispered as his Galvantula shot another Electroweb at the LEFT FIN. Though….all this work seemed to weigh billi down more. He felt for this beast. Did it really want to sink this island? To go on this rampage? Would it really want to cause all this damage and harm to people?

Even more, was this beast always like this? Did it always act like this in times of old. Land before humans, well seas before humans. “People….just...why?” Billi frowned as they swirled away from the more lasers and friendly fire.


Billi dodges attacks, and Electrowebs the LEFT FIN

_ryTNnHQ x2 electric type attack

L: 795  R: 618

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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 6:54:06 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

As soon as they landed, Celeste shakily stood to her feet and almost immediately began to try and slip away. However, she would find a hand holding onto hers. Surprised, Celeste looked back just enough to see locking eyes with her. For perhaps moment she expected to be held back, to be coddled once again like a lost puppy. Instead... she was only asked not to die before flying away once more.

Once flew away, Celeste simply nodded her head as she walked away with a distressed look upon her face. She couldn't promise that. When her death came, it would come. While she might attempt to prevent her death and others around her, if it was time there would be nothing she could do. If Kyogre commanded it... Celeste wasn't sure what she would do.

Despite the overwhelming danger, Celeste wasn't satisfied just remaining on the edge of the mountain. She needed to be in the water, regardless of how dangerous it was. The water was her home, where she felt safe, it only felt fitting. Even as the tears continued to pour down her face, Celeste sent out her Wishiwashi to join her Dhelmise in the water, it's SCHOOL quickly forming once again.

Celeste made the mistake of glancing up and seeing everyone attacking Kyogre, it almost broke her heart. The instinctive desire was to strike back at all who dare hurt her Goddess... but she had already struck too. Her hands were red with the metaphorical blood. The guilt had never stun so badly. She knew that those foul invaders did something to her, but it felt like sacrilege to even raise a finger... but maybe Kyogre would understand, the peaceful soul would never wish so much violence.

Please understand.

"B-blessed be thy name, Kyogre, shaper of the seas and life-bringer." Her words were slow and deliberate, even as she climbed aboard her Wishiwashi and urged it to simply get moving. Sitting in one place was a death sentence at this rate. Her Dhelmise quickly followed behind, traveling around to try and get a more opportune angle and hopefully avoid being struck by those powerful beams of energy.

"F-for you to have graced us with your presence a-alone... is an honor I could never deserve." She's silently motioning for her Pokemon to strike at the LEFT FIN, even as she continues to pray directly towards the legendary Pokemon. Her hands shake rather dramatically she clutches onto her Wishiwashi's school, as a GIGA DRAIN attempts to rip the energy away from Kyogre. Meanwhile, her Wishiwashi sets up an AQUA RING, to at least attempt to defend should the worse come to pass.

Celeste is having to struggle to keep herself talking when every inch of her body is screaming for her to run. Her chest is heaving as she speaks, barely whispering. "I humbly offer myself... a-as your loyal servant, C-celeste Abbiatti. F-for your true gentle soul knows no bounds..." The parallels to her first meeting with Lugia are obvious, her words had never escaped her memory, and now they certainly never would.
"F-for even as you are... I have faith." Celeste takes a deep breath of air as her pokemon suddenly dive underwater, dodging a large pulse of energy that struck somewhere nearby. The buildings sunken beneath the waves stared up at her as if it was foretelling her fate.

Not today.

Today she would fight to rescue her goddess or die trying. Perhaps, in the end, Kyogre will see it fit to leave her with her life despite her decision to attempt to meddle in the affairs of gods. Perhaps she still deserved death, but only time would tell the truth.

She still had faith yet.

H4lZtCi|x2 Grass Type.

Celeste prays to Kyogre.
Dhelmise uses Giga Drain again, to attempt to drain the energy.
Wishiwashi's Schooling ability activates.
Wishiwashi uses AQUA RING

L: 901 R: 618


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 12:45:21 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar


Muspel was closer now, close enough to see the beast in all its terrible glory, but also close enough to look upon its weaknesses. This wasn't like Orion's strange creature, she decided. This god knew not a single person here, and had no reason to stop for their words. They had to beat it. This close, Kaida hoped this wouldn't be seen as another tree. She could hear it already. Wasn't there more you could have done? [break][break]

At this moment, no, there was nothing else to do. [break][break]

Muspel's claws exploded with electricity in a Thunder Punch, claws reaching to slam into her enemy before immediately breaking away, for Silk was ready to fire. The Mega Sandaconda whirled closer, red fog giving even his calm demeanor something furious within. If Kaida wanted to protect her partners on the island, then he wasn't even scared of a sea god. Something arched towards Kyogre, another Overdrive sloppily aimed, but close enough. Right. They also had to protect their little one. [break][break]

Another G-Max Sandblast roared towards his enemy, the swirling sands hoping to irritating and rip at the vulnerable organ on the right fin. The Mega Evolution wouldn't last much longer, so the Sandaconda and Charizard flew at each other, Muspel grasping at the serpent to hold him even when his transformation wore off and gravity took hold again. [break][break]

Even from here, Kaida could see a Dragon Breath fired off. Kjoll, making certain that the people on the island were protected from any debris or enemies. [break][break]

WNB43D46 x2 for mega or electric


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! [break][break]

tl;dr: Kaida and her Pokemon go to higher ground! Charizard uses Thunder Punch, Sandaconda uses G-Max Sandblast and will be caught by Charizard when it transforms back, Toxicitry uses Overdrive! Onix uses Dragon Breath to defend people and attack any remaining troops! Attacking right fin!

L: 901 R: 818


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,110 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 13:39:11 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

It looked the danger was about to pass—and the inside of his jacket still felt absolutely wiggly. He could hear the muffled crying coming from inside, and despite the torrential downpour, he snuck a peek inside to find a multitude of eyes looking up at him.

All of the other Phione were literally clinging onto each other (and some were hanging onto him) and looked up at him, sheer terror in their features.

“Shh, just stay hidden, okay?” he said, before parking Zelle atop his head and drawing up the hood to shelter her from the storm. “Zelle, I am only going to say this once, but hang on tight!”

At that moment, he urged the Salamence to fly closer. While he knew that the defensive screen from earlier wouldn’t be as successful this time, he hoped that whatever they would chuck this time would work.

No, the Salamence wasn’t going to shoot off Flamethrower, he was just there to fly around and be an annoying little pest in the sky.

“Vince, Aura Sphere again! Tat—this time, yes, I give you absolute permission—Psychic!”

The Lucario conjured up another pulsating orb of auric energy before chucking it at the left-side wing-fin once more; and not too long after that the Gardevoir followed up; this time with a rainbow-colored blob of energy she sent straight after the Aura Sphere, the two attacks combining together so that it would hit with certainty.

Now they watched… and waited.


• Keeps the other 8 Phione hidden because big scawee monster rampaging
• Plonks his Phione on her favorite perch, throws hood on
• Makes Salamence fly slightly closer for better aim
• Lucario used Aura Sphere (+4 sp.atk) on the left-side wing-fin!
• Gardevoir used Psychic on the left-side wing-fin!

@tag (welp)
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 14:34:53 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the espeon is quick to react at the naganadel's dead body and blasts it away with psychic. the braviary manages to catch up in time with its tailwind and latch onto it with its talons, firing off a close-ranged oblivion wing at it before dragging the body away and dropping it into the ocean.

"dude..." priam stares at awe with what has transpired, clutching on his transformed ditto after being blown back. "dude! so that's what the pokedex meant!"

he recalls his ditto and his venusaur after he hitches a ride on his braviary. "i think we play as civilians now," he suggests. their work was done, and while the orb being destroyed was a shame, there's nothing much to be done about it.

priam waits for oscar to either settle himself on the back of the braviary or on his mega beedrill before he descends down to help people deal with whatever legendary pokemon plagues hoenn this time, as well as get away from the barrage of attacks it threw at them.

  • espeon uses psychic on naganadel
  • braviary grabs and uses close-ranged oblivion wing on naganadel
  • priam boards braviary
  • ditto and venusaur are recalled
  • descends from the mountain to dodge origin pulse

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 15:00:05 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm

The sky was a deadly canvas of energy beams, both Kyogre's and from all those who were trying to stop its blind rampage. On her Salamence, Skyler surveyed the rising waters; she thought she could see the outline of 's Wishiwashi in the raging seas, but she couldn't be certain.

'Please be alright,' the thought came to her, unbidden.

She wasn't given much time to dwell on those thoughts when a beam came perilously close to hitting her and Atalanta, making her abruptly swerve to the right. Heart in her throat, Skyler maneuvered the Salamence so that they approached Nautilus. The Wailord would only serve as a target as he was, so the sailor called him back into his pokéball. 

Sirena's back was still crackling with the after-effects of Thunder when Skyler returned. The ocean level was rising rapidly and people were desperately clambering up the mountainside with their pokémon. As Skyler watched, some of them were pulled away from shore, their screams dying under the wrathful waves. 

It was enough for Skyler to make a split-second decision. "Atalanta, Slowbro - you're together. Try to save as many people and pokémon as you can. We've had enough death today." 

With that, Skyler slid down from the Salamence and onto the ground next to Sirena. The Lapras made an inquisitive sound with its melodic voice and Skyler patted the pokémon on the side of its long neck.

Her silver eyes watched as her two other pokémon flew away before focusing on the hungry waters ahead. "We have to move; we're vulnerable on land." Thanks to the rising sea level the ocean was close to their position. Skyler held on as Sirena dived into the rough waves, emerging seconds after with the sailor clinging to her shell. "Sirena, use Thunder."

The scent of ozone hit her nose at the same time as her ears popped. Small sparks of electricty slithered up her arms and back. Up in the sky, clouds flashed with ominous light. "Now!" 

Like the bellow of some legendary titan come to life, lightning cracked across the skies, hitting Kyogre's left-side fin. 

x2 (electric attack)

+ skyler maneuvers salamence in order to call wailord back to its pokéball
salamence and slowbro are commanded by skyler to save people from drowning/from being hit by a beam
+ lapras dives into the ocean with skyler on her back
+ lapras  uses THUNDER on kyogre's LEFT FIN
+ slowbro's light screen (4/5) is still active

LEFT FIN: 1066 ✓
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 16:53:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

Kingdra and Haxorus
 Njord's eyes bugged out as kyogre swam right toward him. He flinched, absolutely sure the giant creature was going to eat him. Yet the massive fish swam upward, breaching the waves to attack the town.

As the water began to rise, Boris would be forced to follow the others to higher ground. Once safe, Boris looked out to the sea and watched as trainers assaulted the legendary pokemon. Boris could not attack himself, but he was sure to claw the air and roar as if cheering on his fellow warriors.

Njord was in the perfect position to aid in the fight. Shaking off his shock, the kingdra emerged from the ocean near the leviathan's Right Fin. Aiming his mouth to the air, he would fire off an orb that would arc over the fin and burst right above the vulnerable organ. Multicolored meteors would rain from above, crashing into the glowing appendage (Draco Meteor). Njord would circle around the beast, preparing the energy to try again.

Oscar and Priam
As the general disappeared with Razor, Oscar let out a sigh of relief. As far as he was concerned, their job was done. He was ready to head home, but nature had other plans. The purple shit Lancer had stabbed began to glow. Lancer himself was so confused that he couldn't react as the being's evolved form left its head behind to attack Oscar. Oscar watched as the beging soared toward him, only having the mental capacity to utter, "Oh."

However the being would be stopped inches away from Oscar's face, being flung to be finished off by Priam's braviary. Oscar clutched his chest, heaving as his heart beat like a machine gun. His anxiety would only heighten as a blizzard passed overhead, holy shit he was done with today.

Oscar was so dazed that he didn't react quick enough when Priam withdrew his ditto. Fell to the ground, landing on his butt as Lancer came to his side. The beedrill seemed concerned, but Oscar waved him away. "I'm fine. You did good, but stay focused on what's ahead." Oscar climbed aboard Priam's braviary, Lancer being far too fast for his liking. He was silent, far too shaken by his near-death to respond to anything Priam said. Eventually, he did manage to get out a somber "Thanks." before turning his gaze to the task at hand. The group began to make their way down the mountain toward...

When the fuck did Kyogre get here?

Njord used Draco Meteor on the Right Fin
Oscar was saved by the efforts of Priam and Selena.
Lancer is following the braviary down the mountain.
Boris got to high ground and is cheering everyone on.

Stat Boosts:

Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 

Beedrill: Speed +2 

Kingdra: Atk +1 Speed +1 

Haxorus: Atk +3, Speed +3


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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
17 height
17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 17:10:40 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


x2 from Freeze Dry

Ethel watched in dismay as the water level rose higher and higher. She was on the mountain, that was for sure, but the hateful rain was pounding harder and harder, and the coastline shrunk at an alarming rate. Ethel wasn't very high up on the mountain, and she didn't trust her ability to race the sea itself.

She watched as, nearby, threw what could best be described as a tantrum. She tuned it out, as it was in a foreign language that she didn't understand. However, her attention was caught at the end of it. Quitting Rocket?

This wasn't the time, though. Rocket or not, they were all fighting this Kyogre, and the other woman's Steelix was a way off the mountain. Ethel approched them.

"Hey," she said, clambering aboard the giant steel snake. "I hope you don't mind me joining you." She wished she could have asked for the Steelix's permission, but this was a matter of necessity.

She held back her instinct to talk more. This was a time for action, not words. The Steelix hovered above the mountain, shooting over the water towards the Kyogre.

She felt an overwhelming, primal fear. What was she doing, going towards this monster? She had seen with her own eyes the terrible power it wielded. She could only hope that it wouldn't be directed at her.

They soared through the air. As McFlurry's Pokemon attacked the left fin, Ethel's went for the right. Stratus, still soaring with his illusory clones, attacked with another Electro Ball, as Magic followed up with his own Freeze Dry. Flavor and Crescent kept up their Dragon Pulses and Shadow Balls.

- Ethel joins on Steelix
- Attacking the right wing
- Light Screen, turn 3.
- Emolga (2 Double Teams) uses Electro Ball
- Mr. Mime Galar uses Freeze Dry
- Salazzle uses Dragon Pulse
- Lampent uses Shadow Ball

LEFT FIN: 1066 ✓

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 17:24:31 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

everything about this was fucking horseshit. nothing about this was fair. she wanted nothing to do with this. she just wanted to —

(kill the god, kill it so hard the waters dry up and there's nothing left but scorching earth — send it back to the depths as nothing but a carcass for the huntail to eat away at —)

kyogre's primal energy was seeping from its body, and mcflurry could feel it entering her veins like she had an entire iv tube of it up there. her body, so weak, so fragile — so susceptible to mega evolution energy, so much so that it fucks up her neurotransmitters the same way hard drugs would —

(that kyogre's looking pretty susceptible, too — she should kill it, kill it and eat it, kill it and become better, become superior — become apex —)

inhaling the primal kyogre's energy and her own latent hatred like a line of cocaine, mcflurry's eyes whited out, and she started hollering and screaming in pure anger as her body and her glalie's body started burning up in light.

then, all of a sudden, mcflurry's got a mega glalie in her hands, over her head, on her steelix that happens to be housing someone else she never even got the name of.

and then she chucks the fucking pokemon at the kyogre's right wing, and damn near everyone can hear the glalie cry as its dislocated jaw is hurled right at the kyogre.

explosion is the strongest normal-type move known to man currently. it is, in fact, the strongest move without any modifiers, with a base power of 250.

mega glalie has one of the highest attacks, at 120 base value. in addition, its ability, refrigerate, turns normal-type moves into ice-type moves and gives them a power spike of 20%, in addition to the newfound same-type attack bonus.

there is currently a mega glalie hurtling at the kyogre's right fin, attempting to make itself faint by using a refrigerate explosion.


- steelix has magnet rise! 5 turns remaining!
- steelix has +6 speed! it's trying to duck and weave past everyone's attacks, given mcflurry needs to be closer!
- steelix is following the kyogre's right fin now!
- abomasnow's snow warning! hail and ice start covering mcflurry's position!
- abomasnow used sheer cold on kyogre's right fin!
- golem used discharge on kyogre's right fin!
- golem has +1 sp. def!
- glalie mega evolved!

- mega glalie used explosion on kyogre's right fin!
- mega glalie's refrigerate! all normal-type moves are now ice-type moves, and have their power boosted by 20%!

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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s9OCFIRd x2


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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 1:03:29 GMT
 oh, thank goodness.

oh thank goodness that the wailords weren't killed, she thinks. though they were badly injured, it wasn't anything that was irreversible. her sigh of relief would have been heard by ; specifically, if she weren't already hanging on for dear life on the dragon pokemon, she would have already collapsed to her knees from the adrenaline. it was the first rash decision she'd made in a while, and that alone was enough to make the woman's anxiety spike to a degree higher than she would like.

she's grateful, offering a small, yet relieved smile to senon as he introduced himself, and voiced their next move. "thank you, yes, lets go." was all that was said, before they make their way over to the two whale pokemon. thankfully, the other two wailord trainers were at the scene, already taking the initiative to heal the pokemon up. daphne, while on the pokemon, sends out her blissey to assist she didn't need much a command, after seeing the state that the huge pokemon were in.

now that her wailord was.. confirmed alive, at least, she quickly recalled the large pokemon. the injuries weren't fatal anymore, and she knows that he could hold out until they make it to a pokemon centre. the woman holds the pokeball closer, smiling a bit with a whisper: "when this is all over, i'll make you something good to eat." she sighs, then turns her attention back to the.. chaos at hand.

she recalls the blissey after the deed had been done, opting then to hang on for dear life. there was little she could do in regards to offence, considering that she wanted to keep the remaining two, healthy pokemon on her away from the battle. they were more support orientated, anyhow.

- oh no bby is hurt
- blissey used HEAL PULSE on the three wailords!
- helping 's slowbro heal
- thanks
- relieved as all HELL seeing it's okay
- recalls blissey after healing up
- hanging onto salamence for dear life
- recalls wailord once healed up and close
- meganium is in the pokeball


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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 11:34:57 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar
Faith was a powerful thing, the only thing driving Celeste forwards through the dangerous waves, clutching onto her Wishiwashi for dear life as they ascended back to the surface for her to breathe. It was a shaky, desperate breath as her eyes locked onto Kyogre's flailing body once more.

Faith was what kept her strong, that the ocean would never forsake her. For whenever she lacked income for food she simply could have gone fishing. Whenever she needed to get away she could always float out into the sea and just let the waves carry her somewhere she's never been before. So long as she always respected the ocean and the true power that it has, it's never betrayed her. There's always been a healthy balance of respect and fear... knowing that if the ocean desired it could have swallowed her up and never let her go.

The tears continue to pour down her face as she fights the inner instinct to just fling herself at Kyogre's side to attempt to calm her but in this state... That meant death. There had to be a better way, a different way. "B-blessed daughter of A-Arceus, be still... This foolish servant of yours desires to see you rest in safety."

Slowly struggling to sit as upright as she could, Celeste only managed to get up onto her knees before the waves threatened to knock her off. Shaking visibly, she forcibly pushed back her nerves as she began to shout out loud. Her voice still weak, yet empowered with every ounce of strength she can muster even as she couldn't stop crying.


Faith was a dangerous thing, something that pushed even the most logical of men to do something utterly completely foolish. And yet, right now Celeste had never felt saner in her life. Perhaps that was the scary part. She wasn't afraid to die, only afraid of what her death might mean for those around her... The small few who seemed to care.

A large beam of energy fired in her direction, thankfully missing Celeste and her small party of pokemon. A desperate, pleading tone filled her voice as she shouted out as loud as her struggling energy could muster, arms wide and open. "Please! Return to your peaceful slumber blessed life-bringer! The beasts are no more, you may rest! Please, expel this energy those foul invaders have dealt upon you! I'm begging you, dearest Kyogre, please be calm! Rest, my goddess, and bring peace with you!"

Faith was what would keep her safe. Faith would carry her through till the very end. And should that end come soon, Celeste was ready. There is nothing she wouldn't give for her goddess, nothing. Including her life... But hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. Faith would see her through, faith would see her god restored.

After all, faith was all she had.

Celeste cries out to Kyogre, begging.

L: Complete R: Complete


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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 2:56:36 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

her pokemon scattered, the primordial roar and tsunami sending them to the winds - olivia herself? she was falling. vespiqueen was no match for the goddess of the trenches, and as the combee that surrounded the regal bug scattered, so too did their queen. the woman with hair spun of moonlight landed within the swelling waters with a splash; a small, minute sound in comparison to the tidal waves that began to drown out all land.

everything was silent to the mistress of the sea. olivia was pushed and pulled, here and there, by the mighty movements of her goddess. from beneath the water's surface, light erupted into the most sacred and divine acts: one of the true origin, of the sea. it was awe inspiring and at last, olivia gasped.... sucking in a breath of sea water. at that moment, she burst through the waves atop a water spout, curtesy of jellicent who had gone in search of his master.

the chaos around her, or rather the destruction from said chaos, was evident. the ocean was stained ruby from the countless bodies, debris from ships and that craggy rocks were strewn everywhere and - her kin. was there, so close to their shared goddess of death and life. before olivia could get a word in, the attacks continued; yet not from she who dwells. no. it was the insolent fools of the land: league, rocket, even the aliens... it did not matter who they were. now, in this moment? they were heretics.


olivia ordered, her voice coming from atop the enormous pillar of water on which she surveyed the scene. with a wave of her hand, her pokemon acted. from the depths, cradily began to maneuver the chunks of mountain and rock with ancient power to create a makeshift wall between the heretical fools and the abbiati and their goddess. these jagged slabs rose up like a maw of teeth, threatening any who would dare pass. it was not only the threat of earth, but from the sky - vespiqueen returned with a vengeance. hundreds of thousands of combee swarmed around her in an attack order as they surrounded the trio of olivia, celeste, and kyogre.

it was brief, this moment. there would rarely, if ever, be another.

"time it took us, to where the water was - that's what the water gave me!" olivia began to hum, the water spout around her gushing outwards in a bridge of sorts... towards the true queen herself. it was an ominous, eerie song.

"and time goes quicker, between the two of us." she continued, in the light out at sea - it was clear as day this was not the same olivia who had once held political power. adorned in ancient tattoos of her clan, donning traditional garb, and with the water itself gushing around her she appeared almost.. holy.

"the goddess with a bold heart turns every way bringing death to those who would defile the sea, for fate is a cruel mistress... and the bargain must be made!" olivia belted over the roaring waters, nearing closer and closer to the most sacred of the sea - and for the sole person nearby, the only of her kin, she might have noticed the tears swelling.

"hail to you, KYOGRE, sister of the ground-shaker, the virgin who delights in life, child of arceus and silver-gilded moon!" olivia called, inching closer and closer - her jellicent watching nearby as he kept the water spout going.

"lay me down, let the only sound be the overflow... of you first i sing and with you i begin; now that i have begun with you, i end this song..."


and with that, olivia was ready to be face to face with her goddess. a bargain has been made, a deal proposed... a sacrifice ready.

+olivia fell off vespiqueen, sunk.
+vespiqueen was blown back.
+olivia barely manages to survive the fall, and sees kyogre rise.
+jellicent uses water spout to lift olivia.
+cradily uses ancient power to block off everyone save for from approaching kyogre any further.
+vespiqueen uses attack order to also stop any other people/attacks.
+olivia... readies herself.

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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
17 height
17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
42 posts
Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ethel
Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 3:44:32 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar

Kyogre was powerful. Immensely powerful. Its blasts pulverized the land and people they targeted, taking life without discrimination. But the defenders of Lilycove gave back as well as they received, and the onslaught of ice and lightning and grass and more battered at the sea monster.

And then, there was a jet of water that erupted from the ocean that was not born from this twisted god they were pitted against. was at the top of it, and she and her Pokemon wasted no time coming to the defense of the leviathan, a swarm of insects and a salvo of rocks rising up to block off the rest of the attackers.

Confusion and fear arose within Ethel as she watched the scene. Was this an attack on Kyogre? That seemed unlikely, given that she had just ordered everyone to cease.

Understanding sunk its icy teeth into Ethel as Olivia began to chant. This was Olivia's attempt at... what? Beseeching Kyogre to stop its attack? Oh, dear god, she was getting closer to it.

Ethel knew enough about misguided trust and blind faith. It had been a comfort while it had lasted, but when it broke, it had shattered violently, the shards leaving scars that would never heal.

She would not allow the same pain to fall upon another, if she could do anything to stop it. A scream tore from Ethel's throat.

"Get away!" she yelled, hoping that her voice would reach Olivia from the back of 's Steelix, over the roar of the churning ocean. "Kyogre isn't rational! You can't hope to reason with it!"

A part of her realized that, in this moment, Olivia's faith might have been the same way. Sometimes, there was no reasoning with the sort of unbridled devotion that would drive one to risk their own life.

But she had to try.

- Ethel is still on 's Steelix
- Ethel sees Olivia doing... that
- Ethel yells at Olivia to try and reason her out of... that

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 4:16:15 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar


This wasn't happening. Kaida really hoped this wasn't happening, not after she knew how smart and kind her allies were. [break][break]

Muspel caught Silk, even in the moment of chaos, cheery grumble rising in her throat as she cuddled the sand snake...and then the water erupted. Retreating briefly, Kaida and her team watched the walls rise up, and her face twisted as she bristled. "What!?" Cease what, saving their lives!? In this moment, she cared about the lives behind her, even if motivated by her own desire to never lose those familiar to her, but even as her care expanded beyond Pokemon, one thing of Kaida didn't change. She held no reverence to anything humans held dear. Worship. Authority. That meant nothing to her, and she was certain it meant nothing to a god. [break][break]

"Get out of the way!" She roared, her (hopefully) righteous fury leaking to her Pokemon, who snarled in their own language at what they thought was an idiot. If another blast came through, the ones on the mountain might not be able to get out of the way. She didn't think the deaths of innocents would please the god. She had to get the wall out of the way, if only to let attacks through. [break][break]

Like they read her mind, Muspel clawed at the wall and bees with Thunder Punch as Silk spat Rock Slide, attempting to pull the wall aside or swat the bees. "We have to defeat it!" She almost pled, what kind of faith could make one side with a pointless killer such as this? Even with the tree...she had died for a reason, because she messed up. The people behind her? They were good. They were hers, and she could never let them be hurt. If faith would keep her walled away, then her own faith in her death being for a reason would clash. One woman wasn't going to stop her. [break][break]

On the mountain, Bragi hugged Kjoll, near exhausted as she aimed one last time and fired another Overdrive. Kaida looked like she was in trouble, and ever helpful Bragi shot at the wall, hoping to zap the source and break it down for Kaida. Kjoll rumbled comfortably, conjuring up a Protect for all near him. It was going to be ok, little one.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! [break][break]

tl;dr: Kaida is frankly, furious. Charizard uses Thunder Punch and Sandaconda uses Rock Slide to try and clear the wall of Combee and rock made by to get clear view of Kyogre, trying to allow people attack and see any incoming attacks. Toxicitry hugs Onix and fires off another Overdrive, aiming sloppily at the wall and whatever is beyond. Onix uses Protect to help any civilians and people nearby.

L: Complete R: Complete


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay