i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
329 posts
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 4:04:43 GMT
 "aquamarine!" she calls out, sending the whale pokemon into the sea, just under the boat. he peeked his body up to the surface, just enough to carry the little boat she was in. "towards the beast, go!" she didn't have time to worry about trivial things; though she was anxious, she was sure that alex would handle himself fine.

by the time they arrive, she is greeted with chaos that ensues in the form of hail, hindering visibility to the point she was having some fair difficulty. first it was a sandstorm, and now it's this. wonderful. and, just when she spoke too soon, rain came and she groans, very softly. it was.. much better than hail. much, much better-- but the odds of her catching a cold after this was high.

she takes a glance around, taking note of the.. amount of people in the air. she regrets her choice in using her garchomp to down the buzzwole, but it was necessary. and so, with the wave of her arms, she calls out of one of - any of - the fliers from above. specifically, to the a familiar face, she vaguely recalls. her own wailord lifts her up, at least high enough to help her get to a similar level with him, hopefully, if not close enough for her to call out. "could i hop on for a moment?" she pauses, glancing at her own wailord, "just for a moment. i desperately need to be off the ground and out of the sea, right now."

she pleads and, when given the green light, she makes quick work to hop on. with only her wailord on the field, she recalls the giant.. whale(?), so that they can take to the skies. high enough, at least, for her to let out her wailord just adjacent to the.. other wailord, flying from the sky. initially, it was smart to go with navy wailords. now, maybe raining wailords would be smarter. as the wail comes out from his abode, daphne yells out to it: "heavy slam!"

and with the other wailord, it threatens to cover even more land and cubes, with more force, as it threatens to crash down anything and everything in its large body's path.

it was already raining cats and dogs.

why not wailords?

- wailord is called underwater, bringing daphne's boat closer to the group
- blissey is recalled
- calling out to to let her on the salamence
- wailord is recalled for transportation, then released into the air nearby 's wailord
- wailord used HEAVY SLAM and is trying to use its massive body to CRASH THE CUBES AND BEAST INTO THE SEA/MAKE IT HARDER FOR IT TO ESCAPE

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 17:55:55 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

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As the western pillar crumbles beneath the combined force of their attacks, Orion's gaze is drawn by the brilliant beam of light that erupts from the eastern horizon. Silvally looks toward it, too, and the councilman can see the exact moment his chimera's bloodthirst calms.[break][break]

"Oh, Percy, thank the gods—" and Orion's never been particularly reverent, even of Hoenn's own legends, but his gratitude is genuine and raw as he throws his arms about Silvally's neck. "I was so worried for you, buddy, I'm so glad you're OK."[break][break]

His attention snaps to as she calls to him, and he nods.[break][break]

"We're with you!" To his Pokemon, he says, "We're going for the town! Hydreigon!"[break][break]

But it's Silvally who acts, gently tugging at Orion's sleeve to draw his gaze. Free of its confining helmet, the chimera's white mane shifts as it lowers its head and side-eyes its trainer with intent. It takes but a moment for Orion to realise what it wants: Silvally is taller even than the councilman, who was by no means a stout man, and its powerful muscles bunch as Orion clambers aboard. A nervous energy builds in his throat, a wild grin captured in his expression despite their dire circumstances.[break][break]

"All right, Perce..."[break][break]

He throws his arms around Silvally's neck once more. He expects Percy to run, but what he does not expect is the brilliant glow that begins to surround him. Orion has time to tighten his grip before the Silvally takes off with a BREAKNECK BLITZ toward the town. It's the only time it's ever used a Z-MOVE.[break][break]

Orion's other Pokemon are as surprised as their trainer, and can only follow at regular speed. They lash out at any cubes that come close, with Swampert capitalizing on the ice and hail to bring an AVALANCE down upon them. Hydreigon continues to leverage its tail with BREAKING SWIPE, and Slowking refreshes the PSYCHIC TERRAIN they've since left behind. The town was a battleground; it would likely be more useful here regardless. Without the guidance of their trainer, the Pokemon act upon their own instinct and reason.[break][break]


Hydreigon's REFLECT will dissipate after this turn. [5/5][break]
Relieved that Silvally is back to itself, Orion moves to follow Kaida. Silvally urges him to climb aboard and then uses it's Z-MOVE: BREAKNECK BLITZ to charge toward the mountain through the town, knocking aside anything in their way. From Bulbapedia, 'The user builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and crashes into the target at full speed.'[break]
Hydreigon, Slowking and Swampert follow much more slowly and attack any Stakataka cubes, Megalopolans, etc.[break]
Swampert takes advantage of the hail and blizzard to bring an AVALANCHE of ice.[break]
Hydreigon lashes out with BREAKING SWIPE.[break]
Slowking uses PSYCHIC TERRAIN once more, because Thorn's determined to blast some aliens with Expanding Force at least once this raid.[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 21:19:33 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Sanvi didn’t have long to rejoice in the collapse of the tower, startled by a megalopolan soldier falling beside her as Bell shot him down with her Psywave. Gratefully, Sanvi gave the Pokémon and thumbs up and a “good job” as he ran, moving forwards in an attempt to advance towards the odd block-like ultra beasts. She didn’t want to get too close given the sheer size, but with a jump she was on her Corviknight’s back once more and ready for action. Bell and Darling fell in on either side of her, Bell sniping down another Megalopolan soldier, hopefully, with a well timed Psywave; and Darling preparing a Blizzard to shoot at any nearby target that threatened their little group. Kin used yet another Iron defense, not willing to attack with Sanvi on her back again.

-Sanvi is grateful to Chimecho.
-Sanvi leaps into Corviknight’s back to continue forwards.
-Chimecho aims another Psywave at a nearby Megalopolan through the hail. 
-Corviknight uses Iron Defense.
-Froslass prepares a Blizzard to shoot any nearby Megalopolans or blocks. 
-Corviknight’s pressure is active.
-Froslass’ Snow Cloak is Active.
-Hail 3/5
-Aurora Veil 2/5
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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 0:27:47 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

What was Billi going to do exactly? The pillars were destroyed and now tiny cube lasers that could be described as pokeballs from the first pokemon movie but with...lasers and far more deadly. Like air strike drones but with an a.i far more advanced then it appeared to be, and with the snow turning into a white out, just...this was crazy b.s. Not to mention the brood disliked the cold because they were insects, and frankly, it wasn’t a mood for them. A zap here and a zap there, a blast over there, a WAILORD OVER THERE. Billi’s eyes shook as he watched the giant cube fort thing, get squashed. Well maybe. Can you squish brick? Hmmmm.

He wasn’t sure which direction to go in anyways, regardless, he just returned his pokemon to their balls, besides Corviknight. The corviknight dropped down and picked Billi up and headed for the sky. “Okay I gotta get going because this shit..” he mumbled to himself, the adrenaline was running low, so the pain in his arm existed, and slowly increased in throbbing intensity. “Let’s head up there, but you need to go super high so we can avoid the lasers,” Billi pat the Corviknight.

The Corvknight cawed as it took off to the sky, using it’s steel wings to slap away the drones that got too close. “Come on buddy we just gotta get over that way and avoid fighting for a bit,” he clung to the plumage of his bird.


Billi returns his Brood to their pokeballs then flies high in the sky on his corviknight then proceeds to move towards Velmos, like the others. Uses steelwing to avoid cubes, attacking them getting too close and tries to zoom by them.


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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 0:49:22 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Any sort of celebration over toppling the pillars would be cut short, as a violent hailstorm rolled through the area.

"Are you fucking shitting me!? We gotta deal with a hailstorm now!? Ridiculous!", Andrew complained, shivering upon feeling the familiar effects of the cold. Given that he was so badly prepared, wearing only a thin t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, he was clearly not prepared for such weather. "This sucks!", he groaned.

Andrew would be silenced by the sight of a laser slicing through the hail, and right into some unfortunate League trooper nearby. Staying low, Andrew would attempt to make his way towards the mountain, following the closest people he could, all while trying to avoid being struck by a stray laser. Before moving with his master, Stag would Harden his body.

Seeing the blotches of red through the hail, the Archeops would attempt to fire prehistoric rocks, levitated through Ancient Power, towards them, hoping to strike one of the cubes in the process. Meanwhile, King and Queen would attempt to intercept the fleeing cubes, King attempting to impale them with his Poison Point, while Queen would attempt to smash them with her Poison Fang.


tags: @tag
notes: Andrew begins to complain about the 'bullshit hail'
Andrew begins to move through the hailstorm, staying low
Pinsir uses Harden (+1 Def)
Archeops uses Ancient Power, attempting to strike the cubes
Nidoking attempts to intercept the fleeing cubes with Poison Jab
Nidoqueen attempts to intercept the fleeing cubes with Poison Fang

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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 1:34:11 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Okay, so now somehow running and hiding is even less of an option than it was moments ago when a giant ominous pillar dropped in front of her. As the hail sets in and the lasers start flying Evangeline starts really wishing she was anywhere but here. But with the lasers flying and people running and that giant thing and the Wailord it's looking pretty bad for the cut-and-run strategy.

So, Evangeline does the only thing available to her. Up the mountain she goes.

"Cover me!" she shouts to her pokemon who form up around her once again. Tentacruel looms above and over her -- the ruby on her forehead flashes for a moment as it erects a PROTECT around herself and her trainer. Weezing and Toxicroak flank her sides as they begin to charge into the swirling snow and ice that spontaneously appeared moments ago.

As they climb Weezing and Toxicroak watch their flanks and scan for the laser-shooting bricks. When they spot any approaching they make an attempt to attack. SLUDGE BOMBS are hurled by both poison-types -- aimed as well as they can be in the poor visibility of the mountain.

+ Evangeline started climbing the mountain
+ Tentacruel used PROTECT on itself and draped itself over Evangeline
+ Weezing and Toxicroak took up her left and right side
+ Weezing used SLUDGE BOMB on any nearby laser bricks
+ Toxicroak used SLUDGE BOMB on any nearby laser bricks


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #85a37e[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 2:02:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]the sudden cold leaves no time for celebration; iris returns her togekiss as the first shards of HAIL begin to fall. "quickly," she orders the rest of her pokemon, making use of the few seconds they had to cover what ground they could before the BLIZZARD kicked in fully.
snow, at least, was common enough in an absol's natural habitat. iris' pokemon leads the way, DETECTING enemy or ally in their path to carefully maneuevour around them. as iris continues through the blizzard, she hopes the screens she has up will hold out—part of her is grateful, too, that she's a bit more resillient than most.
her swampert summons a wave of water with SURF, enveloping the stakata to their side, in an attempt to hinder their mobility. those in front, however, she wants to strike down entirely. at her command, her aegislash charges forward, armed with SACRED SWORD.


* LIGHT SCREEN (5/5) and REFLECT (3/5) are in effect[break]
* iris returns togekiss[break]
* absol uses DETECT to navigate the group through the blizzard[break]
* swampert uses SURF to try and freeze the stakata to their side
* aegislash uses SACRED SWORD on the stakata ahead

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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
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17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 2:39:42 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


Ethel watched the pillar fall. Across the town, three other pillars met their ends under the attacks of League soldiers.

And, of course, the main trammel itself, being attacked by a flying Wailord. Ethel couldn't help laughing at the sight. The Megalopolans were sure to be surprised by the Z-move.

It was time to move forward. She began to advance towards the mountain and the trammel even as the hail gave way to 's Phione's rain.

Magic erected a Protective barrier as they walked, hoping to deflect any of the lasers shot by the flying bricks. Stratus and his clones, meanwhile, bolstered this effort by renewing his Light Screen.

Crescent and Flavor took more offensive approaches to thwarting the retreating attacks from the flying bricks. Flavor unleashed Fire Lash after Fire Lash, the newly evolved Salazzle swatting down any bricks that were within her reach. Crescent, her flames still flickering with Flash Fire's glow, blasted any other bricks with Fire Spin, the flaming vortex hopefully slowing down the bricks that tried to return to the main structure.

- Ethel moves towards the mountain and the trammel!
- Mr. Mime Galar uses Protect against the lasers and other attacks.
- Emolga (2 Double Teams) uses Light Screen against the lasers and other attacks.
- Salazzle uses Fire Lash against any bricks within her reach.
- Lampent (Flash Fire) uses Fire Spin against any bricks that are within her reach.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 4:20:54 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar

As much as Noelle wanted to argue further, there was no time to waste in trying to convince the professor or any of the others from joining in the fight. And, honestly, they needed as much help and support as they could get. She gave June a small shrug of her shoulders before looking on ahead - they needed to move on. And so, wordlessly, Noelle followed on after the group with the intent of scaling the mountain.

The roaring hail made it far harder than it needed to be though, and the pinkette lightly gritted her teeth in frustration. Leaving her comrades with the task of protecting them, Noelle went on the offense. By Creighton's side, Blastoise's cannons took aim and shot out HYDRO PUMPS towards the cubes, intent on wetting them and having the hail freeze them solid, otherwise preventing them from returning to their complete form.

Blissey plays support in using PSYCHIC to help try and locate the cubes and hold them still, making them an easier target to be dealt with. Any frozen or near frozen cubes are sought to be shattered with a brutal slam of Gyarados' AQUA TAIL. Dragonite was trusted with the task of attacking the incomplete, yet still gargantuan, form of the incomplete Stakataka from afar. A bright blue, large mass of energy forms in its hands. After a moment, the FOCUS BLAST shoots through churning ice and towards it.

- Blastoise uses hydro pump on the stakataka cubes to freeze them/slow them down
- Blissey uses psychic on the stakataka cubes to further help in containing them & making them easier to hit
- Gyarados attacks the cubes using aqua tail
- Dragonite uses Focus Blast on the incomplete Stakataka

s6vkOQCr Using 1x Salac
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 5:01:07 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

She asked for help and over-explained why. It didn't matter why she needed a lift, they were at war she was making a move that served in their best interest. Likewise it didn't matter why his Salamence needed to be healed, it was injured in their fight and if it died or feinted it weakened their overall strength as an opposing force to the megalopoloans.

He offered his hand to as she leveled off her gargantuan sea-mammal with his dragon. "How could I say no? Its the least I could do to return what you did for us before!" He had to yell over the storming hail turning into a storming storm. When she took it he would help her stabilize using his weight on Hiei's back to serve as her anchor only letting go of her hand when she settled into a sitting spot.

Activating the release button on a pokéball he'd only just put away he pointed the red beam down into the sea, lowering their altitude on dragonback to just above sea level.

His 'Shinobi Bugs' were buzzing about his head from inside the backpack telling him with gestures and body language that there was something 'important' in the seas.

"Important" being a loose bug-type to human translation.

Friend or Foe, Asset or Threat, Receding or Incoming they couldn't say but they also wouldn't shut up about it. If his only options were to disengage and fall back to an incoming asset or take initiative and seek out the potential threat he felt his stomach flip when his brain told him which move was the right one to make.

"Alright! Alright!" He quieted the Ninjask and its 'offspring'(?).

Moving the Ninjask and Shedinja to look at one another with his hands he took a gamble. "Ninju, use MIND READER!" Watching its eyes flash red the speedy cicada formed a mental link to its now-living shell.

"Ninju you're with me!" Hopping off the Salamence onto the Gyarados now wading on the surface of the water Sénon hoped his blessings weren't running dry. "Dinja you're with Ran." Placing the Shedinja where it could hold onto the Gyarados' head-crests he ignored the acrobatics in his gut.

"Din use MIND READER to find whatever it was you could sense before. Ran search the seas for anything coming or going." He rubbed her head giving secondary orders. "Bring the bug back alive and don't engage anything! SEARCH ONLY; TOP SPEED!" His voice was a stern fathers, ensuring her obedience.

"GO!" He jumped back onto the back on his flying dragon as his sea dragon submerged. Seeing what the other trainers were up to he added in what support he could now that most of his team were on a side-recon mission. "HIEI; HURRICANE!" When the Salamence didn't do anything the redhead yelled, knocking on its back like a thick wooden door. "THAT'S YOU HIEI, USE HURRICANE!" With a deepened vigor from getting what it wanted the dragon stirred the winds with its wings and its roaring.

● tags: @raid round seven (with )
● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.


Sénon on Salamance, giving Daphne a ride

using Mind Reader to track Shedinja and
see what it sees and thinks.
using mind reader to search the SEAS with Gyarados for the sea lurker.
searching the sea with Shedinja for the SEA LURKER. being cautious.
carrying sénon and daphne. Used hurricane to support the other trainers.
resting in .

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 5:45:16 GMT
June Fair Avatar
”Precious stone? Are you mad?! How dangerous can a bloody stone even-” It was pointless to argue and the lasers interrupted them anyway.

”Fucking forget it! If you want to be that way then fine but you’re staying close to us, you got that?!” She didn’t want to babysit him but he seemed important so it’d probably be best that he didn’t end up with a laser hole in his head and they get yelled for it later.

Moving forward and dealing with the cubes and the beast they came from would turn out to be more difficult than expected due to the sudden changes in weather.

June cursed under her breath and looked to her Mr. Mime, having the Pokémon use WIDE GUARD to protect the group as they moved forward from any lasers they would not be able to see.

At the same time, June’s Urshifu would use DETECT in a similar fashion to that of @iris and her Absol but focusing on the lasers to be able to avoid the attacks on incoming.

June’s Dragapult joins 's Dragonite and attacks the incomplete Stakataka the best it could given the current circumstances, using DRAGON DARTS.

Her Inteleon would be on cube duty, using SNIPE SHOT and prioritizing any cube it could make out in the snow about to fire a laser using the blue shine as a target to fire. Otherwise, it’d just shoot at one it could see.

- Mr. Mime uses WIDE GUARD to protect the group from any on coming lasers.
- Urshifu uses DETECT.
- Inteleon uses SNIPE SHOT on the Stakataka cubes.
- Dragapult uses DRAGON DARTS on the incomplete Stakataka
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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 5:53:02 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

The pillars collapsed all down from around the city and Celeste finally let out a soft sigh of relief as things seemed to appear to be going well. However, the bright light from the eastern sky intrigued her. There shouldn't be any fighting anywhere else... what was going on? All that she knew was that the warm light suddenly had her feeling invigorated. Her shortness of breath and exhaustion vanished almost completely. As if... for once, she felt healthy. It was almost emotional. However before she could whisper a quiet thanks to whatever force caused that, the hail truly began.

It was almost impossible to see, but the sound of the loud crash confirmed that her Wailord had struck its intended target. Good. As they continued to fly forwards, however, Celeste suddenly heard shout and wrap her arms around her. Immediately responding to the warning, Celeste's arms clutched around the Salamence as best as she could, holding tight. It seemed those bricks had even more of a mind of their own. Great.

It was an uncomfortable feeling, putting her own safety into the hands of one another. However, with Jaspers out of commission, Leviathan unable to fly, and Kelporeal following them behind closer towards the ground, her pokemon weren't exactly capable in this environment. For now, Celeste would have to remain patient as 's pokemon dodged and attacked the bricks and their lasers. And then, the Wailord appeared and launched itself at the beast as well and Celeste couldn't help but chuckle, especially as another Wailord from someone else entirely ( ) appeared and began to head for it too. What a sight to behold.

Celeste's Dhelmise continued to follow closer towards them as they flew towards the mountain, using another PHANTOM FORCE to fade into the shadows and move. However, Celeste's attention was almost entirely consumed by the soft sound of chirping following rain slowly replacing the snow and hail... She couldn't see too well, but the mere outline of what she thought she saw encouraged her. A man flying in the sky was covered in Phione and they were on their side. Perhaps there would be time for questions later, to attempt to see the children of her faith and whom this mysterious figure was, but right now all she felt was hope. They were here, there was a silver lining after all.

Quickly turning her attention back to the mountain and their intended destination, Celeste quickly yelled at the top of her lungs. With the light, her exhaustion had vanished for the moment and she was eager to properly yell as loud as she possibly could, possibly as loud as she had ever been. "Tiny! You got incoming company! Stay strong!"

The Wailord was being boxed in from every side, attempted to be fried alive with the lasers. Trusting in her trainer that help was indeed coming, they quickly set up a PROTECT. The forcefield spreading across their entire body, hopefully resisting the worst of the attacks at least just long enough to break free when help arrived. Still exerting PRESSURE, hoping that it could simply outlast the beast, any bit helped.

Invigorated by the green light. The sickly girl feels healthy for once.
Dhelmise uses Phantom Force, continuing to follow Celeste and Skyler.
Wailord uses Protect, exerting Pressure.

Using 1 Salac Berry

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 6:01:15 GMT
noah faber Avatar
as the pillars collapse, a blizzard billows through the town. teeth chatter, goosebumps rise. the gym leader navigates the flurry of hail with his partners, while his pokemon assume defensive positions.

echoing noah's past profession, they act as bodyguards for @iris, , and . his falinks PROTECTS, his medicham DETECTS and his machamp WIDE GUARDS alongside 's mr. mime to extend their wall of protection.

within the wintry winds, he can not see what is ahead. "careful, careful..."


machamp, medicham and falinks use wide guard, detect and protect in the hail.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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TAG WITH @mcflurry
mclaren mcflurry
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 6:32:38 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry remains blissfully unaware of the mess she's made for everyone else. mostly because holy shit, there were lasers shooting at her now, the moment she got used to her steelix's momentum.

luckily, the steelix kept magnetizing debris, metal, bodies onto its body, and it was able to shield the oncoming lasers, but — it didn't help the scream that erupted from mcflurry as they shook the steel-type.

"wh-wh-what the mcfuck —"

mcflurry caught sight of at least a few drones, however. blue eyes, grey blocky bodies — she looked at them, then at the stakataka, then at them, and she knew what she needed to do.

with bullet train speed, the steelix suddenly leaped into the air, going fully airborne once more and making a beeline towards the stakataka.

any drones that followed would be hard-pressed to survive her golem's resulting discharge, covering mcflurry while she directly assaulted the stakataka right after , @iris , and others' assault.

holding on tight, mcflurry screamed more orders past the rushing wind. her abomasnow's white-out hail and mist attack followed her while her glalie used double team, attempting to surround the stakataka with illusions and give it false targets to aim at.

and then, from the icy clouds of precipitation —

steelix used dig directly into the stakataka, its jaws wide open, ready to feed.


- mcflurry is protected by glalie and steelix's debris!
golem used discharge, attacking any incoming drones that might try and hit mcflurry's team!
- golem has +1 sp. def!
- abomasnow's snow warning! hail and ice start covering mcflurry's position!
- abomasnow used mist, providing further cover and protecting mcflurry's team from stat reductions! 5 turns remaining!
- glalie's ice body! glalie regenerates in the hail! it's fully healed!
glalie used double team, attempting to create more misdirection and distracting the stakataka and its drones!
- steelix has magnet rise! 3 turns remaining! it has now gone airborne!
- steelix is headed straight to the stakataka!
- steelix has +4 speed!
- golem's magnet pull! the magnetic forces accelerate steelix towards the stakataka on a physical level! drones and stakataka may also be affected, being steel-type!
- steelix used dig on stakataka, attempting to bore through its weakened state!
- steelix can eat stakataka's steel-rock body (or at least chew through it), as per its pokedex entry! it will attempt to do so during its attack!

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2020 6:47:10 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


“oh god. billi!” selena calls at the sound of familiar voice, looking back, it is the newly-hired intern at the vantage. “for a second there, i was worried about the people on the ship. i'm glad you made it.”[break][break]

their reunion is cut short when she witnesses another stakataka pillar coming to life, drones surging from the distant mountain. their eyes gleaming red, ready to take charge at incoming enemies. “those things are real dangerous when they get the opportunity to cave you in. don't give them that chance.” she advises as she pushes ganesha to proceed to the mountainside as well once he leaps to the sky with his corviknight.[break][break]

the copperajah charges with heavy slam, the forming pillar clashing with its heavy metal as they rush forth through velmos's direction. the delphox's light screen lingers around the behemoth mount as she casts dazzling gleam on their drone eyes, attempting to halt their lasers. tapu koko blesses the party under the protection of a reflective barrier, dealing with possible physical attacks from the drone units. muddy water from medusa surrounds the surging copperajah before venus, whose grandiose plumage sheds off, launches off a barrage of draco meteor as additional protection.[break][break]


+ delphox's light screen persists (4/5) and cooperajah's defense has increased (+2).[break]
+ copperajah uses heavy slam at the forming stakataka drones, powered by its heavy metal ability, as the party rush towards the mountainside[break]
+ delphox uses dazzling gleam to blind the drones which are attempting to fire lasers at them[break]
+ tapu koko uses reflect to fend off possible physical attacks while light screen defends from special ones[break]
+ milotic uses muddy water as a protection for the copperajah mount as they rush towards their destination[break]
+ altaria returns back from mega evolution; uses draco meteor against nearby drones





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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay