i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 1:46:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar
The horror only seemed to continue, the chaos around her enough to make Sanvi’s head spin. The hail the her Froslass had produced whipped around her, stinging her bare arms and face as it hit her. Her Pokémon, with the exception of Bell, didn’t seem too affected though, so she continued on. Grabbing her second knife from a different holster, the woman held it close and tight in case she also needed to fight, inching her way through the hail towards  And , who had converged on the western pillar. 

Beside her, her Pokémon took on a proactive approach, moving on their own as their partner moved across the sand. Froslass sent out an Aurora Veil, blanketing then in a comfortable colored light. Corviknight used Steel Wing, arrowing through the air towards the pillar to hopefully do large amounts of damage. Bell, beside her, charged up another Psywave to throw at the nearest target, be it the pillar or a megalopolan attacker.

-Sanvi heads towards the western pillar
-Corviknight uses Steel Wing on the Pillar
-Froslass uses Aurora Veil 
-Chimecho uses Psywave on the nearest enemy target
-Hail (2/5)
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the machampion
July 17
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 3:26:35 GMT
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seeing provides noah with a sense of relief. he shoots him a knowing glance. they had both made the journey across the turbulent dark. the pillars that slam into the earth resonate ominously. noah is quick to redirect his machamp to the pillar— calling upon his partner to join with the other's pinsir.

in the meantime, inspired by @iris's absol and its thirst for blood, his medicham DRAIN PUNCHES a naganadel that lunges with its stinger.

a still target allows the machamp to land an impressive DYNAMIC PUNCH against the east pillar.

he calls out to @iris, and , should they be in earshot: "everything good?!" as the words leave his mouth, noah realizes he's becoming breathless. the briefest respite allows him to sense the shape of body, and how exhausted every sinew and tendon is.


machamp DYNAMIC PUNCHES east pillar
medicham DRAIN PUNCHES naganadel
interacts with , calls out to @iris, and

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 3:33:43 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
to see a demigod, or rather the daughter of a goddess of her faith, is an honor; yet to see her be used as a tool, is an affront. in that instance, as the scene unraveled into chaos - olivia nearly broke. there was a time she may have destroyed those in her path of her faith. now? now she had to act... for the people.

“repeat - to the east.” she ordered cooly, her words spilling forth as the sea witch herself rode on towards the north pillar. olivia hummed, a mellow melody too soft to be heard in the droning buzz of the vespiqueen. nonetheless, the queen understood her fellow regal, flying towards the phione in the distance.

olivia/vespiqueen chases after phione/alexei
vespiqueen uses defend order! (+4 SpDEF/DEF)
jellicent used water spout @ east pillar!
cradily used ancient power to act as cover for the pair!
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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 4:10:50 GMT
June Fair Avatar
"Thanks for the backup Noelle, we make a good team." June was so relieved that they managed to take care of the Megalopolans and save the hostages without any casualties.

She and her Pokémon would then assist with making sure the hostages safely escaped the building and those who wanted to flee were able to do so.

June supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised by the amount who wanted to fight back, if she was in their spot she’d want some payback for sure. But still, their gumption was definitely admirable and the help would be appreciated.

”Uh you’re welcome?” Who the hell was this guy and what did he mean by he always finds himself in these sorts of situations? What sort of crazy life was this guy leading?

Regardless now that this problem was dealt it would’ve been time to hit up the other buildings and search for hostages but that idea was quickly dashed as the moving mountain got closer and its body began to split and morph.

The shaking of the earth, the total destruction of the building, the cubes and mountains body beginning to glow blue, something terrible was going to happen if they didn’t destroy those pillars. Luckily others had the pillars under control so it'd be easy for June and Noelle to get back to the rest of their group.

”Noelle let’s back them up.” June would then order a few of her Pokémon to attack it as they would rejoin @iris and deeper in the town.

”Fisher use Whirlpool! Ghost, Dragon Darts! Urshifu use Close Combat! Mime back us up from the cubes using Wide Guard.” June would then look over to Noah and Iris.

"Noelle and I are good! Got the hostages out with no problem thanks to you two holding them off out here. How are you two holding up?" The pillars that had made those quakes looked to all be destroyed at this point and everything was fine until she noticed that the same man from earlier was with them....fighting.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you mental? You look like someone beat the crap out of you! Get one of the boats and get the hell out of her four-eyes." Or was it three-eyes because of the broken lens? Regardless, if he didn't comply she was more than willing to go through with her threat and toss this man on one of the boats.

- Escorted hostages out of the building and made sure the ones that wanted to escape headed in the right direction towards the city.
- Used Whirlpool, DRAGON DARTS and CLOSE COMBAT at strangling Megalopolans.
- Mr. Mime uses WIDE GUARD to fend off any cubes trying to shoot lasers.
- Yelling at Creighton to leave and get to safety.
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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 4:48:54 GMT
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A sigh of relief left the pinkette's lips as their foe is quickly dealt with, and the surviving hostages were freed. Her lips warp into a shaky smile. This little victory helps in suppressing the overwhelming feeling of the war and the losses they've already endured. "Huh?" 's praise causes a surprise blink before her smile turns bashful, "y-you think so? Heh, I guess we do, huh?!" Though small, the other woman's praise does wonders for her spirit.

She turned to her pokemon, that've began to help in securing the perimeter and tending to the hostages when a man greets them both, his face vaguely familiar.

"You-!" A wider smile quickly finds itself spreading across Noelle's lips. "Professor Creighton!" She knows the man only from what has told of her - from what she can tell, the head scientist seemed rather fond of him. "I'm glad you're safe." Sincere words are followed by a nod, hands briefly fiddling about her pockets to fish out a phone. "Uh - I'm sure Luc- Professor Lane will be happy to know you're alive, y'know? So if you don't mind, I'm just...gonna..." Awkwardly trailing off, she positions herself alongside the man, ushering in June to join them, and took a selfie.

It was quickly sent to Lucas in a text captioned, 'Look who I found!' followed by another brief text, 'Don't worry, I've got this.'

Pocketing it, her mouth opens to speak once more, if only for the ground to rumble and churn, as events took place outside, where the war raged on. The distraction from the situation, however brief, had been nice. She's quick to regroup with the others alongside June, a close eye kept on Creighton and any of the other former hostages that sought to help out.

"Keep him safe."
This special task is given to her blastoise, a trusted pokemon who grunts, stoically taking place by the man with a scrutinizing stare. Gruffness aside, the tortoise would perform his duty adeptly. "Help out." The command is directed towards the rest of her team. Blissey once again aids in helping any injured hostages with a HEAL PULSE. A recently released gyarados uses AQUA TAIL to sweep, batter, and break any remaining megalopolans, whilst dragonite uses an EXTREME SPEED to blitz about in search of any remaining hostages within the area to liberate and bring to safety.

"We're fine!"
There's a pause before an added, "Noah, make sure to watch yourself! Don't overdo it!" Concerned statement almost nagging in nature, they're filled with undeniable warmth.

"June," a small whisper is uttered towards the woman in an almost exasperated manner. Could she talk to him like that?

- Takes a selfie with Creighton
- Orders blastoise to otherwise protect Creighton
- Blissey uses Heal Pulse on survivors who need it. Gyarados attacks any remaining and nearby megalopolans with aqua tail whilst Dragonite uses extreme speed to search for any other survivors to bring to safety.


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professor o, professor oak
october 15th
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i'll show you love like the sun, i'll spark again
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ian oak
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:07:19 GMT
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"yeah, ! you show'em a thing or two!" ian cheered from behind as he watched the actress go on the offense. for now there was nothing substantial happening on his end. he was just observing for the time being and being very supportive.

tl;dr: he's supporting with love from afar.

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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:21:35 GMT
 she watches from afar as her garchomp screeches in pain, yet he had done his job, now falling headfirst into the sea. thankfully, they were close enough that she could recall the fainted dragon, returning it to its pokeball before it could face further harm.

the pillars had already been taken care of, and therefore there was little else she could do in terms of.. offensive maneuvers. she has to think; she knows this, but there's.. really not much she can do. ah.. jeez!

she attempts to regroup with the previous trainers, along with some other officers or league trainers that offered to help with her blissey. the pokemon casts a HEAL PULSE over them, and others around, hoping to heal up injuries.

- garchomp is recalled
- daphne regroups and has blissey use HEAL PULSE
- wailord is inside the pokeball
- meganium is in the pokeball


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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:27:20 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

as mcflurry holds onto her pokemon for dear life, she finds that it's getting a little easier to get used to the speed. of course, the bumps of running megalopans over is always a little shocking, but — as steelix licks its teeth to clean them of blood, mcflurry does her best to function.

looking over at the rapidly-passing columns at each side of the town, mcflurry's seeing that they're already collapsing. good. she can focus on the more important things.

specifically, killing these bastard aliens who decided to hurt good people.

"mcmcmcmc — mcrock polish! le-let's speed it up! cover me, guh, glalie!"

mcflurry braced for impact — and so did her glalie, as steelix's speed went triplicate of its usual. in essence, it was bouncing off roads now, making turns and using its flight to jump over houses like a really fucked up game of snake.

in the meantime, a protective orb once again surrounded mcflurry and glalie. her abomasnow barely fares any better, using its gargantuan strength to also hold onto the steelix's spikes while it continues to blast blizzards and send the entire town into artificial winter.

her golem, being magnetic, had no such issues holding onto the steelix. instead, it kept using smack down as a parting shot, hitting any enemy forces coming from the air or those that might survive any head-on steelix collision.

(even more is that metal pieces start gravitating towards the steelix. megalopan armor, steel-type pokemon, even debris like soda cans or garbage bins.

golem is beginning to polarize the steelix with its magnet pull, and mcflurry doesn't even notice. the flying monster is slowly but surely becoming a katamari of death.)


- mcflurry continues to run over megalopans, pinballing across town indiscriminately!
- steelix has magnet rise!
4 turns remaining! (in addition, any land-based movements now have zero friction, adding to its speed on a physical level!)
- steelix used rock polish! it's practically a blur!
- steelix has +3 speed, and is making rounds across town to try and kill as many megalopans as possible!
- steelix lands at seaside town, and is now flying low through the coastline streets, attempting to brutally run over anyone in the way!
- abomasnow's snow warning! hail and ice begin to pelt the shores of seaside town!
- abomasnow used blizzard, targeting every megalopan force in the vicinity! the attack is more potent and nigh-unavoidable due to hail!
- abomasnow's starting to cause snowstorms everywhere that mcflurry makes contact with!
- glalie's ice body! glalie regenerates in the hail, nearly completing its regeneration from the earlier discharge!
glalie used protect, shielding itself and mcflurry next to it!
- golem's magnet pull! megalopan armor, metal objects, etc. are currently being gravitated towards the high-speed steelix! small debris is starting to build up near golem's position on steelix!
- golem used smack down, targeting any would-be aerial combatants and survivors of steelix's onslaught!
- smack down has a chance to deal area of effect paralysis or electric damage, given its pokedex entry!

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:55:44 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

As the ship arrives against the island, Celeste lets out a soft sigh as the two bug-like beasts were successfully slain. Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to make sure that the drowned corpse of the Buzzwole was taken to Team Rocket, that no doubt would prove to be quite useful. Her eyes narrow as she internally debates, there would be time to return for it later.

Before she can question it too much, healing water from 's Lapras washes over her, and once again she's slowly starting to feel better. When would she ever stop being indebted to her? Regardless, the obvious invitation to join her atop her Salamence didn't go ignored. Attacking from the air certainly would be advantageous... There was no reason to turn down the offer. Turning to her remaining pokemon, Celeste would quickly shout out orders. "Kelporeal, PHANTOM FORCE into town, follow us as best as you can." The Dhelmise blinked in acknowledgment as Celeste moved to recall her Wishiwashi for the time being and quickly poofed off into a shadowy void to appear in town and strike at some unfortunate Megalopolan troops.

Slowly climbing up onto the Salamence, likely with some assistance, however, they suddenly took off into the sky. Rather quickly it was obvious that everyone was focusing their efforts on the pillars located around the seaside town that erected themselves and for good reason. Their glowing was certainly upsetting. However, Celeste's attention was on something else entirely.

A massive walking building was not something she saw every single day, however, there was no doubt that it would only spell bad news should it be left ignored for long enough. Reaching for her Pokeball, Celeste would calmly warn with a few words. "Careful where you  fly... It's time for these aliens to get some payback." They attempted to end her life and she would surely repay the kindness. Shouting with all of her energy as loud as she could, Celeste would send out her Wailord high into the sky. "Tiny!" The Z-Power inside of the massive Wailord already building as it began to fall. "SUPERSONIC SKYSTRIKE!"

Immediately, the wailord would let out a loud, terrible roar as its massive form was suddenly surrounded by winds, launching itself straight into the sky like an incredibly dangerous and mobile blimp. Its eyes locking onto the massive Stakataka even from so high up, Tiny roared once again as it suddenly began to drop. Shooting down with incredible speed as it aimed straight for it, Tiny was ready to slam into the Ultra Beast with every single ounce of its physical might. Even if it missed, the incredible impact alone would hopefully destroy their resolve and cripple the enemy forces.


Dhelmise uses Phantom Force, to teleport into town and follow Celeste and Skyler on the Salamance, dealing damage along the way.
Wishiwashi is recalled.
Wailord uses Z-Move Supersonic Skystrike, aiming at the Stakataka in the distance.

[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #967BB6; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 6:17:23 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LILYCOVE WARFRONT




AS POKEMON STRIKE THE MASSIVE STAKATAKA PILLARS, the cubes vibrate ferociously, as if channeling power from within— or from below. The earth surrounding them quakes too. Sand sprays upward from where the pillars connect with the earth. As the cubes themselves begin to glow, the earth glows too as if it had molten lava surging underneath the cracking sands.[break][break][break]

Under the protection of @sanvi's Froslass' AURORA VEIL, ’s Hydreigon strikes the western pillar. The earth quakes from its EARTH POWER while a powerful splash from ’s Jellicent causes it to topple soon after. @sanvi's Corviknight swoops back to her after its STEEL WING and before a Megalopolan soldier lunges for her, her second knife remains clean. Her Chimecho saves her with a swift PSYWAVE.[break][break][break]

’s Galarian Mr. Mime uses WATER SPOUT on the northern pillar as ’s Gardevoir unleashes a PSYCHIC at the same time. The resulting combination segues into ’s arsenal of POISON POKEMON AND ATTACKS. They demolish the northern pillar with 's Salamence's DRAGON PULSE as ’s Salazzle evolves to protect those around it with a potent INCINERATE.[break][break][break]


As 's Galvantula tugs at the tower with its ELECTRO WEB, ’s Mega Altaria unleashes an EARTHQUAKE on the southern pillar. The Stakataka oscillate dramatically as if shivering in fear before @iris’s Swampert and Aegislash deliver the final blow. Their BRICK BREAK and SACRED SWORD cause the tower to collapse like bowling pins leaping out from diving boards. Lastly, and strike the eastern pillar down with their unassailable powerhouses: a Pinsir and Machamp.[break][break][break]

Although the defenses seem almost impenetrable, each pillar topples in the nick of time. The cubes collapse from their stiff formations and the energy they release dissipates into the air in golden wisps. 's Lapras and its LIFE DEW refreshes those who require it, even after the siren has been recalled into its ball.[break][break][break]

While ’s Pokemon revel in the western tower’s collapse, his Shedinja and Ninjask search for dangers. They cry, sensing something in the distance, their small limbs pointing toward the sea behind them, from whence they came. They sense something in its depths... lurking. However, they can not be too sure what the threat is. Perhaps, the remaining Buzzwole? Even then, it is no where to be found… They alert again. In the distance, two Nihilego move slowly toward the seaside town. However, it will take some time before they arrive.[break][break][break]


FROM THE EASTERN SKY, a light beams toward the heavens. It is visible even from the other coast and as the light fades, the sky pulses bright. As the light scatters from the cloudy sky, everyone feels reinvigorated, as if possessing a second, third, fourth wind all at once.[break][break][break]


As ’s Slowking attempts to restrain his Silvally with ’s Toxitricity’s help, their efforts buy them enough time. Before their chimera can brutalize them with its charge, the energy calms the Silvally down. Its eyes relax, the demonic hue fading away like siphoned blood.[break][break][break]



LASERS FLY FROM DRONE CUBES. Those that have advanced into the town fire their fast beams. As they strike buildings, explosions erupt from the point impact. While ’s Mr. Mime protects them from their onslaught, Professor Creighton’s Stonjourner’s POWER SPOT activates, an empowering glow embracing and ’s Pokemon.[break][break][break]


Lasers fry Pokemon and humans alike. A laser pierces straight through ’s body as a Stakataka cube swoops by. He lands with a thud on the ground as his Pokemon gawk in horror. Several others fire at , his still position an easy target for the mobile drones. The distance from which the lasers are fired allows him a chance to react— should he notice them.[break][break][break]

Creighton shakes his head. He refuses retreat and surprisingly, as asks for a quick photo, the scientist complies. Quickly, he flashes the cheesiest grin, lifting his fingers into a victory sign before his face darkens. "I CAN’T LEAVE. THEY TOOK MY PRECIOUS STONE. IT’S… IT’S HARD TO EXPLAIN, BUT IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND I WORRY THAT—!" More lasers strike across the town, and the sea roars violently. No FUTURE SIGHT would be able to predict what is coming next.[break][break][break]


FOR AWHILE, IT SEEMS AS IF and are able to traverse without notice. Their acting works for the most part, the chaos in the town working to their favor. They pass by the marching Stakataka. Gaps remain where the cubes have left, revealing a terrifying forest of eyes blinking and flickering within its inner darkness.[break][break][break]

As they reach the rocky mountain, they realize several drones have surged across to face ’s rampage of destruction. Several drones strike at her Pokemon, but are deflected momentarily by her Golem’s PROTECT or strike both ally and enemy that have found themselves stuck to the Steelix’s hide. The lasers that ricochet off strike stone and hard metals in the buildings around them, boring through them with ease.[break][break][break]

The drones rearrange themselves, firing several lasers at and her Pokemon and everyone else. They do this to provide cover for the Stakataka cubes that had made up the pillars. Each Stakataka pillar’s cubes rises from the ground, reactivating after a brief amount of time. Weakened, the begin to fly back to the marching Stakataka like migratory birds. However, the immense BLIZZARD and HAIL causes visibility to drop to almost zero— causing it to be difficult to strike the Stakataka cubes fleeing and to avoid the lasers that are incoming.[break][break][break]

Despite their attempts to distract, one drone, however, has noticed and ’s gig. As they attempt to move toward Velmos and his Poipole, they hear the trammel in the east whirr and grumble. The seas surge violently once more, the earth quaking as the single Stakataka cube attempts to fire lasers at them in rapid-fire succession.[break][break][break]

In Velmos’ hand, an odd blue stone rests in its glove. and would be able to see him in the distance (almost 30 feet above)— and must avoid the Stakataka cube or deal with it as they attempt to reach him. As the General spots their approach, he smirks and passes the orb to his Poipole to clutch in its stubby hands.[break][break][break]


However, Velmos stops. Incredulously, he watches as a Wailord dives from the skies. Empowered by a Z-MOVE: SUPERSONIC SKYSTRIKE, the Wailord lands on the incomplete Stakataka with a resounding CRASH. The Stakataka scrambles about, several cubes falling from its body. The drone that follows and stops to turn around. As it zooms down the mountain, it seeks to assist its mother body.[break][break][break]


Megalopolan troops situated around the huge beast scatter and fly from the point of impact. However, the Stakataka, despite having sustained a potent amount of damage, does not fall just yet. As the Wailord's powerful Z-MOVE ENERGY dissipates, the clumsy creature reorganizes itself. Cubes begin to line around the Wailord stiffly, walling it in in stark precision before it can move. The Stakataka seems to be attempting to wall the Wailord in as the cubes' inner-eyes glow red. The drone from the mountain begins to fire its own laser in an attempt to stifle the Wailord from resisting its Fortunato fate.[break][break][break]

Near the town, ’s Phione’s wailing has been calmed, but its cries have not gone unheard. From the south, eight other Phione rush toward and his own Phione. He would recognize them as the ones he helped save from the odd pipe-like creature before. As they rush forth, they aim to assist the gym leader in order to defend the region.[break][break][break]


can control the other eight Phione[break](you can play with any move from their learnset).

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

🗹 Stop the Megalopolans attacking Lilycove.[break]
☐ Disarm/disable the Trammels on the eastern islands.[break]
🗹 Liberate the seaside town on the eastern islands.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Velmos, their general.[break]

☐ Avoid the Stakataka cubes' lasers as they seek you out in the hail.[break]
☐ Advance and prevent the fleeing cubes from rejoining the Stakataka.[break]
☐ Attack the incomplete Stakataka as you rush toward the mountain.[break]
☐ Interact/engage with Velmos ( & ).[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 16:27:04 GMT
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Oscar and Priam
Oscar should have known their luck wouldn't last forever. As they drew closer to the general, a cube noticed their approach. Oscar flinched but otherwise didn't try to react. It was out of his hands after all, Priam was in the driver's seat. He trusted his cohort to protect them.

As the cube's attack was delt with, they would draw close enough to the general to get a closer look at him. Oscar noted the shiny blue orb he handed to his purple minion, no doubt something to obtain for Rocket's use. The general spoke to them, and Oscar was quick to respond with a shout. "What!? We can't hear you, you're like thirty feet away asshole!" This banter served mostly to distract from the fact that his beedrill just mega-evolved.

Energy surged through Lancer, and moments later a sonic boom would ring out across the mountain. At a ridiculous speed, the mega-evolved Lancer would surge across the terrain toward the general's position. Oscar barely had enough time to yell out, "The little purple fucker!" Before Lancer would rip past them.

Lancer began to spin rapidly, taking on the form of a much larger and more imposing drill as it charged toward the poipole like a torpedo (Drill Run). His aim was to rip through the bee-like bitch, his focus from before and his natural ability providing immense Critical power (Sniper). While this was a threat that needed to be dealt with, it was more or less a diversion to set the stage for what happened next.

Razor the dragapult reappeared directly behind the general. Not stopping his momentum, he would crash into the haughty bastard and attempt to latch onto his upper body with his claws and feet. His tail would wrap around the general's legs, and his unhinged jaws would incase his head and neck.

If successful, Razor would disappear one last time (Phantom Force). He would transport himself and the general as far as he could north-west before being forced to reappear. His grip would tighten, attempting to knock the general out through strangulation (though not kill). From there he would fly forward, aiming to deliver the general to Rocket HQ. If their plan was a success, Oscar would encourage Priam to head North-West to help escort their precious cargo.

Kingdra and Haxorus
Meanwhile the pillars on the beach were toppled, but the battle wasn't over yet. Boris marvelled as a wailord smashed into the towering ultra beast, delivering a massive blow. Even with the blizzard and hail chilling him to his core, Boris was eager to join in on the action. The dragon roared, charging into the fray to strike at the tower. Unfortunately due to low visibility, he attacked too early ended up dealing an Iron Tail to the cubes surrounding the wailord. Oh well, at least he helped.

Njord also wished to hell, but something drew his attention back to the ocean. The sea felt strange, as if something immense was approaching from its depths. Unable to fend off his curiosity, Njord sank down to observe what was happening under the waves.

Wasting a salac

-Oscar trusts Priam to fend off the lasers and activates his keystone.
-Beedrill mega-evolves and attacks the poipole with Drill Run. His Focus Energy from the last round guarantees a critical hit, while his Sniper ability increases the critical damage.
-Dragapult reappears behind Velmos, restrains him, and Phantom Forces again to get him as far away from the battle as possible. Upon emerging he will try to take Velmos to the Rocket Sub.
-Haxorus used Iron Tail on the cubes surrounding the wailord.
-Njord went underwater to see what's happening.

Stat Boosts:

Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 

Beedrill: Speed +2 

Kingdra: Atk +1 Speed +1 

Haxorus: Atk +3, Speed +3


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 17:02:55 GMT
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the espeon pops out of its pokeball and deflects any of the lasers coming at them with protect, just as priam had predicted it to do. he whips his head at the assailant for a moment before he turns back and steers his naganadel!ditto right towards where the general is without delay.

"we can bring you to the seas!" priam offers since, you know, their base is at underwater.

the braviary reconvenes with his trainer and moves its way towards the general. from afar, the flying-type controls air currents with its tailwind, spinning up a vortex that pulls both velmos and his poipole to a point for an easier catch for 's pokemon.

priam, in panic, throws the pokeball containing his venusaur right as they approach the enemy general. the grass-type appears just behind him, and a single command comes from priam that he feels would seal the deal for them.

"frenzy plant!"

thick, impenetrable vines sprout out of the mountain and move around the general, trapping them in a cage of roots surrounding them in a dome. it prevents escape from them and hinders attacks from outside, giving them a bit more leeway with their actions.

the naganadel!ditto carrying them swoops in as the dragapult shows itself with priam steering it towards the direction of the stone he held. the petty criminal in priam takes notice of it the moment he hands it to the poipole, and it's the same drive that brings them to his next move.


  • priam and oscar reach velmos on his naganadel!ditto
  • espeon pops out of the pokeball and protects against attacks
  • braviary uses tailwind to push velmos/poipole together
  • priam releases venusaur to use frenzy plant
  • roots appear from the mountain and trap them in a dome
  • priam swoops in for the blue orb

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 18:25:48 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Alexei wasn’t expecting Zelle’s little wail to… actually summon something from beyond the depths.

When was the last time he’d seen those other Phione? Definitely a long time ago… so he was absolutely not expecting his troublemaker to suddenly have… a little swarm of fellow troublemakers come in from who knew where (most likely from the surf? Underwater? Shoal Cave? He had no idea) and automatically stick… attach themselves all over his jacket in a bid to get as close to their fellow Phione as much as possible!

“Whoa, uh, Zelle…?” he remarked to the Phione in his hold, who let out the happiest of shit-eating chirping noises as the other Phione began clamoring around him, the noise level getting increasingly louder the more Phione began arriving. Doing a quick headcount, there were…

“…what the hell?!” was all he could exclaim as a grand total of eight more Phione had arrived. Some were latched onto his jacket, there were a couple who had clung onto his shoulders (one on each side) and there was one that even dared to perch on Zelle’s favorite spot—atop his head.

To this, the one in his hold let out a hissing noise, which was promptly ignored by the other.

“Wow, territorial much?” he chuckled as the one in his hold continued to make strange hissing noises at the one who had decided to claim the top of his head as its new temporary ‘home’.

Either way, the Lucario turned around for a few moments and had a look of sheer “what the fuck” on his features, before shaking his head. The Gardevoir, curious to know, snuck a peek as well.

Their human companion had turned into a literal squish magnet, surrounded not be one, but now by nine little blue blobs from who the fuck knew where. Well, Vincent had an idea as he had seen them when he was still a Riolu, but…

“Okay, so uh—“ he trailed off, before noticing that the weather around them had turned absolutely brutal. The conditions earlier were fine; however now visibility dropped to almost zero.

“What the fuck,” was all he could say, as even the Salamence let out a surprised roar at the sudden change of weather to absolutely abysmal conditions.

Meanwhile, all nine Phione were chittering and talking amongst each other, chirping and swatting one another with the protrusions sticking out (growing out?) of their heads, as if discussing something with one another. Now that the strange, angry red-and-blue beast was nowhere in sight… it was time to play.

Tuning out the myriad chirping noises as all the Phione were communicating with each other, he then tightened his hold on the Salamence, nudging Gabriel to go as high as he could.

“Bring us up. This weather is terrible.”

With that the Salamence flew up high, higher—as high as he could go in order to get a better scope of how bad (and how far) the anomalous weather had spread. Alexei was pretty sure, by laws of heat and location, that a blizzard white-out like this one wasn’t going to last because Hoenn was tropical in nature, after all.

I wonder what they’re up to… he thought as the chittering noises came to a halt before the one in his hold turned to face him and catch his attention.

“What?” he asked; while the other three Pokémon awaited their marching orders. “Wait—are you trying to say—

From the way Zelle was flailing her arms around, Alexei recognized what she was trying to get across—the way she moved her arms just so before pointing downward.

“Are you sure?” he asked, wondering what the hell the little community of Phione were planning. All of them were apparently sharing looks with each other, one that (if Alexei could see it) only they knew what they were planning.

Without further ado, four of the Phione whirled and swung their heads downward, letting the strange appendage point towards the whiteout conditions—and the clouds above them grew darker. A rumbling noise gave Alexei about half a second’s worth of warning before one, two, three—four of the eight Phione began unleashing their Rain Dance moves, all at the same time.

To say that it was raining similarly to a typhoon was an understatement.

“Really?!” he called out to the one in his hold, who was chuckling like a madman (or a mad lady). Unlike his own Phione who could not aim her Rain Dance properly, the four that had done so could do so had some control and finesse over it, now the question was moving them… forward.

“Gabe, get ready to blast shit out of the way with a Dragon Claw, okay? Tat, Psychic! Defend us! and the two swung into action—the Gardevoir conjuring another bright, rainbow-colored blob of energy and preparing to chuck it at whatever else would come to meet them; while the Salamence’s claws began to burn bright with draconic energy.

Hopefully, this harebrained scheme would work. Wondering if he could coordinate this, he then rummaged into his jacket and pulled out—one more feather. He had to hang onto the last four, and gripped this one as tightly as he could.

As the strange ‘procession’ moved forward, the other four Phione were clamoring among themselves—and then the strange bright lights began to chase them even up here, in what he thought was relative safety. Another shrill cry came from the Phione in his hold, while the other four stared like deer in headlights at the incoming blocks that were firing ominous laser beams—

Before the four remaining Phione suddenly let out a shrill, unified wailing noise and released the largest airborne Whirlpool that Alexei had ever seen—the other four crying as they hung onto each other (and him) while maintaining the vortex of water, hopefully to smash and knock away the blocks that were headed their way.

Getting the cue, he whistled exactly once to his Lucario, who knew that the one whistling note he dropped was a sign

And gathered auric energy in his palm. Seated up ahead, he knew he couldn’t miss, but how much would they have to fly back if the—

A powerful, charged up Aura Sphere then flew from the Lucario’s paws, aimed right at the blocks that were hopefully being thrown around like a spin cycle on high in the Phione-summoned Whirlpool, an attempt to smash as many of them as possible with the powerful, charged-up auric sphere of energy.

Whether or not the resultant shock wave would knock them away, Alexei only yelled, “HANG ON!” to the Phione, he hoped Zelle would yell at them to hang on as well—before he threw his arm downward and released the feather beneath him, hoping the wind would blow him clear of the resulting shock wave from whatever insane-ass explosion would rock them in the skies above.

As the Phione moved, so did the Rain Dance—a strange quirk about his Phione’s Rain Dance was that she couldn’t aim it properly, but with them—would the clouds move, clearing out the terrible whiteout conditions far below them?

Who knew?


• Alexei is “wtf!” at the sudden swarm of blue squishy mini-‘drones’ that came to answer the call of the one in his hold
• So like yeah he now has nine Phione, one of them firmly in his grip; the other eight hanging onto him by either his arms, or his shoulders, and even atop his head
• Lucario just goes ‘oy vey’ at the sight, shrugs and shakes his head
• The weather around him becomes white-out terrible
• Salamence flies higher with the strange procession clinging onto Alexei, hopefully to clear the strange weather
• Because it’s weather-shenanigans time
• (please take note that Zelle the Phione is the one leading the other eight and so there we go.)
• Four of the eight Phione make it rain. Pretty damned hard.
• Four of the eight Phione used Rain Dance (four simultaneous applications in one go) in an attempt to change the weather conditions from the white out below to something a little less troublesome!
• Salamence prepares a Dragon Claw to swat anything incoming out of the way
• Gardevoir prepares a defensive Psychic as some of the stray mini cuboidal Death Stars cubes fly up and chase him
• The other four Phione concentrate their effort and conjure up an aerial combined Whirlpool (four simultaneous applications also in one go), hoping to deflect the cubes chasing after them
• Lucario (FINALLY) releases a powered up Aura Sphere (sp.atk+4, thanks Nasty Plot) at the incoming vortex of water that hopefully has trapped the incoming cubes, an attempt to smash them apart
• In preparation for whatever shit-ass shock wave, Alexei uses another feather to propel them away from the ‘blast site’
All Phione, please fasten your seatbelts—we’re going on a RIDE
• Feather usage this round: one

(look what the cat dragged in)
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 19:35:32 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar


Kaida doesn't know what comes over her, a bark of cheery laughter briefly shaking her shoulders as she chokes out, "Its back!" Their strange friend was back to its senses! Pounding blood screams in her ears, the glee of something going so right dragging her to whip around to the rock monster. She'd destroy them, clearly, things were going right! [break][break]

"I'm going Orion!" She snarled, unsure where the energy was coming from, only sure that they were winning. If they destroyed that monster...she crouched low, teeth bared in a terrible smile as a glow emanated from her ankle. Where he slithered, Silk let out a hiss that almost sounded like a roar, erupting into a spinning sandstorm as he spun like a tornado. He didn't hesitate, as Kaida yelled out, "The monster!" He launched at the Stakataka, G-Max Sandblast aiming to tear the monster apart, grinding it to dust with sand. Wherever he ended up, he continued on, a living sandstorm of destruction.[break][break]

Aiming to protect herself and others, Kaida leapt upon Muspel and waved around herself, "Kjoll, protect us!" Stealth Rock twirled in the air, both a rocky defense and an attack. As Muspel leapt into the air, heading towards the monster and general, Bragi crackled with electric energy in Shift Gear, running like a madwoman after the Charizard. Through the town, to the general. Lightning crackled from Kaida's mount, Thunder Punch aiming to destroy anything that came near. [break][break]

She was going to kill him. She'd never been happier. She'd finally defend her home. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! Using a Salac! [break][break]

tl;dr: In group with . Very happy to see Silvally return to its senses! Sandaconda Mega Evolves and, on Kaida's orders, uses G-max Sandblast on Stakataka! Kaida jumps on Charizard, who attacks anything near with Thunder Punch! Onix uses Stealth Rock to both defend and attack enemies and laser shooting drones! Toxicitry uses Shift Gear and follows on ground as they deeper into the city, towards Velmos!


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 12:06:02 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm

Skyler barely had any time to breathe out a sigh of relief at the collapsing towers when an explosion caught her attention. A plume of smoke and fire emerged from a halfway destroyed building, and soon others followed. She caught sight of the drone cubes advancing upon the town even as the hail blanketed the world around her and her vibility was abruptly reduced. She did notice 's Wailord falling down on the sentient building like a missile, and her jaw nearly hit the floor at the move.

Before she could say anything, however, the sound of something whizzing by turned her to action. She leaned forward slightly and put her arms on either side of to make sure neither of them would fall. Behind her, Slowbro was holding on for dear life. "Hold on!" she said, before the Salamence surged forward and up, trying to escape some of the flying cubes and get some visibility back.

As they flew toward the mountain and the Stakataka, Slowbro would use PSYCHIC on any cubes that approached them, turning them at the last minute so that their lasers would hit each other instead of the Salamence and its passengers.

The continuous sound of explosions followed them. "Atalanta, use FLAMETHROWER on any cube that approaches." Skyler commanded, patting the dragon under her. And if the Salamence hit one of those cubes that were making their way to the massive building-like creature? Even better.

The sailor rolled a pokéball in her hand; there was precious little time to make decisions now. She hadn't trained her own Wailord as well as Celeste, but-- she could help nevertheless. 

The behemoth of a Wailord was released close to where Celeste had released hers, high up in the sky above the Strakataka. "Nautilus, BOUNCE!" Hopefully it would hit the massive beast and crush some of its cubes.

After all, what was better than a flying Wailord? Two flying Wailords, of course.


+ skyler holds on as salamence flies up and forward (in direction of the mountain)
+ slowbro would use psychic on any approaching cubes, turning them against each other
+ salamence prepares flamethrower to destroy nearby cube drones
+ wailord is called forth above strakataka and uses bounce in an attempt to crush the beast (or at least some of its cubes) - ty celeste for the inspiration
+ slowbro's light screen (2/5) is still active
+ lapras' aurora veil (5 / 5) is atill active (reduces 30% physical & special damage done to allies)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay