i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,545 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2020 3:17:58 GMT
noah faber Avatar
boards alongside @iris (unless she is on a separate boat!), and . Above the clamor of a rough sea, he hears 's offer, but he hollers back, hand curved on one side of his face to keep his voice focused and loud: "already got one! join me when we hit the beach, man!"

he recalls his falinks and machamp into their balls. worried that their boat would be at risk of capsizing from the sheer number of bodies within the vessel. still, his medicham focuses on their sea route. a DETECT is committed to preemptively in order to discern threats hiding in the waves.

as they reach the shore, 's machamp bursts out of its ball. the gym leaders leaps off of the boat as his pokemon grabs advancing megalopolan soldiers. he searches for as @iris's stun baton crackles like a magic wand.

"distracting outside forces!" noah echoes. as his medicham fights alongside his machamp, his own fists are too busy for him to properly pay attention to the marching building in the distance.


leaps off of boat with machamp + medicham (detect'd during their boat ride)
distracting outside forces so that and can liberate a building

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,577 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2020 4:19:47 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LILYCOVE WARFRONT




AS THE BUZZWOLE RUSH TOWARD THE SEASIDE TOWN, they are intercepted with a barrage of violence. The watery canvas of Hoenn's sea illuminates with the crash of THUNDER and the red flare of an OBLIVION WING. The Buzzwole, weakened by their attacks, become desperate. Exerting their strength, they attempt to latch on to 's Wailord; however, the Ultra Beasts change targets to 's Mega Lapras when they find that it has been recalled.[break][break][break]


While 's new allies fly around a Buzzwole like fighter jets distracting a kaiju, lands a decisive strike. A DRAGON CLAW tears into the Buzzwole's chest. The muscle tears, and acid sprays from its interiors, BURNING the Garchomp. Nevertheless, the attack is potent enough. As the Garchomp rips off the proboscis, 's Salamence and Gardevoir help to finish it off. 's Garchomp faints from the pain— but it has done its job valiantly.[break][break][break]

Similarly, as a Buzzwole latches onto 's Lapras, the proboscis it owns appears to gleam like a dagger about to plunge. However, 's Pokemon manage to distract it long enough for 's Gyarados to wrap around its built frame. The Buzzwole flexes, attempting to escape the Gyarados' bind; however, and 's Pokemon cause the Buzzwole's resistance to falter. As 's WHIRLPOOL swirls underneath the Buzzwole, the frozen and poisoned wings fall off of the Ultra Beast. An ICE FANG condemns the Buzzwole into the depths of the swirling sea, and as the Buzzwole struggles underwater, its proboscis emits bubble after bubble before it becomes motionless within Gyarados' serpentine grasp.[break][break][break]


THE SHORE MUST BE CLEARED. In the islands around them, League forces engage in battle with Megalopolan troops. Naganadel tear into soldiers, their cries muddled by bloodied throats. Megalopolan troops cry for their friends as they fight for the fate of their people.[break][break][break]

As they breach the seaside town, and smother the Megalopolans in poisons. A Nidoking gores several troops, while 's Weezing spreads a wave of skin-melting heat across the shore.[break][break][break]


and dart into the town. As the pink-haired trainer's Blastoise PROTECTS them, they break into a building. The troops attempt to retaliate, but are swiftly dealt with due to her Dragonite's EXTREME SPEED. The swift, precise strikes of 's Urshifu, Inteleon and Dragapult allow them to pick off enemies before they can take advantage of the town's hostages. Several hostages reclaim their pokeballs from a nearby storage— and while some flee to the safety of the incoming League forces, the others join the fight.[break][break][break]

One of the refugees rush toward and . Grabbing their hands, a broken lens from his glasses falls from its frame. "I COULD KISS YOU TWO. THOUGHT NO HELP WAS COMING... I FIND MYSELF IN THESE SITUATIONS ALL THE TIME, IT APPEARS." A beat up Professor Creighton gasps for breath. As he looks toward the incoming Stakataka, Creighton tosses his reclaimed pokeball, a Stonjourner bursting out with a heavy thud.[break][break][break]


Other League soldiers rush into the town. In a powerful swirl of ice, and brutalize battalions with their powerful Pokemon. The Steelix clears an alleyway with its immense speed. While Naganadel and Megalopolan soldiers attempt to halt its charge, they are swiftly clobbered by the freight train of steel. However, others are more unfortunate. They face the taste of their own medicine as @iris tears into Megalopolan groups with her Pokemon. Her stun baton stuns those who dare her approach her, while her Absol, empowered significantly by its borrowed talent, finishes them off. Several Megalopolans witness her violence, causing them to flee as chases them with his Machamp. Ahead, combee fly across the sky, taking Naganadel down as directs her Vespiquen.[break][break][break]


THE PSYCHIC TERRAIN GLOWS BEHIND, MARKING WHERE HAS FALLEN. Although his condition is unknown, there is no time to access his state. As the Type: Null "turns" and 's Pokemon react. Restrained by PSYCHIC and AN PARALYZING EMBRACE, the Silvally screeches violently.[break][break][break]

's Charizard strikes opportunists with AIR SLASH, buying them precious time for some connection to be made. Briefly, the pleading seems to work. The Silvally's eyes revert to some normal focus— however, the immense HAIL from 's Glalie strikes it. Not that it really matters; however, the continual hurt it receives causes it to become aggressive once more. Its programming has been overrun... As it is restrained, its entire body begins to glow with an immense energy as it prepares for another attack.[break][break][break]


'S POKEDEX FAILS TO IDENTIFY THE NAGANADEL. The foreign body that the Rocket rides upon, is odd. His device detects brain activity in the creature's lower half rather than in its head. As they travel, and 's unorthodox plan seems to work. They fool several troops after clearing the beach. However, as they attempt to get closer to the general, they encounter from the sides, the Stakataka marching toward the town.[break][break][break]

Should they want to reach the general, they would have to ascend up the mountain nearby.[break][break][break]

Several cubes detatch, acting as drones. As they fly around, they search for anything and anyone, firing lasers at Pokemon, both wild and trained alike. 's Jellicent and Cradily strike from afar— and attract the attention of some of the drones.[break][break][break]


Other cubes begin to detach in greater numbers. These cubes land as FOUR LARGE PILLARS, spread out in the east, west, north, and south sections of the seaside town. Several crush buildings as they tower above the conflict.[break][break][break]

They begin to pulse, shaking rapidly, as if charging up for an attack. The earth around them begins to quake simultaneously... The Stakataka, diminished in size, but still terribly big, continues to march closer and closer.[break][break][break]

The sea rumbles once again.[break][break][break]


THE CUBE TOWERS REVERBERATE VIOLENTLY. From within, a neon blue light begins to emanate, outlining each cube's edges.[break][break][break]


[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

🗹 Stop the Megalopolans attacking Lilycove.[break]
☐ Disarm/disable the Trammels on the eastern islands.[break]
☐ Liberate the seaside town on the eastern islands.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Velmos, their general.[break]

☐ Eliminate Megalopolan troops, free hostages and continue to advance.[break]
☐ Break the Stakataka pillars before they unleash their attack![break]
☐ Befriend/defend against the Silvally![break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


@iris [break][break]
note: @sanvi must fill out their tl;dr post before the end of this moderator round, or face possible ic-consequences.[break][break]
has missed a round and will forcibly be ejected should they miss this round with possible ic-consequences.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2020 6:24:47 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It all came together so smoothly, the whole thing wouldn't be a cake walk but it worked it well in the moments where it counted. Two of the hulking red bugs were put down. Collectively the defeat came at the hands of few gathered allies thinking and moving as one with little more than good instincts in the moment and an aligned intent.

The second mosquito mass was ripped open by 's dragon the trainer also taking the quick action to heal his own dragon. If the morning came with victory he owed her a drink. Especially considering her dragon seemed to be out of commission at the cost of its victory.

Down at sea-level Gan, still in Kingdra form, gave something Ninju who quickly returned it to their trainer; Ranton's pokéball (that he'd thrown in the air moments ago), and the backpack to Senon. With the pack back on, the Ninjask climbed in and Sénon gave a quick look of bewilderment and awe to the Shedinja that definitely wasn't in there before. It glowing eyes looking back at him with a sheepish glee.

Not long after submerging Ranton resurfaced, her lumpy body indicating she was now digesting a big meal. A audible sigh of relief escape him as all his pokémon were alive and still in fighting shape, he even had a fifth member in his party. He wasn't just lucky he was blessed and he wouldn't let that moment pass without acknowledging it.

With Salamence as his mount he crossed the skies zigging and zagging to reach the Seaside town as fast as possible leaving the ground combat to those already on the ground. With Ranton and Gan pursing by sea they arrived hovering and floating off the coast to make a play at the walking glowing tower to the west.

"Ranton, HYDRO PUMP!" He ordered his wading Gyarados and similarly his Dragon-skinned Ditto. "Gan, ICE BEAM! Aim for the front right leg both of you!" He even pointed at the leg he intended they attack as Salamence moved in a lowered strafe in the distance.

With the timing of a gun-slinger he called back his two water-types just as their attacks concluded. Satisfied with the parts they played and having done what he needed with amazing success they'd both earned a little rest and safety while he made his next moves.

"Ninju... Dinja.. both of you use MIND-READER to stay ahead of any surprises."

Salamence huffed a spot of flames from its snout noticing the new bug get a name before he did. "I haven't thought of one yet!" Sénon yelled at it warning about the stomping tower. "Just stay alert for counter attacks!"

● tags: @raid round seven
● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.


Sénon on Salamance flying around the seaside town to attack the western tower.

returned sénon's backpack, climbed in! Used Mind Reader to detect attacks or dangers.
still inside backpack. Used Mind Reader to detect attacks or dangers.

/used ICE BEAM on west tower's front right leg. Returned to pokéball.

had lunch. used HYDRO PUMP on west tower's front right leg. Returned to pokéball.

Carrying sénon, wants a name.
Focused on flying/mobility instead of attacking.

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 15:16:21 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








For a moment, there is hope.[break][break]

No longer obscured by the horrific helmet, Orion can see clearly the moment Silvally comes back to itself. His relief is short-lived. Hail rains down from the sky and strikes the chimera, sparking its bloodthirst anew. Orion scrambles to his feet as Silvally is restrained, but he does not abandon his Pokemon. He can't. This is my fault. If he hadn't colluded with Cotillard, if he hadn't followed his direction—[break][break]

His wallowing is interrupted as Silvally begins to glow. "I-I've never seen him do that before—! Percy, please!"[break][break]

As its trainer pleads with their former ally, Swampert takes action of its own accord and erects a WIDE GUARD in an attempt to counteract the falling hail. The violet-hued mud fish positions itself between Orion and Silvally, ready to accept the brunt of whatever attack may come. Slowking continues to exert its PSYCHIC energy, holding back the aggressive Pokemon as best it could.[break][break]

"Hydreigon, the pillars!"[break][break]

The three heads of the dragon swing in unison toward the WESTERN PILLAR created by the Stakataka. Snarling, the dragon seeks to turn the very EARTH'S POWER against the pillar, assaulting it with jagged spikes of stone.[break][break]


Hydreigon's REFLECT persists. [4/5][break]
Orion continues to plead with Silvally. Swampert places itself between them while erecting a WIDE GUARD overhead in an attempt to counteract the hail. Slowking continues to restrain Silvally with PSYCHIC.[break]
Orion tells Hydreigon (and by proxy, anyone nearby) to target the pillars.[break]
Hydreigon uses EARTH POWER against the WEST PILLAR.[break][break]



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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 19:13:44 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar


Kaida steps back, growling deep as the beast of Orion's nearly awakens, then falls back into the rage it had succumbed to. "Bragi! Come back!" She roared over the rising noise of the background, not liking the look of the glow coming from the beast. Some kind of attack? Coming to the same conclusion, Bragi teared up, silently begging with Tearful Look that the beast would show them mercy. They were working together just a second ago! [break][break]

She tossed down a Pokeball, Kjoll roaring to life. Having had time to rest in a Pokeball, the Onix immediately unleashed Protect. He was the wall that would protect all the small ones with him. "I got it!" She answered Orion regarding the pillars, pointing to the same pillar and hoping Muspel would be enough to toppel it. The Charizard roared up, flapping her wings to cut it apart with Air Slash. [break][break]

Behind them, Silk the Sandaconda took upon Muspel's protective role. His Dig was unleashed on troops. The serpent surging through the sands as he aimed to bite and tear at them, he could smell humans...he hoped they'd be ok while these aliens were dealing with him... [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! [break][break]

tl;dr: In group with . Toxicitry falls back to Kaida and uses Tearful Look on Silvally! Onix is released and adds to Wide Guard with Protect! Onix has Sturdy! Sandaconda uses Dig and attacks troops to make freeing hostages easier! Charizard attacks West tower with Air Slash!


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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
136 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 2:28:26 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

"I think he got the point!", Andrew called out, upon seeing a Megalopolan troop being gored by the Nidoking. The laughter that bellowed out of the scrawny man would be unmistakable. He would then send out his Pinsir, Stag, once again. Despite having taken an elbow to the face earlier, the Pinsir was still in fighting shape.

"Queen, help King out by Crunching down on any Megalopolan in sight! Screech, use Dragon Claw to start cutting down Nangandal!", ordered Andrew to the two Pokemon.

The Nidoqueen would storm onto the field, picking up the first Megalopolan in her sights, before Crunching down on them brutally. The Archeops would rush the field, slicing at any Nangandal, or their rider, in sight with its talons. As it did so, its talons would glow purple, taking on the form of a Dragon Claw. The Nidoking would continue its rampage, goring and tossing away any Megalopolan trooper unfortunate enough to cross his path violently.

Upon seeing the pillars form, Andrew would look to his Pinsir. "Stag, hit the nearest one with all your Strength!", ordered Andrew.

With the closest pillar being the East Pillar, the Pinsir would charge it will all his might, attempting to strike it with all his might.


notes: Andrew sends out Pinsir
Nidoqueen used Crunch on Megalopolan troops
Archeops used Dragon Claw on opposing Nangandal
Nidoking used Poison Jab on Megalopolan troops
Pinsir uses Strength on the East Pillar

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,110 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 8:52:25 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Thankfully there were others that had lasered in on the giant-ass ugly bugs and had brought them down—that was another barricade knocked to one side.

Giving the Salamence a grateful pat for a job well done, he then vocalized his thoughts. “Tat, Gabe, good job on helping bring that moth man down. Vince, I know you want in—just give me a little more time to get closer,” he said in the Lucario’s direction.

The Lucario let out a minute sigh, but nodded—his time would eventually come.

Now that they were approaching the seaside town, the block-like… holy shit why were they still kaiju-sized?! Alexei could only hiss. He only had five feathers left, but he had a feeling those would come in handy later—and not now.

“Gabe, get ready with a defensive shield. Get your Protect ready. Fly towards where—“ he began as he spotted a head of familiar pink hair () not too far ahead on the beach.

First it’s Billi, now it’s her? What the fresh hell, why is everyone I know— he thought angrily before remembering that Selena currently held the position of Lilycove’s Gym Leader, after all. He was here from Fortree—perhaps the only one from the forested city that he knew of—and here for the battle unfolding.

There was a battle down on the ground, however he chose to stick to the skies—as this was where he was most comfortable. Looking at the cubes that were detaching themselves and forming around the island, it took him a few moments to put one and one together before he realized—

It looked like the ones that he had seen in the video back at that meeting. But instead of being a manageable size they were several sizes bigger… way too big.

Seeing that one of the pillars was already being wailed on, and another one was being started upon, this left two more unattended…

“Let’s go north,” he said to the Salamence, who grunted before flying towards one of the remaining pillars and quickly rummaging through his jacket as he did so.

“Vince, Nasty Plot again. Yes, I know, I’m sorry. But I swear, you’ll get your shot—“ he added, before the Lucario nodded and concentrated, serving as the point vanguard while the Gardevoir awaited orders.

“Tat—Psychic on that pillar, now!” he continued, pointing at the northern pillar and watching as the Gardevoir held her arms high, conjuring up a ball of rainbow-colored energy before sending it straight at the pillar in an attempt to start wreaking havoc on it as well.

At last—at long last, it was time for his last companion to appear. Hoping that she wouldn’t fly away while they were headed there, he popped the Dive Ball open and quickly grabbed the Phione as it emerged from the flash of red light, hanging onto her as tightly as he could, slippery body aside.

“Zelle. Zelle! he barked, catching the Water-type’s attention. “Don’t leave my hold. Trust me.”

As the Phione began to wail, she heard her human companion’s voice—and immediately settled down in his hold. Knowing that he was going to get it from miss if she saw him doing this, he mentally crossed his fingers and hoped that she would forgive him later.

“Aim your Water Pulse after Tatiana’s Psychic! GO!” he said, holding the Phione tightly as he raised his hands overhead, the little blue creature letting out a wail of surprise before anchoring herself in his hold, and taking a deep breath and blasting out a powerful cannon-like blast of water from its seemingly tiny little maw.

How strange this must look from the ground, a human suddenly blasting out a powerful Water-type attack as it soared after the Psychic, an attempt for both Psychic and Water Pulse to pummel into the northern ‘pillar’ and hopefully start it on its way of destruction.


• Finally over the Seaside Town, Buzzwole expunged (for the moment)
• Salamence prepares a defensive Protect screen
• He sees down on the sand and hopes that she’ll pick up on the direction he’s heading
• Lucario used Nasty Plot (Sp.Atk+4), charging up power
• Gardevoir unleashes a Psychic at the northern pillar!
Finally sends out Phione after all this time
• Phione lets out a wail but calms down the moment she hears Alexei’s voice
• Phione used Water Pulse, following after the Psychic attack from the Gardevoir!

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 15:30:37 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm

There was little time to react to the flying monstrosities' sudden demise. The ship crested over darkened waves and arrived upon the sandy shores of the seaside town - others had arrived first, and the signs of fighting were already everywhere she looked.

At long last, Skyler's hands detached from the ship's wheel. She gave the controls a gentle pat, and that was all the time she gave herself to breathe before she hurled herself back into the fray. The air around her was still fraught with static after Lapras' thunder - her body now back to its normal size. "Good job, Sirena. You did well." The Lapras crooned before letting out a LIFE DEW that healed the allies closest to them. A sort of good luck before a flash engulfed her and she was back in her pokeball.

Skyler looked over from the side of the ship into the own, whistling sharply. Atalanta swooped down and landed next to her trainer, a growl reverberating in the Salamence's chest. Then the woman swung her leg over the dragon, Slowbro's pink body behind her. 

Silver eyes fell on and she called out to the pale woman, motioning for the empty space in front of her in invitation. Celeste probably had the means to get out and fight, but- Well. Skyler felt like she needed to do this. For entirely selfish reasons.

Whether the invitation was accepted or not, the Salamence would rise into the air. From there, Skyler could see the strange pillars starting to emit a pale blue glow. They seemed - strangely familiar?

"Slowbro, get some protection going." The LIGHT SCREEN went around them, its pale shimmer faint, but definitely there. 

Skyler patted Salamence. "Atalanta, we need to get rid of those pillars." She looked at the northern pillar and pointed it out, noticing that was also attacking it. "Dragon Pulse it!" The purple energy left the dragon's maw, headed in the pillar's direction. 


+ lapras uses life dew in the ship as a sort of good luck, healing allies
+ lapras is called back to her pokéball
+ skyler hops onto salamence and they take to the air with slowbro (and maybe celeste)
+ slowbro uses light screen (1/5) around the flying salamence
+ salamence uses dragon pulse on the northern pillar
+ lapras' aurora veil (4 / 5) is atill active (reduces 30% physical & special damage done to allies)
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 17:30:25 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam guides his naganadel along the route to their new objective. beads of cold sweat roll against his forehead as he surprises himself with how effective this approach appeared to be. no words were exchanged with , though he hopes that he gets what he was planning to do with this.

the only form of comfort he gets is the cold, metallic touch of his espeon's pokeball. there was confidence that the pokemon would pop out and set up a protect in a moment's notice, and what comes afterward was left ignored for the sake of his nerves.

'everything's gonna be fine,' he tells himself. 'what could go wrong?'

the braviary, after being done with its target, leaves and chases after the trainer it had left. it finds its next target on one of the pillars that had formed, specifically the one nearest them on the east of the town.

there's a smile that forms on priam's expression when he sees his braviary's dive on one of them with a steel wing. it's flashy, destructive, and easy to notice since it's up in the air. distraction was all they want in their position.


  • priam and oscar ascend the mountain on his naganadel!ditto
  • espeon readies to pop out of the pokeball and protect if needed
  • braviary uses steel wing on the east pillar as distraction

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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
17 height
17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ethel
Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 14:49:56 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


Ethel watched as the damn bugs finally got taken down. Thank Arceus. They were a menace, as anyone who'd seen them suck dry a Salamence could attest to. Without those to worry about, they could focus more easily on liberating this town and the poor residents inside.

Ethel was picked up, along with Magic and Flavor, by a huge Corviknight. She thought it belonged to that one man, , who had gotten ensnared in the alien tentacles earlier. Well, just another person she'd have to thank, once all this was over. As the bird dropped them off on the town with surprising gentleness, Ethel thanked the creature before it took off again.

She cast a quick glance at the rest of her team. They seemed to be mostly fine, none of them having taken any severe damage until then. She supposed that was one advantage to not having a team of large bruisers. They seemed to be a secondary target for the enemy.

The situation on the coastal town was not a good one. There was death everywhere she looked, and even the Megalopolans had taken on a sense of urgency. At least this hopefully meant that they would be more desperate and make more mistakes.

On the other hand, Ethel thought as she leaped out of the path of a stun baton as Flavor incinerated the soldier, cornered enemies could be infinitely more vicious.

And, oh dear god. Was that trammel moving? That was a huge problem. It had seemed to separate into several pillars, each of which charging up what must have been some sort of attack.

Flavor, having taken down the Megalopolan, was soon consumed by a glowing light, the light blue spilling out. When it faded, she was bigger. The Salandit--- no, Salazzle, now, was much taller and larger, and more graceful as well.

"You look beautiful," Ethel told her. But there was little time for admiration. Fueled by the new evolution, Flavor hissed as she took down other Megalopolans as they tried to attack Ethel, cooking them with Incinerate.

Magic, next to her, had focused on one of the pillars. Taking aim at the North Pillar, Magic continued to output a torrent of water with Water Spout. Hopefully, the high-pressure blast would take down the pillar before it got the chance to do any damage. Hopefully the other pillars had their own troops stationed on them as well.

Stratus and Crescent had been following the Corviknight ever since it had picked up Ethel and Magic, but now they continued to fight. Stratus stayed back, layering his Double Team even more as more illusory clones formed around him. Crescent, meanwhile, was dancing about and incinerating soldiers along with Flavor, absorbing the flame from the newly-evolved Salazzle's Incinerate. Her Flash Fire activated, the flames in her lamp flaring brighter than ever as she whipped up a vortex of flame, the Fire Spin threatening to trap and burn those within.

- Thank you and Corviknight for the save
- Mr. Mime Galar uses Water Spout on Northern pillar
- Emolga uses Double Team a second time, creating more clones
- Salandit evolves into Salazzle!
- Salazzle uses Incinerate on Megalopolan soldiers (and Lampent)
- Lampent gets hit by Incinerate, activating Flash Fire
- Lampent uses Fire Spin on Megalopolan soldiers

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 20:27:06 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

As the two made their way toward the mountain, Oscar was on pins and needles. He was certain that at any moment they would be found out and attacked. Better yet, even while anticipating an attack Oscar would somehow have been killed first. Yet as they moved forward, they went unnoticed. Either Priam's disguise was better than Oscar thought or the Megaloplans were idiots. Maybe a mix of both.

It became pretty clear that they were on a warpath toward the general, or the man most likely to be the general. With this in mind, Oscar came up with a plan. Razor, unable to stay in the shadow realm for too long, reappeared behind Priam's ditto. Oscar nodded for Razor to come closer, at which point he whispered something in his ear. Razor looked up the mountain and disappeared again (Phantom Force). Hopefully anyone that saw would just think the "megaloplan" who has captured Oscar is just oblivious.

As they began scaling the mountain, Oscar removed one of his gloves. A ring sat on his middle finger, the jewel of the accessory being a key stone. Lancer wasn't too far behind, Focusing his Energy as he followed his master's trail from a good ways away. In case they ran into trouble, Oscar was prepared to mega evolve the beedrill in order to save their hides.

Back on the shore, Njord and Boris were helping in the effort to destroy the pillars. Njord kept to the southern waters, and thus was in a perfect position to Hydro Pump the Southern pillar. Boris did the same, Iron Tailing the structure hoping his immense power boost would help topple it. Whether their efforts paid off remains to be seen.

-Oscar is along for the ride, heading up the mountain toward the general on Priam's ditto.
-Dragapult reappeared and used Phantom Force again as he prepares to fulfill a secret order.
-Beedrill used Focus Energy, following his master's trail from a few yards away.
-Kingdra used Hydro Pump on the Southern Pillar.
-Haxorus used Iron Tail on the Southern Pillar.


Stat Boosts:

Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 

Beedrill: Speed +2 

Kingdra: Atk +1 Speed +1 

Haxorus: Atk +3, Speed +3


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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evangeline
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 23:00:13 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]There are enemy troops all over the town, but Evangeline has yet to find them much of a danger. That is to say their presence doesn't stop her from pushing further into town in the hopes of finding some place to lay low and wait out the last few stages of this (quickly escalating) battle. She wants nothing to do with the larger threat that's reared its ugly head.

Unfortunately, she isn't given much choice. The thing splits parts of its body from the whole and drops them like ominous obelisks all about the town. Including the NORTHERN section of town she was looking to for shelter. Looks like simply ignoring it isn't going to be a choice. Maybe this conflict with an alien monster will go better than the last.

"Guys! Focus on the bottom! Try to topple it!" she shouts to her pokemon, who take up position ahead of her, "Tentacruel, Surf! Toxicroak, Vacuum Wave! Weezing, Sludge Bomb!"

They all nod for a moment before jumping into action. They batter the base of the NORTHERN PILLAR with an onslaught of attacks while Evangeline does her best to make a safe distance between her and whatever counterattack the pile of rocks might have in mind.

+ Pushed deeper into the town, mostly just hoping to find a space to shelter in space
+ Stakataka makes itself her business, unfortunately
+ Focuses on the NORTHERN PILLAR along with others
+ Tentacruel used SURF on the bottom of the pillar
+ Toxicroak joined it, using VACUUM WAVE on the bottom of the pillar
+ Weezing used SLUDGE BOMB on the bottom of the pillar
+ All with the goal of toppling it by taking out its base


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 0:20:19 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


reinforcements come in the form of other trainers fending off megalopolans from their grip on the town residents. several take their fear and anger into battle as more people are ushered to escape the chaos unfurling on the island. selena witnesses the stakataka break into several more pieces which march on different directions of the island. several trainers remain where the eastern and western pillars race to, leaving her and her party to proceed protecting the southern portion of the island.[break][break]

“rev up!” the gym leader and her delphox leap onto the copperajah's trunk, lifting them to his back, using the metal elephant as their ground mount. miloric slithers on his side while tapu koko and altaria follow through the air. she reaches where another trainer () retaliates at the southern pillar.[break][break]

“ganesha, venus, topple the trammel's structure!” as the altaria's pluffed plumage becomes surrounded with silver light, the copperajah stomps his feet on the ground, both summoning tremors of earthquake into the layer of sand and rocks. medusa becomes a valuable support, her muddy water washing down stray megalopolans and knocked up stakataka cubes back to the shores. drenched in water, tapu koko attempts to electrify them with its sparkling electroweb that shimmers with the delphox's remaining light screen.[break][break]

“i'm thinking if they used the trammels as a weapon, they must have another secret weapon or something.” the hesitance in her voice and the worriness in her eyes meet tapu koko's, her expression pleading for answers, looking at circe's attempt to discover more mysteries behind the megalopolan general's intentions with future sight.[break][break]


+ delphox's light screen persists (3/5) and cooperajah's defense has increased (+2).[break]
+ selena and delphox mount on copperajah and they march south to meet the rampaging stakataka[break]
+ mega altaria (3/3) and cooperajah uses earthquake at the southern stakataka.[break]
+ milotic uses lmuddy water against the southern stakataka and stray megalopolans in the area.[break]
+ tapu koko uses electroweb against the southern stakataka and stray megalopolans in the area.[break]
+ delphox uses future sight to try sneak into the future to see what velmos is really planning





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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 1:30:49 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

“t-their gone! W-we did it!” he congratulated himself as the boat beached quickly, with a large sudden scraping sound. Sadly they were all greeted with open arms of war. The blue martins charged towards the boat like ants to bread as did the people residing on the boat, exiting with their own pokemons war cries. Blood splattered across the edge of the boat, from the sky as the drones were firing off what appeared to be lasers. The world was rumbling with the effects of war, and Billi stood there for a moment, watching everyone charge into the fray like the avengers or call of duty man.

Blue eyes scanned and his body trembled as his pokemon nudged him forwards to keep him in motion, for they feared if he stopped, the shock would set in. After all the previous heal pulse doesn’t fix injured bones, and adrenaline eventually wears off. Ethel went off somewhere, Skyler went off in a different direction. But Billi just kept moving straight as the towers were constructed out of large blocks. Just...he had to find something to latch onto, something to focus on. In the distance there was something just...telling him to go that way, something possessed him to move in that direction.

Whistling to his Corviknight, he climbed on top of him, and returned his Araquanid to it’s pokeball and flew to the SOUTH PILLAR. His Corviknight carried him swiftly on his back, Billi looking down, caught sight of @selena . “SELENA!” Billi called out, relief was in his voice as the Corviknight flew down twisting and swerving avoiding the drones as the spiders hissed. Corviknight threw him quickly, their webs being shot out at the Pillar. “you’re okay!” he gasped out as he crawled off the Corviknight who went and fought the Megalodians around him. Billi on the other hand was clearly exhausted, his arm was nursed awfully because something was broken or cracked.

Galvantula hissed, “Okay we need to take it out,” Billi stated to the spider, “Let’s pull it down!” he called out as the spider used it’s electro web to pull at the pillar trying to bring it down. Corviknight dodged the attacks that were being flung towards them, it’s Steelwings attacking whoever got too close. While Ariados set up it’s toxic threads around the sand, attempting to kill any nearby aliens with it’s toxic strength.


Returns Araquanid to pokeball and uses corviknight to transport himself and the other two spiders.

Billi joins the group at the SOUTH PILLAR

Galvantula tries to pull down the pillar with Electro web

Corviknight uses a steel wing to attack those that got too close.

Ariados used toxic thread as a trap for those that entered the area.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 1:42:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]her absol has grown a taste for blood. her togekiss flies ahead in a DAZZLING GLEAM, before trainer and pokemon charge forward, unbridled. as she strikes down the next soldier, iris wonders if her training is solely to blame.
"the pillar!" she shouts to her remaining pokemon. the swampert and aegislash branch off from the group to pursue the tower of stone; its glow illuminates them as a BRICK BREAK and SACRED SWORD aims to shatter the ultrabeast.


* LIGHT SCREEN (4/5) and REFLECT (2/5) are in effect[break]
* iris continues to fight off megalopolan forces alongside her absol and togekiss[break]
* swampert uses BRICK BREAK and aegislash uses SACRED SWORD on the SOUTHERN pillar

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay