i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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september 20
Fashion Designer
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born into this dying world, its time is up
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 0:53:59 GMT
 it burns.

but it survives. daphne nearly felt her heart drop seeing her dragon burn from the acid but, thankfully, it wasn't major enough to put it out of commission. yet just before she has her blissey use heal pulse..

she's pulled aside, seeing the red-headed man with his injured salamence. "you can walk, right, cinnabar?" through the groans and pain it tried to shake off, the garchomp raised its head while the blissey waddled from behind. the trio quickly made their way onto the boat. when they are boarded, the blissey released a HEAL PULSE on both the dragons before they choose to fly off.

thankfully, the heal pulse would have been strong enough to repair the majority of damage done by the acid. there's a soft sigh of relief from the trainer as she gently pat the top of her garchomp's head. "when we return, i'll make something to reward you both." she smiles briefly, then turns her attention back to the buzzwole that seemed to be in the air.

she takes a glance over at the sandstorm, which was still raging on the sands of the island, then back at her garchomp. there's a moment of hesitation, only to be overcome with resolve shortly after seeing its target. "cinnabar, go through the sandstorm and shoot it down."

recovered, the dragon lets out a growl and shoots off the boat, taking to the air and using the momentum of the sandstorms, hiding beneath for the sake of staying undetected. until the ice beam would hit, then shooting upwards into the air, ripping the wind as it attempted to spear the claw right through the chest, and using the other claw to slash off the bug-like probocis.

- garchomp was hit and hisses
- daphne, blissey and garchomp are pulled over to and board the boat
- garchomp leaves daphne on the boat; flies through SANDSTORM to gain momentum with SAND VEIL
- garchomp waits for buzzwole to be weakened
- garchomp used (x1 helping hand) DRAGON CLAW on BUZZWOLE #2 (chest)
- garchomp tries to slash off the probocis in case it doesn't kill

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 15:44:25 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

"Ridiculous!", exclaimed the streamer as his Pinsir took an elbow to the face. The horned insect was thrown off the muscular mosquito, landing on its back. Though he was dazed, the Pinsir was still alive, and wasn't too badly hurt. After all their attempts to hurt the Buzzwole were said and done, he would hear the Verdanturf Gym Leader announce the presence of the speed boats.

"Alright, let's get to the islands!", called out Andrew, recalling all but his Archeops, who would join him on the speed boat itself. "Yo, you want a ride over?", he'd ask the Gym Leader.

Whether or not the Fighting Gym Leader accepted, Andrew would drive over to the Eastern Island. If Noah chose to go with him, it would be a choice he'd potentially come to regret. The ride itself would be rough, with Andrew's questionable driving skills being an obstacle. "They designed these things like Lillipup shit, nothing I can do!", he quickly called out, making excuses for what was frankly shoddy handling of the boat.

Once they reached the island, Andrew would notice the Megalopolan forces entrenched in the area. He would send out his Nidoking and Nidoqueen duo. "Queen, set up some Toxic Spikes for these cocksuckers! King, fuck up any of these blue bastards you can find!", called out the streamer. "And Screech, lay down some Ancient Power to support him!", Andrew finally told the prehistoric avian.

The Nidoqueen would begin by firing off a layer of Toxic Spikes on the ground, a little present for their enemies, should they advance. From there, the Nidoking would charge through the town, rampaging through, and attempting to gore any alien, or their Pokemon, with ferocious Poison Jabs. Andrew's reasoning for this, surprisingly, was because they were using electroshock batons, and Nidoking was a Ground-type, he'd at least be able to laugh off the electrical shocks. Meanwhile, the Archeops, from its position near Andrew and Queen, would utilize its Ancient Power to barrage the invaders with prehistoric rocks.

As this was going on, Andrew would nearly fall over as the trammel started its march, revealing itself to be another Ultra Beast. This one seemed to be a gathering of smaller cubes. It was almost like a Wishiwashi as it assumed its School Forme.

"Yo, what the fuck is that thing!?", exclaimed Andrew.


notes: Andrew recalls Pinsir, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen
Andrew offers a ride
Andrew takes one of the boats to the Eastern Island, accompanied by Archeops
Upon arriving, Andrew sends out Pinsir, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen
Nidoqueen used Toxic Spikes, attempting to set a trap for the Megalopolan forces
Archeops used Ancient Power on Megalopolan forces
Nidoking used Poison Jab to attempt to gore Megalopolan forces
Andrew sees the Stakataka, and reacts accordingly

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 20:51:04 GMT
June Fair Avatar
June immediately began scrambling for the controls, the boat engine was still humming so there was no worry about trying to figure out how to make it but start but there was another problem.

June Fair had absolutely no idea how to operate a speed boat but on god she was going to figure it out. It didn’t take a genius to notice the steering wheel and some sort of lever which June assumed to be the throttle.

”Alright, hang on!” Once everyone was onboard, people and Pokémon alike, and secured June pushed up on the throttle as much as she could to make the boat book it to the town.

Despite their inexperienced driver, the ride went surprisingly smooth with no hiccups outside of the dark aura that race across the sky.

June looked back to the group and was about to ask if everyone was alright but it didn’t seem to have any effect on anyone or the boat so June put it to the side for now.

Just as June didn’t really know how to take off she also did not really know how to make a smooth stop so much like their takeoff their arrival was rocky.

Instead of a slow crawl towards the beach and coming to a nice stop just as the waters were getting shallow and despite June’s best effort to slow the boat down it came right upland throwing sand everywhere as it was used to slow the boat down.

It was rough but not serious enough to cause any injuries outside of making someone nauseous and a bit shook up. The town was in a horrid state, Megalopolans everywhere and that was just outside.

There was no telling how many were hiding indoors, she might not have even thought about that at first if she didn’t see a few peeking out from the windows.

”Everyone alright?” June hopped out of the boat and onto land, quickly followed by her Pokémon. The first order of business needed to be clearing out those houses, advancing any further could result in getting shot in the back.

”We need to get into those houses, there might be hostages in there. Let's split into pairs, a group to go into the building while the other two keep the forces outside preoccupied. I'll take charge of the first building.” She pointed to some of the Megalopolans that gathered about around and inside the building which she could see from the windows.

”Fisher, take out anyone near or in the houses if you got a clear shot. Mime, give us some protection. Ghost and Urshifu start clearing a path.” Her Pokémon nodded once the orders were given out, moving beyond the boat and deeper into the town.

Inteleon used SNIPE SHOT on Megalopolans within sight around on in the house while her Mr. Mime used WIDE GUARD to protect the groups approach.

DRAGON DARTS was fired from her Dragapult while anyone who got close enough was met with SURGING STRIKES from her Urshifu. Things would be carried out as normal but the earth shaking and the sight of a giant monster stopped June in her tracks.

”What the fucking hell is that?” Why was the structure they were here to destroy now walking towards them? That thing would completely level this town, they needed to hurry.

- Drove the boat up on the beach. Nice!
- Started heading towards the houses
- Mr. Mime uses WIDE GUARD as they approach the building
- Inteleon uses SNIPE SHOT on Megalopolans surrounding the building or near windows
- Dragapult and Urshifu begin clearing the path with DRAGON DARTS and SURGING STRIKES on any Megalopolan in their path.
- WTFs at the giant cube monster coming at them.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 21:49:18 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Everything about this was horrifying. Having lagged behind, she watched yet another dragon fall, the fate of its rider unclear to her as the beast then headed for her. Scrambling to get away, she directed her Corviknight to try and land on the sands before the beast could grab a hold of either of them. The Corviknight used yet another Iron Defense, seemingly as determined as her rider to keep them both safe.

As soon as it was safe, Sanvi herself kept from her ride, landing in the sands below with a heavy thud. The woman turned to release her other two companions immediately, the Froslass putting out a hail to obscure new own movements, and the Chimecho shooting a Psywave at the Buzzwole that was trying to catch them.

-Sanvi, horrified by the continued assault of the Buzzwole, attempts to dive to the sands before she can be attacked. 
-Corviknight uses Iron Defense.
-Sanvi releases Froslass and Chimecho
-Froslass uses Hail
-Chimecho uses Psywave
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 22:22:07 GMT
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i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm

No one had told her that war was like this.

Blink. There are megalopolans boarding the ship. Blink. They're coming for her, but at least she got to safety. Blink. There's a wall of flame between her and her enemies. The smell of charred meat hits her nostrils, but is lost amid the chaos going on in front of her. Blink. She sees a Salamence (not her own) flying overhead; on its back is a man and a Lucario sending attacks at those who seek to overwhelm her. Blink. Her attention is caught by the carnage rained down upon the megalopolans by 's Ariados. Blink. There's a fucking Steelix on her ship. Electricity cackles in the air and suddenly Skyler's gasping out loud in pain, that very same electricity running through her veins like molten lava.

She didn't fall, but it was a close thing. Both Lapras and Slowbro looked affected by the Discharge, albeit not as much as they would've been if not for the Aurora Veil surrounding the ship. The captain looked back at Celeste, and  suddenly she was barking orders. "Slowbro, HEAL PULSE." 

A wave of healing energy spread out, centered on the pink pokémon and focusing on all injured and/or tired allies - pokémon and human alike. 

Boat cleared of pirates, Skyler turned to focus on getting the ship to the beach - but stopped midway at the sound of battle behind her. Apparently the Nihilego weren't the only monsters gunning for them.

Knowing that they would reach shore soon, Skyler waited until no one was on Nautilus before calling him back to his pokéball. "Atalanta, help them." 

With a mighty roar, Salamence beat her wings once, twice, and took to the air again. She unleashed a FLAMETHROWER at the closest Buzzwole, hoping to burn its wings and make it fall to the ocean. 

Back on the ship, Skyler would focus on getting the vessel to a strategic position; she didn't want to be immediately attacked by enemies upon arriving. Her eyes shifted to the flying monsters at her back, watching as Lapras' mega form started to flicker away. Before it could, though, Skyler wanted to make the best of it. 

"Sirena, THUNDER on the closest enemy. They can't follow us into the town." 

The Lapras cried out, the melodic sound familiar to Skyler's ears, and the clouds above answered. Lightning arced down in hopes to hit one of the monstrosities behind them.


+ slowbro uses heal pulse on the tired/injured allies around them, human and pokemon alike
+ salamence unleashes a flamethrower on the closest buzzwole, hoping to burn its wings to ash and make it fall to the ocean
+ skyler maneuvers the ship into a strategic position as they approach the seaside town
+ wailord is called back to his pokéball
+ lapras uses thunder on the closest buzzwole, hoping to kill them before they reach them ship
+ lapras is mega evolved (3 / 3)
+ lapras' aurora veil (3 / 5) is atill active (reduces 30% physical & special damage done to herself and allies)
@ northern boat
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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 22:49:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

A lot happened as Oscar careened his party toward the island. Not that he paid attention to any of it, to take his focus from driving even for a second would spell certain death. He trusted his compatriots to defend the boat, and as their destination came ever closer that is exactly what they did. The only time Oscar's focus wavered was when Priam electrified a megaloplan right next to Oscar. Oscar groaned as he swallowed his surprise, "Fuck sake this is insane." 

Their path was nearly clear, but the island held its own dangers. Megaloplans stood at the ready, prepared to defend their territory. That did nothing to deter the invading vessel, which had a few tricks up its sleeve. Njord sped ahead as the boat slowed toward the shore. Once close enough, Njord unleashed an Ice Beam across the beach to disable any defenders waiting for them. Sliding up to the shore, Boris jumped onto the beach and looked back at his master. Oscar glanced up as he struggled to unbuckle himself, waving away the Haxorus. "Yeah fuck it go nuts." Boris roared, charging himself with energy (Dragon Dance) before running off to help fight the megaloplans.

Oscar snapped at Njord, "Go sweep the beach." Njord nodded and swam away to help clear the way for the league. Only now did Oscar look over to Priam to find him--disguised. Oscar's face contorted as he put a hand to his mouth, only barely being able to contain his amusement. "Priam--you realize they're blue right? You are not blue." Priam had his plan locked in though, and as he shared it Oscar's face went pale. Well, paler. "App--appetizing? Excuse? EXCUSE me?" Oscar was a tad bewildered, this was a terrible plan! They were going to die if they attempted this. And yet--Oscar didn't have any better ideas. He growled under his breath, turning to Razor and Lancer. "Razor, Phantom Force and follow us. Lancer, wait five minutes and then follow us. Stay low." 

Razor nodded, disappearing into the shadows. Lancer watched Oscar as he climbed up on Priam's ditto, almost certain this would be the last time he saw him. Oscar feigned having his hands tied behind his back, "Alright yip yip or whatever." The two began flying toward the general, Lancer watched them rip off toward the distance and followed their flightpath five minutes later.


Oscar is pretending to be Priam's prisoner as they try to infuriate the Megaloplan's ranks.
Kingdra used Ice Beam to clear the beach for the motorboat's docking and went off to help the league.
Haxorus used Dragon Dance and went off to hunt megaloplans.
Dragapult used Phantom Force to stay hidden as he follows Oscar and Priam.
Beedrill waits five minutes after Oscar and Priam leave before following their flightpath, staying low to avoid detection.


Stat Boosts:

Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 

Beedrill: Speed +2 

Kingdra: Atk +1 Speed +1 

Haxorus: Atk +3, Speed +3


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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
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Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 23:00:44 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


The ocean churned beneath Ethel as the Wailord she was riding pushed the ship forward, towards the shore.

They approached the shore. As they got closer, Ethel saw that her fears were confirmed. The Megalopolans were already there, of course, and though she couldn't see what the hostages were being treated like, she felt like she had an idea, based on what she'd heard before.

The ocean churned again, but this time, there was a different purpose. Ethel didn't have time to see the trammels that were causing it, though, as the Wailord she was on was suddenly targeted by two buzzing, huge aliens.

Ethel set her jaw. "Team, target the newcomers," she directed. She had already seen, out of the corner of her eye, what one of the other ones had done to a Salamence, sucking it dry as if it was a juice box. She wouldn't let the Wailord that had saved her life become victim to the same.

Magic turned to the Buzzwole, keeping up the Water Spout. The high-pressure spray would hopefully damage the Buzzwole. This was joined by Crescent's Shadow Ball and Flavor's Dragon Pulse.

Screaming angrily, Stratus leaped at the Buzzwole, the Emolga striking one with Acrobatics before darting away quickly, his small size and speed hopefully making him a harder target for the aliens to strike.

Ethel scanned the sky, hoping for a method of getting off the Wailord. They were approaching dry land, and she hoped to find a way to get there safely.

- Ethel turns her attention to the Buzzwole attacking Wailord!
- Mr. Mime Galar uses Water Spout on Buzzwole (both).
- Lampent uses Shadow Ball on the Buzzwole that is attacking with Lapras.
- Salandit uses Dragon Pulse on Buzzwole that is attacking with Lapras.
- Emolga uses Acrobatics on Buzzwole that is not attacking with Lapras.
- Ethel looks for a way off the Wailord. ( )

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 0:14:28 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Billi felt the comfort of a friend standing beside him. Well even if everyone was in their own form of chaos, but he tried to clear his mental hue. Trying to erase the lead that weighed down his brain and his functions at the moment. Luckily his pokemon were strong and prepared. The webs proved to be successful. Protection was here….well apparently not as everyone panicked again. The loud buzzing in the distance as two large...swoll insects rapidly approached.

“Shit!” Billi moved to remain by his previously constructed web. Turning around he watched as the familiar women, who tried to help his Corviknight earlier remain on the wailord, and Billi whistled at his Croviknight as they were tickled by the healing pulse, “Ravali picked her up!” he called to the bird as it quickly swooped down to pick the woman up, and whatever small pokemon she had. And moved to drop her off beside Billi, under the electro web covers. Though luckily for Billi the discharge from the allies was spread across the web preventing Billi from getting shocked painfully.

Now with the Corviknight back Billi turned to him, “We have to help! Taunt it! Maybe we can distract them from trying to get stronger,” the bird let out a wind piercing screech. While Billi turned to his brood, that gathered around them, “Okay maybe if we can rip off the wings, we can work this out,” his voice shook some more, “send out your gastro acid again...melt away the wings,” the Galvantula quickly moved to aim at the second one, shooting it acid to melt away the insect wings in hopes to send it to the depths.

Once again the lucky Araquanid used it to soak once more on the same one that Skyler’s lapras was aiming for, in hopes to make the lightning take it out. While Ariados turned tail and shot it’s toxic threads at the same one Galvantula attacked, hoping to bring it down or tangle it up in their web and poison it.


Corviknight picks off the wailord and moves her to the ship ~~and whatever pokemon can’t move of hers cuz hes a big boi~~

Corviknight returned to Billi who moved under the webs which absorbed the discharge from an ally.

Corviknight used TAUNT to prevent the Buzzwole from increasing their stats.

Galvantula used Gastro Acid on Buzzwole #1 to destroy it’s wings.

Araquanid used Soak on the Buzzwole that ‘s Lapras attacked

Ariados used Toxic Thread to tangle buzzwole #1 and or rip off it’s wings and or poison it. It’s distance buffed by it’s ability to SNIPE.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 0:44:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]iris jumps into the first empty boat she sees, ignoring the megalopolan soldier slumped over the side to make a grab for the steering wheel. "get on!" she shouts to her team as the boat roars louder. the boat accelerates and, as it nears its destination, the body catches a rock, tumbling into the ocean.
she docks some way off from the town, covering the remaining distance on foot. at her command, her aegislash casts a REFLECT around them, another barrier in addition to the LIGHT SCREEN still lingering. with the enemy forces in sight, blue launches a STONE EDGE at the megalopolans, aiming specifically for those close to any hostages. her togekiss blasts out a LIFE DEW without breaking pace.
as she runs across the beach, iris' stun baton crackles to life. falling back on her training, she lets instinct guide her as she attempts to carve a path alongside her absol, who mercilessly tears into any opposition with PLAY ROUGH.


* LIGHT SCREEN (3/5) is in effect[break]
* iris and her team take a speedboat to the seaside town, docking it somewhere away from the action[break]
* aegislash uses REFLECT (1/5)[break]
* swampert uses STONE EDGE at the megalopolans, focusing on those around the hostages[break]
* togekiss uses LIFE DEW to heal any hostages and/or allies in need of support[break]
* iris fights with her stun baton; absol uses PLAY ROUGH (powered by BEAST BOOST)

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the flurry
september 19
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mclaren mcflurry
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 2:06:20 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry yelps as her own discharge sends her to her knees, and her golem immediately snaps out of its attack the moment she does. her glalie and her abomasnow also growl in response, the former more than the latter.

she's snapped out of her bloodthirst for a split second, cursing and gasping and trying to stop her muscles from involuntarily contracting so much. the heal pulse does the trick, however, and mcflurry gets herself back on her feet.

"sorry, sorry — mcsorry..."

mcflurry quickly makes an exit. god knows she needs to, after making a scene like that. leaving behind a partially-glacial ship as she and her pokemon re-board her steelix, her golem magnetizes back into place once more, and the steelix takes off.

her team's back into business, shooting down any bogey that shows up. her golem uses smack down from its station as she rounds around the ship, aiming at one of the approaching buzzwoles as she makes headway towards the seaside town, onto the next part of her attack.

at this rate, mcflurry's just going forward without any motivation. she just wants to shoot more things down, freeze them, hurt them.

(her steelix reapplies its magnet rise, wanting to stay airborne over the ocean.)

but as she approaches seaside town, she spots the newest threat. — and the moment she touches ground, she immediately orders her steelix to dip beneath the roofline.

yeah, no. mcflurry's gonna busy herself with roaming across the streets, and freezing-slash-crushing any megalopans in her way. fuck that. (her pokemon make quick work of her commands.)


- mcflurry is stunned! she's healed from 's heal pulse, though!
- mcflurry leaves the boat, headed to the seaside town!
- golem used smack down! it targets buzzswole #1!
- golem has +1 sp. def!
- steelix reapplies magnet rise!
5 turns remaining! (in addition, any land-based movements now have zero friction, adding to its speed on a physical level!)
- steelix has +2 speed, and is making headway to seaside town!
- steelix lands at seaside town, and is now flying low through the coastline streets, attempting to brutally run over anyone in the way!
- abomasnow's snow warning! hail and ice begin to pelt the shores of seaside town!
- abomasnow used blizzard, targeting every megalopan force in the vicinity! the attack is more potent and nigh-unavoidable due to hail!
- glalie's ice body! glalie regenerates in the hail!
glalie used blizzard, targeting every megalopan force in the vicinity! the attack is more potent and nigh-unavoidable due to hail!

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 2:26:18 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
the water was welcome, if ever briefly, as olivia rose above the ship with vespiqueen. the incoming bug beast were nothing compared to the queen bee - yet as the fleet of trainers came following behind, olivia knew she would no longer be needed.

the mistress of the sea followed in with the ice princess, vespiqueen kept olivia floating above the swarming aliens where an attack order made up of thousands of combee began to flood the ground. jellicent summoned a water spout to attack the brick ultrabeast whilst cradily blasted an energy ball at one of its wobbly legs.


vespiqueen used attack order on megalopians! (def/spdef +3)
vespiqueen exerts pressure!
jellicent used water spout on stakataka!
cradily used energy ball on stakataka!
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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 3:08:29 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

Humiliation. It's a common feeling, but never one that's been so strong before. Not one, not two, but three different pokemon attempt to come to her rescue and help her up onto the ship. In the end, Celeste found her hands losing grip of the ship as a PSYCHIC lifted her up and into familiar arms. Shame and embarrassment was burning away at her cheeks as she looked up at Captain , or at least as much could have given her incredibly pale composition.

Suddenly, Celeste found herself gasping for breath as her soaked form was electrocuted. She could honestly barely even stand, only barely managing to sit up straight as a friendly HEAL PULSE from 's slowbro once again came to her rescue. That was three times now that she had been helped without a word... A completely selfless act. She should be grateful, someone considered her worth helping, worth saving. Instead, all she felt was shame. She could do better. She had to do better... She would make it up to her, one way or another. She had to. There would be time for words later, right now it was time to ensure that the selfless acts were not done in vain.

Fighting to stand to her feet by herself, Celeste took in the shape of the battle so far. Two giant bug-like beasts were flying their way, and being attacked by all sorts of pokemon, and up ahead a massive building-like ultra beast had formed. Things weren't looking good. But at least she was right about one thing. The ocean was filled with blood.

Celeste fought to make her way to the side of the ship, yelling with a strained voice. "Kelp! GIGA DRAIN!" The Dhelmise still on the ship acknowledged her commands, quickly focusing and attempting to literally drain the life out of the first Buzzwole, the one with 's Gyarados attempting to pull it under the water.

"Leviathan, WHIRLPOOL!" The sickly girl spoke briefly, yet her Wishiwashi understood precisely what it was supposed to do. Quickly dashing out across the water, they suddenly began to spin around quite rapidly, attempting to make a whirlpool that will trap the Ultra Beasts within it, drowning them properly.


Celeste is weakened, and her exhausted state causes her to struggle.
Dhelmise uses Giga Drain on Buzzwole 1.
Wishiwashi uses Whirlpool below, hopefully assisting in the drowning endeavor.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #967BB6; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evangeline
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 3:11:00 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"The man's a creep," is all the chit-chat Evangeline entertains as she watches her plan play out. It's a nice boost of confidence watching it succeed, or at least it helps put to bed the quiet part of her anticipating dying out on these waters. Between the beast they'd chased(?) off and the troops that had been set to surround them Evangeline had pre-empted her death multiple times over the last few minutes.

Maybe this wasn't worth the adrenaline rush after all.

Well, too late to second guess herself now. They hit the beach and she jumps out of the ship -- not entirely sure what her next goal should be here. It was finding danger and excitement when she hit the water, then it was surviving the finding of those things, and now it's? Well, probably just more surviving if the events unfolding around her are any sign.

"To me!" she shouts to her pokemon, hoping to rally them to her again. Tentacruel swims up to the shore line as Toxicroak and Weezing take up positions to her right and above her respectfully. She sees the giant structure up on the mountain shift and rise and then quickly writes it out of her thoughts. She can now say with certainty one thing that isn't her goal: that.

Instead she turns her eyes to the troops occupying the town. She'd dealt with plenty of them already.

"Let's clear them out!" she shouts to her pokemon and they jump into action. Remembering their last shoreline assault Weezing floats forward, the steam building within her gently puffing out -- a silent warning before the HEATWAVE of compressed, scalding garbage air erupts from her body. Toxicroak, warier this time, hangs back and hurls SLUDGE BOMB from a distance while Tentacruel draws water from the ocean to perform a SURF well past the shore.

+ Evangeline made landfall (presumably with )
+ Took in all the chaos and wondered why she's here
+ Said Stakataka is none of her damn business
+ Weezing used HEATWAVE on the enemy troops at shore
+ Toxicroak used SLUDGE BOMB on the enemy troops at shore
+ Tentacruel used SURF on the enemy troops at shore

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #85a37e[/newclass]

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 7:08:56 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar

They board the speedboat, and Noelle briefly returned gyarados as the boat sped off, whilst the remainder of her team either followed the boat or boarded it. When the speedboat docked, she was quick to move in tandem with the others, heeding June's words with a firm nod. "Let's do it," her words hold encouragement, as she doesn't hesitate to join in beginning their push to liberate one of the buildings. She uttered out one final, "be careful," to their teammates before joining in on the assault.

She quickly releases Dragonite, Blastoise, and Blissey. Her Blastoise once again plays defensive, its blocky body putting a PROTECT to aid the trainers in their push inside the house. Her Blissey takes care of major injuries that the Life Dew can't help fully restore, its hands glowing in a faint HEAL PULSE. It's her dragonite that takes the offensive. Its body moves swiftly in an EXTREME SPEED assault, utterly bum rushing and clobbering any enemy troops.

From the corner of her eye, she caught something. Massive and blocky, its like a moving mountain. Had this not been a time of crisis, she considered snapping a picture for . "That's...big. Really big." There's a small tremble to her voice.

- Boards the speedboat w/ the others and leaves w/ them too
- Joins June in trying to liberate one of the buildings
- Blastoise uses protect to try and defend both trainers in their push to infiltrate the building
- Dragonite uses extreme speed to get the upper hand on soldiers lying in wait
- Blissey uses heal pulse to aid in helping the refugees


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 8:21:30 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


exhaustion leaves her breath as her party escapes the untiring buzzwole through the smoke. with adrenaline plummeting from their fleeing, medusa and circe wail as pain begins to crawl through their skin after the muscular beast's acid contacted their body. a glimmer from the milotic's life dew rains on the group as they prepare for the worse to come.[break][break]

we've reached seaside town. send in reinforcements. fingers tap into her pokénav while her electric terrain subsides. the lilycove gym leader, however, has doubts backup will arrive on time. with the riveting chaos that unfurls on the naval vessels, it is a leap of faith to cling on. selena will save those that can be saved along the way, but as long as those trammels and ultra beasts continue to threaten lilycove, her only priority is to destroy it and prevent them from causing more damage. but as cerulean eyes wander to the weapon's original location, the pinkette wonders where it is now. then her mouth gapes in amusement: it is now marching into the residences.[break][break]

what's more surprising is it looks like the cubic beasts from 's footage and the ones she saw firsthand with . “how many of these do they have?” she utters in frustration.[break][break]

she hurls her remaining capsule to call the metal giant into the field, his feet slightly sinking into the sandy field. “ganesha, you're up against that this time.” she points toward the rampaging stakataka as his hide shimmers with a boost from iron defense before lunging in. but as the thing closes in, selena notices the breaks from its cubic pattern. there are missing units. “circe, you take cover for us!” the delphox raises its wand and uses future sight to fend off possible incoming attacks.[break][break]

her remaining pokémons put their effort in helping the hostages of the island. altaria yells a disarming voice against the megalopolans, rendering them defenseless while giving opportunity for the residents to escape while tapu koko uses his hidden power.[break][break]


+ milotic uses life dew to heal the party from buzzwole's attack.[break]
+ selena's electric terrain abates as tapu koko's surge dies down as well. she calls on backup from the city as she reaches the island to help remaining residents to flee.[break]
+ selena summons copperajah and he uses iron defense (def +2).[break]
+ delphox uses future sight to fend off potential attacks from the missing 12 stakataka cubes. her light screen persists. (2/5)[break]
+ mega altaria uses disarming voice to literally disarm the megalopolans (LOL), providing opportunity for residents to escape[break]
+ tapu koko uses hidden power against megalopolans on the island.[break]





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