i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 5:44:18 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Sanvi wasn’t even sure what was happening anymore, the chaos around her happening so fast she had hardly had time to react to anything. She held onto Kin for dear life, the bird flying higher in an attempt to get out of the crossfire, and hovering above the battle. But then, just when the chaos had seemed to slow and halt... Kyogre appeared. She did not know every legendary but the guardian of the seas was not unknown to her. With a detached sort of horror she watched the beast drag the remaining ultra beasts to the depths, resurfacing again with no sign of the foul beasts. Good, she thought, a savage sort of satisfaction brought about by the deaths of those horrible things.

The sudden attacks and twisting and utter terror that soon followed, however, did not. Unable to attack from her position in the sky, reluctantly recalling her Chimecho and Froslass to their balls as they joined her, she could only watch Kyogre kill several in a blind rage, and several more soldiers attack the find of the great beast. She wanted to go down, to help the people on the mountain, or help try and calm the beast, but she was frozen in place, the only movement being that of Kin’s wings as she kept them airborne. From start to present, this whole situation had been a horrible nightmarish hellscape for all involved- and it brought tears to her eyes. She did not cry, no. But those tears burned, salty and hot, blurring and obscuring her vision as the day’s events finally overtook her.

-Sanvi, unable to attack from the sky, watches as the others attack Kyogre.
-Sanvi recalls Froslass and Chimecho.
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 11:24:34 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


in all of the places selena has traveled to, the god (or goddess) of life and death has many faces. they are different in shapes and sizes, personalities and quirks—they have varying perception of justice and mercy.[break][break]

selena cannot possibly understand what it means to have faith as the center of one's character. she is not the type to hold on to traditions and customs. she is not the one to believe in religion. even kyogre is a mere object in her myths and parables, not until today, when she witnesses the leviathan spring from the ocean bed in a fury of storm and plasmaic surge amidst the earth and water soiled by blood and poison.[break][break]

she did not believe in god not until tapu koko descends from their heavenly abode to save humanity from perhaps one of its greatest threat, not until they choose her as their representative to fight in the war of the worlds.[break][break]

selena is not familiar with the faith and 's people have with the ocean but she undestands how the sheer destruction and death that surrounds her city cannot be an agency for more deaths on her hands, for more deaths that can be prevented. she exchanges a serious look with the electric deity, a plan with no need for words to execute. she gasps for air as her two hands reach for the capsules behind her, recalling medusa, venus, and delphox back to their balls. she only needs tapu koko.[break][break]


the alolan deity stays midair and cocoons themself inside their shell: the “bird's head,” the tapu's shield engraved with ornate markings of its origins, siphons remnant energies from the earth, the trammels, and the electric terrain enveloping their trainer's body. the vibrant yellow cracks and reveals the ash beneath its golden scales. tapu koko is reborn with darkened shells![break][break]

energies surge and merges with selena's terrain like a whirpool of voltaic power and transforms into an electric giant hovering above the lilycove sea. its sparkly body cackles with the ocean's surface as tapu koko and selena makes their move. giant hand slams on the earth walls erected by as the other waves appendage waves off the swarm of combees in the air.[break][break]


in an attempt to save the abbiatis, selena hopes her terrain stuns them for a moment that is enough for the guardian deity to grab them and hurl them safely into the shores of the seaside town. tapu koko returns to the sea behemoth, clutching its fist as it relishes with the last of its power of pantheon, slamming its body into kyogre, pushing it back to the depths of the ocean. for good.[break][break]

“sorry. i needed to protect lilycove.” selena mutters in silence, closing her eyes. she seldomly prays but that moment, she whispers her hopes and dreams to arceus for the war to finally end.[break][break]


+ selena wonders why some people are hellbent in following their beliefs[break]
+ selena recalls delphox, milotic, and altaria; copperajah is still at the seaside town[break]
+ selena summons electric surge, attempting to stun and [break]
+ tapu koko changes color (i just want to incorporate some lore with the color change if that's okay uwu ALREADY USED SHINY SWAP THO!!)[break]
+ tapu koko uses z-move power of pantheon, slamming the walls and waving off the combees with its new giant form as it pushes kyogre back to the sea





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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 0:48:32 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar

"Peach!" The cry that leaves Noelle's lips is filled with terror as she immediately lunged towards the downed pink pokemon in a rash decision. Her reckless decision is, thankfully, prevented from inflicting harm to herself as a wide guard from their newfound ally protects her. "But-" An anguished protest silences itself as 's falinks protect her fallen pokemon like tiny knights. Relief is what makes common sense return to the woman, who quickly returns the blissey. "Creighton, Noah - thank you," her tired response is grateful. 

One thing after the other began to take place. The sudden appearance of a massive aquatic pokemon to its destructive rampage; there's little time to respond. 'One...one last push,' the encouraging thought it what rouses the woman to action. A HYPER BEAM spits from gyarados' outstretched maw, followed by a summoned THUNDER from dragonite. 

- dragonite uses thunder & gyarados hyper beam. late af & doesn't really matter at this point but ayyy 

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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 0:58:23 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar
Celeste might not be prepared for 's appearence, but that doesn't stop her from paying attention. Especially as the woman erected walls and defenses, attempting to seperate them and everyone else from Kyogre. She couldn't devote energy into watching, trying to focus on avoiding the dangerous lasers of energy being shot in every direction, but that didn't mean the young woman couldn't listen.

She was shouting and praising, with the intention behind the words were clear as day. She was offering her life in exchange for peace... A notion Celeste would have found laughable if they were in any other situation

One can not barter with death, one can only delay the inevitable. Death will come regardless of offering or sacrifices, one way or another. The only difference was how you chose to spend your life. Perhaps it was foolish, to assume that you had any control over life, but... sometimes the ocean breeze will blow you where you wanted to go.

"Please... Rest, my goddess. Fools they may be, they desire to help." Celeste whispered to herself as the whole rock wall crumbled upon itself as a massive form pushed through it. Tapu Koko, that's the only thing that made sense given the head on the strange form. She understood that their avatar was here, but to reveal such strength was admittedly impressive, even as the mere sight of it moving to strike Kyogre terrified her. They might be cursed with this foul energy from the invaders but her guilt for allowing Kyogre to come to harm refused to fade.

Unfortunately, it seemed the electricity began to spread across the water towards her and that was an immediate death sentence should it strike her. She wasn't strong enough to fight against the electricity, her body would be helpless, floating amongst the currents and an easy target for Kyogre's attacks in this form.

"Kelp, take us down. Fast." She quietly mumbled as she took in a deep breath. Suddenly, with a PHANTOM FORCE, Celeste blinked out of existence with her pokemon in her attempts to keep dodging all attacks heading her way. Hopefully reforming deep beneath the waves and practically amongst the flooded seaside town, clutching tight to her Pokemon. She simply had to continue to put her faith into her pokemon to keep her safe.

Faith hadn't failed her so far and hopefully, it never would.

Celeste reacts and keeps dodging.
Dhelmise uses PHANTOM FORCE to appear them amongst the ruins of the seaside town underwater to dodge the electricity.

L: Complete R: Complete


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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 3:59:55 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
 like barbarians, they stormed the walls of her temple; created for the chthonic dweller of the depths. like a jaw, it cracked from the combined strength of 's pokemon - yet it was the power of the island deity that shattered the ancient stones. a tapu demigod, whose ilk had wrought ruin for hoenn, and olivia specifically. the devious came to mind at once, with the face of her former gym trainer following. there would be little time to ponder such, however.

for olivia was falling once more. the electric terrain that spread across the water's surface was cut just short of frying the sea witch - her jellicent's watchful eyes keeping her best interest in mind as tentacles wrung out to retrieve his master with her feet just barely grazing the energized waves. the worse was yet to come. like a demon revealing its true form, the tapu combined its energies with that of its avatar to land the devastating final blow to her walls.

the walls bellowed for the last time. jellicent brought olivia back above the water where she called to her vespiqueen, with eyes locked on the assailant, "as one." a phantasmal outline bursted forth from the royal bug, just as combee were swatted away. olivia watched in dreaded horror as a thunderous hyper beam was fired out towards her goddess.


olivia screeched, her hand outstretched towards... her fellow queen. she had zipped past the the others to sacrifice herself: for every queen knew that the only being above their own authority, was the one whose divinity they used to claim their right to regality. to sacrifice herself, just as olivia was ready to do, with this sacrifice, the destiny bond was broken - the vespiqueen's shade rushing towards the tapu.

and now, only two queens remained - one who ruled the sea, and the other? alone. her kin vanished into the same nether realm by which her jellicent spawned from. a stone sat in olivia's stomach, tugging on the tentacle entangling her as they neared the goddess once more. "heed my prayer, answer my call!" olivia cried, arms reaching out to the literal force of nature. "be well, and be gone!" she prayed - and from below, her cradily made good on her words.

an iridescent ray shot out from the fossilized pokemon as it pain split the damage and trauma between the two, healing the great goddess and severely damaging the faithful servant. kindness, warmth - it is rare and weak in the violent nature of the sea. where the strong prevailed, and as rule of such a domain, kyogre was no different. a pulse of archaic energy shot out in retaliation, and nearly hit olivia had her jellicent not swung her up atop his back.

"go, save the others. save your city." olivia called towards the others who had attacked, eyes illuminated by the lingering light of her goddess.

+wall is shattered!
+olivia fell.. again, avoiding the electric surge of
+jellicent used wring out to save olivia!
+olivia orders vespiqueen to use destiny bond on tapu koko!
+vespiqueen takes 's attacks to save kyogre!
+olivia prays/begs kyogore to leave!
+cradily used pain split on kyogore, healing kyogore for half of cradily's health!
+olivia tells everyone to save the city/citizens!

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 4:03:48 GMT
noah faber Avatar
"you're good!" noah chirps to , but his strained eyes echo her voice. despite the blissey's fainting, the gym leader is relieved that the pokemon seems okay, all things considered.

the realm swells with endless sea. dark skies brighten with the tendrils of some foreign, primal force. as they crash into the rocky formations, boulders are launched from their bodies like crumbs.

to his immediate party, he offers snipped words of encouragement, as if he were a megaphone for 's thoughts: "almost there!"

roaring as it exerts itself, his machamp grabs a launched boulder with its arms before it can plunge into the sea. careful of the slippery slope, it spins before catapulting the rock toward one of kyogre's fins.

in the meanwhile, his falinks bounce about the rocky steps. they tend to 's pokemon as they attempt to escape the rising sea.


launches boulder at fin / fins already cleared! \o/

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 5:21:42 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

With the commotions of battle dying down Sénon called back his team the moment the sea titan ceased its attacking.

The red lines of light pulling Ranton and the transformed Gan back to their pokéballs. The bug twins noticed their comrades pulled from the battle and flew off and up to return to Senon's side hiding away again in his backpack.

He'd only put up as much of a fight as he had to to protect the seaside town.

There seemed to be some inner fighting going on between other trainers as only one or two others went about interacting with the alleged maker of the seas. Not having a 'dog' in that fight nor knowing any of those fighting he hung back to watch what unfolded. Maybe his passenger could put the pieces together for him.

Turning to he inquired, "Do you know any of them?" From their vantage point above the meeting area they could see almost everyone. Primal Kyogre, Tapu Koko, the destroyed trammels and the surviving human army.

It made for a sight Senon at least would never forget, he burned the image into his head while he could, surely in another moment or two they would either have to fight on or disperse to their homes.

● tags: @raid round eight: post four

● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.


returned to senon's backpack.

returned to  .

carrying sénon and daphne to just above the mountain gathering area.

/ returned to  .

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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June Fair
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 5:53:55 GMT
June Fair Avatar
Once the chaos ensued after the arrival of the monster that came from the depths June had focused on making sure those that survived the monster’s initial attack got to safety and didn’t get swept away by the raging waters.

The only breather had come from before, where she had taken a moment to let out a sigh caused by the relief that ’s Pokémon had only fainted and wasn’t critically wounded.

And while she did her best for others her main focus was making sure Professor Creighton was safe and she didn’t lose track of him and the others.

, @iris , and were safe, thankfully not being victim to the monster’s initial attacks, and took refugee on higher ground.

”I hope you’re right, Noah!” Because she couldn’t see an alternative to dealing with this monstrosity outside of what they were already doing and if it didn’t work they were probably dead.

Her Inteleon and Dragapult aimed for one of Kyogre’s fins, using DRAGON PULSE and SNIPE SHOT. June’s Urshifu would help ’s Falinks escape the rising sea should any of them fall behind, scooping them up in its arms and leaping from step to step.

- Inteleon uses SNIPE SHOT at one of Kyogre's fins
- Dragapult uses DRAGON PULSE at one of Kyogre's fins
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 7:00:35 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LILYCOVE WARFRONT




THE KYOGRE'S ORIGIN PULSE is accompanied by a biblical surge of water. While some revere in fear, others cling onto the stony formation they stand on. Each explosive impact tears away at the island. Each blast tears away stone and more footing.[break][break][break]

Several confront the Kyogre head on. Several Pokemon and trainers weave through the beams like skilled pilots. 's Steelix and 's Salamence soar through the shower of primal artillery, while others support them in a fierce contest of energy. 's breath is stolen— but she does not falter. Her Emolga conjures a potent ELECTRO BALL that terrorizes the sensitive translucent pane on Kyogre's right fin.[break][break][break]

Despite the pandemonium, finds space to reassure . Their ride is rocky, filled with sudden descents and ascending glides as crackling energy surges dangerously close.[break][break][break]

In the meantime, 's team exercises incredible heart and teamwork. Their valiant ascent up the mountain allows many to reach the summit before the seas can take them. While their Pokemon attack, her Mega Sandaconda trusts its allies to catch it when it falls.[break][break][break]

and contribute with their Pokemon's fierce attacks. Carried by dragon and steel wing, they face death head on in a flurry of electricity and leaves. Similarily, and @iris strike with fierce powers. The CONTINENTAL CRUSH from the ranger's Swampert slams into the fins with 's Tapu Koko's fierce strikes, and as bright electricity surges from the island deity, 's Slowking clears several surviving Megalopolan troops with an EXPANDING FORCE that tosses them into the sea.[break][break][break]

reaches the summit as 's Falinks guides his climb. Nidoqueen, ever the cheerleader, allows his ROCK SLIDE to strike the fin as and continue to soar across the deadly deluge to strike with fire and EXPLOSIONS. The astounding detontaion causes and to rock about on the former's Steelix as the sea meshes with hail.[break][break][break]


As questions the morality of this beast, and question themselves in the face of its legendary presence. @sanvi, wrought with the salt of her tears, watches as the devastation drowns the last shred of normalcy the region has.[break][break][break]

In a stunning, heroic silhouette set against sea and stone, and Professor Creighton strike with their respective Pokemon. THUNDER is joined with the deadly accuracy of 's Inteleon. As DRAGON PULSES fly from her Dragapult's maw, her Urshifu helps 's Pokemon, tossing each unit on to higher ledges like crates on an assembly line.[break][break][break]


THE FORMER COUNCILWOMAN'S PLEADING comes in a storm of Combee and waves. As stone is erected around her, 's Tapu Koko strikes against the barriers with its Z-MOVE.[break][break][break]

's desperate cries are met with the inhumane gaze of the Primal Kyogre. As its fins are battered by the elements, the cataclysmic flood reaches its peak violence. Its terrible eye matches for a brief moment before a ungodly wave of sea takes her.[break][break][break]

She is thrown into the depths. As her body swirls around the sea's deep, she is unable to be found for what seems to be a frightening long while...[break][break][break]


Finally, the Kyogre cries out. As its sensitive organs are struck, the beast dives back into the sea. For a brief moment, it seems to gain lucidity— and the rain begins to subside. As it resurfaces with a leap, its ancient markings still glow... but the seas begin to recede. Quickly, the water peels away from the drowned seaside town.[break][break][break]


As refugees pile up on uncomfortable nooks and crannies on the rock, their ruined homes lay below like a cemetery. The mountain they sit upon has large tunnels that descend into a perilous dark. Presumably, they have been created by the trammels... where they lead, no one knows.[break][break][break]


The Kyogre cries once more and dives deep into the sea. It leaves. Swimming into the darkness of the ocean as serenity is summoned by the reveal of a silver moon among the parting clouds.[break][break][break]


THEY PLAY AS CIVILIANS NOW. and participate in the subduing of Kyogre's rampage. Their Pokemon emit powerful attacks, the vibrant colours of their powers merging into others like a kaleidoscopic tempest. The two share in the brief moment of rest. A sense of accomplishment washes over them as they defy death. Together.[break][break][break]


when the blue orb shattered, the would have been able to witness how the shards are taken by the sea. They ponder upon the stone's significance, but such rumination is cut short by the mythological mayhem before them. After Velmos is TRANSFERRED to the Rocket submarine, Walsh is there to greet him alongside Head Scientist, .[break][break][break]

In the days to come, would be promoted to Rocket Beast as well, for his gym challenge's progress and actions have not gone unnoticed.[break][break][break]


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

🗹 Stop the Megalopolans attacking Lilycove.[break]
🗹 Disarm/disable the Trammels on the eastern islands.[break]
🗹 Liberate the seaside town on the eastern islands.[break]
🗹 Rout the enemy and defeat Velmos, their general.[break]

☐ Help refugees and others down the mountain.[break]
☐ Examine the curious tunnels created by the trammels.[break]
☐ React, recover, and attempt to go home.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 21:04:50 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Thanks to the guidance of 's Pokemon, Andrew and his team were able to travel up the mountain. Despite how cold he was from the hail and rainfall besieging him, despite the pain he found himself in from performing the most physical exertion in his life, Andrew still willed himself up the mountain. His Archeops, with the help of his Nidoqueen, joined in on the assault on the left fin of the Legendary Pokemon.

Upon seeing Olivia try to reason with the Kyogre, Andrew gawked in disbelief. "Yo, is she fucking insane? What the fuck?", Andrew commented out loud, to nobody in particular. Not wanting to get involved, Andrew allowed the situation to play out. Thankfully, the Kyogre managed to eventually calm down, returning to the sea.

In the wake of the blue Pokemon's rampage was the remains of the seaside town, the battleground where they had taken on Megalopolan forces. It was clear that the people of the seaside town would need help in not only rebuilding, but healing from the hell they no doubt endured. But rather than explore the tunnels, or go down to investigate the ruins of the town, Andrew instead slumped against the mountainside, breathing heavily, and shivering.

"Thank fuck that shit's over!", Andrew called out. He would sit down for a while, in order to catch his breath. After a moment, Andrew finally got up, and made his way down the mountain carefully, with the help of his Pokemon, who were clearly guiding him down more than he was leading them.


tags: @tag
notes: Andrew reacts to the chaos going on
Andrew catches his breath
Andrew quietly takes his leave

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 23:09:01 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar


Kaida and Muspel didn't dare move as Kyogre started to retreat, leaving Silk to watch their backs as they watched the water god retreat into the ocean, seemingly sated by the damage they had poured on it...had they exhausted the energy it had been enraged by? Either way, they were left alone here...Kaida's eyes flickered down to where had fallen. [break][break]

Mayve the ocean swallowed her up.. Her mind provided unhelpfully, leaving a deep question in her mind, should she help? Her mind was less helpful on that basis. She was far more concerned with the civilians and allies behind her. They had wanted to live, unlike this woman, and deserved it more...maybe the thought was obvious to anybody else, but a weight came off Kaida. Maybe she didn't have to love every human. Much how she didn't have to hate every human. A quaint thought. Leave her love for those deserving, like her family and the friends who had flown so bravely with her...or the one she thought had died. She needed to try and find later...at least she could tell the news if he was killed. [break][break]

But first she had to help and the civilians. So she left, she knew Olivia was under the waves, and tapped Muspel on her shoulders, guiding them away. She needed to save her strength for those who needed it. [break][break]

Kjoll and Bragi were descending the mountain, helping refugees along the way. They would be fine, first, "Orion! Orion!" She called, guiding Muspel to try and land near the man, "Everyone...is everyone alive?" She tried to jump off Muspel, and promptly slipped, only avoiding falling as Muspel scooped her up, the draconian holding its exhausted human close. The heat of the Charizard, the freezing rain, wounds she picked up, it was all too much. Still, she maintained some dignity, ignoring the masses of people gathering around the warm Charizard as she tried to talk calmly (and failing, she was shaking too much), "Have we won?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! [break][break]

tl;dr: Kaida leaves and goes to fly back, calling out for and asking him if everyone else survived. She is being carried around by her Charizard, who is offering herself as a heat source for the drenched refugees and fighters. Toxicitry and Onix are helping people down the mountain.


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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 4:29:03 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Finally….everything was over. Billi watched from his perch high in the sky with his Corviknight and Galvantula looking out over the water. Kyoger had been calmed down and the world was finally….calm again. The raging storm had begun to turn like a cute sprinkle and Billi was beginning to feel the effects of war on his body. From exhaustion ravaging his limbs and mind, to hunger growing like that of a guzzlord, the adrenaline finally wearing off as the sky came to a tranquil gray.

Billi’s hands moved to rub the plumage of his bird, as feeling fleeting from his right arm, and the numbing, yet throbbing pain existed. Something else...felt wrong but right now, the only thing on his fogged mind what “thank god. I finally did something” Billi was content with himself because he didn’t run away he was prepared for the worst. And yet somehow he made it out alive, damaged and battered...but he thought he’d make it out. His large hands growing weak as his eyes became a camera lens out of focus.

“now we...j..u” the images in front of him faded to black, body slugging against the back of the Corviknight, his consciousness slipping from him. Strangely the smile on his face expressing how relieved he was, even if he was plummeting to the ground rapidly. Ravati began to freak out, his wings violently flapping as he became flustered by allowing Billi to slip from his back. His own wing possibly broke from the Nihilego, but nothing mattered more than returning to Billi. But just how fast could he get to Billi?


Billi falls off corviknight to be saved by Alexei

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
310 posts
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 14:21:09 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
 the sea rose around olivia, prayers drowned out by rushing waves and crashing tides all around her. the salty brine separated the sea witch from her companions - the jelly fish pokemon carried far from his master whilst her cradily barely managed to keep up with the powerful undercurrent below. vespiqueen's regal body washed up on the rocky isle the refugees of lilycove had piled upon.

olivia herself? she was shrouded in the dark, cold empty sea - alone. rebuked by her goddess whom she had dedicated her entire life to: whom demanded sacrifice, who stole away her mother, denied her a family. the sheer shock was enough for the lifelong swimmer to struggle, or perhaps, give up. she had no one, she was no one without her faith... so what now?

as she sunk further, and further into the depths of the ocean to join the fallen, a hymn came to mind. phione, whose heart of purity and light floats atop the heaviest and darkest parts of the sea. a final prayer, olivia thought. or rather, accepted.

+all her pokemon are scattered!
+olivia sinks into the sea!
+a final prayer?

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 23:34:00 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Orion hadn't recognized her, not at first. How could he? as he'd known her had been a headstrong councilwoman. Here, he witnesses a broken shell taking a stand before her goddess as she beseeches all those present to call off the assault.[break][break]

"Olivia, what the hell are you doing?"[break][break]

But it's too late. Though their combined efforts break through the former councilwoman's barrier and continue to batter against the primal creature's fins, they are not quick enough to rescue Olivia from her fate. The sea claims her for its own, and she does not surface. Orion's jaw slackens in shock. He knows that she can hold her breath longer than most, had witnessed it firsthand in the aftermath of the New Years attack on the Night Market, but this...[break][break]

"Kaida." Orion's voice is strained as he turns to address his fellow Ranger, . "We're — fine, we're all fine, but Olivia..."[break][break]

Orion stares blankly over the roiling seas, Silvally standing firm at his side. He cannot hope to contend with the roiling waves, but Swampert...[break][break]

"She saved you, once..."[break][break]

Swampert understands. With a long look at his trainer, the purple-skinned mudfish turns and dives into the sea.[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 23:56:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]there are no sudden ends, when it comes to war. this battle would shake the region—and this rush will cling to her veins—for weeks, and months to come. among the remnants of the fight, she can't help but think of kanto.
rest does not come easy to people like her, iris is already latching on to the next objective. she approaches the tunnel, and orders her togekiss to cast a light with DAZZLING GLEAM.
"i'm going down." then, to blue. "stay behind and help the others."
her absol takes the lead, seeing if it could DETECT what lay within this network. wary, iris calls for her aegislash to throw a KING'S SHIELD up.

* REFLECT (4/5) and LIGHT SCREEN (2/5) are in effect[break]
* togekiss uses DAZZLING GLEAM to illuminate a tunnel[break]
* absol leads the way down the tunnel, using DETECT to try and sense what's ahead[break]
* iris and aegislash follow; aegislash uses KING'S SHIELD[break]
* swampert stays behind to help refugees

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay