one flew over the pelipper's nest

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
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1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 20:16:33 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

"Well.. duh. I don't know where you found this faith in me, but you might want to get a refund. I'm useless."[break][break]

She lets the collar of her shirt snap back into place and she shudders, considering just taking it off and tossing it in a corner somewhere to rot. But something told her that Bryn may not appreciate that, so she refrained. [break][break]

Instead, she keeps her eyes closed as she presses her head to the hardwood, doing her best to relax into the floor and think about something else other than the stinkiness coming off of her in waves. [break][break]

One eye opens briefly to leer at him and his smart comments. 'Should have thought of that sooner' my ass.[break][break]

"I didn't see you having any bright ideas, smartass."[break][break]

She visibly cringes as he places air-quotes around her youthful comment. Just how old was this guy? Yeesh. Stormy returns the back of her hand across her forehead. Her body temperature has been lowered thanks to the dampness of her clothes, and it genuinely feels good to not be a thousand degrees (figuratively, not literally).[break][break]

"Hey, I mean, that's a bonus, right? Everyone likes a day off. Let's treat her to some ice cream and a full-body massage. Hell-- I could go for one myself!"[break][break]

There's a moment of quiet between them other than the rustle and grunting of his rescued bird. She lets that silence linger due to the inclement headache she's also about to nurse. That, and she's aware of the mild tension between the two of them. She had royally screwed up what should have been a simple operation and, in the process, embarrassed herself and him. The snappish comments he had thrown to her were deserved and she knew that.[break][break]

It left a bitter taste in her mouth that she wasn't willing to address. So it comes as a surprise and a flurry of nervous butterflies in her stomach when he breaks the silence with an awkward thank-you. Stormy hesitates a moment, frozen, before she lets her hand slip from her face and tilts her head to look at him. Crimson eyes meet his murky brown-green ones and she studies his expression a moment as if concerned he might be lying just to make her feel better.[break][break]


She pushes herself to her feet, then, turning away from him.[break][break]

"You don't have to lie, though. I don't need you gassing me up when it isn't deserved."[break][break]

Her eyebrow twitches and her expression seems pinched and uncomfortable. She glances at him only briefly when he asks to borrow a Pokeball. The woman unhooks an empty one from her side and tosses it at him.[break][break]


notes: ...



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n / a
he / him
january third
lilycove, hoenn
go away
lighthouse keeper
10 height
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darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 21:23:15 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




A silence settled over them – a tense one – that Bryn spent with his lips pressed into a fine line. Usually he could count on Stormy to be present with a cheeky kind of attitude but that had fallen away, leaving him with a sneaking suspicion that he had put his foot in his mouth and cocked up somewhere, that he’d said something stupid. No surprises there, he guessed grimly. For a moment following his poorly formulated thank you their eyes meet, crimson seeming to search him for something and brown-green attempting to decipher what the woman was trying to silently piece together. [break][break]

Ah, there is was. It didn’t take long for the quiet spell to be broken, confirmation bursting into the light room like the brittle pop of embers on a campfire, small but its smoke clogging up his airways in an uncomfortable tightness.[break][break]

I’m not lying,” he responded with an even, flat tone, his brow pinched in a frown that held similar frustrations, “Stormy, when have I ever bullshitted you?” He rose to his feet, too and caught the pokeball that she obliged to loan him with one hand; attention drawn away from the Pelipper briefly now that something with more pressing issues had presented itself. [break][break]

Could it have gone smoother? Yes.” He breathed honestly, rolling the capsule in his palm as if it were some sort of stress ball, curbing the annoying jabs of awkwardness that sat like stones within his gut. Being friendless was a lot easier, he hadn’t noticed the harm he had done to people’s feelings back then, didn’t have to put up with the guilt of stepping on any toes when it was all in the name of scientific advancements. Now though, Bryn could feel prickles of it settling in, frustrating him when he was unfamiliar with how to rectify it. His best bet was to just be honest and that, for better or worse, was something he knew he could do. Even if he was still sporting a signature frown. “But I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t think you would be able to handle it. And you did handle it... Better than I would have done by myself.” [break][break]

Looking away, Bryn turned back towards the Pelipper who had somehow managed to squirm a foot or so away from its original position and the lighthouse keeper crouched down by it again, just out of reach of its beak so that he could press the button of the capsule against it and let a white light enveloped its form. Hopefully it, along with the rest of them in the room, would find some kind of calm now. “So – again – thanks. Really.


notes – jk bryn is the stinky // pelipper capture attempt[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 22:31:24 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

All he had said was the truth: his truth. But it wasn't his truth that she was sour about, it was hers. Even still, she battled her own demons outside the realm of what friendships she struggled to maintain. It had nothing to do with Bryn, not really. What he said had just reminded her of her place in the grand scheme of things.[break][break]

She deep-dives into the depth of his eyes in search of something, but she doesn't find what she's looking for and it encourages her to break eye-contact. [break][break]

"I barely know you."[break][break]

The harshness of her comment is forced, an attempt to keep him at arms length -- or to keep herself at arms length. She avoids looking at him while he explains the situation and does his best to speak his mind. It should put her at ease to hear the honesty behind his words: because she knew he was telling the truth. There had been no doubt, only concern, behind those eyes of his. It was only her own self-doubt that she had seen reflected in them. Her own imperfection.[break][break]

Instead, she draws her attention to the way he rolls the Pokeball in the palm of his hand, the way his fingers hook to catch it before it falls. And then she flicks her own stormy gaze back up to meet his when he speaks his mind and breaks his own eye contact. Her lips part to stop, to bring him back, but no words come out. At a loss, she watches him focus his attention on the Pelipper as it is absorbed into the Pokeball. She swallows as the room is enveloped in silence, the rustling and struggling of the Pokemon now over.[break][break]

Warmth fills her cheeks at his last attempt to smooth things over, and she clears her throat awkwardly and straightens her back, shifting to not be facing him directly.[break][break]

"You're welcome. Now-- you owe me, right? I'm starving, so let's get something to eat after we take your new Rattata to get patched up."[break][break]


notes: no stormy is the stinky



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n / a
he / him
january third
lilycove, hoenn
go away
lighthouse keeper
10 height
10 height
darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 16:53:16 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




"I barely know you."[break][break]

No, he supposes she really doesn’t know much about him, nothing beyond the superficial anyway. Sometimes Bryn wonders if he barely knows himself, too; like all the work he filled into every spare moment of his life had been a cover up, something to focus on, because beyond that there wasn’t very much beneath his surface. So, he contemplates in his mind, that all things considered Stormy probably should take a little comfort – if that was even the right word – in not being the only one who wasn’t completely in the knowhow when it came to Bryn Hollis. [break][break]

Bryn stared at where the Pelipper had previously been, gazed locked on the jacket that remained and the little sparkles of silver that fell like falling stars from the remains of the pokeballs light, fading before they came into contact with the floor. Staring but not quite focusing, his mind somewhere else as silence enveloped the light room, his fingers loosely curled around the capsule in his palm as it rocked back and forth in his palm, still processing whether the creature within would successfully be sealed. There was a kind of tension, when waiting for the confirmation of a catch, that Bryn wasn’t familiar with but even so it was a feeling doomed to be pushed aside in favour of the awkward tension that weaved amongst the quiet; the lighthouse keeper waiting for Stormy to break the silence. She seemed like the type of person who would verbally announce it if what he had said resounded within her, good or bad. [break][break]

There’s a clearing of the throat followed by his own exhale, neither of them facing one another but seeming to find silent satisfaction after walking a fine, socially awkward line. Bryn let out a scoff, corner of his lips pulling in a slight grin, weary but not bitter. “Fine, fine… I suppose I do,” his gaze lifted as Nine peeked her big eyes over the edge of the stairs, as if gauging whether it was safe to come back up again, Bryn’s frown softening as the Castform’s eyes lit up, looking ready to float over straight to him before remembering that the Gloom scent still remained; said pokemon seeming to have second thoughts. Bryn shook his head and looked back down at the pokeball sitting in his palm, squeezing it after a thoughtful pause before shooting Stormy a wry look. He might not be very well known, not even to himself, but he was trying...[break][break]

But first, go home and get showered. You stink.” Said the pot to the kettle. “Then you can pick where we go, I'll cover it. I think that's fair payment. Just have mercy on my wallet, alright?


notes – ok we both stinky[break][break]


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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 23:32:39 GMT
shiv Avatar


was caught!





male/female - keen eye[break]
water pulse / roost / hurricane / air slash / agility / protect

EVENTUALLY, the former meteorologist would be able to capture the pelipper.[break][break]
may add pelipper to their pc!


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October 13
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one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 23:36:06 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!




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