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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 22:30:51 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, is what Angelo has told himself since he moved to Hoenn, only he didn’t think he would be applying the logic of him experiencing some more adventurous activities to acting as bait. Lately a small group of psychic pokemon had apparently been stealing pokeballs from trainers and merchants alike, so the rumours say they've even been seen attempting to battle human trainers with their pilfered charges. It had gotten to the point where they had even been attempting to steal empty ones probably because they weren’t aware of the difference; Angelo would know, he had narrowly avoided the Medicham’s kick as he sped off on his bike a week or so ago, narrowly avoiding being mugged.

So, with the local trainers and businesses at their wits end from the Medicham’s stealing, they had asked a ranger to help them solve the issue. How Angelo had been roped into it, a box with some old malfunctioning pokeballs strapped to the back of his bike to lure out the pesky thieves, even he was a little unsure.

Standing at the end of the area where the psychic types were known to lurk, Angelo waited near the wooden signpost carved with the name ‘route 118’, crouched near his bike as he checked over the chains before moving to tighten the rope that attached the ‘delivery’ to the frame. He really hoped he didn’t end up on the receiving end of a high jump kick today, that wasn’t the kind of excitement he thought he needed in his life…

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 1:04:01 GMT
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you worry me

When he was assigned to this job, Holland would quietly grumble. He didn't really care if the other trainers lost their Pokeballs. He was supposed to care but... his job expertise was needed elsewhere. They should surely send a more experienced ranger. Someone to deal with the psychic types. He had no dark or ghost types. He was useless.
But he never did argue with superiors. He always got the job done - whether he liked it or not. Meeting up with his partner, a regular delivery boy who had almost been a victim, was the first step. He scowled at the ground as he walked, hands in his pockets. But eventually he spotted the other human. Oh boy. A human. His favorite species.
"Hey" he looked like a punk. He dressed like a punk. He had tattoos like a punk. Holland did not look the type to be a ranger. "you're Angelo?" the young man added, asking before they began. He could have the wrong person - Holly never did get a photo of the guy.


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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 17:37:40 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Angelo is spinning his pedal, watching the chain link slowly click around as he confirms its smooth security, when the sound of someone approaching alerts him. When he rises and turns, he’s met with a taller, broader guy with tattoos visible on his arms; not exactly looking like the model figure of a ranger which the media would wish you to believe. He thinks he prefers seeing a ranger like this, at least he had some individuality, rather than being a cookie cutter. Plus his ink was pretty baller. If he weren’t so indecisive and lacking in funds, the Johtonian liked to think he’d sport some himself.

Therefore, needless to say, the blue-eyed man didn’t greet the ranger with a look of intimidation and instead offered him an outstretched hand in greeting. “That’s me. Guessing you’re the ranger, right? Holland?” He had to memorise a lot of addresses and names in the day to day, so his temporary partners alias rolled off his tongue easily, like it had already been burrowed deep into his skull rather than the truth that he had only learned it this morning. “Nice to meet ya. So apparently I'll be playing your sidekick for the day, huh?” He smiled lightly, clearly not having much issue with it.


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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 18:45:40 GMT
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you worry me

"Yes" Holly said bluntly but not unkindly. His voice was forced, a slight scowl on his otherwise handsome features. They say frowning ruined anyone's looks. He didn't care if it did. He wasn't out here to make friends - he was here to do his job "that's me." Unfortunately. Raising a rigid arm, he'd grip the other young man's hand. It was a curt shake but it was there.
Back to business. "Show me where the Pokemon tried to steal from you" he may lack the ability to pick up a trail, but he knew someone who could. Holland released his Serperior, Laurel. She stood in a flash of light, flicking her tongue at the pair. "once we find its territory, baiting it should be easy." Like a serial killer, Pokemon hunted in familiar territory. He didn't...
...know why he compared the psychic type to a serial killer but ah well. Some psychic-types were pretty creepy. Like Hypno. Just messed up, stealing kids. "They're smart, but predictable" he remarked, crossing his arms. The psychic type couldn't ignore easy prey; it gave a boost to its ego.


[newclass=".mryc"]width:400px;background:#262626;outline:#262626 solid 1.5px;outline-offset:20px;padding:33px;margin:45px auto;position:relative;display:grid;text-align:justify;grid-template:auto / auto 1fr;font-family:Roboto;font-size:11px;line-height:160%;color:#777[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 18:56:08 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Sure, it’s over here.” Angelo retrieves his bicycle as the ranger releases his pokemon, opting to push it and the dummy cargo as opposed to riding it down the path, falling into step with Holland. It seemed that, despite his less than conforming appearance, the man was all-business. He didn’t mind the lack of small talk though, it was nice in its own strange way to just get on with things, to not have to wrap his feelings up in cotton wool or plaster on smiles; sometimes it was okay, he guessed, to simply flow and be. To march on with their task.

Still, when he asked for the place where he had been attacked, Angelo hoped that he knew it wasn’t just him who had almost been mugged. That would be damn embarrassing.

True,” he mused with a soft chuckle as the ranger commented that, despite being psychic types, they weren’t all too difficult to figure out. “Just take a detour through the trees and they’re left scratching their heads.” He pats the handlebar of his bike, as if to punctuate that he had given them the slip the last time that they had crossed paths without too much trouble. “Anyway, this is where they jumped out the last time. Others have said they’ve been spotted close by, too.” He stops at a corner in the path, where on one side looms a hill and another is a small dip into a copse of trees. “When it was me, they came up through the woods.” He turns to look at the ranger again, leaning forward against the handles of his bike, relaxed despite the professional air radiating off the guy.

So, what do you think? Want me to ride off and come back up the path with the cargo?


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 20:15:05 GMT
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you worry me

Holly didn't know or care why the psychic type was stealing Pokeballs. Disturbing the natural balance of things made him get involved and that was about as much care as he could give when it didn't come to plant-life. He pulled a long thoughtful look before releasing another Pokemon. This time it was a Grovyle. "Make a scene in the woods..." he ordered both Serperior and Grovyle. They nodded.
If the wild Pokemon was sleeping, the noise would get their attention. Both grass-types moved into the dipping treeline, where Laurel's spitting was almost drowned out by the Grovyle's screeching. Several other small creatures zipped from the foliage, mostly Rattata and Wurmples, frantic to get away from the two very obviously fighting Pokemon.
Then, before he could say one word to Angelo, a very large shake of the trees near the two humans. Holly faced it, holding a hand up. "No need" he said, almost amused "you're the distraction while I take care of it" He wanted to know how deep this Pokeball fixation went. "but if it comes close, I suggest taking out a Pokemon" which any sane person would do.
Was Angelo sane? Time would tell. But what was known so far was the psychic-type was very territorial. It gave another violent shake before a dark shadow jumped from the foliage. It certainly did not appreciate the noise the grass-types were making, and went right to the source. "Get ready."


[newclass=".mryc"]width:400px;background:#262626;outline:#262626 solid 1.5px;outline-offset:20px;padding:33px;margin:45px auto;position:relative;display:grid;text-align:justify;grid-template:auto / auto 1fr;font-family:Roboto;font-size:11px;line-height:160%;color:#777[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 14:07:00 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Gotcha, one distraction coming up.

From what they had on the psychic pokemon, gathered from sightings and accounts, it was quite an avid trainer fan, there was no way that it was going to ignore the sounds of a battle, both for its obsession and wild instincts alone. So as Holland’s two pokemon were ordered to duke it out with one another, Angelo turned to his bike and popped open the box of loose, empty pokeballs that had been strapped to the back for ‘delivery’. Its white and crimson surface sparkling as a sunbeam hit. As a dark shadow leaps out of the bushes and Holland warns him to be ready, Angelo quietly grins to himself.

By the time the form of a Medicham approaches the duelling grass pokemon, he’s suddenly taking a step from his bike and – although it pains his heart a little – he lets go of the handlebars in a feigned spooked display, the metal frame clattering to the dirt and spilling miniaturised pokeballs over the path with a clatter. There was no way the trainer-wannabe would be able to ignore the bait.

As if on cue, the psychic-fighting type became distracted from Holland's pokemon with its attention drawn into the glittering capsules that bounced along the ground, lunging forward with a high jump kick towards Angelo's direction, clearing the distance so that it could land amongst the spheres and hopefully scare the delivery boy off, too. “It's all yours! Just watch your step!” He calls out to the ranger as he jumps back near his bike, his minior floating from behind him to scatter shards of stealth rock amongst the bait, earning a startled cry from the Medicham as it landed right on one of the spikes in its bid to collect the spilled goodies.


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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 15:46:32 GMT
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you worry me

"Take it" was all he said as he released his final Pokemon. A mighty Dragonite roared at the reveal, shooting immediately toward the Medicham. Angelo was a good distraction, dropping the Pokeballs and turning the dual-type's obsession into reality. Dragonite smacked into the distracted and howling Medicham, shoving it away from the other human.
The Minior was noted from its help with the Pokemon. The spikes were carefully watched by Holly as he also quietly shouted orders to the dragon. Dragonite would lift himself away from the spikes, avoiding harm. His aim was to force the Medicham to get banged up, so he pushed him into them again. The psychic type yowled again in pain.
Dragonite would aim a punch at the Medicham before it was flung over the spikes and crashed into the foliage. Holly followed, taking out a spare Pokeball and throwing it at the fainted Pokemon. It didn't put up much fight; but then again, it wanted other Pokemon to do its dirty work for it. He almost felt bad for the Medicham. Unable to survive without the help of others...
The Pokeball closed without much fuss, capturing it. Holland picked it up, turning to Angelo. "The rangers will relocate it" he states quietly, rejoining the group. Serperior and Grovyle came back too; he quickly recalled them. Dragonite was left standing, huffing from the effort of battle. Holland briefly patted it before it too was recalled.
"Thanks for your help" he says stiffly, having poor social skills but good survival skills.


[newclass=".mryc"]width:400px;background:#262626;outline:#262626 solid 1.5px;outline-offset:20px;padding:33px;margin:45px auto;position:relative;display:grid;text-align:justify;grid-template:auto / auto 1fr;font-family:Roboto;font-size:11px;line-height:160%;color:#777[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 18:08:58 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 When he had internally thought that Holland was quite the serious, no nonsense type, he supposed he hadn’t been wrong. As the Medicham recoiled from the stealth rock, a Dragonite was summoned to the battle, the large orange dragon making quick work of the wild pokemon in the air and subjecting the psychic to the sharp spikes below when dropped out of the air. It was a pretty efficient clean up, really. Angelo couldn’t help but be impressed, if a little secretly downcast, that there was little he could do. Suppose that’s what you get when you’re a delivery boy though; he’d have to get used to not having much chance to battle when he returned to Johto, anyway.

Not letting it show, he smiled at Holland as he caught the Medicham who had just been discarded into the bush and started to kick at the stealth rock shards that remained, brushing them away with his foot into the grass so that he didn’t end up puncturing a tire or have anyone step on it. “Great, I’m sure the folks at Mauville will be happy, not having to worry about getting jumped when making their way out of town.” Thankfully for Holland, if it was anything to be reassured by at any rate, Angelo wasn’t too bad at socialising with others.

Nah man, thank you. You did all the work.” He crouches down to pick up the scattered pokeballs next, collecting them in his arms to begin dumping them back into the box. “Do you have to shoot off right away? Before I left, I heard the manager at the poke mart mention something about stocking you up on some items as thanks for your help, if you're interested?” If it was him, Angelo would take it, but then he wasn't exactly one to turn down something for free...


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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 18:33:06 GMT
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you worry me

Hm. Good thing Holly didn't have a fat head or a large ego. Those two close in hand could be dangerous with compliments. He merely stared at Angelo as the man went on to proclaim he did all the work. True but they were a good distraction. He wouldn't have been able to smoothly catch the Medicham otherwise. It'd take much more time. Time he didn't want to waste.
"I suppose I could look" he admits. If someone went out of their way to stock up on essential things he'd want, Holland might as well stock up while he was in town. Supplies were running low in the cabin he rented in the wild. He could stand to get more food and items. Free stuff aside, he gave a nod for Angelo to lead on. Holly was a piss poor conversationalist but -
Even he thought it was rude to just wander off. Especially if Angelo tipped him off to some merchandise. The two would wander off, Angelo with his bike and Holland with nothing but his two legs stomping along the path. /END


[newclass=".mryc"]width:400px;background:#262626;outline:#262626 solid 1.5px;outline-offset:20px;padding:33px;margin:45px auto;position:relative;display:grid;text-align:justify;grid-template:auto / auto 1fr;font-family:Roboto;font-size:11px;line-height:160%;color:#777[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 2:41:21 GMT
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