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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2020 22:50:48 GMT
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 Just because a war had happened recently didn’t mean that work had been put on hold. If anything, it had been busier than ever but Angelo couldn’t complain, not when it was keeping him busy and his pockets lined with coins. Not only was he doing his usual with the pokemart, their sales for potions and the like through the roof, he’d also signed up to ship out deliveries for the relief effort, too. Tools, food, supplies; he’d thrown himself into as many deliveries that he could within the recent weeks and although the extra spending cash had been a nice reward, his motives had primarily been placed within the need for distraction. To do what he could now when he had been unable to do much at all back then.

Although, cycling within the depths of the woods, pine scents tickling his nose and earth underneath his tires instead of concrete, made for a far more pleasant interruption.

Angelo normally wasn’t one to mind getting lost. Being an avid traveller, when he had the free time he’d happily throw himself into these tall trees and just wonder until he managed to find his way to the other side. Today though, he was supposed to be meeting someone for another job, so there was no time to take the long cycle track around the Fortree wilderness. Another time, maybe. Instead Angelo kept an eye on the directions on his old, flip phone and tried not to become too captivated by the forks in the path, as he closed in on the cabin that belonged to one Miss Alfric.

Hopping off his bike, leaning it against a nearby tree, he approached the door surrounded by beautiful verdant green and tapped on the wood in three clear, knocks; one, pause, two-three.

He wondered how Cait was doing these days… All he’d heard since he had left Mauville were whispers and rumours throughout his stops. Hopefully being out here had been kind to her.

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2020 23:19:04 GMT
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her beau had taken his leave only a few hours prior, cait having spent the following hours performing her usual morning routine in his absence. she'd completely forgotten - in that time - that she had packages that were in desperate need of delivering, having scheduled for the courier to arrive when the midday hours had struck. her attention was presently on formulating a list of the items she'd purchase in sizeable quantities during her next trip in town, the woman very carefully calculating the cost. 

she was a moderate penny pincher, having taken a personal finance class to neaten up how she handled her steady flow of income. and while she could pay for an accountant, or even be provided one if she asked the league, she'd much rather maintain complete control over her own money. 


the knock was unexpected when it had finally come, cait half-expecting senon to have returned after a very brief time away. visibly bemused, she'd approach the door, warily peek through the door's peephole and blink when a friendly face appeared on the other side. it was a moment like this where cait was thankful she had dressed in casual attire, otherwise she'd be forced to scramble for more appropriate clothing.

opening the door, she'd grin warmly at the man.


it became increasingly apparent that the former gym lead was in a distracted state if one noted her expression, the woman failing to recall that she had known angelo and that he was also there for a specific reason. 

may i help you?

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 23:45:52 GMT
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 Hey.” Her smile and welcome are warm, so Angelo naturally returns in kind, holding up a hand in a small wave in a display of greeting. Even though it had been a while since he had seen her, his memory of her reserved for the few classes they had together in Mauville a year or so prior, the person before him was undeniably Cait Alfric.

Ah, well… He supposed he couldn’t blame her. Angelo let out a chuckle, one hand rising to card through his dark hair, a smile pulling on the corner of his lips. It had been a little while since they had last seen each other and it wasn’t like they had been particularly close; just well-meaning acquaintances, really. Hello’s in the hallway, knowledge of one another’s names and occasional sharing of books, nothing so out of the ordinary to make them strike up a conversation or for him to ask her for a coffee or whatever. It made sense. He guessed it made sense for a former gym leader to be more instantly recognised than your every day delivery boy. He tried not to feel a little awkward about it.

Thankfully, he could take this sort of thing in stride. “I’m here about the delivery job,” with a quick dig into his pockets, he produces his phone, old enough for it to be of the flip variety and a small crack along the corner of the screen. He held it up where the directions that had been sent to him were displayed, his mouth twisting into a grin. “It’s Angelo. Angelo Vestri.” Another little wave to break the metaphorical ice. “Hi.

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 23:58:40 GMT
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cait blinked dumbly several times before her mouth fell open - 

"oh! oh, gods. i'm so sorry."

it came back to her in a flood as she took him in, comprehension dawning upon her as memories slotted themselves neatly back into place. during her time spent as a student, angelo had served as a reoccurring face within the sparsely populated classrooms they had shared.

'and my packages. shit. i didn't finish wrapping them up properly. i completely forgot.' 

i'm so sorry," she repeated, fumbling over her words as her cheeks warmed. "come in!"

cait retreated into her home, holding the door wide open for the man. he'd be greeted by the sight of a home which smelled of cinnamon, the interior tidily arranged and modern in its layout. 

you weren't bothered on your way here, i hope? my pokemon can be a bit wary of strangers."

she'd glance outside, identifying the partially translucent figure of her gengar. it grinned cheekily at her and gave a smart wave as it mimicked angelo's friendly gesture, though it very quickly faded out of sight.  

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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2020 20:39:52 GMT
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 He can’t help but grin as Cait’s big, emerald eyes blink at him like a Buneary caught in the headlights, a chuckle and a hand already waving off her apology in unbothered dismissal. “Don’t worry about it, no big deal.” Maybe he should have sent a message to let her know that he was on the way this morning or something, only Angelo didn’t have very much credit left on his phone, so even if he had thought of it, things probably would have ended the same anyway. Still, it was no big deal and so he offered her a small, kind smile to hopefully soothe her potential embarrassment.

Uh, don’t think so,” he responds when Cait asks if he’d had any trouble on the way, following her gaze by glancing over his shoulder but finding nothing, his bike alone and still where he left it.

Walking into the home, Angelo is instantly greeted with how warm it feels, scents of cinnamon drifting through the cabin and a tidy arrangement that gave off a vibe that he could only really pinpoint as homely or comfortable. “Nice place,” and he meant it, nestled in the woods and embraced by sweet scents, Cait’s countryside cabin was the picture of nature enveloped serenity. “Suits you. Are you liking living out here?” He asks conversationally, genuinely wondering if she preferred the green solitude of Fortree in comparison to the metal skyline of Mauville. If it were him, he’d pick out here every time.

Oh, crap. You don't mind shoes inside, do you?” Probably not, it was a cabin in the woods after all, but he found himself stopping mid-step anyway; he wasn't exactly the pinnacle of sparkling cleanliness with his dirty trainers, worn down by too much time on the road these past few months.

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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 4:27:53 GMT
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"i don't."

hoenn had traditions that recommended that footwear be taken off when entering a home. but her family originated from elsewhere, their own culture not minding that shoes be worn indoors. and despite the generations and decades that had passed since that original landing - her family remained firmly stuck in their ways. 

and to answer your question - i do. it took me one year of working as an officer and another as a gym leader to afford all of this. and i do believe it was well worth the effort."

it was a four bedroom and three bathroom cabin, its interior spacious enough to house a family. cait looked forward to the day where she could raise one of her own, decorating each room appropriately to suit her children. 

'one day,' she thought, her spirits lifting at the mental image.

i need to wrap up a few packages. one for a - another for a and the last for a @n0ble . it may take me a little while - an hour at the very least. you're welcome to tag along while i get everything ready."

she glanced at the television, feeling a touch guilty that she was making him wait.

... or you could wait here. i have cable - and my boyfriend just bought me that flat screen. i'm sure it'll keep you entertained if nothing else.

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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 18:19:24 GMT
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 Angelo lets out a little impressed whistle, his hands casually in his pockets, as he smiles in response to her explanation for how she afforded this place. There was a flicker of envy, bitter and heavy, like a small stone in his gut. He knows he shouldn’t feel that twist of green, she had obviously worked hard for it and he ignores the sour thought. Just like she didn’t know his struggles, he didn’t know hers and what it took for her to get here. Angelo dared not consider the amount of money and time he’d need to scrape together to even afford his own place, let alone a beautiful cabin the woods, bigger than even the family home he left behind back in Alto Mare that used to cram eight people into. Hence the extra jobs, like this one, he supposes.

If you’re sure I won’t be under your feet,” he starts, as she explains that she still had a few things to sort out before he could begin his delivery, preferring the idea of watching her work and having some good company over lounging in front of a screen by himself any day. “Then I'll take you up on the offer of tagging along.

He still spares this fancy gift a look, the television stretching wide, black screen glossy and more expensive than anything he’d ever brought or owned in his life. Blue eyes flick quickly back to Cait and a smile materialises again on his lips. “I can’t even remember the last time I sat still long enough to watch television, let alone a whole episode of something. I’m getting restless leg syndrome thinking about it.

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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 18:58:09 GMT
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she nodded her acknowledgement at his choice, not blaming him for wanting to move about. admittedly, cait only regularly utilized the television during her beau's visits. outside of hours spent with him, she'd flick it on - check the weather - and turn it off shortly thereafter. 

"i have most of what i need in my office."

the young woman led him into a space reserved solely for her use. he'd be confronted with a combination of curious scents upon entry, a large window shining just enough light upon the scene. plants of various types were stored within, all appearing in good health. the furniture was somewhat sparse, with a desk and a computer occupying the far end of the confined space. 

a slim table was situated at its center, an assortment of items arranged neatly upon its surface. 

i tend to make my own products. some are derived from recipes of my own creation - but most are from books that have been in my family's possession for countless generations."

she helpfully flicked on the light, revealing that there were drying herbs that hung from the walls in abundance. potted plants were neatly arranged in rows, the species appearing heavily varied. cait approached the table and examined what appeared to be bars of cream-colored soap.

i'll be sending a few of these to stormy. they're great for softening your skin. you barely have to use lotion after a good wash."

the young woman offered angelo a look, pausing briefly before she pointed out what appeared to be something rolled tightly in brown paper. there was no less than fifteen that had been prepared - five being for the aforementioned woman and a solid ten for the councilman.

this is cannabis. i'd like you to be discreet when you transport these. i'll be paying you a larger sum in exchange, of course. under the table."

a tiny figure scuttled by, revealing itself to a small and pudgy shaymin. it sniffed daintily at angelo before taking advantage of the open door of cait's office, the pokemon eagerly navigating their way toward the sweet plants that had formerly been guarded by the solid wood.  

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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 18:23:59 GMT
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 Hovering at the doorway to her office, Angelo scans the room with quiet interest, taking immediate note of the cocktail of plant scents that drift over him. He couldn’t say that he found the combination unpleasant. In fact, it wasn't too bad...

For the most part the place seemed like a cosy, modest kind of setup, with a computer in one corner and light filtering in through the window to make dust particles sparkle. Only the plants that Cait had placed in the room went beyond the stereotypical mini cactus set that would often sit in a usual office, various shapes of green scattered and hung around to bring a vibrant, natural atmosphere to an otherwise bare room. Like a slice of the outside had been carefully brought in.

Then there was the assortment of items carefully placed objects, neat and in order, on a desk in the middle of the room. Cait kindly offered Angelo an explanation and he takes a step into the room to look closer at her products.

They smell good,” he comments as she points out the bars of soap that will be going to Stormy, offhandedly thinking that the brunette would like them and that this gave him a good excuse to fit in a visit after the delivery was done.

Next, she moves over to her next product which is rolled up neatly in brown paper and sitting innocently on the table, the young man not needing much of an explanation to understand what it contained. Blue eyes drift over from the cannabis to Cait, nonchalant to the substance he was to deliver but listening intently all the same, not seeming bothered by what he was to discreetly transport from the former gym leader to an elite and councilman. Who was he to make judgements, especially when he would be tempted to partake if the opportunity presented itself?

Course. Customer discretion is always important. I'll get it to them in one, confidential piece.

Rather than being surprised by the product, Angelo was more taken in that Cait had made all of this herself, that she had family recipes and the like – it was interesting.

So, these are all your own and your family’s recipes, then? That’s pretty cool. I think all the secret family recipes I’ve got is for a rather mediocre lemon cake.

His gaze falls down to the grass hedgehog as he notices it giving him a sniff, taking a slight step to the side to let the creature pass on its mission towards the plants. “Ah, sorry stellina, I'm in your way, huh?” His voice takes on a soft note at the endearment term, picked up from his grandparents in Alto Mare, that often spilled out for small creatures such as this. Blue gaze curiously blinks after it; he hadn't seen a pokemon like that before...

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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 14:44:12 GMT
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"my ancestors didn't have much money when we migrated here," she informed. "
we had to grow our own food and make our own products from scratch. eventually we made our way by selling medicinal herbs, candles, soaps and perfumes."

she appeared satisfied by his agreement, a pleased glimmer in her eye. though her look would become disapproving as her verdant gaze fell upon the little hog, who snuffled at a few flowers. as they were in the midst of nibbling experimentally at the plant, cait would swoop in and secure the tiny grass-type into her arms.

i'm sorry," she said. "they're always trying to get in here. last time they got sick for a day after eating half of my supply."

it was one reason she checked and double checked that the door was secure.

you stay here where i can watch you."

the shaymin was gently deposited onto the table, the pokemon visibly miffed but compliant. 

i'll start wrapping this up."

there was a neat pile of what appeared to be aged paper at her disposal, the woman wrapping the square soap with well-practiced hands.

i've been having to do this since i was a little girl. my family put me to work early on."

cait remembered times spent in the shop's backroom, her mother, father, uncles or aunts teaching her how to craft and package each individual item. if her schoolwork was completed early enough, she was more often than naught sent to work. it wasn't difficult - and it didn't intervene too heavily with her childhood - so she found the experience relatively enjoyable.

what made you take on work as a courier?

there was a casualness to her tone as she made conversation, wanting to fill the silence with something other than the crinkling of paper.     

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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 17:44:43 GMT
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 Oh, shoot. My bad,” he responded as Cait informed him of the little pokemon’s office ban. “I’ll make sure the door is closed next time.” There’s instantly a little prickle of guilt in his gut; Angelo didn’t want to be the reason for the little guys getting sick.

As Cait starts to get to work packaging up her products, Angelo leans over the table where the grass pokemon had been placed out of the way, propping an elbow on the surface and nestling his chin in his palm. He reaches out with a finger towards the Shaymin, listening to the green haired woman as he scratches an index finger underneath the stellina’s chin.

I decided to take a gap year from studying and figured I’d need some way to make money to fund it,” he hummed, partly true in his response, although he purposefully left out some details of his predicament. “And I wanted to travel. So, I thought that this was a two-birds-one-stone kind of opportunity. Make some cash while getting to see Hoenn. It’s not a dream job but it has its perks.” He had certainly been able to see a lot of things. Sure, it was to someone else’s schedule a lot of the time, a false sense of freedom in a way… But he’d rather be on an extended leash than confined in a cage. Working as a delivery boy wasn’t the best job in the world but this way of life, no matter how brief it may be for him, was one that Angelo wanted to savour.

Did you enjoy it; working with your family as a kid?” He supposed she must have at least a little, considering she was here now, doing the same thing as her ancestors had done for generations.

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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 22:22:05 GMT
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she took his plight into consideration, her own prickle of guilt originating from the privileged lifestyle she had fostered for herself. had it not been for her mentor - - her opportunities would have been greatly limited. his tutelage and sponsorship had allowed cait to uplift herself with ease, the young woman acquiring resources aplenty. even her schooling had been paid for, scholarships granting her a full ride to a bachelor's degree.

'and it only took me two years to work my way up to this point.' 

her family hadn't been rich. they were middle-class, having climbed their way up from a lower class lifestyle in generations past. but she was ultimately against taking money from their pockets - despite their insistence that they help pay for her education.   

"it was alright," she responded, simply. "
when i was ten i was interested in acquiring a trainer license. but my parents didn't sign off on it - refused to, actually. so during my years spent as a pre-teen i felt a little lost. it was like i was being left behind by my entire generation."

cait stacked the wrapped bars neatly, moving to the corner of the room where cardboard boxes awaited her. she'd return to the table and fill each box, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she noticed angelo's newfound interest. 


the strange shaymin preened as angelo scratched them lightly beneath the chin, what appeared to be fresh flowers sprouting from their grass-like fur that lined their back.

have you seen a shaymin before? this one is young - and strangely colored - but they're considered divine in the scripture."  

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2020 19:59:26 GMT
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 There’s a sympathetic flash within him as Cait gives him a small peek through the window of her childhood and there’s a familiar pang as he digests her words. He could understand the feeling of feeling lost and dreading the idea of being left behind by his peers. Hell, he felt it even now… There’s a small smile on his lips, soft and kind as if silently letting her know that, in some way, he got it.

No, I haven’t,” he admitted as the little pokemon’s back opened up with flowers, pink buds bursting to reveal soft pink petals upon its green fur. Angelo blinked in surprise.

Closest we have to divine back home would be Latios and Latias, although they’re considered more guardians of the island than anything. Not like they’re notable for being around, although legend has it that they’re still there but just invisible. Unlike you.” He directs the last words to the Shaymin, giving its nose a little touch with his index finger, like you would to a child. “Look at you, little one. Growing these flowers all by yourself. They're beautiful.” Angelo wasn’t one to be shy by these sorts of things.

I can see why they would consider them divine.” He fixes blue eyes on Cait then, curiosity prickling. “What’s the scripture that you’re referencing?

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2020 20:38:42 GMT
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"the ones i was raised with," she murmured, unintentionally vague as she worked.

the young woman counted and recounted before neatly bundled up the blunts, making sure they weren't at a risk of being damaged during the trip.

'the codex of time,'" she elaborated, her gaze flicking toward him and shaymin. "the followers of celebi typically subscribe to that particular manuscript. not all of them - but most do. it depends on which sect you're raised in."

cait paused in her work to properly address angelo, considering him. 

latios and latias," she parroted, visibly mulling over the legendary siblings. "the 'eon duo' - i think? they're native to our region, if memory serves. but i don't hear much about them."

this was unsurprising, as only a minority of the region actively practiced religion. even those who followed her god were few in number - a few thousand at the most. their numbers remaining consistent following a small population boost roughly two-hundred years ago. this was likely due to the scripture being revised, which tolerated marriages outside of one's respective religion - that in addition to preventing the limitation of ones sexual freedoms. 

want one?"

cait off-handedly offered him a blunt, pointing toward one of her extras.

i tend to smoke once a day. that or eat one of my boyfriend's edibles. really takes the edge off."  

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2020 22:11:35 GMT
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 Yeah. Our legends say that they saved Alto Mare from a flood a long time ago. Although it was more like a tsunami, according to the description in the stories... They’ve been celebrated there ever since. Guardian Columns, a festival – even the medallion awarded to the winner of the tour has them inscribed.” He thinks back to the pretty sea green glass sitting on his bedside table back home and how it would cast sparkles of light on his ceiling, should the sunshine hit it just right. “They’re very beloved figures.

He turns back to the Shaymin then to gently touch one of the pink petals, admiring the colour. “And Celebi, it originates from Johto, doesn’t it? I can't say I've heard much about the codex of time but it’s interesting. How much regional religions and legends cross over with one another, I mean.

At least if he has to return to Alto Mare at some point, Angelo thinks, there will be some ties to this region which he was slowly starting to fall in love with. Although visiting the gardens and the statues of the Hoenn Eon Duo would not compare to actually being here.

That depends,” he mused with a light hum, following her green gaze towards one of the blunts being offered, his tone laced with subtle mirth. “Is the first one on the house?” Calloused fingers reach towards one of the rolled-up spare portions and he raises it towards himself for a quick sniff, pleasantly surprised by the aroma as he turned it between his digits. It wasn’t like he could afford to take one every day but the occasional smoke wasn’t something that Angelo was going to pass up on, especially if offered. “Thanks, Cait. You’re helping me out a lot today.

Angelo popped it into his denim jacket pocket for safe keeping.

The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing