i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 0:39:09 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

This was a bad idea.

Ryusuke had never liked people. He liked individuals among them, yes, but those tended to be few and far between, the exceptions rather than the rule. People as a whole? They irritated him, made him feel uncomfortable, tended to favor ignorance and prejudice over common sense and critical thinking. Crowds just made it worse, multiplying those bad traits a hundredfold and seemingly encouraging bad decision making. Which, to be fair, was something of a joke in and of itself as Ryusuke was once again forced to ask-

What was he doing here?

It'd frankly been against his better judgement, but a chance meeting and some lofty ideals had basically backed him into a corner when Ryusuke had agreed to come to this event, something he normally would've avoided at all costs. Left to his own devices he'd probably had spent the night at home, waiting for whenever his dad returned from his visit in Johto or whenever his mom got back from... well, whatever it was that she did in her retirement these days. Instead it had been a quick stop home to change into something slightly more formal than what he normally wore if only to avoid any and all attention that he could... and then it was off to the charity event.

Having honestly just picked out a nicer pair of pants and shoes and then thrown on a white button shirt and jacket, Ryusuke was still debating whether or not to just go back home. At least until he got a fairly forceful jab in the side from Grovyle as the Wood Gecko grew tired of waiting, throwing Ryusuke an annoyed glance as he started walking ahead on his own. Simple to read, that one - even out here the blond could smell the same food that Grovyle had likely picked up on, and that made the Wood Gecko's motivations fairly clear. Making his way up the front steps and into the line that was screening the public, the pair made it into the building easily enough - at least until Ryusuke followed Grovyle in through the front door, likely alerting the Magneton that had been acting as improvised metal detectors.

- Arrives to the event
- Goes through the screening process for the public
- Grovyle walks in, no problems
- Ryusuke follows not half a second later, prosthetic limbs likely alerting the Magneton on security detail

made by duet of gs
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august 12th
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 1:29:26 GMT
chivalry is dead. kim's actions do little to save the situation and fernando is content with cole receiving his just desserts. and when he runs off, runs like the little boy he is, fernando feels his heart rise with the satisfaction of a well placed kill. as for the rest of the events, they're inconsequential. fernando does not privy himself with trash and the obscenity that comes forth is missed in its entirety. his attention in on the after math of the scene, ensuring that its remnants is cleaned up and not a hazard for anyone else who may use the same path.

"we have a situation out front."

the voice buzzes in his earpiece and fernando is quick to move on. he spares no haste as he backtracks the same way he came in, passing the staircase and crossing eye contact with a disguised evelynn. for a moment, he feels an odd sense of deja vu but ignores it for more important matters. when he can peer outside from the wide open doors, he sees his magneton's magnets pointed at ryusuke's direction.

"stand down," he whispers into his earpiece and the magneton drop their MAGNET PULL. fernando approaches with a wave of his hand, firm and resolute. "sorry about the inconvenience but we have reason to believe you have over a certain amount of metal on you. we just need to make sure there's a good reason for it, for security." with this many people, in such a public setting, fernando has little to fear. that's why the strike team remains in their set positions, only three of his trusted aids watch from the balcony above, inconspicuous but ready to move out at a moment's notice.

› make sure the rest of the mess is cleaned up
› it summoned to the entrance
› passes by evelynn, making eye contact
› tells his magneton to standby
› ask ryusuke why he has so much metal on him


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 1:50:21 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

And in that moment Ryusuke suddenly found that he was unable to continue forward. His movement wasn't stopped, but the blond was trapped at the front door - and as he looked around he suddenly realized why. Ryusuke had never liked Magnemite or their evolutions, and Magnet Pull only increased his annoyance exponentially. All the more so as it brought several memories back involving his sister and kitchen magnets, one of the biggest reasons he'd pushed to leave home as a trainer. It wasn't a glare, but the look Ryusuke was giving the Pokemon spoke volumes as he simply stood in place and waited for security to show up.

So much for avoiding attention. Thankfully it didn't take long at least as a man soon showed up and gave the Pokemon the order to stand down, releasing Ryusuke from their hold.

"Yeah, noticed that did you?" Ryusuke muttered, eyes tracking away from the man standing in front of him to the surrounding building. Despite the apology he was given.... yeah. The two Magneton were fairly obvious, but Ryusuke could see at least two others not moving with the rest of the crowd up on the second floor balcony and with a clear line of sight on him. Chances were there was another pair somewhere else that he didn't see.

Security? Right. Ryusuke wasn't exactly keen on showing it since he'd worn gloves for a reason, but it was fairly obvious that he wasn't going any further into the building without doing so and chances were he wasn't going to be allowed to just walk away, either. At this point it didn't matter, anyways. The entire ordeal had drawn a number of gazes to the front doorway, and whatever damage was done would only be made worse if he made a scene out of it.

"We good, or do you want the leg?" Ryusuke said after a moment, irritation evident on his face as her removed his right hand glove to present the appendage, waving it for a moment as if it were a performance before flexing the fingers to show that the limb did indeed work. Glancing past the doorman, though, the blond was not pleased to see that Grovyle was nowhere in sight - likely having beelined it to whichever room had been set up as the dining hall.

- Locked in place by Magneton until Fernando shows up
- Debates making a scene
- Decides not to
- Removes right hand glove to expose prosthetic
- Asks Fernando if he's good or if the man wants to harass the cripple

made by duet of gs
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 2:01:21 GMT
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reila would slowly walk in with thomas, her dress flowing out around her. she was nervous as hell, not to mention the fact that this was the first time she had ever really been to a ball since she was really young. there was always a first for everything, she guessed. the young blonde would scan the area before looking up at thomas with a happy and excited smile.

"whatever you want to do, tommy~" she said happily. it was recently that she had dubbed him as 'tommy' rather than thomas. her blue eyes went back to scanning the area.

the girl would be wearing a purple-ish pink dress that showed her pale shoulders. it was rather short, coming to about mid-thigh but her legs were hidden by a pair of white stockings. on her feet she wore a pair of black flats. the dress was decorated with ribbons and lace, a big bow on the side that resembled a flower. two small braids would be present on either side of her face while her hair was kept long in the back. on the right side was a ribbon with a blue flower right on the temple.

'hopefully nothing goes wrong here...'


dress reference

> also stole yams' template cause i'm lazy
> walks in with Thomas
> looks about in awe
> talks to Thomas excitedly
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 2:07:40 GMT
actions speak louder than words. and, for some, it's the quickest way to get what they want. ryusuke is no different and fernando lets him go after a brief glance at the prosthetic. "that'll suffice. enjoy your evening," he answers nonchalantly, unperturbed by ryusuke's change in demeanor. it's understandable given the context but fernando has no sympathy for the stranger. he couldn't care less. he has no time to concern himself with the matters of the unimportant, so long as they don't interfere with his tonight's plans.

and, on that note, he shuffles back to face toward the front lobby. his sights set themselves on the crowd as each individual moves with another goal in mind and he finds himself lost in their sheer numbers. only his confidence in his pokemon keep him at peace. tonight's destined to be a long one.

› lets ryusuke go
› looks back into the building


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 2:24:01 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

That was... well, at least one problem avoided, if you were to look at it charitably. Eyes following the man as he walked off and slipping the glove back on, Ryusuke would hesitantly take a number of steps forward - enough to clear the door and the other arriving guests - before allowing his eyes to roam over the room again. The place was big enough that there were any number of places that Grovyle could've gone, and while Ryusuke was rather tempted to just let the Wood Gecko do his own thing.... the track record for that didn't bode well. As he looked over the upper balcony and heard nothing coming from the second floor, though, Ryusuke was left with little to go on aside from the general smell of food coming from that direction.

And, indeed, as his eyes scanned the crowd he caught the briefest glimpse of the long leaf that hung from the top of Grovyle's head bobbing at elbow height, just before it disappeared into the sea of people. It was, unmistakably, heading for the stairs and then likely the second floor.

Only problem now was how to get there himself. Ryusuke was small, but not so small that he could just avoid notice and slip between people as the Grass type was doing.

Hesitating for a moment before glancing up towards what he had to assume was the dining room, Ryusuke began to move towards the stairs, gingerly trying to avoid contact with strangers where possible.

- Lost track of Grovyle
- Assuming food is the goal
- Making his way up to the second floor from the main lobby

made by duet of gs
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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 3:21:55 GMT
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But I can feel a kick down in my soul, And it's pulling me back to earth to let me know I am not a slave, can't be contained. So pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave 'Cause I still feel alive. When it is hopeless, I start to notice.


Bailey accepted the fizzling glass, letting her fingers wrap around the narrow stem as her eyes absorbed the sight of the growing crowd. Some women would have felt enamoured by the sight of the ballroom and the people that danced–it was a chance for some to live out whatever fairytale fantasies they might have had tucked in their minds.[break][break]

In her fantasies, she had been slaying dragons, not dancing. She took a long sip of the champagne, feeling it tickle in the back of her throat. If there was a bar, maybe she would have made an effort to find it–nah, probably not. This wasn't the time nor the place to cut loose. "Thanks," and she squeezed the one hand that she held; the cold metal seemed to retain her warmth. "It'll take a few of these to do the job." Bailey knew her limit.[break][break]

His suggestions coaxed a smirk to her face; an expression that had probably graced his own. Well, that was tempting. "Soon." It had taken time for her to preen herself for this event. It'd be a shame if it only lasted for a few minutes. "Let everyone get bored, first."[break][break]

She swirled the contents of her glass, feeling her amusement sizzle as Daniel made another proposition–dancing. "Uh," and Bailey seemed to avert her gaze. "About that? I never learned?" Maybe she should have thought about that before she bought the tickets.[break][break]

Oh well. Too late now.[break][break]

tldr; standing around, having a drink with on the first floor, near the ballroom [break][break]



the winter's ball <3


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 6:07:02 GMT
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the chill night air sent shiver down his spine, the brisk tuxedo doing little to protect him from the elements, manmade or not. the garden didn’t help to alleviate the wintry environment, shade provided by the hedges only making him colder. but it was either stay out here in the cold and freeze, or force himself to socialize with those he’d rather be avoiding in there. taking his chances with the cold was the better option.

a breath would escape his throat as he half-looked for the whimsicott that had prompted this search, his eyes wandering here and there before his mind decided to do the same. thoughts of why he’s here, what he could be doing instead, and if he should be inside, moving in and out of his head, not sure what to do with himself; until the gothorita gave a light jib to the man’s leg, snapping him out of the trance to focus on the layout in front of them.

the garden was filled with a variety of people as well as pokemon. with the amount of activity going on in this scene the whimsicott was sure not to get into any trouble, it’s not like it wasn’t already present with whatever seemed to be happening now.

so he’d simply head off, turning to venture further into the garden, getting lost among the hedges, left to rest among the foliage, standing idly about and watching the stars peek through the clouds.

the scene was something to behold, the atmosphere of near-silence highlighting what could have been the rest of his night. but he couldn’t bring himself to sit out here and stargaze. there were people partying, forgetting the tragedies that befell them not too long ago, and he should join them. he’s sure he saw a few faces he’s saved in there, maybe he should go and greet them.

as he made his way back through the lobby, giving a quick wave as well as a wink to as he passed, he’d step into the ballroom, a light smile rooted on his face as he moved through the crowd, stealing dances from men and women alike as well in pulling in those too hesitant to do so, returning them to their partners or pairing them up with one as he continued forward. skillfully making his way through the floor he would eventually arrive at his destination; the snack table. the gothorita would opt to walk around the dancers unlike her charismatic trainer.

with a huff he’d examine the snacks laid about, snagging himself a small cake and quickly biting into it as he rested against the wall, the gothorita taking her time to sample what she could of the foods strewn about the table as her lavender haired companion enjoyed his intake of finger foods.

   - sorry, this was extra, but y'know, gotta be sometimes -

ღ left the whimsicott to do it's thing in the garden and wandered there for a bit, stargazing

ღ said fuck these lame thoughts and went back inside to have a good time

ღ stole a few dances/pulled in others to do so (maybe even YOU reader- guy or gal) then paired them back together or with another

ღ  all this to get to the snack table and load up on sweets with his gothorita

-gothita's dress-
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 6:39:22 GMT
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"When I find Nougat, I swear..." Lily muttered under her breath, though she didn't really intend on doing anything to him. She was more worried than anything else, but she was also incredibly flustered after that whole ordeal just seconds ago. She didn't know any of those people, but they all seemed to be in conversation and she had rudely bombarded it with her clumsiness. Lily felt her rushed apology hadn't been the most appropriate, and it could have even appeared as in-genuine with how fast she ran off. If she saw any of those people again, she was going to make sure she bowed her head in shame to them for her mistakes, especially toward the girl.[break][break]

Before reaching the exit that led outside, Lily's body was compelled to glance back. Fortunately her mess had been handled by—ah yes, she believed it was the blue-haired man? She did recall seeing him upon entering the hotel. His quick actions and judgement was a saving grace for her tonight.[break][break]

A tired Nougat lied still in the grass. He heard the sound of others, but he didn't bother to relocate himself now that he was here. Little did Nougat know that there was a request for his head.[break][break]

His peaceful moment was short-lived when a taller, rough-looking granbull stood much too close to him. Nougat wriggled to get up, especially when the granbull moved in for contact—but it wasn't a bite like he was expecting. Nougat spoke to the granbull, clearly shaken and desperate to find his trainer, but showed appreciation for the granbull's kindness.[break][break]

One of the many poochyena joined them, happily licking at the remains of wine on Nougat's feet.[break][break]

- lily is searching the rose gardens for her whimsicott now[break]
- nougat is with chomper the granbull and kyle's poochyena, being as brave as he can

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 7:42:31 GMT
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Chu-e hummed, only allowing the smallest of grins on his face if he could hide it behind his brownie. "Maybe you're just a masochist?" He couldn't help but give a soft laugh at that. Not one of his surprised and unsettling ones, either, but a genuine little puff. If this guy was so determined, and he was willing to bring him candies and alcohol, he guessed he could put up with it. And, looking at him, he was actually kind of cute. Maybe if he showed out some he could laid-

But, whatever hope of that evaporated when they were approached. His mood soured again, both at her haughtiness and for looking down her nose at him. Arthur was a rich little priss but he hadn't been as asshole about it yet. But this woman was the exact kind of person he hated the most, someone who had power and thought they could lord it over others and do whatever they wanted.

It took a lot of restraint not to just stand up and punch her. If she continued he would not take any of this laying down. But this was almost ridiculous, honestly. Chu-e had come here to have a good time and maybe cause some low tier mayhem, not to be yelled at by some bitch.

So Chu-e took one of the napkins and wiped his mouth with all the dainty grace he could muster for someone who was basically a cockroach compared to many here. Then he cleared his throat and leaned forward, eyes serious and unflinching when they met hers.

"It's not like you needed any cream puffs, fat-ass. Looks like piggy's had enough to eat from the shape your dress is in." Because if she could stick her nose in about stuff she didn't know anything about then he could too. Chu-e was oblivious to the nonsense that had happened with the cakes except for the part he had suffered in it himself.

The part about the pokemon.... well, Chu-e was always one to be petty. Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out four more pokeballs. Monster he would leave for now, the Aerodactyl not suited for what he was doing. Two felines were released from their balls, followed by his fire dog and his very own Whimsicott.

"Do as you please." He addresses his pokemon, waving a hand over them. The Skitty, Glameow and Growlithe seem mildly confused by this. The Whimsicott just gasps and claps his little paws together before he makes his way from beside the table and makes his toddling way down to the ballroom. He wants to have a dance.

Sunshine just ends up pushing his way under the table to sit at his trainer's feet and Sweetness hops up onto the table. The Skitty stops to sniff at Arthur before turning to Stormy. She raises her hackles and hisses at the girl.

Stray, the Glameow, takes this as his incentive to wander to the buffet table. There is a man there and he isn't shy. Stray gives a raspy purr and coils himself around Kim's legs to love on his pants before just hopping up onto the table and making his way to the shrimp cocktail to eat at his own leisure.

Meanwhile, with Chomper, the Granbull had carefully plucked what he could of the solid foods out of Nougat's fur. The rest would need a good bath or maybe a more delicate touch than what he could off. The other pokemon seemed to be missing his trainer, which was a feeling that Chomper wish he could know, but he promised to help the little pokemon find his partner. So he stood back up and offered his hand to the grass type. His other hand again went to pet and ruffle the fur of the puppy pokemon that were having a snack.

this ball is a damned mess my dudes lol

@ball, @arthurwright , , @molang , :u

➣ chu-e was hoping to maybe get lucky before stormy interupts
➣ he doesn't care if she's silph and calls her names and releases 4 of this other pokemon to spite her
➣ skitty and growlithe stay by his side
➣ whimsicott goes to the dining room to dance
➣ glameow goes to rubs on kim's legs before getting up on the table to eat all the shrimp
➣ chomper tries to comfort nougat and agrees to help him find his trainer

➣ chu-e is in the dining room, chomper is in the rose garden, whimsicott is in the ball room, stray is bothering kim at the food tables
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 7:49:42 GMT
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perfect paradise
tearing at the seams

actions speak louder than words. she's nestled within the vastness of the crowd, lost in a rhythm influenced by the soothing melody that graces the grandeur of the ballroom. black, white, red, blue, the myriad of colors blend into one entity, fading into her peripherals as she moves against the flow of the room.

a random pair of hands find her by her waist, stealing her away into a series of orchestrated movements that lasts for too long -- or too short, she hasn't quite decided. and she won't find the time to. sorry, .

she practically gasps for air when she breaks free.

crowds make her uncomfortable. the setting's fine, more than fine, it's what she expects and it's what she's used to. but unrecognizable faces dressed in attires that flaunt their wealth and social standing -- that makes her uncomfortable.

so she seeks comfort in the first face she sees. a handsome one, too. perhaps even a familiar one, but she doesn't entertain the thought quite yet.

"it's a shame to see a charming man such as yourself assigned to security of all things." her fingers graze against 's shoulder, tracing the cutting of his suit. "such a waste."

her fingers slip in between the folds of his suit, smoothing out the lapels before tugging gently at the very end. "you're no lapdog and yet here you are." a slight tilt to her head garners a soft smile to grace her features.

"let me steal you away."

@tags in post!
- thanks for the dance, !
- tries her best to tame a beast ()!

template by rem of WW

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 8:24:47 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

Somehow Elinda didn't find herself all that surprised that Stormy had simply brushed off her questioning, but the girl clearly didn't know her if she thought that was going to be the end of it. She wouldn't push the matter tonight but Elinda was already resigning herself to speaking with Gilbert at some point - Stormy couldn't bring up mention of threats and expect the older trainer to simply ignore that. For now, though, all she could really do was follow the girl from a respectable distance, still close enough that she could immediately intervene if the older brother tried anything or if Stormy herself kicked off a fight.

Kid's heart was in the right place - most of the time - but she still needed to learn a lot about self control.

As they moved back up to the second floor and into the dining room again, Elinda would silently take note of the other people in the room, a few of which she'd already seen earlier. There were, however, many that the blond hadn't yet identified. As she began taking a moment to get a better look at the faces in the room with the intent to at least vaguely memorize a few, though, things would predictably begin to go down the exact path Elinda had been concerned they might. Evidently Stormy hadn't found what she'd been looking for, although even Elinda was somewhat taken aback by the girl's reaction as she singled out another party goer engaged in conversation and began to lay into him.

Oh, this did not bode well. Especially when he began to throw rather pointed insults back, going straight for the jugular - he had no way of knowing how the girl's dress ended up the way it did but that one was below the belt, even by Elinda's standards, and she would not have been at all surprised if the Silph reacted with violence.

Time to head that off before things went any further off the rails, Elinda moving quickly through the crowd to seemingly appear from nowhere directly behind the younger trainer.

"I might not be your mother but I know when to pick my fights. You know why we're here and why the ball is hosting the charity event, let's not complicate things?" Elinda would whisper, voice just loud enough for Stormy to hear as an attempt was made to place a hand on the girl's shoulder - hopefully enough to make her pause and hear what was being said. Given her age and attitude Elinda wouldn't have been at all surprised if Stormy went after the boy anyways, but she was banking on her earlier assessment of the kid and hoping she would do the right thing. If something happened at the ball it would only further complicate any attempt to garner support for Slateport's relief efforts - Elinda was hoping that once the fact was refreshed in her mind that would be the end of it.

"I could say the same to you, by the way. Watch who you pick your fights with. Not everyone is going to just let something like that go, and I can tell you at a glance that most of your Pokemon wouldn't stand up to a lot of the trainers here if they start making a mess. Do me a favor and don't complicate my job." Elinda would say, her words this time directed at the back of the boy walking away. It'd likely just be ignored, but at the very least Elinda could claim to have given him a warning - while it would be a last resort and something she really didn't want to do, Metagross and Aggron as a pair could probably force them to vacate the building if they decided to start any trouble. In an ideal world the event's own official security would handle it, but....

This was going to be a long night.

made by duet of gs

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 9:26:01 GMT
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gaze met, enlightened emerald stones collided with , "big br--..." she'd catch herself, wistful eyes shaking as she distantly watched him from afar. she was here undercover for silas, as well as herself; though, it wasn't until the snake @devo1 stood in her path.

little did she know, she was messing with a king cobra. she was all but a lower-class snake, a harlot really. watching from afar where the woman's hand slid had truly been a sad sight. with her purse in hand, wig secured, dress fit, and heels ready to move, evelyn began her walk.

heels behind, she'd lay a palm atop of @devo1's shoulder. "if you'll excuse me, i have a word to discuss with..." looking directly at , "...him, now come." with only but a single word, she'd grab the palm of her brother's hand., and began guiding him toward the hot tub and sauna's outside in the pool area. they had a lot to talk about, unless someone unexpectedly interrupted them. if not, they'd continue their walk toward the swimming area, but during their walk she'd say with her head forward, "she should count herself lucky; after all, i saved her from canoodling with the human vessel of giratina..."

a lowered head found itself staring toward the ground, evelyn retaining her composure even though, deep down inside, she wanted to tremble. the though of her hand being attached to the hand of a demon, she was disgusted, " devil." evelyn uttered underneath her breath.

notes: stop right there you hussy! she has a bone to pick with . she'll give him back, @dev01. evelyn came and intercepted their conversation/interaction, took hold of fernando's hand and is currently dragging him to the pool area.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 10:05:41 GMT
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perfect paradise
tearing at the seams

unfortunately for little miss harlot (), someone does unexpectedly interrupts them -- except is it all that unexpected? when one side refuses to concede and back down then it is only fair to expect retaliation, especially from someone as prideful as her.

"you're excused." she interrupts, interjects, stops her dead in the middle of her sentence without a say in the matter. "and who are you?" an unrecognizable face underneath a mess of a haircut, athena does not recognize her. which means she is of little importance. perhaps even without value.

she takes a step towards her, looming down on her comparatively short frame. "you have a pretty face." her smile is flashy and charming but behind it is venom and spite that leaks out in her tone. she raises her hand up only to caress the harlot's cheek with the back of her index finger, stroking calmly, mockingly as she speaks. "but not much else. work on your personality first, dear. i suggest starting with manners."

her gaze never breaks -- never falters. she should feel a bit of empathy for the harlot because little does she know that it's not him who's the human vessel of giratina.

@tags in post!
- let me know if this is too much! i can edit np.
- basically fighting over .

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 10:55:12 GMT
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arthur let out a small chuckle. "that's a possibility." he responded playfully, a little surprised that the other man had actually laughed too. this was actually pretty nice, and he would've liked for it to last longer, but unfortunately there were more than just the two of them in this room, and so the mess chu-e had made crept up to him. he was sure that the other man had heard him, but it seemed that he didn't care, which was honestly very dangerous. he wanted to stop him, mostly because the silphs were not a very forgiving sort, and even someone with his financial capability would rather not make an enemy of them.

but of course, chu-e did not oblige. arthur had to bite back a laugh, covering his mouth at the snappy insult that was not pointed at him for once. the part with the pokemon though was a bit more alarming, though the young man relaxed a little when they weren't given a command to do anything directly destructive. still, he wondered what that whimsicott was thinking of since that species of pokemon had a penchant for trouble, cute as they looked. it was then arthur realised that most of his pokemon were the types that he'd often seen with rich girls. he recognised sweetness, and noted that her assist must've come from the growlithe near his feet.

and then came the calvary. or rather, one woman, and she had a strong aura around her that suggested that she knew what she was doing. even arthur knew that as a trainer he was no match for her, but at least she was there to stop the fight rather than make it worse. he figured that he should try pulling chu-e away as well before he decided to punch the bitch. picking up the plate, he nudged him gently and muttered, "she's right. you don't want a company like the silphs breathing down your back, unless you happen to be a masochist as well." he quipped. he then turned to stormy and offered her one of the brownies on the plate (there were still plenty more on it, anyway), "peace offering? sorry about my friend here, he's been having a rough night, which i think can be said the same for you. let's just chalk this up to bad moods and go our separate ways, hm?"

tl;dr - arthur reacts to things because he was being smart and didn't get involved at first. but then he decides to step in for chute's sake and offers a brownie to stormy.
he hopes that this still isn't going to end in a fist fight.
it probably will still be anyway.
(he's at the second floor dining room!)

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