i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
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311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 2:31:40 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

the less than pleased expression quickly forming on her face made him almost draw back his invitation. he wouldn’t want to force his presence on anyone, especially one he aimed to please. surely, making your first meeting one of forced greeting was not acceptable by any standards.

he would start to move back, almost recalling his offer, until chaos began to unfold. a blonde’s sharp whistle would be the signal for the discord, the one who he had presented an offer to, starting to make her way towards her until a whimsicott whizzed past. after that another party goer slipped, a cream puff aimed right at the young silph making contact, the perpetrator promptly clinging onto the older sibling for support.

kim was lucky enough to not receive the brunt of the mess, but he was somewhat taken aback nonetheless. to have this series of unfortunate events unfold so quickly was something to behold; obvious by the sudden hush that befell the lobby, quiet murmurs slowly building as eye shifted between the small group that had formed as well as the blonde who called attention to herself.

reaching into his jacket pocket, he would pull out a handkerchief, offering it to stormy as he gently took her hand, guiding her to the one that had whistled out to her.

in a hushed tone, he’d lean over and speak as they walked. “i’m sorry if i caught you at a bad time, but if you’re ever free, i’d like to talk to you. for now, you should get cleaned up, and if you’re feeling up for it, come find me.” with a warm smile, he’d leave stormy with elinda.

waving for the gothita to follow, he’d slowly walk towards the garden, slightly happy to have an excuse for not socializing as well as removing himself from this situation. guess he was going to go help with that whimsicott or just find somewhere to rest until he felt like going back in.

ღ brushed off 's rejection like a champ

ღ jumbled up all that mess with @elinda , @molang , and

ღ led to @elinda and told her hmu later 

ღ left to go find @molang 's whimsicott and ditched that awkwardness

-gothita's dress-

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 4:50:57 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me
Oh, there was a reason Elinda preferred larger Pokemon, human sized or bigger. As a rule they tended to be a lot harder to spook, and often more reasonable in their response when it did happen - she had no idea who had allowed a Whimsicott loose in the building and without proper supervision, but the Pokemon was quick to make much more mess than Elinda's earlier whistle had. Passing through the group below at breakneck speed, broken plates would soon scatter across the floor and the desserts they held thrown over at least two of the people present.

Not the best way to start the night, and it drew an annoyed huff from the blond trainer as she resisted the urge to call out to the woman who appeared to own the Pokemon - instead she began making her way down to the first floor at a brisk stride, the fact that both of the men present were blocking Stormy's exit making Elinda more than a tad nervous.

She'd never liked politicians as few of them had ever gotten their boots on the ground as trainers or understood the real impact that their laws made, and those were the well meaning ones. These two... while Elinda was going to remain cautious around Cole simply for the fact that she didn't actually know him, the feeling that she got from the other Silph was a different matter entirely. She'd always trusted her intuition above all else, and the feeling she got from that man was the same as she'd gotten from many of the more polite murderers and psychopaths during the war in her home region. They'd smile and act nice for the cameras... but ultimately people were just tools or obstacles for them.

He didn't scare Elinda personally, but Stormy's position relative to him was much more precarious. Something that was made all the more clear as the man was quick to clean up the woman passing through with what had to be a hidden Pokemon but rather notably left his sibling covered in food.

If he'd managed to irritate Elinda before, she was practically seething now.

"I've got her, thank you." Elinda said, voice terse and tightly controlled as she eyed Cole with slight suspicion, surprised that he had led Stormy not only away from her brother but directly to the blond trainer in the process. Not a move she had expected as he'd seemingly blocked her exit before, but there was a chance that Elinda's rather public display of familiarity with the younger woman had complicated things in that regard. Closing the remaining distance to the younger woman, Elinda would take a moment to look her over, placing a hand on Stormy's shoulder both to comfort and hold her still for inspection should she allow it.

"Punk. He really thinks that no one's watching...? I don't have anything to help with the mess, but bathrooms are just down the hall." Elinda said after a moment, eventually concluding that at least no physical harm had come to the girl. Not that it would stop the blond from rather blatantly bringing up a single hand to shoulder level an casually making an arcane and offensive hand gesture in Fernando's direction - she had no idea if he'd see it or not, but frankly she didn't care.

"You've got to be careful. Politics aren't the spectator sport that people think it is, and the entire region's a powder keg right now. The more distance you keep between yourself and them the safer you'll be." Elinda muttered, glancing back around to spot Kim moving off to the property's gardens.

- Continued down to the first floor
- Met up with Stormy
- All the fucks now given
- Flipped Fernando the bird

made by duet of gs
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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 4:57:59 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

"Party. Sure." Elijah's cigarette fiddles like a conductor's wand in between his teeth.

Finally, he plucks the stick from his lips and grinds it against the concrete planter. Cinders scatter like charred spewpa scatterdust.

"Kalosian Dreams' sucks your wallet dry." He lifts himself up, shoulders rolling back. "I'm David. Nice... dress."

His hands reach for the phantoms of his extinguished cigarette, and after a moment's awkwardness, find themselves digging deep into his pockets. Elijah counters her bright eyes with his dull colour of expression; his florges surveys the interaction, bent back settling deeper into the tangle of roses.

"You're not here with a date?" Elijah's breath condenses, the air cooling by winter's frozen wings. "Or is there a boyfriend nearby... ready to punch me out?"

@camryn / elijah replies to qt camryn

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 5:18:25 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words @elinda @molang

Turns out, a lot could happen in a few short seconds.

Stormy was caught off guard by the speed and agility of a small green and white cotton ball. Normally her eyes would have widened in awe and adoration for such a cute and fluffy Pokemon - in fact she might even have hugged it and squealed. Unfortunately, this little fluffball appeared to be the leader in a future disaster.

As it whizzed past her ankles and she side stepped it precariously to both avoid stepping on it, and avoid being knocked over, she looked up just in time to see a very pretty young woman come flying at them. She seemed panicked, wielding a tray of desserts. Stormy gasped, mouth agape as the beautiful woman came crashing through them. It looked like she was following the tracks of her adorable little Pokemon, but she had had little to no idea she was pushing past a small crowd.

Nor did she notice the many feet she was liable to trip over - which she did. The glass plate of food flew from her hand as she stumbled over something unseen. The real cherry on top was that the food landed all over Stormy's dress. Her white dress was ruined by melted chocolate drizzle and creamy fillings.

Horror was written all over the young woman's face as her hands flew to the ugly new stains on her dress. Unfortunately, she didn't get the chance to reprimand the clumsy woman, as Fernando had already caught her in a very respectful and irritatingly attractive way. What bothered her most, however, was the fact that Fernando was so polite to the frazzled woman and even cleaned up her mess using his hidden Pokemon - but left her standing dripping with crushed creampuffs and other desserts.

Her earlier retort to Kim had come across rudely, and she had meant it to. But now, seeing that Fernando was snickering at her aggressive clapback as if it were amusing to him - it made her wonder if perhaps Kim wasn't Fernando's friend at all.

A sort of confused panic washed over her then as she vaguely recalls hearing Fernando refer to her as 'Bronwen', a name she hasn't used in a long time, but one that Fernando continues to call her by even though it irritates her. There's nothing wrong with the name Bronwen, but she prefers Stormy. People can pronounce Stormy.

Fernando encouraged her to run to Elinda, to which Stormy now began to feel a rising panic. This panic melts the minute that Kim's hand grasps her own. She looked down at it in surprise, blinking up at his face. She feels herself reject the touch for the briefest moment, but ultimately melts into his non-aggressive tug. He's lead her straight to Elinda.

He then whispered in her ear apologizing and once again requesting they talk later. She absent mindedly takes the handkerchief he offered, nodding dumbly. She's rethinking her previous aggression towards him, but she's probably just entranced by his suave charm.

Stormy shook her head in mild confusion as she turns to look at Elinda. With a great sigh and a heartbreaking look on her face, she looks down at the mess of her dress and begins to pat at it pathetically with her new handkerchief.

She hears Elinda say 'I've got her, thank you', and it snaps the young woman back to reality. She's overjoyed to see the familiar face amidst all of this confusion and political tension. She almost wraps her arms around the woman for relief, but restrains herself due to the mess of herself - she doesn't want to spread it all over to the older woman's wonderful suit.

"Bathrooms? Oh.. yes I should clean myself up. I'll be just a moment, wait right there."

She realises she hadn't said a single word in all of that mess, maybe the shock was too much for her to react to. The woman wipes her forehead with the back of her hand as she picks up a corner of her dress and walks briskly to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit. When she returns, her dress is splotchy with dampness, and the chocolate hasn't been fully removed. She looks silly, but a little bit more put together. She's also still gripping the handkerchief.

Stormy completely missed that Elinda gave her older brother the finger, though if she had seen it she probably would have laughed. Instead, she seems distracted and miserable, still reeling from the earlier events.

"Politics are all that I'm familiar with, unfortunately. This is just a typical event for me. I don't think I've ever been to a gala or ball like this one without being surrounded by people inclined to talk to me." she sighed.

"However, being corned by my brother and threatened.. that's new."

She smiles though, and winks at Elinda. "Mind if you show me to the grub? I'm starving, and the chocolate smears on my dress suggest there's more where that came from!"

Although, maybe not if has eaten them all already.
deltra of gangnam style
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 6:41:57 GMT
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"This is gonna be so much fun!" Victor turned had to Ami gleefully when he first heard the news. He couldn't believe they were attending a real ball. Victor was an adult yeah. but sometimes he didn't really feel like one. So it was a pretty big deal for him to attend an event like this. Still, he felt a little bit left out. Where as everyone was in beautiful gowns and tuxedos Victor had appeared in a modest, but expensive brown jacket from Ralph Lauren, complete with matching pants and a polo from Uniqlo. His "date" for the night looked just as gorgeous though, although his own appearance was a bit of a strange pick.

Unfortunately now that they were here he was stuck being friend zoned. Or, more like a being decently good friend. Ami had made her way to the restroom, only in this part of the party the restrooms were single use and...didn't lock. That meant Victor was now standing outside, leaning against the wall and waiting awkwardly while Ami "freshened up". Whatever codename that was for girls in the bathroom. Leave it to a Victor to watch to make sure nobody barged in on his friend while she did her thing. Yeah. Real exciting routine he had to do every couple of days.

He stared out to the courtyard, for this particular restroom was located facing one of the large spacious second story balconies. The party wasn't as lively out there was it was in here. But it wasn't exactly the ball he had imagined. First of all he had dreams of a masquerade party filled with three sisters, one of which who would be assassinated. But this was still okay he supposed. Just hopefully he wouldn't be stuck here guarding Ami for too long- wait.

There was something out in the gardens. Victor's eyes lit up and he stood on his tippy toes. A dim illuminated light showed two figures hidden away. Gasp! Could it have been evil-doers who infiltrated the party? And they were planning on assassinating the gracious Lady Boyle no doubt! Okay no wait, Victor had to tell his imagination to calm down. Not that spooky, but still suspicious.

And curiosity got the better of him. He looked at the restroom and then back at the balcony and then back at the bathroom. Giving in he abandoned his post, leaving the door unguarded as he ran to the balcony to peer down below. What he saw shocked him - and he didn't even have to turn to page 5 on a web page.

"YOU! AMI COME QUICK!!!!" And he had an attractive female accomplice! Police! Coppers! Wait - had he really yelled that out loud?

@marsh1 @camryn

tldr: victor ditches guarding the bathroom door for ami park in favor of recreating a scene from tangled, he fails to be stealthy

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 7:13:17 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me
Elinda would simply let out another breath and nod as Stormy echoed the thought regarding the bathrooms and more notably the access it granted to sinks. All things considered the girl was handling it rather well, much better than Elinda would have at that age. Not the clothes, though, her younger self wouldn't have given a damn about those and likely would've showed up to the ball simply in what she wore out on the road as it was nothing to be ashamed of. She'd embraced the life and everything it represented. But to be treated like that? One of two things probably would have happened. First and most obviously, probably an open challenge to a battle of some sort - Elinda was well aware of how people had perceived her, and there were few things as humiliating as losing to someone who looked like they were fresh out of grade school. To be honest, Elinda was still debating that option now if only to get an idea of who she was dealing with as you could tell a lot about a person from the way they fought.

The second possibility, though, and the one that she was surprised Stormy hadn't taken was a fist buried in the smug bastard's face.

Even as Elinda began glancing over the crowd again to locate the individual in question, though, movement from down the hall would signal the younger woman's return. The first comment, frankly, was an expected one just given the girl's family name. The Stones had been much the same during the few occasions Elinda had when she'd been lucky enough to meet individuals from the family, and it shouldn't have surprised her to see that Stormy was of a similar mindset.

The next comment, though, was one that made Elinda visibly bristle, face clouding over - and for the briefest of moments there was a hint of the woman she'd once been, cold anger practically seething from her frame.

"I'm sorry, threats? Stormy, the hell is going on?" The older trainer said, voice calm but carrying the same chill to it that had flashed across the woman earlier. If her earlier, on the spot judgement of the man was even remotely accurate... Elinda hadn't been genuinely angry in a long time, and while it wasn't the angriest that she'd been the one thing that she didn't tolerate were threats. To herself or people she new. They were handled accordingly, crushed and beaten to the point where they no longer held the capability of posing such a danger ever again. The older Silph's newfound position in the League complicated matters, but there were always ways to dislodge such scum. All it came down to was watching them - you had no need of underhanded threats unless you were doing something you shouldn't be, and corruption always led to mistakes at some point down the line.

There was a reason Gil had brought her into the fold, and it was specifically to make sure he fell into neither the pitfalls of power corrupting him nor the inevitable mistakes one made down the line as a human being.

".... yeah. It's right this way, on the second floor." Elinda said after a moment, responding to Stormy's request for food. Turning to head towards the stairs and towards the second flood, the blond had no intention of leaving the younger woman anywhere alone so long as her "sibling" was in the same building.

- Lots of internal musing as Stormy cleans herself up
- Barest hint of ex-team admin
- Questions for Stormy
- Agrees to the request for food, moving to lead her to the second floor dining room

made by duet of gs
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 8:22:19 GMT
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"Yeah, it kind of did empty the coffers...." Cam agrees, sitting up straight to look down at her dress. She frowns for just a moment before her lips turn up again, hands smoothing down the shimmering fabric before turning to face David once more. "But sometimes it's worth it, I think. We work hard for our money, so little treats like this are nice."

Giggling softly behind her hand, Camryn was about to comment on the silly blunder- she was sitting so close, how could she have missed it?- but the bit about a boyfriend.... The apples of her cheeks dusted pink and she glanced away, suddenly a bit nervous. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, she found herself at a loss for words for a few seconds. Was this flirting? Was she being flirted with? Or was this guy just being nice? "N-no." She finally got out, cheeks turning from pink to red. "I've never had a boyfriend before."

Thankfully, it seemed that Arceus or Mew or some other god was smiling down on her, because about that time a strange man started to yell from on the balcony up above. She couldn't make out what he said, just that he was loud and seemed upset, and was he staring down here? She lifted a hand and waved at the man in an attempt to be friendly at the very least. What could have bothered him so much?

@ball, ,

dress inspo

➣ chit chat with 'david'!
➣ gets a little flustered
➣ some weirdo on the balcony is making a commotion so she is nice and waves c:
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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 9:00:25 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar



But I can feel a kick down in my soul, And it's pulling me back to earth to let me know I am not a slave, can't be contained. So pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave 'Cause I still feel alive. When it is hopeless, I start to notice.


It was not her forte. [break][break]

The dry conversation came to its end. Good, because the last thing she needed to do was make up another allergy. Lies always flowed so quickly to her lips, but they were rarely recalled. "Sure. Have a good night," were the last words she said as left to tend to his duties and she no longer had a need to have all fifteen pokemon on her person. The officer was alone, once again--[break][break]

But not for long. "Daniel," were the words that greet her lips as she heard his voice. Her partner. Her date. Her gaze softened when she glanced in his direction. The other girls could look on in envy as she closed the distance between them. "You're a sight for sore eyes," and her hands fit snuggly into his own.[break][break]

She smiled at his question. "No, not at all." A few minutes was not enough to sour her mood. Not when he arrived looking so good; not when his stare justified all of the work she had gone through just to get this outfit together. "You better. Come on, I'm freezing."[break][break]

Taking him by the hand, she would lead him up the steps, towards the foyer where the lights and the event waited to greet them. It was time for them to enjoy themselves.[break][break]

tldr; finally, FINALLY joins the ball with [break][break]



the winter's ball <3


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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 9:14:01 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

a wine red, notch neck a-line midi dress with short sleeves that were of elbow-length had been her gown of choice for the evening. a black wig, styled in the design of a pixie bob, had been worn upon her head to divert any and all suspicion. she was a fugitive, no longer a league member. believed to be a traitor by some, others an easily persuaded girl, and to one a simple doll. she was his, and he was hers. that's just the way their relationship worked.

she adorned high, black strapped stilettos upon her feet, and with each step taken did they give her presence away. she entered the the building and began to stand near the stairway toward the second floor. the mystery woman eyed the steps above, unaware of the familiar faces that resided here. she was in search for all but a single person, .

snuggled in a light, black coat dress over her shoulders. a dry voice, monotonous, spoke, "he's not here...where is he..." she uttered aloud for any to hear. the bob-headed woman held in her right hand a small, rectangular sized purse. inside of it was an assortment of necessities she'd need for later.

notes: i'm lazy, sorry :c!! but i bolded the important parts, mostly just described her evening wear and that she's waiting by the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor!

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 13:32:15 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar
It had been years since Thomas attended a formal event of any sort, being occupied with his work in the International Police. Incidentally, such obligations were primarily what brought him to the event today. After the hostile takeover of Slateport City, Thomas feared that Lilycove City would be hit during the event. After all, with such a gathering attracting the elites of society, it seemed like a prime target for Rocket to hit, if they were willing to risk it.

Garbed in a pristine white suit, with formal yet functional boots worn under the pant legs, Thomas would walk into the event. Tucked away in hidden compartments in his clothes were hidden blades, should he need to cut himself loose, should things go south. His collapsible baton and service revolver were concealed under his jacket, as were all six of his Pokeballs. While such preparation would be seen as crazy to most people, Thomas wouldn't put it past someone to attack the event

The Agent wasn't alone of course, being accompanied by Reila Winters, a girl he had recently gotten to know better, and someone he was starting to take a shine to. Even if he was here to oversee the event, albeit on his own volition, he was going to show Reila Winters a good time, at the very least. "So what would you like to see first, Reila?", he would ask her with a genuine smile.

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 15:10:27 GMT
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xxx for
arthur was mostly saddened by the spilled drink more than anything else. what a waste of good food, even if it was mostly just decent compared to what he had in other balls. "well, you didn't ask for it, so i didn't offer." he replied, though by the time he did so, the other was already moving a little further down the table, clearly trying to think of something. the young man half expected him to chuck a cream puff at his face, but since he seemed more interested in eating them rather than using them as a makeshift weapon, arthur had to watch him stack the puffs until they looked like they could fall off the plate at any moment. he had no clue what he was planning but he nonetheless finished the dessert that he was holding and didn't feel like getting any more for the mean time.

ah, that was a mistake. he watched him flick the others off the table, a bit fascinated and also disturbed by this strange display of rebellion that arthur couldn't quite pinpoint. he had no idea what this guy was trying to prove other than he had the gall to make a pointless mess in attempts to...hrm, one-up him, he supposed? the pile with a single prawn was almost hilarious to look at; that sealed the deal that he was being petty for arceus knows why. he watched him go to another table, and he didn't move immediately, watching him with light interest before deciding what to do. well, two could play at that game.

before he could get the punch, though, he saw a whimsicott suddenly fly by and pretty much knock over all the cream puffs from the plate. okay, that actually made arthur laugh out loud. what kind of stupid shit karma was that? now all of the cream puffs for this particular table were gone, but he was sure that there were others that had a similar serving. too bad for chu-e, though, who had to stand up now to get some more things to eat. too bad for the girl who was the worst recipient of this whole thing, though he couldn't do much about that. the young man decided to pick up another plate and some other snacks--namely some chocolates and desserts in tiny cups--and then prepared to the drink too, which he knew was a bit strong in alcoholic content but didn't taste horribly bitter. he used both of his hands and walked over to the other before doing a mock bow, "your order, sir: one plate of everything on it and a cold drink." he then pulled a chair over and sat down with a relaxed posture. "my name is arthur wright, but you seem quite creative with nicknames, so i'll let you decide what to call me."

things are getting crazy
tl;dr - arthur did as told but not before he laughed at whimsicott causing chaos
he sits on the table with chu-e, being a piss-ant

he's also on the second floor dining room!
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 16:13:26 GMT
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Oh, heartbreak.

Chu-e had no sooner sat down, hand outstretched for a cream puff, when a cotton monster knocked them all down, crushed and spilling all over his table and making a worse mess than his intentional one at the serving station. He sat there for a moment, stunned, hand still open for nothing. The only thing still on his plate was the single shrimp he had placed there for... really, he wasn't sure why. To be funny? Sighing, he deflated some, pouting like a petulant child, and decided to just... finish knocking everything off the table. He sighed and pushed the plate off the table slowly, like a cat might knock things off a desk.

Even if he was just being an asshole, Chu-e had actually wanted some of those.

And really, he hadn't expected the white haired guy to come back after leaving him in the dust. Most people didn't, figured it wasn't worth talking to him as more than accomplice, but this weirdo actually seemed interested in speaking with him. But here this Arthur guy, as he introduced himself, was, bringing him a replacement tray of sweets and a drink like requested. They wouldn't make up for his lost cream puffs but Chu-e had a pretty big sweet tooth. He plucked a little brownie square off the tray and started to nibble at the corners.

"You know, usually when people are mean to you, you stop talking to them. Not bring them drinks and food." Which was about as close to something nice as he could manage right now. He took the drink and sipped it, nose curling at the smell. The taste reminded him a bit of when he was pretty much an alcoholic for a long time before joining Rocket, the things that city life did to homeless teens, but it didn't taste as bad as it smelled.

Putting his drink down, Chu-e sighed and thought for a moment. Because he had been calmed for the moment but he was still petty and a generally angry person. So he reached into his pocket and plucked out a pokeball. A moment later a Granbull was on the floor, blinking and confused as to why he had been called out. This place was pretty fancy and he was kind of surprised that his trainer would be someplace like this.

"Chomper," Chu-e started, calmly. "A whimsicott just ran.... outside, I think? Please go kill it for me."

Chomper clenched his jaws together. He was not.... like the cats or the fire dog. He was not a murderer and he refused to bend to his human's will and become one. However, he knew the price of disobedience. Grumbling, Chomper barked once before running off. At the very least he could put on a good show.

So Chomper made his way outside, pausing to see a woman be held up by a blue haired man, many people in fancy clothes, except for one poor soul who looked like she had mud all over herself. He ended up in the garden and easily found a wine and food stained Whimsicott. Multiple other pokemon were round, more dogs, and a blond human. Chomper waved to the human and paused to give a toothy smile and pet to one of the many dark type pups that stopped for a sniff. Finally he walked over to the Whimsicott himself and loomed, for a moment, probably looking very frightening.... only to sit down next to him and start to groom him and remove the bits of food he could grab without hurting the grass type.

@ball, @arthurwright, , @molang :u

➣ chu-e laments his cream puffs
➣ is almost nice to arthur and accepts the offering of food and drink
➣ chu-e calls out his granbull to kill lily's whimsicott
➣ chomper tracks down whimsicott and tries to help clean the poor thing up instead
➣ chomper also tries to make friends with kyle's poochyena

➣ chu-e is in the dining room, chomper is in the rose garden
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who knows
27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
94 posts
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TAG WITH @daniel
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 16:15:34 GMT

she takes him by the hand and leads him up the few steps that lead up to the foyer. his eyes haven't left her even as they traverse through the wandering crowd of people dressed far too elegantly for his liking. he'd normally feel out of place -- normally -- but with her by his side he feels as if he belongs.

"here—" he slips his hand out of hers only to swipe two glasses of champagne off a passing tray before offering her one. "to help with the cold." 

there are other ways to help: one pops into his head but he discards it for a different time. later into the night, perhaps. he takes small sips of the alcohol, careful with his pacing because it's been far too long since he's had a drink. before he encountered a legendary, actually!

the discarded thought floods back into his head for just long enough for him to lean over and whisper. "i have a room key if you want to warm up a bit more." soft, sultry, his words flow like silk.

one more sip brings out more of his smile.

"or we could dance."

@nice winter ball
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 21:59:01 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words@elinda @arthurwright

While Stormy was still breathing fire about how her dress had been ruined, she was forcing herself to stay cool and remember to have fun. This was a festival, this was a party, this wasn't the time to be dwelling on a stupid stain on her pure silk extremely expensive dress... right?

She half dismissed Elinda's concerned interjection. Stormy had slipped up a little bit, mentioned something personal that the woman didn't need to hear.

"Nevermind that, I'm hungry. Besides, you're not my mom, what do you care?" she said, trying to be lighthearted and indifferent. The truth of it was, she was going to deal with her brother herself, it wasn't Elinda's responsibility to be her guardian - even if she probably needed one.

She kept picking at the fabric as Elinda lead her upstairs. Fortunately, as soon as she made it to the top step, the intense smell of fresh baked desserts hit her full in the face. Her eyes began to glow with excitement, and she hoisted her dress above her ankles as she sprinted for the.. missing creampuffs?

"What the fuck? No creampuffs? Who ate them all?" she gasped, not even bothering to hold her tongue. Not only was she covered in smushed creampuffs and cakes, but now she didn't even have the chance to eat any? That was the most disappointing part of this whole bad scenario. Stormy scanned the nearby crowd for any sign that someone else had the missing creampuffs. Sure, someone had probably just eaten them all, but she was ready to pick a fight over missing out on her favourite desserts.

Finally, she laid eyes on what looked like a trail of smushed and abandoned creampuffs. It looked so sad it almost made the girl cry. Had she mentioned she loved those cream-filled pastries? They tasted like clouds.

As she followed the trail, she took note of a young man handing another young man a plate of desserts and a drink. Her eyebrows narrowed suspiciously as she set her sights on the receiver of such a fine gift. The scowl on the dark-haired kids face was enough evidence for her to conclude that he was probably a prick.

Stormy stomped her way over there, head rising from the top of her head if it were possible. She pointed to a loose creampuff that sat sadly on the floor underneath the table.

"Did you eat every single puff?" she asked, irritation thick in her voice. She had her hands on her hips and surveyed the mess that seemed to surround Chue-e. She had no idea who this man was, but she was absolutely livid that he happened to be sitting in a pile of fallen, inedible pastries. How wasteful.

As she walked up to him, however, she took note of the Granbull he had released just before she addressed him. It seemed mildly distressed at whatever his trainer had talked to him about, but eventually took off through the building.

"Also, what are you doing letting your Pokemon run rampant in the building? I just saw someone's Pokemon tear through the lobby covered in food and drink.. you're an idiot for adding to the carnage," she said hotly, looking down on him with a pointed look. She barely acknowledged the young man who was also standing just to the side.

For the time being, she had also forgotten all about Elinda. Her one-track mind had lead her where her stomach wanted to be.
deltra of gangnam style
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 0:37:54 GMT
Deleted Avatar
arthur had shrugged, a bit proud of himself that this man wasn't openly snapping at him so much as earlier. "i'm a lover, not a fighter." he joked with a smirk, "i've dealt with worse customers." so long as chu-e didn't want to kill him, he considered him as a potential ally, and that of course meant that he needed to get on his good side. despite that being more of a reflex now after years of bowing his head, he did admit that he was interested in him too, and he usually did not put this much effort into getting to know someone that clearly did not want anything to do with him. this was made more obvious by the fact that he was no rich bitch connection; he was just a grunt who had a potty mouth and liked to run it even if he was punished for it (chu-e felt like someone who'd welcome it, for some reason, which arthur cannot really fantom).

he watched him pull out a poke ball and release a granbull. he raised a brow at his command, thinking that if that whimsicott belonged to anyone of importance, chu-e was asking for a death wish. even the pokemon looked unsure about it, but nonetheless ran out of their vision. he wondered if he was going to hear some screams later. was it a good idea to get involved? ah, well, too late for that now. he would simply have to see how the rest of the evening panned out.

but it so happened that the screams that arthur was expecting came to them instead. or rather, loud stomping from a rambunctious girl who--if the white-haired man recalled right--was the recipient to the cake slaughter earlier. he blinked, surprised at himself that up close, she seemed familiar for some reason. he knew that she was addressing chu-e; it was hard to miss the mess that was nearby their table, but there were some light warning bells ringing in arthur's head, and he kept quiet trying to figure out who this girl was. finally, his mind latched onto the concept that she must've been a potential heir to a rich company, and he went through the big wig names until one of them stuck. "silph?" he thought aloud, soft enough that no one else could catch it besides the two people around the table. he had actually forgotten the girl's name. he recalled that there was a male heir (though he was missing for a time--that had sparked a number of things amongst the business circles), and err...two or three girls, if he was not mistaken. he might've met them when he was younger, but that must've been a long time ago.

tl;dr - some chatter, arthur vaguely recognizes stormy
(he's at the second floor dining room!)

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing