wind shear [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
wind shear [o]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2020 0:00:28 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 The cycling path may have been destroyed back in the war, rendering it unusable to the vast community of enthusiastic bikers within the Hoenn region but Angelo had recently found a new kind of high to replace the rush of freedom he usually gained while astride his bicycle. Flying.

It hadn’t been long since he’d first experienced the heart in the mouth, blood rushing adrenaline that came with the thrill of flight, back when he’d hitched a ride on the Salamence belonging to in the midst of battle. But since that day, he’d rapidly began to sink into a brand-new obsession.

He loves the joy of riding his bike on the day to day but this, skimming so close to the ocean that the water furiously sprayed below or ascending high enough to brush fingertips through wisps of cloud... It was a whole other spectacle.

Over the broken remains of the seaside cycling road, a new kind of entertainment was being formed, locals within the know gathering to make advantage of the unoccupied space for new races. Sending their flying pokemon out in a relay, sitting atop in an aerial drag race or even sky battles; adrenaline junkies everywhere were known to adapt to get their next high. If Angelo couldn’t race down the cycling road any more then he’d have to turn his eyes to the sky and what a beautiful world it was up there.

I can't believe it... I was this close to winning. This close!” Jumping off the back of Aquila, he throws his thumb and index finger up in a gesture of an inch at his opponent, having narrowly lost his first race of the day. Shit! Angelo turns back to his Pidgeot and runs a hand down the long, multicoloured crest in praise anyway while the gathering of flight enthusiasts chattered. They were getting better, beginning to sync in their new racing hobby but he could see a similar glint in her eyes as he checked over her; frustration and a hunger for victory ruffling both of their feathers.

Anyone else want to go?” Angelo announces to the small gathering, lips curled into a smirk as he glances over the attendees, searching for his next opponent – seeking his next high.

open for one!

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
wind shear [o]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 9:07:22 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

[attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


Recovery was never an easy thing. [break][break]

Razz could recall his own time having to get used to his new scar, and the permanent loss of his depth perception with his eye gone. Right now though this was for Shamrock who helped him fight that monster. And while she got out of it much better than his other pokemon, there was still the damage, and whatever corruption caused some of her colors to change. Its only been recently that she's been able to fly once more, and while they traveled to the old Mauville bike site Razz figured since this place has become more flying based it might be a good way to stretch and test her wings once more. After all it seemed to have become the new activity to do here. [break][break]

The off duty Ranger ignored the small gathering around them as he checked her wings, feeling just how sturdy they had become. A top Shamy's head sat Salem to add some weight for her to carry. Not being one for social interaction he had no intention of answering the challenge set before them. However Shamrock seemed to have a mind of her own, especially as one mischievous cat decided to whisper things into her ears. [break][break]

With quicker movement he realized she could pull off, the dragon moved over toward the man with the Pidgeot giving nods. Salem a top her head seeming to try to talk for the both of them that 'they were next!' Razz just inwardly groaned, why did his pokemon have to be so damn social? The young man walked over toward his pokemon as he signed to Salem if they were sure Shamrock wanted to do this. The cat nodded and that was all Razz needed, though honestly he really wish they didn't. [break][break]

"Guess us....? ummm how does this work?" he questions, his lack of social interaction most likely apparent as he completely forgets to even introduce himself.



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[newclass=.wiingtop2]font:bold 10px Roboto;line-height:10px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingtop3]float:left;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:120px;background-color:#1c1c1c;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:11px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingtop4]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.wiingpost b]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.wiingbot1]float:right;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:80px;background-color:#171717;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-left:11px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot3 b]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
wind shear [o]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 17:13:47 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 When Angelo had addressed the crowd, he’d expected to have one of the trainers call back with an acceptance to the challenge, to meet his competitive smirk with one of their own. What he got instead was two pokemon flying over, looking eager with enthusiastic nods. His smile softens a little at the corners.

I’ve never seen a Dragon Rider Meowstic before,” he muses, looking up at the blue feline who sat atop the Flygon like a proud aeronaut. “Challenge accepted. Can’t turn down a chance to face off against such a fearsome opponent.” Of course, Angelo had seen someone looking over the green lizard’s wings not so long ago but that didn’t mean he couldn’t humour the psychic pokemon a little.

Blue eyes slip over towards their trainer when he catches up, the younger man looking a little less sure than his pokemon but agreeing to the race all the same. His hand, smoothing down Aquila’s crest one last time and sending her a once over in silent communication, gives the young man a wave over towards the edge of the hill they were all gathered upon. Moving away from the group so it’s just them and their pokemon included in the discussion. “Sure, come over here and I’ll show you.

With a pointed finger he gestures out over the stretch of the Seaside Bicycle Path, now a stretch of water and broken concrete, parts of the elevated path crumbling or gone altogether to create tunnels and jagged peaks piercing out of the water. It’s a pitiful sight, one that leaves a sour taste on his tongue but from the carnage there’s a silver lining… It made for a great race course.

So… I’m thinking we race from here, to the end of the cycle path and back again. There’s a lot of debris in the way that’ll make for some fun obstacles,” he says, Aquila by his side preening at the feathers on her wing to pass the time while her trainer suggested their course. “Just looking for a good ol’ fashioned race. Maybe use of attacks on the environment? Some of the rubble is a little... Unstable.” His aim was to better bond with his Pidgeot and get used to – revel – in the art of flying, after all. There was no need to complicate matters with battling or other criteria, at least not just yet.

How does that sound, uh…?” He trails off, remembering that he hadn’t caught the guys name, fishing for it with a grin and a deal-forming outstretched hand.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
wind shear [o]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 20:52:11 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

[attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


Salem just radiates confidence at the man's compliments because of course he is the most fearsome opponent there is! It made the young man roll his eyes at his pokemon, but there was a small smile there so it obviously amused him. For now he just silently followed along over the hill as Razz had to take in the site of the damage of their war. Razz did his best not to think about it as he looked toward Shamrock who seemed determined, rather than lost in the memories of that day. Well if she could get over it, then so could he. [break][break]

"Okay... simple enough... will we... uhhh also be attacking each other?" he questions slowly still a bit nervous having to deal with new people when he didn't have his mind distracted with a mission to keep him distracted. Maybe the race would be a good thing to focus on, he believes as the other explains it. At the hand and question once again Razz realized that he forgot the basics of interaction, the ranger gives a nervous handshake with a nod, "Right... sorry ummmm Razz Kingsman, and you are?" [break][break]

After introductions Razz would move over to his Flygon who seemed ready, "Are you sure you can carry me and fly right now?" he worries to where she seems to flap her wings in annoyance at her trainer's doubt in her. Salem comes in as well to help translate some of her grievances, "Okay okay sorry," he tells her clearly he's just been overly worried. With deep breath he climbs on top of her, from her head Salem calls to the other in way that made it clear that they were ready when they were.



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[newclass=.wiingtop]background:url(''); background-color:#131313;padding:30px;color:#f3f3f3;height:130px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.wiingtop2]font:bold 10px Roboto;line-height:10px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingtop3]float:left;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:120px;background-color:#1c1c1c;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:11px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingtop4]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.wiingpost font]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.wiingbot1]float:right;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:80px;background-color:#171717;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-left:11px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=.wiingbot3 b]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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alto mare, johto
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angelo vestri
wind shear [o]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 18:20:37 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Unless you want to see me fall face first into the water, then I think we should pass.” There’s a hint of nervousness leaking out from the other flier and Angelo throws him a small smile, attempting to reassure and take the pressure off. “I’m still getting to grips with flying, honestly. Think battling while racing is just above my skillset.” Did that mean Angelo would have turned down the challenge if someone had suggested it? Hell no, he’d take it eagerly. In this instance though, a standard race was something he was more than happy with, simply craving the feel of the wind in his hair and the adrenaline of pushing both himself and Aquila to advance forward.

Angelo Vestri. Nice to meet you, Razz.” Taking his hand, he gives Razz a brief but firm shake. There’s a slight curve to his lips, a playful competitiveness trickling through in a flash of bright blue as he regards his new opponent for the second race of the afternoon. “Don’t kick my ass too hard, okay?

After their introductions, Angelo led Aquila further along the cliffside, just so there was enough space between them for their wingspan to not get caught up in one another. “You sure you’re not too tired from last time?” He asks the Pidgeot, fingers running over her beak and almost getting lightly pecked in the process, her eyes flashing as if offended her trainer dare ask. Angelo lets out a laugh and doesn’t press the question any further. “Message received. I’ll take that as a sign that you’re good to go, then.

Sitting atop Aquila, he turns his gaze towards Razz and as soon as the Meowstic’s call could be heard, raises a thumb in sign of understanding. One of the other enthusiasts sends over their Xatu to act as the signal, standing between both dragon and bird with its wings up. There’s two short Xa’s, followed by one call of Xatu and its feathers strike downwards – the race was on.

race notes;

    - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
    - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
    - highest score at the end wins


    razz: 00 points // angelo: 00 points


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    May 24
    Sootopolis City
    Rocket Grunt
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    3,612 posts
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    TAG WITH @razz
    Raziel Beckett
    wind shear [o]
    POSTED ON Dec 30, 2020 8:45:09 GMT
    Raziel Beckett Avatar

    [attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

    [attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


    "Ah no... sorry didn't think of that umm...." Razz realizes his fault in asking, as the kind of races he has tried before were water races so he was used to the whole attacking the other. As he did a double take on this he realize just how bad that would be. "Its fine... please don't accept those," he tells him already feeling like an idiot for even suggesting it. [break][break]

    "Vestri," Razz repeats in order to commit the name to memory as their hands shook, as usual keeping things formal as that's how he's been raised. Though at the playful banter Salem noticed his trainer struggling to return it back so jumps onto Razz's shoulder and meows as he points at Angelo before pointing down. Showing him just where his butt would be going once they were done, Shamrock giving a roar of agreement with the cat. Least they were excited. [break][break]

    At the site of Xatu Razz prepares himself, making sure to keep a good grip. Shammy spreading her wings at the start of the countdown. As they went down Razz gave a whistle for her to start, the dragon diving down and allowing her wings to catch the wind as she took off. Both trainer and pokemon seeing if this might help them get over the events of what happened here months ago. [break][break]




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    [newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
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    angel, rogue bastard
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    alto mare, johto
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    angelo vestri
    wind shear [o]
    POSTED ON Dec 30, 2020 19:02:48 GMT
    angelo vestri Avatar
     Angelo has time for one last pre-race laugh when he spots the Meowstic’s gesture, the pokemon clearly getting into the spirit of the competition. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a Dragon Rider shows no mercy!” He calls over, good-naturedly as Aquila stretches her wings and gives her own show of spirit with a few flaps. Then the Xatu calls out like a starting shot, Angelo’s lips twisting into a hungry grin as the Pidgeot beneath him launches herself off her talons and into the air, wind stirred from the beating of her wings flattening the grass below.

    Let’s make this a good one!

    Pushing off, Aquila sends them over the lip of the hill, beating her wings to push them higher into the air to gain altitude. It’s the perfect climate for a race, he briefly notes as he flicks his gaze towards a stretch of blue sky, wind gentle and unobtrusive. He hopes it stays that way, he didn’t fancy himself or Razz getting blustered around, especially not when the cycling path stretched before them with all its unstable obstacles, sticking out of the water as a reminder of the painful months prior…

    Eyes narrowing, both from a flash of steeled determination and from the wind starting to prickle in his eyes as they gain speed, Angelo shoots one last competitive grin towards Razz from their level proximity at the start of the race. Before he’s leaning forward over Aquila, her wings folding inward as they suddenly swoop low.

    race notes;

      - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
      - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
      - highest score at the end wins

      RACE ROUND #1

      razz: 02 points // angelo: 02 points



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      May 24
      Sootopolis City
      Rocket Grunt
      5'10 height
      5'10 height
      i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
      3,612 posts
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      TAG WITH @razz
      Raziel Beckett
      wind shear [o]
      POSTED ON Dec 31, 2020 5:34:37 GMT
      Raziel Beckett Avatar

      [attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

      [attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


      "Seriously how is it so easy for you?" Razz can't help but question his cat, the ranger has had him since he was basically an egg yet interacting with others was so difficult for him where as Salem seemed to just thrive in the past 2 years. Salem just gives his trainer a smile, making him roll his eyes as that was no answer. [break][break]

      Not that they had much time as they were quick to take off, diving down near the water before moving up again to go straight forward at the rubble. Razz making sure to lean forward to keep close to Shamrock and ensure she was more aerodynamic. Salem doing the same as he hung onto her antennas. As they first went on she was avoiding the piles of rubble, Razz leaning left and right as she moved as well. However this might just get in their way, and it wasn't just her mobility he was hoping to test today. [break][break]

      Grabbing his goggles from his bag he put them on as he gives a whistle, Shamrock using DRAGON BREATH on the rubble before them to get it out of the way rather than avoid it.




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      [newclass=.wiingtop]background:url(''); background-color:#131313;padding:30px;color:#f3f3f3;height:130px;[/newclass]

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      [newclass=.wiingtop1 b]color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingtop2]font:bold 10px Roboto;line-height:10px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingtop3]float:left;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:120px;background-color:#1c1c1c;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:11px;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingtop4]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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      [newclass=.wiingpost font]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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      [newclass=.wiingpost i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingbot1]float:right;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:80px;background-color:#171717;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-left:11px;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.wiingbot3 b]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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      angel, rogue bastard
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      alto mare, johto
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      TAG WITH @angelo
      angelo vestri
      wind shear [o]
      POSTED ON Dec 31, 2020 17:11:59 GMT
      angelo vestri Avatar
       Together, they plunge towards the water, sunshine sparkling on the surface as they aerodynamically flattened themselves to fall faster and faster… Feathers tickle against his skin, wind stabs tears in his eyes but Angelo doesn’t care; not when his heart is rapidly beating and his muscles tense with a spike of adrenaline. At the last moment Aquila levels herself, water spraying and catching the light like crystals as they skim against the edge, bursting forward from the momentum. Angelo releases a victory whoop, worries ripped out of his lungs until only the exhilaration – the freedom – of the moment remains.

      You’re doing great,” he praises, craning his neck to look skyward, watching as Razz and his team were heading towards a pile of rubble. Blue eyes snap back to his own path, water rushing beneath them in a blur as he weighs the possibilities of their course… This wasn’t just a race, he remembered, this was also an opportunity to get used to flying amongst different terrain. So, with a guiding press into her feathers, Angelo gestured Aquila towards a sunken section of the cycling road. Partially collapsed and sagging into the water, creating a narrow tunnel amongst all the jutting pieces of concrete.

      A timed AIR SLASH is blasted into the water, pushing them higher as they barrelled towards the opening, water exploding out as Aquila tucks in her wings to fit through the passageway in the rubble, launched forward from the momentum of the air slash. Angelo clings on tight and holds his breath.

      race notes;

        - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
        - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
        - highest score at the end wins

        RACE ROUND #2

        razz: 03 points // angelo: 04 points



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        May 24
        Sootopolis City
        Rocket Grunt
        5'10 height
        5'10 height
        i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
        3,612 posts
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        TAG WITH @razz
        Raziel Beckett
        wind shear [o]
        POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 20:53:06 GMT
        Raziel Beckett Avatar

        [attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

        [attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


        As soon as it happened was made him regret it, as while the blast was useful on getting rid of their obstacle even he felt the pushback from the attack. While it probably wouldn’t be much if this were some everyday flight, but this was a race. Things like this were going to put them behind, though this just seemed in invigorate the dragon Pokémon as she wasn’t giving up just yet. At the compliment Razz doesn’t know what to say, does he give it back, does he try to focus? Luckily Salem seems to call back in Razz’s place, the cat’s tone coming off as playful trash talk. [break][break]

        At least his Pokémon knew how to show competitive spirit, and as long as Shamrock was still willing to try Razz was willing to try and look for the best route for them. For now though all Razz could lead her through was a safe route, keeping her to go around the rubble rather than do anything risky, part of him getting slight flashbacks to the Guzzlord in the water which mad him stiffen a bit. Sensing it though Salem took charge to help with his Trainer’s stress as they gave an order and pointed. Shamrock bringing in her wings to get through a s’more tight spot.




        [attr="class","wiingbot2"] SOCIAL WITH





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        [newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
        [newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
        [newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
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        angel, rogue bastard
        he / him
        july 21st
        alto mare, johto
        nautica owner
        starblood ✦
        2,384 posts
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        TAG WITH @angelo
        angelo vestri
        wind shear [o]
        POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 18:48:32 GMT
        angelo vestri Avatar
         Shooting out of the other end of the tunnel comprised of fallen rubble, Angelo grips hold of the feathers beneath him tightly, wind piercing and cold against his face. If he squeezes too tight to the Pidgeot, she doesn’t seem to notice; breaking out of the gloom of the narrow space and into the sunshine with wings stretching wide.

        Curiously, Angelo looks for Razz and catches the small team had fallen behind by just a few meters. “Don’t slack off now, they’re right on our asses,” he tells Aquila with a grin, turning his attention forward again to face the sky with an excited glimmer in his eyes. One wrong move and they’d overtake them, Meowstic’s taunt faint on the wind but not lost to Angelo’s ears – Flygon would be on Aquila’s tail feathers in moments if they gave them with opportunity.

        Close races were always a lot more exciting, anyway.

        As Razz takes the safer route as they barrel along the broken cycling path, Angelo decides to take a different way and the two teams splinter off from one another. Aquila leading them along a stretch of the road that was still mostly intact, save for the way street lights were bent and scattered, making for a moment where they practiced weaving left and right between the metal poles.

        When they emerge on the other side, tiny black dots in the distance begin to get bigger and bigger – a flock of Wingull lauching themselves off the trees that poked through the water, their tiny stretches of land partially submerged from the war. They didn’t look aggressive, more like they were on the way towards the ocean to hunt, although they cut in front of their path like pedestrians at a crossing. It was unlikely they would be pleased if the racing pokemon crashed into them, though…

        Watch out! We’ve got some last minute entries,” he calls out to Razz.

        race notes;

          - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
          - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
          - highest score at the end wins

          RACE ROUND #3

          razz: 04 points // angelo: 06 points



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          May 24
          Sootopolis City
          Rocket Grunt
          5'10 height
          5'10 height
          i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
          3,612 posts
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          TAG WITH @razz
          Raziel Beckett
          wind shear [o]
          POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 6:45:13 GMT
          Raziel Beckett Avatar

          [attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

          [attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


          They were not doing well, even with him being half blind he could see that. The safer route was doing well enough but then the two of them tried to be daring to close the small distance between them and the other racer. Which didn't end well as that left them a few meters behind now. It wasn't much but it was enough. [break][break]

          For a moment he pondered if Shamrock was thinking of the same things he was. Images of the wired beast coming down by just taking a step, which just by walking threatened to kill someone if they weren't careful. Salem kept them both on track though with his voice. [break][break]

          Once more Razz tried to tear them toward a safer route, at least until Angelo's warning came. Blind to the side they were coming from Razz just whistled for Salem to handle it. He wasn't sure if it would count as cheating but as a Ranger he didn't want the pokemon hurt. With a DISARMING VOICE Salem breaks up the flock of Wingull with his voice. Though them disbursting might have gotten a few in the way. [break][break]

          Hopefully both pokemon were fast enough to avoid them, at least it wasn't a whole flock now. "Thanks for the warning"




          [attr="class","wiingbot2"] SOCIAL WITH





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          [newclass=.wiingpost font]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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          [newclass=.wiingbot1]float:right;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:80px;background-color:#171717;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-left:11px;[/newclass]
          [newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
          [newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
          [newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
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          angel, rogue bastard
          he / him
          july 21st
          alto mare, johto
          nautica owner
          starblood ✦
          2,384 posts
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          TAG WITH @angelo
          angelo vestri
          wind shear [o]
          POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 17:48:14 GMT
          angelo vestri Avatar
           No – thank you,” Angelo calls back over his shoulder as the Meowstic releases a disarming voice, scattering the birds that flew in their path. It’s an expression of genuine appreciation, although there may be a mischievous undertone there, since Razz had done most of the legwork in breaking apart the flock. It gave Aquila a moment to begin a slight descent, towards where the fewest Wingull lingered.

          Let’s help them along,” he murmured to his Pidgeot, clinging on tight as they made moves to help push the rest of the wild pokemon along their way to the ocean. Adrenaline spiking, Aquila banked to the side until she was nearing a vertical angle, leaving her trainer to clutch her feathers as she dipped beneath the flock. With a beat of her wings, a mystical wind is blown towards the Wingull, TAILWIND purposefully only affecting the wild pokemon as the breeze encourages them to fly faster – disappearing towards the distant ocean. Leaving their flightpath clear from wandering spectators.

          Aquila flapped her wings quickly to right herself then and Angelo releases a breath, exhaling the thrill of the manoeuvre into the crisp air. “How was that?” He good-naturedly yells back to Razz and his team, curious to see how the Meowstic’s competitive spirit would flare.

          race notes;

            - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
            - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
            - highest score at the end wins

            RACE ROUND #4

            razz: 06 points // angelo: 07 points



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            May 24
            Sootopolis City
            Rocket Grunt
            5'10 height
            5'10 height
            i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
            3,612 posts
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            TAG WITH @razz
            Raziel Beckett
            wind shear [o]
            POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 6:40:31 GMT
            Raziel Beckett Avatar

            [attr="class","wiingtop3"]TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT

            [attr="class","wiingtop4"]IT WONT TAKE ME DOWN | AND JUST FORSAKE ME NOW


            The ranger just gives a nod, as he isn't one to talk much as he's trying to focus on the race. He signals for Shamrock to fly lower to avoid any of the scattering Wingull as a just in case. As getting struck by one felt it would end in a bad time for both parties. As they dove down they were able to witness the other playing off his maneuvers to fully remove himself as they use Tailwind to move them along. [break][break]

            "Now you're just showing off," he chuckles slightly, though Salem seems flared up because how dare this person think so little of their speed that they could just turn tail and still get back into the race. [break][break]

            However it seems that it added an extra fire under the Flygons' wings. As it does what it can to push itself faster, she may not be a full on racer like other flying pokemon as she feels she was built more for battle. But she would not have her fighting spirit be questioned with the Wingull out of the way she flapped her wings toward with the area with the fewest obstacles, it may be moving around things a bit but she feels that not having to hit through it could be fastest. [break][break]




            [attr="class","wiingbot2"] SOCIAL WITH





            [newclass=.wiingtop]background:url(''); background-color:#131313;padding:30px;color:#f3f3f3;height:130px;[/newclass]

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            [newclass=.wiingtopimg img]height:100px;width:100px;border-radius:100%;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingtop1]font:40px Raleway;letter-spacing:-1px;line-height:40px;font-weight:800!important;font-style:italic;padding-top:36px;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingtop1 b]color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingtop2]font:bold 10px Roboto;line-height:10px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingtop3]float:left;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:120px;background-color:#1c1c1c;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:11px;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingtop4]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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            [newclass=.wiingpost font]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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            [newclass=.wiingpost i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingbot1]float:right;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:80px;background-color:#171717;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;margin-left:11px;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingbot2]background-color:#d25d59;padding:10px;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;color:#1a1a1a;height:5px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingbot2 a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:5px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingbot3]background-color:#131313;padding:25px;color:#555555;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]
            [newclass=.wiingbot3 b]font:bold 11px Roboto;color:#d25d59;[/newclass]
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            played by


            angel, rogue bastard
            he / him
            july 21st
            alto mare, johto
            nautica owner
            starblood ✦
            2,384 posts
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            TAG WITH @angelo
            angelo vestri
            wind shear [o]
            POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 15:11:42 GMT
            angelo vestri Avatar
             There’s laughter in the wind. “I was just being charitable!” Angelo calls back with a wild, toothy grin. He hadn’t intended to show off, the courier just riding the thrill and the high of the race but he guessed in hindsight the move had been a little bit… over the top. He doesn't seem to mind.

            Before he turns back to the race, blue eyes catch sight of the Flygon getting a little pep in her wingbeats, seemingly motivated or catching a favourable breeze as she carries Razz and Co closer towards Aquila’s tail feathers. There’s a competitive flare in Angelo’s belly too and when he notices that they swerve towards the clearest path, he encourages his Pidgeot to do the same. Flying close to one another, leathery dragon wings and feathers racing side by side, made the anticipation and thrill soar.

            Up ahead lies the finishing line, still a blur of green and concrete in the horizon but would soon be rapidly upon them. The final push was coming. Angelo and Aquila, both filled with a shared desire for victory now that the end was in sight, lean forward and strike wings respectively – taking up a sprint towards the relatively clear final stretch.

            race notes;

              - roll 34 - 67 (earns 2 points)
              - roll 68 - 100 (earns 3 points)
              - highest score at the end wins

              RACE ROUND #5

              razz: 08 points // angelo: 08 points



              The Shula Region
              Hogwarts AU
              RPG Unlimited
              The Enroi Region
              Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
              EO GENESIS
              Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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