Pour Me Another (s,c)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 8:40:57 GMT
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It was pouring rain across the dark streets of Slateport. Even the Night Market had closed up shop at the threat of thunder and lightning tearing through the sky. Unfortunately, this weather wasn’t on the forecast projection and had just seemed to come out of nowhere. For a woman who meticulously planned her work, surprises, like this thunderstorm, were her least favorite thing. Her nightmare, really. Although she could normally work around these surprises, she could do nothing about a shipment being delayed because of weather. So, that left Lex with a whole lot of nothing to do on this fine Wednesday evening.

The surprise rain also left her without an umbrella or jacket. So, when she pushed open her new favorite bar’s door, the patrons were greeted by steady fall of the heavy rain and a completely soaked Lex. The redhead looked like she just leapt out of the nearby canal. The tight black shirt was soaked through along with the tight plank utility pants. The only practical thing she had on for the rain were the slender black boots made for light, quick movements and a non-slip grip.

You could tell from her expression that she was beyond annoyed with her current situation. She did her best to avoid dripping water all over Ritual’s floor but there was only so much she could do. Lex made her way to the left side of the bar, a more secluded corner right in front of the whiskey selection. It was becoming her usual spot. She slid into the bar stool and slipped off the black gloves, placing them beside her, “Whiskey, double, straight up, please,” she said rhythmically when Roach approached for her drink order. It wasn’t what she normally started with but she needed something to take the edge off and warm her up. The rain was freezing cold, “And a . . . towel, if you’ve got one to spare,” she motioned to herself as if it wasn’t obvious what she would use it for. She locked eyes with Roach, a face becoming more familiar in her everyday life, with a look bordering on dispair as a result of her miserable evening.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 9:55:58 GMT
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He smiled roguishly at the dripping figure that walked through the door, thunder following her in before it shut. Finishing up with a couple of other patrons down to the bar, the bar’s owner eventually walked over to where the redhead had sat down. He stared her right in her face, predatory brown eyes never wandering. The look in them was already explicit enough.

He liked her scar. A lot.

There were a lot of jokes he could have made during this rich opportunity, but being the respectful business professional that he was, Roach refrained.

He was already reaching for towels before she’d said anything. He slid three across the bar at her, winking, and then threw a fourth at someone, presumably an employee on duty as he came around a corner—a much younger man who had been coming in from his smoke break. He seemed to be on Roach’s shit list today, as the man tossed the towel rudely at him as he walked by. Seeming to know what was wanted of him, he went over to the doorway to work on mopping the water up with his foot over the towel wordlessly.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Roach then responded to her, in his lightly scratchy drawl. His large, scarred hand reached to grab a bottle off a high shelf and poured three servings into a small, crystal-cut rocks glass. It was slid over to her over shining mahogany. “Rough night?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 20:38:44 GMT
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Lex had become a regular at the bar, and not only for the atmosphere and good drinks. Roach’s occasionally roguish charm made for good, intermittent company. It wasn’t always that way though, he had his days. Which made it all the more intriguing for a curious patron like Lex. Her red lips twitched into a smirk as she grabbed the first of the three small bar towels. These probably wouldn’t help much but they would do. She started with her long red hair, ringing it out with the towel. She threw it upside down, roughing it up before flipping it back. Lex placed the now wet towel back on the bar and grabbed the other two. She took a moment to consider what to tackle next. She glanced at the towel in each hand and shrugged, pressing them against her breasts and squeezing. Not only was the shirt soaked through, but the bra underneath too. She continued to pat the rest of the shirt uselessly before wiping her arms, goosebumps starting to rise on the bare skin. Lex set the two towels with the rest.

Her eyes rolled slightly when Roach said Ma’am. It was a charming trait of his, but she hated it when he did that. Although obviously young, she couldn’t help but think it was a reference to age instead of a custom from where he came from. She gently caught the crystal glass with the healthy sum of whiskey. A small frown twitched at her lips, she as disappointed it was high shelf, she felt sinful when she downed it all in two gulps. The well-made whiskey left less of a burn as it traveled down her throat. But the warmth spread all the same, calming some of the chill that was manifesting on her arms.

She took her seat again, pushing the empty glass back towards Roach, “I’ve had better,” her grin was more playful now that she was comfortably inside Ritual, “It was a shame to have to shoot that one,” she looked longingly at the empty glass, the oaky flavor still lingering on her tongue.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
bar owner / blk mkt dlr
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2021 5:52:44 GMT
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The words had been little more than facetiousness. Roach seldom expressed respect for anyone, young or old. If anything, it might’ve been to get a rise out of her. He watched her with utter amusement as she unabashedly wrung out her tits.

His hand eventually reached for the well and then placed a bottle of danger between them, along with two shot glasses.

“Gimme the cheap shit, she says.” Roach then clicked his tongue as he poured the shots. Eventually,  two more towels were placed on the bartop, and he was shaking his head at her. “Come in drippin', thirsty, takin' all my towels..” Leaning down to her seated level on the bar, his eyes seemed to attempt to bore into hers. He raised his own shot. “To women and the rain, Lex.”

The bottle went back into the well, and the glass in front of her was filled again with expensive liquor--one serving, no clean glass, because wasn't that nice. He then moved down the bar to serve another couple of his patrons, only returning to her after a minute or so.

This time, he leaned lightly against the back bar, facing her, looking... friendly, maybe? Something in the shadows of that ballpark. “What's gotcha down?” He crossed his arms and tilted his chin.

note: went back in and dialed this way back cause that was strong out the gate for this character, hope ya don't mind c: hah

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2021 6:33:08 GMT
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Lex cast him a sideways glance when he mentions the ‘cheap shit’. Her lips pulled into a playful grin and she pointed a finger at him, “Only when I’m shooting it,” she clarified. There was no mistake this girl liked her whiskey. Whether it be well or high shelf, it was her drink of choice. But she could appreciate a high quality one for what it was – even going as far as describing the subtle notes and the lingering flavors it left on your tongue. There’s nothing like a good glass of whiskey to keep you warm and happy, especially when there wasn’t a man to take its place. But whiskey never complained, and that was extremely attractive.

The redhead moved the two new towels to the side while Roach set out two more shot glasses and the well whiskey. The man listened well (or more likely just didn’t want Lex disrespecting the high shelf liquors by shooting them straight; she couldn’t blame him).

She gracefully took hold of the shot glass, leaning in closer to meet his gaze, “To bartenders and whiskey,” it was still too soon and too fresh of a scar to cheers the rain. Her glass raised to meet his and then she downed it in a single gulp. It certainly burned more than the good stuff. She could feel it travel all the way down. A shiver rose up the spine, but her face remained stoic. She wasn’t a stranger to the harsh taste of well liquor.

“Thanks,” she purred as Roach refilled the empty glass with the expensive stuff. She wouldn’t shoot this one. Lex knew her limits and she had a healthy enough dose on board to calm her chills and make her relax. As Roach moved on, Lex grabbed the two new towels, and tried to make another dent in the wet clothing.

Lex was dabbing the dripping water from the back of her neck and taking the opportunity to stretch her back out by pushing her chest forward when Roach returned. She glanced over to him as he spoke, relaxing back into the bar, “Work,” she sighed, “And . . this doesn’t feel too great either,” she motioned, again, to her current situation, “Ritual was closer than my apartment so now you’re stuck with my pleasant company,” she teased before taking a sip of whiskey.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2021 20:22:42 GMT
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His assumptions had been wrong.

An amused hiss was let through his teeth as the glasses clinked. Whiskey was great. Bartenders… were a goddamn crapshoot. He looked past her at his newer employee still mopping the rain off the floor, clearly doing his best to make an impressive job out of it.

The curves of her figure were exaggerated by her stretching and it did not go unnoticed. Roach’s eyes were careful not to linger where they might not be wanted—for now.

“Well, I’d give you a change of my clothes Lex, but I’m not sure if you’d pull 'em off as well as me.”

He had jokes today. Pouring himself his own glass of whiskey, he slid it across the bar to the seat next to her and then rounded it, throwing the last towel that had been folded over his shoulder to the actual bartender who had finished up his task.

Roach took a sip of his drink. “What’s up with work?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 4:50:52 GMT
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Jokes and casual conversation? Lex caught on a good night. There was a light laugh followed by a curious glance, giving him the obvious once-over after the comment about the change of clothes, “Hm, you sure about that?” she continued the joke with a small smirk, knowing damn well she could.

She hadn’t been coming to Ritual for long. Long enough to have built a casual rapport with Roach but in the dozen or so times she’d been here she had never seen him actually sit down on her side of the bar. When he first poured himself a drink she though it was for another patron. She found herself pleasantly surprised she he sat beside her, but curious to the motive.

What surprised her more was when he asked about her work. Was he taking an interest in her life? No. There had to be another reason. Lex’s guard had been up since she left Johto so it was natural for her to assume there was bullshit she’d have to sift through. Regardless, work wasn’t something she openly discussed, “This surprise storm kinda fucked it all up,” she kept it vague on purpose, a half truth. There were whispers Roach wasn’t the cleanest but there was no reason to trust him. She took a healthy sip of the good whiskey, letting it linger a moment on her tongue before swallowing it. She slowly turned to face him, leaning casually against the bar, “And to what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked, motioning towards him and his drink.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
bar owner / blk mkt dlr
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2021 22:09:13 GMT
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“Psh—have you seen this ass?” He sent her a wry look and a wink.

Roach had been short-staffed during the time Lex had been coming in, so he’d had the pleasure of serving her himself. Behind the scenes, things had been a bit tense between stretching and combining schedules after the arrest of his one full-time employee. He needed a manager, really, but hell, he’d settle for two decent bartenders. That week, all he’d managed to hire was, of all things, a musician. @everett had sold himself to a seasoned salesman. He was still scratching his head at himself. He needed jazz, apparently.

He spun around on the stool, 180 to face the front, raising his glass lazily to someone who walked in as he leaned with his elbows back against the bar. His eyes left her to scan the room with utter casualness. It wasn’t that he was terribly interested in her life, but like anyone in the service industry, he knew how to keep the questions coming based on the bits his patrons dropped.

His head nodded back some, “’m.” It was a quick noise that gave away he wasn’t about to press the topic. Roach knew better that to ask about someone’s business when they dodged it the first time. It was hardly something he typically asked his customers about, but being that she’d mentioned it first, it’d felt polite.

At her question he turned his head to her, seeming caught off guard a moment, and then broke into an amused grin. “I ain't no bartender, Lex, I just like pourin’ drinks for ya.” He took a sip and the glass came to rest in his hand on a slouching thigh. “And yer sittin’ on my end of the bar.” Actually, it was all his end of the bar.

He looked at her a moment, half-joking, “Y' want a job ‘at dudn’t rain on ya?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2021 2:44:01 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Yes. She had seen that ass. She smirked with a nod of approval and not another word.

The whiskey was starting to do what it should. A warmth started to grow, calming the chill but leaving her guessing as to whether the source was the alcohol or Roach’s chiseled jawline and strong, broad shoulders. She took a moment to admire his profile as he looked out towards the front of his bar. She probably lingered a bit too long. The alcohol was starting to ever so slightly impair her better judgement.

He looked back at her and she didn’t attempt to try to pretend she was looking elsewhere, Your end of the bar?” she repeated with a slightly raised brow. This was the only place she ever sat when she came in. If there were people already occupying her seat, she probably would leave. She was a creature of habit, “Guess I chose the right end of the bar,” she mused looking past him at the other patrons of Ritual.

Another joke. Lex’s amber eyes cast a side glance towards Roach followed by a laugh, “I like this place too much to work here. Can’t mix business and pleasure,” she winked, obviously amused by the idea of working at Ritual. At least, that’s what she assumed he meant by it.

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 11:42:02 GMT
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She was caught staring. Roach quirked an eyebrow at her just so, the opposite side of his face twitching up in a smirk. The man reveled in lingering gaze, looking rather smug. A sip of his whiskey broke their eye contact after a moment. His teeth flashed at her comment.

Lex turned him down. “Tch. Sheeyit, bartendin’ ain’t business. Shit’s hardly workin’.” He laughed. The bartender shot him a bemused ‘how do you figure’ sort of look from the other end while he loaded his dishwasher. “Roach: Respectfully? Fuck off.” His boss snorted humorously, but there was something pointed in the interaction that might or might not pass over Lex’s head.

He raised his glass towards one of the corners of the bar, where the billiards tables were. “You play pool?”

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 17:21:32 GMT
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Lex wasn’t shy. And the mischievous smile that returned his smirk made that obvious. The current bartender took up some banter with his boss which was amusing to watch. Lex sipped her whiskey slowly and looked back over to Roach when he spoke. Her gaze drifted back towards the dark corner of the bar with the billiards tables, currently unoccupied.

Her shoulder lightly shrugged as she slid out of her barstool, taking her whiskey into her left hand, “I try,” she smiled, already walking past Roach towards the corner. She was dry enough to not be dripping anymore but the clothes still clung to skin as she moved. Lex was athletic, a natural talent that made her good at a lot of things. But billiards was not one of them. And she was ok with that. She still enjoyed playing despite her embarrassingly long losing streak.

After setting the whiskey on the ledge, she grabbed a pool stick, spinning it gracefully in one hand before placing the butt of it on the floor. She assumed Roach had followed her and she stole a glance towards him while moving back to her whiskey, “Alright, , rack ‘em up,”

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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 21:23:49 GMT
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She walked past him, and without her attention to catch it, he allowed his gaze to pass down the curves of her figure appreciatively. His thoughts derailed for a moment, vulgar.

After a few moments of enjoying the view, he pushed off the bar and out of his seat and followed her over. A rough hand reached out for a cube of chalk and he swiped it across the tip of a nineteen before leaning into a cut-out of the ledge and reaching for the triangle off a hook. Placing it on the table, he then crouched down and fished with his hand in the back of the table, soon pulling a mechanism which dropped the balls without the need for quarters. “Call me Virgil again, I’mma hafta t' tell that asshole over there'a cutchew off.” He joked at her.

The balls were placed on the table three at a time, and then in the triangle by according to typical rules. He rolled them forward a few inches, squeezing the tips of his fingers into the shape to tighten it before bringing it back to the dot.

“Your break, then, doll.’” He lifted the triangle off and replaced it on the hook beneath the edge of the table, grabbed his cue stick in one hand and his glass in the other, taking a sip.

has challenged beginner to a game of Eight Ball!

It’s ’s break!


1-15 — scratch
16-20 — eight ball / lose
21-75 — no balls in
76-85 — one ball in
86-90 — two balls in
91-96 — three balls in
97-99 — four balls in
100 — five balls in

* IF YOU ROLL 76-100:
edit your post and roll for each ball you’ve made. 1-50 determines the ball is solid, 51-100 rolls stripes. you may determine the ball’s number if you wish for flavor, otherwise, it may be left up to your opponent. this won't affect the game.

include in your edited notes how this occurs. the cue ball either doesn't reach the others, or it sinks in a pocket. both have the same result.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 22:08:14 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex slowly moved over to the other side of the pool table while Roach racked up the balls, glancing over to the ‘asshole’ that he threatened would cut her off. Didn’t look like her heard that comment, “Call me doll one more time and I’ll hafta kick your ass,” she retorted right back, glaring playfully from across the pool table.

She took one more sip of whiskey for luck and set the glass down behind her. She gently rolled the cue ball into place, making small adjustments to get it just right. Leaning over, she lined up her pool stick, subconsciously biting her bottom lip in concentration. You could tell she had done this before, but her form was certainly far from perfect. After a few gentle pulls back, she struck the cue ball with just the right amount of force to send it buzzing towards the concentrated cluster of balls, a loud crash echoing out when it made contact.


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june 5th
nimbasa, unova
bar owner / blk mkt dlr
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Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2021 3:36:06 GMT
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His whiskey-aged face twisted in a shit-eating grin. His voice was gravelly as he dismissed her threat, “Yeah, yeah.”

Nutbrown eyes watched her, careful not to critique any mistakes he saw. Roach had worked in a bar long enough to know not to assume someone wanted you to ‘show them the ropes.’ He’d had enough strong women beat the sense into him over the years. Well, at least, when it came to the small shit.

Her break was better than half of those he typically saw. Beneath her were those that were too shy. She had the force down, but not the alignment. Read into that how you will.

“Damn better’n most.” he assessed, praising her break with a nod of approval. No worries that she hadn’t made any balls in. That was a crapshoot for him as well. “Maybe I should be scared, huh?” He teased.

He proceeded with his first shot, pocketing the blue 10-ball into the middle pocket, leaning low and eyeing down the cue for only a moment before it dropped with ease. Perfectly set up for another shot, he next took out the orange 13. He paused for a moment, clicking his tongue as he then realized he’d already screwed himself. One of her balls was right in the way.

Roach decided to steal the age-old excuse. “Ah, I’m just warmin’ up.” He winked up at her and shot the ball at an angle across the table to barely clip another ball to fill his turn, and then returned to his whiskey, eager to see how she fared. He loved a woman who could play pool.


missed on the third shot! roach is stripes
and has five balls left on the table!

as this is not a Ritual-held tournament, your odds are merely suggestions for int./beginner player! feel free to alter them however you like. again, this is just so i can get the mechanics for this game down for the event. <3 

tip: roll once and then edit with subsequent rolls accordingly until you miss, and THEN WRITE YOUR POST TO MATCH.

95% first ball in (1-95)
75% second ball in (1-75)
50% third ball in (1-50)
25% fourth ball in (1-25)
10% fifth ball in (1-10)
5% sixth ball in (1-5)
2% seventh ball in (1-2)
1% eight ball in (1)
96-99 is scratch, 100 is loss on any shot

60% first ball in (1-60)
40% second ball in (1-40)
20% third ball in (1-20)
10% fourth ball in (1-10)
5% fifth ball in (1-5)
2% sixth ball in (1-2)
1% seventh ball in (1)
1% eight ball in (1)
90-99 is scratch, 100 is loss on any shot
what a smooth criminal! feel free to alter any roll by exactly ten whenever you so choose, twice during the game.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
Pour Me Another (s,c)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2021 6:13:29 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex slowly stood up while she watched the break. Her eyes darted from ball to ball as the moved across the table. Unfortunately, none sank into a pocket. At least she didn’t scratch though. That would have been very embarrassing and she probably would have just walked out and never came back . . . just kidding. Their whiskey was too good and she was too stubborn.

Amber eyes flicked over to him in surprise. A compliment, hm? Her cherry lips twisted into a smile as she sauntered back towards her whiskey to give Roach the table, “Only if I get lucky,” it was a half-truth. Most of the matches she won were run on dumb luck and just the right amount of booze. That sweet spot. The other half she won were because she had a good partner, and she was a lovely distraction.

Lex sipped whiskey while watching Roach set up his shots. He seemed content with two and it was two more than she had so she would be too, “Right, me too,” she grinned, already using his same excuse.

She studied the table from a distance for a moment to formulate a game plan. Her eyes scoured the billiard table like a Braviary keen on its prey. Roach had set her up with a pretty nice shot. She didn't hesitate to take it. The cue ball gently struck the 1 ball and it sank into the corner pocket. The cue ball's position was purposefully place for another clean shot of the 7 into the other corner pocket on that side of the table. She struck this one a little harder, using the force off the 7 to bring the cue ball down towards the other end of the table. It didn't land exactly where she wanted but she managed to sink the 6 with a light tap. Now, she was strapped for opportunities. Lex stood, strumming her fingers gently against the stick while studying her options. The only one was a bank shot. Not her forte.

She lined up to bank the 2 off of the rail and into the side pocket. The 2 barely missed the pocket, "Damn, I thought I had that one," she shook her head, smiling at Roach, "I guess I might be getting lucky tonight," she winked, moving back to her whiskey to let Roach take his turn.


Lex misses on her fourth shot!
She sinks the 1, the 6, and the 7

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