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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2021 14:51:14 GMT
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"Mi casa es su casa." After Chu-e pushed open the door to his office, he went behind his desk and flopped down in his plush chair. , whether he realized it or not, had been talking to one of the big boys of Rocket. A real big boy, since this was one of the two Underboss offices.

Chu-e's office was filled with a lot of personality. A cat tree in the corner was covered in Skitty, various pink decorations, a bowl full of the kind of candy any grandma would be jealous of- all topped off by him pulling out an electric kettle, shaped like a Glameow, and pouring the bottles of water from the cafeteria into the top to start it boiling.

"Want something to drink? It's mostly, like, tea or hot chocolate..." At some point he had put away his two pokemon from earlier, to close that plot hole.
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 1:33:14 GMT
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chu-e's office was definitely not what he was expecting. he expected dark colors and huge pokemon or whatever. but what did he know? he'd never been in an underbosses office before. then again he hadn't even known that chu-e was an underboss until now. neat he guessed. what he was really interested in were the skitties though that seemed to be fucking everywhere. not that he minded. they were cute for what they were. but what if they were like, 5 feet taller? now that would be amazing.

"can i pet the skitties?" not that he really wanted to wait for permission as his hand was already out to try and pet one on the tower. they were cute after all. for small pokemon. "do you have that green popcorn tea? that shit does wonders for the skin." most of his diet wasn't the healthiest of course but he still knew some shit about how to keep yourself at least alive. and he did enjoy those tea subscription boxes. even if he had to get it delivered to a shitty p.o. box because you couldn't have shit like that mailed to the dorms. and there was no way he was getting himself a fucking apartment on his shit salary.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 8:33:51 GMT
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The Skitties would be pet. never had a choice in the matter.

The one on the cat tower starts to purr, rolling over and pushing his head against Glitch's hand, insisting on more cuddles. Two more poke their heads out, staring up at him as if expecting their turns soon. Surprisingly, from inside one of the tower's 'condos', a oddly colored blue Purrloin pokes her head out as well; she seems more wary of the new person as she sniffs the air.

"Uuuuh... maybe?" When buying the tea, Chu-e had just bought some fancy mixed assortment boxes from online. Any particular flavor he hadn't paid any mind to. Pulling out the bowl where he had placed all the bags in their little individual pouches, he offered it to Glitch to look through. "Get what you want. I can always get more."
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 23:18:19 GMT
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man these little shits were kinda needy. because he wanted to pet one of them he would have to pet them all now? at least he had two hands. and he used them to try and pet the skitties. "is your other cat sick? it's a really weird color." he had no idea why that purrloin was a funky blue color but he digged it. he gently tried to pet it at well so that it wouldn't be lacking for attention too.

having sufficiently petted the cats he went to look at the bowl full of tea packets, shifting them around until he found one that he thought he would like. "so do you just like, have skitties and then some fossils?" he was curious about the underbosses pokemon just because he was always curious about other people's pokemon. "do you want to meet my porygon?" after all porygon were damn hard to find around here he'd found out.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 3:33:01 GMT
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The Purrloin was shyer but she did allow a few pets. Just small ones. She wasn't the attention whore that the Skitties were. After she had reached her attention quota she ducked back into the cat condo; one of the Skitty followed, purring, and was clearly washing her from the way the pink cat moved her head.

"Who, Berries? Oh, nah. I took her to the vet and she said she was fine. Just got one of those uh... color coat mutations? I have a few more like that, too. A pink Lopunny and Exploud, plus a Nidoking colored like a Nidoqueen." He laughed at the question asked about his pokemon, shaking his head. "Nah, my actual battle team is all Fairy types. I just really love cat pokemon. They're independent but really sweet, plus they tend to be a lot lower energy. What about your pokemon?" With Glitch's packet picked out, he poured them both a mug of hot water so they could steep their drink.

"Oh, sure! I used to have a Porgyon, too, but I gave it to one of the scientists here. I'm not super... computer literate, so I thought it would be better off with him."
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 15:44:08 GMT
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at least the cat wasn't sick so that was a good thing. "i want one of those porygons, the ones that are the funky color? i think its the same thing only its a fuck up in their coding." then he wondered if he could code his porygon to have all sorts of weird colors. oh the shit he would do once he got back to his computer. "i like big pokemon. they hold the line while joy-con and i do fucked up shit to tech." waiting on the tea he released joy-con around the room, letting the porygon roam. "no downloading joy-con." usually when he had his pokemon hanging around he was on an automatic download setting. it was how he got all of his information and it was a lot of fun to see what he picked up later on. "i'm surprised you got rid of it. i don't know what i would do without my porygon." but different strokes for different folks he guessed.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 23:38:43 GMT
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"I got a pokemon I had been coveting for a while in return out of it. Porygon and Rotom are very useful but they sometimes have their limitations, which I find it easier, personally, to work around.... for example, did you hear about the bombing on the Church of Arceus around new year's? I was there before it happened. I also got complete video before the incident because I use a standard cell phone and not a Rotom phone. A move had been in effect to make the pokemon inside the church faint before, so the Rotom and Porygon in the phones became useless."

It was one of those things he was still rather proud of. Sometimes not having the latest and greatest thing was better.

"But you say you do tech stuff? What kind of tech stuff? I've been looking for some people to assist in me in a project I'm working on...." Picking up his tea, Chu-e took a sip as he finally opened his salad from earlier. He was never hungry anymore but that didn't mean he could avoid eating.
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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 0:26:20 GMT
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glitch wrinkled his nose, vaguely remembering something about explosions or whatever. he wasn't much for religion but then again that wasn't really a lot of people's forte. "i never only carry one kind of phone. its a hazard to say the least." after all there were different phones for different jobs. and he rarely let his porygon into one of them. especially since they could be stolen so easily. "i do a lot of hacking work obvs. i've done data reconstruction, data deconstruction. i've had fun spreading little rumors about the league and silph co. too. if it can be done i can probably do it or figure it out." but he was extremely curious about the work that chu-e wanted him to do. anything had to be better than volunteering at a shitty aquarium again. sticking some sugar in his tea he had a seat finally. now that they were semi-talking business he wanted to be semi-professional. "i even helped a guy set up his bluetooth camera once."

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 2:33:19 GMT
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"Understand, what I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this room. Only myself, Walsh, and Gavin know the details of this." A drawer on his desk was opened and a large folder pulled out and flipped open. A few papers were plucked out and offered to . "I'm starting a campaign to smear prominent League figures. I already have one in the works to assist in this and any specialties I could get would be helpful."

"I plan to attack from multiple angles and one of them is social media. Hacking for any real information or crumbs that could be warped would be very helpful."
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 3:13:05 GMT
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so this was serious, serious business. taking the papers he started to look at them intently. there were tons of things that he liked to do and most of them involved spreading rumors. "this should be a walk in the park. i love ruining people's lives on the internet. you know my cousin just became a gym leader." and she was definitely a part of league. which was a shame. she would be fun to have around the base sometimes. "i started spreading rumors about how the league are why porygon are in low supply once." he needed to keep up with wrecking people's lives after all. now he could do it with a good purpose now at least.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 5:03:43 GMT
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Chu-e raised a brow, nodding and humming at the mention of . He did know- because he was one of the first people to sign up for her Gym when the sheet had gone live. While his wouldn't be standard battle, he always liked to see what the new Gym Leaders were like. He had met Melody once before, very briefly, but they hadn't really spoken.

"I figured it could all be staggered out. If everyone is outed at the same time, then it will be less believable." He motions to one particular line on one of the sheets of paper- a codename listed and for it to be the big starting point. "I figure we can start out with one huge real thing, then it will make the smaller things we release over time be more believable. Plus, if we can get intel that shows each lie has a grain of truth hidden inside, it'll make it a lot easier to swallow, don't you know?"
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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 12:48:24 GMT
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slow and steady wasn't his style but he could see where it would be important here. as much as he wanted to just rush into all of this it would make it harder and harder for people to believe things if it all just came at once. it would look like a targeted attack. which, technically it was but that wasn't the point. it couldn't look like that to outsiders. "if we push at smaller angles it'll work well. if i can get inside a league building then button or joy-con can find information." his dreepy might not have been able to download things but it could still be useful in its own way. a tiny ghost holding a bug was definitely beneficial.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 5:24:43 GMT
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"If you agree and you're willing to put in the risk, I could see what strings I could pull. Perhaps as an intern or something inane." A pink glitter gel pen was pulled from a cup full of them as he scribbled down a few things on a notepad by his desk. Later, when he had time, there would be a full run down of plots and plans, so he could single out which would be the most safe for while also yielding results. Chu-e wasn't the type to put any of his Rockets in unneeded danger if he could help it.

"The most important thing will be ensuring that things hit the media before the League finds out. We can't have people with deep pockets silencing anyone before we're ready."
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 20:46:39 GMT
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he really liked the pink glitter pen that chu-e had and made a mental note to ask him where he got it later. especially since it seemed like it wrote pretty well for a glitter pen. sometimes they got all gunked up and then they were ruined for life. "i'm known for taking odd jobs so maybe i could work my way into the good graces of an outlet. be a coffee gopher for a month or so while dropping information or gathering information? it's not glamorous but it can't be worse than working in the aquarium to download their database. we could stay ahead of league and see what the media is hiding that way." it would be risky but most of this work was after all.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2021 15:56:25 GMT
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"That could work. It's also relatively low risk." The end of the pen found it's way between Chu-e's teeth as he mulled over ideas. Well- the pen's lid was snapped back into place quick- he could always think about that later.

"Well, for now I guess we can just vibe. These are all things I'll need to look into first, anyway." As reckless as he could be on the field, when one had time to plan you took those chances. He wouldn't be sending , or anyone else under him for that matter, into danger heedlessly. Rocket was his people and it was his job as Underboss to keep his gaggle of little idiots safe in his eyes.